1 - The'Ommia Sunday Bee Magazine Page NEWEST SUMMER FASHIONS -By Lady Gordon Duff. Tfa' Curious New "Waistcoat" Suits That Give a Girl a Vest Like Her Brothers; Odd New "Pannier79 Gowns That Look Like Hip Bags; the Four Ring Dress; the Highwayman Veils. the I nave clearly ihowa la the detailed description of my newest models, the pannier Is making a marked Impree- ion In the Spring fashions. Not all women, however, can or should adopt this bouffant style. To my readers, as to my clients. I would say "know thyself before deciding to follow the dainty examples of (he Dresden chine shepherdesses. I have always preached Indi vidualism In dress. It Is painful to me to see whole flocks of women following a fad un . reasoulngty. Know your face, your figure, . your coloring, even your very manners, be fore adopting any fashion la hats, gowns or wraps. The French are great believers In the Indi vidual fashion. It is la America and England ' . the great ready-to-wear shops thrive Not la Paris. This Spring there are so many Individual fads that may be adopted by the clever stu dent of fsihlon. The new veils, for ins ts nee, ' are well worth studying. The one shown la the picture 1 call the highwayman's veil. The upper part Is very much like the brigand's mask, and there la no doubt that the veil la Its entirety forms a complete disguise. Only the woman with pronounced coloring and large eyes should adopt this veil. The woman of Indefinite coloring and vague ; features must content herself with the new One mesh veils having . large flat spots worked la the mesh. And then the neck! French women of the " smart world derate much thought to their ' necks. They sever have worn the linen collir or the stiff, ugly stock, formerly the sign manual of the American woman. The after soon frocks of this Spring are made collar less; frequently the narrow yoke Is also omitted. Generally a high-necked gulmpe or tucker of fine aet Is also made to wear with these eollsrless frocks, as milady chooses. The collars are supported with the most deli cate of sllk-eovered wire, that Is frequently unnoticed by the casual observer. On the other hand, with the morning frock er tailored costume the neck should be slab orately dressed this Spring. There are charm ing effects for the woman with the thin neck aad restraining effects for the woman with the fat neck and plump chin. Notice the three-tiered collar shown with the smart 1 trotteur costume. This can be developed In flee lace or aet and Is an admirable setting - for the this face and neck. Another very new Idea for she of the slen- Fia . A Chsnrtlng New Creation In Brick-Red Rstlns, with Lewer Skirt of White end Blue Striped Material; White Straw Hat with Rouge end Blus Ornsmsnts. "Luclls" Medsls. der neck Is the crushed stock of net or mult with the chin bow. This bow must be built of soft material, yet there must be body enough to make It stand out deflnantly. Net or mallnes are perhaps the most satisfactory fabrics. The bow must be ' fastened at the top of the stock, with the jabot faatened at the lower end. The Jabot must be much shorter than those populsr during the Winter. The woman with the fat neck and face mast wear a high stock of Irish or point Venlse; her Jabot must be long and narrow and fastened at the base of the stock, with no semblance of a bow. Heavy, restraining laces are appropriate for the plump neck; the fine, soft laces for the thin. Will all women adopt the waistcoat? No. The pannier and the chlnti waistcoat are fasi'ons fiat should be adopted by the woman who thoroughly knows herself. They are for the tall, slender woman who carries herself with the grace of the long-stemmed Illy. The waistcoat Is so very smart that other women win seriously attempt to make K their own. But the woman with Individ uality wig see her limitations and If at all Inclined to embonpont will eschew waistcoat and pannier and ding to her modtflcatlon of the narrow, clinging fashions. Also, the woman who cannot afford a master modiste suouiu anna me arapea shuts. FIG. . A Luclls "Walsteesr Belt. Shewing the Whits and Purple Vest snd the Man's Ful l-Orass Msct ef the Coat This Photograph Also Shews the "'Highwayman" Vast and the new collar. 1 b"- 9 0 J -J- si r its . JJ I'iL J .. BJ BI J J A . , - t - . tS.:Bl ir Declaration of Independence --- . By DR. FRANK CRANE . ' THE Declaration ef Indepeod . ence by th nation ts not ef much Importance uAleu eseh cillien ol ths aatioa is su os end abides r Ms ewa peraonst dectaratlen ef Inde pendence. Join me. therefore. In this mr declaration; i j ' I deny tliat there Is any such thins u chance or luck. I af firm that the universe Is man aged by an lntell!aent person. I can see only a little way. bat as tar aa I do see all Is law: I deny that ' any habit. In- -Jtloct or (aate Is stronger thaa I- I affirm that I can chanse these, and that the chang Ins or , them Is all there la to culture and srosrees. I dear that SMnry has ever either aided or Impeded the--power of troth and of coed Is the world. I affirm that the only eplrtlnal dynamle Is per-' ' sonallfy.' : i i I affirm that rellalon ts . nothing except the pereonal In fluence ef Ood. and that pror reee la nothlns except the per sonal Influence of good people. ' 1 deny that I am "a worm of tne duet J a.nrni mat I am that Is Ju.t around for Sellerv M mp,unt as the rest o( the i! e imi en lm taw imriw ttBlverae. 1 say a. Person manages the universe, becanae my experi ence furnishes me as grounds for conceiving of sn intent gence apart from personality. - t deny that Ood la ever under say eircumetanrea my enemy. I affirm lie la 'always my friend - I deny that there Is any ca price Id the moral or sptrltnal world I afffrm the cosmic ac curacy of ths laws that govern sou la I deny that there ts so much ' as one grain M troth in praars nltlona I deny that fear ever does any good I affirm that the sensation of fear Is. always potsoa. to be restated with all my mlgrbt Whatever ecus. I Shalt meet It better WMfrald. I deny that heredity has done anythlnr 'o me or to any per eon which we rennet torn te our nod I affirm that the original tiered Itv la that f am a eon nf Gfwt and that thta In herited o4 rpliit. If we ran reallre H. m stronger than any bad blood. I deny that environment le stronger than 1 I affirm that 1 can make any poeelble envi ronment serve my eurceee. 1 deny that tamoplneas le a worthy aim of life I affirm that I am pot hers to become great sot to be happy. I dear that anv eoul that Is heroic le ever In ita deptha in. nappy, t affirm that Joy ta the Invariable accompaniment of fearlessness, truth acd loyalty. I deny that death ends all. I affirm that ml peraunality ehall live on after the dleeolu tlon of my body. I affirm that the belief that ths human soul ceases to exlet st death Is the moat profoundly Immoral ef all eueie. - I affirm that this world tot lovers: that mlShea love mlasea life loyal love- le toagher. thaa fcatea. enviea and malice. will eventually overcome them. I deny that a 1 hare mads my bed I muat lie In It I af firm that "If 1 Have made my bed wrong. pTeaae Ood I will auks It acaia." I deny that opportunity knocks at every man a door bst one. 1 afrtrm thai every day is sn opportunity. f deny teat u Is worth white to Seek to be rich, to be fa mous, or to oerspy great place. Three things axe gajnsilaa; ciuukcea, t affirm that the one ttilag worth seeking Is that work whits seema play, only ta do ing that work is a human be ing sound aane and coctent 1 deny any authority what, ever over uiy mind. I affirm thai 1 am absolutely bosnd to do woat seema right t affirm that- my personal wen belag Is best promoted by striving ier (bo woU being of ethers, . I can prove nnn. . w Tb'r. are axiomatic to me. There le nothing more eelf-vident by which To them. ' . i ,. . . t . w- woman who thoroughly known herself Thev . I r - ,-'jV " ,'B. I l' 1 ' t ' t'j . i i i 'wzn - &fjQ 'l-.'X. I :. 'V Sf I Jiiill tW - Whl Crepe Chiffon. Each fSj op51 1 - ' v ' fi' (l!':"fll ''i's Wft xi l ''-' 7 '',V' V s ; '" - v&H I - x y-.: t;.; ..--.r-j I-f m y 'J i f w T . . 1 ' S " a ' '' . . t-,-t--" tie-' .. . J fi -t";- , ' . z:mmmr - u bono. fr-r" ' WV 1 fyj':, . that K -ff ' 'V .;f J n