. , .... r 8 TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE; APRIL 14, 1912. . B Satisfying Quality, Superior Assortment, Saving Prices are Secrets of Our Business Success Lace Sale HaU-Borchert Dress Forms A new shipment just re ceived of these famous Dress Forms. See them Monday. 35c Embroideries 15c Yard Monday we place on Bale an Immense purchaae of ls-in. Skirt Flouncing Corset Coven, etc.. reg ular 35c quality, which will be put out in one big- lot at the special price of, per yard . . . .15 This is an exceptional lot and a big bargain. $1.50 Embroideries 79c Monday we win place on aale n new lot of full 4S-' in. SklrT" Flouncing, regular price 1.50, aale price, Monday '. 79 A big line of matched lota on aale Monday at half price. Cotton Cluny Lacea at 5 up Vale and Zldn City Lacea. at up from 2H Line Cluny Lacea, at, yard, up from 10 Shadow Lacea, cp from . -25 A Hover Lacea, up from . .29 Fancy Net, up from . . . -19 Novelty Banda, up from 19 ill Fruit ef the Loom Mtulia that well known ad popalar brand, yd., 74,4 Dotneetlc ICoow 10-4 bleached Lorkwood alteet lng. the best nwriiam weiuht made, SOc value, t 23H Domestic Itoon.- New Spring White Goods in Unea Bepartment Moiday Sheer French and Persian Lawns for gradua tiondresses, woth 75c a yard, at 39c Chamois finished Lingerie Cloth and Nain sooks, worth C5c a yard 18c Assorted lot White Goods, in Swisses, stripes check and plains, worth 2oc a yard, . . .10c Pure linen colored Ramie Cloth, including white, worth $1.00 a yard 50c Aurora 0.4 . aa bJeeebed sheet inn. (rood heavy weight, 23c val- 20 lOlucsti lloon V 80-tn. Maall Wind heavy weight, it c value 5g Domestic Roan.- bleached a, Wot Ko4 fl Picture Sale Ihat Should Interest All Ws bars ths asest eoaplets aa attractive lias ef picturss la Omaha aa the prices are tks cheapest, To prove this ws will pat a sals Moasay AD COLOBXO rxorvmsa 1 oak raAausi pictures for '..'.10 '1 aorlment of high grade 8MnV Mill Cords anbleached mus II a, very heavy, Me value. .6 Domestic Itoon. Sue pictures for ...35 70c, II pictures for 50 AH' these, pictures are new 1913' products, and come In oak, gilt and ma hogany veneered frame. Subject of all descrip tion Scenery, Heads, Fruit and Marina Bcenes. We also have a large aa- picturea that we have special aale on. Her Gift, framed a $4 picture, special 82.75 Their New Love Sold everywhere for $4.00, our. price 82.75 Religious picture sold all over for $3.00 and 3.60, our price 81.98 A Immense Silk Purchase Silks from red In 40 In. Li 1 11.60 rv 10,000 lards of High Clas New Sam Eiaemaa at Co. 1 .50 and 92.00 SILKS 48 68 98 Br far the greateat valuea offered In Omaha for years on sale Monday. These beautiful ailka are mostly 36 and wide; 46-in. bordered mesaaline, worth yard: 44-ln. iacquard foulards, $1.98 bordure foulards, $1.26; 36-ln. all ailk dress measaline, $1.26: 26-ln. imported glace chif fon taffetas, $1.50: 36-inch novelty stripe taf feta. $1.25; 36-lnch fine dress taffetas, worth $1.26; 27-tn. fancy ailk suitings, worth $1.00; 24-in. waterproof foulards, 85c; 44-60-In. silk and wool poplins,. worth $1.25; 24-44-in. fancy ailk voilea, 36-ln. changeable taf fetas, worth $1.00; 3-in. heavy pongee, worth $1.25. Thia la one of the best bargain oppor tunities ever offered Omaha ladlea who like fine silks; a great number of them are only excluaive alngle patterns: none in the lot worth lea than Soc and mostly $1.60 and $2 -qualities, in three big lots. Monday ' t -. 48 68 ! 98 Some Verf Fine Black Silks in This Purchase C F J II II I Two pieces of 14-inch black wool-back Satin, regular $4.00 value .$1.98 Three pieces of 42-inch black Charmeuse, regular $3.50 values $2.25 Ten pieces of 06-inch black Messaline $1.25 value 95c Twenty pieces of 36-inch black Messaline, $1.00 value, at . 75c Two pieces of 40-inch black Peau de Soie, regular $2.50 value , . .$1.75 Extra Specials for Monday la Oar linen Department Pure linen German .silver bleached Table Da mask, Worth $1.00 a yard, at . ......... 59c Pure linen Belfast grass bleached Table Da mask, worth $1-75 a yard, at $1.00 Pure linen bleached and half bleached Xa, kins, worth $3.50 n dozen; sis for. . .$1.00 Assorted lot hemstitched Huck Towels, col ored borders, worth 20c each, at 10c Fringed Turkish Washrages, for 5 Domestic Roon.- - Extra Specials for Monday la Ow Waah Boots Swpartmsat, 40-inch Egyptian Voiles, all the newest and up-to-date colors, regular 50c grade. . . .25c All our 50c silk mixed goods in light and dark colors also plain; on sale Monday at, yard .....39c Egyptian Tissues, Stripes, I A full and complete line cheekiand plaid, also plain colors to trim, 25c quality, at 18 Flowered Organdie, dainty and fine, large and small patterns, 25c quality T. 18 25c Dress Ginghams, 32 in. wid 15 of Dimities and Batistes in light and dark colore, very neat patterns, 15e qualify .... ..,.12 15c Dress Ginghams, 27 In. wide 12 Shirting Madras and French Percale. 15 19 25 "d 35 Oaaine Antoe keag ginghams la blues, browns, greens, etc 5H Domestic KoonJ 30-ia. ssbleach ed outing flan nels, very good quality, UHc value ....9H Domestic Roonv Serpentine Crepe la remuaate, good color aad patterns, 18c value .... 10c? Domestic It 001 u1 73xHO Ameagau aei sea at I ess aheeta, made of best grade -l sheeting, c value .... 54 Itomeatta jioon.. 91x90 Arnoslde beets, good heavy weight, 00c value.. 574 Domestic Roon.' SS piees ef spring wekrht wool sreee goods, s s f f s , ashmen, feaey Baitta, eheeka 4 popular itrt. so aevsHles, vat. asa ap te TSe, at ass Domestic Roonv The success of the "Queen Quality" shoe is unparal leled. It is tremendous! It is now World Famous. It is the world's standard of "a perfect shoe for women at moderate cost.' You can absolutely, depend upon it; it is as reliable as sterling on silver or twenty-two karat on gold. See Our Spring Line. Wow's the Time to ReplaceThose Old Rugs ( Assortment! for selection were never more complete and we're positive you cannot dupli cate these Monday values In any other store 1 1 .1 uompansoni are welcomed. 15 1-IllO-f 1x12 extra heavy seamless Velvet rugs, $30 valus, ale price ...814.88 SSI ' 1-3x10-1 seamless Wilton rugs, sale P"" M9.08 11-3x13 extra heavy Ax minster ruga, $33.60 val ue, aale price S25.00 $35 9x11 Blglow'l Kleetra ruga, sale pries $25.00 130 8-3xl0-( Blglows rugs, Ml price .....$22.50 111 txlS heavy A 1 minster rugs, sal price f 18.88 30 1x13 extra Axmlnster rug, sals price f 19.00 $4S Blglows Bagdad Wil ton rugs, sale Price S39.00 5 1x13 French Wilton ruga, sale price 852.50 1.6 1x12 seamless Tap estry Brussels rngs, sal Price ...S11.08 1S fx seamless Wilton rngs. Ml pries (10.00 earn lea Tapestry Brussel rugs, I prt 89.08 10 III seamless Tapestry Brussels rugs, Ml Pric 86.08 1.12.60 xt! best I frame Body Brussels rugs, sal price ........825.00 30 1-3x10-1 beat I frame Body Brussel rugs, sal Prc 822.50 Beat Bsaswood .' curtain stretcher, . noa-rustabla pins, Monday 80 Extra heavy sufscs Lino leum. 4 yards wide, blf line of patterns, yd. 69 Big line of stslr carpet, at, yd. 40c, 75c, BOc, 98 Kxtra Hpeclal N 1x12 Kashmir rugs, guar anteed fast s colore, no wrong side te a Kashmir, only 1 6 rug In this line, 111.60 value, Monday, 88.88 I I -v '''' I J ; t;T"'J I . 4i!te. 1 ' ' A'. C(tsV4i r Greatest Sale of Dresses Ever Known in Omaha Continues Monday On account of Flood damages eastern manufacturers were unable to make delivery of great quantities of women's and misses' dresses, made up for job bers in the south Onr New York buyer secured vast quantities of these stocks at prices which enable us to effer the greatest bargains in Women's Dresses ever known in Omaha. Silk Dresses, Wool Dresses !3. $1.95-$6.95 Beautiful New Dresses in foulards, mepsnlines and serges, made to sell to $25.00; all colors, 25 different styles $6.95 Beautiful New Dresses, made to sell to $15.00, in wanted weaves of silk and wool fabrics, big assort ment of clever styles Sale Begins Promptly at 8 A. M. No Limit to the Number You Can Purchase New Lots Brought Forward Come Early. Other Delightful Dress Bargains Monday Women's Tub Dresses, in linens, ginghams, madras and lawns, the season's newest styles, beautifully trimmed made to sell to $5.00; on sale at. H AC - choice Children's While Dresses Nearly all samples and slight ly soiled, dainty designs, in all sizes 6 to 14 j-ears; on salo Monday in three lots values up to J7.50, at 95e, 91.95 and $2.95 Children's Colored Wash Dresses 1,000 of them in fifty different styles, all sizes 2 to 14 years; great naps at 49c, 98c, $1.98 and $2.98 All over Embroidery Dresses, trimmed with linen and cluny laces also colored dresses regular values, up to $10.00; in Monday' sale, choice, at..., 54.95 Women's Wash Dresses Pretty one-piece styles, in wanted ma terials suitable for house or street wear values up to $3.50; in Monday's sale Q imam $4.95 mm i Stetson and y Crosseli Shoes Men Percales, 36-ta; wide, light and dark colors, aU the aew patterns, 13Hc valuea, t 10 Domestic Roon.' offer the buyer not oul all that is best in shoe style but absolute com fort and unbounded satisfaction. 37. la. Palm Zephyr dresa ginghams, la plaids, stripes, etc., 12 He val ue 7fc Domestic Roon.' If yon haven't eeen the New Spring lasts In Met- son end Croseett Shoes yoa should do so at once; they're specially good. Big Special Sale of Men'a and Women' IS.60 and 14.00 shoe, all leather. all last, manu facturer. Mmple ilk XUouuata. ta plala aa aovslty weaves, J BUke, Was (lUs, Taf fetas, atsssaltaea, JPoaa-ses. ropUss, lm leagtha up as SO yds, worth up to SOo yl, atom. Say, yard . . . iSo Domestic Roon,' $2.50 Ijiwn and Ba tistes, all new patterns, 13c valuea ... 10 Domestic Rooiu Wool Dress Goods Specials That offer to buyers not only matchless value but wide range of weaves aad colorings for selection. You can't afford to mis Monday's Offerinas. All Sample Tailored Suits, Odd Lots and Broken Lines of Spring Suits go at Just Half Worth - Big Assortment of Up-to-Date Styles for Selection. $18.50 Tailored Suits $9.25 $20.00 Tailored Suits. $10.00 $25.00 Tailored Suits .S12.50 $30.00 Tailored Suits. $15.00 $35.00 Tailored Suits ,......$17.50 $40.00 Tailored Suits. '...". .$20.00 $45.00 Tailored Suits ....$22.50 $50.00 Tailored Suits .T. $25.00 New Suits, New Dresses. New Gowns Just Beceived Nearly 1,000 new ones shown for Monday's-selling. , New Suits shown, ' New Dresses and Gowns Extra speeial Cbat bar- at $12.50 up to $60.00 at $15.00 to $125.00 j gains for Monday. See Our Famous Crown Jewel Suits, always .$25; 00 U.V v. Mission Furniture Sale Early English Finish-25 Discount for One Day We will give for one day only 25 discount on every article in our Furni ture department in the Mission Early English finish One Day, Remember. $25 Dining Tables will cost you $18.75 $32J Buffets will cost you ... . $24.35 $3 Leather Sept Diners will cost $2.25 Wood Seat Diners, each, $1.25 $1.50 And so 6n with Library Tables, Book cases, Center Tables, Rockers, in fact any ?nd every article in the entire depart ment, Early English finish, 25 discount this is a rare chance for you to buy what yoa need on this sale. 25 pieces Coutauld' finest imported English Voiles in a beautiful line of colors. This pur chase comes at a time when voiles are wanted a great deal; regular $1.50 and $2.00 values Monday .. ..98c Our prices on Whip cords are so much lower than other stores. In fact, so very noticeable that it will pay you to try Hayden's first. 25 pieces for Monday in all the scarce shades of grays and tans two-toned Diagon als, $2j00 and $2.55 values Monday at, " $1.50 W-in. all pure wool costume serges in 30 different new spring colors, plenty of tans and navies, also creams. This is a regular $1.25 value; Mon day at 88c 25 pieces of the fin est quality 54 and 56-inch Tailor Suit ings in'mannisH ef fects, semi - rough and the smoother weaves, very smart material for skirts, coats and suits worth $2 and $2.50, Monday .. $1.50 $1.00 and $l.2S Dress Goods at 48e and Site . S.000 yards of Spring Dress Goods la plain and faney weave, series. Panamas, sranlta voav Fancy mixture In medium weights, sponged and shrunk serges in every color, your choice, aq. - 'OV April Sales in Drapery Section 68 Bsjony Brussels Net Curtain, full site, dainty patterns, wortn to 139 pair, Monday, at 312.50 and 816.50 Cluny Curtains. In linen edge and inserting durable hem, In white and ecru, worth to til pair. Monday, at pair 5.85 Lace Curtains I different styles, worth to $3.00 pair, Monday at, pair 88 Marie Antonette Curtains, In white, ecru and cream, worth to 17.10 pair. Monday, at pair ....84.45 84.83 Large assortment of Cable e: Curtains, all full siie. very neat patterns, worth to 11.00, Monday at, pair 82.85 Lace Curtains In diferent atylea II full aiie. worth to 13. IS pair. Monday at . . . .82.25 that are of keenest economical interest to the house furnishers savings you'll appreciate. Large assortment of Rope Por tieres, with tapestry band, all colors, and U new styles, Monday, at pair ....83.25 ,84.88 "t 86.85 Uadraa for curtain, dainty abades, 45-in. wide, worth to 85c yd., Monday at. yd. 45 Colored Etamlnes with dainty borders, all new pattern. Monday, yd., 18c, Sflc, 39 Fancy Scrim In ecru, white nnd cream, yard ....25 38 Bungalow Net for curtain In white, ecru and cream, worth to 85c yard, Monday, at, yrd 49 Curtain Swisses in color and plain white, worth to 20e yd., Monday at 12 Fish Net in whit and ecru, 36 Inchea wide, worth to lie yd., - Monday at, yard 10 Baaswood Shirt Walat Boxes - new atylea just In . . 82.50 nnd ...-88.85 edar Chests, all sixes with fancy trimming .... 88.00 3315.75 White and Ecru Madras in floral and barred deaign. 30 ln. wide, worth to 30c yard, ' Monday, yard 19g Wall Paper Sale Monday, Tuesday ; and Wednesday will be the three big days of the greatest Wall Paper sale in the history of Omaha, Select your spring wall paper now and save money. Good paper, at Parlor papers, all per nl..2t colors. 20c val Kltchea papers, ne. 10 8 c, 5e and 44 I'pper thirds U- Bedroom paper, brary, den 7 He, 6c, 8e rooms, 30c ral and .... ..4 uea . 20 Bedroom stripes. Hall papers, at lue values. 4 ljc, IJHe, 10e Plain Oatmeals .-25 Figured Oatmeals .....20k Moire CeHlags . gl Varnish wood stain, quart ...55 Wall Paper and PMnt Dept. 4th floor Read Hayden's Bin Special Grocery Sale Monday's Extra Cut Prices wta save fteai as per . It-01 cana condensed , at .? lOe I ' it to M see Mt b r4iag at Xayasa'a. IT- IV. best graaalatef fl-OS S-lb. sack high ar.de ' tfcunond u Family , flour, made from ths bent selected wbeat. per satk !. Ib-s best rolled break fast oatmeal aaa t lbs. fancy Japan rtre s 1 lbs. best bulk Chtck ats 1 bars Lenox. Beat 'Km All or ijlamon C suae for as. SH-lb. boxes best se.rrt soda crackers so. J.liyoon or Jello, pit. at Hs 1-lb. cans aaaorted soups at ys Oil or muftard aardlre caa S. 1-lb. cans perk and beans at aa ( bars Ivory Soap ..ass cakes tiilico acourins oap ..i..S sweet ..vs vocoa. milk :-!. cans fancy sugar corn . . . . feter'a breakfaat In bulk, lb. W McLarens peanut butter, lb. ise The best tea sifUns. lo st ItHs Golden Santos coffee, liv at aaa Flower and vesstable seeds, pks. SHs Irigkt- ths tatter treat j ay Banerta. X Iba. ffoo buitenne ase t lbs. good table butter In. ass The bent creamery but ter, per lb. ass The bert No. 1 country butter, lb. so Tbe beat Ka 1 dairy but ter, lb. ... a psetal Wlgalsa ' aTaval te slaa, per doa, ....aa tte I'M, per doa.,..SS 30e slae, per doa. ... .so. tie alia, per doa. ....! litrawberrie from Louta laaa. par box. Mandajr The Market ef foe freak wefetsblss. t heada freah leaf lettuce at v Large head lettuce al THo and 10s Lara stalka fresh celery at Tte Lante bunehe fresh beets, carrots or. tur nips 4 Freak spinach, peck SO Kresh shallota. bu'h tH Fancy ripe tocnatoea, lb. at 10 Fancy, extra fins cucum bers, each ;.1S t iarre araea peppera 10a Fancy asparagus, lb. at IT W Fancy Callforai cauu flewer, par lb. ...lVt t bunches fresh panley at as Faney pieplant or rhu barb, par la. e Fancy was or greea Brans, per lb. aoa Largs Florida Pineapples at, each ......... ..ess Anything you want. We've sot tt In Oar Hardware Dept. 10-qt. at .. 13- o.t. at .. 14- o.t at .. No. S galvanized pails, 13c galvanized paila 14c galvanised pall 19c heavy galvanlxed thy LHlAYOLi-Al'eB first boiler at 88e No. heavy galvanized boiler at Bsc No. S. heavy copper bot tom wash boiler $1.49 No. S heavy copper bot tom wash boiler $L88 No. 1 heavy galvanised wash tuba at ....49c No. i heavy galvanized wash tuba at ....59c No. t heavy gal rani zed wash tuba at ....C9c Medium six clothes baskets at. wc Large alxe clothes baskets at 79c 14 rolls large lie, Se roll toilet paper SOc f roll large six, 10c roll -toilet paper SOc II. SO food chopper 98c Mrs. Potts' S-plece aad Iron, at 79c Brass, line or glass washboards at ...29c 17-qt. blu and whit dlshpan at ..... .S9c lt-qt. gray enameled water pail at ... ,29c 17-qt. gray enamel dlshpan at 29c S-qt gray enamel pre serving kettles at 29e 15c carpet beater, beat grade of eteel. wire 9c 10 clothe pin ....9c Look over our line of refrigerators, - garden hose and garden tool. 1 Our price are right.. Millinery attsfytar laalTUaaUty I the hsyast ef the popularity of ear gyring- anillaary. Every hat shown by us la the result of close, studious applica tion and ear in selection of our stock. High price don't make style and in many case do not stand for quality in merchandise. Mere yea aatbeatl style aa aattafrlaf aauty, sales the high px7xsaar.V' Special Groups of Trimmed Hate, maicuieaa Bargain, 2 K( 82.95 83.85 "d 15.00 Oar Distinguished Trimmed HaU " 85.00 have yet to be equalled in styl or quality at near the price. Other trimmed hats shown 810.00 to sao.fwi The only store la towa that guar. aatee willow Flumes aad all Other Mi 111 aery 1 1 ass M --- in,-,, n, 1 n 11 ' K -"mj tiw'r.vr! 2-' Mr7 -a.-, , , - - .t- - -- . - - ..- 9