- i 1 , : : . t he Omaha Sunday : Bee Magazine Page; T7T7 YT VI H T7 W TT , I ii ii i i i - The Adventurer ofa Frivolour Girf in m larhiona, Whirf. Written byCawlynSfkllp L Drawin&p bv rQnrhynytahlawp. M :;:;W;::X; : f "I d want a veil." No. 2. 5 Goes Sliojyfing. V7HY" Mr w"lh f001 t'temoon! How s!co to VI meet you oa the s venue like this. But what " " r doing la the (bopping district? Hunting bar gain neckties? There, there, don't look to utterly galvanised I didnt meta It Besides know perfectly well why you're here; m "me on the mere chance of meeting met Ah. ha. you aejdnt took eo embarrassed about It. I doo't mind being trea with you; I'm not bit exeloatve. . Well, tnii thane to tnm h!m-ao It was. Now. a very apodal lam. how would you like to go Into Price's with me, while 1 chop a littler "ITm, you don't teem awfully eager. Whit? Walh'up the avenue instead? Well, wt will, afterward. But let' run la here Just a minute while I buy a veil. It won't take any time at til And tkea we can go for a walk, "Oh, what a crowd! I do think the people get thicket ttery year. WeH. did you get through? I thought I'd lost you. Whea I taw you. wedged at that revolving door with that fat lady you looked o funny. 6be waa a, real cross, wasn't But yea were ao eve, I M to laugh. You looked like a feeble-minded Jelly Mi. "Now, now. wuiy willing, don't peer. Smile a 'title blrsy; J- Jou do teem to be the only man hero But I'm glad to have yea. It ia to nice to have a maa to pilot one through a (hopping crowd. Oh. of course, too boor-walkert are Just for that purpose, tut they cant go outside their diocese, or whatever you call H Now. you go oa ahead and Mate a trail. The veil couuter la over that way. I think, anyway, n euite near the ribbons ad eatty cornered scrota from the art) Octal towers. "Yes. here we are at last. Now. m sit oa this atoul and you stand rlght.by me. Don't let women piwb lu between as. for I Wsnt your advice. , "Oh. look who'a here! Why, Totte Hay! I bares t seen yi since we were lu Venice, fie you remember Venice? And time two lung tines of Hoffman honest each side of the Omad - dual! Wasn't it stunning? You. darling, bow lovely to aee you sin. Yes, yes, I so. 1 do wsst to be waited ea, but to wait a mtoate. can't yon? Yea. I want veiling, by the yard thert that's the kind 1 want Ob! please doot let that woman carry ' it off! "Good-fey. darling, must you go? Yea. the large meshed kia Oh, ou. not tint ne covered with little slue beads. 1 should feel .i If 1 had lurnnolse mea-eta. I want a aurt nf gmy-the shsde they call frightened Mouse' though why a mouse i"iid ever fee frightened wlieu we are all irarnl lo destb of t!s Tlirre Mr. Wit trig, do y.-u tlitak till .oe It becoming? Wh-n I buld It op agnliwt my face. en. Where's baby? fern-bo. ' Ct. gracious, tbit gjurwalker tlioagh I peep-baed tt blm. Hrrf me. I have rubbed sll the power f my- ae Ok, .LillLiu -11--1 . XS:' 4 9 r:;ct -stew ? )MySM f ixil'Wi4ir'V' f ' ' ' ' .115 ' -: ' mM: I s (Tj : , I Klf ' MSjJT JZ-M rzsj M . I all Nik' If'1' - -! ' Iff' L? If "Why, Mr. Willing, ff0( gftemooo." no. It wont hart ths rttt I bag you pardon, madama, did I push you with my tlhowt Indeed, I'm not taking up all the room. I'm fearfully crowded. And X rather fancy I eta try, ths eSect of a veil If I want to. "Now, WlUy Willing, how do you like thla one, with the big polka dots? Yea, I know, only out dot shows, they're ao big and so far apart. But -Polka dots art to fashionable. "Do you know the polka la coming In again the dance X mean? They call It the panther polka. It'a awful sinuous tort of atealthy glide makes you thing of fiarah Bernhardt, tr Elinor Week, but the beat people have taken tt up. , "What? you're afraid they'll get taken up? Oh, Willie Willing, how witty you art. There, do you like thlt veil f Doot you think it aults my hair? Mr. Dow taya my hahr la. a yellow parti, I don't know what he meane. "You like my fact bettor without my vttIT Why, how pretty of you. Now, Just tor that m let you select one. You'd aolect a bridal veil? Oh. Be. flt. Mr. tWllllng. You doat really Yet, I do want a aIL Please ahow mo tome of your other atylea. And Mr. Willing, what do you think? At Oladya't wedd ng next week, aha la going to have Cer tainly, my dear girl, I'm ready to look at your goods, but these ' ar not the veils I want 8how ma something newer, these are Why. Gladys said that Polly Peterr aaid do you re member Polly Patera? Well, You'd never know bar bow. Bllml fiho't nothing but a tplne Yet. my girl, I'm looking at your telle, but I want the piece that lady haa Jnst picked up. Let's wait till aba layt It dowa, Now Mr. Willing, you masn't get Impatient Tea met doat reallte what hard work ahopplng la. until now Oh. my gracious! I have to bo at our culture class by i o'clock. There's a lecture on 'Art tplltt la the Kitchen,' and I know it wUt be one. "No, I doot cook, but It'a each a satisfaction to know that one's soup Is made In a Greeh-thaped Jug, Instead of a erode iron kettle Oil. mercy, no! I wouldn't wear a veil like that! Why. Mrs. Bslley bed cue like that once, and the eery day I saw her wearing it I lost my amethyst hatpin. I've always con sidered a ve I like that unlucky over tine. . "Wen. I don't seem to care for any of these vells.they're lot a bit distinctive. And a veil la such aa important part of a costume It dresses up the face to. These patterns art moat Mfaferretiaf. "Com on. Willing Willy, let's go dowa to Storer's and look at veils there shall ns "Why, you dont teem to want to go a bit Now, doot go Just to please me. I thought perhaps you were interested ia "Ob, do yoa want to go? Do you know I believe yon mea Just love to go shopping, and yoa oaly pretend you doat . "I tat sorry, dear, that your veils dont ault me, but of course I cant buy what I doat want Jutt to kelp the store aloof; yew couMat expect that, could yoa? "And anyway I waaat exactly buying a veil I waa Juet -shopping for one." CAROLYN WELLS. Next Week A Quiet Afternoon Af