aaSWaMTgK . iiioi.r .mLmm.mt ,;.5 r2S -.c THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 14, 1912. Madam, This Busy Store Is Worlhy of Your Attention Discriminating buyers are fast recognizing the advantages of keeping in touch with this store. Many unsuspected style treasures are discovered here daily by discriminating customers who ap preciate refined and unusual style effects, coupled with high quality fabrics. Just now we have a notable display of wo men's silk dresses and gowns for afternoon and evening wenr made of soft lustrous chiffon taf fetas in solid or changeable shades; crepe de chine or crepe do meteor, in Copenhagen, navy, tan, champagne or Atlantic blue; alsd plain colors or blue and white and black and white stripe silk voiles. Many of these new models have shadow lace or chiffon peplums, others have the draped, tunic effects which are so popular now. Misses and small women's sizes, 14, 16 and 18; also regular women's sizes, 36, 38 and 40, at $22.50, $25.00, $29.75 and up to $58.00. tie Acquainted with . thin Store mi Ismail i 1R1JLM T ASM AM STREET I New catalogs ww ready for oaWof-towa Twenty-Five Are Hurt When Floor in Distillery Falls PEORIA. ML. April lt-Twentr -fir Itudanta of Bradkjy Pelytecbalo lastlts lloa wer injured today when te saoond licet of the M Woolmt distillery, hick tear a era Inspecting, cava way under tee weight of seventy-five members ot tko tarty. Th accldeht oceurrod whllt th young pooplo won standing around a Mg tormenting Vat. I ho work Inn of which Mn Mi explained ky th luper lalondoBt of Um plant. Th aoeldoat oama without a eeoond- kerning, laaely grouped around a Ma rat atoad tho eventy-flve person whoa metaatlr thor u a craoh and roar tad tho who! Baity wa precipitated to th ground. pertly burled under tb mart of krokea Umber, bonea. maekle ry. tea yewng bmoi and wma vara thrown lata a a tat of aaetlomaat. Thaaa moot aartoualy lajarad worn glace la rowa oa tko prairie by work man, whoro they roaoalnod aatll th em Vulaaeoa arrived. Th party waa oa a trip mad an nually by atudoau Of tko ockooL Th Injured: , sitae oa IsUlmaa. elby-rUl.. IlaVj rtho Vnken hack eprelnad. Mia J aaa Cardiff, Oalv, lUf Intern ally. i , j . Mla 1 nerewee Iberia, Wlanebege, Mian.: aplao Injured, rlhe featured. A. U. Jakaaun, both legs Broken, may die. - . Ooerfe CerfM, leg broken. pioreuoe Lurtoa, arm krokea Anna IMtca, ankle broken. j rrd Davla. L CloueV Ml an, leg broken. " goo Hud Ron, Internally- Uraet aterkeon, lib broken. . . Mary la-own, Inlarnaily. Klurenoe gehura, rib broken. Margaret McDonald, km, krokea. Kdue Brown, krulase. Uuliock, arm brokan. letuee rampmeyer, ami krokea. very ambulaaa In Ike etty waa ruehod to the aald oar In the Meeaba rang owned by Independent operator. Including the Hill knee oara, nearly equalled the Steel corporation Boktlags. The value of all the oar en the oara and the Meaaba ranee, whoa hah) aa a reserve. Mr. Col declared, would range trora S) to 10 cent a ton, "a an Inert maaa lying In tk ground.' a aald "the value of the ere la Utile." HILL DOES NOT OWN ALL ORE IN MIES ABA RANGE WASH IMOTOM, April U. -Thome W. Cole of IMIMh, former gtasUsut of the KJUver Mining company, and new en gaged la capper mlnmg la Arlaana aad Mentaaa. wa a wltneaa today kafer the heuae committee oa Inquiry bate the United mate Meet ooraeaatloa. Hat testimony waa expected to eeaelade the Inquiry, which hae keen la program Mao teat May. Alked ky representative Tounk of Michigan, for hie eetlmatea of the are holding of the ate! corporation as th Meeaba and Vermillion range In th lake operler region, he aald that es emaiT at the Hill era laaoaa, the hoMV lag would ascend VMmm tons. I la Policemen Eescue a Kidnaped Bride at Los Angeles LOS ANOELES. April ll-Poncemea wtlh drawd revolver reeoued Mery Cast, pretty H-yeer-old girl, bar today from a wedding celebration m which Mary, aald ah had keen aa unwilling nrtnetpeL Th girl arrived front Austria yaeterday. She told the police that Mr. Luce Rlavtti and a number at the tatter friend today took her to the home ef Tony Raleek, where (he wa Informed that Ralech wai ta be her htwband. A hundred countrymen were brought m t eelobrat. The girT oouarn Informed tho police of tho alleged abduetloa and th rescue followed. Tba federal autherltlea today will InvaUgata the ease. , P INSANE MAN MAKES A - - : : SCENE AT.WHIIE'HQUSE WASHINGTON. April U.Mlchal Wlater of BaKimora wa th ntm gtvea by a man who eauaed aa unuoual ei- eltement around the White Bouae today, He made twa attempt ta enter the front door tad finally waa landed at police headquarter under tbe impraaaloa that ha wa at the German emkeaey. Winter first eejl wa made while the preateeat wa at breakfast. Th m aald he wa knows nt tb Otrmaa em bassy aad that he had buslnea with Mr. Taft that required e personal audience. Me was turned away, but a abort time later slipped through th door and waa Mvaral (eat InaM before detested. It wa thea be was Induced ta seompany aa offtoor t th rXJerwata emkessy." HI mental eeadiUes will be mvUmtd. FRENCH OFFICER KILUO BY FALL OF, AEROPLANE PARIS. April Jl-Ueutenaat M. R A. Bonoour of the Twenty-aavenlh Infantry raaimmt. was killed la an aeroplane so ot dent while making a (tight IS mile oast ef Perl. . Me fall from it kelght while paaamg ver tbe village af aeat. BJa aarnplane eallaneed frees nnknowa aauaa aad kkl body waa altnoet Knox County Man Dragged to Death Under Harrow BLOOMFIEU), Neb., April H.-Speclal Telegram.) Jake Boa a. a farmer living two ml lee northeast at tkls dry. wa kJUed yeatarday aftamaoa while harrow lag em km farm. He went out to work after dinner and about t e clock kls wife went owl ta tk kern aad fooad the team ear a feaes and the body af dead buabead lying mm th barrow with bta head beat dwwa aader two bar af the harrow. He bad erteentir beee FREE TRIAL TREATMENT For SkirTortured" tod Disfigured Infants" M0THERS1 MOTHERS! To knew that a warm bath witkCk-Itaa-a Soaa aad k atagm apalkmtmm f Cuticvr fklatmaal will aVerd bnmeii- t perraaranl reUef far torturing, damgar ingoczt lriinfj irrilattiwi. orsalingi. and aa mgaef da ska aad areipef mfanhiaad okJdren, and not a a marnraf demy In tefad myawrdaty. Takak af tba) aVes af eatairad by tba angtact m rhiklhond of aisspa elds effectaou. It roa wootd leet the amceijef Caticara i m raw tkec witbaat CARRIES PASSENGER ACROSS CHANNEL IN AEROPLANE UINDOM, April U.-Maartee the rreocfc aeraoaut. taft Pmrla at T: thla meratng ta km aeropm. wham will delrrer ta the Brttlak admiralty, i at 1st at Beat Cburea. kavtng eroseed the channel from a netnt near Cauda, fraaoa. H carried a I KURDISH PRIESTS ATTACK AMERICAN MISSION STATION rr. nmnursuM, aphi a. -a party oald aad stiff. It la net known how I that he mast nave etnaikted aad fU ewer th barrow, Meaning htm aad while m the off Oermaa el Usee Roosevelt Will Speak Two Days in Kansas TOfCKA. Kaav. April B. -Colonel Theodore Eimikl wM make a two aorw avaaklaaj asar eg Kaamm aaat week. Mo. gmsrinaT fMaey a win wkat tba Mbtfn atatrhsa wkaeb bates net yet el art ad dee ensttaa, f 1 1 tfll pukakly be aaade at Maaieiirie nutuklaaaa. Washita aad DISTRICT COURT BEGINS ' IN CENTRAL CITY MONDAY chwtrai. crrr. nK Apm it-Bp- amLr-Tka regular spring tor mot the dlstrlot eeort win aeavea ta tb alty t Moaday. but tba Jury panel Is not ta be present aatll Tuesday There are asverel esses eat tor trial aa the criminal docket the Brat being th state against MarauM. a Uquor Tho eeeond trial la that ot tbe tat against Hugh and Karl Lockard, Burl Boles and Robert Saddler, thla being tb Clark a cattle stealing oas. The as sault and battery ease af th Ut against Fran tavern? th state against talmoa Peck, and th Mat against Jo Shlrey are alee art for Bearing. There are aeveral civil suits aJao act for hear, tug, but th length of the term depend on the progreaa that la mad la in criminal ease. WYOMING MILLIONAIRE DIES IN AUTOMOBILE CHETENNK, Wyo, April U.-8uppo- adly atrtefcea with heart dl 1. Bevaa Phillips, millionaire aheap ranch owner and oil operator of Congreen county, ten from hla automobile ta which he was riding today. Hla body was found lying la a mud puddle near Douglas. Hla aute moMte stood a few feet a way. where, nn- gulded. It bad run lata a ditch tk road. It b) ketleved Phintpa dead whoa be fen Isn't it Time for You to Realize Your. Dreams? Stop living with SOME OTHER family. Yoa are doing voarsrif an l.Jl STICK if yoa think yoa are Jl'ST AS HATTY exisUng; U this yoa would be liriag; ia a comfortably famished BOMB mt VOI R OWN. Be independent, have a place to RECEIVE and enter tain your friends without that feeling of restraint or formality that you experience la another person's home, no matter HOW CLOSE the relationship. Tbe SMALLEST SALARY is LARGE EXOIGH te sop. ply EVERY desired home comfort at HARTMAJfS. A FEW DOL LARS DOWX aad A LITTLE EACH MONTH win enable yoa to tar nish a home BEAITIKILLY and you caa take from ONE to TWO TEARS time to pay for what you buy. OXE PRICE to all THE LOWEST. Every' article marked with PLAIN FIUI RE PRICE TAG. HARTMAN'S COMPLETE HOME OF 4 FURNISHED $QA ROOMS ....... WVtJl 158.00 A MONTH marmiasBATOS kfade with e hardwood case y goldea oak flaUh. Has larte. t Ine chamber, mineral wool filled, and the provteloa com partment I lined throughout la white enamel with r removable ahelve. i Kor thla week at th ! apecial price or VTiaK 1 -- : eU4i naaf La nfW- zlg gsTT.gg TILVIt BVM Theee ruga are abnoluteiv eaam ' leee and are therefore much more durable than pieced ruga They are woven of selected materials, and are rer-nmmended for their r-est durability, heee rura sell rea-ulsrtv for Its. Our special price. M7.H II - $24Z5 3-PIECE MAHOGANY PARLOR SUITE REGULAR $40.09 VALUE SPECIAL iOR IttlSoAwi,... The basdnoma 3-plee Parlor Suites are wonderfully attractive. The 8 lari djvan arm chair and arm rocker are of handsome design. Beats uphol atered In genuine leather. Tbe frame It of birch mahogany brilliantly pollened, well made and abiolutely guaranteed. BOMS 0AK BBJUln This I an eitra large dreeeer and made throughout of solid oM. Has three large roomy drawer and durable plat mir ror set la cervea atanaaroe. Tou have never aeon a value to equal thla. Spe cial for thla eel... to" V jdhjeabnjdbs cata" .iroaui .FREE TO OUT- OT-TOWN PEOPLE Threw Weddlaam at West redwt. WEST POINT, Neb., April U. glparlal ) -Tba asarrmg. of Jnaepk apaasak and Miss Mary Tank took place at the Judge' 1 5? MPI ilAie1sfesV :VI tjj'ieirL '$ fc-maW-tU OOLOaiAii sajcssa-aj -w - This . week's extra aneclal te a vary.vJiendeeme large . dreeeer, made throughout of American quarter aawad oak or birch ma hogany. The front of beee is a full serpentine, deaiga .jwltn two large end two sn.au drawers. Hu Colonial brew pull and French plata'bevelad mirror. fir.. It in a orswere. 101' PEDESTAL EXTENSION TABLE Thlg handsome table i made of (elected American quarter tawed oak, polished to mirror like brilliancy. Has large 4Z-in. top and extend ft., fitted with easy running slides. Haa massive square pedestal and heavy colonial feet A beauty and a rare bargain at the low price ot . quABTiB-gAtrcn OA I AS! OIBUtO) OBAXKg Ravw genelne leather eeat. 4 ( eolonlal kti with claw " feet, strongly braced and , beeutirullv flnlahed, epertsl ... 1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS ST. aTew Beelgs vAjfjz& OVO-OAkT . jrs A one-nation folding Ov-Oirt. mad entirely of tubular ateel. large wheels and cualilon tirei; aoiuauuia hack and dean, large seat snd large hood, extra roomy.-' positively a eplendld value at the epeclal price .f .. . Wesmssssa-. The (Mm m a mm af K. aad Mav X. U aeelea eg aa asms. BUaa Bass C UssgB III I tms at fas Tbe green h) th m eaa and at aow pnartawr of Oa Arset Omaur at latatac The nrsos m the daughter af Bmrw trsja, a amsaar tarxaar. Thai evxug wedatna; trip as aeatara saasta. for a BOBTUa TLL put RRST ON THE ST. JOSEPH TEAM OaUaaaat before ctammg, aaatd at ewce be "Cvaetara," Dead, IB, BitorMaacr frea aajay, Vf Ceo ecra Soap aad OanV an Oastaseat, with S3-- book aa ska and aoaip teeubkas, aad fbsy wQ ba aaat wltkocit .any eaaias vlakna. aa-Tendar mead sssa akams hi aaa. foot with Catlccra aospBkwvbst BUok. lot riaalak ileal alaaeked the Ajaariaaal mat stathsB at ay-llala as tee prev- ffma ta the cowrt bowaa oa Waduaaday. mca ef Aaerkeajaay , assay. I Jadga Peemat efra-mtinc Tbaeswpmaf Kerda etoarted le the raagsag ef the smv an ' ' atea bell and ta tbe boksLag af the q,., M WMt rtdnt and Ma. mrtatnr Cad Bakar Bor- "eritaa Dag. Tba Tarkam eeoaafl ta- M&aaa rtdlXt ef Praamac were married tntrmt sack trr fha Jk. DEATH RECORD ' T , ' JtBJTMZ rssoes, I . . I uuivu niau Uiwl im xas iami mm a Mra Mam. Patamt W-cojd!! SoTfi Ttti', Gtm CCTo I T. mrJ?TZ " T ' 1 msads Jack amd atm eatrsgbt ta aarflam far abma tarty waaan, emd ywasr aw- Tbe bkHi trrrutle from osOj i u lj IuiiliiIuihI laegas amraaa naea at the boms af ear daagmar. Mm tanars cseeee ihuueeAa ef Berveo JV ZJL1 h mrmmsami wfik t. R Kkdbela, Mat M m g n a. eg eae ereak-drwaa DaatOe. ikere m Ihe pais. " aet yet eoraed Ida dUXkmltmi ml aem. Tl aaaaial r9 as fcakt amanas kagnrd tmm sad l eeamk dlaiaew- Haflaad. bat, he M exported te earn - , . awsa hawv anal0-" f.Kr. aers le a sraund ta the nest day ar as aad he l""''.'-'"-'"? l "-' riMM.besmwbmitlmaaaamma.Ptl- mg, WW t BW mm vmm m mm mmm mwm w nw mmm iJtiy. j BUBV- I T gw awaaaV Tea f i bad Band I O u haw amoy palest mad. day sTteraooa. aamacy or - awaaesa i i, a n ) I ; I Tweirlleth atmat. aaat tksv amtatng. I J I tsakasiaofj )i.2ft ta r 11!. I ( I I arr. J I KSHBAaA CITT. Nee,. April kV-Okve- I V I eore pan.- Tim azaacts i asm . aaamnsg anew, amp aaa aawa tu rem mm aumaiy aaugitrai. carwa aad B&1k. a,,,, nraa - nrw ass aag aer I oaaaue aa e peeied right tit-, bua Ar1 """Tl T. " .... tone, srtrtaa tea. awaalT ematlua fsei. I " " gwt mmeiua rsbef- I araadiaml baeve aemas as a sen veaa Oils arty tare, en! salts The il 1 1 tv taUe- er pwad ta a haaia of warm eraaar. kcavk the turn for l&U finean mat ale seenly rakaua- tas Tim ere karn mmw coos xoateLUV and tne reea mm aumaajr eausiitru cara iwileriaee aa te paaad nght off-. tone, armog Laaa. reaair Use troe a wask d nan- tarn treaWea wtll a a thnm laf the peas, Calemee works tlaaueji larogriat ka at m or win niaLry isa u- a imearr-ur eeas peraage la XKAJUTET. Mek April It (Special. V- Artbar F. regies, popular aeeoad .baa. maa ot tbe Kaaraey baa ball dub of th Kokraaka State league, was msrrted last night te Mies Ethel ladell. daughter of a well known contractor. The young eeuple left at ones tor eastara polnta to apend ta. retnm a ef tba aaa has aaaaoa. The opapm pXea U Iowa. Grand Circuit Eacea Aronsiiig Interest SIT TC81X. aaril It-Trotttog nurat lewd i a, owner af blgb class horsra, tiatuma. OrJaetr. hPaa af tas har ness apart aad warn generally lalaeoaled fag right bsraeas bsrsea bar ewery rmv eoa to eeg-ratalat themselves an the, trmglh ef the pa grand etroaat and the rich tiimm Us alanine haw offered and win affar tar tba port. Seldom la Us entire history has the big racing Bee lerliided tMrtsea ef the ooaatrys asaat Important mile tracks m Its TnrrrJeraMpi aad arrcr wWk aa monk money for parses sad falsi Mrs a wll) be offered fms year. A oarefaj sTna1a dhows that from Orand Batsds s tba caass of th swava) at Lrstsgtag a latal af aaaa tasn UM a already m sight far early closing events aad colt fntnrttn, Tba Mart at the araaoa this year i at least two weeks earner than formerly, which Is certainly tb most encouraging feature ef the season's barneaa apart Compared wttb Via only en member. In. dlaneporla. Is eat. while m Its pmoe there are two aeaMJiueie aalna, K. end Colwmbus returns to the Uncap with Its rwe weeks' meeUier aad Win soon any nounce early closing events amotmtlng to ever taUm. whUe laslngtoa at a mesnber for tbe first thar. sadmg great strengUi to tba Use aad caring serin us dashes ef data la Urn fatar. A eanata rsisar as r!r ae Jrfy t, wia a Dacttng warLk OUa G-ead Baptar: OSea wweka of eontmoed rec ta wXh a amaV asm never km than taat smasng. aad a ooeteg at UeSlngton arnt saraty gS'm maanmea aad breeders great confidence In the present aad fatara of the Industry af racing and sport. OTeeee oa Warwatk. Marty OTool le a level-needed, Men tampered fellow, but he vows that aaa or two scribes aav been aslag At nam a bit too treaty, and threatens trouble Ba kes they let up. Marty saya he mar ba creay. but he' ao toot, Th PUtaburgh acribee have baea booeting him aa a matrimonial prise and be doesn't Ilka It. Apsdeaata Seta a Berth. Pitcher Fred Apeaegeta, Mat lev with Lincoln, and ko kought Ma own re leeae, ass eigard wltk Bladra of th New Tor It state league. tew Leasrar strew. InternarJoaal kmgae fans are tk-kled at the shewing made by their team niralstt th major lesguers la practice games. Big Values for Little ploney Dunning's Quality Bargain Sale Best quality' Black "Wire Cloth, in rolls, square foot 1UC Best quality Poultry Netting, in rolls, square foot ....C Good quality Spring Screen Door Hinges, per pair . . . . .5C Grass Catchers, each. .25c, 30e and 40c Pennsylvania Lawn Mowers; as lov as All Steel Garden Bakes, eacli. .. . All Steel Garden Hoes, each. .T.. Best quality Lawn Rakes, each. . Lawn Rollers, each ... 1 ... . ., , .; Wheelbarrows, $2.40 Talue, each. Everything long in quality and short in price. .$2.40 ...30c ...25c ...35c .$8.00 $1.50 ga making Uadr catena ansae Moettnc tba came af the araerst Dimning H?tfdwarc Co., 1612 Harney Street awe ta as aaaeg is aaaa aha 1" AtttosaiarAy nmll.aan ' I. , . Has. avss.