Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1912, WANT AD SECTION, Image 38

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... UEIL ESTATE. - -Jr
MWHM f rt)K Af.B
And Worthy of Investigation
laMba-On Harney 6t. u( of JMh. a splendid well built. room, thoroughly
modem house; beautiful dining room and llvlnf room with lot of wullt
in bookcase; twa bath room. T7 It. front see; Meal location. Investigate.
JT.Xo-On Harney St.. a (in, writ built, beautifully finished In hard wood,
trMly modern and up-to-date; hot water heeling plant: room, fine ar
rangement; perfect condition; dandy location and very cheap.
Sirt-A dandy nlr modern, new. well built. ( room bunsalow: with space for
extra room on second floor; line oak finish: handsomely decorated;
itixlS ft. lot. Above the average, built for a home.
CTjO-ihu uory. C room, wall buiu. beeutiful Interior: beam deling In din
Ins and living room; handsome llreplace; aua room; hi IS lot. Built by
ouner lor a hero.
57.4-South front. imlK ft. lot with I
beautiful large llvlnc room, band
ht-at; one complete bath and en toilet and levator); tare aMepinc porcn.
aieais Inveaticatlon.
$t,50-l! located, nice. neat, attractive, well built. 7 room strictly modern
house: lot tons ft. Clou to car. I
' fT.W-on Lincoln boulevard, an s room, strictly modern house, beautiful Inter
ior arrangement: unusually well built: very attractive I wide: with larce
cru'juda lacing two streets, beautiful outlook. Good g a rags. This Is very
' HA-m So. Sth 81.. East front, MxlM ft with a dandy, attractive, new, well
built modern up-to date bungalow. High and sightly, large and roomy. Look
at It and make an offer, owner going away.
SI.SM-Crelghton'a r'trtt addition, east front, south of Man ha. a new, t room.
' ; two story strictly modern house with oak finish and oak floors down
Malrs, fine decorations thhrougtio ut: unusually wall built, but owner leav
ing t.ic city and compelled to sell quick. Investigate this; it dandy, and
cheap. '
CT.ftW-Kui do. xttt Ave., SOiiej ft East front, first class, good, t room modern,
hot water heated houne: fine oak floor down, fin new ma pi floors upst
tele, handsome dining room, stone airs; beautiful oak stairway, two man
drive a llii carafe; vacant, ready tu move In. Investigate this and make
'an offer.
ftM-South front on Rurdett St. about tad 8t . 44x18 ft. with tare, well built
modern, up-to-date house, at much tea than coat of bouse, tl peel at price
for uuick sale,
etjia-fin Kmmeti tft. two block west of Nth. 4fcrtt ft.. With two story f room
house, all modern. Easy terms or discount for cash.
: $.& On Kmmett St. west of 24th, utaM ft. with dandy, coon, two ttory,
room modern, well built home, oak finish and good.
- H,r--On Spencer at, near 21st St.. A dandy, good, wall bulH, modem, tip-to.
' data, J room, two story house, built by owner for a bom; nothing aliody
and pries reduced from 4.M for quick aale.
t KtW-.North 1Mb St.. In Boulevard park new I room thoroughly modern, wall
built house, with spat fur tw mora room on second floor.
, CiS-tS lxIS ft East front on d A a. faclnc Hsnsootn park,' a dandy build-
In site.
Crao-iwiii ft. on Jd Av. faclnc Man acorn park, north of Cants Rt Cheap.
V!.t-4J-Ul fa. East front on Mh Just north of Wool worth Ave. A beautiful
fT.0O-;til) ft North east corner of Park Av. and Jackson. Fin for apart
ments. .
K.eoo-lunilT ft. Corner of Ed Ave. In Hanacom place, beautiful for apartments
end cheap.
U13 City Nationnl Bank Bldg. Tel. Danglaa 49; A2049
North Side Homes
; At Low Prices
HOOe-Por t-room cot tags, modem axcapt
heat. In good condition, on south
front lot black from ttth St. car
Una, near brown St. Will take MM)
lot a part payment and tu cash;
balsno lllaj per month.
CxStFor a practically new t-room cot
tag, modem except heat, decorated
throughout, with full cemented base
nent, located on south front lot
i r Bth and Bpauidlng Bts. Term
about MO) cash; balance monthly,
lik rant.
C4 For nearly hew troom eottag.
In (xosllent condition, all modern
except heat nicely decorated, lo
cated on aat (runt corner lot In
n locality aa above; only $40i
cash and bslsnc monthly, Ilka rent
I2.tpu-JI4 Spencer bt., t-room frame eol
tags, built lea than flv years and
in excellent repair; decorated
throughout; cxid basement; modem
except beat heasouabla terms.
n.Kv-kor a good t-roora, modern cot-
tsge. with full fomented basement
, and stairway to attic, mission finish,
newly decorated, furnace heat with
small barn Mill feet Iocs ted at the
northwest corner of tJd and Sprague
Hie Owner on premise and will
gladly show you ths place.
13,360 I1 or an excellent new home, hav.
lug I good-Msed rotms, also good
stsed reception hall and bath, all on
. the first floor; has quarter-sawed
oak flnlnh and floors In hall and
parlor; balance finished In quarter
awed pin: full cemented basement,
furnace heat, and laundry connec
tions: stairway to floored attic,
room to (Inter, off I cood-aiaad bed
room It desired. Nice lot, 10x11
feet Thl houae kt In perfect erne
dltlon. aud must be seen In be ap
preciated. Located on Wirt Rt,
' whtoli la paved, between lh and
' ' H harms a Av. Owner on premises.
; ' See thl If you want a good. Utile
home at a right price.
HluV-Kor new e-ruom Kountse Place
HI NUAUAV, havlror large living
room, with mantel and grate, bullt-
In bookcases, beamed ceilings and
atatlonary settee; larg dinlnc room
, with pane'led walls and built-in
buffer: All finished m oak. Three
I bedruom and bath-room Id floor;
' 1 full cemented basement. Corner
lot; an block from car line. Built
last summer for a home and la very
attractive and coLVtnient lnvesti
gate. George & Company
'Phone U. 1M or A-I7M.
Mt-U City National Bank Bide -
Condon Place
Omaha' newest addition, where the
monthly payments are only U per month.
All lots on grade or on a slight terrace.
AH streets and alleys graded te the es
tablished cradea. Three schools and twa
churches wltbla four blocks, only one
half kick to oar line. Reached by the
croas-towa Moe. Oet off at Bancroft Ht
and walk block east to the property.
'rlrea ranga from 1471 to Terms, fn)
rash, balance e per month. This la posi
tively the cheapest dose-In properly that
we know of. Plats will be mailed upon
application. Phone H. M. Chris tj tor
an appointment
Tel D. 10S4. Ind. A-MM4. U Parnam t."
Country Home to
eRtXiii twi, alarttie iltrhtad : ptn
d.4 tern, pouitrr tiouaa .ai'ple orchard.
had lrvr ani Uwn antf garden; W
rrc altoftvthar. Right o avJ 84r?t.
ioat vast oi Iba cluw. No. M3 Otv
lr Si. Will lea. as (or th merman or for
a tenn of raara. Thrt I m amall houa
for ft fMttwr or othar klr iwtp, A
tfremt pic to turm (ha chisdram out for
Harrison & Morton
: 132 Ft South 16th
Taajg two lot czllO each cn the
cant aid of ttth St., near Vtaton
fit. The) ar the etieapeet lot
offered for aale oa tola atreet," th
bote prtc being tea Una 111 per
front foot. -
The Byron Reed Co.
both -phone. llj Boats 1 7th.
Residence for Trade
Handsome nine-room real dene la
KouBtaa Place, trttk Urea bars; lot
JixlH; fine place; prto I1I.0K;
icortcac H.lit. Trade 0411117 (or
land or automobile.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tylef ISJI. tit Sonta lTth 8t
rRwrEKTv rem SALE.
room houae. handaoma arrangement.
aom dinlnc room; fire-place, hot water
Spring Bargains
$20.00 Cash
Balance lit per month. Pin corner lot
tMxllt). south front: block to car; high
and alahtly. rine location for a home.
Kelchburbaod first elase. Prto KM.,
$300.00 Cash
. Balance Monthly
-rm. all modern house, block to ear.
In good neghborhood. r'or the man with
mall amount of cash and large family,
this Is the best bargain ws know of.
Price ftUA Balance monthly. .
$600.00 Cash
Balance Monthly i
New, nil modem. T-rom boua srith
ItlC. oak finish, herdwrad floara m,
both first and aecond floors. Lam ln
KHiil Cement wslka Bast front on
oar tin. This I an unventlonaly nle
property. . Price, RUXX Look thla p
at once,
$1,500 ,
l-ntAlM all WntJtmrm mmm i .,.
on Mth 4va4 rravnktln; toutl. Irxnt
a. room ntta-e an Cbartaa kitaMi 11
and 4M: one block ta ear. Uood nelgh
bornd. $1,900 ,
T-room mnl b lor It hAnaar nmrtw
aawod otk finish thrtmrtiout Not an
uraijr moaim. ureni riAoc.
Bensoi &Carmichael
MI Paxton Block
Vacant Lots
Low Prices
teW-lrxia feet, north front, an Mender-
son an., east or aotn; convenient
to car Una and In a cood neighbor
hood. m-ttxm fee, east front, on Hh Kt..
between Msndenon and Laird Ate
Lota In thla Immedate neiehhor-
hiod have recently sold tor tie to
swa pion-resioent owner aaxioua
to sell at ancav Reeanftahla larma
M-Por Mxl3t feet, fronting south en
icenpMtoa t . at astn Ht, eniy
outh front vacant en this stream.
M0 .xl feet, frontlnc north en
evens at, near ih, adjoinlnc
lots In th neighbor hood held tor
al.en and
mt ixei feat troatlnc east en
2. in bl. netweea ( anrnmla
and Burt ta. near Crelghto cc4-
ie ano convenient to car line.
Uood netahborhood.
I1.IM !7x1j feet fronting north en Evans
t.. between Hat and fid Bta. Thla
lutce le M leea than Iota ecroea
the street the earn etas. New Hp-
tw-ouue newneoraooa.
ttlnV-eech for i kou. fcvxua feet. each.
wttn city water, sewer, gas and
paving, located on Hanacom Park
ear line, at XX aad Pacule ta.
Kasy term.
On an the above let city water,
sewer and gaa are la and paid for.
George & Company
tO-11 City Kali Bank ldg.
Telephone Dong. 714 er Ind. vlTtge
Acreage for Sale
Two Acre Garden
Situated ettfe St. and eounty Km. lust
outside etty ttaalta at South Omaha
moe. a seen, i areas, o cash, kaianee
II per month. Ke Uvubes to anew you
Bole Agents. Tel. D. Met. Ind. A-IOU'
10 Acres Close
Oa Hat St. aoath at Center St. (navedl.
Thia la Just 1 ml,, eeatk et tawveawerth
L ear lias and Just eatause the I mile
circle from Omaha, I. O. u burh and
sightly: nee very much the seats aa Dundee-
Harrison & Morton
reuse, corner let: large sera, aee V
M Xarback Mack.
Seven moms with hot water heat: story
and half house: on paved street; paving
paid; house well built snd but two years
old; near JBd and alltornle. oni( ..
and ITW caeh to handle.
xm Myrtle Ave., corner lt In Bemis
Park, very near t-room modern home,
paving all paid. Price only t;' and
payments to suit.
USt Lafayette Ave.. S good rooms, with
hot water heat: lot xMv: on corner snd
facine- the Roulevard: owner wants t4..w;
we want an offer. Will be vacated this
week. Term arrangtd. 1-ot alone eaeny
worth -'.. Den t herlute tu examine
and nuke otter.
SdM fanitnl Am nnen fnr inspection
today; new houee now completed: six
large rooms, living room arrangement
with brick fireplace; buffet built In: book
case: hot water heat; nicely finished and
decorated throughout. Make It a point
to see this house today. Price fi.tV); terms
M Layfette Ave., In nest part of
Bemis Park; flv good bedrooms: large
closets; tile bathroom and best of fix
tures; large brick flrep.are in living
room; buffet built In din'.ng room; book
case; beamed celllnge; tastily decorated:
lot eusllv worth t'": and house cost
over H. Can offer this week at &19O
and very attractive terms.
Kth and Dodge, one of the best hullt
house In the city; I good rooms; every
thing modern and suhiuantial, garage
and driveway. Plica le.TM; I1.M0 cash re
2316 ,SO. 32D AVE,
Thl fine home, built ns occupied by
owner; offered for sal or trade for first
time; I cood rooms; well oullt and ail
modern: every convenience wanted; as-
beato root; Rood garage and driveway.
Will aell at actual coet or will consider
exchange for good rental property, good
farm adjacent to Omaha, or will sell on
easy payment to good party. Owner
goes on a farm thla month and will not
rent the house. ba owner at the house,
or call on .
Glover Realty Syndicate,
I SIM City National Doug. a.
The Highest
Lying Lots
In Kountze Place
At the Lowest Prices
Are Now Being
Put On Sale
By Us
fAnatafl eaat nf KnuntaS Park, between
Hherman Ave., Ith Bt. flnhney and
Pratt. Oo out yourself and look over this
beautiful tract of ground, which will
have cement walks and paved atreet on
Pratt, Mth, lth and Evsns His. This Is
by far the beat nlKh class property of
fered for aale on the nortn aide. Sewer
and water will be put In aa soon aa
possible. A treat many people who have
been watching for this trait of around
to be put oa the market nave already
made their selection". You ran call at
our office or call up by phone snd we will
have one ot our salesmen snow ,u m
lata, prices will be from .a up.
Buliding Loans
Money to loan to build houeea, to
Improve bualnesa property or to par
exletln loana. Borrowera may pay
(rom 10 to 20 per cent on loana on
internet date. Interest ceaaea on
amount when paid. Loana closed
promptly. Tour buslnete solicited.
SOS Tint National Bang Bldg.
eta... I. UK au plnlAt lfvlnff
tXmm arnjanmsuiea a-"- -
room cntir wnlth of houM. tJHilnit mom.
. . , l .aHlru nm ft rail
ut i c neti , Bun I'eai iwt
floor, lhr lvr b-xlroomt nd Mil. on
Ncond floor, larne floor. ttlc. full
una caul bn. foundation Ib prue! brtcti.
. Ml eMlt. tea ns4a tualrM In sMal
Iini nowr nmasiv-M --e - -'
int. pwirlt1 dinlnr room with plat mil;
VOCOna Iiwor wren muu puiivvw.
ClOTIlVl CnUlt V WUPUIJ, iiirvntiiw
ClOWt WHn n i ri j -m x mm tn 1 1 , -1
larco doMts. fin light fuiture with
IWIICIM It WW J ivuiw wt 'switw w-"
torm window. cemnt walk, full lot.
Thl I my horn, but int -ll t one.
e. . i si. tt a. ..a ill e.i. t 'Wark it
II I WOrHI t.Mt BUI WHI eya.erw la
sola wunin in nrxi iw j .
block to Pund cr. Call ownw, Harnoy
$12,000 Investment
$1,680 Income
New four-apartment brick build
ing : tine conditions; all leased on an
nual leasee; mortgage $,00. Will
take good els or seven-room house
aa part pay.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 1B3. J10 South 11th Bt.
e-roftm. .all modern bouse, steam heat.
south front lot. paved street. Owner very
easteue to leave tne city, uniy H.N.
A new t-room. all mod. house oa Capi
tol Ave. Has oak floors up and down,
laundry tube, etc Owner will take auto
part payment.
E. W. Stoltenberg
tM Beard of Trade Bldg.
Rrand new. stone bungs low. modern In
every particular, t rooms and bath.
furnace, gooa neuranornouo. cwn 10
school. Field club district, ene block to
oar. good sited lot, Mn cash, balance
He-Si Braadela Theater
$1,000 Easy Terms
f-raoia house, t blocks to ear Una. tLtut
t-room new house. I!..
t-room home, lot Mslls. 7t werth ef
fruit and shrubbery, 4 Works to car. 1
block to school, fine neighborhood, finest
heat, electric r.M. chicken house and
yard, beautiful view ever the city, prKe
Walker & Honig
a Board of Trade "
B. & M. Trackage
About t acrea between Omaha and 8. O.
with paved street to It Migot divide very
cheap at Cam.
Harrison 8r Morton
I-roem cottaare located near Bd and
Pratt 8ts. Leu-ea tot xlM. Owner
aaaloaa e sell. .
tuna Brandeta Theater.-
citt rwoPEHTr ron. sai.e.
Kountze Place
$1,100 to $1,250
We Lave about ten lots in
west of Kountze Park, on
Evans and Pinkney btreets and
between 21st and 24th, with
sewer, water, gau and cement
sidewalks. All streets ordered
paved. The curb lines are be
ing narrowed and each lot will
have parking in front.
We Have Sold
$40,000 worth of these lota in
the past 12 months. 24 homes
have been built, costing over
Buy in a neighborhood that
is already developed.
400 Bee Building
Model Bungalow
1 Easy Terms
We have Just completed two strictly
modern six-room bungalows, which ought
to please you. The yare substantially con
structed and arranaed for convenience
and comfort. Kach has vestibule entrance,
Mrlnp Amn ' n k. a - - k ... ,
dininf room collonarte openlns. with book
rases in pedestals, built in buffet, all oak
finished; fin kitchen, pantry and vastl-
Dm i,ir ire, an on iirst rioor: two good
slsed bedrooms, Israe closets, linen closet
In hsll, neat bath room second floor;
first rlasa nlumhln. 1.,-. Kkumm . ,
side grsde entrance, laundry sink, furnane
neai, not water noiirr. The walls m one.
jre white coat finish and the other sand
finished beautifully tinted. Look at Kit
North 19th Mt., and lt N. Mth Htreet
Boulevard, between I-alrd and Pprague
streets. Take Sherman avenue car line.
Houses will be open for Inspection today
from 1 to I o'clock p. m. These houses
will surely sell, so do not delay. Prices.
U.00 and 3.9. Reasonable term ran be
Payne & Slater Co.
Sole Agents, '
l Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Both Phones.
One Acre
With 5-Room House,
Five Blocks from
Benson Car Line;
And one mock te paved road. Here l
an opportunity to get a rood piece of
groi na and still be aVe to work down
town. Tula acre hue large cherry, pear
and apple trees, and grapes, and other
small trult. A Hue, nigh 'and sightly
location, tlaa t-room house with furnace
Slid electric lights. ,
It Is not ofti-n you. get an opportunity
to buy a well-Improved place so, close to
car. . l'rica for tiulck rule. $3,50u, .
Hastings & Ileyden,
, 114 Harney St.
For Sale Cheap
Near 10th and Bancroft Hts., fin
room house, sll modern, hot water heat;
lot li; good barn, oement walks, fine
town, siose to car Una Price fLUk A
very good buy.
tear iir and Vinton Bta.. I-room
house on food corner lot, built about t
years; all modern throughout; ran be
bought thla week for less than W.500, with
V cash, balance Ilk rent.
US Ueorgie, Ave.. -rooro cottage, all
on one flour, all modern, cement walka,
paved atreet au paid lor: lot tux 130. nice
shade trees; a good location. Owner
ey. aell for tt.tta. Lot alone la worth
!.. Don't disturb tenanta; see us.
Dundee home owner near tlet anad
Burt Ms., has left city and Instructed
ue to sacrifice place for quick aale. A
new 7-room house, oak and birch nn
isii. hot water neat, tor Hew. Thla
place must be sold, see us at once.
Northeest corner tuth and lioug-tas
Streets, lit feet frontage on Mth, paving
sit paja. rine location lor close-in Iiata.
Plica tMu. We want an offer.
Birkett & Tebbens
a Bee Bldg. - Phones D. 4TW. A-1TM.
1034 So. 32d Street
Hot Water Heat
Houae la In good ah ape; aplendld
location: deep lot, with large ahade
trees; just oft the car line; paring
paid; 11,600 cash, balance at SH
per cent.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 151. Il South 17th St
North Side Cottage
Owner la anxious td aell and will make
reasonable proposition en this t-room and
bath home; front room Lrxlt, dining room
'.txli, with sax window: large kitchen,
with pantry; twa bed rooma, with closet
space; attic floored ano make good stor
age; houae has gaa In each room: the
woodwork Is In f-od condition; lot la if
146, with good shade trees, bee GEOROK
R. WRIGHT. tUl NO. IsTH. three doors
north at aladlsou Ave, er phone Was.
West Farnam Lots
Kast front en Stth Bt. just north of
DdHfe 8t.. perfect grace, every street
improvement completed now end uniform
tree planting. These leu aaxUs-ft. are
only ti.eut each. We have only 4 left.
Note the character et the new houses In
the wav. We think there la nothing
better In the city for a good home place.
Harrison & Morton
VE HAVE FOB $1,100
4-room house, nearly new on large lot
X141 fee. en Mth et-. l'bleck north of
Oread At. Chtckea house, yean fruit,
good well, only ftve blocks from atreet
car line. Easy terms.
HAStTIXOa A HEWE. Wit Harney W
Three business lots northwest earner
Sth end Fort, on paved street, ear line.
Price. K9 each. Call owner, D. MM.
citv property row stt.K
These Values With Anything Offered You
Oak Chatham
$475 to $700
PRICES on good lots, with all
improvements. In this fine ad
dition, lying between Ames
avenue and Sprague street and
between 20th and 24th streets,
we are selling these lots for the
Redick estate at very low
prices. .
You can buy a splendid lot in
OAK CHATHAM with all im
provements in and paid for, for
They are selling fast. . See
them today.
Douglas 4270
vVest Farnam Horn.
Here Is a fin t-r.. all mod. home, only
tbout years old: rooms all large, nicely
decorated: fine lighting fixtures. Lot Sx
lis: lot worth H what we sk for the
house; house located at 4219 Farnam Kt.
Price only 2,Jdu. Here Is sure a bargain.
New t-r. bungalow, all mod.; furnace
heat: full basement; every room Just
newly decorated. This la a fine close In
noma Tor some one. tocateu at zxmo
Pierce Bt.:' only bike from croastuwn
car line. Price only K.tfio. Kasy terms.
nearly new s-r. oungaiow, an moa.,
fine south front lot; paved street; on
Hamilton Ht., close to csr; price reduced
to I2,oU: HO ensh. .Where can you got
a new bungalow for any such price?
Dandy t-r. cottage, full mod. ex. heat:
fine south front lot. paved St.: near 24th
at. car line. Price I2.U0; ta cash.
Rasp Bros
m McCague Bldg. Doug. 1S; A -MM
Fowler Ave.
6 Rooms, $3,450
Owner Leaving City
fill Fowler Aw. Just west of the pret
lest mile of the Florence boulevard.
V splendid t-room cottage, alt modern,
.nest hot water heating plant. BKAITI
t'l. YARD, lot 10x133. lots ot fine fruit
reee and ahade, paved street; among
nice homes; close to school snd two car
lines: nicely decorated. What more
could you ask' The owner of this prop
erty built It for a home, and la now offer
ing U for aale for the first time. Knaps
like thla are quickly picked up, so act
st once. Look at It today.
Norris & Martin
Phone Douse 427.
400 Bee Bldg
Big Bargains
Handsome modern 10-room house, on
on of the finest streets on West Farnam
hill. Owner going away; offer at a low
The choice vacant corner at Mth Ave.
and Dodge; no finer building site In the
West Farnam district. A big bargain It
sold quick.
Nice lot, a feet front, on Dodge, near
Mth Av. Fine place for a bungalow or
te build house or rent. Cheapest lot In
the West Farnam district. Only 2.25v.
Office phone: D. 1714; house 'phone:
H. IS.
' $8,500
Bur practically new duplex brick
flat building of two 7-room apart
ment renting for 71 per month;
all hardwood flnlah; beat of con
tructlon; corner lot
The Byron Reed Co.
Both "phonee. Ill South 17th.
Creighton's 1st Add
Bargain, $4,500
T rooms,
t rooma first floor,
t rooms and bath aecond floor,
1 block from West Side car.
Oak finish.
Furnace heat.
Corner lot. on boulevard.
Original price, tVVM.
Reduced to M.SM for quick aale.
W. H. Thomas
Doug:. 14. M. First National Bsnk B'dg
t-room house, modern except heet. efith
and Farnam St.; price tt.fc. fM cash,
balance easy,
W. S. Frank -:
KW City Naf 1
t-room house, all modern, parlor, re
ception ball, dining room. den. kitchen
and ene bed room en rirst noor. inree
bed rooms and bath ana second floor,
lenre east front lot. Located JuM south
ot the perk. Owner asking fA This
tie-lU Brand eis Theater.
,!!- maA, 1, (arm Int.
CllJa. paved street, close to Han scorn
Park, yard nicely sodded and set eut In
shrubs and tree.. Price, Ho. Let us
how you this.
tqa-st Brandels Theater
6-R. House in Dundee
New, modern, eoolh front, all floors
oak finish downstairs; upstarts white
- i,t. aiumn Vwir and alaas
door knob: fireplace; fruit cellar; cistern;
beamed ceilings: au materia ana wr
wi an ship Bret class. Phone during office
hours. Douglas 4311 M. L. Tracy.'
Tuts sTTm: wltat few mrlfh
rrm-rooin crtttr Htk me an offer.
W. U. UKK IUX1 VlaJVeaW ou
city propkhtv kok sttr
Newton Addition
4700 to $1,000
For large lots on Ogden
street and the "Prettiest Mile"
oi Omaha's Boulevard, system.
These lots are selling rapidly.
Fine new homes are being built.
For $700
you can get a lot on Ugden
treet, 50x150 feet. The street
is ordered paved and all other
improvements are going in.
This is a fine residence sec
tion. Don't overlook it.
Lies between 24th street and
the Florence Boulevard, one
block north of Fort street.
'rices Cut to a Frezel
S.SOC For a dandy '-room home, three
years old, easily worth 14,500, the
owner Is moving away and will
sacrifice. See It today at Sll N.
Ontral Boulevard. Nice, Ideal,
close In location.
,S0O For a brand new home of I rooms,
all modern, large lot, upper story
finished with stocca, a snap on
Corby, one block Wcet of !4th 8t.
$!.450Fnr a two-story home In mist ex
cellent condition, has new floors,
newly painted and decorated,
cemented cellar, corner lot. and
only a half block from Sherman
Ave. car line. Houae has reception
hall, parlor, living room, dining
room and kitchen on first floor and
four large bedrooms and up-to-date
bat,h room on second floor.
C0 For a beautiful all new bungalow
will be completed May 1. Right on
car line, paved street, see It now
while It la being built at X.T0 N.
30th St.
Terms to suit the purchaser on
all of these.
Harry Wolf
433 Brandels Bldg. Doug. , A-X7I
$600 Cash
and r per month, buy a rood, modem.
complete houe of I rooms at 4133 lsard
at. Thl l a good buy.
$300.00 CASH
anil th balan tlkft nnt, a dnlrable &
room- hotif-a on Florence boulevard,
N. mil Kt. I'oweMlon can be given at
-$.moo CASH
and the balance -monthly, buya t Rood
5-room, modrn, ex'pt heat, house at
8311 California, Thla houne la m tr
ranffd that you ran make two 4-room
apartmenta. lietter thla.
$400.00 CASH
and balance monthly, buys a good 7-room
house, close to Vinton street car barn.
The house la partially modern. 8.
nth to.
Creigh, Sons & Co.
Douglas 0.
tm Bee Bldg
Neat Cottage Home
Six rooms, modern and well kept;
south front, on Marry ht., just wcet of
30th St.; paved and nelilioorhood good;
This is close In and omy a few steps
to the many storee at tark Ave. and
Leavenworth. Owner birtlt this a few
year axo for a home, but baa outgrown.
Price. H00U.
Two other larger houses In thia aame
general location at about the same price.
No better built nor better it than the
above, but a little mora room.
We are building two new onea at ttth
and Dodgo Sta., 7 to I rooma Lawk them
over any time, but we are not ready to
make price, or will sell you a lot with
the restriction that you build a good
Harrison & Morton
West Farnam
Nine Room Brick
One of the handeomest, eolidest. 1 best
built and moat attractive residence of
thla atso In the Went Farnam district
for two-thirds of Ita nctual value on ac
count of the owner having gone to Cali
fornia. House bow vacant Make an ap
pointment to Im-pect It. Sit,-rft Is the
price; one-third cash will handle it.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler IMS.
2i 80. 17th Street
New Bungalow
on Paved Street
CEI Fort street, has five well-arranged
rooms, with laras llnug room and bulit-ln
bookcases between the living room and
dining room, finished in .ak. First-class
plumbing and heating throughout. Ituuae
IS nicely oecoraiau aae , in av rwau.vii
that la very desirable. Oo car line and
aouth front lot. Lawk at this today.
Owner lives In house aud will b pleased
ia show vou throuah.
'HASTINGS HituEX. 1C4 Harney St.
8 Rooms, in Dundee
New. modern, south front, aU floors
oak; finish downstaris oak; upstairs
wbita enamel with mahogany doors and
glass door knobs; fireplace; fnut cellar;
cistern; beamed ceilings; all material and
workmanship first class. Price. K.5IM.
Phone during office hours, Dougiaa itU.
at. U Tracy-
Am tftfegant houn3, ps rent lot. paved
street. Urge aittc, molem in vrr way,
nicely dcuratl. ail complete rtmiy to
mov Into. Located in one of t bi
rMnc disuicu in Omaha, til & feta
Sc. Terms.
Be-Jll BrandeU Theater.
a-room cottage, modern except heat;
good location, and a big snap at CMe.
W. S. Frank
MS City NatX
city property tor sale
in Omaha
$750 to $1,000
At the north end of the
"Prettiest Mile," we have a
few lots left in this beautiful
worth of lots have been sold
here in the last two years. A
dozen fine homes are being
built now. 24th street is order
ed paved and Florence Boule
vard is to be macadamized.
before the improvements are in
for these lots are due for rapid
rise in value. There is nothing
finer in Omaha than Norwood.
Take a walk along Omaba Broad
Walk, on the 'Prettiest Mile," from
20th and Ames avenue to Miller
Park and see for yourself.
Her Addition
Water Assured
New Terms and
$10 Down; $5 a Month
Centrally located, on lid Ave.;
extending from Wright to Spring St.
and extending two block on each
aide ot the car line on 3 2d Ave.; a
... J , . I n - ., luttwAAn
paveu atieei, uiiuaa. wsiww
Omaha and South Omaha. . ft-veral Nl
large bouaea nave been built during
the winter and several more will be
commenced noon. Water extenaiona
la now practically an aaaured (act
during the coming eeason. "
Buy now and get the full benefit
of the Improvement! aa they are
made. Frlcea range from 1300 to
1450, at only $10 caah and t per
month; ( per cent discount for all
Come to the office and will
take yon out any time and show
you thla property. Sale all ' next
week. , ' .
A. P:
414-5 Board of trade Bldg'.
'Phone Douglas 2181.
Rapid Growing Investment
Tou know of at least one ma who
made big money oa close-In prop
erty we know of many. We also
know of a certain close-in apartment
site, 100 ft. aquare, on double paved
atreet, juat fire minulea from 16th
and Farnam, which can be purchased
at 117,500. j his la a 110.000 bar
gain and purchaser should realise
thia profit In a few months, aa devel
ment Is very strong In tbl.i 'icaltty.
The Iota contain a 12-room Ve-idence
under rented at $80 month, and
there Is stilt room for five St. Louis
flats. Let us talk to you regarding
this snap.
Shopen & ,Co. .
Paxton Bldg.
'Phones: Doug. 4S4; A-4247.
Choice Building Lots
On 41st Ave. only on block north of
Davenport, we hav two east front corner
lots, with paving and permanent side
walks, sewer and water. Kor the ourooae
of building a house coating not leas than
S4.UW we can make very reasonable terms
and a very attractive price. If you have
not looked over thla neighborhood for
some time you will be euroheed at the
development of this natural extension of
in ai Farnam district.
A. P. Tukey & Son
Doug. Jll. 444-1 Board of Trade B'de
Field Club Home :
A new t-room. all modern house nn
Kih fu north of the Field club: recep-
non inn, uvmg room ana oining room
finished In quarter-sewed oak; kitchen
In hard pine; large wood arsis In llvlnc
room: hih and sightly location; an- una
estly built rouse, well worth the money.
The Byron Reed Co.
Both 'Phones.
12 8. 17th.
; '
We are authorized tn offer fiv
fine lota situated at 7th and fiprague
Sta. for only $1,000. These loU
will retail readily at $300 per rot.
Act quickly.
1330 Farnam 8t.
Tela.: Doug. 1064; Ind. A-10S4.
A Dandy Cottage
New modern, complete, hardwood
flnlah. 4160 Bart St.: easr term.
See It.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 1536. Ilu South lif. st.e
A nice lot tn Collier Place en gist Ave.
east aide street, between I -art more aad
tirand Ave. City water In street. SimiHar
lots In this locality are bringing tj
BA3TTNG8 HETDEN. M14 Harney Bt .
IF LOOKING for a close In home or
Income, nothing better for the price on
the market. Look It over. Pubmtt aa
offer. Apply to. owner, Ui a. Sth St
4 i