Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1912, WANT AD SECTION, Image 40

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. Tillis IiuiiBr to Believe B.porti
; -: of Crop Pemtge.
!fMinM FmIIu la Cexrn
Thrown t Wiads Bad te Mar
' ' ket Acted Vletratly. erIIB
. Help) Wheat Me.
" OMAHA. April 1J. BIS.
; BTatemdlidiyeeted. It certainly
low ilk law Puaac fole bogiuatitg 10
tact stock la V asm rena-ia. La"
4vcee add te the belief tnai intrr
wheat has been badly '' ast
klueiesippt liver, country mlilere are coo
firming tba ware reports, watch la vsry
Important and reliable.
rteroarkabie advance were ade ana
ahaaj cash demand continue ll will be
uaekwa to toon lor mora itiaa temporary
rsaatasns do la prom taking.
Canservsilv hii( la m was thrown
ta tba wind anu im market acted
Ykasaally with lb. help al th sdvaoss in
wises. New aa records we tAtted
a ad caih cora ad positions continue la
tack dsmsM that It waves but oa ante
al th market la b considered.
Clop kew oaavonad wkeal prlosa ta
dey aad extremely broad liurtuatlon r
Bwlted. Activity In Ik ch wheal
candnnini th damage rHiri and, ma -tonally
kigber value an expected. Cask
wheat wae c higher.
Tao corn mre continue atronf ana
pries had eawtaer savaace totmy . Tos
task sltuatiea I tna unaer.yinc basis ol
strength M ika prle making teeter,
laah aara wa aSic aurhar.
Frtmarr wheal reeetvte wer I em "a.
sad skipmsnts w.r a. ag "l
receipt I ait ear al . and ship
menu at rjuuv be. . , ...
rnraary rota receipt were -
aad hlpmaaia wer II bu- against
leectpl atat year at eeUs be- And saiv-
uaAal hsi.
. Ca-arsneee were 3.m bu. of earn, "on
of ku aad MU snd Oaar esjael te
leiu eVaood MlM klfMr aa vkaal
aad vachanfed to Id nljfter an orn.
Vk lotiuwiiuj eak aalea aara reported
A HCA r-Nu. I hr J aara. li d.
CORN Na. wkiw: 1 ear. mec; t car.
TP. a. I yeiiow: 1 car. T- jj J
mixed: i ear. tHc; 1 car. T. No.
mlaad: 1 car. 'ec: t carl. llvic;.l car. J.c.
I aar. XHc N radai 1 car. c: 1 oar,
'T-taaarw: 1 tar. ITIt- J
whUa I aar. ate; U akft. . I
wake: t car. m ' car, HHe. .
WHEAT W a. I hart l w)lJ; Na. I
fc.rd. tJ.e.wal.; a. 4 k.ra. K1.4
conN-Na. i hii. to; a.
artiNa, Warrtc; Ne. I coiar, i.Se; Jf-
j allow. 7wni; No. yeiiow.
.. I. 7W!; Ka. 1 WVM;;
OAT-Ia. t aHdta, t-Wi'; taadard,
trrV:c; JKa. I.wnlte. .HaHha. t
. t.'0Nw: W faUow. ka4)V.
alAr-atallins. M.ewl U; !. 1
f ta. ! haaTT toed,
. aai-a. X, 01;. No. e. MW
Cariai Maaotpu.
Wkeat. Cant Oat
Cwtaat ...i W
Mlaneaaolki .. ! :
Owiaaa IJ M V
Jj Utk... U
t?iilCaM -! AMD rTllw
'tara 'U fk Taaalai laaatac
rilee aek ard af Trad a.
CHICAOO. A wit nw to oar
wkeat wA lua market hinr today a
roaek a fc on firm atupandea.
Tka rarnvkaula advaac wa uua to
raaaad aieiwi aMiut crup damaa u4 W
arfaot t,uV4J ku. AUhoufh rUMM
IIBtuUM Intanrcnad th a wo
atran.. iU wrtoaa nanln, fcwea
ir, tM,e taai nUtiL All atiiar taad-
Inf Lle )a4wM la ta upturn. ket
aai war com tic uat a. n4a la
Sa-SiC n4 arwetswaa l t lac.
'T.-ru.ine la taa ai.ieat oil reaeiied wuh
Mint toa at oae taw uaueliuM varied ,
a ertaeiy a lull cent between aalea
paUe t th aaino kntant ky trkdera
nw) wlUun arm letuin. Nearly avtry
aauoty la lu.lUA Uit-u nd Inuuuia aent
na(ae telim ol Injkiy or coinniet
tVownictlaa thai warm irlng weather
(4 hMlaa4 ta Utaueami of acre
plaited laat toB. ni Mf.ttied kntll aow
k promlalu a anua yTeA aPlia
1 vr winter. KImouiI part
atKaaea forwar, oaatplarata today
nearly aa Aletrwaaine a from tke iuw
turiher I th aaat. It waa fro Ik
harried piling up of ardor to purch,
kewever, ratner Ika from tatmni
( field eonditlOBd, tkt the Irada Tlr
lually broke over all reetmlnt until th
tvanea lor the week mounted 10
I4ua4 Voc. Maraln war retwrtad to bar
Ve calleaeavl M " la wkeat.
avaclalty aH. Uaau leader, wao da
faulted en eonerarte a year aa. lrt
liae af hie acaount were aaul to ha
I aummniy elneed out an today
IMeet bald. Tna dllflcuUI al tna Cfcl
aaaa firm ahtca u.ernoej buatneea were
kaid not to bo aerluu In extent nor to
Involve any other concern. The advane
front oeai w vui-..
!wton out t Interval aaariy an tnj
Ta. but the foTer la pure he remained
laaahated. tletwaea Ike apaolnf and the
m i.m j.hmm eel ffMea ItjHk e
jH H aad woand aa at BML rata of
C7 over- tna mini werwre. mww
lr.rT"-TT mteawS htttjnt kelk
;for May.. Th anly aellera wr owner
lk wished lo reaiiae aa tneir invre.
loie lnduetrlea aa a rule withdrew
.treat th market, erllnj that the Prtre
l asked wer promouive. ajar cwm . -w--mZr-n.u.
aad olaaad ateady 1
Iwel kleher at TV. Cask trade wer
(firm. No. I yettew waa auoted t "Stla.
Heretofora Muobora akarta art new I-
i a i.fMi k the aata arewd aad car
red M lively faaktoa, ther wa baaMea
ai: taveaw deeaand tram la
klorm, notwlthetaadlnf report oa th
weather and needing wer all that amild
ra aokad. I'pner and lawer limit touohed
foe JUiy WT ana peg, -'T L,,"
u4i lawer at KViH4e.
prorlsiona were aauikl la tka aeoeral
upward wktrl k tha peter at irraia aad
hm- Activity and atrenrk ahowed moot
painty In Ika cH twr lrd At Ike lt
ee tka advanra for Pckliuj reus
products avoraaad It soer ta aaat
Kv.r i iv. four hour before.
iottwaa aa rnswrwe cwe mr.
I Artlcia ouea.1 rtutu.i Lew. I Ctoaeli Tet y.
. r
. I.
1 at
( i ai
1 1
tapt-Ulwi 1
1CH lafslltS
i t t .
ii!T.'tBJ : WWi ' ttwj ! t
' Juiy.riaoi V ati M KV'.I
1 May.
tti itt
ir R
N tH.
In - u
11 wi
UJI-, !!
m t-Ui w ! p inn
iuly.,1 f- H atlt! ; at
ie m
L . ' . I . t
trstsa r-it trv, im.:
Jaly.jw kVi ll ll-le p-. a
septaiew "w ine I m lives
XOt rV-Urket firm. 4iaactn(: ertn
er patent, aWCaVkri wwitor airaight.
asJerJ. axdi latmie. R ..
aorwc eekicbtsv L.ia.; aakar.
RTK-V. 1 flea.
&AILLE.T-Vead or Bllllna. KadMl.C
fate ta ckatca meUlad, It kt It.
SCET8 TimoUtx. la.iU.i. Clover.
PKoVllilCrNBPoj. raeaa, fmatnT.a'4
laud i la tleraeal, dtwt ribs
t. u aa.
' Tetal I 1 1 mil af
waxra eqaarl ta Vt a) kusnela. Primary
reeaipt ware . bus be la. compared
With irT.sbt txht the correspoadlnc day
A year ago. iLstimated recetiru fur Mon
day: beat, t care; earn, at ears
cars; hoe. a.e head.
VlL-AaaadT at 1Uwe. '
' Ousts Caah Pi loos Wheal: Ko. I red,
SS oatil .Mta: Kt red. l.B4s: No.
t hard. . 1 1; tto. J bard. C.
I dSl Ha I Vjrtkara. ILkwfa.M; No. I
mart here, KJkwi.U. Ma d kortaara. al.Bt
'Hi 11: Ha I artaaj, aton u No- I
CBrk(. B estyl s. No. t apnng. serein M;
eieet chaff. Bvr)Tl 11: durum, tkcisll 11.
rni: No. tV nWr: No. t white, a!J
pt w. sta. I rallow, TBHffJwe; Na. A T7i
ne: Na. i wkita, tdwarSwc; U 4 reJsw.
2d'ts. 4is: NaT. wkU. ssV, Na
i . w. S.--,"-.: Ne. wkita. eteieSec.
ataadard, atxtvr. .
r live: H 3. hi Barter, alrayr
T1mh Med, R 300: 100 Clovrr aeed,
Bl'TTER Srdy: creajir!. Z.
dalrlaek ievlar.
BOOeV-Steady: receipt. Z7.4U cara: at
nark, run Included. ordinary
flrata 1W!Hc; flm. c.
CHEESE-Wk; dalale. 11461:
twine. UMjkV: youn America.
Itr. lonn horn. CViQIK.
POTATOi:-ln'y: rerainu. K r-r:
Wufmuun. a.6U2; Mieklcoa and Uln
B'euta. n..l.V
POLXTBT-Steiidy: turkey. Me: cklck
ena. lec. aprinini. GHc.
Qaalatlaae af Ike Bay aa Varlaaa
NEW TORK, April lt,--LOfl-Jult;
prm patent ft tttt&M: winter triht.
M tdtjA-jt: winter extra. No. I. C-Tti);
winu eitn.. No.,t T54fel6; Kan
traxhi. M.;S4U. Rye flour, firm: (air
to ood. RHi.OO; choice to fancy. Va
S 20.
CORNkf EAL Hteady; fin whit r.d
yellow. n Ktjl.ft; coarw. tl.aVKLM; kil
drted. MM.
RVS-rTmt; Ko. 1 rc; c 1. f. Buaffla
la arriv. '
BARLT-tedy; mania. Il.&tfl
cut. Buffalo.
WHXAT-Kpot market tron; No t
red. fi ll elevator, eiport batia to arrlva.
and R im f. a. a. afloat: No. 1 nortkera
Dulutb. n.KI r. a. b afloat. Opening
nviailoa. PMruree market wa ena
tionaliy Mronf with actlv buylnc on
further crop advice firm rabies. mB
recalpta, bed weather and In ermpathy
wlUl the ullr)e aiarketa. doatnc lSHV
nel hlaher; My. Il lJUtjl W1. cloeed
H.I1H: Jaly. cloard II 10:
September. fl.OMtl . cloard tl.W. Recelpta.
IwK kuehele; ahtpmenlii. :. buahra
CORN-Apot market, firm: export. Wtc
nominal, f. a a. afloat: future mrkt
wea nominal. No receipt; ihipmciita, t,$s
OATS-Ppot market, firm: Itandard
whit. mc elevator: No. L V: No. 1
Mr; N. 4 aiStot natural white aad whitt
Hpaad. 3trTc an traik; future merkjt
wa nornlnul. Recelpti. 473 tmehelr
HAT Firm: prim. l.fc: No. I, tl.M;
Na t. tt.Ktrl X; No. 1. II .
HOPw Nammal: stale common I
arnica. MIL OiiOr: mt rmlnl; Pacific
oaat. MIL 414tc: WW. nominal.
H1DEJ-Flrm; central America. c:
Bocota. t4tic.
I.BATH KR-Flrm; hemlock ftrwta. Sf
re: eeeoao. J4ttac; third. tltfTc; re-
-. Uo.
I'ROVIHIONS-Pork. firm; men. i.o
t'": family. CBWtrxiai. ahort
Ilif l0, Bef. trdy: mee. iui
II.-. family, ial.i beef hami,
11.0. Cut meat. trdy: pickled belllea,
W to M nnunda Irt.kNdlloti; plrkled html
111 01 J a. Lard, elronit: middle weat
prim. tiOMftlol: refined, firm; conti
nent. I W: ftnuh America, 111 li: conr
pound. pt anfii K. . .
TALaAW-!teadyi prun city. hhd.
I M(r; narlal. counuy. reSc.
HI TTKH-Hiredy and uncninfeo; r
alnta. .TT tub.
t HKKK Old. tedy: Haw. nailer; ra
eelpta. 111 pack; atate. whole, mild,
current make, white or colored, eperi!.
WV: atatai whole, mild, current make,
white or colored, avrae fancy, like.
KJOI rtrnteri receipt. UlM! aae:
freak fathered, flret. ragular packed
northerly acctlon. MVtfltlr; freeh gth
ered flret. reaular packed eoutherly eo
lion. loeAVjcl freak atkarad. aaoonda.
W m ,
POL'LTRT-llea. weak: western fowl.
Uct turkey. t)a. Dred. quiet; weal-
ara fo',1. ItWfUiai tui-keye, WiOn.
rr awd A keal Rewtoa flalletla,
United mate Department of Atrlcul
" - bureau' roori fur th
twenty-lour koui vnlnk al I a. tu.. Tlta
marldiaa urn. nturay, Apni u, m;;
VJtvkhA UlaTHIi.T. .
Vtmu. et)-
ttRtlon. H.ltt. Low. I
Cloudy ,
Aehuuid. Nb.. . W
A a burn. Nob... T
) .
H .
U k a Hew, Nb. 11
t'atusnuua, Nek. It
Culbartaa. Ne J
Patrbiary. Neb. U
rairmonL rou. n
Ht. cloudy
Pt. clouuy
tlr. Island. Nb. a
tin staa. Nan. as
Uaaiihaja. Kea. M)
Hoidiose. )ew. U
l.imoln. Web ... 7a
, Pt. cioudy
Pt. ekiuag
Na Platte, Nb M
Oakdale, Neb..
Omaoa. Nb ... Tt
lekaniah, Nah. 71
Valenl e. Ns. H
Alia. ia. II
Carroll, la 14
Clark-da, !..., M
kioua City, la U
Minimum temurralur rur iwi-uul
perlud endin at I a. m.
. 4a1isUCT AVaJ-.AOEl,
Ke -Teaap . Rain.
rentral. tatiuna, 1 1 m a. uow. tall.
Catumbua, O .1.. If
la sa .
M " W , .al
ad U .
a 44 .n
.1 M ' '. .a
'u U , .
tt .
1 M ' .7
71 as .
Loulavitie, Ay... n
India putfa. in u
ktcaga. 111...... M
Latusa, aaa.. is
lie stulne. ia. II
Kan. City. Mo.
Omaha. Kb it
Ksoeealve rain ocrnrrea in an district
of Um oorta bad wheal ratten during to
last twenty-lour ' noura. ana ratna con
Unue eaaraJ over tke entire rto this
iBorntna. leautruia aaceeaing one tne
fell In mxiih LMbsta. Illinois. Miaaaun
and Koniucky. 11 k silghily coolr ia
th easier a aad aeutneru districts. 1
14. a. wr.ijin.
Local Ferae aster, aseaubar sluceau.
. UsU Ueaeral Market.
err l-ni-in. Ann I 1X WH RAT Higher:
traafc. AO. d tea, tl-Wi J 4 hard. U.e)
tXJRN truti; trees, rvw, e. ees, no.
.kit staisaaa
OATia Lwer; UTtoa, n a, esci no.
white, ke. ,
RYE Uncnanged. at Kc
C lowing quotatioaa of fulur:
VnkAT-Higneti May. II.Wt; jut',
n aau
CUrifs nigner, -say. es-ac; euir, wre.
. ' 1 tj u ti.w LaU.-'. Julv la,e.
viAil-R-ruai: red' winter patent, M
&.M: eaira fancy and wraignta. Hlv
it: hard winter claara, aaa..
Dr-KU Timothy. ajj.
riulllCAl-JB4k 1
finjkN f.rm; aacked, east track, 111
ftAT-Htearty. timothy. KS.W(jnX9: prai.
ru rtaaviaasi
rKO liti."rt rw. nigner; juuume.
SefV Lard, higher; prim steam,
Hi la. iTy aalt meats, signsr; auaea. ea-
tra ehorta. ru,n; wear no. !.; non
clear. ell-OB. ttacoo. niner, ooxea. ea
lr a hone tU.71; ulear nb. 111. 4; sAort
clear. IU as.
PUL 1st HV waaeij cBicauaa, una;
aetnga. laaj turkaga, .lecj dieuta.
gee, e
ljiiaiirswi uwiiMiri s'wfc
ILiul4letAav. et USc.
Recelpta. Ihlpnwnta.
Poor, bble 4.w s sw
WkeaL ku .. ". mmt
Cora, bu !
Oat, ou ai.a aa.w
aaass Ctx, Snsta aad PVwvUleaa.
Cash, red as blgner; hard. ae higher.
No. I hafts. DjacjLii-t. no. . bims
1 ry. No. I red. Ii.anvi.e4lt; No. t.
W- ....
CXRja-a. ockangea ta tac nignsr; ne.
I mixed, a; No. a. alisic; Xa I
wkita, sK. No. A siujoxe.
(JAT leilw hi net; N. 1 white, tOA
Oci No. auxed. eesHc.
ttcxtrtg arte at luturea:
HkAT-ktf, U.sva. duly. : eV
tember. fSaa.
CORN-iaay, CHa kid: July., TOttTMat;
keptemaar. ut
OAT-duly, awe; Aeptemeer, .
HAV-lncasnged to isr lower: cholee
timothy, k awe taw); etoKe pratn. IX. 7
Btrvtrm uvrnrt eaoaxfi-as.
Hc-elpu: beat. 1 car
BUTl AR-Creamrv, ur; firsts. DC,
seconds, Cc: packind stock. Sc.
aXKid Astra. xrc: nrata, Ibha
Recelpta. knlsments.
Wheat, bus he la ........ i..u vM
(. era. btseatve fevuj aa
Oats, k uaa lie Vttaj 4,1
May. SV. Jalr. aH: fftaptembar,
tl ajtsi.a. Caah: w. 1 bard,
No. 1 asrtkers, B-kftXv; No. 1 konoer.
.,; Klll..
BARil rWekR Bt.
COP-V-N. veil. 1la.' "
PTb-N t tew.
PRAM I ya psweg eatka
Tuovm mum saieaia. xaasssasftt
"w vwxc-. e- tn-v. uret otestw, ss.ees
A3; aecexad clear, Uai.7ls ,
Inegulaiity aad EeactioB Ageia
Oianctehses Tnding.
Whad Laat Maalfeeta MM Iaollaa
lloa Towards altenaeat la
Seread Hear mm favorable
Biaara Advlcaa.
NEW TORK. April U-Th coura ol
today a stock market waa again In tht
uirectlan a rrreularlty anu reaction. were scarcely mora than mod
erate and lor tka greater pan af the
brief eeeeloa the undertooa waa distinctly
I'ae opening ahowed a vast majority ot
decline, so rue over on point, notabl
in L audi a Pacific and Rock island
preferred, while acuta weak nee waa re
flected la American smelling and aom
of the mora ataadard laaue. United
state Steal, which lao held Ha place
aa the moat active of all atocka, wa
under Belling preeaur at til outeet, ana
other aurlaoe Inrucationa euggeetad afra
neaal af opatatlona for the ahort account.
in ataer waya th ton or th net points
to a overbought condition and unaasl-
over to political situation.
AnwRcaa Can common, which re
pented II familiar Bartarmaarea of re-
oordlng -new hujh reoord, waa aa ex
ception to the general trend, though
rumor a to th prospect of th dlvt-
ends ar not encouraged by the eon-
servatlv faction Idenllfiod with th
property. American Tobacco gained one
The who l list manifested tome inclina
tion towards ba.urment la th second
hour on advice irom Philadelphia that
settlement ol in anthracite coal ntua-
tlon nuahl be readied bator tka end
of the da. Anotker Imoortaat factor
a tne announcement of a further ad
vance In th price of ateel bars by on
of the ateel corporation's largest aub
idlarte. Klnal prior were In most
case tha beat of the day, with many
fractional aalna and a aorlnkUn at
equally unlmpertant loeaea.
There ware aeveral intareatlnc features
o tne nana statement other tnan th
large, actual decrease in loans, thla item
contractma by over 2,OJ0,uca Th caah
gain of about 1X000,000 was more than
uubie all estimate, and the increase In
reserve of slightly more than IU.OjOOi
brought the axceat cash reserves up ta
about ll.vsjooo. It was evident from the
iU.uuu.ltv loan Increase reported by th
son-member banks snd trust companies
that tit burden of th week had been
hined lo thefr ehoulder.
Tk bond market wen Irrearular todav.
the sole feature betna the activliv ana
strength of Wabash refunding 4. whlck
roa vt, per cent on clrcumetantlal re
Port" of an early settlement of the Hit.
gallon with th WatMan-Ptttsburgh
Terminal railway. Total aalea. par value,
amounted to H ajt.fslo. I'nlted Stales gov
srnuieni 4s coupon advanced W per cant
on rail this week.
Plumber of sale and leading Quotations
an stocks today were aa follow:
eeiaa. Mist. tew. does.
AINr-CtslsMfe M MS i 14
Awslseasu Cesser ... la.M elta at
Aieerkse Ar1eltfal aa
Awencu keM aeear.... lie M14 m u
enwrteee v s aruses ss
"erKas l a r. ...... 1, are
Anmteaa Oottea Oil Ha
aemtesa H U eld
Aas. lee tsearttlea tea
Uasesa at
Aanrtose "josueMtive .,
twruu i. A R
Aw. I. A SN
M l Ht M
a iuh 111 in
mm in IM
1 t4 It II
I.M Mail NT, lieu
Aw. ut pveeerles....
Ass kvssr Menela..,,,
AmerMas T A T
ABMnsa Teeseea pel...
AeieHesa Wselea
Aaeeeeaa Mlealg Oa.,.M
Atlseils Coaat Lie..
II were A Oats....
... MB toete laia, 1414
.., VOJ Ml 144 tl
-A. IW t let isiH
... it 1114 i
IVIk'vhtia gleal ....
BreoBlra Psaia Tr. ..
sre sxa as
v.. t.iaa M114 Mai l
CsaaAla Pasirta ....
Oatrel Lfsths
.....kit.. ia
reawel el New newsy.;, .t.
mnsassss oaie. Lisa
Olsaao A Alloa
'1Heas O. v , sew BM
la u
nilraaa . W. aat...... MS
rkwsae A bj wTT.
17 - M
feMste, M. A SI. P..,
i'. c . c A at L ...
Lata lam 11
i.'sae nii 'ii'
tVeesaa r A f !,
relseaes A Bseleses...
Peaesll'lslaS 0 ..,... as)
rare rroiteets L4w
ltl) IUH IUH
is na 14
raaws Heeesa Brl 111
twever A Rl uraaea... Me tat
ITw liauj
r n v era . ...... rw tin
hwuwv ganrklaa .... ' ft itu.
llw II
B114 n
Pne -laaa aa
K'te let bis..., am to
(res to W4
SM Mxt M M4
"eei riaii mil i?
nwieral BMeUN ......... - est t4e
Ureal MertBM eft I ft Ulu, III
nrest Nerlhera Ore ltll. ' BM e)! H
niiaeie t-aeirsi sei 11a ue
tBUraeieaok Mat. ,... lea to is,
later Met at t,T to
laaeeastleeal alarvastse .. let 114 II
laaee-alanae pM ........ SI k k
raisraslleaal Paser .v
laUrMlteaal Peae as) lae, m
low Oaasrai
kaaeas cay Bostaer...,
K. t- m oae.....
Leslertlle A KaabrUlk..
I, MS 14IS Sill
Mlee. A BI. Loata.
nd . 14
M . St. P. A A A M... MS WI
X- A ..
M . K
T SN ,.,
Nalleaal pieeail ,
Kaliessl Lead
M. a . et M eM.
New Verk Oeaual .,
N. T . o, d W
Nerlalk Waaaan......
Nenk Aasertea .,...,.
NsnlMre Pwuia
fsrtne Mali I....
u la)
itta itm iu
sea es. sia ww
A to 111 Si 1S1
. Bat tftIV, mj itit
BBS issw letla Ito
raesla a uaa
r.. , c
A tt. L- ...
rwtatarek tkal
ne avw
frissil Steal Car
pvliaiaa Pslere tr.
kellwer Steel sprte....
XeaSlag ,......
aieeebtfa gteel ,
Pieealle Biert eM
IteeB Isles 0. ...
yteak Islaad C. eel...
sv t. A a P M pal...
Bl Lesta g. w
SI b I W (
Cw-fberTWM A A I...
ikera Pwlfta
Iietssra Baliewr
Ss. Rallwar art
Twaaeawa fx ess ......
Ad SI w w
" at 'iiia "lau aa
PAH Met MS isM
im wa
ai n i
ksw arx, to 4
at itta nk
am t 41 tt
toe ru m
law lira, ma jt,,
LIB tow Itk st'4
leal B4 n ii
ta . erw
Tuu a Pasllie
T , BX U A W
lea ms, Mt
n,H ...
T , SI. L A W. Sf4
vajea renne .. .
fsua rVtna phi ,
Hettei Butea Resits.. .1
t:aitel 11101 Btebaer.M
na 111 in
Ilia . ail tt
ri Tttt ti
lt mh ui
Vetted etstes Steal fLtoB
t leu.
tai litt IK, ma
I' la reaver
a,ew e wa
MB Ua tlti ,
lew t aat is
m ri rw i
Beater Msrrlssd 14 41 , til llsj
eMieaaeese meeuea w
ewers laM IB saa, as m
tu,.m U ....v. I
Leai v slier s its new mw it" t
( Bus rwaeer toe, ra !
per Oesesliesaa Ae tftt la, ll
Aewrtesa T BM su tail BJltk
Tsui sties see see ess. eet.ies esxeea
Laadam dtaok Mas.
.. n u-lt Leetoveje A If 144
... Blt-MM.. k. A T St,
M bit v. casual 111
...... Hateehtlt A W Ilk
."4 es sax
t eM itolsaeurte A W 41
Baltietei A Okie Its, researtvenla II
Caes aits retake.... xm Ka4 Mum. Ik
(bsesaeeaa a la.... BJksttwela aVa
rkwae A W... M geetae- Rr !
rat., an. A aa P.tat e n in
De Bsera... StlMUn aHAs....llkj
neever a sue o.... n vatea rwasne... its
os as as a sea
Bete to (. A Basel tl
do 1st at r4 a pat lus
eo m ru a WaWsb t
Itessd Trees raj Os pM ttu.
( M t -et.,... tMw
SILTSfWamr. eteadr at r d per
ktuNkV-exvl'. par reat
Th rate of daftetxtat In tke enea markst
fee skort and three saoalk' aaikt la K
pes- east. . y
Newe Toext Xllwtasr Blsaks
HsTW TORK. Aarll UV-Cleetaa; qaora
Csadlrlea ox? Treaws v.
rtnalng of tuslnewa today the eon-tipna
et law bavtett atate toaseiwi waa: Werk
kvg ealanee I treaaarr elOce. SC Jg:..-it.
m eaaa sbb rnittppra nwasary. tu,
e6.SU: totai balance la eiwerel rtntd.
B'zt.s.a- ordlnarv rwrtdnt. . . esdlaary aburaameal. UJtJi
Lsaidnn ate
Cases la, Miner
Aaas. teeer
Assinaii ....
Sitae BM neaetliaB Oba. ..
Breeswb Os t MtsUw
Oae. Tieaw asses., at sans n
.4 ta IS Oeate .
Ctt cat. ft Ta....- Q gueaes
tree Stl..M...-41i lellsw Bi ft
m. The deficit to date th! fl.-cal year 1
h wm . i't fm j tn
ran ma canai ana puuuc ueua usmw
Uona . .
Near York kesey Market.
call, BominaL Time loan, easy: sixty
bays, ). far eeat; ninety day. ia.e4
per rent; alx months. tfH per cent.
r-BUSte. sALa.-tiiija rsr&s rxta
fit per cent.
en airtLnu aA-njxWE eivaay. wica
actual bualnesa In bunker bill at .
lor atxtv-dav bllia and M.7is lor da-
aoand; commercial bills, W W1
BONPa-uovernnjeni, steady: rkiiroaa.
bILV tR-Melan dollar. 47c.
CUxtag aueiauoos oa buac today wer
aa teliowe:
C. d. tel. la. rag... tats) later. If. If. Ilka...
1 ssasaa iseaMspsa as sew
u a. . rsg. is-' do atsa
e eeasea ....... .inw a. C. a. se.... ish
Iks, n Ill L, oak ISU.. Ks
de asiiasa luau A X. sal. as.... aatt
Ahls-Casi. 1st Is., at M. K. A T. 1st la., si
Aajer. A ia taaia do ass- s Wl
A. T. A T. tv. w..llttaklo. Pacirte v MS
Aw- Tetacae Ht N R H of M. 4Ha. tes,
de SB T. C. ( Itsa.... as
Araseer A C. H - dak Is Bi
Aukies esa. at.... tSJt. Y. N. H. A B
de ev. la . i v. as I1
ao rv. as ... H. A W. 1st a as.. BHt
A. C U 1st W i 4o cv. H
BaL A oata IS. as, Ka. raeiru wr
do Itas e la H
d. t. w. lias nu.o t. L. rs is... Hi
Breoa. Tr. e. la... I'Hrea. c. Itas U.. K
Cea. of Os. la. Waa Be sea. Iit
Tea. keeuw la...t. USanaadlag psa. la.... ss
a el k. j. g. ie..uiwA l. a . r. tg. ia w
Cbea. A Oale llsS..Ha(a de gea ia 17
e est la astt 11. L I w. e. .. II
Ofcicase A A ls.. 4! de 1st gold 4a til
C. . A 4 L t.... IT B A. U 4s aa
a gaa la .. Ps. eat. la.... II
C. at. A A P. . as It de cv. Is- at
C. a. I. A P. a to. nt aa la ret. is ti
ee rfg. to . iulwsr Is un
felo. lad. la 73 d ps tt'a
Tel. Mid. to. ,. iCaie raairia u....leii
:. A A r. A Itis 11 lo r. t, -.0:14
D. A U rv la M de 1st A ret. 4s.. Bi
D. A a. - 4v BI tj. A Iteatar to ...wm
S eel. la BBV.V. IM at Is.
tMstinefa Is i Vs--csr C'sea. ss .isa
Krle e. I. to B4 Wabash let ia lalt
So sea. to. 7S o 1st A ex. Is-...
rv. 4. sar. A.. Iltwealsra MA to II 14
ee esrles k ask Weal. glee. ev. Is.. St1
Oa. Baas. sv. is...lfcWI. Celral to.... 12
III. . 1st ret. to K "v Pa, . j, e
later. Met. Itaa."" BJa'rwaaaM la IkH
Claarlas: Haaaa Beak ttatemeat.
NEW TOHK. April U--The sutsment
of clearinghouse banks for the week
ahowa that the banks hold AslCTa re
serve hi excesa of legal rwnuirement. This
kb an increase of la. LA toe m th propor
tional oaak reserve as compared with
Th etatemant follow:
Daily Averaira, Deem.
tans tl.0UO. M.i7,rt
specie ..,..,. on
Laajsl tender il.Hli.uM
Net depoalu I.ltl.SM.lM)
Circulation 4Ll.oto
Ex. lawful reserve.. .ili.n)
Banks caah reaerv In vault ...
Trust companies cash reserve.
. em.47u.stu
1 rreaate cash reserve 4fi.3ea.OM
Trust companies reserve with clearing
house members carrying it per cent re
serve. IM.IKn.
Actual condition:
Loan liftTS W (06 JTt,0fr)
Bpacl 49.s1.0Q0 a.Ml.lM)
laal lenders ss.ts9.u0o kli.uvo
et depneit , 14ti.S40.VA atcti.uW
Clraulatlon 4a,M.a 44.n
Ex. lawful rasarv. 14,177,) U.Oao.ThJ
Banks cash reserve hi vaults..
Trust companiea cash reserve
, 71,412.000
f-grerst rash reserve 4n.4el.OW
Trust oompani' reeerv with clearing
uo members carrying par cent oaaa
reserve. Itv.i7t.000.
Summary of state bank and trust com
panies In great New Tork not reporting
to th New York clearing house:
I.IB1 10
10a, tMI
Legal tenders 11 lav
Total depoaltA 7U.all.lul
aatOB Block Slarkel,
BOfTTON. April U-Cloetrut aaotatlona
n stocks wi as toilowa:
AUoue Meeaea
AMI. Csaeer a Neve Cea ....... IS
I. 1 a s MwKieieateg auaea a
Arlseaa Cess. ...... el Menu Bvtte K
C. C. A A at. 1 nena use a.
eL e artseaa...... iw-via viesiaeni ..... sia
al. A ktel oevsoto Ill
wilal at iraaaer
O. Hans C. C... 4llibaeeoa Mtt
Bato Belie V. to.... Iaeesiisi ............ .w
Praakln MliStiserler A A M... !,
Olenes Ca. I B.STesBreek all
orexay Oa Mull. s B. A M... Bw
Oresee Ceaaaea .. Ol-li de fi lt
Isle Berale ceasar.. ii
Kser Lsae Iia,t1a Cesser Ue to
Uke Cvpeee 41 Wlaeea T
U Salle oseer ... Ittwolvarlas f
Mlaal Csaeer to
Csttea Market.
lurws opened firm: April. II. law bid; May.
11 a-: July. 11 Mk: Auaruat. ll.Me; Bep-
tember, 11 ate offered: Oetober, II too; Nn.
ember, 11. etc oiTerwoi usosmnsr, tiiv,
anuary, ll-Hc; rebruary. 11. en arrorea;
March, 11 .Bio ; future clcaed ateady;
April. 11 I7; Nay. U-atc; Juns. 11 lee;
July. II He: Auguet, ll.tte: kwptwmber,
llAtci October, ll.tlc; November, 11. too;
December. U.fje: January, 11. He; Pels
ruarr. U.tCc: March. ll.Mc; spot closed
steady: middling uptasxts, at. set., mttiuiu
gulf. ll POr; no sales.
. . . , .. M r.vsHttnerttMt
1. 1 SltrvnHh Al'ni u.-t."i 1 w-oiwH
quiet: prices I Bolsi klgkar; Aroerican
middling rair, t.wj; gooo mtaomis. ".
Bilddllng, AUc; low middling. Alio; good
ordinary. Mid; ordinary, lied. The sale
sf the dsy war aN bales, of which Md
were for speculation and export and In
cluded Asm American. 1 Recelpta. LwaJ
bale, ne American. .
Ceftea Market.'
Puturea market was steady, net two
potnU sowar I two points higher. . Sales,
Fjbs bats. AarU. II-Mc; May. 140ac:
June. 14.Sac; July, IS. lie; aajguet, n.lic;
aeatamber. Ufdc; October. 14 lac; Novem
ber, 1414c; Deceaiber. 14.ON1; January and
retvruary. H.Mei Mares, U-Ca Bpot
roffee, steady; Rto Na. T, 14e: Santos
Ne. A l4ko: mud. quiet; Cordova, Ida
lltAe. BominaL
PAIUdelpkla Prwdwe Market.
Markst quiet, amchanged.
Euos Market, tee per ease ntgner;
Pwtneylvanla and other nearby flret. f,
ss. to per oaes, current receipt, I. A.
pi It per rase: western flreta. f. c . tA
or oaaa; current reortpta, L a, si par
rHEESR-Msrket firm: New Tork full
ere tna. fancy. VmOne: lair ts good. IP
He awd Itawla.
SAVANNAH. Oa.. A Dell 11-TrRPEN-
TlN-Market firm; aalea. Ill berrele; rw.
ealpta, IS barrels: abipeaenta, Ikl barrels:
stork. 14. BM eerrela
ptoaiN-MarkH firm: sslee. ja bar.
re!: receipts. Ml barrels: ehipmenta, ia
berrete: stork. 41 7 1 barrel Quota. B,
pua-. p. MP): E. M: K, O and H. n iTS: K. r et: M. g7.: N. KM-. WO.
tpM: WW. Ir s.
s.1 1 a 1 peel 4raftt xtarket,
firm: Na I weerB winter, ta ivd.
Kuturee. firm; Mav. 7s ll,d; July, is
kid: Oetober. 7s IVL
CORN pot. firm; American, mixed.
Bw. ts Htjd; American mixed, olj. t lid;
Amencaa mixed, new, ana arseo. as na.
stiturws, stetty to Btroag . stay, sa id;
September, ts Pad.
Mtlereuk Crola Market.
I BortberB. tl.Uwttl.irst: Na 1 aorthern.
H asxrl.ll: Na. I hard winter, et.exVldt;
May. tt.eTta; Jsly. Il-Oa.
CORN-Ns. 1 yellow. He; Ko. I whtta.
lsc: My. ante; July. Tc
OATS-Standard, etc.
BABXKT-Msliing, K-BJeri-M.
Pi sib Market.
PTORIA. April U.-tTORX-Hlgher; Na
t yellow. Jtr; No. 4 yellow. Tie: No. I
mixed. : Na aai sod. Too; aexeple, rati
OAT? Hither: no, 1 wntra, ear: msno
trd. eao; No. 1 white. Mc. Na. t wkUa,
Owsmka Hay Muartsw.
OMAHA, April IA HAT-K. 1. -;
Ms. t Sr. Na A tw toaiMtt: Na
I ml (Idling, taaa: No. 1 aewiwod. tMatst
tcot: alfalfa choice third and fourth cat
ling exAbkpettt; flret and seuMd cuttiitg.
rs.'UTlM. Na t t.tutfXLA. No. S. HAM
ufflAHfl UIi 31 VOl. HAMXI
Cattle auarter ta liirty.IiTe CenU
Higher for Week.
haep aad Lamb la Gawd Deaaand
All th Week aad ClwtrtwB 6ea.
crallr Tea ta PI rteea
Cea la M laker.
' SOUTH OMAHA. April rt BU.
Pceipu wer:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
.. 4.004 I. Ill MAtl
.. Aim lk let l.iwi
. 1,1 tt U.7X BaVI
.. Lt-I U.M h,M
Official Monday ....
vjificial 1 ueso ....
lUfuiai Wsojiesday
UUjcisI Tnursdsy .
uiiscisi rrtuay ....
SAUmst kaiurdar
a a. 4 ,a
AkM B4
Six days this week. .It. Ml .; ai.iet
same nays week.. I.4J 4iiJ 3Ate7
aame days t w'ka ago.a.xU ki.M I7.BI1
ainw uas 1 w as ssa.U,wi s'.LA eiLd
Same tutj 4 w La ago.UMB 47.4.4 At,a4S
aame Uaya last yemr..i;.anl tint U,m
The following tkbl shows the receipts
ot twtuv. aua aud sneep at tiouih ooiaba
fur the yvt- to tiata f compared with
-as! year: isu !!1- Ira. lec
C.ltle ko23 nUH
nog L0S..SU 11.431 IS7.I7B
Bassp ......... akuad klt.144 LaUa
Th followlnf laul ahowa the rang of
price paid lor hot, at duuth Omaha for
th laat few dya, with comp neons:
Date. I Lu. iLil.ilrlo.ilu.,lwa.iMiiilwi.
April l. J CM ( mi 1 f 7 4a d
April e. i w-hi M Wi 75; tol a .1
April s. 1 14-xu ili l i( ai I TO, 4 tol a
AitJ I.I 1 ll'lO 111 ! t Itti e I I r
April I I Pii 11)10 11) I W 1 5H K
AprU 1. 71 I ,10 la I S3: I 71; 14 3
.li U, 1 Iftl ia, I I U, 4 M
April U T OS; I Mi I m t tlli t sai 4 At; 4 ax
Receipt and diepuettlMi- of Itva stock
at the tnion block yard, fsouth Omaha,
lor tue iwvaiy-lour noura ending I p. at.
CatU. Hug Sbeep H'r'a
C. M. St. P. Ry. ,
wabash 14. H
Mo. Pec. Ry
U. P. B, R.
C. N. W. East
C. to N. W. West .
C. t. P. M. A u. .
C. B. A Q., East.. .
C. B. A 14.. West .
C. R. I. P.. East .
Illinois Central .. .
Cattle. Hoga tWvftep.
Swift A Company 1
cuoany Pacauia Co..
Armour A Company.. ,
t-uoany trura country ,
Utner buyers
Total M UXI
CATTLE As usual on A Saturday thertr
weie no eattia of any conqunee In
sight to mk a market. Receipts all this
week have been diaaoDolntinaly small.
white the buying demand on the part of
lackers hits been quit good. As A twault
01 th scarcity of oattle In the fare of
a good demand prices oa all kinds of kill
ers strengthened up vary rapidly and at
the cioee 01 tne week are aaiciy ao
higher with some grades as much aa lie
kigner. In market ha been aetlv on
must days at th advanced prices snd
Iks trsds ss a whole has been m a moat
ttealtny and a moat aatlsfactory condi
tion as slewed from A sellers standpoint
As high ss Is. was paid for oeevea dur
ing the week, which was the highest on
recoid at this market point, and It Is
safe 10 add that Ih common to medium
kind of oattle, whioh eonatituted th bulk
ot the receipt, never u,d In Ih history
of th 1100 any higher than they have
this weak. Thla la true of all kind of
killing cattle, cows, heifers and bulls, ss
well as beef steers.
Block cattle and feeders have been In
moderate auppiy during the week and
while the demand ha not been overly
urgent, ttlll ttiwe hav been sufficient
rder from tke country to keep sup
bitea welt cleaned u. Prtceo have beea
atronf lo a little higher all the week
in eympainy wita tna aavanos oa seer
uuotsttons on cattle: tloedl to cho:os
beef steers, r i0tr4.; fair to good heef
steers, r.estsf.le; common to fair beef
ateera, at.txeji.wi; good 10 rnoice neitors,
t vwtti.k); good 10 choir cows. IS. buss. !u,
fair to goou cows, et.i6ej4.lo; common is
lair ousts, si. 74)4. It; good to ehoie Meek
ere www issue is. sv.fvwi.w. m.. w im
tuckars aad feeder.; oumiuoa
10 fair atocker snd feeders. M. BUSTS. A:
stock hstiers, w MtjA-N; veal Cairo. H M
BAS.aa ii. ,1 at., as.vuxrv.v.
ritxtn uenerai Better met next wees
hog recelpta will show an abrupt de
crees tos-ether with A moderate supply
today, caused buyers to do soma nuatiing
lor killing roves, in tnarxei runng gen'
rally a dim higher. Advance won
paid willingly by all of th regular pack
ar and ahiDBera. reeultirur IB A snort.
active session. At M: o'clock the yards
wee Brectlcaiiv emoiy.
upply ems estJma.ed at (.14 head, ord
inarily enough for usual Saturday re
quirements, offerings consisted largely
of mixed snd Butcher grsae witn quality
vary good on ea overage. For a week
snd ' trade, th shipping demand bat
plenty of hreeJth. almost eae-fourth of
th total supply salting an oulsad or.
Best heavy nog an sale brought,
as eompersd with yetsrday-s 17-71 top,
and bulk moved wlthla r saeT 7. Ught
baenn wetiht re need from 17-fA down
ward, beet heavy snd poor light stuff
sailing about as cents span,
l-aoanarad with A wee 1
price for aU kinds ot hog aver Just
about steady. Receipt have keen large
write. She tiwAa mora ar leas sax XV oa
recent day, but gains made today wipe
out previous to, rirner nave oeesi
hiivin eautiouaiv throughout, heavy aro-
vtsion stocks serving aa A oheck upoa th
Na. Av. S. ftv.
at lit ot 1 M
st ill ... 1 to
I tat ... 1 M
M HI tt 1 et
T IT ... 1 BB
M let ... tu
aa IM SB f 14
Na Av. tk. rt.
to iaa as 1 tl
74 US to I to
17 1st ... Itt
tl tit Ht tai
it ni ha 1 to
tt Bat ... 1 to
... lit to 1 to
st aai St t it
tt sm aa I to
Be Ml at I to
to m at 1
f t ta 1 to
tl til ... 1 tl
til ... tto
a. 111 ... 1 it
... tat tt 1 tilt
tt. hi ... t to
a. at 1st t is
u rs aw 1
11 tti toll
u aa ... tit
S Ml ... 1 to
tt l M II
T........tT ... It
to !t MB 1 B
to tit ... 1 B
s xa ... 1
in nt to in
M rat ... ta
at tat ... t ta
to re ... taa
tt tto ... IH
U Bat t IB
BI MB as 1 to
a ta tk is
tt It ... t to
7 in Its 1 to
H BM n 1 to
41 IBB 41 1 tt
IM ... 1 M
in 4 7 K
IM It 1 U
to lit to ta
M txi aa i ss
at lit ... t to
at IM ... 7 at
tr at m ia
1 to
I tt
I as
1 et
tit HI tea
m ... 1st
Mt its 1 aa
tit ... I is
MS ... 1 ts
ti m ... Jis
m m 1
! as 1 as
tt ftM to 1 sa
sa in st t as
at in is las
it ni its
n .... m MB 1 aa
as Mt n lit
si Ml let 1 to
ta tto a) tto
at at - 1
aa IIS MB I to
SHEEP-rottr lead ot sheep and asm be
were receiwed today, but they were all
eonolgaed direct 10 a packer and th
, m i retiusined nominal and barren.
During the weak roatiltlao IB the gen
eral trade nave oeew very
.k. . - the arevlotaa wash. Pa
ing demand had a vlroeeue toae throudk
2 end srice rulei steady to stroag sa
all Asia eioslng about rOplic higher.
tk. .donee involved food classes el
both eheep and lamba and was at least
partly resnontoble lor eonvt softy HP.
fed western lambs la the fleece
eaid ee high aa .. krtsging the evea
money ea eeversl oecastoaa, and wooled
.wee reached SI. 14. Botk tops are the
hi beet en record tone Jon af rate.
Shorn lamba were scarce, celling around
17 and the supply of xrsthars and
yearUng proved negiglkle. Kwn aau
tamfc la the wool made ap the bulk.
Receipts arera apparently heavy, but
the rua Included considerable tbrougk
stuff aad actual anertngs wore rosily
is. very mti Maaag www e-
sksisis tursiianea a vxe-y rve
swetaks eouotry eemsjta tor sum.
Laee wHk f-eeew. paying sT.-k..4a. aad
vwo .St for str.nxw taat got th Beaeflt
af stroag packlsaT compeut on. Th week s
outpvt of leeuias aad shea ring ateck.
f according to packers- tab. amounts to
I ,30B head. - -
Ouoia.icns on Sheep and Lamb
Lamb. Good to choir. r7 7er80l: fair ta
food. r-"7i: aaera to-j-lj. B. fat
.hearing ti.H7.t: yesjltags. heady. .
7.. h.vy. L&9Ata. Werners: Goad to
rhoaea, la.etrvls. lair to good. Ct,StAsA
Ewes: Good to choice, tATetyt-sx: fair to
goad. H-Wtji-Tt.
Dewasl far Caltlw aad Mef Mewdy
Hot HIsTSMxr.
ceipt, 100 head. Market alow and steady;
beeves. a.Suv.70: Texas steer. H ..
weetern steers, sUutx;.): stsckers and
feeder, t4.kead.00; cow and batters, lt.S
tya-xB: calves. aViotJAJs. .
HOGa-Recclpts. 4.O0O head, Market
generally lr higher; light. p.4Ml 7tj;
mixed, I'Jewt.K: heavy,; rough.
rjtflJTC;, ti-uutjTJO; buik ot sales,
'"SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipt. l.fsM
head. Market steady; native. (.Jmi.Jf);
weetern, KietjAW; yearlings. tVAst-dB;
lambs, nativ. raJOsri.a. weateea. (AO
St. Lamia Live Sleek Market.
ST. LOUIS. April 11 C ATT LK Re
celpta. hs) head: no Texans. Market
steady: native ahlpplng and export aleara.
r.autrl-K: drevssd beef and butcher
steers. SId7.7i; eteers snder I.Ba)
pounds, K.ar4t; si oca era and feeders,
fc.OuriT.Sd; cows and heifers. n.7s4 :
canners. tlinyW; bulls. H.OOty.:
calves, KOOtrk-aV; Texas and Indian
steer. ILotati.dO; cows aad heifers. IXla
HOGS-Rccelpts, i.tM head. Market
loc to c higher; pig and lirht. U-tOft
7.M; mixed and butcuert, H.tJV-l: good
heavy. IT.termft).
head. Market stesdy; muttons, ltve
t2s; lambs. M.Bis: roll and bucks,
8. 00O 5.00, stockers. tA3aVAts.
Kaaeas Clly Lire stark Market.
Receipts. MB heed. Market steady:
dressed beef and export steers, I7.aut-M:
fslr to good. B4.VV7.M; western steers,
ktontjem; stockers and feeders, M.IH
7 tu southern steers. sAtOel .; southern
cows. KOtdtlOO: native cows. M.iar7.a);
native heifers. t&Wairi.iO; bulls, K60B4.);
calve. ttr.(.
HOtiS Reoelpta. 1 Ors) hesd. Market MB
hlxher: bulk of ealea. It.tOtiTJU; heavy.
i: aue7.BB; psekora and fcutehere, 17.79
t.90; lights, ni.70: plf. KsBflAI.
head. Market steady; lamb,;
yearlings. f& 7M!T.0: wethers, kjAuerAlO;
swes. KSOtjAlO; atocfeara and feeders,
St. Joaeph Live Stock Market.
relpts. J bead; market stesdy; steers,
K cows and heifers, H.xVfjl.eo;
calves. M.Wwd.ta).
i,.-, u . t tM 1,-a. MKBtat set
tc hlghw; top, 17.10; bulk ot aai. 17. ss
8HKKP AND LAMBS Market steady
BB sheep 00 sale; lamb, et.0udw.00.
glerat In klaht,
Receinta of live eteck at th fir Brln-
clpal weatjTB marketa yaaurdiv;
Cattle. Huge. Sheevj.
South Omaha UO 419 pat
Ht. Josenh id 1.7(a)
Kansas City W0 l.srn 10
... rio 'iZm
BTJTTER No. L Mb. asrtoea, mt Net
1st BMB. xuaa, Mi net a, aai paeeinsi
EC. .....
cht FElmoorte bwwb. aac: Ami
raa dwiaa. Me: block Swiss, Ml Iwias.
He; dauias. Be; IrlpeBia, let; young
America, ao; outs ibosi oma, est., tttw-
kergrr, Mb., fatl 1-1 k, xa.
ariHit 1 ires n rraaeturvoaaret. so: wniia.
tin tk. Ue: trout. Bo: ears a era ea lee.
Utlltc; dpaalsh tnackerei, Us; eeL ls
haddocks, Ue; flouadera, Uu; greea oal
fish. lsc; roe shad. II each; ehed roa, per
pair, iius; salmon, iso; aanoui. us; ) al
low pwrwn, so; ouiuio, av; euunsaea, 110.
POL'LTRT BrollerA LuB3.S par do.;
apringa, 3c: bens. 11c; eouaa ue: oucsa,
ltrt.-uc: xseaa. Ue: turkey, sas: Dtxeeo.
por doa., ILBm. AUv: ban. Us; ld roost,
srs. Ivc; atags, so; eld duoks. fall laaUv.
ered, lac; geews, fall leaikerea. Be. tar
aevs. ase, vesves, ew tsv. ev. seme
per ttea. tiJm sttuaaa, Ne. L .; Me. A
Rlba-NA L ITxetl Na. t Itttc: Mtv A
like. Laina-Na. L its: Na. A 11- Na
I, UC Chueks-Ne, L tc; No. I It; No.
I, 7c Round e-No. I, lly,o; Na . sMs:
Kb. tj ate. Plts-vo. L tao; Ma
4c; No. A tke
IxSlNs-Ntol ktei Few. Intel Ma t, ta.
Cilvt.r.B-r.0. 1. sc no, a. mei ha, s,
Hlbtv-No. L liars; Ne. A Us; Ma 4
J- . . ,
rKuiTS, r. 1 v.. Appiee, aira iaay
Ban Davla. par baL. IsJe; Wlnsssps, sW.
bbL. 14. uu: lancy Missouri Piontaa. aesr
hbL, Rto, Idauo Joiutttan. eatra fancy,
per bos. It. if, Wasbttiattta bpwaaaoeig.
pr box. IAW; VVaetiuuiwa rt. Mcauiy, per
box, t--BB, vt aaiiinsiuu wtraaaa viin.
aaito. par boa. U.IV. BABAaAA faacy ea.
lecu per bunch. s-X4x.e. Jamka, par
bunch, lt.7iiaye.ia Cfi.uerrea. tt ..vs.,a
laaoy. par bbi.,; per box, HIL Da,
Anchor brand, atew, W l-lb. pkas. la
boxa. per box, 13 B; Dromodary brand,
aaw, M l-lb. pagA. la boaea, par box, saoa
S : SS. tautuittiw, vmm - v. as
pkgs, sto; per ease af H Na u pxAtv.
eu; per am of at No. t pkgs., ft us,
ulk, ia ft and sv-lb. boxes, par lo kn,
new lurxiao, S-crown. m bib. anxna,
par lb., Uo; 4-crot.B, m fa-lb. boxss. leo;
, -crown, i iV-lb. boaea. per 1st, l.o.
Orapslrult. PtorldA , per erwt.
sLOt; 44 sua, par crate, 6.ji, ab-eedl .
pw crate, teJU. Orapea, ttaUsga, lu boss.
s; Lemons. Uowasut aslocted
brand, extra lancy, BaeMvS l:a, p. su,
K SB; Lama Umouatra, fancy. ,,
fie per oak less; Ceatoruta, tm see sua.
k. uraaaa. Caluarnia
liut strand. Naveta. extra ittitcv.
)W-i;t-M-ti4-iEd tlsea, par box, ta.a; aaua
(ooio, all aisat, per boa, f-tal, siiapkaat
brand, u-Mv-iie--s eeve, per av-e
Hiu. txUHBI ataes. par be, slsu,
. , , t. T A Ada . k' ti I taA I 4 tkel ia
lb, rac catH-ga: to toxwatota. Per 10, ;
new iailtoa,a, per IA, to. Csisryi Csi
llorals Jumito, per dux, L0t; rWida, ib
the rouga. i saa a wow., swr cass, tAie.
r,.isa,n: hot bouse. Per oea. xiai
Egg piant: t'ascy t'asrida, per oea., II. so.
Oaillc: iswa ew7. per in, uc.
litucei Axtra fancy, leaf, per doa. 4s.
oauis: Lautoraia, wniia, aouiag, ar
lb.. ,; tft tooooaui. ytuow Olobe, per lis,
lie; red Utosw, per lb, 4tc; tpaaUA
pit crate. tUk Parsley: Isasy auu
A Safe Investment for
Conservative People
The Bankers
Mortgage Loan Co.
has opened its Subscription Books at No. 101 Bee
Building, Omaha, Neb.
Capitalized for Two Million Dollars.
Hie first limited issue of stock will Im sold at JJT
per share.
Call at office or write for full irifortMtiwi.
TH0S. B. UcFHZSSON, Preodeat.
Ue saaek xrxstaarwt Paeietwa
Oxaakal aaaeloi twra .
r. sxaOITSagyw Tl,, Fiatitaali PTisllial i
Beak. PrexswaV .BIse. sisaltsat
sksaata; Vraxdaeai AOs Baah,
W. S. VwJkI4W, I
Per SV, IH- Petatoea: Atiaraams, Rrd
tux Eaxiy Ohio aeed, per bu. tLS:
Minnesota aarty stte iv us, to-aa;
Bliss Trtumpa sees, rer oa, i as; w 1.
oansia white atack. par bu, Rut.
bga: la saoka, par 1st. Hie. -Tomttoes:
r.or.da. per t-bak. cu. fl-Ta; Cuban,
per t aat carnsr, e stuuipw. rw tu.
MI 8C ELLA-N EUS-A I mood s : Tarra
row. pes sbltHc: m 1 sack lots, te leas.
Ceawaawta: Par sacs, aVBt. ruberu: Per
IK. 14c: ta saca tete. rv sew, rsaaata:
Rutf la sack smb. par lb 7te:
reacted, lea thaa aaek lots. Bar lb., tc;
raw, per 1st. at rwcans: um per I..
VT.- ht ear hM. I I. WalnUta. New
crop, NIL California, per lb, 17c; la aaot
Sots, 10 MXBB. t-nsev new i.iusvsa per
It-sai t eel, fLBj; par tu-gai. tibt,;
Xsw Tork Mott A per U-gsl It bbt, tut:
par TB-gaL bbi, M-IA Harney: New. M
frame. 11 Ti. Kraut: . Par ie-gai. kea.
H' per -!. keg. HJL
Saxjar Msurkrt.
NEW TORK. April 11 SUGAR Raw.
aomlnal; muecovado. M teat, ASec; cen
trifugal. M test. 405: molasses sugar.
teat, AM. Refined quiet: cruahed. A.;
fine granluated. i-SJe; powoerwo. .xc.
very CeeS Market.
Tke cottoa goods markets are firm.
Linens are tending nigner. txiriaas are
scarce la this market with price high.
Jobbers are doing a moderate trade.
Waal Market .
ST. LOITIS. Mo, April 11 WOOL-
Steadv: territory and western snedtunt.
sVfUc; floe mediums. lHfl7e; fine. fcejrlV-.
Indlvldwal Acta aad Local Meaaarr
xa Trial la ntr
Tba tzpediUoa ot the thousand not
red-th tried Ilka Garihaldl a yallanta. but
posslblr hobble-tklrted. and certainly
well armed with market tsAketa inte Che
Waaluasittoa public market la lower New
Tork aa Wednesday must bar been a
fine tight. Tht street uroruns. who hare
eof yet come to tht fine distinction be
tween a "votes for raneo" pared ami
A search for family prcvlsloaa, balled the
oirasloa with thoutt of "ok you auffra
gets," and ths housewives' league, which
kaa tarn conducting a campaign to In
duct women te do their owa marketing
n order to reduce the cost et Hvtng.
mutt htve beta satUfled with the day's
performance. But tht mora doubtful
gueatloa Is whether, after the first
notoriety at Ih thing hat passed, going
to market aad bringing borne suppllss
by basket will Mill seem attractive. In
spite of the excellent advice which
Mayor Oar nor blandly gave oa Wednes
day; R waa noted that tht mavor diplo
matically avoided an answer ta th query
whether or not he believed' that public
markets should be established In othrr
sections at th dty.
But while Wstnlnftoa market with Its
i pedal decorations, its flag and lu In
vaders waa enjoying the celebration. Gov
ernor Dix at Albany was signing a pro
grwstlvt bill whlck may hav tsora affect
oa the coal of living thaa agitation for
market buying, and which hould at
treat' ellmlnat much fraad from the tale
pt foodstuffs In - New Tork. Thla lew,
require Ibat all foot sold In paekagrs
fball have the net weight plainly In
dicated In every caes. It also provides
that not only shall tht prepared food
4nd bottled ttufrt have th net weight
tr amount at fluid plainly marked on
them, but that butter, meet, meat prod
tsta, many ether food stuffs and Ico
shall be toM only by wwtght Th af na
tion of which this law la the result grew
largely out at glaring frauds which wer
expeeed by the bureau of weights and
pieasurwA That bureau It deecribed as
exhibiting many Short-weight packsges
where tha amount af food contained la
hardly Iwo-thtrd of th boxt capacity,
alhtr packages with ana weight marked
oa th cover aad a tar leaeer weight
shews ea the seal, and the commis
sioner It quoted aa saying that seven
eighths at the ordinary package et food
ttaffg art short, even Including tha very
seat branda.-prlngfleld Republican. -
Haylaa a Leak al Mies.
"Tea advertised that you -had found a
pocket bock. I believer' he asked the
man who had com lo the doer In answer
to his ring.
i 010.
-Teu say K contained S aura at money f
"A very large turn ot msiey, la factr"
"And thet the owner could hove same
by naming tht sua found and describing
ths nocketbookr'
"Tea, uo on.
'That Is all I wished to ask.''
"But yea will save to give t descrip
tion ot th pure you lost befor you
can put la a claim.''
I lost bo puna."
"Yob didn't!" .
"No. sir."
"Then why hav you called?"
"Merely to Bee what a man look like
Who will find A very lerge sin of monoy
snd the sdvertise (be feet tot the le
pers Instead ef hiding it and aaylns
eetM aesMrt It. Ooed-day, sir." Lon
doa Tlt-Blta.
ReOewUeas af l aela Kara.
EH Hanka drinks whisky In ths sum
mer to cool him oft tad In the winter
la warm him up. In the spring snd fall
ht drinks it for medicinal purposes.
Outside of the skysttlt rhsumntts. about
ths hardest thing In this world to got
rid ot M a lite-Insure he agent
Na matter what kind of pie a feller
orders la a restaurant, he ts always
sorry he didn't order soma other kind.
Ra Frieby says hs rarely goes by a
saloon, and. In fact, he never duel,
unless hat wife n watchhV him.
Hi Hasktas never worries shout the
crops. His wife collects alimony from
three former husbands.
Bora fellers srs dum' fools naturally,
while others gw around tookin' at them
selves in plate-flam winders. Judge s
' Uawarf.
vwaea Bvaea a
Beeraaka Bakiar tmiikill.
l,saneel Xlrta at, w..a wtm
WtUf, afeawka rwrsaor wiimZ
"alliBl swath arsaeJaa
weB tsits Otmsasa.
ask Osiiaa
Daasnweeeael w. 1 1. I