THE OMAHA MSDAY BKE: APRIL 14, 1912. B At Ths Omaha Scxdat Bee. FOUNDED BT EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTOR ROeKWATER. EDITOR. BEK BCILDI.NO. FA K.N AM AND KTH. Entered at Omaba postoMlc aa second rises matter. . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Sunday Bee. one year tS.5 ftlurvUi Boo, on year II. S Daily Bee (without Sunday k. on year.) Dniiy Bra and Sunday, on year M.0) DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Evening Be (with Sunday!, per Daily Bra (including esunday). per mo .fef -Dally Bra (without Sunday), per mo... fc Addrraa aJI complaints ir irregularities la delivery to Oiv circulation D;(. REMITTANCJib. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to Th Be Publtehlng company. Only 1-cent stsmk received la payment of small accounts. Personal checks. cent oa Omaha and eastern exchange, not acceiHed. OFVICE3 Omaha The bee Build:nc. south Omaha-Sill N St. Council Bluft . fcrotl St. Lincoln: Little Bulidlng. Chleaaro U4s Marnuette HullainC Kansas Citv It-llajir Building. New York i Thlriy-tmrd. Washington '." Fourteenth St.. X. CORRKslONDENCE. Communications relating to new ana editorial matter ahould be addressed Omaha Bee. Editorial Department. MARCH CIRCULATION. 49,508 Btate of Nebraska. County of Douglas, as-. Dwight Wllliama, circulation manager of The Bee Publishing company, duly sworn, says that tha average dally circulation, leas spoiled, uniued and re turned copies, for Ue month of March, lilt, was tut DTVIQHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before ma this Sth day of April. lll , (Seai.J ROBERT HUNTER. Notary public. Saberrlbers leavlaa ike city temporarily ahMle To Be saalied te these. Address esitl tea changed as often as re asteeted. April showers are, at least, season able. 8tand up for Nebraska, the garden pot ot America. The long ballot is the strongest argument for a short ballot. Well, have you the first fly se curely shut out of the house? Perhaps the rivers are trying to rise as high as the cost of living. Parte of the south went dry, but not that part bordering on the Mis sissippi river. Memphis Is In a position to dis pute the old saw that "water seeks Its own level.". We move that that cartoon be re ferred to the committee on Internal Improvements. - '"Are we slowing up en the age? No moving pictures ot the hunt for Al iens bav yet been exhibited. .... , J. Emma Goldman Is headed south west . Is It too good to hope that Emma my . find her - way into Meilcot I We regret to report thst no signs re visible of actual work begun , on that oft built , Platte ; river power 'canal. ' . ' Oovernor Harmon flatter Mr. Bryea by spending so much time '.a his state. You may keep the change, , governor. V It eeema that some measly demo- crats are scattering tacks on the - trees' tf Me Rrvnn'a n,e mhh tire '"istesm roller. ; This long silence on the part of the ' "lce men surely foreshadowa but one ; t thlng, that they are framing excuses 0lxar boosting prices. It goes without ' saying that It (takes a magnetic" orator to empty .our great Auditorium before his speech la half through. Senator Hitchcock is certainly tinging the change on that oppor- ,tunlty Bryan gave him to play to the s galleries on the "people rule" trick. If you believe you have trouble, '. what do you think about th man t who, when corn waa M bet It would . go down to to, now that It la shaving ,I7J Governor Stubbe ibe elected chief ot deserve to be thoee alg gov- ernora. (choicest He has ' adopted as his expletive, the ' colonel's ( "bully." Whatever Mr. Bryan said about .Governor Harmon In Ohio, the gov. - ernor refrained from mentioning Bryan's nam In Nebraska la his An i ditorium speech. Hearst' New York American says "A man who accumulate millions ) can do almost anything and buy al- - most anything." How about a ma who Inherits millions? , Major Archibald Butt ha had an I audience with tb king of luly, the press dispatches say. What they i mean is that the king has had an au dience with the major. Dr. Isaac Funk is the latest to die v leaving word that. If possible, he ' would return as a spirit But the ' doctor wisely threw In the little qua!' ifylng words, "if possible." 'r What does 'nays. "We mean when i Investigate man thor- ougbly, and with open minds?" Does - il mesa that he will investigate with a prearranged determination to con- Tint irrespecttv of th evidence? Kothiof Hew Under the Son. "There is nothing new under the tun, rum ths old adage, which re ceive additional exemplification all the while. In one pt the current magazines Ferrero is telling hd"w he Mnds counterparts In early Roma, for our modern plutocrats who turned back some of their wealth accumula tions to charitable Institutions and public bequests as monuments to their philanthrophy, and hew big bttiness of ancient days (queried the little fellow and. routed him out of i the wsy. The same forces were ap- rartntly at work Just sfter the cur- bearing a good deal about how the tain of history was drswn aside, the' "middle man" and the "big busl same outcry was beard from the un-! ness" bsron were usurping the fruits fortunate victims of the existing so cial order snd the same nostrums and cure-alls proposed by ambitious politicians and popular demagogues. Still further corroborative evidence that there is nothing new under the sun is found In a quotation dug out ot a speech made by Daniel abater in HIS, which Is passing current, sad which. If undsted, could easily be ascribed to our own twentieth cen tury. This Is whst Daniel Webster said: There are persons who constantly clamor. They complain of oppression, speculation and the nernlrloua Influence of accumulated wealth. They cry out loudly against all banks and corporations, and all means ay which small capitals become united In order to produce Impor tant and benericlal results. They carry on- mad hostility against all established Institutions. They would choke the foun tain of Industry and dry all tha streams. In a couniry of unbounded liberty they clamor against oppression. In a country of perfect equality they would move heaven and earth against privilege and monopoly. In a country where property la mere evenly divided than anywhere else, they rend the air shouting agrarian doctrines. In a country where tha wages of labor are high beyond parallel, they would teach the laborer that be la but sn oppressed slave. No one will doubt but that the con dition of the common people In 1811 as compared with their condition to day might justify complaint, and It Is possible that, looking backward fifty years from now, our present condi tions may seem Inexcusably bad. But nslther is there any doubt that all clacses of our people are right now enjoying more it wealth and happi ness, and exercising greeter measure of liberty, than any who have gone before them. It is 'not to be ex pected that men and women with am bitions for better things will ever be satisfied with their lot or cease to strlvs for Improvement. It Is possW ble thst the clamorous complaint of oppression and Ill-treatment la needed as a spur against lethargy and inaction. The notion, however, that the ills we suffer are peculiarly ours and et Ibis era. and that the agitation against thsm is a new manifestation of patriotism and statesmanship, Is contradicted every time J, we read hlstoryi " . 'v s i , Threat af lafincsn' 8trikt. The overwhelming vote In favor of strike by the engineer on fifty rsllrosds east, of Chicago can but have "a. disconcerting effect upon the public mind. This may still not mean that a striks I imminent, yet It dee not exactly signify th op posite. 8uch a preponderating vote may have either effect on the employers of tending to bring them to concessions or, on the other band, of deciding them more firmly not to yield. It has been long time sine this country has found Itlslf-in the grip of an engineers' stride, and such a strike as this could be nothing short of a public calamity. - In all proba bility It would spread, but whether it did or not. It would tie up traffic and paralyse buslaea sll over th country tor th Urn being and leave Injurious consequence. Trains can not very well operate without en gines and,' avoiding .all big Ulk about being able to fill the cabs, w may a well come directly to the fact that it thee engineer struck most of th traina would not run. In fact, no other kind of a strike would bring borne to one and all so forcibly the urgent need ot peaces ble methods ot adjusting industrial disputes. whether the threatened strike materialises or not realisation ot Its possibility, and what It would mean. must strengthen the demand for the speedy establishment of some sort of aa Industrial commlsslnn, or arbi tration court, to which tiiar be re ferred these questions as between the railroads snd their employes Wnen they csnnot reach agreement among themselves. Co-operative Banking for Farmers. David Lubln. .the California capi talist,' who ia America's delegate to the International Institute of Agri culture at Rome, believe strongly In the European co-operative banking system for farmers In this country aa well as abroad. He came from Rome to apeak to the Southern Com mercial congress st Nsahvtll on th plan, setting it forth In very at tractive form. ! In Mr. Labia's judgment the farmer's principal grievance is tbst outsiders control the marketing of his products because he is unable to borrow money sufficient to finance him and enable him to hold his products himself. Instead of letting them go for what he can get for j them snd turning over to "big bnsl - j nets" the advantage of holding them and thus cornering msrkeU or flx- j tng price. " And th reason, h points out, that the farmer is unable to get the money Is that he lacks the proper rating at the banks. Xow, under the I "Raiffeison system," as he describes ; it, in vogue for man years abroad.! farmers for miles sround combine; their resources, pool their Interests and get a financial status and rating on which they may borrow the J money they need at reasonable rates j of Interest. ; How well the system might work! In the United States is debatable, j but this principle of It really does; em commendable. We have beenj I of tha farmer s labor. Whether such a system would tend to release the farmer from their grasp a trial of It would soon demonstrate. Yet. ss a whole, the lot and opportunity of .the Americas fsrmer are far ahead of those of thq European. Misrepresenting- Japan. A learned Japanese recently In a public speech here In Omaha aald that no man la his country is con sidered well educated today who does not know, American literature. He himself bad spent some eight or ten years in American Institutions of learning. Msny other Japanese sre pursuing their education in this country as the superstructure to the foundation laid In their own lan guage and tbelr own land.' The fact Is, Japanese are bent upon'education. Lindsay Russell, president ot the Japan society, said in an address at the Japan society dinner to Ambas sador Cblnda that Japan success waa due to education, and recalled sn Imperial oath laid down aa far back as 1868 "Knowledge shall be sought throughout the world." Surely a nation so courageously resisting the. tradition of a dark past la entitled to sympathy and sup port from nation like our own, which atands with the beacon light of learning and liberty held np to th world. But a Mr. Russell says. we are not Invariably giving this sympathy and support to our sturdy little neighbor. We are often prone to misrepresent what she Is doing and striving for. American lecturers paint pictures of Japan and Jap anese life and moral so glaring aa to vok public denunciation by Jap anese residing In the United State. Undoubtedly traveloguers pandering to the commercial side of their call ing do frequently misrepresent the facts about Japan, which la a very bad thing to do. The great majority of Americans cannot go to Japan and learn for themselves th exact condi tions, so tbey have to rely upon book and traveler for their Infor mation. Th utmost regard far-tee exact truth ahould be the. ruling passion In all . that la spokan or written about this, as well a other foreign countries. A people bound by the rule thst "knowledge shall bs sought through out tbe world" is not likely to be lost In dissolute living, and there are so many tangible nroofa tending to refute thle charge preferred against Japan aa to lay on those making the charge the burden of proof. For the purpose or helping Jspsa to higher moral or Intellectual stand ard, It doe not quit appear that th best way to do that Is to dwell upon It shortcoming. Social Senric for the Church. The task the esrly church set itself wag the saving of the Individual. Tbe task the modern church faces Is the salvation of th community. Rev llglon today become a matter of so cial service. The advanced apostle of th varlou creeds and culta recog-' nlxe that The church face the task ot form ing a fruitful articulation between the promise of the gospel and th need of th world. It la not an un fair test to demand. A goepel tbst ran sav men from aia ahould have In It th power to rellev them from oppression, from social oppression; the power to help the widowed mother striving or a livelihood for herself and calldren; the power to aid the little child, trying to cope with the ad vera! tie ot want; tb power to Btrengtheo. the arm of the tether and husband wrestling with heavy odds. To' tske this power sad apply it te the social Ills of a dlsessed and dying world Is the great task ot tb church todsy. To interpret the message ot Christ to the world in twentieth cen tury beneficence, so that the man snd tbe woman In the street and the woman and the child In the mill and the tenement may feel the response in, not only quickened hopes, but tsngibl realities that show them In better living conditions thst there is, even for them la their present needs, a responsive possibility in this goe pel. The church cannot scold an er ring world into righteousness and It cannot wish a suffering humanity Into ease and comfort It must reach out through this gospel It is preaching and help to make people righteous and comfortable, and this is social service. Th community is ! reached through Its individual mem bers and civic betterment Is wrought by personal improvement Four yesrs ago Nebraska's presi dential primary preference was promulgated through conventions of ail the parties early ia March, and by April w had all lapsed into a coadi- The Grants in Vienna By Victor Bosewtter. ' " Extract from Letter to The Bee Under Date of August la, ISM. Vienna has been described Urns ,ne fMteit pnbiic vehicles of any city tani t0 American travefera. It has in Colonel Fred Grant one of the most paingtaklng and accommodating ministers of all those who represent the lBitei gute3 abroad. Colonel Grant, with his full beard, now bears a striking; resemblance) to the pictures JuIt fter y,, !n nl, manners he is affable, reserved, yet plain spoken an(1 we nformed on all leading topics that concent people'on both sides o the Atlantic He and his family, cnj03r evening last week, live In decorated with pictures, flags, trophies and mementoes In a style often found among our army officers. Mrs. Grant Is a charming conversationalist; she shows sq Intense intereet in American affairs, particularly the forthcoming exposition at Chicago and the political outlook ot th republican party for 1S2. Although they boast of no great official station, take rank with the highest at the Austrian court They are well satisfied with their position, especially Miss Grant a young miss in her. teens, who, in a letter to the daughter ot Minister Lincoln, at the time of the' appointment of her father, gave as the reason for her contentment the tact that In Vienna alone of all European capitals la the water fit to drink, aa article which, on account of strictly temperate habits, ia to her an abso lute necessity. Her only brother, Ulysses Simpson Grant, a bright young man of 11, who wears a military uniform on occasions and hope to enter West Point In due course of time, I pointment to the court of Austria. tlon of satisfied contentment The effect of the presidential primary law, therefore, 'la to give us aa extra month ot political unrest and excite ment Clan Barton. The elements of greatness came to a faultless formation In th life ot Miss Clarissa Harlowe Barton, Amer ica's .foremost womsn. Dying at 10 year ot age, ahe leave a work of en during greatness, a lasting benedic tion to the world. Wherever man kind auffers her Red Cross messen gers ot mercy minister their tender relief. As the founder, and for more than thirty years the active director ot this society, Mlsa Barton be queathed to thti world an Institution snd example which shall carry her name and deeda on down through time. What Influence In man or womsa In her dsy, or say other day, haa had freer course? Who shall attempt to ssy where this Influence ends? What she did upon the battlefields of many wars and many countries on this and other continent 1 more than any other woman ot her time did, but that work, great and merciful as It was, had an ending. This other !bs not. Lives Ilk this strengthen faith In mankind; they show the realities of sacrifice; tbey point in the finer as pirations of service, service for the good ot the world. It scarcely an swers to call It simply genius, tor that robs, of the reward thst belongs to faithfulness and devotion. Yet she waa a genius, a consummate genius, because she' had the pene trating power of perception that saw th needs of humankind and the un faltering, fearless courage to supply them. No other woman and few men Uver exhibited such power of Initia tion or execution and her daring In the face of duty, or what others might regard as leas than duty, waa resistless. v . . , Tbe world hss net lost Clsra Bar ton. Desth cannot rob It ot her. ' " ' The two recent costly conflagra tions are reminders that Omaha has been getting off pretty easy from th fir fiend, and also warning against th erection of more tinder-boxes. Omaha ought to b large enough aow to hav a fireproof construction district barring altogether buildings ot Inflammable materials. An tip-state paper rejects ths claims of both "Mlk" Harrington and John O. Yslser to tb distinction of being Nebraska's most prolific letter writer, and insists that "Char- He" Wooater be awarded th prise. Tbe next step will bo to demand a popular vote on It by Initiative and referendum. What the factional democratic leaders are saying about on another, and about th aaplranta for th dem ocratic nomination, will be good am. munition later tor th republicans just as good as what th republican are saying about on anothar will be ammunition for the democrats. - The grand jury recommends the repeal of the Albert law. Doe It want to deprive our reform demo cratic sheriff from getting any more tree advertising out of those spectac ular raids? Mr. Bryan is still throwing bou quets at Senator La Follette. but If the Wisconsin man were within hall lag distance of tbe republican nomi nation Mr. Bryan a boosts would eesse. Sasaieleia Averted. Kew Torlt Poet. It it had been Bryan s clothes that were stolen. Instead of Oovernor Wlleoa's. the detect! res would now be watching every man who get oft tbe train at Oyster Bay. A Spell of eesoewwttr. . Pittsburgh Disnaueh. aesator Heymtra of Ida be declares that th newspaper make a take of congress. M is rather generous In him te g'ce th aewspapers a credit that may belong to Itself. - f hlldreau New Tot Tribune. Progressives will please wot overlook the fact that President Taft kas signed tha children's bureau Mil. whoee res sage be secured, whew tbey taut glibly about bis Miffereac to "social Justice." and tine agsin. It has undoubtedly In tha world, but what la more impor- of his father, the great commander. whose hospitality I had the honor to republican simplicity. Their rooms are wealth, the Grants, by their name and equally well satisfied with "his" ap ,' . People and Events Dr. Mary Walker la getting well, da tptta the fact that ah stuck to her own treatment and hired the nurses. On of tha ptctureaqua flood scenes In Memphis Is a pyramid ot barrels of boose rolled from wet oa te dry territory. Aa soon aa the waters recede a celebration will be pulled oft A Chlcaga doctor In explaining bis lat est Hterary exploit, mentioned. "My ap pendix contains fourteen pages." Still the author plugs along, defying a sur gical operation. Cyclone Davis flashes to the' signal towers of liberty la Texas th news that ths hearts of patriate are bleeding for tha Initiative, referendum and recall. A fierce epidemic of heart failure Im pend unless th pie counter la enlarged. A mere pittance of S10.e00.oao Is all Balti more hotelkeepera and otuera expect from delegates and vlsltora to the democratic national .convention. As a measure of safety every patriot ghouM go armed with a round-trip ticket As thai auspicious Mayday approaches, when one Moors win bo attached to her string. Lillian Russell observea that a bride always weeps as th oay near for her to leave th old home. Fortunately th Ohio river at Pittsburgh la low enough to take In Lillian s deluge without seri ous overflow. Two notable parades are scheduled In New York on May 4. Coney Island open up the season of frankfurters and side shows; tha noble army of suffragists march on Fifth avenue, wearing hats of Mnform make and coat, boys head for Coney, girls for th avenue. Either rout promises headache. Rhode Island lawmaker offer a fin exhibition of patriotic seal for a good thing. A Mil establishing a nubile utilities commission la deadlocked because a minority of members Inalet on a proviso granting fee passes to all members of tha legislature and some other stale official Little Rhody official eonae.-onc revolts against th notion of paying out good money for an ancient perquisite. Th Mississippi flood la. heading for New Orleana at a sU-mlle-an-hour gait treat levels In tha Crescent efty rang from eight . to twelve foot balew high water mark, . "Whenever the city Is menaced by flood." a resident explained to a visitor, "usually the lave break above th city, and th surplus pours Int th gulf through .Lake Ponchartraln." Tola convenient arrangement saves atec lnaonvenlence. , i . glCULia SHOTS kt THE PULPIT. Cleveland Plain Dealer: Dr. fsaa Funk baa agreed to eall us up from splrtitand, and Dr. Funk la now there. : We may leant something sew now. but the chances are that well sot tb eld easwer from th operator-The Ira is out et order. St. . Leu la - Rep untie: - A bomb openly thrown into a religious procession on the streets of Lisbon, Portugal, killed five person anad wounded many more, I thl eoantry our religious Institutions art attacked by th cam element, but by a mora msldloua and venomous method. Baltimore American: A Boston minister wants parents t atop talking baby talk to their children and to read Plutarch. Plato, Juvenal and Taeltu for th good t their little lone. But a elaasie home with modern improvements wold be tittle more than any family outside of aa Intellectual canter eould well stand. 8t Louis RepubHc: A minister -was sentenced to eighteen years' Imprisonment la Virginia tor the murder ot another minister, charred remain being found In tb atov of a church where th tw men were known to bava mat. Tb "vtetim" baa now returned bona alive and wU. HI 'slayer" haa been three yeara la prison. Should not the state soak some compensation In a case Ilk that, at ssast ta an amount equal to the earning power f th convicted man for th period of his htcarcaratloa? EUGENE FIELD. hufflo-Shooa and Amber-Locks 6lt together building beacks: Snuffle-8k oon la old and gray, Amber-Locke a little entld; But together la their play Ago and youth are recoveries, And with sympathetic alee Build tbelr castles fair to see. "When I grow up to be a man." go the woe one's prattio-raa. "I shall build a caatle ao With a gateway broad and grand: Hera a pretty vino shall grow. There a soldier guard snail stand; And ike tower shall be so high. Folks will wonder by ana by!" Fhurfle-Bhoon Booth! To. I kaew; Thus I bullded long ago. Hera a sate, and there a wall. Here a window and there a door; Here a steeple wondrous tall Rlseth ever more an more: But th years have leveled low ' What I bulldcd long ago:' go they gossip at tbelr piar. Heedless ot tbe fleetlns day. One speaks of the Ions ace Where his dead hopes buried He; One with chubby cheeks aglow Prattletb of the by and by; side by side tbey build their block-SkufCe-Snooa and Aavber-Lecka. QjoobnBaclxWartl ThuDav !n Omaha I eaaaw vaaj asa vusuhh f COMPILED FROM IU FILaUs. ' April 14. Thirty Tears Ago "Tbe Great Republic." an allegory, waa put en the stage of Boyd under the direc tion of Prof. Hager, part ot tb proceeds to go for an Illuminated clock for the high school tower. The principal roles were assigned aa follows: "Goddee of Liberty." Was Eva Lowe; "Ohio." Mlsa D. Gay; "Illlnoia," Miss Sarah Mc Cheane;' "Old Lady." Mis Tina Mc Cheane: "Christopher Columbus.' J. H. Daniels; "German." A. B. R. Crawford: "Irishman.""" J. Northrup; "Negro." C. K. Cralle: "Warrior." B. B. Bent The chil dren ef th schools took tb other parts and furnished the chortue. The work of changing the court room for the United Statee court has ben completed and ready for th May term. "Bits of Thought" was tha subject ef a lecture by I. S. Shropshire, closing th course of the Unity lyoeum at tb Uni tarian church tonight An army of men and teams Is st work on tbe Fsrnam street grade, which is progressing rapidly. Th vacant lot at th corner of Ninth and Harney Is occupied by . the ap paratus used for laying down the as phaltura ' sidewalk, about tbe Cossen'a bouse. It is now proposed to tunnel under the Union Pacific track at Thirteenth street Instead of building a viaduct ever them at Eleventh street. Tb estimated cost of the tunnel is SS.S0Q, Colonel D. B. Ball, deputy United States marshal. Is back from hi rsneh. . Hon. W. H. stung er of Fremont cam In thla morning and returned at noon. James 8. Franca as eminent com mander and Harlan P. Devalon. re corder, s lined th eall for Mount Calvary eommandery No. L Knight Templar. Twenty Yean Ago- Free silver is rejected by the desve- cratlo stat convention. Congressman Bryan's carefully prepared, ouart er as wed plank being firmly and effectively sat upon, end later seised snd split Into kindling woo. A. J. Sawyer of Lancas ter county, chairman of th committee m resolutions, wss the first to reply to Mr. Bryan's plea tor th plank. Of futt of Douglas came next. Chairman Batty then batted a few at it; N. 8. Harwood, Judge Crawford and other lined up against It and. though the crowd cried for "Bryan." "Bryan," It would hav none of hla sacred silver. Oevertor Boyd beau Euclid Martin for delegate-at-largo to the national convention. Ceo Oallagher announced that the Second district had named John A. Crelghtoa and Charley Ogden district delegate ta the national convention. Chief Seavey waa busy mailing copies of his annual report to th polios' chiefs all ever tb country. Th Ladles Aid of the First Mathodlst church gave a muslcsie. Jules Lombard sang two solos, T. 1. Kelly gave several rgan piece. Mis Katherln Col re cited. Miss Anliden sang contralto sola and Mr. L. B. Copelsnd S baritone. J, U. Vaughn baa been detailed by Chief Beavey to take charge ot th license matters until such time sa th city council passes an ordinance provid ing for license Inspector. . ,v f Ten Years Ago , V Mlsa Gall Laughlln, one ot th promi nent .woman'a Buff rags speakers and thinkers, spoke st Unity church on "Wo man'a Industrial Position Under tb Law." Mlsa Laughlln was described by Th Bo "a forceful speaker, remind ing 'one much ef Mrs. Mary IC Lease." Arthur H. Brlggs and wife, formerly of Better than an opera house No one 'JL!"BB. suri XJSZST house offers you such an array of talent as you It brings to you the living voices of the greatest artists of the world's most famous opera houses. And the Victor opera season never closes. Come ia and bear some Victor Records by Caruso, Farrar, Melba, Schumann-Heinle, Tctrauini and other artists. TasaVss Vktor lor YOU-titst23B. Easy Ilaydcn Oros. On to Dallas with the Omaha ad club The 8th Annual Convention of the Associated Advertising CInbs of America will be held in Dallas, Texas, lasting four days, then a 4-day com plimentary circle tour of 1,000 miles to Fort Worth, through Houston, San Antonio and Gal veston. . A great thing for Texas, a big thing for Omaha and Nebraska. Leave with us May 18th; special trains, the greatest trip you ever had, all for $75.00. Make your plans now don't delay. You are cordially invited to partake of southern hospitality. They say it is trade marked and quality guaranteed. Apply to any of the 100 to Dallas committee. Victor White ,v Chat. C. Rosewater J. A. C. Kennedy R.B. Wallace Omaha, were registered at the Millard hotel from Clinton. Ia. General Bates and party returned from an inspection tour of Fort Riley and Leavenworth. The psrty consisted of the general. President Horace G. Burt of tha Union 'Pacific Mrs. Burt, Colonel- E. J. McCleraand. adjutant general of the Department of the Missouri; Mrs. Mc Clernand, Miss Pomp and Lieutenant WeHs. City Health Commissioner Ralph re ported that smallpox was going ou: and measles coming Irt- Conrad Wiedemann, M years ef age. died at his home, MS0 South Seventeenth street. i DOMESTIC PIIASAJSTEIES. "If your husband were to snout tb you to bring htm something iipsuura. Could yon go up to hirar "Not much! I'd call him oown,"-Baltl-taore American. ,'Hti George any curiosity?" What do yo nicer?" "Doea he know your age "Well, he knows wht runturv I waa born in." Cleveland Plain Dea.-e.-. Wife T really believe you msrrtcxl mo simply because I have money. Hub You're wrong. I married yon be cause I thought you'd let me have some of It Baltimore American. Queen Elisabeth was very much pro voked when she found that her cousin. Mary. Queen of Scot is, has bora put to death. . "I can't help R tf people will lose their heads at critical momenta," her majesty petulantly exclaimed. "As far aa I am concerned the occurence waa entire acc idental." Baltimore American. "A man who want a to reach the public ear ahould learn to express himself la words of one syllable." "Tea." rentled Senator Sorghnm. "the promisee expected of us make It almost . necessary ta rely largely on tw mono- r syllables. Tea before election and 'no' Ak, ' after." Washington Star. Mrs. Fuctose Isn't my new decoJ'aSasi; jrl now. Mr. Fuclose Tnu are certain! nl'jaV OeM tor th pan. Philadelphia RstT. -tnT "What baa become aT'l hen"" campaign 'The campaign hen 7 "The one that used to lay eggs bearing tbe Initials of the favorite candidates." "Oh. I suppose she haa Joined the suf fragette movement. "Washington Herald. "There's nothing that make a would-be society woman madder than to find her name left out of the report of Borne function ahe attended." "Unless It's to find. In addition, that th name of her rival waa put In," Cathollo Standard and T.mea. Your Prescription meana more than a botkie of medicine. It la a compound ordered by the doctor foe your particular caae. If it la not properly filled It has no medicinal value to you. Prescrlptlona filled at any one of our five drug atoroa are compounded from th purest druga, Juat as the doctor orders Accuracy la our watchword only rec mtered pharmacists are employed and every prescription I checked and re checked by them. - Thla service cost you no more than that which you gat elsewhere. Sherman & HcConnell Drug Company g big steaws la Osaaba. T7 gown great? I tell you is in tbe 'ff a ' Let Carey's Laun- Hrv Bn Yniir ttfnrlr 4 ... Web. ISO. A-1003 I ' 423 So. imh St, - " single opera can hear on ictor. tans a dssv. 4 theV ! ed A