eWl tflSa. i gay- ... .J." THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 14, 1912. TOPICS FOR A DAY OF EST Unioa Serried of Episcopal Qnrchei td Ker ieT. H. Percy SilTer. JCSSIOSASY WOSX THE TOPIC . 3f. MeLe.gblla Harfeww Chare Tll MMW Ea erteace Willing ? : Pelltle. --a f . fcuoday being the octave ef the festival of Easter, the splendid m of thst oe cKia will be repeated st Trinity cstiie Iiml tomorrow night st a er-iI service of all tlx Episcopal church In tha dty. The R. H. Percy secretary of the Fifth missionary avpert mact. former rector at th Church af.ths Good Shepherd of omaea. win preach. He will h sstlsted hy the aecrs- tary at the Kehraaka missionary aeparv mmU Rer. Charles RoilltL Tties men com to speak to th church man of Omaha of their own particular work, th development of th ktnedom la foreign fields, and It Is earnestly oc stred that there will he an enthusiastic response to tha call (o hear them. Ser tm wlU begin at 7:. Itev. M. O. McLaughlin, pastor of th Harford United Brethren church, will lU ot the experience, of a minister ta a poll oVal campaign at th vnlnc service at s)i church tomorrow. Mr. McLaughlin was a candidal for th nomination for commissioner at th dty primary Tile day and for many days conducted a ana palm that surprised som who thought a preacher could d nothing hut preach. . Rer. Milton B. Williams, pastor of In First Methodist church, will fir his view, of local politics guilder morninf. praachinc a sermon ta. "Th Oreatast Obstacle ta th Political Redemption of Omaha." Tha svenlnf service srIU a In chart of th social servlr department ot ' (ha Methodist brotherhood ot .th ekorch. C. J. Smyth will speak on. -obeeleno t Law." Rev. John Grant Shlcx. pastor ot the MoTs be Methodist church, will spend aext eek touring the stst la th Interest of th Nebraska Wesleyan university endowment fund campaign, maklnc ad draases to th principal cities and towns at tha stst.. His pulpit will be occu pied "tomorrow morning by Rer. A. II. Bennett o( York. Neb., and tomorrow vetting by Rev. Arthur Aleck of Benson. Sander will be memorial day for th Immaaml Baptist church. North Twenty fourth and Ptakjwy streets, and Specially for slirjflv new members who will h welcomed Into th told. It will be on ot the largest bodies ot members ever rooelvrd. by tha church oa an day. Th aervlr at which th new member will b extended th bond of fellowship will be held at MlM. Th pastor, Kev. J. . EberMle. will give s communion, address. Newly elected elders ot th First Oer. man Presbyterian church. Twentieth and Pierre streets, will a roamed tomorrow teeming at M:K Special must baa been prepared for the occasion and the pastor and larme of tha church win rssss brief talk. Th eerrlo win bs in Oarmaa. Rev. A. B. Marshall will nmch las and evening at lb Third Prssby terlaa church. Twentieth ' and Leaven T"" ,,.r,,,,,., m For nearly forty years "Schloss Clothes" have been known- to Clothiers as the wry best of Men's-Ready-to-wear garments. They, have been but little advertised for their high rittslity t slwy limited their ootprrt bnt experts bare ranked them st tie . ' top for years. It is time yon knew about them. Tbttr rta tvpwiorityttpr.iAlly in point wtrknammthif, ifyk sn) ptrftct ft 4$ J tppvmt to tht tea tnf. The art t7t wool; haadtom throughout,- dnig. Md.ttilorH nxSfttLmS by Mg-prkad upviu Why not try Schloaa Baltimore) ww-."s Sfftu Berg Clothing n!y!-C",:!!,i.i,r"' worth .trsets. Ha will administer th sacrament of baptism and recelv. new members tnra th church. Th Gideon will have cnarge ot the men meeting at lha Young Men's Christian association 8 unsay afternoon at t o'clock. Mr. George E. McMahoa of Ceenetl Bluffs will be the principal speaker. Tha Gideon movenwat has tor Its object th enlisting or men la Chris tian work, th organisation bring com posed entirely of traveling men. or those who have formerly bean oa th mad. The local camp numbers about thirty-Ova. T. H. Weuich is prostuem; M. P. Swaejey, secretary and treasurer, and R. A. ale Cachron. chaplain. A hearty welcome la extended to all men. Th following musical program will bs given Sunday afternoon at i at tha First PrashTterlaa church. Seventeenth and Dodg: Organ Prelude from "Tha Heine." Halnt Saens Verse "Grant W Beecack The Parker Invocation. , Hrmo-"8un of Sly Soul" Monk Organ "Reven" James 11. Sogers ftcnptuT. Qbartet-"8ttll, Still with Tttee" Foot Pre rer. Response Organ "Prler a Notre Dame" from, Mute Oothlqu.. Boeilmann Bass Solo "it If Enough" (Elijah! ... Mendelasohn Mr. L. H. Kennedy. Sermon by th Pastor. Iuet-"Lovs Divine" ifrom Crucifixion) Stalner Mr. Dale and Mr. wsawa. Benediction. Organ Two movements from Sonota No. J ...Dudley Buck. apt let. Calvary. Twnty-ffth and Hamilton, Calvary Branch. Thirty-fourth and Seward. -Rib la school at IX). W. H. Owella. supertntsndtat Rev. K. R. Curry. Pastor Service at HV3. and Th Lord supper will be observed sad rent ion of new number at close of morning sermon. Fvenlng topic, "Th t'nwle Choice." Bible svhool at noon, Touag people's meeting -el : Prayer and praise service Wednesday evening at I First, foiiiet Harney and Park Avnne Preaching morning and evening by F. S. Stela. D. U. Morning avrvic at W K aublect, "Why Ar You a Chrletianr gundsy school at noon. Yjitng people's prayer meeting at V Kventng service st J sO; subject. "Applied I'brtsuamty." Annual bualness meeting and election of officers Wednesday svstutig. etuppor at Immanuel. Twenty-fourth and Flnkney, Rev. J. S. Kbersole, Pastor HI bis school st aoon; full orchestra. Young peopis'a meeting at T. Miss Thorn will giv a reading and Miss tlrym will sing. At l at tbs pastor will giv a communion ad end gt giv ths hand of fellowahlo to slxly-flv new members, Th Lord's suatier. At t Miss Inga Pottaraon wilt pea. Midweek meeting Wednesday at 1 rhrtsttaa. FlrM. Twentr-etxtb and Harney Preaching at 1 Hl Sunday aohosl at noon. Young people's meeting at tM. Eventnff aervlc at Till. All welcome. Nrth Sid. Twenty-second and lth- rop. K. j. KrtacSeteln, MlBlstr-Hlkl sohool at . a. m. Christian Kadeavor, p. m. Regular ahurch service at at a. m. and p. m. bv Rvangellst R. U I'rar and Musieal tHroetar J. 4. Bell. Meeting continue every alahl this Week except Saturday. Ckrtsttaa Selonew. First. St. Mary' Avtnu and Twentv fourtb-Suaday school at :. Ssrltiss at II and a Busject of lasoa-arnwa, "Ar Sin, Dlseass and Death rleeJr' : CaasTTcattemal. First Oermsn Fre KvangoHeal, Twelfth and Dorcas Publlo worship at !:) and l it with sddrssses bv H. Bruechert. supsrinlsndent. tsbbath school t I n First, Corner Nlneteantn and naven. port. Fredrrlrk T. Ron. FaMor Mora. Ing worship at K:W Evening worship at T 46 Frederlok C Free mentei. dlroator at chorus chair, . .St. MarTs A vsaus, ' lasaoa Akaxandsr i in I i in' ' ,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,. -rri C0rs7anTts"aT( SCHLOS3 Bit OS. C(X CUtlsssBUksrs Inrnara a4 Kw Yarsi mnwm o"v sw frv tfBosr'isBBmaiiBSBimiaBmmBmrmm&ma Minister Morning wor scrmon subject. "The ! snip st 10.. Christian s Calvary.'- At 7ul Habbl Vred- enca Cvha will deliver ad address on The Hcienre of Society." Violin numbers by Mr. Max Martin. Eauaropal. St. Stephen' Mission. 'Twenty-fourth and Ames. Saratoga Hall Sunday Softool at morning pray-ir e'td ctn.on at 11. Church at SL I-hillp the Deacon, Twenty-first and Pnul. Kev. John Albert Williams. Rector Low Sunday, holy com munion at 7Ju: matins at Ii 3u: holy eurbarlat and aermon at 11: 8unday school and catecnlsm at L-Jtr. vespers and ad dress hy th Rer. Charie C. Roll it of Minneapolis at t o'clock. Church of the Good Shepherd. Twen tieth snd Ohio, Rev. T. J. Collar. Rector First ouoday after Easter. Holy com munion st . Sunday scbool at :. Morning prayer with address by Kev. C. ('. Roil.t at 11. No service In ths even ing, but the congregation will combine with other consregsuons of tn city In a missionary service at th cathedral at 7:31. Addresses hy Rev. c. C. Hollit and H. Percy tilivcr. Th annual parish meeting will be held in the cnuroh on Thursday night at . followed by a social meeting In tu guild room. Latheraa. Grar. 13M South Twenty-sixth Services at 11 a. m; Sunday school at U a m. In tns evening at p m. atereopticon pictures ana lecture covering th HI of Cbnst. Zlon English. Magnolia Hall. Corner Ames and Twenty-iourth. Iter. u. W. Snyder, Pastor Service at 1: p. m., subiect. "Baialy Added. ' oundsy school at ijs p. m. United. Comer Camdan Avenue and Twenty-seventh. Thomas M. Evans, Pas torMorning prsacniiig (t 11. theme, "A riur Harvest. Evening service at 7:111, them. "IJitl Tot." A welcome to all. Bt. Mark a English. Twentieth and Bur- detu, Or. 8. Uroth, Pastor Morning ser Moss at 11. topis. "Angela Kent tu Tsks Csr of Children;" baptism Sunday school at t:to. Christian Endeavor at 7. Forslgn Mission nrassntatloo by children at p. m. 8t Maithsw's English. Nineteenth and Castellar, Rev. G. W. fnyuer, Psstor asrvkea at 11 a, m.. subiect. "The Saved Ones." No evening service. Bundsy school t 1 a. m. boys' Atnietle club In church basement on Wednesday at 7 p. Bible study and choir renearsal in church on Thursday t 7:o u. ni. No society meetings this wK. Kountx Memorial. Parnam and Twenty- sixth. Rev. Dr. Oliver D. stsitsly. Psstor Morning worship and sermon st 11 oclmk, subject, ' After Easter. Wbst?" Vesper ser vies ana sermon at s o cum k. subject. "Th Precluu Betting of th.' Jewsisd Petition ot Th Lord Prayer." Sunday school at M o'clock; Luther leagus at 7 o clock. Reception to sll ths saw members received this r.ster season a Wedusday evening t o clock. Metkedlst. Trlnltv. Twenty-first and Blnney. G. W. Abbott, Pastor-Morning subject. "Ths Wonderful Christ." k,vning subject. "How to Make a Chain.'' Danish Ntrth Twenty-fourth snd De catur, It. r. petereen, rsstor .Services with nnachins bv tns Daptor at 11 a. m and I o. m. Bundsy scnool at Is. led hy S. O. Danielseni young raopi s met- ig at T p. m. Flret Methodist. Twentieth and Dsvsn port. Rev. Milton B. Williams. Minister- Morning service. 11 o'olocs. subject. "Ths Oreateet Obstailes to ths Political Re demption of Omaha." Evening service. 7 J o clock. Bundsy scnooi, s.w a. in., Epworth leagus, :M p. m. Pearl Memorial. Twenty-fourth and Larlmor. Carl O. Bader. Paator-ciaaa meet Ing. : a. m. : morning worsnip. 10.IU, Sunday school st noon: Mrs. Abbott will speak to children at I p. m. ; Ep woeth league at i:S: evening worship st 7:1. Service will b svangelletlc. Pub lic Invited. Walnut Hill Ferty-tirst and Charles. William Buyers. Psstor Public worship wltH swrmen by pastor at Wise, and a Morning theme. "The Us and th Anus of th Sabbath.1 Fvenlng, "The Relation of tha City to the Ueosrai National Wel fare." Sunday so boot at noon, r.pworm leagus st 7 p. m. Church nursery open from M M a. m. ta noon. First Swedish. Corner Nineteenth and Burt, Guatav Erickson. Pastor Sunday sohool at 10. Prertilng servics at 11. sub ject "Love Victory over iwum. Young' People' masting at (:. Preaching at IJs, sutusci. "lov t victory uver en illlllllll I 1 ma sw aasi Co. H!W.l!i!!!liy iJenkina. D. T I1 r- i belief and Sin." Special music and gong and a hearty welcome f li- McCabe. Fortieth and Farnam, the Rev. John Grant Bhlck, Pastor oundsy school at 1 a m.. Charles ri Chsse tn charge. The Rev. In. A. O. Bennett of York. Neb., will preach at 11 a. m., and the Kev. Arthur Alack of Benson) at s p. m. Kpwonh league services at 7 p. m.. Mrs. c. W. Bowtby, leaoer. prayer meet ing on Wednesdsy night at . o'clock. Jsmea Trebilcock In charge. Prmbyterlaau First German. Tweatielh and Spruca, Rev. Julius . Schwarx. Pastor Oermaa preaching and ordinsuon ot a.ders at ll je. babbatn scaool at taV Kngllsa service anu joung people's meeting at ;:. Third. Twentieth and Leavenworth Sunday school stk:30L A. D. Schermerhom. superuitencent; Public worship and ser mon by Kev.- A. st. Marshall at lv:4a. evening worship and sermon by lir. Mar shall at 1. . - First. Seventeerith and Dodge, Rev. Ed am hart Jenks, Psstor Publlo worship at Hi u, with aermon by the pastor. Cvenuia worihlp at 4. Christian Kn deavor meeting .at IS. Bunaajt school at U. tveryon la Invited to attend. Clifton Hill, Forty-fifth and Grant. Rev. Tnomaa B. Ureenlee. Pastor Uibl school at lv.. Public worsmp at 11, the tns, ".Newness of Life. Hpsclal eervic of song at 1 Meeting tor prayer ana feliowslilp Wednesday evening at s. First United, Twenty-first and Emmet. Rev. A. C. Douglass. Psator Morning servics at M:3u, subject of aermon. im Greatest -Thing In in World. Evening service st ?:lu. subject, "Com promt ss. Bible school at 12. Young reopit s so ciety at :). Crntrsl. Twenty-fourth and Dodge, H. B. Bpeer, Pastor Morning worship at Id , sermon by pastor. Sahoath school at noon. K. K. McMillan, superintendent. Young People's meeting at 7. Kvening worship at a. W. B. Granaui, director of chorus choir. North, Twenty-fourth and WW. Rev. M. V. illgbe. I). L. Pastor-Morning servic with communion and reception vi members at li ft. Sunday school at 12. Young People's foclety of Christian Kn deavor st s.Ju. Kvenlng sermon by pss tor st 7:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:4. i. Falrview, Pratt snd Fortieth Avenue, Rev. Charles H. Fleming. Pstor Blbls school at 1:V Afternoon worship at B, subject. "How t.ill You Meet BinT Evening service of song at X. Thursday evening th leventh lesson In Matthsw. Wednesdsy evening a atereopucoa lc tur on "Pilgrim's Progress." Low Avenue, Corner rortleth and Nlr holes. Rer. Nsihanlel McUlfrin. D. D. Morning service st 10:X9: communion and leceptton of new member. Sundny school at noon. Junior Endeavor at VIO: Senior Endeavor at s AX r-venlug ssrvlce at 7.M. Prayer meeting Wednesdsy even ing at t o'clock. Church of th Covenant. Rratt and Twsnty-seventh. Rev, Charles 11, seem ing, Pastor Morning worship at W:J, subject. "Th Secret of a Strong Ufa" Hibie school at 11 Kndeavor meeting at si. Kvenlng worship at 7:X. subject, How Will You Meet nr Th twelftn lesson In Matthew Wednesday evening. Westminster, Corner Twenty-ninth and Mason. Kev. Thomas H. McConnell, Pastor-Service of worship at MS), with sermon on "Som Things to Think About." Bshbsth school anil bible class nt noon. Westminster chapel Sunday whool at t9l. Westminster young peo ple's meeting at 7: nervir o( prslss at x. with aermon on "Th loeil tr a True Christlon Life." Called Bretkrea. . Harford. Nineteenth and Lothroa fnl- versity service at 10 3s. theme, "Why Yon Should be a Christian." Kvsnlng servics at 7 Jn. Mr. McLauglln will give his ex perience In the campaign for city oom mlssioner. Boys' gymnasium glsssss Wednesday and Friday evening at 7. Workers' meeting Wednesday evening at 1 Vnltartaa. First, Seventeenth snd Cass, Rev. Man. feed Lilllefor. Minister-Services at IS , subject of sermon. ' I nltsrlsnlam Yester day and Today." Sunday school at U.ti Mlecellaaeaas, At the Omaha Philosophical society Bundsy T. W. McCullough of Ths Be will apeak. Other newspaper men Will be present. . lnternatlenal Bible Students' associa tion. Karlght Hall, dneteenth and Far nam Sunday at I lock, subject, "Th Coming Trouble;" speakar, W, rl. Dick rson. People's, Chsrle W. Savldg. Psstor Morning, "Offsndlng the Utile Ones and tha Penalty:'' evening. "How th Painter Mixed 111 Paints." Sunday school at noon. Young People's Society ot Chris tian Krxteavor at f. New Thought Fellowship, In th Wcad building, Klghleenlh and Karnam. Bun day inurnlng meeting at II oclook. ad dressed by C. S. W.lss; subject, "What Is Msnr' Wednesday evening at I o'clock Mr. Oscar A. Alhrecht will con duct th regular midweek meeting. - V. W. c, A. Notes. Bundsy: Tb talk at the vasper sorvlc st 4 ) will be given by Rev Welter Hxlaey.' and there will be special muslo by Mra - A. Weathers. All young women ana ourdlslly Invited to attend this ssrvtos and to remain for tne social hour and song service which follow at 3U. The building Is open Sundays from 1 to o'clock. Monday: Tn Fellowship club wilt give an entertainment Mondsy evening at s:ls. The number on tne program will be furnished hy member ot lb Dicker, man school. Friday: The lecture In th course on "First Aid to th Injured" will be given Friday evening at 7:1s hy Dr. Solon H. Towns. The eubject of th lecture will he "Sick Room, warming and Ventila tion, Contsgious Disease. Dislnfsrtion, Feeding. Veins. Etc.: ths Clinical Ther mometer, pules. Respiration." Ministers Will Boost Hastings College WOOD RIVER. Neb, April II -(Spe cial.) A special meeting of rraabytarlaa ministers and laymen baa Just cloesd at tma place. One of the subjects which had special attention was Hastings col lege, th Presbyterian college at tb stat. In which has been made Soros changes hi faculty and financial policy. The war presented and explained by Rev. A. W. Lortmer ot th synod's spe cial commission. Th college received the most hearty approval and recomsvenda tloa, ' and the following resolution was enthusiastically paassd: That each one present Pledge himself to secure one or more students for ths allege for next year; that be make the apportionment ot money for the college one of the nrst and most important ot tering of his churches, and that each oo receive and help la very wy pus si o Is ths representative of the college la hi canvass lor the uiM.n lor addil.rwiii endowment. Other meetings of Presbyterians will soon be held throughout the ststs. at which alm'lar actioa concerning tb col keg will be taken. The college la now th principal aubjeot before tha denomi nation, and every effort la being made to put It to th front In th educational work at tha stats. The whole deaotorna Uoa la ta the movement. Senator Bailey Has Walking Typhoid WASHINGTON. . April IX Senator Bailey I III and threatened with walking typhoid fever. Today be esxtt arord to bis colleagues that his condition was so much worse aa to prevent bis participation in the senats's considers Uoa ot tariff meas ures and asked that they pioteat with out him. Th demoeratle minority, la courtesy to Mr. Bailey, tn ranking democrat on tb finance committee, has bean delaying Its action, ' The democrat! aiembet at th com mittee nav decided to xseet tomorrow and frame a report urging passage ot the house dsinorratto steal tswSX revtatoa blO. Permits ta sraoke, i cents. AH dealers Key to th Situation He Advet Using. RAPHAEL- PRED - .0- Offer Monday Some Great Bargains in For Monday We will place s new lot of. trimmed bats, street hats and sailors. We anil more bats than any two of the biggest stores In tows combined. Come and see some swell ones Monday, In tbree lots $1.98 $2.25 $3.95 Children's Hat. 4S to $1.48 .MONDAY V8ALK OF HKIHTS For the one day we will otter: All 16.95 fikirta 83.05 84.05 $5.95 All 17.95 Sktrts .. All 9.95 Skirts ., HOSIERY SALK COc Ladles' Silk Monday's Hose 39 39c Lsdles' Silk KOTO AT, w will pUco on Ml Xotf Men h ult a, new ttprtnic fftHXla all the latent Btylea, In fancy taHsinit res, fancy worted anil innty rgs; they are ftrtuisMv Hose 25 20c Lsdlei', Mis ses' snd Boys' Hogs Us i:.i0 vatuts. to tnorrow 114e Children's Hose 5t $!.V0O IKV TIU'K HUE KKKGKH, $S.50 Oiiarmnted abtolutly all pur wool and true blue; extra veil irade, lined with fine irohfllr Itnlnr. Anaortixs HrHt and dark colon, tana, imiVr, wots 1eJa and extra well Q CA mde.wonh 115, at $H700 MKN'H AM) V(H U mkivs si m, si 1.85 Includtnr extra fine omvcfo blue aerire, alao beautiful caa a.merea. In jrraya. diaironala and plain tana, with pin atrlpoa and Lsdles' Ribbed Un ion 8ults .. 19 7 Re Lsdles1 I'nlon 8ulta 394 White Feet 8 Men's 80s . 360 Suspenders 17 st 76c Men's Dress 45 Shirts Wholesale and Retail ECHOES OF TOE ANTE-ROOM Independent Order of Odd Fellows it Actmly Inftgtd. KXIOEBOSS. WHL Elf JOY BAIL Work la Hank mt face Will Be Ex emplifies Messar Nlgst kr IS KelgSits ml rytala Fre- . leraal Talea ta Oaac. Omaha lodge No. I will put on th second degree worS next Friday venln. Indianapolis lodge No. ot the juris diction of Indiana elstms to bs the larg est Odd Fallows lodge In th world. ' It ha tM members and owns a greet deal of good Incom producing property. Orsnd 8lr Cockrura Is a member ot this lodge. Beacon lodge No. St will confer the second degree upon tw candidate next Tuesday evening. Hsepsrlan sncsmpment No. I will hers work In th Ooldea Rul dugrse next Thursday aveninc. South Omaha lodge No. lit will kav four candidates for the first dears to morrow night. Benson lodg No.'ta will hav work in tb second degree tomorrow night Taanliros lodg No. tl will puf on th second degree work next Friday night. FOR ALL MEN AND WOMEN I w31 give you free a sample of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, that have brought health and happiness to thousands also a book on any chronic disease you need. . The story of my free offer to you is quickly told. During my many years of practice I hare used numerous combinations of curative medicines for liver ills. I have kept records . of results in case after case, so that my staif of physicians and surgeons, at the Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. V, are able to diagnose and treat cases at a distance with uniform good results. ' I am going to send you free a sample package of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, which will relieve biliousness and ill health due to a disordered liver. Write at once for a sample or a book. mi in stomach, biliousness and kindred derangements of the stomach, liver and bowels. In coughs and hoarseness caused by bronchial, throat and lung affections, except con sumption, the "Golden Medical Discovery" is a most efficient remedy, especially in those obstinate, hang-on-coughs caused by irritation and congestion of the bronchial raucous mem branes. The "Discovery" is not so good. for acute coughs arising from sudden colds, nor must it be expected to cure consumption in its advanced stages no medicine will do that but for all the obstinate, chronic coughs, which, if neglected, or tadly treated, lead up to consump tion, it is the best medicine that can be taken." Sold by all principal dealers in medicines. To find out more about the above mentioned xliseases and all about the body in health and disease, get the Common Sense Medical Adviser the People's Schoolmaster in Medicine revised an d up-to-date book of 1000 pages which treats of diseased conditions and the practical, successful treatment thereof. Cloth-bound sent post-paid on receipt of 31 cents in , one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing AJdicw Dr. Pierce s Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Ready-to-Wear Garments, Millinery, Etc. $15 and $17.50 Suits, Mon day. Very Special. $10.50 This lot of salts is very good because there are s good many .ample that we bought (or a third lea than the regular prices. Blue serge, white serge, cream serge, tans, blacks snd mixtures. Every suit is eitra well made, a CA lilted snd trimmed ..011eOU We also have suits for $7.50, $8.50 snd some $16.95. Every suit s genuine bar gain. , $12.50 Ladies' and Misses' Coats $7.50 For Monday we place on sale s new lot of coats, in navy, blue, tan, gray, Srotca mixture material, in s good assortment of styles, st, your pick $7.50 $7.50 snd $8.50 8erge Dresses, Monday, st $3.95 $8.95 white serge, navy blue and tan Dresses $4.95 $10.00 snd $17.50 serge Dresses, all modes $5.95 snd $6.95 Taffets silk and foulard Dresses, worth l00 $4.9 Changeable silk and high grade foulard Dresses, worth to $U.U0 .... $7.50 Sale in Men's Clothing and Furnishings all of hindftome Theae lulti are nieh class tatlorlnit ir Men' Dress Pants S135 l.t Men Dress Hants Sl.tS tl.es Wens Dress Pants SI 9 11.25 Vnlnn Suits S8e lio White feet Sox So BOVS' Kl'ITS t:.0 and 18 00 uys' Pur Wool Blue Serge Multa, all new, good Knlrkeilficker pants, all sizes, on sale st S34S 1.0 Boys' Pure Wool Kamy Casslmere Suits, just the eult for school, on ale at tass It Boys' Knits, all slse 91. US Boys' Oneida I'nlon Suit SS 7Sc rhllriren's Wa.h Suits 3a t: Men' Dress Shoes . S1J .1 Men' shoe. Including tana, lax or button ....$143 $6.98 COR. 1 3th AND FARRAM Ruth Rebekah lodge No. t will give a card party Saturday evening. April IT. Dsnnebreg lodge. No. &1 will work In the second degree next Friday night. Imp Veer Daaelasl Party. Th young ladle of th degree team of Mondamln lodge No. 11. Fraternal Union Of America, will give a leap year dancing party on. Mondsy evening at Frenser'. hall. Twenty-fourth and Parker streets A good time I anticipated by all as this Is a new, feature for this lodge. The committee ha taken great pains In the selection of the music, also th. dance programs. Werk la Page Reek. Nebraska lodge No. 1. Knights of Pythias, will work tlie rank ot page Mondsy night and will complete arrange ments for entertaining a past chsnrellor on the following Monday. , Mesajeeraee Ball. . A masquerad ball will bs given by Pansy ramp No. 10. Royal Neighbors ot America. Tuesday at Modern Woodmen of America hall. Fifteenth and Douglas street. Meet Feed 1 Poleea to the dyspeptic. Electric Bitters sooa relieve dyspepsia, liver and kidney com plaints and debility. Price toe. For sal by Beaton Drug Co. But for the permanent rtTuf of blood disorders and impurities,!' can recommend my "Golden Medical DUcovery" blood medicine without alcohol. R. V. Pierce, M. DBufaU, N. T. Nature's Way Is The Best, O Buried deep ia our AawrSosa forest ww foe) blood root, sjsweta'a root, saadrak sad .too root, foldca seal, Oraoa I rape root awd eaerrykerx. Of thaas Dr. R. V. fierce gaede a par glrceri extract which has beea favorably kaowa for aver lorry yoan. Ha eslled it "GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY." This " Discovery " ponfie. tb blood sad too, ap tb scoeasca sad cha eatire systesa k Ntar's wa way. It'i Just to tiswe boiider gad toot yoe repair. Dr. Pierce says: "Glvcerine Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery m the cure of indigestion, dvsocDsia and weak stomach, attended by sour risings, heart burn, foul breath, coated toneue, Ladies' & Misses' tV ij Wa s h a ble street dresses, many very pretty -stylos snd cloths, wor.u to $3.50, choice, Monday, $18 $6.00 Ladles' snd Misses' Spring Jackets, very spe- $1.98 $150 Chlldrens Dresses ... g9 pattern a. $11.95 75c Lsdles' st Wslsts. .39 $1.!5 Ladies' WslsU .... 69t The Store for the People Rich Manufacturer Murdered in Auto LYNN. Masa. April li Oeorre K. Marsh, th wealthy president of a soap manufacturing company he, whose body, pierced by flv bullets, was found lying near th Paint of Pine eouievard today, was murdered while riding In ark, auto mobile, according to th theory aopted by th nolle her tonight. .. Mr. Marsh, who Is' 71 years old. was known to hav been In the ouatness sec tion yesterday and was seen to board an electric car, bound toward hi home. He wa last seen, so far as known. ! on Chatham street about (: o'clock. Ch'.et ot Police Burke believe that when within 13 yard, of hi. home Mr. liars wss picked up by someone In sn automobile. Money ai.d a gold watch were found on the body, indicating that robbery was not th. motive, . Mr. Marsh lived with hi. .later. Mlsa Hannah Marsh, and two servants lis had been married twice, but both wive, are dead. Hi. eon. James it., and" 'the latter wife 'hav. been staying In Cali fornia for the last two months and It Is understood that Mr. 'Marsh was making preparation, to Join them. Xey to tb. Situation Br Advertising. plays an Important part ia poor appetite, enawinff feelinrr