THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL IJ, 1912; HELP WATEI MALE As,eai, hilmwrii and solicitor. AGEXTS Either mx. can establish a ttn.fllble. permanent, lnd.pen.lent busl- selling photo pillow top. Sjc: bromnK. ries, q Jk-Wy without eipital. No outfit. ! e: portraits. 3Sc; oileltes. ; we pro Kiperienc tin necessary. Particular free. duct- work ol art; guaranteed lowest KMenu Co.. Amp. re Station, East I Pm. largest studio, prompt Amnii- V J - 'credit given; sample, portrait and frsnve twinge .M -J. catalogue lr UnM It Rtller Co, SALtSMFN to sell pial line of Win- i:l Madison, Chleago. III." ler orv goona ana oiana;s uu ,-uimii.'--sic-n. Factory to retailer. Excellent .1 . . .. 1 : n- roc traveler, oryo aawi Philadelphia, Pa. l.tRHI n;inu(ulurer of pi iaity 1 with established trade want experienced traveling salesmen. Salary position and expense. jdvaixTd. Reply nun reirrtnra. IroqUOia Mfg. Co.. Cleveland. O ' AGENT. Moat attractive proposition ever offered. Sell our peclai accident jiollcl: tl yearly pay Boot death. t;.o weakly for low of time. All new teaturrs. ThU policy our leader. For special terms, exclusive territory, addraaa Great Eastern Casualty Co.. Ill Naassu fit,. New Turk AUKNTS make big money scliin our Metallic Letters for office window, store fronti and giasa aigna; anyone can put thorn on; urn pita free. Metallic Sign Co.. 4.17 K. Clark St.. Chicago. SAVE your cattle. bloat relieved In aiantly; farmer agent make J per cent, (end fr Trocar with direct loo. Metal Novelty Co., 133 Olive St.. St I-om RCPltK.S..KlATlVl wanted lui of tov.T'lle lota In divisional jnd lunc-J tlonul points along lino of tiraoa iron Pacific Ry. in Western Canada. Whol or part tune. Liberal commission. Money making aide-line for salesmen. Wrlia to authorised agent . T. P. lly.. Interna 1on;l !eeuMt;e Co., Ud, rjomcrset Lid., Winnipeg, Man., for pdrliciiars, ma pa, etc." AlifcNTs aell our wueeii C.iat Stilt, r.ubcl De-Luxe, Warnuia Wlilats, decid edly new anil exclusive, also embroid eries, fancy gcc-iR etc. Our agent make big money. catalogue tree. national Importing Co.. Dept 4 fl, S Broadway, yew York Clty. AOK.NTS WanKd - Seerleiia wilder tnentia without heat metala, granite, china, glasB, aluminum. Larga profit, tsarapla lc. Clirlrtlan ro. Co.. IMS Wll louirhby Ave.. Urvoktyn. X. Y AilENT wanted everywhero for e" aelllng IS propoaitlon. IMublea tha Ufa of auto tirca. Aak for partlculan. L N. Karr. Clinton. Okln. AUKNTb wanted everywhere tor eay elliiiK l"i proimeitlon; i dally eautly nvule. Ht-phm alanufacturlnt Co., bhattuck. Okla. AUKNTM Wonderful opirtuiilty; act rmlck; fell "Ambrew" Coiuh.ntraied Beer F.xtrarra; makea real, genuine Intoxicat ing beer, right at home by adding water; aavea lot par cant brewere' price; not near beer: not aubatltuta, hut real laarr beer; no liquor llcenaa reiiulreil; email pac kage: (carry weak 'a eupply, deliver aa you aell. "Ambrew" la tlta oonraatrated Ingredient of real lager beer; aame material uaad by nil brewara for brewing the beat beer; big aeller; enorinoua de mand; large proflta; Jut end portal; we'll enow you how to mala monevaqulrk. American Product a Co., Lapt. XX. Cln elnnatl. O HKSIUKNT agent to handle our Cllmai aollclea. Il.oot an-ldent policy with K t weekly benefit for tl yearly. Health and accident pollclea for H K and II yearly. Largest commlaaion. Kxcluaive ter ritory. Aaaeta I l.Wi.Oir). Climax IP.. Pacific 'Coast Caaualty Co., Newark. N. J - SIDB Una aaleamen run make big money with our complete Una of advertising fans; aelllng aeason now on; write today for proposition. Address P. O. Hog il, Chlcago.a HALKSMAN-ta eell high grade guar anteed grocer! ee at wholesale direct ta farmera, ranchmen and all conaumera; 4 to (l and up par day. A big chance to get Into buaineaa fur youraelf; aava tha buyer tha retailer s profit ; every cus tomer la a permanent one. Demand con stantly Increasing. Latest auiue, J. IL Hitchcock, Hill Co., Chicago." l.AKGrl manufacturer desires repQiiel ble man aa distributer and to handle ul agrnta for patent device for handling Imtilda; capital to enrry itnall lw k re quired: big l ommlssion; sale plana an full co-operation furnished. Tna- Auto matlo Faucet Co.. Fisher HMg , Chlcaga HALLriMAN Mason, good standing, to ell stock for Maaonlc Community Co.. exclusive profitable prouoltlon, selling aaslatanca furnished. The Welfar Co., M VV. Washington rlt., Chicago. LAND aaleamen; keen, upright, ron aervatlvg land aaleamen wanted by large, reliable company; should average sat) monthly compenaatlon If willing to fob low advice, hustle and deliver tha goods. Thorough but simple aelllng Instructions, KlrM class leads furnished. Kriectlvs lit. eratura: good contract; willing workers of Integrity the first essential rather than high pressure salesmanship ability. Writs quirk, atandevllle, sales manager, II Wast Ud St., New York. WANTED alee man of ability who ran produce result on a commission basis. Wa have a very lueratlva propoaitlon for a first claea saleaman. Write at one Wnolley Mfg. Co., at Buchanan St., To ticks, Kan. " WANTED Kxpertenced city real satata saleaman. O-TM, cars Bee, WAN i'Kl Canvaaaera In every county In Nebraska for fruiters' t'apttol anl tary brushes of all kinds, household uereaaltlea; exclusive terrttory free to re liable hustlers, no other need apply. Dive references and exponent. W. C Hart, htnte Manager. Lincoln, Neb. Oen. Del. KOR HTATE OF NEBRASKA, bALKH af AN FOR PULL ANO CUMPREHEN BIVIS LINE OK IH1MK8TIC s-COUIR LK LI'XK AND IMKOKTKO AUVKK TIMINfJ CALKNDAKM. NOVKLTKn, CLOTH AND LEATHKR OOODR COM MlXrtlONa LIBERAL ADDHKlid I'NITKO STATLs) CALENDAR CO., CINCINNATI. 1 WANT to secure ten of the moat substantial, buatnees getting auhecrlp rtoa solicltars I can find, to represent The Western Empire, California a lead ing rural home magaatne. In your state. My plan for aecurlog aubacriptions ia tba inoet liberal ever ottered by any maga atne. klverybody kt Interested In - Cali fornia, and a bustier ran clear upward to let week. It yoa art a buaineaa getter and want to make what you are worth, write me. C. H. Kauffman. Circulation manager. 1W Chamber of Commerce Hide.. Lot Angeles. Cm." K K fur collectliig names and addresses; ail or aware time: stamp tor liarticuuiri. Kc j atone galea Co., Darby, Penn." A0KNI8 To aell Kverybody'a Vacuum Cleaner; new aelllng plan: every lady In terested; sella for e..'4, with guarautea. t ail atmday afternoon or addraaa Joe. Bannt, MB N. Mil Bi KAILS' M weekly taking ordera for cut. law groeerlea; outfit free, standard Mer cantile lampanr. lllppodrom,, Building, t leveland. Ohio." A N "1 - Aid hi t ku young men to bt me traveling aahwmen and earn while they learn; write fur particular, llrad treet ry.-tem. Loche'ttT. N. y." M weekly aelllng co le-tlon cabineta to loerchant.; no conipetltion: ?,lve ,c,- ntery; tor trm lunpl-f and dc ertiUvM maLler. Sayrra Co.. lcltMl i:hls.. St. Isoul., (. ' ru, r -yru-.u'nour ?-5ja r.rrBatT''- tivuer; we have an article tor it-ht " Monadno. k Blog.. Chicago. ' tnat s a winner a luxurious nun. an article that sells oa its luoka; no dem onatration weceeaary; remarkable vaiuea to your customers, large proflta to you. Oulck now. write. The Juliette leather tiooda Co.. 414-41! South Michigan Avu. Chicago. III." - AGENT Represent the manufacturer direct; good ealary and expenaes. 4-Id. one Manufacturing Co, u. nv Expreaa ""a-, vniiam ail. SAlMEN' to .all ttonera, general sturea; ;i monthly and expenaes; yearly contract. Manager, it . Main Street, St. Loula, Mo." WANTED AGENTg-Legltjmate aubsU tute tor slot m&chinee: patented; aUa an eight lor II: par titulars. Uuha Co- An leraon. Ind." NLV offlc rveclalty; sells for cash, lndupemrable aa a typewriter. First -cutsa aaleamen onry need apply. feWles liesartment. Box 14. Neston. la," M5 weekly for energetKe men, sales mart ability, selling oar up-to-date K. briuks and Botilh akoa state maps. New plan, snre winner. For key address Char A. Meek. Station b, Omaha. HEIJ WAXTKD M.tLK Agents, kaleeeeca aad elle4t AGENTS WAXTK1-Mak blr money If TOU WAXT TO LARS $20,0)0.0y to $30,0(JO.OO a Year Klllng the highest grade of beat adver tised fruit land In the world. I can tell you how to do tt. I'nqueatlonad financial reponatbilily. elgoroua oo-owration from the general office and a propoMiion to aell that ta clean and honest all the way through, make thla an esceptlonaj oppor tunity for ou to eataUirri youraelf In big, paing buaineaa in umaha and vt rinity. Individual memhera uf our aelllng ffrce are earning aa high aa gjMiw to U'.MK a year, doing Juat tha aame kind of W'trk a-ou can do If you are a live wire and ablo to get buaineaa from high grade people. We have no um lor advance grabbera or roundera. Thta ja an oppor tunity for real aaleamen and paya ac cordingly. KRAXCIS B. Ontl.U it reKi.M KB!) EST OF AUKNCIM. MS r"IRfT NA TIONAL BANK BUHi.. CH1CAOO. ILL SALESMEN We mant Jive salesmen to write for side line proposition on selling adver tising nonvelties. Newton Mfg. Co., Newton, Iowa. cierM-al aad Uffu.-r. Ft;LL drea aulta and party d-iaai i for tale; a: for rant. I.W to 11 to a DighL JOHN a'CLLMAN. 1M N. 11th. l. SI GOOD POSlTlONa ,-onatantly go begxing for competent aien. IVVkaTKlATK our method of Placing HIOH ORALK of:co help If you are looking for a position or planning to make a change in poalitona. Wa haeo placed thousands of competent appli cants In the past five years, Wt can place you If competent t ti-OI-KRAT01VK KEFKRENVB CO., B'f-H t Ity National Hank Uuiirtlng.' Hltai CRADE POSITIONS are seldom scenred by peraonl eollctta tlon and beside there are numerous reason why a UOUD" man should not solicit from office to office for such posi tions, eveu v.tacn uoemiiloj od. Tha man who la employed, ot count, naa no time for anrthtiu! of thu kind. Therefore, to the iinemployeil. aa well aa (ho employed. TIIPKK IM ONLY I'NK WAY TO KB- critB IClllH OIIAKK I"OSITIONS; THAT 18. IIIJR WAY." WE tJUAIlANTEK i'KOTKCTlOW TO KMPLUYrJitd r.galn.'t unreliable ami Incompetent em ployee by our bonding feature, thus establishing tha necessary continence ot the employer in our applicant to Justify him In relying upon ua for blah grade commercial men. AND IT in THAT VAI.CAIH.B HKRVICK WB RKXDKR TUB KUPLOYKIt THAT MAKKS I'S OK I1KAL VAI.l'K TO THR KMPLOYK. THINK THIS 0KH and If you are unemnioved see us at once and atop losing time aa well a op portunities In trying to find snmetmns yt,urarir. If you are employed 1KT OUT OP THIS R( T and place your name on our Hat. There aie many good men hold ing aa good If not better pnaltlona than y our eel f that have bean benefited through our services. ALL IICMINKHK RTRICTLT CONFIUKNTIAL Kpeclal aupointnients arranged by tele phone. wi; nked in fart: ORNGRAt. MANAOKR for Urge mail order lumbar concern, mint posses unuaual. executive ability . and have a record as a producer of blr reeulte. tier annum ... HV.Mv CKNKRAI. MANAOKR to take . charge of old established Bsuia factlirlna btllnea,..v.'., sJQO OKKK'K MANAOKR AND CRKDtT MAN ..- us TRAVELING RALLSWAN. apaclkl- , Ilea v. . 1J0O TRAVKLINO BAl.KPM AN, elgarg.. Ltil TliAVr:l.lNO HAI.aiMAN. otl..... Lli STKNIKIRAHHKII, railroad,. Ja,. .J,. j mKMhIRAI H KK railroad. J, . si BANK TKl-I.KIt. city experlrara.,.. M TKN-0OHAtHKR ANDvTKlir OHAI'HKW ..l.r4.i. t!ri Rk.TH. fiRl'd CliKRK....,., ' WJCaTKtlN HKI BRKNCK UlD BOND INSlK'UTIhN IM Omaha Nafl Hank 'Hldg. -T Kaetory and Tradea, rirtig tier rtnans) fobs. Knleat. n tue$ WANTED A good house painter and paper hanger for all summer; good pay; com at eooa. J. W. Dougherty, Anita, la W'ANTeU-carriage palmar at once, must be good man, no booaeri list wages. Norfolk Carriage Works, Nor folk. Nsb. WANTED Draftaman, young man that has had some ex per lux In architectural drawing; state as and salary expected. 0 ?H car He. Safety Pazors Gee Whiz! Like getting money from boms. Regular Uks ta . values, now B-lv-1t- H.-eXil. i Dunning Hardware Company lill Harney St. WANTED A steady butcher for Co lumbus Neb.; muat be a aauaaga maker; no particular ehof tender or fast killer; meat be Uermsn. Call at the Rum Hotel between 1 and aclock, April 14, dun day, p. m. , CARPENTER wanted. Call W. 741. WANTBD A young man to fill posi tion of Janitor. Apply Ua Mondsy, Looee-Wllea Hlecuit Company, lita and Iwveuport 8ta ' WANTBD aeveral good uphulsterere; steady work. Huber Purn. Mfg. Co., (.resco, la. WANTED 'irt-ciaa coat maker or all around LUlor. UooJ (, leady Job. -Martin MeKre, ' Stuart, Iowa. EXPGlUBNCKD fruit raisers for Cal ifornia. You can get a bearing orchard without money. Writ for Important, valuable Information at once Addraaa A ton, car Bee. llol'BK repair man, eepectally carpen ter, to buy a small plain house. Omaha or Houtn oniana. on montniy payments. Wilt accept work tor down payment. Writ at face, this address, II Jii, cars Bee tie TELF.GRAPH aeaitloaa guars nfeed re ky the Co too Padfle and HHnets Csa. tral railroads if yuu gain your traialag ia our school. Practice, wires. Ad dea for particulara, H. B Uoyiew, Ptaa ? , T" ""vi. 1 Co.l-Jte. Omaha. Neb. TRAIN Al D1TOR8 now on about ralirottds. Would you like such m pomU lion? KitTrT.r iwH ri?crry. lary. Kor iwrtitru.arv wvmd mam and U.S. Ally SCHOOL, I OMAHA, I LARGE 6H0Pa, aCARANTEE. bixher ejual- tiv ruls Mora rare tod actual repair work than any tares western scnoot. IM us f KOVI tt. STOP READ!! Cot la to a piying Learn auternabtl eaaiaeerlng tn our large training abop. Huadreds of successful graduataa. Compute equipment at auto aaooi.ea and machinery. Addraaa National jhuiv irsanioa aessw azt tiraiMeia Thwi ter Bidg . Omaha. Nk "eue- YOU ARE wanted for government Job, W W month. Bend postal for lu of pe aitiona open Franklin Institute. Deot IU O. Rochester K Y. WANTED M 01 seepta 10 raise peiit try with the old Trusty incubator Write fsr tree catalogo. M. M. Joonso. clay MEN to years aid wanted at snc for electric railway norrnoa and eonductara; to 1 a month; s ex perieoc meeaaaury; fine opportunity; no strike; writ Immediately for apmtealiaa blank. Addreea X r.i car f bT HELP l ATr:n MAI.K Mtaeellaaewaav. WANTED FOR I.. 9. ARMT-Abla-prdird vnmamed htan betwaan tha agea lit II and B. cJtiaena of Cnlted ?-atea. ot ood and temtrata habi' wha ran apeak, read and wnaa he ttuu auuruaga. ear uuerwjatxm m w rruiung officer. ia and Uoagiaa tka t maha. Neb..: 7 th fct, Sloax uqr. .; N. Nth 81. Uneoin. Kea. MP-V Ia- . eiimmiititle business. - 44 weekly Job iruaranteed. jiake JS weeeu while learning. Study at home. Hooklet free. Rochester Aula School XA Rochester. K. Y i 'r i . i . ni ih, v.t , ia niake every one of its men a succeaa la life. r or tne mgRer tne euccwe e-. .. " . the bigger the auccees of the Navy. mere is great . w.,.,, i , . - . n . . , i tnr machinists. firemen. atenotrrapher. bookkeeper, musicians, nurse, carpenter, black smiths, ahtpnttera. ele.trtciana, boiler- oiaaers, cwtse. himiu, ...... ---- And the man who already knows a trade. can enter ai nianer ymj. y Besides thts congenial work there Is a . . ...... i . , . . .. . emf mental neeiiur lite. ,.ii - training, chancea to learn by study and travel and tne compjuoniH nw young sneu. E.,ery amontons ioji wv.w .. 35 owes it to himself to loo into the Navy a opportunities, enner aa m i years' coura uf. training or as a life career. , t ail at Navy Recruiting Station. Post offlie Wuildlng. Omaha, Neb., and the oftloer :n ckins will tell wou all about pay. promotion, hours, etc. or send for the interesting illustrated book. Tha t , 1. . . . . . u,n n WaMmeM " all about the btuejackel s dally life. Free. Nuvy liepartment. Washington. D. C." ; . j - . (ice . tWInuinlM,. tiX. UWim H . . w w ' I . travel: write eupenntendeat ludwig, 1427 . . , H M ,-icsritt nw.g.. nanww ..'r. in I C5 1 or grauina k t . . i .. d.ri. Al.e aul of Fort Omaha, bee us at once. CHARLtvU K. WILLIAMSON CO. a ti ... .r ii.i,. fttrMl ICuioe. stratta. Etc Mt.V wlahinx to earn U to to par day. write for trrma Immediately. First Na tional Nurseries, Rochester. N. Y." FOOT doctors, everywhere, earn S0 weekly: nrofeaaton taught by mall; legal diploma; complete course fi. Writ to day. Prof. Frailer, kUI., Wt w. t:a 81.. New York." tiKVKN Pre Maaona given pleaaant. profitable employment near boms, whole or part time. Fraternal, Thames Blag., New York." IK) MONTHLY and expanses to travel and distribute samples for big manufac turer; steady work. o. Mcnelfer, iK Hherman. Chicago." MAN wanted with rig ta take, charge ot aale of our medicines, extract, splcea, sua pa. perfume, toilet article, stock and poultry preparation, etc., In your county. On man made t on week. Mteady work guaranteed. Work healthful, pleas ant, very profitabl. References re nulred. Write ua Wa mean buaineaa. Shore Mueller Company, Dept. 1. Cedar Rapid, la." WE dealra to make oonnacUona with a reputable broker eg house or hlgh-ctaa bond and stock salesman lor tna placing ot a meiitorloua propoaitlon before their client: references required and given. No advance, but liberal commlaaion. u. F. Browning Co.. Broad r)t., New York." CHAUPFKUR8 make big money hand ling our auto specialties, spare time; par tirulare free. Dent, D, Wast Council Bluff. Ia." llflUVl'll tmm mlnMil Mute AinU sera; must be experienced; from 11 to years of ass. Rial Pharmacy Co.. Lin coln, Neb." KAHM M weakly taking ordera for Cut Rat Oroosrte Outfit free. Mtandard Mercantile Cemnany, titppodroma Bid., Cleveland. Y " ' 14 Kt OMK t'itaK'tlv-Karn IliO-DUO per rnonik traweMpae ayataip for particulara Wnte k'reaartrk veagner, u. Laixington Aw., New lork." "TTLrVVAY1rnall clerka wanted by I.'. H. government, rw.oi month. , napui pro motion, wont vary interesting aa yon travel much. vry second week off duty at full nay. No "layoff." Posi tion youra for Ufa. May examinations in omana. Tnouaanaa oi appointments coming. common education eunictent. 'lliU ' unneiSMSUY. City and country realdent tiave aama cbanc. Candidata prepared free. Writs fur sample ques tions and large Illustrated boM, giving duties and full particulara. Franklin lu- aiHute, Dep t. l , stochester, N. Y. HfiM WAN'TKD-Can qualify In few weeka for poaitlon waiting. Top wag . No prevloua expeiience necessary. Laiarn the barber trade. Everything tat the buaineaa taught i iactically. Tools gives. call at - onoe or wrtUi from country. Moler Barber College, lw . Hth 8t. WANTBD M young men or high school oadeta to work April lth.. Call ut Wltb- neii rung., omana. 1II for grading to fill old sewer tdry creek, bed) In Kllistoue Park place, east of Port Omaha. Pee ua at one. CHAM. K. WILLIAMSON CO.. 101 8. Itilli St., cor. Itodge: street Floor. Inaurance, Heatala. lans, Ab- stracta, Etc.-i SAI.L8 and exchange men. Plenty of leads" and customer fttrrrrahed. btat experience. Addreea A HO. care Bee. WANT sober young man with louoo to look after delivery and make eollee llsna on refrigerating muchlnery; good alary and commission. This ia perma nent and will malt you Independent. Co le you have the money. and can bexln at once, don't answer thla. Address D sA car tie. HELP WANTED SI ALB OH KstWAI.1 WAUONa sveryvbera. Carey Laundry. Web. Hot; A-lWa, UVE STOCK KOH SALK . Mar and Vai!i, ltflP?F4 to let by day or week, gher-IxdaVOJ-aJ maa oara. Mth and Clark. Horaea and mares bought and sold HORSEa) aad eowa Mil Cuming fit. FOR KALL Two Missouri mules; four years old; medium sise: for delivery work. Frits Mullet, nil 8. lath 81. Black mare. wt. i.ttu. Wagner, ail N. la IIOI.SFS Mares and work harness Harness of all kinds, tha largeat atook In the city at attractive arieea. Johnana. Danforth Co.. 8 W. Cor. loth and Jones. NEARLY new, alngl top buggy and single names. Ail la good condition. Web. BTi. FOR. SALE-Cow and calf. Harry J. Fenner, 8oulh Omaha; phone South IM TrlA.w horses, harness and sunn. Tet Doug. Wli. HKAVY draft hone for aale: aa oar seaaun la nearly over, will aell a few off our fino team. Bee them at Mth and Marcy, llavtua-Whlte i Coal Co. in Karnam. TUliKK year old Imported shire stal lion, with bad disposition: otherwise iruiuranteeel eouna A bargan ti taken soon. Imii M. uets. Atlantic. 1. PO.NT forget L C. OaUup'a regular horse auction sale at t'nton I-loch Yarda. Xouth Omaha, Thursday, April 1Mb. Will have for Hit sal over fos horse, eon Istlng -of- heavy draft, jnatch teams choice farm marea and atngle driver. Alas a few second hand or city horses a little pavement sore, which sell - eery cheap and make useful horse to take out on tk farm. Hemember tb date, next Thursaav. Apr1; 1Mb. FOR SALE Rucxv. first Has. mM. lion: only alichtlv used. Haraev atet Sod ml l- i . .. , . - draft Sad u agon, borars to let by to - - - - " - ..i.iii . sktasja s . atam. rti 'Sherman Are. THREE roar, and on gelding, weight from t Ms) to owe olty broke driving horse, coal office, nth and Lake. Web ster Id I OKT AVD mCYD Lool-Lmta bull terrtor, white with hrtreil sput .en shoulder ud Mrlnd!e tali, anewera to tne name of Don. las jo. . nnser Please telepreme Dr J. W. Hellwlg and .reee:e reward. IX)ST-lvg collar and tag. No. 2k Km. turn to va Park As. ' IXJST AXD KOC.VD PFRSO.NS aavtng laai some arttca would do well to call up tha office at tb Omaha A Council Blurts fc treat ruuiway eomoany to ascertain whether they left it I In tba ttreet cars. I Many artices each day are tamed ta and lb company is aaaioua to raatara them to La r.xctlul awaex. cu wu. OMAHA COVNCIL BLTJFF3 STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. irnl'VTiMen' Suit Steamed, Pressed, w----FlJJ,,eas i Cleaners, 111 8. lath. MKDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. K. R. Tarry cure Pile, Fistula, and other rectal disease, wit hout aurgloal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money ld until cured. V rue tor book on rectal disease with testimonial. DR. K R. TARRY, Bee Bidg., Omaha. Pain or distress In pit of stomach I hours after meals, in right aide, under ahouider blade or backache, ripen of indigestion, nick headache, bniiousneaa. colic, jaundice, ooaaOpatiun. blue, piles. soreness, ftulne or oppression over atomacb or liver, chronic atoroacfc or ap pendix troubles, excessive gaa, acidity. debility. These are unmistakable symp tom pt gall trouble. Mnd for copy righted medical book free. Save opera- liona. Address O. R. Co.. Dept. its, fa 8. oearborn t . cntcsgo, ill." DR. RACE peel allot, nervous and all chronic disease. 133X Harney. Doug. aa. Ladle guaranteed remeslic. 4ul Ware blk. Women allm'ta. Dr. Burke 42 Doug. Blk Dr. Babcock Co.. 303 Wttbnall Bidg. ao.NEV TO IAM3. ealary and Chattels. -MONEYTOLOAN To working people of Omaha ON Jt'ST A PERSONAL NOTE. LOWL3T KATKd. TSKMa TO SUIT. 1 , NATIONAL LOAN CO., CM Bee Buildingl phon Douglas MIL MONEY TO LOAN. PRIVATE. For U 1 will send addresses of SJO pri vate parties having funds t loaa avarag mg U'ju.uul each. , Will loan on any good securities. List guaranteed to gle re sult or mooey refunded. Reference furnished on request. ttend check at one. Addreea Fay D. Pickens, Paraoaal, Cloverdale, lnd. Money on turnltura, piaaoe and real estate at a very low rat of Interest. Nebraska Loan Company, Doug. ISa, 220 Bee Bidg. AIM keeping bouse aad atbaes. without aa- ttnty; easy payment, unices in at pnn eioal citlaa. Tolman. Ml Omaha Nat'l Hank Bug., formerly N. T. Ule Bidg. CHATTEL. IX) AN 8. fx to 111. MALAHY LOANtl. You can get It today of 8TAR LOAN CO., 44 fasten amen. DIAMOND LOAN si at SW and I per aeni. ri-TAU. UK Dodge r 'tel. Red. .. ATTENTION. . Loan on REAL ESTATE FUR NITURE, PIANO. WARK HOl'SB RECEIPTS BALA R1E8, ETC., at H usual rata. No red tape. No delay. B1QOKOT, BRHT AND CHEAPKHT. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Id Floor, 301-$ Pastoa Blk., tlT So. 16th St. Phones: Doug. 1411 aad A-Htl. OCEAN STEAMSHIP!. THE ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS MONTREAL LIVERPOOL. OLAKOOW. Montreal, Havre, Plymouth. London. Tha Picturesque 81 Lawn he Route. Four day on th ocean, three days In river and gulf, splendid new Turbine Steamers, saloon, saoond-oabia and third claaa. Superior ena-claa cahtn service. Cutsln unxcllnu Courteous attention. ewnd . for circular, rata, plana, ate. Allan Co., Ul N. Dearborn St.. Chicago Anchor Line Steamships New York. Londonderry and Glasgow . New York, rnlerm and Naplea. Attractive rata lor tick between Nw York, and. , acotch, , r.pgllah,, Disk. Contlnehtal and Mediterranean polnta. Uuparlor aorommodationa, xcllent cui sloe, efficient servlca. Apply promptly for reservation to local agent ox Anchor Una or Henderson Broth era, General A cants, Chicago. III. ' OKKKRKI) VOH RENT . . Board aad wi , O. M. E. hauls trunk. P. III. A-Wll. FVRN16HED' room, board. W 80, II THRER room aultabl tor four or six peopl. let . Nth Ht. BEST room nd board.. MM Howard Kt IADY wants board and room la privat family. N Wl, car Bee. Parwlssieel Ras. i ISJt Dodge Furn. rooms, private family, steam heat. elec. light; ref. Doug. H74. 170 FAKNAM Well furniabsd mod era room, aouth axpoanre. NEWLY papered, modern south room with board; privat family; walking dis tance. Tel. Harney FURNISHED room, 103 Far nam, third floor east flat. NICELY furnished room; modern; pri vat family; walking distance; excellent neighborhood; relereoeea. HI 8. Mth St. H. out. 701 a. Mth Rt. Nloly furnlhd front room, suitabla for on or two gentlemen. Tel. Red SS; A-W. JACKSON, ll Largs front room, strictly modem, in private family. Walk ing distance. Harney (let, SOUTH Tll AVENCS. Mi-Modern furnished room. LAN DON COCRT. S44-Elegantly fur nlhd aouth and east rooms ia strictly modem horn on car tin; tn minutes' walk to llth and Farnarn. London Court hi red brick building one block north ot Ht. Mary Av. on mn.- WELL fjrniahad front room: modern apartments: private family: suitable for on or two; easy walking alatano. t-hone Doug. TTX 1 ONE large front room, also southeast room. In modern detached bousa. Doug la 1121 FURNISHED room for rent, lilt Cass St NICELY furnished room; electric light; B per month. 2tH Douglas St. Phone Harney 1667. CHOICE of twa well furnished modern south front rooms, nlew surroundings; half block from Harney car; walking dis tance, phone Harney 1171. 667 N. .th. Nicely furnished south front room. In sU naodern private home, splendid loca tion; suitable for married couple or gen tleman; breakfast if desired. Call fore noons Harney 419. ELEOANT room, private family; gen tlemen preferred, liaaacom park. Har ney 43M. - KT. MARY'S AVENUE, 3Hn-Modern, clean: private -family 131 8, th ST. On furnished room, also on ucfumiahed, with alcova,'" Red 702 H. SO ST. Nice, southeast room. suitable for one or two gentleman, la new. modern flat, two blocks from t'reighton Virlverelty. Privat family. 'Phone Douglas 233. UA.NiAj.S-airictly modern, ill 8. Mth St. NEWLY furnished -room in apartment houses gentlemen pnly. Phon Harney 19M 3 S. ISth. Large pleasant front room for two or one, at nlc alngl room. Kerereoces. 4H3 FARNAM. welt furnished room. private family, ground floor. Harney 7L NICELY furnished toora flat. JUT Dewey ave. LARGE modem roam m Hanacoo.' Park dlatrtct. 1021 Marcy. H. IM. Paralssted Haaekeslsws siaam. THE " MANTTKL-T wo lueui apartment. SZt. The Howard, t tooen. privat bath. 19. Ht and Howard. NICE, larg 1 for light kousekas lag. with a, all eoderr asw m Dooglaa, . stnaA liifllm 1 t-caiurmxned OFFERED FOB REST Paralahed Ma ekeeadag Rsessa. PURNISHED room for light horn kaepuig: walking diatanc; price regsoa able. South Sin Ave. Hi VtH HH STStrictly modern furnished room, compiete for housekeep iif. Caa free for-cojokihg.'Vilolper week. HOCSEXEEPIXa Two nice rooms, furnished, .-onvenit-rit and reasonable. 149 So. id street. . 1 PARTLY furnished half baennt roams, cheap to party who will look after bouse. Refcrenca. requited. D. 12-Red S23S. FOUR light airy rooms, leaving city.. rent citcwp. aits t aioweil. Matela aad Apartsaeait. Derwey Enropean hotel, ltth and Farrrarn. Orrrlpn Hntl CouncB tSluffs. Rooms OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate. Dodge, running hot and cold water; tele pbonea In every room: price the asm. SMALL HOTEL. Large office, dining room and kitchen and two sleeping rooms on first floor, twelve light and comtartabl room on th arcond floor, steam heat, electric light and gas throughout; location, 413 N. Nth St.; key at drug store. , . PAYNE A SLATER CO.. Sole Agents, Sixth Floor Omaha Nafl Bank Bidg . Aaartsneata nasi Plata. 11 " . . - 4-ROOM apartment new, modem brick: steam heat: short walking distance; gaa tove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe, blind: laundry; fin Janitor - aervlc. Douglas Sans. - . PLATS 14104 N. 17th. S-R. partly mod.. t& 187 N. Mth. t-R, all mod. except beat, til Z1U Miami. t-R. all mod. except heat A bargain at 117. JC4 a. mth, a -R. strictly mod. flat. In a very deairabl location. A bargain at ... Ni Howard, a 4-R. ndctly mod. "St. Louis" flat, within vary easy walking dis tance, tn.M. - 17 a ftth. a a-R. strictly mod. "Kt. Louis'' flat, within walking distance, 130, II N. sth, a l-R. strictly mod. "Bt. Loots" flat, within walking distance, $35. 1007 & Mth, a strictly mod. t-R. "SL Louis" apartment, in Hanacom Park dis trict. $37.50. 1121 Pacific a t-R. strictly mod. "St Louis" apartment. Field Club district, lei f& Chicago, a 7-R. trlctly mod. heated apartment, finest In the city. W have the longest list of houses for rent In Omaha It none of these suit you, call and get our complat printed list. " TAYNE & SLATER CO., Sol Agt th PI. Omaha Nat. Bk. Bidg. 3127 PACIFIC STREET: ; A strictly modern "St. Louis" apart ment. In th Field club district, beautifully finished In quarter-sawed oak; living room twenty feet long with larg fir place. Price. 142.10. PAYNE SLATER CO, Sola Aaent. ' th Floor Omaha Natl. Bank Bidg BEAUTIFUL -room flat; easy walking distance: half block to car; 128 to adult ;'41l Poppleton Ave. THE STANDARD To those who would reduce th high coat of living three handsome flata ot alx large, cool room, with all oonvenlencoa, will appeal; price. tt, - - PAYNE SLATER CO., Sole Agent. Sixth Floor Omaha Nafl Bank Bidg I-ROOM modern flat, Bcargo Bidg., Ma N. Mth St, 8. Omaha. Hall, 4 Kamge Rldg. D. 7M. A-440. I-DOOM apartment new brick, fa. 17M 8,17th Bt. Harney StM. VERY fine duplex apartment. large room, first floor; large front porch, fire place; nlc yard and corner lot li Geor- gla Are. U PARNAM ST. A l-room atrlolly modern and up-to-date ai-artment. PAYNE ac SLATER CO., Sol Agenta. Sixth Floor Omaha Nafl Bank Bidg. -ROOM mod. flat. 1111 tl. llth St. MODERN t-roora apartment on Weat Parnam St, steam heat, ahedee, kas stov anil janitor ervice; Tery t-noice. JOHN W. ROBUINit. M0! FAHNAM ST. DESIRABLE I-ROOM APARTMENT IN THE CALIFORNIA, REIUHEM BE RO BROS. SEE JANITOR D. B2.T7. ' BEAUTIFUL LORRAINE. . Three and l-room apartments, alt mod ern. MKN0KDO11T. Douglas MOf, Web ster -1711. CIAISB IN HEATED APARTMENT. One 4-room apartment now vacant. In THE gTERLLNU, corner JHh, and St. Mary's Ave.: this apartment is strictly modern and up-to-date in every respect' open for Inspection at all time. PAYNE A- SLATER CO., Sol Agent. Sixth' Floor Omaha Nafl Bank Bidg. FOR RENT I-room apartment, floored attic laundry, f root-back porch,' shade tree. LW Bo. 10th, I Mocks south Union depot. 4-ROOMS, CLOSE IN Look at 1013 Howard St. a l-room strictly modern "Mt Loula" flat within Tory easy, walking distance. - Price, IX). PAYNE A BLATER CO.,, , Sol Agents, ' th Floor Omaha Nafl. Sank Bidg. ID FLOOR for rent, I larg rooms. ZsU Caea St. H. 4e. Three-room apartment ,.JS 04 On alngia room ls.W Janitor Service, steam heat and mod ern. Cornlh apartment, southwest cor-. ner loth and William at. - Vary, abls location.' ' W. PARNAM SMITH ft CO, 1 Farnam St MODERN APARTMENTS MHO Five-room apartment In tha Hsrav com park district; practically new. Every thing modern and In good condition. f&s, for th summer, five-room apart ment in the Aiaatlaa on J&th street, be tween Faroam and Dodge. . ARMSTRONO-WALSM COM PANT ' Tyler Wat, fip 8. 17th St. HEATED APARTMENTS. Three, four and five-room strictly mod ern, heated apartmenta In THE LEONE and THE FLORENTINE. Sl 8. 34th St Rent t to I. Don't fail to see these,. PAYNE at 8 LATER CO. Sols Agents, th Floor. Omaha Nat I Bank Bidg THREE and 4-room apartments. (14 8 Sd. 2V7 8. JuTH ST. A l-room itrietly modern flat. In a very desirable location; a bargain at t?7 .58. PAYNE A SLATER CO.. Sol Agents, 3lith Floor Omaha Nafl Bank Bidg WEST FARNAM ad n ft C .... ETAOINNN la S. Mth St., t rooms, strictly modern. brick dwelling. In th most deairabl residence district in th city. 141. . PAYNE I SLATER CO.. Sole Agenta Sixth Floor Omaha Nafl Bank Bidg. l aralataed Heeeea. NEW e-room strictly modern ho la Kountte Place. Lease May 1st to Oct 1st. lilt. liAut per month. 'Phone D-751 or A-Ktl Ml-U City Nafl Bank ruug heel Reeaiai THREE unfurnished rooms, privat bathroom, small bt ore room, outside porch, garden and fruit: modern except heat; no children: references. 3117 N. Isth. FIVE room, modern except heat; near Uinta flata: near car. Aduite only. Only two In owner family. Apply 704 S. suth street ' a9 NORTH ITtk 8t., three larg rooms, separate bath and entrance: in private residence; large yard; adult only; Ilj. Webster n. home in Hanscom Park diet; aouth room, unfurnished, modern, with gaa. electric itgnt ana oetn; win jive ewm, - it..k. 1 1 .-i.lna Irur nt K r bmSI' very reasonable; no other roomers. Phon Harney .- He ana CeMtagea. FOR RENT Cheap, two vroom col taxes, modern except ftimaoe. In good condition, good location. Kext quired. 'Phone 8. K. F. Met MOVING, paekinar and storing of sold goods and piaaoe la our business. Omaha Van Storage Co- fireproof e'oraxe, Kt 8. Mth. br to Ttaawr. ftrancb ornce, a a. uta at. imu aa IlKi. A-laW. OFFERKD FOR REXT , lieaaca aauk Cettaae. . MODERN 4-ROOM BCNSALOW.' This attracUve-littie l-room bungalow ta practically the mm pout as th ene adversiee and oltl last week,, but with a genuine bungalow effect, witn hanging cornice ska exposed rafters, large east front porch, neat front-door, wiut bevel plate glass, opening to cosy south side using room; mlsatoa opening to bright And cheery dining room, with I high eah dining' room windows; convenient kitchen and pantry, wits Inside entrance to large basement under entire house; large well ventilated bed room, with big closet ; neat batn room, with high-grade water closet; low-down siphon Jet, tank finished la golden oak, heavy porcelain tub. with 4 inch rolled rim, not and cold water con nections, 3-inch porcelain aiuk. with back ad tn one piece; finished with selected lumber of maple and pine; floors machine scraped smooth and polished to a dull gloas; electric light all through, with 4-tlght eiectrio shower for living room ana pretty, beaded amber dome lor uiu tajroom. If a a nifty little home all th way throng b-rbutU right double floors, with red rosin between tar fell between the walls. All lumber very best grade and constructed by higb-olass Workmen. Planned In such a manner that anotner room can be added at any time needed. It la a bungalow in every respect and presents a coey, homelike ontside appear ance. Pull lot and east front, only one halt block from the car line and located in good neighborhood. A home yoa would be proud to own. Let your rant pay tor this attractive and well built tittle bun galow Home. Prtoe, U.Tke; 111 cash and UK so ni mnvrth Mnnthiv navmenta In clude Interest. You will get a deed and complete abstract ot title aa soon as aeai Is dosed. The same fair and courteous buaineaa dealing aa- the man who pay cash. See me today, early as possible. Cottage advertised last week ware aoid same day. This will go Juat as quick. Coma to III South Halcyon avenue. Tak Benson car, get off at Halcyon avenue, crime aiith ta luv Phone Benaoa 123. Com today or any evening regardless of weather condition. P. 8. TRULL1NOER, B KM POM. v. 20th. l-R- nartlr rood.. HO. 1037 8. loth, S-R. partly moo.. Hi. la 8. 17th, 7-R. all mod., cnotce loca A bargain at Ha. AM Erklne a brand . new . t-R. cot tage, mod. except bast. A bargain at tli JO. 2111 Miami. s-R.-all mod. " except heat, very nlc condition. A bargain at 117. tail N. Sth. a t-R. cottage, all mod. ex cept heat. A bargain at 111. VxA s. 17th., l-R. all mod., chokw loca. IdM Madison Ave, aa t-R., all rood, house, price tM. ' " lill N. 10th, t-R, all mod., t. ml Yates. 7-R. strictly mod., choto location, DO. ill 8. tvth, a 7-R-, all mod, house. In a very deairabl location, reduced to only IM. 111 8. tvth, a lo-R. strictly mod. houae, Hanscom Park district tat. Ul Park Ave., a l-R. strictly mod. house, deairabl location. I. LVl s. nth. an s-R. strictly mod. brick dwelling In the West Farnam district. Hi. vt nave tn longest 111 01 nousee mr rent In Omaha, v if none of theae suit you. call and ft our complet printed dt call PAYNE & SLATER CO., Sole Aft, th PI. Dm. Nat'l Bank Bidg ' WEST PARNAM. 4X Farnam. t Mock from Dundee ear; strictly modern, gaa stov and window shades free; I. rooms and bath; full i-etory; stairway to floored attic; letrlc and gas combination, laundry In base ment; rent, !&,). . Open Sunday from It 10 " ' THO8. J. WILLOWS, M4 Brsndeis. DOWNTOWN DISTRICT. t3t-W7 Marcy, -r., all modern. S-R. APARTMENT VACANT MAT -ST. tteOeorgia A(tt Janitor aervloe. Ml Near Hanscom park, 7-r., new brick. I kI March t-r., all modern. I-1 11 N. 13d, s-r., mod., vacant May 1. Uo I3u-M n. 4Ut St t noma, modern, fin shape; barn for gauge. IS-:i4 tharlc Bt. 7-r., mod. barn. 14-1617 8. Xld St, 7r ooms, all modern. ' Ha 1110 N. Mth. t-r., modern except heat lit 1114 N. Mth, 4-room cottage. .. . STREET CAR MEN. tat-XM Vinton St., l-r.. mod. (ex. heat) IIS 1114 8. Mil Si. Vroom cottage. . i -WALaUXQ . DISTANCE. '. ' 1 JII I Shelby Court, t-r.. mod. (ex. heat.) Ilto-llal Nf Mth St.; 4-r.. mod. I. beat !1M N. 17th St., md. eg. best, tis-iooi N. d St., 4-room nottagc 110 31 Itard St.. I room. ROOMINO HOUSH OR PRIVATB ROME Ht nil N. llth St., t-r entirely mod., 1 block to-tMh St. car. . OARDKN TUyT8-JlLL OVER CITY. . Ralss your vegetables. - Serve them fresh out of your own garden. PETERrt TRUST-COM PANT "1 ' , 1621 Farnam St- ' I room. Id floor, RIO Cuming St. . room flat, td floor, 7 No. Mth St. l-room houae t 1SSS N. 17th St. -O. C. Redlck, Attorney, 1517 Farnam St 10- r, ml .California, mod. ex. heat. rao. lo-r, lo-r. 10-r, nt V hMh St., mod. ex. heat. .. , 3611 Mason Bt., modern, I35.0K. . m Plnkney St.. modern, HS.04, l-r., 121 10. -r., t0l. l-r., tXM. . J-r J-r., r-r 1-r.. -r t-r., t-r, t-r, t-r.. P. - XX Seward St, mod. fx. . heat, S2J Harney' 8t mod. ex. heat tM 8." tbrt.,' rnod.; vacant' May SU N. eth. . brick flat W14 Charles, modern. , sir. N. Ifith. modern. I30.UI. 4011 Nlchola. mod. x. heat, tJO.Ot: 8SS0 Parker, newly decorated. Ills. 3KS Franklin, new bungalow, 122.90. Hut Maple, St.. city water, IS.iO. 821 N. Sid., city water, t7.00. 2C1 Cuming, city water. 110.50. P. WEAD, iM FAKNAat ST. 3M 80. 8th Ave, t-r, ail modern.. '..ITO.OJ V N.'TSth. 14-r, ail modern.. ...v.. . 57 So. 26th Ave, 7-r., mod; ex. heat M.0 1X3 Capitol Jive, t-r, mod", ex. heat 22.60 111 So. Mth Ave., -r, part modern,. 1S.00 tm N. Mth, -r., pert modern 12 5 1M6 SO. Mth. t-r., modern ex. -heat.. 14a 1123 Davenport, t-r.. cloa In.. ll.fl JT.2S Spruce, l-r.. mod. ex. heal...... 1100 1X14 So, I7thi sht.. all modern........ &.o) THE BYRON REED CO., Phon Doug. 297-A-fflM. IU 8 ,17th SIX-ROOM houae. modern. 4Ut N llth St ' Phone IV. 1173. LOW RENT for 7 -room all modern houae, 01t Jackson Bt; t bedroom, "i stove; complete repair. Tel. Red. till FOR RENT Large hrlck house and about f acres improved grounds at Sher man Ave. and Spruce St.; very suitable for club, hospital or Institutional home, a well as private residence. THE CHEAPEST RENT IN OMAHA IU.M t-room apartment en main floor, nicely flnUhed. till N. 11 t St KLtt-4-rooai apartment en second floor with nice oatn room, bii mooem, except heat; large porch, Sll N. Sat St 1501 N. Mtk St IU.OO-4-room brick cottage, part modern, II Hickory Bt t IM.I0--room St. Loula flat, brand new, all modern: nlc location, walking distance. 117 R rh Rt 177.1 U-room brick koass. Ideal place for rooming house: all modern. ITui Dodge St. HARRY WOLP, I , IU Brand! Bidg. Doug. tm-. A -3371. 2fr-l r.. all mod, 1H4 Spring. ta-l-r, mod. ex. heat IM No. Kth. Iio-e-r, water and gas, 1920 No- 3-ith. 122 t-r, mod. ex. heat 214 So, Kth. tit Third floor IM Farnam St ' IJX -r, all mod. flat. 2115 Leavenworth. tittftO-t-r.. all mod.. 1324 So. th. - will paper for tenant 126 T-r.. mod. ex. beat, kas bam and fruit, 221$ No. lath. v BIRKETT TEBBENS. 423 Bee Bidg. Doug. 4714. A-I7M. Good mea are hard te get They don't wander around th streets looking for signs In windows. When you need good help advertise la The Bee. Bee Want ada are read by keen, energetic men who wish to better their condition. Rates lc per " word if run two or mare time oonxecu lively. Tele phone Tyler !. -ROOM bo, 134, t-raent. MO. Modern. Hanscom Park. Tel. Harney tee. FOR RENT rooms and bath: oornar let. KOI N.- Hth St Phon B. 1244. t-ROOM house, modern, MS. Tin lawn. nt S. Hth St - Phone Web, SM - t-ROOM cottage, all modern. Ga N. 35th Are. Phone Webster 4W4. . TlnnaAQ ' all parts of the oHy. tlOUBea cetgh Son A Co, Bee Bidg. OFFERED FOB REXT Heesrs aad -ttaee- HOCSES FOR PENT 111.SB-g.1t SIT Dousiaa St. Partly era flat ja? 00-J it. Jill Burt SU" ouern apa. 1 . meat steam heat . C5 I0-S-R.. ism Maduyoa Ave, modern ex cept beat, nr.SO-l-R- flat, wis Howard St, moder except beat. p m-t-k.. ni Burt St, modern, new. ) -R.. SBt Burt St, modern, new. tUB-7-R, 74 N. aMi St, Dundee; mod ern. Se.t0-.-t modern flat tM 8. ltth St.; stesm heat. GEORCE ft COMPANY, Phone D. 755 or a-17l Ml-12 city Nat l Bank Bidg l-R. ALL modern. th and Howa.c vacant April la: u. t-r, city water, near taxt, ia l-r, 17th and Davenport, tit. Also 2 J-r, In South Omaha, tt and I7J0. CHARLES E. WILTJAMSON CO, lot S. !tn St, Cor. rodgae PLATri. Ul S. Sth, 4-r. mod. ex. fur. 115. VX B. 4-r. mod. ex. fur. Hi ml & 17th r. city water. lU.a, Sa 8. lth. t-r., city water, HI. L'14 S. 17th. t-r. city water. Ill DETACHED HOUSES. 11 Howard St, H-r. modern, tST.&o, lis S. isth. t-r. mod. fSUa. S'M Blondo. l-r, mod. ex. fur. 124. 24 Blondo. t-r. mod. ax. fur. tZL Mh and Douglas, l-r, city water, fla. m & Kth, 7-r., city water. 111. 218 N. Kth. T-r. mod. ex. rur, 111 ins 8. !4th. t-r, city water toilet. tlT. 433S Franklin. 7-r. city water, toilet, x.' 1. i SAT Chart, t-r. city water, til . 3X2 Dewey Ave., t-r, city water. 111. 1701 Caldwell, l-r, city water, gas, toilet 6M & Mth. t-r. city water, toilet, S17. 2517 ChlcaRo. t-r, city water, toilet til 111 N. 23d, t-r, city water. 1L K N. 23d. 4-r, city water, IU. 1714 Yatea, 4-c, city water, toilet, HI 2314 Hickory, 4-r, wen. Vt. 1703 8. 28th. 7-r, modern. tS. U4 Park Ave, t-r. city water, 3. ACRES. M acre, SSttt and Pacific Eta, foO per. annum. OAKVIN BROS, K4 Omaha -Nafl Bank Bidg 714 N. 23d St. t-r, modern, 130 m 2'J9 Charles St, t-r, modern 31 09 , ls:H No. 17th St, l-r, pert modern.. 11 00 l&tt No. llth St. 4-r, part modern... U90 Arthur J. McShan 5 tit First Nat'l Bank Bidg. Phone D. 1676. -ROOM modern cottage, an eood ' street; walking dinanc; lit; no children.. ppiy. ie d. ntn r-l." 1 FOR RENT 7-room house, ana block , west of Deaf Inatltut ear line; C lots, I new hous. Interior to be palmed to suit tenant, lit. Will give leas and contract I for taking to tooa party. Phon Harney 1 u. FOR RENT A beautiful new b-roora brick raaMane. hardwood tlnlab, pollahed floora, sun room, hot water heat and every oonver l- nce. located in tha West Farnam diif- trirt- titt per month: will lease for 1 or 1 1 years; owner going abroad. 1. H. 1)1 MONT A SON, Phone Douglas gm la Farnam 2014 Bancroft t-r.. city water. 114.00. " itauKiiiM, Mm. A Hal, SKM Capitol Ave., t-r. modern, 127.10. U44 S. 17th St., t-r. part mod., tu oo. HH California, t-r. part mod, t!7 . Ml N. 17th Bt, t-r, city water, 112.10. 4S28 Cuming, t-r, clfy water, 111.00. 121 Blondo, t-r city water. tS.00. till Pine. t-r. and one acr for garden- lng, 114.00. t'KEIU. SONS ft COMPANY. Douglas Ml I08 Bee Bide HOUSES. 00 1 rrna, new brick, 1411 N. 33d 1 I14.VO-4 rma, new brick. 1411 N. lid' 126.09-t rma, modern flat .'! 8. tvth t26.0-t rm mc yard, 1119 8. 33d St, 1 AKMSTltONU WALcH COMPANY. ' Tyler im. 110 8. 17th Street 2231 Charles St, I room, tlS. .H Charles St, I rooms, barn, tit. 2411 Park r St., t rooma. III 1611 N. tatb St, bath, t rooms. XA. 3301 Leavenworth, l-room flat . 1127 8. Hut St, 10 rot ma, Dundee. TM N. fOth St.: t rooms, tie. Ml rmatvl-- O . ,1 mam. I ..... JOHN N. FRENZER. BOTH 'PHONES., IH.OO-JSflO No. Hth St S mi -t, tie.OO-asu No. Kth St 7 rms., ib iw-juja i. zstn ntei-m, neat Charles t..,...f rms; all mod. Ifi.uo-aur no. inth st....i rma; sll mod. rAins jMviuriMibr,! cu. Douglas 17el. A Ilea. 1401 N. 10th, t rma., all mod, 127.10. . IS 8. Mth Are., t rms.. all mod.' XTM ' 1MH N. Ld. t rm all mod, IK. Vf 21M Decatur, I rma., mod. ex. heat tit. ' , SKIS Emmet, 7 rms, mod. as. heat 117. KV' 1 3023 Charles, t rms, city water, gas. Ul I uuu 1 11 1. a -w.- 1 . . a ,1 McCAOUB INVESTMENT COM PAN w Dodge St. Phon Doug. 411 IDS South C'd afreet larsa model 1 1 dwelling, with stable. 161 ii 1SU South th atreet elx-room dweL, tna. mnl.,, vn. Sii-n-A- B't . ,. am Pacific atreet, aevea-rooffl .ii 11., eic isra north 27 th street, six room. Ill JV 2701 Seward street ali-room cottage, jiiv cewara street, six-room cottage. 821 Howard atreet ata-mAn AntiaA. m tukae AL.FKED C. KENNEDY. - IN First National Bank Bidg. teiepnon uougia 723.' NEARLY NEW. MODERN FLAT. I rooms and bath. 1 block tn ear. nviuaina water. w. v. Stltcnell. nee Bigg, t ail web. 4871 Sunday Burt,, near 40th. t-r, hot water heat I fere Ave., near jscKeon .r Tts . . - 4220 Farnam, T-r., garage, ' I 8. W. Mth and California, t-r. tin' partment, xa. aouj N. mat. l-r. mod. cottage, fx. sse run n r. m ifs i.e.. xu. intm 1 . . . r ' 7! Burt. t-r. and bath, fo O'KEEPE REAL ESTATB CO.. 4. rvm viinena cailvaai. Aluugia OT A- 7-1 tOO M house. 1323 Charles St; era except iunaa in 1 11 St -c las cheap to right party.. Inquire. v nane Bt.- COTTAGE. 7 roema; modern; 142 1 wen St.; K3.W. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Decked and t warded; cheap freight rates; moving- storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co oougiaa ax. city office. Hi a tsee viag. t-ROOM houae partly modern. t:aidwell. l-room modern house wtlh gainJZ . 1 rlrabiy located; beat part Dundee, near car, ISO. BENSON ft CARMICHAEL 13W PARK Ave, t rooms, modern. ALL MODERN 7 room house, no Nu' 17th Ave., (Central boulevard.) Very rea sonable to right party. Boyle college. Both phone. . '-ROOM bouse. Mil Casa. 111. : LAKE Modem M-roem house- hot water heat; range: cistern: shade, water rent paid. t32.50. MrEachrun Realty Co 1824 Lake St Tel. Web. Mil. t-ROOM modern brick rial rnM u.n' corner Eighth aad William. uiv , 1 --iT- ....i 7Z 1 1 ' ... beautiful home at llth and Wirt Sta w)i in rein wh w wture stay i; op .n ' date In every way; beamed oak cettlnrs a nH naiulad Si-in wu,n.- i . . a.- - iwuanni oak floors, upstairs and down: paved streets; - "."."s riant; ran many houses like this for rent See It O. A. ISUUTT, web. an. - MODERN seven-room cottage, screens, storm sash, paved street near en- large attic east front, newly decorated; Phone Harney lam wiu. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT 70S 8. Wh Bt- rooms, modern brick residence, large ground ana nam tor smraee si Webster 1724. J W. PARNAM. new brick t bath. Ill N. h Ave, IS. 1 ' MAUOARD VAN AND 8T0X pack, move, store and ship rl t . " and pianos; no charg for refV - to oft Ice. Doug, lee or B-MS. V . . ri. Jrw" MlW " i.i. i- rooms, stnctle raoaem. nam e a- 1101 & kith Ave. -I room, . r A KM AM SMITH ft CO, la Farnam St ' OOCiTi -ra.m reni-trer ) 31 A,