Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1912, MAGAZINE, Image 29

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TAe Curious iYeu "W!scoaf,, Suifs Tftaf
Give a Girl a Vest Like Her Brothers; the
Odd New "Pannier" Gowns That Look
Like Hip Bags; the Four Ring
Dress; the Highwayman Veils.
W. "A
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8 I "n clearly showa In tB detailed
, description of my newest models, the
pannier It making a narked Impree-
loo In the Spring fashion. Not all women,
however, can or ahould adopt thia bo all ant
To my readen, ai to Br client, t would
, aay "know thyself before deciding to follow ,
the dainty examples of the Dresden china
ahepherdessea I have always preached indi
vidualism In dress. It Is painful to me to see
. whole flocks of women following a fad un
reaaoningly. Know your face, your figure,
' your coloring, even your very manners, be
fore adopting any fashion la bata, gowns or
Tbe French are great believers In the Indi
vidual fashion. It Is In America and England
tbe great ready-to-wear shops thrive Not In
Thla Spring tbere are no many Individual
, fads that may be adopted by the clever tu
. dent of fashion. The new veils, for Instance,
art well worth studying. The one shown In
tbe picture I call tbe highwayman' vtlL The
upper part Is very much ilk the brigand
' mask, and there Is no doubt that the veil la
Its entirety forms a complete disguise.
Only the woman with pronounced coloring
and large eyea ahould adopt this veil. , The
woman of Indefinite - coloring and vague
features must content herself with the new
fine mesh veils having larg flat spots
worked In tbe mesh.
And then the neck! French women of the .
(mart world devote much thought to their
necks. They never have worn the linen collar
or the stiff, ugly stock, formerly the sign
manual of the American woman. The after
, aoon frock of this Spring ar made collar
leas; frequently the narrow yoke la also
omitted. Generally a high-necked gulmpe or
tucker of fine aet la also made to wear with
theee eo liar less frocks, a milady chooses.
The collar are supported with the most deli
cate of silk-covered wire, that I frequently
unnoticed by the casual observer.
On the other hand, with the morning frock
or tailored costume the neck should be elab
orately dressed this 8prlng. Tbere are charm
ing effects for tbe woman with tbe thin neck
and rest raining effect for the woman with
tbe fat neck and plump cbln. Notice the
tbree-tlered collar shown with tbe smart
trotteor costume. This can be developed In
fin lac or net and la an admirable letting
for the thla face and neck. i
Another very new idea for ahe .of the le
FIO. &. A Charming New Creation In Brick-Red Ratine,
with Lower Skirt of White and Blue Striped Material;
White Straw Hat with Rouge and Blue Ornaments.
"Utile" Models.
der neck Is tbe crushed stock of aet or mull
with tbe cbln bow. This bow mnst be built of
soft material, yet there must be body
enough to make it stand out definantly.
Net or malinea are perhape the meet
satisfactory fabric. The bow must be
fastened at the top of tbe stock, with the Jabot
fastened at the lower end. Tbe Jabot must be
much shorter than those popular during
tbe Winter.
The woman with the fat neck and face
mnst wear a high stock of Irish or point
Venlse; her Jabot must be long and narrow
and fastened at the baa of the stock, with
no semblanc of a bow. Heavy, restraining
laces are appropriate for the plump neck; the
fine, soft lace for the thin.
Will all women adopt the waistcoat? No
The pannier and the ehlnts waistcoat ere
fashions that should be adopted by tbe
woman who thoroughly knowa herself. They
are for the tall, slender woman who carries
herself with the grace of the long-stemmed
Illy. The waistcoat I so very smart that
other women will seriously attempt to make
ft their own. But the woman with Individ
uality will see her limitations and If at all
Inclined to embonpont will eschew' waistcoat
and pannier and cling to her modification of
the narrow, clinging fashion. Also, the
woman who cannot afford a master modiste .
should avoid the draped skirt. v '
FIG. 4. A Lueil "Waistcoat" Suit, Shewing ths Whit and
Purple Vest and tht Man's Full-Dress Effect of the Cent
' Thla Photograph Also Shews the "Highwayman" Vast and th
New Collar.
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Declaration; of independence
THE Decuratlon of Inaspa'nd
nice by the natiea la net
of much Importance, nnlees
each citlien of the nation lai
sues anA abides by his own
pernonat declaration of Inde
pendence. . . . . . .
Join mo.- therefore. In this
my declaration: r - -
I deny that there Is any such
thing aa chance or' luck. I af
firm that the universe la man
aged by an Intelligent person.
I can see only a little way. but
1 eefiyt that any habit. In
stinct or taate Is stronger than
I affirm that I can change
these, and that the changing of
them Is all ther la te culture
e4 Brogreaa
I oer.y that money has ever
either aide or Impede, the
power of truth and of good tq
the Wffrld. I affirm that the
only spiritual dynamlo Is per
sonality. I affirm that religion Is
nothing except the personal In
fluence of Cod. and that prog
ress Is nothing except the per
sonal InHuenee of goo people.
I deny that 1 am "a worm of
ine oust." t arrirm that I am
as far as I do see all Is la'
that Is Juet ground for.bellev- u Important aa tbe rest t tbe
Ing that all is law everywhere, universe.
1 say a Person managea the 1 deny that Seatk ends alt I
universe, because my , expert- j",, " y personality
ence Mrnl.he. me no grounds " v "Mu,Ili;i"f'u !
for conceiving of an IntelH- ioul
gence apart from personality. . ceases to exist at death le the
j 1 deny -that Ood Is ever under mo wttMMj Immoral of all
any circumstances .my enemy, beliefs.
I srrirm He Is always my I affirm' that this world was
friend j, made for levers: that hou
I denv that there la any ca- miuea lire; that
price In the moral or spiritual
irorld I affirm the eoeralo ac-
' enrscy of th lsws that govern
I deny that there Is so much
as one grain of truth la preae
I deny that fear ever does
any good. I affirm that the
sensation of fear Is always
poison, to be resisted with all
my might. Whsteve- eciea. I
shall meet It better Boat raid. .
I deny that herdlty has done
snythtng to me or to any per
aon which we rnnot turn te
our good, f affirm that the
original heredity Is thai f am
a son of God. and thnt this In
herited gond eolrlt. If we can
reallie it. Is stronger tban any
bad blood.
1 deny that environment le
stronger than L I atTinn that
I can make any poeslhle envi
ronment serve my success.
I deny that hanplneas te a
worthy aim of life. 1 affirm
that I am put here to became
great not to be happv.
1 deny that anv soul that la
heroic l ever In Its depthe un
happy. I affirm that Joy la the
Invariable arfmpanimnt of
fearlessness, truth and loyalty.
loyal love la. tougher thaa all
hates, envies and malice, and
will eventually overcome thveo.
I deny that ea 1 have made
my bed I must lie In It." 1 af
r.rm that "If I have made ray
bed wrong, please Ood t will
make It again.'
1 deny that opportunity
knocks at every man s deer but
once. 1 affirm that every day
Is aa opportunity.
I deny that it le worth wblU
to seek to be rich, to be fa
mous, or u uocupy great place.
These tilings are gambUac
chance .
I affirm that the" one th!n
worth seeking la that work
wbleb seems play. Only la co
in that work is, a human be
ing sound, nana and content.
I deny any authority wont
ever over my rolnd.
1 affirm that 1 am' absolutely
bound to do wnat sec ma rlcht
to ine. ,
a , 'hat my personal
wen being is heat promt-d ir
striving for th well being of
' can prove none of these
hinge They are axiomatic to
"T; T?!.re. i nothing more
eelf-evldent by which te prove
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j t rVV 'U;V i fV-vV f hi -f T.W Cdgwlth PlnkS.U.w yA j
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