r The Omaha Sunday bee I NE.FAGEr i i t VkoAzi 1 ppT7Tj Tl f TT T7T7 7 IT p .." Y 1 I s t TlwAdventurer of a rivolour Girl in th larhiona Whirf.:, Written byCarviynWIr Drawmap by Penrfiynftanlawp. llrtT' - fel , kMill Ml - ih --yyJk .! i Jw it MM . : . iliftlitl .&n.... miry i mm 4 . I ;f I Tl IVI ' ' I r .. . K4OOT(tt9K40Sa III.. . run- SAff Go Shoeing. TTTTHY. Mr Willing. food afternoon! How tktmnt to I BM tou on the imw like this. But what are yoo doing tn th stopping district Hunting bar gain neckties? There, there, doa't look to utterly galvanised I didn't meaa It Beaidea, I know perfectly well why you r aer; ro cam oa the mar cbaoe of aieetlng met Ah, ha, jot aeadat look ae eaibarrae4 about It. I doat mind betog are with row; .I'm not a bit cieloat. Well, It waa a abase to teaae aim to it waa. Now, a tery special fmror, how would yo Ilk to go Into Prices with aw, while I shop a little? "H m. yoa doat atem awfully eager. What? Walk u the tvensje luateadt Well, we will, afterward. Bat let's rua la her just ailnate while I twy a veil. It woo't uk say tine at all And thea we can go for a walk. "Oh. what a crowd! I do think tb people get thicket eery year. Well. dJd yew get through? I thought I d lost yoa. Whew I saw yoa wedged l that rerolrtng ouor wtta that rat lady yeu looked so funuy. She waa a real croaa, wasal she? but yoa were So aarrk, I M to laugh. To) looked like feeble-minded Jelly flab. "Now. anw, Willy Willing, doat peeve. Smile a It tie blwy ; ye, yoa do Seen to bo th oaly man her But I'm glad to havo you. It m so uleo to have a sua to pilot on through a shopping crowd. Oh. of couraa, th floor-walkers are Juat lor that parpoaa, but they caat go outside thtlr dlocoaa, or whatever yoa call it Mow, yoa gu oa ahea4 and bail a trail. Th veil counter w over that way. 1 think, anyway. It's aulte aear the ribbons ad oattyuwuered aerues from the arttBclal owera. "Tea, here we are al hurt. Mow, 111 sit en thl at out ana yoa stand right by me. Doat let women push la between a, tor I want your advice. -Oh, look who a hero! Why. Tott: May! I Uveal seea yom si iicr we were la Venice. , Do yoa remember Venice? And tuoor two lung tines of Hottmaa boom each side of th Oraad Canal! Wasn't It staualug? Yoa. art tug. bow lovely to are yoa agala. Tea, yea. I da, I do wwat to ba waited o. but do wait a minute, can't you? Tea. I want eelllug. by the yard tber that's the kind I want Oh! pleas doa't let that womaa carry It off! "Cood-by. darling, muat you go? Tea. the large aMshed klad ' Ob, so, not that oue euvered with little bine brads. 1 should fvrl a If I had turqueiar mesaele. 1 want a aiirt f gray tb shade they call VHgbtrAed Mousa' though why a mowso tild ever we frightened wbrn we are all uraml to dnitb of tliem TVre Mr. Willing, do yvu think this ne h becoming? Vhrn I bold M np agalut my face. an. Where's baby? Irb0. Oh. amdou. thit gjor-walker Uioegb I peep-bned at Ulsv . -Jlprey aw, I nave rubbed all thepowrr of my " Oh. -7 ..' V-OSS 1 " "Why. Mr. Willing, good afternoon.'' bo. It wont sort th rait I beg you pardon, madams, did I push jrov with my lbow? Indeed, I'm sot taking up all th room. I'm fearfully crowded. And I rather fancy I ou try tb eSct of a vail if I want to. "Now, WUly Willing, bow do yoa Uk this on, with th big polk dots? Tea, t know, only on dot hows, thyr so big and so far apart But -Polka dot ara so fashionable. "Do yoa know th polka la coming In sgaln th danc T mean? Thsy call It tb panther polka. If awful 'sinuous a sort of stealthy gild- make you thing of Sarah Bernhardt. tr Ulnor Weeks, but th best peopl bar taken It up. "What? you'r afraid tbyll tt taken no? Oku Will! Willing, bow witty you ara. -Tber, do you Ilk that tI1? Doat you think It autts my hair? Mr. Dow says my hair Is. a yellow peril. I dont know what ha "Ton Uk my face better without my veil? Why, how pretty of yoo. Now, Just for thit 111 let you oolw one. "Tou'i select a bridal veil? Ob. fie. ft. Mr. iWllllng. Tou doat really Tea. I o want a van. Pie show m aom of your other style. And Mr. Willing, what do you think? At Oladys'a wedd ng next week, ah la going to bar Cer tainly, my dear girt. Tm ready to look at your good, but tb ar not the vails I want Show m something newer. tha ar ,H why, Gladys said that Polly Peters' said do you re member Polly Ptra? Well. Tou'd vor know br bow. 811ml She's nothing but a spine Tea. my girl. Tm looking at your veils, but I want tha plec that lady baa Just p!ck4 up. Lat'l wait till she lays It down. "Now Mr. Willing, yoo mosn't get Impatient Tow men doat realise what hard work shopping Is. until now Oh, my gracious! I bavo to bo at our culture class by 4 o'clock. There's a lecture on 'Art Iplift la the Kitchen and I know it will be fine. "No, I don't cook, but It'a eocb a satisfaction to know that one's soup Is made tn a Greek-shaped jug, hatred of a crude Iron kettle Oil. mercy, no! I wouldn't wear a veil like that! Wby. Mrs. Bailey bad oue tike that one, and the very day 1 saw ber wearing it I tort my amethyst hatpin. I'v always con sidered a va 1 Uk that unlucky over ainco. "WeH I doa't aeem to car for any of these vells,thyr not a bit distinctive. And a veU la such aa Important part of a costumo it dresses ap tb face o. The patterns are wtoet MMereatiae.- "Oome on. Willing Willy let' go down to Btorrr's and look at veils there shall us? "Why, yoa doat seem to want to go a bit Now, dont go fast to pleas me. I thought perhaps yoa were interested In "Oh, do yoa want to go? Do yoa know t believe yoa men Just love to go shopping, and yoa oaly pretend yoa doat. "I am sorry, dear, that your veils doat suit me. bat. of course I cant buy what I doat want lust to belp th atora along; you eeuMa't expect that could yoo? "And anyway I wasn't exactly buying a veil I waa Juat shopping tor one." , CAROLYN WELLS, Next Week-- A Quiet Afternoon 4 T' 7-