Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1912, MAGAZINE, Image 28

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    Bee. ft
mS. ! -(:.!. ' .1 A . , -X
"Lk 8at upon Um Ud and looMn th grip on your muicl."
M ME. UNA CAVAUEK! tayi th p wt wob Iter to .
wW (ht Km not had tnough Jttp. $h recitei tht
V phyc uM of feck of Wp nd ulU her mien wKt '.
tit- l RfukiM from Uck of ieto. r rt fleeted b the ttc. '
Sbt mow utd deeribw rft f f
i kcr nuiliU DMctiuI nd helpful
NO ob lock! kr bwt boa
hM not hl oiMuih iloto.
UtUo UiH eot about th
to, dy rMM fora In li lia
bout Um month, tb ri lot thotr
lltbt. tt teW BitiKleo tholr dna
,. lb eompluloo IU (rothDM.
b4. bM U isott Importaat. U
iqtal Jam lu atortnaaa, ba.v
ha not lpt will. Irrlublllty and
aaptnenalttvaneM aUow i fac aai
Bjinner. '.. ,- , . - . , ,
Uck of ioual li 4u to to ;
(iumi, a kralo annoarlahotf of :
OTfgrttrmitat4. . ',''
SleaplMweas. or fitful, rattlna
aterp, (al'o narrou drntemeiiu
Tbcra nay ba ladlgeatlon. caaa or
taault of .narrouanaaa.' Tbara niar ,
tw moTTj. ,Tnra may ba mental taa,
or aarvoua oihauatloD.. But what
er (onn It Mltaa tha root of tba
aattM- nearly alaya 1 'tba
narvaa.- Tata arant4. art wuat-loolt
,ta rallavlnc tha -braia. th mam
atatlon alons tba Una, or wo muat
upply It what It naada.
Very Good Tip,
Mr,TEitrTHiNO ail rnnu ,rr
EL, ,ukrf t aralttr.. . "
Th ain.r noadtd. ut tun tha waltar
torer ar. '. ' ','';' "
' Steak cooked to iull ya. airr h
ak4 tt,i,'pTiitt. " "
Aaia th iar madad.! - -
"Potato- tk wvr yaa lka aa.
. all'
; r
' Anath.r ari( af altttic.
"I aapa tOa ala ta aatla(aery,
-At ymi aaktag tw a ttpl" draand-
a ti atsw.. - "- . ' '
-V.ll, ,ir. ( (MHt w 4 , up
Mtliak and Ta got t. o ta th.
fclrt f anvtkar aarty. a" , . ,
(Mid lik a U ow to h aata
at tt? WrtlTU t. y ..
" (.r . ; i rn Si...
, "Ha 1a t !. I hva a PTful
'' that t am tapabl. ( If
artTtir M vrflrif i n it .t a nar
ya Iwae la Um kltehmt.. ! jrs
t hr tt T can know that I am
tiatC ra and comfart aad nt
ta . 4aK racrattlaf yaur aoarara,
for tt'a M taa I kat I. aaaa wttl
urmnt a try aaathfat I aat."
-But tha '
"Ihat'a tha tip, d a alchty (wd
aa it ia. io."
ABadBxampla,- "
Kr e taianaa aw.1 aata Sir Jtu
tmtu Lackeaak ta tk knalii taltot,
"ikat rria ha, aliowta htm ta raa a
pilt far thr vara. Th.rrrr
" ia. vr Btr Aaetaa, kawrraataa
rht tatlr. "thtr I a tha allthtm.
ham. I yoa."
-t k w that." rxaraad tha kafahtt
"ia lrtrv I ha euaw la Ult roa
ta fur t itt ta st y ctethaa
(tola raa. teav" - ' '
' Kaclt Too Saiidtiu ". '
Tar yvttss ladle baa aaaa ta the
are. and haaaa aaa ( thaaa
tuiw o e-aatiasly:-
ran kaaar. 1 yoat lore TarmaaT
Hnti. ajtaar" aatd tha mectw,
hvtna 1 aapvM4: aatsht try
t amer. thaashw-aa a (Iscl ckr
of tjwi Uck, nd. lwiria -
mm, iugJti t rtseay.
anlah worry. Tako ilarty
aaaralao. raatbo moeb fraah air.
Thaaa ara thraa axcallont raaipaa far
alaaa. .. ' -
If you Una that you hava baan
avar-warklna, Hhtan yaur war a
llttla. Try to aaana a aay ar twa In
Shook Him
AiOVTH. wh .tbevf lit that h had
baeama pretty trtendly nv a cer
Ula aia'.d. prrau-taatty her ta ao
cat M kaat la anu :
- 1 ewure r. ha eoamracad. "Ual
I ni aac ae -fnf for an iwr.", ,
:"Ta trad aet tka -a for aa aa-
ar,- vaa kr raaly. . n anu
X. . A if 1,1 ' 'J " 'b
M ' ' 1 "til,'
Aft!' tr- ;.:--,, v
XVi ' '. ' '
''. ' ), ..... fc, I A ... .. I
I V 1- . , t
V'r - i ' . y
yr aa aaa atrndiuaa only.- " ' tur. If K Is toe hot tor tha elbow
Ha vaa an laaatiraca ta hear trttai H will certainly ba too hot for the
tha aattos waa ah wanted blot ta atk.
aad this aaa her castle reply! -'' pou-ars annsyas,. while lying
-Moat aak e K I am arsay. deter, awaka, by a gnawing af the atomach,
aalaad aat ta harry rwhwr dreaa. proving that tt la quits ar nearly
Copyright. IMS. by
. . $.
tha aauntry, If peaaibla. But this, to
a buay parasn, la aomatlmaa out of
tho quaatlon. If that la tha caaa
with you try to ratlra an hour
aarllar, 8oma tfraaa ratlrlng aarllar
baaauaa thay aay thay know thty
will not alaap. Try It at any rata.
Lying In a dark room will bring a
.aanaa of raat that ahauld aootha t;t
narvaa and tand toward alaaa.
Mako aura that tha ream la at tho
right tamparatura for yaur eamfort.
If It la too warm you will auraly not
alaap. If It la cold to tha paint of
of dlacomfort, yau will II awaka.
Ixty dgra Fahr., or laaa, la a
good ' tamparatura for a alaaplnej
room, Ba aura that tha air of yaur
badream la train. If It aaama Mala
ar atuffy aaan tha,wladow wida and
Una .'
: either move actively about the room
or ao Into any other one while this
fraanontng Is taking place. It watiW
be much bettor If the airing had aev
' Mmied all day and tha air were aa
near the freehnoee of tha out of
doaro as o aould make It
tf yaur head aehee front the atrsln
. of the day. s bandog of cracked lea
ahauld drive tha exceaa af blood
from the head and permit alaap. -If.
aa the other hand, you are
- senemle, and your feet are cold at
. night thrust then Into a tub af hot
muetard water. Place the e'bow I
. the water tint to teat its tempers-
empty, forestall thla by sipping a
Americsn-Examiner. Great Br ta n
Sleep, a
First Aid to
eup af grual bafora going to had.
Thla will warm tha atomach and
qulat tha narva dlaturbanca, aooth.
Ing tha bady far Ita raat.
A -oaao af pretraetad Inaomnla I
knaw to ba eurad In thla almpla and,
it would aaam, did I not knaw tha
raault, trivial manner. Lla flat upon
tha bad witn lew pillow or, hatter,
pniow at an ana looaan yaur.
l"P upon your mueoiea, uncurl
tham, ao ta apeak, . Relax aa oonv
plataly at doaa your houao dog whan
bo eleepa with hia bed atretehad
out, naaa upon hia pawa, before tha
Mrs. Than, breathe vary deeply but
gently, counting tlx at each reapira
lon. . To aid in thla deep breathing,
preee one noetrtl ahut by laying the
forefinger firmly agalnat It and draw
ing tha air through tha other neatril.
Repeat thla a half doxen tlmee. eeunt
Ing al at each drawing In and let
ting aut of tha air. '
Call Into uaa tha hot-water bottle
or tha warming pan. Put on yaur
bedroom alippara if yau awaka with
aold feat1
, Pretend that yau are sleepy, even
though you are net, and let the eye
lid alowly doaa aa though drooping
from their awn weight or fretn weerl
naaa, aver yaur ayea. Thla little de
vice alene haa been; helpful In caea
of Inaomnla. '. .
Tba OrlantaU give ua good advice
concerning elp: "Coal pot yoiir
aelf. Be calls. Think oa pleaaant
eveata before falling ailerp." tar
tby, "tor upon arhatorer plana of
thought you enter Bleep yon will re
main durica your alumber. And
tbote tbourht will atamp them-
aelvaa upon the face."
Beauty Questions '
R. N. tells ma: "I am quite young
aad aot very thin, but have a ary
thin neck. Will yon be ao kind a
to aupgrtt eomethlng?" ' 1
Uaa oils and cole) cream plenti
fully or pat lanellna freely Into It.
every night.
"Will you kindly adrlae mo o-hat
' to do for plmplear atk Aniloua.
nine aaa n w--...a r--,
plea from without, although placing
moietencd bicarbonate of soda an'
tham eorretimet reduces their slza
and fiery appearance In an emar-t
gency. Treat pimples by sating
lighter and plainer food and drink-'
Ing mere water, Tha white of an
egg with the juke of lemon taken
Internally every morning before
breakfatt, penltted In for eeveral.
vwmwnm, n.i cieareO W "
C n. . -what sort of aiaa-
aura will fin out boDov cbaeka?"
Patting cstd cream into them with!
s alappirj irotlen atrong enough to'
bring a flush ta tha cheeks should
help to round out theeo hollo we.
But a diet cf the fat-maklng foeda,1
as fat me-ta. much milk-drinking;
with mta ceruuj and aweeta will.
, bo ef St. I p,crt sid. . . j
A. L. A. sni; -The corda la ny
. aeck bc j ood deal. Wbeo I;
uka a drrc a:?tl there la a hollow,
Is the freni ni wiy Beck, Caa 1 not"
boi'd it ou! i;, euu.-e way T" j
Yea. by feeling tho tlaoues well
with call e'en ar with lanolin.!
Pat ene c these plentifully In j
every sight before retiring. The:
came trea.,tnt Hghtly applied;
a---.., anjargo yeair boat,-.
, though dee breathing will bo atUll
Rights Reserved.
How They
Kicked Me
Australia to
Berlin, Won
for Me Royal
Favor and
a Fortune.
WHILE nimble-toed ladies from
different corner of Europe
bare been vUltlng thla
country with new ernsatlona In tba '
gnlae f dancing Salome" dancra,
Oreek' dance. "Hindu," ,Prn,
"Tnrklab." even ancient Eitypthin
dancea n Amrrtrau girl, by adop-,
tlon. who began uer dancing career
In San FraDciaoo tome tar I re years
ago, haa proved bererlf ao eurwrlor to '
them all that aha but hardly bees
permitted to leave the big European -centres
where the art of dancing Is
beat understood and appreciated.
Here aba telle how the gained
her tamo anj fortune by meana of
i her beat friends, her legs. '
CTANDINO lightly on tny right
foot and smiling pleasantly at
tho audience, with a graceful gesture
of aay left foot I brush an Imaginary
fly from my right car. While I'm
about It, with tbat eame left toe, I
arrange the little curlt at the back
of my neck.
Ae my leg are my best friends. I
am careful not to excite lu them
J lout or envious feeling toward
earn other. Thereforewhile atlll
entiling brightly at the audience I
rest my right foot lightly oa my left
shoulder for a moment, or enable It
tu view tie aorroundlnga from a
point of vautag torn ten or twelve
Inches above my bead.
There waa time when I wa a
mere girl of eighteen when I wa
determined to become a great actrran.
t had vlslona of vast audiences
bathed In tears over the woea of my
Juliet and my Camilla,
Fortunately.: before It was too
lata. I dlacovered my lege. Ah, my
inenaiy. isitnruk triumphant legal
Thay are Just, aa wall aa triumph
ant and respectable. They never
deny m my full ahare in tho plan
dlta thay receive. In Berlin where
1 bad a week' engagement, and re
mained for tea yean they opened
to m the door of tho great Les
bch, court painter and friend of
tho Kaieer. But tba portraits and
the twenty aketrhes Lenbach made
were of ME. My frlenda my legs
were there, naturally; bnt any one
eaa are that 1 am not overshadowed
by them.
It waa tha same when tho Kaiser
called at Lenbach' atudlo to meet
them 1 mean to meet me that la. as
Though soms erlMcs have writ tea
that I havs "apeaklng lags. yet It
wa of me, myself, that the Kaiser
"Von think a great deal of yonr
art sf dancing, do yon not What
la your greatest merit in It?" .
"Your Majeety." i kild. "Is not
aware that I can kick higher than
I waa born with the art of dancing
In my being. As a llttla girl out ta
Australia I waa alwaja dancing.
But It waa not until I reached San
Francisco with my soother who
waa a circus rider tbat something
happened to convince mo that
dancing, not acting, was tba art of
ail art tor aa
One night, a hen I waa nineteen
years old. I asw Lottie Colltoa In
her tempestuous dancing act and
right there I realised that my legs
wars to bo my beat frlenda. I went
straight boms, locked my door, sad
I measured my height oa the door
sad aimed for the mark with en
too, and then with the other toe. I
reached the height of my shoulder,
and that waa all t was aot limber
enough all at ones to kick blither
So I began right tkero to Umber up
by practising the 'split." I waa
recVlea In B' enthasUam. Then I
went back at fbe dmr.
Because I could sot kick aa high
aa my bead I wept but I kept at It
until I heard my mother's voice
"My dear, what on earth are yon
trying to do, tear the hoses dowar
She made mo go to bod. Ob, the
agony of that next morning! My
back felt as tf it bad been brakes
.aad my Meads my leas! It waa s
- esse of the doctor. Whett ba had
ears' the story he said:
"Never bo so foolish again an-
I z su.tV '
l Asci 'Tkuv--"' ;
1 &--;,iC'ws'--'
L'H.'ralwn K & ,
f I . 'oil 1 ' . " i . iL
J - "
I I e 1
i . v C,wXi -fr-fi
L -'. 'r5&&"'3rt
' "' t Jt,,?Ur:.i
L. . m&M$&4t$
Sabare Pvattiaet, Meat Agwa aad
Her al Her Pailaaopky el taa "High
leas yon mesa to keep It up."
"That' just what I mesa to do,"
I said. And that is Just what I did..
It waast long beor all my
Joints were ball-bearings, sad my
mnacles could do anything with
muscies corns ao snyiaiug wua
them without getting sore. Not
nstll 1 could kick with either leg
high above my head, and could
pirouette on either toe with the
other leg beid our St s right sag.,
did I go to s teacher, and then
only for a finishing course- Ton tee,
I bad made frlenda of my legs, sad
tbev never failed mo.
Aad Uia teaches yon that If yon
want to succeed la a thing, keep si-
waya at It.
I am going to tell yon how I
trsfned my legs It to one of tboss
Craaafal Uviag Daacara, WWs Tall
Bjak" Shews ka Twa Uta Pantograph.
.t- trnn-u . . .w
"ft"-.- aatd tea maaacr et a
. . bank, -tharea a vaeaaay
n ' n vainer tnoacht at
gtt th staaat year twin b rather. -
Twin heather, irr eeaeed strew,,
"Tea: h aaa I aaw aUrinc (aataaji
hes you ware attending your graaa-
mother' lasers ut Saturday aal
the chief, aniline rrlmlr
iLL ' " - ..
mm ,r- ",a Browa-
Tll-r-ga aaa er taten star
.J1-" tk. mana-rr-
f7B d lii "" "' r