Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Two Ken Ar Ordained to the Office
Keaalatloaa Hepartea by ralltN
aa Aaoatea hr Staaalasr Vete
Kzama H latest R rare re
for Veaeraale Xaa.
Special TeleYam.-Elder Elmer E.
Loot af Ontario, preeehe-i at the mora
ine aervlce of the Reorganised Church
of Latter Day Stint conference. III-
aa tL'S iL-1 11 ELI 1 1 f; P'l t"f f-) ' I I II l
Fire from Farnam Street
bert A. Smith presided at the opening at
the business session this afternoon, dome
complaint has been tn,ide Iwcause thiwe
In charge of the Klrkisod. O . temple
have granted the use of the bui'.lltu for
lectures and various outer entertainments.
The matter was referred to the tint
presidency and presiding Bishop TM
The appeal of J. W. Jackson of Okla
homa dropped from his quorum of sev
enty for reuse, and desiring reinstatement
In that quorum, was denied by the con
ference according to the findings and
report of the joint council of the first
presidency, quorum of twelve and quorum
of seventy.
In eomplisnce with the request of the
even presidents of seventy, James C.
Page of southern Caltornla, and Edward
Rannle of Independence, were ordered
ordained to the office of seventy. The
committee on resolutions of respect and
honor to President Joseph Smith upon
his resignation from various standing
emmittees of the, church, reported and
tne conference by standing and unani
mous vote endorsing the repot, which
was couched In terms of hlKtiist respect,
love and veneration. It was decided
that the conference meet nt .'-amoni, la.,
nxt year on April c
John Carver and George Bla'.r of I.a
moat, and Lester Haas of Independence,
were chosen as the board of auditors
to Oil the three years', two-yeer and
one-year term, respectively.
It was decided to erect a church library
building, the presiding bishrople and the
library committee were empowered to
set In the matter, it mey be erected
upon the Gracelanl college campus at
Lamonl. Is,
Tonight an Immense chorus of 160
voices led by T. Albert Hoxle of Boston,
led the song service, etnding with the
-Holy City." Mrs. W. N. Robinson
tinging the verses. Mr. Mohrman, a
young violinist of Sedalla. Mo., played.
Walter W. Smith or Phtladelph'a and
William E. Larue of Brooklyn, addressed
the assembly upon the subject of dally
vacation Bible school work. These schools
largely Industrial In their character, have
been carried on successfully for a few
years In ths eastern cities, the ope con
ducted by Walter W. 8mlth at Phila
delphia, being the largest In the world of
Its kind. .
(Continued from First Page.)
til It had gained headway that settled
the fata of the Interior at the building.
Where It Started.
' When the alarm was given, at about
11 M o'clock. Hose Company No. I was
first to reach the scene. These fire
men found the fir had started at the
loot of the freight elevator shaft In the
north half of the building, and had
spread rapidly upwards, until every
floor bad been caught, and the upper
floors were already burning fiercely.
Flames soon broke out of the upper win
dows, and Chief Salter, who had reached
the spot almost as soon as the men,
realised the serious nature of his task.
He bad a general alarm turned In, call
ing out the entire force, and ordered
the No. I men to leava the dangerous
place they were In. While they were
dragging out the hose, the celling fell,
narrowly misting the whole squad. From
this Urns on the fight was to confine the
first to the Ames building, for nothing
could be done, apparently, to save the
Interior of that structure.
Crowd watraea pectaele.
It was a most spectacular sight and
drew a Urge number of spectators. Busi
ness men interested cam down from
their homes, while the late suppers and
night owls wers out In force. Chorus
girls from the several theaters ' were
then and many other women who were
curious enough to com down town were
In the throng. The sight well repaid them
for their trouble.
Only one slight accident was reported.
Manager R. E. Harmon of ths 10-cent
More walls getting out soma of hi val
uable papers, wss struck on the back of
his hand by a piece of falling glass and
painfully cub
raise Alarass Taraea la.
Several false alarms were turned In
while the big fire was going on. and
many scsre occurred from the flying
embers and sparks. At one time the
great Interior court of the Brandels build
Ins. from the fourth floor up wss a vor
tex Into wmch setued showers of sparks,
and this threatened seriously. Awnings
wsre burned away and otner slight dam
age done.
About half an bour after the Ames
building fire started a tire broke out
In tne prescription department of the
ner-Orand pharmacy, where about COO
damace resulted. It made a terrific
amok, though, and guest Of the Iler
Graod sad Rome hotels wers routed out
of their beds, although the danger was
sooa ever.
x an bow escape; or fmbxen
Cassaaair Ho. laslae of atractara
as Floor Clvaa Way.
Members of Ore company No. 1 bad a
most narrow escape about I o'clock. This
company was Inside the It-cent store
pouring a stream on the rear when the
cellmg above the first floor gave way.
It was thought at first that some of the
nremen had been caught la the debris.
A bustle wss made to rescue the men,
tot It was foand that all were safe.
Chief Salter immediately ordered all
firemen out of the structure and con
fined his attention to saving the Brandels
bunding, the United States National bank
building and the Omaha National bank.
H was avtdent almost from the first
that we could not save the old People's
stor building" said Chief Salter. "It
was 3iied completely with very com
bustible material and we saw there wss
bo hope for that entire building, so we
Immedtetely began to patrol the Brandels
bollding, and to put men oa the nmfs of
the Braadels building, the Omaha Na
tional and the United States National
, 3
scene. They entered the McCro.-y stor
to And the fire In the rear. of the ele
vator which was solas from the first
floor to the root '
Crowd Llae itreeets to See Plctar
of I'aasaal Brilliancy.
The remarkable scene drew probably
1500 persons who lined first. Sixteenth
street and then largely shifted to Farnam
Hen the blase went through the south
portion of the building.
It was a spectacle. Tne building re
sembled a chimney, biasing from top to
bottom. A powerful wind threw great
sheets of firs northward, which-tlme after
time licking the slds of - the Brandels
building, would carry great distances
over Hie roof.
Vast quantities of sparks rivaling last
winter's Worst snowstorm with the flakes
burning embers poured Into the huge
court of the Brandels building. A glass
roof covers four stories of the court and
the damage from this source was con
fined to the burning of several awnlngi
over windows.
From the fourth story windows this
court was a wonderful sight. Such a
cloud of these bright embers was in the
air that it was Impossible to see the sky.
An occasional window In the wilderness
was in flames, but the thrill of the spec
tator was wasted for the burning ma
terial was nothing but canvas and there
was nothing Inflammable remaining. '
The Ore in the south side furnished
the biggest spectacle for the crowd. When
the blase reached the first floor ocoupled
by the llalncs Drug company a series
of explosions of drugs and chemical re
sembled a small bombardment.
The skeleton which has been a fa
miliar fljure In the window of the Omaha
Surgical Supply company, adjoining the
drug st re, set acidly in its chair,
thereby arousing much comment. It held
its place until the heat and streams of
water had demolished every portion of
the plate glass windows.
The progress of the flames on ths south
Ids In the Interior could be plainly seen
tor as they burned downward they
swiftly cleared the front of the building.
This formed on of the noteworthy fir
scenes which Omaha ha had In the
business district
Several official and many employes of
the United States National bank, whose
building occupies the corner adjacent to
the, burned building, were on the ground.
Buslnes men who stores along Sixteenth
street and Farnam and Douglas streets
tor a time seemed in posslbls dsnger,
watched the work, of toe fir fighter.
Attorneys, physicians, real estate deal
er and other office business men mingled
In the throngs.
Richly gowned society girls, who had
been on their ways homo from dance.
and actresses and chorus girls from the
theaters were among the watchers, rub
bing shoulder with end asking questions
of rough laborers.
back to their rooms.
The loss to the pert of the building
which Is occupied by the Iter-Grand drug
store will not exceel 1100 and the other
POO loss will be occasioned to the stock.
Iler-Graad Drast Store Fire Caaaes
aa Added Scare.
Panic reigned among the guests at the
Iler-Grand and Roms hotels, when, while
they were watching the spectacular blase
two blocks distant some one shouted that
the Her block wss on fire. Brook was
Issuing in huge volume from the Iler-
Grsnd drug store, which la owned by A.
Rabinowlts. Two companies under the
direction of Assistant Chief Simpson were
detailed to the scene and Or line were
thrown out. Guests from Doth the Rom
and the Iler-Grand were nastily leaving
their beds, dressed scantily, and even as
they left the drug store was gotten under
The fire started in the rear of the stor
in a pile of rubber good near which were
a number of bottle of coemlcats. Spon
taneous combustion I thought to be the
causa of this blase, ana tne damage, as
estimated by A. Rabinowlts, will not ex
ceed POO. Chief Simpson was careful In
locating the bias and after It was once
found it was but a short time before It
was extinguished.
In the Hotel Iler-Grand were nearly ISO
guests and at the Rome over Mv were
awakened by the alarm sent in for the
fir on .Farnam street. When guest of
both hotel were notlnea by panic
stricken attache that they were in dan
ger themselves from another Or they
caught the panic spirit themselves.
It was only when the Or wagons left
the scene to go back to tn firet fir
that the guests who were frightened by
noise allowed themselves o be directed
Roof of S.raetoree Threatened! fee
rtfteea Blocks.
Burning embers from the masse of
Asm swept toward the northwet part
of the city for Ofteen block, menacing
residences, big churches, theater and
business and apartment houses.
Men and women could be seen In all
directions radiating from the fire, stand
ing upon the roof with bucket and gar
den hoe extinguishing the embers a
they alighted.
Alarms cam in from all quarter In
that section and Chief Baiter detailed t
pedal company to answer them. None
of them, however, resulted In great loss
of property.
The Cole-Mckay Undertaking company,
1711 Douglas street, and the American
theater at Eighteenth and Douglas
streets, also were menaced. Bakers em
ployed on th top floor of the Courtney
grocery stor watched th flame and
extinguished th falling embers. Special
firemen watched the roof of Hayden
Brothers' glares.
An alarm from Fifteenth and Douglas
streets snd another from Seventeen!!)
and Dodge streets wer false. A two
story frame house at the southwest cor
ner of Seventeenth and Dodge street
caught Ore upon th roof, but only a
few ihlngles were destroyed before the
fire company wsa upon th scene snd hsd
th bias out.
There waa much apprehension on the
part of member of th First Presby
terlen church, th First Methodist church
and Trinity cathedral. Beside protect,
lng their homes, neighbors formed vigi
lance committees to see that no amber
started a flam upon th roof of these
Mrs. Helen Hooper of Boston Hold
Till Throaah Inaerllaaee.
W, Farnam Smith, Omaha agent for the
owner of the building, waa called from
hi bed by telephone shortly after the
alarm waa given. He hastened to the
seen and for hour tramped th walks
from Sixteenth and Farnam streets north
and west, watching the work of th fire
men. The building I owned by Mrs. Helen
Hooper of Boston, whose name was Ames
before marriage and who cam Into pos
session of the property through Inheri
tance. She also owns ths real estste.
Mr. Smith said the building Is held In
the title of Francis C. Welch and Phillip
Dexter of Boston.
Questioned regarding Insurance on ths
building, Mr. Smith hesitated and then
said it would be sufOclent to Bay that
th structure was fully insured. One of
his assistant, who was with him, ssld
ths papers wer locked up and to give
definite Information would be Impossible
until morning.
Th building wss leased to John G. Mc
Crory company, and parte not occu
pied by i . company were sub-let to the
other tenant.
Drassjlst's Work of Five Years I
Wiped Oat la Hoar.
O. Turner Haines, owner of the Halne
Drug company, say his loss I 111,000.
but that W per cent of the da mas is
covered by Insurance.
Owing to Increase of business be'took
out ll.OJ additional Insurance four days
ago. Halne went to the safety deposit
vault this morning lo ascertain th exact
amount of loss and Insurance. "It took
five years," be Mid, "to build up th
business and an hour put me out I
aaved all my records, though, and will
continue my prescription business at my
other store, the Great Western pharmacy,
Sixteenth and Leavenworth streets. '
"I started out this morning to look for
another location In the shopping district,
but I believe I won't be able to find
any. There I not an available store room
anywhere down town.
Is Strartare Kept froas Haras by
Stroas; Efforts.
From th time the flsme broke out
and tn wind drove them north against
the Brandels building It became a fight
(Continued (on Tenth Page.)
Cacapxexy He. I -was the first ea IW
What Aits You?
Da vo foci weak, tired, despoadeat, have frequent BeadV
aebes, coated' toadae, bitter or bed taste ia morsuaf,
- "heart-bora," beJcbiaJ of gas, acid risings ia throat after
astro, stoauca fnsw or Dura, fool breath, sissy peU,
aoer or eeriabl appetite, asmrs at ttaics and kindred
t is a asoet J j
eic, bowel , atl
H yea fcsrr ear snasidifsble aaaibsr
above sraspteas yea are e Serial froas
seas, torpid Dear with asdadeerJoa, or ay
Dr. Karoo' Geidsa MeeUeel Diseoveiy
ap af th asoet ealaable . aseaiieaal pi
kaooa to saartisnl sreeaee for ta
ear ai seen abaiu! tiaeditieas
aoVskeat Brer krvig orator, stnnsarJj
ref viator ami aarv street tneeer.
The "Colon Medical Disexreerr" is not s patent aedleia or secret sorrrom,
a fefl bet its kfredieats Wisf p rioted oa its bortle-wrapper end attested
aeeer oath. A 1sae at these will show Mart it eootascs ao aleobsl, or res
ts! bsbit-lenaial draft. It is s laid extract and with pare. triple-Kneed
grfeeriae, of proper sTreatih, frees the roots of nettee Asesricaa saadieal,
tBtmal. Worlds Diiitrf Medieal AseoeWboa, Pros., Bololo, N.1
A Real
Sixth Season for Lozier Six
For five years Lozier has been building high
powered six-cylinder cars the most successful
"Sixes" ever built The Lozier six has won
more 24-hour races than any other car. It holds
and has held for three years, the world's 24-hour
stock car record.
The remarkable power, the persistent endur
ance, the brilliant speed of the Lozier are written
into the history of the great racing classics of
America Vanderbilt cup, International Grand
Prize, Elgin National Championship, Fairmount
Park, Santa Monica, Indianapolis and Atlanta
Speedways, and the famous Brighton Beach
24-hour races, .
Unparalleled performances in these great con
tests, publicly conducted under official sanction
and observation, mark the Lozier as the
"Champjon Motor Car of the World." None
of these achievements of the Lozier is founded
upon private trials or mere assertions all were
won before hundreds of thousands of America's
motoring enthusiasts all are officially recorded,
1913 Lozier the Greatest
Splendid as have been the Loziers of the past,
the 1913, Six-Cylinder, Type 72 presents a distinct
and marked advance. It is the greatest motor
car ever built by the House of Lozier and
Men Who Know" will tell you that means the
greatest motor car ever built.
No other car offers sucn a remarkable com
bination of desirable features features which
will not be found combined in any other motor
car for several years to come.
Left-Hand Drive is a distinct step in the
evolution of the motor car in America. It is as
sure to become standard on all automobiles as
have six-cylinder motors on high-class cars.
Center Control logically follows left-hand
drive. Fore-door body design makes it a nec
essity. The control levers of the Type 72 Lozier
are m convenient position for the driver, yet
entirely out of the way of occupants of both
front seats.
Lozier Automatic-Level Oiling System is
one of the greatest achievements of the Lozier
engineers in recent years. High oil level at high
speeds low oil level at low speeds a smokeless
exhaust at all speeds. Valves free from carbon.
Perfect lubrication and marvelous efficiency
300 to 400 miles to the gallon.
Triple Ignition is another forward step in
design learned from our racing experience.
The 1913 Lozier is fitted with Bosch Double
Magneto which gives, when desired, two sparks
simultaneously m each cylinder, providing a
remarkable increase in power. This magneto,
with the battery, provides three distinct sources
of ignition.
Six-Cylinder Motor of new design the
most powerful ever put in a Lozier car. Vibra-
tionless at highest speeds, noiseless in action,
With cylinders 4fi x 5 A. L. A. M. rating
51 H.' P. this motor actually develops more
, than 80 brake horse power. -,
Fifty-eight Sets of Ball-Bearings more
than are used in any other car in the world
eliminate friction and transmit the power of the
motor to the driving wheels with minimum loss.
This is one of the big reasons for the wonderful
power, hiH climbing ability, flexibility and long
life of Lozier cars.
See the new model when it arrives. Arrange for a demonstration and
you will learn the reason why hundreds of America's big men men who
have owned many makes of cars before buying the Lozier "Men Who
Kno have declared the Lozier to be the best car, built in America.
Touring Cart
Five MoJtlt
2050 Faraam Street,
w r
should know about th
H Type 72 Six Cylinders 80 Actual Brake Horse Power m
Left Hand Drive Center Control
I Double Magneto Triple Ignition Automatic Oil Levels
4 Miles to Express -Train Speed on Direct Drive
! The Safest, Strongest, Easiest Riding Car Ever Built
Price $5000
Lozier, which has for eight years led American motor cars in design j
and construction, acain offers for 1 9 1 3 additional improvements features
which are sure to be adopted as standard, just as have most of the other
epoch-making innovations embodied in Lozier cars since the first one was
marketed in 1904. Lozier has never marketed a mechanical mistake, and
the 1913 features are no exception to the rule.
x rzx lv, a e - j
wa t
Marrel "Whirling Spray1
Best safest most convenient.
Cleanse instantly.
If ynor drafffiftt cannot supply the
MAKVBU aasiampKwiii.'i.'w.
beoa waMO. costs ns Bimuw
srvsJasDM to isons.
For Bala ay asseass a HeCoaael)
etra Ca. stall eeaara solicit.
a m
Take 1 ite. a 44X7. estfolj
aj)OMskg. llsWitrt. ajs fcst 4. War
-.a aMlasiass.eW.aa.4eiha.i.
Mata At sassTa btakUaMM l M
X h mi irauastt Wm few riCB
at (Wea, (ui aaasxaMte t -a.-
IX ;
It might be well to remember that the )
thing that discommodes you somewhat for
the time being may respond to the particu
lar needs and demands of a larger majority
of the passengers.
VIIIUIIM Ma Mf awaa. a w
Street Railwav Comnanv )
' ' ' "- N
If you surfer, call or a rite me at once
and leara of xwthlns you will be (late
ral far the last at yaor H. ' J- 0- X9
juida. Ualvarstur Mas. I tafia
Everybody reads Bee want ads