V:.. ..-.;. Bee Th e Om PAST THREE MAGAZINE PAGES 05E TO IOCS FAST TESEE . MAGAZINE PAGES ONE TO FOTJS Sunday AHA VOL. XLI-XO. 43. Bald-Heads kHOULD a man go out and trankly and openly buy hair when he has need at ' it, and as much as he needs? Should he try a famous and unfailing hair restorer, that will "positively produce luxurious growth of hsir on bald heads?" Or should he suffer the worry he has rather than fly to others he knows not of? y These questions and others deeply engage the attention of- many men In Omaha, as well as else where. Very likely most any woman would say, ".Go and buy hair, and see to it that what you buy matches your eyes and complexion." It Is told of a noted aufragette, arguing with a perverse man, that she clinched her final argument with the assertion: "Women are more practical than men in many respects. While much fun is made of their powder rags, millinery and hobble skirts and their false hair, In reality they 'give great attention to these things for the benefit of man. Take the matter of bair. The people who make hair restorer admit that men are their best customers, and that they try every kind the market affords, spending a great deal of money without - any result that can be noticed. Now, If a woman's ,.balr Is getting thin, or she loses it from any cause, she goes to a hair store and buys what she wants and wears it without apologies to anybody." . In some cities "hatless" clubs have been organ- ized among men of original turn of mind on the theory that the wearing 01 bats Is responsible for the prevalence of baldness among men. In St. Paul, Minn., last summer a prominent county offi cial, who la also the head of a merchant tailoring ""firm, went hatless through sun and rain, and even refused to wear a hat when the cold winds of au- 'tumn began to blow, but his example did not find "many imitators. On this one fact all are agreed, however, that the growing of new hair from the atrophied papillae is a very slow process. Of the best means of gardening for a lawn on the bead experts differ radically. Some Insist that he who "is bald and desires bair must quit wearing a hat; or, tochange the thought,' that It Is the wearing of hats which is the first and main cause of baldness. Others assert that women get better results from hair restorers and such things than men do simply because they persist more faithfully and have more - faith. Still another group of hair doctors lean to the view that the tight hatbands which fashion decrees for men, ntterly excluding the air, make It impossible for one who hss lost his bair to re gain it. The aaurs and peircra'it;" O-'ala v" whi have no hair to v.car ciu ir;'-- :...! h. :.-:Uc will at once occur to any reader of Tuc Bee. there are, however, whose scantiness of hair, is a matter of public notoriety, as well as of personal ' pride. A few are pictured on this page. Judge Ben 8. Baker, candidate lor caa&j&i O I openly buy hair when he has ned ot . AX A-:S Nfc I J J -7 : K I I V Generally m , r r and chairman of the republican county committee, insists he hss the most beaming countenance of any man who ever aspired to public office in this state. Judge Baker's campaign picture shows an expanse of smooth, shining and seraphic face and forehead that extends clesn around to the neck band. "I'm too busy a man to waste time fussing with a lot of useless hair," says Judge Baker. "The voters can see at once I have nothing to conceal. Being open-faced, with an unadorned front, of course they can Judge quickly that mentality Is my long suit. Barbers and beauty shops would have an easy time with me. If I csred to experiment; but my particular style of beauty can be quite ac ceptably groomed with a towel, which is some ad vantage. Thus, I can leave comb and brush out of my campaign grip and fill their place with good literature, which I propose to distribute plenti fully." Howard Baldrige and Thomas W. Blackburn, also In the congressional race, are Just "verging on" when it comes to discussing shortness of hirsute adornment on the dome of thought. Judge Baker was a red-headed boy and both of his oppo nents lean to the Caesarean cast of thatch, which coincidence may bo taken to indicate the trio will put np a real fight when they fottow their bonnets Into the ring. Robert Smith, clerk of the district court, pre sents aa almost faultless front In the human looking-glass division. Ha has quite a handful of auburn locks still fringing the rear elevation qf hia head, to remind him of bis boyhood beauty, but extracts a Good deal of electric satisfaction from the frequent passing of his hand over his caput Mr. Smith, or an investigating turn of mind naturally, has. fallen into the philosophical : 0'iT In discussing the phenomena of baldness. II is a condition practically unknown among primitive races." he said, "and that lead me to the conclusion that historians are right when tbey acred It the Celtic race with being of very ancient lineage among civilised peoples. The ancient de XBliaa 9i Celtic scholars to study and deep Intro- "MAHA, SUNDAY MOKXIXG. APRIL 14, Philosophical and GooiNatured spectlon has very likely had its effect on the mod ern children of Scotland and Ireland, for a great' many of them are guiltless of carrying any very heavy locks. It Is perhaps true, too, that homely people very seldom become really bald. I do not care to make that allusion personal, naturally, but the conclusions to be drawn are quite obvious." "That's one place where 'Bob' Smith and myself can agree without an argument," said Assistsnt Gas Commissioner Joseph Butler. "The earls of Or mond, ancient heads of the Butler clan, long ago showed Indications of becoming bald early in life, and the fact that no Indian could get a marketable srslp from me bss not affected my health In the least. My stock of hairdressing has never cost me anything to speak of sinre I was a boy on an Iowa farm." City Clerk Dan Butler hasn't near the trouble he used to have with bis hair. If he has any cow licks left they are mighty bard to find. George Clark, the base ball umpire, who works In Butler's office when the snow In on the ground, it also fast getting Into the class of slim thatch, but he lays It to the hard and quirk thinking he la compelled to do all summer long. V District Judge Howard Kennedy and his brother. Alfred C. have not had to delay the bar ber very greatly for many years. They could very readily work their way into the bald-headed row if they cared to, but neither one is much givea to such frivolity. 'The epithelial structure Is pecu liar." said Jndge Kennedy, and many reasons have been advanced for a bald condition of the scalp. It may be that the actinic rays of the sua have a greater Influence on the scalp 'than we wot of. Judges are compelled to alt a great .part of their waking time with head uncovered, so when a man on the bench Is bald the condition cannot very well be laid to lack of air. There Is this advantage In baldness, that one Is never troubled to rememr where the part should be." It Is quite noticeable that, with rare exceptions, be-ld-headed men are good-natured and have quite as much fun in the pursuit of the pestiferous fly 1912. as these with a fussy thatch. Some of them, who are bald on top, but still own. a few long strands of hsir. Isy them out across the expanse of the cranium with an apparent design to trip up the flies snd to make the barber earn his ' money. Those who will discuss their cases frankly claim that bald-headed men are the most civilised, most pesceful snd mske the best husbands and fathers. W. G. I re, who has charge of the county, city and school funds, was seriously discussing recently the advisability of buying a bunch of .bair. "I do not hesitate because I think there - Is ' anything wrong in buying hair," said Mr. Ure. ' "With me it Is simply a question of being regular and seeking no disguise. The bald man, as bss been well said, typifies. In a ay, the very acme of modern civiliza tion, and It may be that his deeper concern with the affairs of bis fellows results la ra Inward agitation of the brain-pan that causes the hair to fall out. On that point there may be room for argument, but there is none, I Insist, when It comes to demon strating the usefulness and efficiency of the men who can comb their hair with a towel." Mayor Uablman gets In the front row without argument as an exemplar and philosopher of the state of being bald. "I have heard aritumeiit pro and eon," ssys the mayor, "aa to the desirability of going bare-headed, and have listened to state ments that the large and often heavy hta wore by the range riders to protect then troi.' the ti n - cause them to become prematurely bald. Ia the old dsys I gave little attention to such things, but It bss often struck me as quite sljjUlcant that rarely or never does a person see a bald-headed Indian. Of course. It wss fabionilo for Indians to wear long Iislr, as a sort ot challenge to treir enemies to come and try for their scalps. A g?od head of hair on an Indian was, in old tlm?, the equivalent of the chip on the shoulder of the white man. Yet. In contrast to this tnrtlau characteristic, roost of the scouts who gained fr?4 on the plains used to wear big bats, or fur caps, and still tbey all were proud of their long hair. It may be that men like Lysle Abbott, who comb their hair SINGLE ''COPY- FIVE CENTS. straight, bsck from tae forehead, have caught tha secret of the scouts, for the plainsmen followed' thst custom aim out universally. They could comb)' it with their fingers when a' comb wasn't bandy,! and thus they naturally tell Into the habit of pay1 Ing no. attention to psrtlng the hsir. Women fol low that plsn largely, or used to when I was a boy, and young girls do It yet. But here I am getting Into a discussion on hair when I ought to get shaved. Excuse me while I get my whiskers cut," Governor : Aldrlch has been too busy during most of his Itfe with matters that were of more Interest, it not of more importance, than his hair, and the result Is thst his dome ot thought stands "open to all the world, the flies Included. A. U, Mohler of the Union Psctflc Is surely getting into the class, but it doesn't worry him a. bit Many; others of prominence can qualify for the front row at any time, and that 'brings up the question: , ( Of what service is hair? . Men who hsve Samsonian adornment find It & lot of trouble to take care of, while those who have not seem to get 'along Just ss well, and so why should anyone struggle to preserve' his bair? Van. ity, my boy. It is merely a survival of an ancient feeling thst parasites from the time when maa was covered by bis own hsir, before he had begun, to substitute the skins of other beasts for hit own And to prove thst It Is vanity alone Instances might be cited of local citizens who hide their bald spots; by wigs, toupees snd other devices. Only to men (ton names might be to Invite homicide, for these men are exquisitely touchy on the topic, and! even) ihelr dearest friends do not mention It. -, Over against this hypersenslliveness may be ae the case of a druggist who lives in the north end of town. Not a bottle in his store but boasts of a much bair aa be has on his head, that is. hair that, really and. truly grows there. . His shiny dome waa at once the pride and perplexity of the neighbor hood, and finally, for comfort's sake, he determined to get a wig. The' matter became the topie for general discussion among his friends and etieto- Mers. and finally-the public was notified by placard in the window. ' The wig haa been or dered."' Later another placard appeared to the effect. The wig will be here tomorrow."" This vas replaced the next day by a Ihlrd sign, which reaj, "Tha wig is here." And te coming of that wir was made the occasion of a neighborhood Jclllflcatlon. , Then, one might animadvert as to the sagacity; of the fly. His pestlferousness Is admitted, but hy should he persist la digging around os bald heads, trying to sink his beak Into bare spots, whes btir that Is normal contains so mark more of po tential fly food than can possibly be found oa aj well regulated and properly polished bald head t Here is a virgin field for research; why la a fly bat long been debated, so bow we may as well add te, the topics for discussion, why does a fly ? In any event, many men seem bora to baldness even-aa sparks fly upward, so why worry over 1:1