Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE .OMAHA SUNDAY - BEE: APRIL 14, 1912,
- 4
Commissioners Conclude to Fire the
' Druggist and Interne. -
Orlxiaal Itraaliittoa Carried (kirn
that rmsUtntloa la Mlssaannaed,
bat Rohlaana U Given
Tlaia ta Make Gaoa.
Flrrt ttr toward solution ol the county
hospital problem was taken by the Board
of County Commls.lonfrt when It decided
to wipe out the write between the drug
gist and the Internes by discharging el!
three of them. A resolution to this ef
fert wu adopted. It la at follow;
Whereas, The Board of County Commis
sioners of Douglas eounty have learned
through evident- mibmltlrd to them and
through tbo reiort of the Investigating
made by the grand Jury recently ad
journed, thst the affairs of the Douglas
rounty hospital are In a state of disorder.
And Vnerts. Interne lilrglns and
Keedliam end Urugaist rltorkan are un
able to agree or wtfk toncthor har
anonlounly, theiefore be ft
Resolved. Thst Hit said Internes HlK
eins and ami lruKKlt U J.
Morkan be. and they are hereby dis
charged from further service In said In
stitution. Kexilallon Modified.
The resolution, which was offered by
Commissioner L'lsasetr, In 111 original
1 form, found tlie horpllal to hare been
mismanaged and discharged ills llambo
nd Sllf Holt, nurses, and Superintend
ent Robinson. The thor commissioners
were opposed to removing Robinson wlth
OJt giving bira further opportunity to
demonstrate his abilliy to govern the
hospital, and was opposed to the In
clusion of the names of aliases llambo
nd Holt In tlie resolution. Tho rej"lv
tlon was amended so as to read as above
and It was agreed that Head Nurse Miss
Henry bo requested to call for the resig
nations of ill Kambo and Miss Holt,
not on the Ground of any misconduct
upon their nans, but becaaus ther were
drawn Into tho hospltil controversy and
as long aa any persons remain who were
parties to tho controversy ther Is danger
of III feeling which would be Inimical
o lb best Interests of th hospital.
Rxavler ' Physlelaae.
Commissioner Kbiasaer offered also-
resolution. Instructing tho medical ad
vtoory board to employ two reputable
physicians and four undergraduate assist
ant a Internes at the hospital and to
authorise Head Mures Miss Henry to In
crease tit number of purses to twenty..
There ws no second for this resolution.
Ilia other commissioners wishing to defer
action upon It until conference with the
advisory bosrd, which was agreed upon.
Wednesday night, can be had.
Store Keeper Robbed
at the Point of Gun
Two holdup occurred Friday night, but
the polio were not Informed of them un
til erly yesterday morning. Th first on
occurred about f:ll o'clock when two un
masked men entered th star f Jacob
Ooldwar at tlT Cuming street' and at
th point of a revolver robbed him nf
money la the cash drawer and ta hi
K, Winters Jorgenscn. a guest of trie
XVinAm.v tw.tal wvaa welkins' west oa
Douglas street about 11 o'clock, and be
tween Ninth and Tenth streets lie was
set upon by thro men. On struck hint
ver th head rendering him unoooaalovte.
When h recovered his senses later II
wss about midnight. Hie pockerbrxik
was missing, containing a cashier's draft
in favor of himself t)pon the Corn Ks
chang National bonk fur , besides a
watch and (N in money.' . . ' '. . I
Tha condition of J. 11. Tan Duaen. at
torney,, who ha bean seriously lit at his
horn. S.3 D stret, South Omaha, wds
reported a considerably Improved yester
day. Mr. Van lueen Is suffering with loco
motor ataxia, but was able to converse
freely wtlh relative -this morning.
Woman's Club Dates
for. Meetings that
Are Yet to Be Held
Social settlements and settlement worm
will be the subject of the meeting of the
Cho club at the home of Mrs Albert N.
Eaton Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. '.V. D.
Crawford will be leader, and the pro
gram will b aa follows;
-.Mew York College Settlement," Miss
Evans. ,
"The Nurse Settlement." Mrs. Eaton.
'A Review of Twenty Years in Hull
House." Mrs. Merrow.
A Visit to Hull House." Mrs. W.' D.
Current event will be th principal
subject of discussion at th meeting, of
the Woman club of th railway mail
service Wednesday afternoon at th home
of Mrs. William & Toxword under the
leadership of Mrs. It. C. Dood. The
members will answer to the roll call with
Irish stories
Harry E. Moore, fog year cltv pas
senger and ticket scent with the Wabash,
but now paxsenaer and ticket agent for
the Hsrrlnutn lines In Chicago, la her
for a tew day, visiting his enter.
Rev. and Mrs. F. B. roster, who sr
coming to Omsha, were tendered a re
ception st the k'lrst l'nlted Hreshylertsn
church In Kpoksna, Wash., last Tuesday
evening. Rev. Mr. Foster was presented
with a set of engrossed resolutions. II
will tak a year s vacation.
The riciadea, the club of seven lters-In-law
has been Invited to Join the Ne-.
braska Federation of Woman club and
is considering Joining. At th meeting
Wednesday at the home of Mrs. O.' E."
Krwln. the I'lciade studied the lite and
writings of Oliver Wendell Holmes. iThe
guest of th club were the Misses Be ?'
of Mlnneapolli, sisters of Mrs. C. W. Er
winj Miss French of Waterloo and Mrs,
Bell of Dundee, i
Th association nf Colleglat Alumna
will meet Saturday afternoon at th bom
of Miss Beasl OumQoL Mis Mary Wal
lace will gtv a reading of Percy
Mackay's "Jean d'Arc," and ther will
be soma music. Miss Hilda Hammer I
chairman of th committee In charge,
the other members of which ar Misses
Dorothy Rlngwalt, Ann Sophia drum
man, Mary Bchermernorn, Clara Ernst
and Vera Fink, .
Miss Francis, general secretary of tho
National association of Colleglat Alum
nae, will be with th local organisation
next month to talk on ohaages In tha na
tional association to be brought up at
the convention at Ann Arbor next Oc
tober, .
Tho report of th Douglas county
grand Jury last week will be the subject
of a talk by Mr. W. T. Graham, super
intendent of th purity department of th
Nebraska Woman' Christian Temper
ance) ' union. before th Woman Suffrage
society Wednesday afternoon at !:)
o'clock at th Young Woman's Christian
Th legal status of Nebraska women
will be discussed. Th society has set
May 4 as th dst on which It wtll give
th suffrage play. "How th Vot Was
Th West vide Woman ChrMtlaa
Temperance union will hold Its regular
meeting Wednesday afternoon at th
bom of th president. Mrs. T. B. prady.
Th Women' , Christian, association
board will meet Tuesday morning at
M M t th Young Women's Christian
association, , ...
Th Visiting Nurse ajab'dlatlon wtll
meet Friday morning at,J0:a o'clock at
th Paxtoa hotel to derid th question
of having th babte outdoor camp next
summer. " '
Holy Angels' Parish ..
to Have New School;
Cost About $10,000
A soon aa plans ar draws and bid
obtained work will be begun oa, a now
parochial school for Holy A Basis' church.
Twenty-eighth street and Fowler ave
nue Th building wUI cost 110,00.
Rev. Father O' Flanagan, pastor of Holy
Angel', announces that ampl ground
ha been serursd and th work of con
struct ion will be pushed saergeUoally, so
that th building will be ready for use
at th fall tena.
Holy Angle parish was organised
bout two years ago and has grown
rapidly under th leadership of Father
O'Flaaagaa. A church building partly
completed, but fitted for present needs.
aa well as a pastor' residence, have been
provided. Th projected school building
will oomplet the three seaenltaia for
pariah work. , . .
Tks key to success a business M th
persistent and Judicious us of newspaper
Catarrh and Stomach Trouble
Relieved by Penina.
Mrs. John
V n d rwood.
It F. V. 2.
Box ft. War
crly. Ohio,
had oauurrk
. : -v i
V j
Purse to Be Given
to Bishop McGovern
All Is In readiness for th big public
reception far Bishop McOovern at th
Auditorium tonight at t o'clock. Friends
and former parlahonera of th bishop of
Cheyenne have raised a substantial purs
which will h presented to hint at th re
Everybody I Invited ta th reception
and no doubt the big Auditorium will be
crowded with admirer who desire to
congratulate him before he leaves Mon
day for hi new field of labors.
Th reception will be informal and so
Invitation la required to gain admittance
to the Auditorium.. In behalf of the city
an address will be delivered by Arthur C
Smith and Bishop McOovern will respond.
Hemark will be mad by T. J. Mahoney.
The Fourth Infantry band will furnish
music throughout the evening.
Omaha High School
Glee Club Will .Give ;
"Concert 6n-Tuesday
The Omaha High dchool Glee ' club,
twenty voices strong, will be heard In
concert under the direction of Walter B.
Graham at th Lyric theater Tuesday
evening, beginning promptly at :
o'clock, ;,".-
For the last eight week the members
of the club have been rehearsing regularly
for the concert In "their studio In the
Boyd theater building and have acquired
a variable repertoire or songs ranging
from dashing college tunes to mellow
toned southern melodies. Several humor
ous selections Me also Included. . ,
Th club will be assisted by the follow
ing school talent. - Mis Luella llller.
soprano; Miss Gertrude Aiken, contralto;
Wlllard Btabaugh, baritone; Lynn Sack
ett, tenor; . oseph Woolery, violin, and
Mtss-Rennsr, readings. Several quartet
numbers have also bees arranged.
Following th program:
(a) "In the Gloaming". ...Harrison, Parks
it., ftTii. m. t .
. - - . MM
(W 1
The City Choir'
O. H. S. Glee Club.
(a) "Kashmiri fiong "..Woodforde-Finden
(b) "Don Juan's Serenade". Tsrhalkowslry
Wluard aUabauah. baritone.
(a) "Juanlta" Norton-Parks
(b) "Comrades In Arms";....., Adams
O. H. S. Ulee Club
Contralto" solo. "Carmen". .Lan Wilson
Mias Gertrude Aiken.
(a) "She I eo Fair" j... Jnne
lb) "Just a Girl" : Smith
O. H. S. Glee Club..
Tenor solo, "Answers". , Robyn
Lynn Ssckett.
Ma!e quartet selections, "Messrs (tick
et t Hemenway, blabaugh and Lyna.
Violin solo, (a) "Cavatlna Rolff
Violin solo, (b) "Trnumercl".. Schumann
Joseph Woolery. '
(a) "Raccoon Lullaby"
.- NeldMnrer-BurlelKh
(b) "Phantom Band". Thayer
O. H. a. Glee Cub. .
Intermission. i
a "The Chargo" J. ?Nevln
(bl "Th Bill of Fare" ....Zollner
O. H. 8. Glee Club,
elected reading by Miss Clan Rcnner.
Mixed quartet selection. "Com Out
Into the Hunnhtne" fthye-Herbcrt
Miasca Miller and Aiken and Messrs.
riackett and Xlabaugh. . ,
Serenade. "Last Nlaht" ilvnelf-Parks
Mis Luello Miller and the
Glee Club.
fa) "When Day Fadee" Park
O. H. H. Glee Club.
Creole 1v vng" Helmont-Bmlth
Miss Luella Miller., aanrano.
"Good Mght"., ; ."Park,
O. H. 8. Glee Club.
Brother is Granted
. Divorce from Sister
CINCIXNATT, O.. April VL-X strange
story which resulted 1n John Kuch. Jr.,
aged 22 years, being divorced from hi
sister .Helen Hoffman Ruch. 21. waa re
lated In the solvency court here today.
The brother and sister were married Oc
tober S, lilt, neither at the time knowing
of the blood relationship, between them.
The discovery of the . relationship was
disclosed s few week ago and th ac
tion, for divorce followed. '
It was explained to tha court that the
mistake had been possible because of th
fact that the mother for a private reason
had hidden from the children the fact
that they were brother and sister, allow
ing them to believe that the girl waa only
an adopted child. ',
Th husband was given the custody of
th two children. Th petition for di
vorce, filed by the husband, was on th
Ltortna! ground of neglect
Tha divorce was granted on that ground
fdevths aurpos of protecting th young
emiple, ' so far as possible. In the record.
"Tho father-and mother-f -tho young
couple were not in court when the hear
ing was held- .
Sheridan forking--
for Park Highway
SHERIDAN, Wyo.. April U-KBpacial.)
Determined not to be left off th pro
posed northwest national highway from
Chicago to th Yellowstone park and th
coast, Bherldaa Is planning to send to
th Wyoming-South Pakota good road
convention, which meets at Buffalo,
Wyo., April 11 and . half a hundred
good roads enthusiasts to Insist upon th
city' right and to vote In favor of car
rvlng th rout through Sheridan and
round th north and of th Big Horn
rang. vla.Cueurr battlefield and Pryor
Gap, thence through th Big Horn basin
to tho Cody entrance to th park.
' In opposition to thai plan it ha bean
suggested that th rout be carried yer
th south end of the rang via Haselton
and Basin City to ' Cody. ' Southern
Wyoming at 'working td bring th road
down to Caspar and Douglas and thene
up through the basin to th park.
A fin of SM and costs was assessed
against Henry Camp for running an ill
governed place In the Lyons hotel on
Thirteenth street by Judge Foster. De
tective Steve Maloney and several
deputies raided It the other night and
arrested two persons, a man and a girl
II years of age.
John Ruben, who admitted taking Agnes
Weaves, sged W years, to tne pise was
ftned ti and costs, while the girl waa
turned over to the juvenll officers.
Th first of th Union Paclfia colonist
train to be moved west since the flood
along the Platte river was sent put yes
terday. It consisted of twelve car, most
of th berth being occupied. Five of th
ears were loaded at Omaha and Of those
In th train seven went direct to Ban
Francisco, with two diverted to th north
.afk. i - t . awsna
I Anticipate this picture! You who
! contemplate Marriage! The picture will be
even more, pleasurable if the "Union" Outfits your home.
Be Want Ada ar Business Boosters,
Hl'MPHREY. Neb.. April li-8peclal.)
-Miss Maud E. Andrew o( this place
and Mr. Clifford B. Hamilton of Craw
ford, Neb., were married at Alliance,
Neb., Rev. Brown officiating. Th
biids la th Accomplished daughter of
Mrs. D. V. Andrews of Humphrey and
number her friends by th number of
bar acqualntaacaa. Ml Andrews waa
formerly a teacher In th Crawford pub
lic schools, where she berame ac
quainted with Mr. Hsmlltea, who holds
th position of cashier of th Interna
tional Harvester company's' plant at
Crawford. They will msks their horn to
Crawford. , .
Plrfer-Kaerr. '
WACO, Nb.. April ll,-(8pcldl.-Tburaday
st th horn of th bride's
parents. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Knorr, oc
curred the marriage of their daughter,
Mis Etta to Sdward Pleper, 'Rev. Mr.
Wunderllck, pastor of the Lutheran
church, officiating.
IMmulnte your I'ktines by, advertising
In Tho teethe newspaper that reaches
all cf th buyers .
trowel and
having suf
fered very
much. I, after
b e I a g doc
tored a loag
w hi I, aa a
last resort,
took Perona.
Th r u 1 1
was wonder.
fuL I would
highly recom
mend II u a
good remedy.
I still we Pa
rana, and would not be witheet It
always have ft
Catarrh of
Mrs. L. A. Gray. 137 Mala 8C Ma
. r.asha. Wis, writes: T was troubled
with catarrh of the head and throat for
so many years that t thought there wave
no cure "for It. Mother auggewted that
I try Parana. I bought a coo pi of bot
tles and decided to sea what It would
"""do for me. I an. a healthy weaaaatc
' day, Ixar.ks to Parus,"
Mrs. John bsdorwrcod.
BUFFALO. K. T, April It-Two In
dictments, one containing tea counts
against th American Express company
and on containing five counts against
tso assrsi usrass compear, were re- (
rum-Mi ma aiicnnm oy in Teaerai
grand Jury. Th American Is charged
with overcharging In tea cases on ship
ments or! gin ting at AJloulppa, Pa., and
passing through this district. Tho maxi
mum penalty is a tin of IMK for acs
Tho five counts against th Adams Ex
press company coarse inai a resets was i
allowed shipper at Arcade, N. Y, la re
turn for bringing their goods to the com
pany's station. Boch a rebate has bar
held legal, hut It la alleged tlx company
railed to publish a tariff showing the
rebate. Tws penalty oa conviction for
each offense I a ft a of ant lees thsa
tl.ou war greater than SSam
lUtaar revolts.
. TV. Btshe), T771 Korra Forty-third
street, frame dweittne. K 8. W
Bleaoo. 7T3 North Forty-third street
frame dwelling. tLMt: Clarence K. Waiau.
Foety-ehCbta street and Poppleten ave
nue, frame dwelling. 2JB: Dr. W. C t'p-
Joftn. xt v. rosier street, repairs. rv;
John MeeaiscUea. XU-U Lccvvcawanh
street, repairs, as.
y ill lliiLL
When Cook Quits
The housewife is independent if there's
ost Toiastics
in the house.
This food is fully and perfectly cooked
at the factory ready for instant eervbg
with cream and sugar.. .
Toasties are thin, crisp and delicately
browned bits of corn exactly fitted for an
emergency, and also delicious and appetiz
ing for any meal , ...
"The Memory Lingers"
f Sold by Grocers.
Made by. V-.' ; ;
P os turn Cereal Co., Ltrl, Pore Food Factories,
Battle Overmen. ...
And you PAY just etfe you go along.
"Union" 3-Room Outfit, $59.50; "Union" 4-Room Oalfitt at $79.50
and "Union" 5 RoomX)utfit$, Compltte at only $99.00.
Curtain Stretcher
Full , tiled, ad
luitable, 90 it I
$1.25 value, at ,
Lace Curtain
' Nottingham et
hsndsomo design
and worth II. Jb per
pair, at, each
Special in Hugs
Tiger Brussels, la
x9-ft, site; worth
all of f 10, to 10 at.
Dining Table
Large square tops,
S heavy legs, top
fitted with (-foot
extension slide;
worth all of 112.50,
to go at
Made with I
roomy drawers,
golden oak finish,
well auade; a $1
value, at only
$.90 i
Any ot the above.
specials may be pur
chased en tho easy
payment plan that
has mad tba "Peo
ples", tamoua. ...
t $30 Ottoman Seamless Wilton Velvet
Kugs at rr;ccs impossiuie unurnowi
I f B '
t i iimw7 sp i 0 lis Vfl
t mi mm&mmm mm -
Thla is, without doubt, the handsomest lot of Ruga ever brought before
the eyes of our buyer at a price low enough to admit reselling them at
$11.60. In x 12-foot alies, full geamleas, made ot best worsted yarns,
and In exquisite floral of' Oriental designs. If you seek a Rug this
gprlng, the opportunity ia TIMELY your choice at, each
ntil IMow!
$16.50 i
I $3.90
For a $6.50
The Go-Cart tpectaled now at only
$3. 0 ia exactly like the til net rat Ion;
has all steel frame, rubber tired wheels;
complete with hood as Illustrated; folds
compactly, and La of a design and qual
ity that brings C50 usually.
A Gas Rane of A HCZ
$15 Value it... yV. U
. The Oaa Range offered here at $S.7S 1 exactly
like cut, excentlng that it haa two burner, ta
place of three, ' Clean, odorless; glree quick
action and t f a grade that lnrarisbly brings
111 In the regajir way; , See them oh our flora.
Credit ,
It Easy.
Vll lg
t. ... 1
for the Jj
Hotel Flanders
1SS-187 West 47th Street,
. k. r. crrr.
SO) Feet Ease mt Brwettfway.'
A modern Oretowaf hotel u ta
) art of th inoaler, elub and hotai
district: escTenieat te aU oar Uaea.
am eaeelKMoai erehestrw. staaeas
with pri.ala hath U day.
Froa Oraad Oealral Statlaa, Itroad
way ear wttboirt transfer. fYeea
. . . auMn 7ta Inaia
emra wiisws arswwi.
H. B. SHARES, Prwav. :
. 'jinvp 1 jl.irunr.ixr
a V Itoiirf-'bf'twlHnfi!