THE OMAHA .SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 14, 1912. Matinee Kwy ltay 2:13. Lrcry Night 8:13 rboaes Ikwft. 44; InL A-14U. -ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE E ALL WEEK STARTING MATINEE TODAY f.liss Cecilia THE . ; ,1 P Zs rr,7- I 1 gr jf , Wf - j prWe ds'alf' Th , Ca ( If T '; ( I LFiS M W jO IBII - W l' SV i wtut . - ...... .... .i f, -fl.- - Vi 1 W -r -.'. ! Oocportunlty Ihla k ( m- , l ' 'V,' . ; ; ';J.:-. 'i i t f J'"V--V', . lui two of Ih. mint (lftl Si'V V-". . , V ' w I ' JC&l. " Ji ' f i Wutiim on th nan todr, ' ("O ' " &r TV, -i-w-r- C, TiA ! 0:.r:,.-.i i . v.: f ) o ni 7"- isPv . vS Mtficat peraonal toPowIng of any actraaa llirinc. aaorptlaa. irhapi, barah Bern !bardt. 8I' t to play hara hfr laUat trtatlon. I tint of th fork In "Chanta cJar." th lantaatlcal voMKat drama by llarnl Rotland. ; la lhl rola Mla Adama :l.aa aitaliiMl aamcthln mora of d itlno 'uoo than In any other; aha brlnaa to tha ioatry of Roaiand th flowrr ot her owa lmf Inalloa. and aria foiih In tha peraoti 'at th rooatrr th allriory o( man'a life. Mi vanity., Iiln .mutlm.. lilt ambition, hit waaknraa and hu final trlumnh. Tha pic ture to vivid, tha Impreealon la unarold 'able, and the Iranoa II eharmlnaly put. Atone with Ml Adima comea the Froh wtaa oriantnllon that haa made th drama auch a auccraa araa tint of tared la New Toik. The entire alone th way hare ihowerrd Mlea Adem with ivalr. and It, la rrneonuble to expert thai Omaha will add to tha central chorue. Mlea Henrietta Crotmaa, who followa I Mlea Adama at tha Hrandrla. la flret ameni American comrdlrnnee, aha hae attained thu emlnenr by her prrelntrnt lladutr', added to that raraat oflquall- an undereundlng what really II wit lead what to humor. Mlea Croeman ha jhihlnd her llat ot achievement that lalcht content another; ih haa created aa aaanr rolea that tha telllnc would I take too much time, but ahe ha lone on aad en In her effort, ateadlly wldrnlnf thet ranee of her effort, produclnc new ;ply and mute ring nw Idaaa each year, ,unUI aha haa placed haraelf far ahead of 'her coatennorarlea. The who bar felt .tha ipell of Mlea Croamaa'a venial fun- aaaklng will look forward to aeotnc bar aala quite aa eagerly ai do Mln Adam' laay admirer to ker coming. 4 Tha caat containing the character who Stake part In ftoatand'a barnyard fantaay. X'bantacler. In which Maud Adama la lo be acea at the Brandela an Monday land Tuesday venlnga, prove Intereatlng leading. The program Indeed aeema Ilka i Inventory of tha live Block la th Uiarayerd of a well-le-de fanner; nothing 1 aruaaing. first and foremoet oa th tbill la Chaaiecler, the (lately rooster who lrd (t aver all tha others on th firm. (The. there la Petou. tha faithful watch dog, and following along cone tha Black- Ibtrd. tha Peacock, tha Nightingale, tha airier Pigeon, the Horned owl. the jferorert 01, th Kite Owlet and tha ilutter'a mother. Further along there to nha Hea Pkeasanl, th Guinea Hen. tha Turkey Cock, lue Magpie, th Cat. th jjUbbtt. a Gamecock, a Woodpecker 'and a Pointer. Tbea there are all kind of tTurkeye and Heaa. Including th old ma- itroa wao bcoagbt Cbantecler out ot hit Mtetl. There are Gee, and a Butterfly and a Spider, of course there are Frogs wad Teao. for they all have a place in a farmyard. There are lea fancy Cock. the fellow who are alwaya loklng (or treubie, and who make their aupearanc lat tha reccptloa given by the Guinea Hea in "a corner of th kitchen garden. At (thja reception all of th bird and fowls auk their antrano through a hole to in fenc and are ail announced, just as 'jveeabera of society are announced at V.mpty-tiun receptions at ahlcfe fashiaa stear a pleased, erea If It la a bored nftenslon. All of the birds, th bens and the snlmsls are symbolical of people f the timef4h lywiboUsis being so clear that one easily reraanlaes their proto t rm in. the work! of art, aociety and fashloa. Prominent among too seventy protHc who take part In the play are J.r-nhC Vieto.-. who is area as irt : tm'Hui Ilea pfceaiaat: Mlas Marion Ai4tt. who is seen as ibe Gutnea Hen. Urn Margaret Gordon, who hi th Wall -.; Ueorge Henry Trader a Patoo. the i-og; B. Ft) ion Carter a tha Turkey m v " ( -rvJ x 7' - ;rrv-71 U v c 1! " f V ' ' J 1 I I ' y 1 1 l Pt In which ht to Mid to crt. I J? 1 NT l'l l! I " IThoiw r two children In tho play that I 7 7 ''ft 1 : I I I 1 j aro tha hwcoteat thlnta Imaglnabto, avta 1 1 l1i'r-"' ' N 4 1 I It they ar. ailled. I I I 1 I I ' Ih ) I .1 orW' wrtttan by Paul .rmron In Fred Tyler aa th Woodpecker, William Lowers aa th ssucy Plackolrd, A. Lionel Hogarth aa th vain Peacock and Lucy Pdrgat aa tha Nightingale, - who gives Chanlecler hi first rest music lea son In th forest. The costumes ars very colorful and picturesque, and the simplest , of them , ara more expensive than tha average dinner or ball gown worn by th women of society. Tou dutiful mother, you doting .wive. you spoiled children, you dear buabanda and all you sweethearts hark lo th Mary of "The- Real Thing" that Henrietta Crosmaa will . tell at tha Brandela on Thursday, - Friday and Saturday even ings and Saturday matinee. Thla com. ady to by Catherine Chlshoim Cushlng. and In It Grace Croeman haa Just closed a very successful engagement at tha Max im Elliott theater. New York City. It doea not take a adentlst or a deep thinker to appreciate "Tha Real Thing." It to a etmple story. , lots of us have It right with us at our own home, only w don't recognise it. When w have It wa know that something la wrong. Only w doa't know what It la. and Ilka "Dick" ia tha play. It never occur to us until th kettle boll ever. One of Mr. Cash, lag's lines In the comedy la worth quot ing right here and tella a lot ot the story. la tha course of an argument between "Kate" and Jees." or la other word. th "widow" and th wife." the "widow" AMl'gBMKSTS. In m says: "Beauty may be only skin-deep, but mighty few ot us would ever make that Journey to the church all skinned, and It's up lo u who have made th Jour ney to keep tha cuticle on." So you see tha author to arguing that It Isn't right after you are married to go about In slovenly wrappers and curl paper, and that tha husband nag a right to get a run for bla money, A pretty girl, athletic, gay and whole some, marries a man, who la himself fond of athletics and fun. Boon after com babies, and tha young wife flnda with tha care of these and th ' house that ah hasn't time to devote to tha thing her husband likes. Bo aha leta htm go about alone. There la nothing to drink In the house because of the example to Ih lltll boy, o when "hubby" wants to quench his thirst ha must go to tha club or a neighbor's. The piano Isn't opened any mora because it would dis turb tha kids, and "wtfey" goea about with curl paper, etc., because- aha to busy. "A good wife and mother." you will aay. . Xea.. rhe was, in a way. But aha forgeta that a husband must be daaaled by the silly pink bows on petti coat. Just th same aa a lover. Of course the wife Is a goose, and she doesn't wake up until the "widow" comea along In the ship of her lister, and who haa aome modern Idea regarding tha domestic duties of a woman. In tha first place, tha widow admits that It Is crim inal to neglect children, but, she arguea. AMl'MCMB.MTS. QUEENS OF THE FOLIES OERGERE A FBEaTCM FOI.LT nr two muca Something NEW IN BURLESQUE With Jos. J. Sullivan. Miss Lillian Smalley, Wood and Meadows THE MELROSE COMEBT FODI ToaH Like tha Choma and Their Kafooaleaas - - -OO-OO-OO.- KID CAN FIELDS Tha Keferme western ftoablars it la fatal to neglect husband and so there must be a happy medium and a good wife la a good mother every time. At any rate the widow catchea th hus band kissing the wife's understudy. But she doesn't make a fuss about It and tell the wife, she too sensible for that Instead, ahe tries to wake the wife up and show her that she can still be a jrood mother and a wife at the asm time. Of course she succeeds, and the spoiled children under the new reglm are not so spoiled. And th husband forgeta he kissed the understudy, because he didn't mean It, anyway. Now, while tha widow can regulate her enter's affairs, she gets her own love affalra all mixed up. but they are finally atralghtened out and all ends happily. Miss Croasman playa the "widow," and AMI'gEMENT.. Mendelssohn 160 Voices-Tfae Mendelssohi Thomaa J. Kelly, Conductor. it Playen-The Theodort Thomas Frederick Stock, Conductor. AT THE AUDITORIUM April 22d and 23d MONDAY, APRIL 22d, 8:15 P. M. TUESDAY APRIL 23d, 2:30 P. M. TUESDAY, APRIL 23d, 8:15 P. M. SOLOISTS OF NATIONAL REPUTATION: Florence Hinkle, Soprano v Nevada Vanderveer, Contralto Reed Miller, Tenor j Frederick Weld, Baritone and Hans Lets, Violinist Season ticket admitting lioldsr to 3 concerts only, $3 Obtainable at Hospe'a Maaic Store and Hardest Broa. Mnsie Dept., or front aay choir aoesnber. Single Aclmxsaioa Ticket fl.SO each HOLDERS OF 8KA8OX TICKKTS raa nrhange then for rel ator aeata at Aaditorian box office, roataaeaciag Umsnrraw (Mon day) aaorning; at 'clock. Siagle Seat go oa aak THTR8DAY muraiag, o'clock. "The Deep Purple." a now erf ill anil .,. - ... ... . .... I world, written by Paul Armstrong la collaboration with Wilson Mlsner. pro duced by Llebler A Co., open a three i day' engagement at the Boyd tonight. I Tha atory to founded upon the elope ment of a young girl with a nan aha I doea not know for what he la a cheap order of crook. She goe to New York with him and is given to understand that la order to bring about a tardy marriage h must aaslst in the furtherance of a littler echeme to win over a certain oppo sition. Ignorant of tha fact thai aha Is lending the charm of her unaophlsjkated youth and beauty to the development of a "badger game," aha aide tha plotter. Th young woman In question to pro tected by a reformed thief, la whoa nous tha girl haa stopped for a day, be cauee th two crooka have given up to th police., a man who waa also deter mined to put behind him a heroic. If not conventional paat Thla man, Gordon Laylock. by name, with a record ot aav- (Contlnued on Page Seven.) AVCIEMEXTS. DICKER!.! AN SCNOOL OF ACTIIO mi VOICE. Paella perforaaaaoa at T. W. 0. A. AmUtorlaaa Monday valag, April rtftaaata at l-t thirty.' -trader Aaapto. ef the FaDowaalp dab. Adaalaoloa fro. Bsaerved eat 10. Choir Festival Choir of Omiha, 160 Voices Orchestra, of Chicago-Si Players Inimitable Mimic CHARLEY 6RAPEWIN atistd by Ana Clianc. Co U -am AWMlBUf ox nr. Fipp." BQU01N1 EROTKERS Wixarda of th Aecordloa A. 0. DUNCAN Anarlca'a BatireuatatlTa Taatnloquiat KIKETOSCOPE a T.aiAa la a -I Pro)ctUff tb tiuit la An 1 matt riiotvfivpflj Friw Wicht, 10c, 2:c, SOc. 73c. Monday and Tuesday Evgs. CHARLES FROHMAN, Presents MAUDE ADA i S IH EEMOKO RCSTARC'S MASTERPIECE CHANTECLEU j PRICES, SOc, .$1.00, Thursday-3 Days-Mat. Sat. Direct From Maxine Elliott Iheitre, N. Y.- 3 Months on Broadway HENRIETTA CROSM AN IN THE PLAY YOU'VE ALL HEARD ABOUT "THE REAL THIINJG" BY CATHRINE CHISHOLM CUSHING SUPPORTED BY A PERFECT COMPANY BOYD'S 3 ' I MATINEE TUESDAY AT 2:30 The Dramatic Success of the Century THK LEIBLER 4V CO'S PRODUCTION OF sB)liJ!P By Paul Armstrong CAST AND PRODUCTION PAR EXCELLENCE Prices Night 25c to $1.50; Matinee, 25c to $1.00 Dsvoted to .tricUy Murk 6Vrade Batravagaaaa and Taadavtli TWICE DAILY wMAT. TODAY GOKlMiX at NORTH, who seat aa tha two groat ahowa, "World of rieaeure" and -Paeelng farede.M now aaaonaoe TSElal CBOWraO MIOTtlUI, jas. e. o if f. MORTON O M OO RE 1L aad Their Owa Compear ta THE MERRY WHIRLf "ir-ai A BEAR" IdsaUoally as Fiaaaated AU Lest Baasasor at tha Colombia Theater, Bread way. In Tor, city. Super Orgaalaatloa sTasaasrs rn In eluding That Classy P n Duj:u stocking momsDU Ifear header: Here'e the one tifhe I fall down on th hooat talk the Whirl is better than I know how to de ecribe.' lfa all fun and you can't stop It any more than you could dam th muddy Missouri with aa old hoop skirt. R. L. JOHNSON. ST5t Carety. ISC Sao, SOa aad Tea Mat 1 t A "w-A raw Say -"-" ""-at saa Show raxa If ja Hk. hat aa awsisg LtlHKi' At Aay Week TICKETS I WW Daj Matinee. Carrtago Garag la th Lobby. Cerurled Milk for the A skin Xiaa Ctcilia boftaa. ! MULLEN & OGOGAN "A Broabway Trim I CARSON BROTHERS I Snin'i mtprcMaUtlT Athlataa TKIESSENS PETS aflaad Caalaa KoTalty I OrpHeum Concert Orchestra ! 15 TatoaUd Artiste 45 Xatire 10ct baat Miti 35c. amcapt $1.50, $2.00 CB,a,5 j t 11 ilHIi TONIGHT One Season in New York; Six Months, in Chicago. and Wilson Mizn.r AMERICAN " THEATER M Starting Sunday Matinee at S:13. Mats. Tuce., Tbur. and Saturday. MISS EVA LANG In the comedy of R. De Her Callart, ' Love Watches Xext Week. April '21 Walter E. Per kin and The Wood ward StWk rompanjr ia the Laugh a Minute Comedy' My Friend From India Special reduced summer ' prices, 25 cent any seat In the bouse. Bote So cents. Matinees same a night price. Charming Company la a delight, but the day'a pleasure is assured If you add a perfect dinner exquisitely served ai The Belnont Restaurant Our food la tha best and de- llciouely cooked, earved amid con genial eurroundinas. If you know us oaly by reputation. coae in and get acquainted. Table d Hote lhi Saailar. II A. M. so r. M., aa. 30c Open All Mght. - . MM Dodge 8t C. N. Ball, Prop. Look for large Electric Sign.