R THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 14. 1912. Y Sweet Singers of the Local High School . r -. 1 ... - . w, i m S 5 I $ f i 9 ) r v v Wi e 1 S 1 I i iv i; ; r .4 ; 7 : ' ; 1' ' it) s S 11 11 : II (I I ? 11 it 11 Top Row. Left to Right Kenneth Wldenor,' Accompanlat; Isonara Kerr, Edward Undelsnd and Krank Malm. Rohan Hurtiee, Vernon Schleh, Charles Robel and Howard Char. Second Row Left In Rlght-Cleo Claiborne, Kenneth Wallaca Mensle and Frederick Koenlg. ' Sluing. Loft to Rlght-rMwar Perkins, Assistant Manager; Lynn Ifackett. Vic Wlllsrd BlabaucU, rreaident: s.. Kendall Hammond. Treaaurwr, and Max Bloc. Secretary. MENDELSSOHN CHOIR PLANS Farther Lifonnation Concerning the ' "Coming Concert. v COLERIDGE-TAYLOR AM VERDI Skrtiaj Data Prraoaalitr of Ike Mm aad the Work, tkat Will Br UKea y ( holr aad Orraeatra, The Mendelssohn choir concerts In conjunction W'Hn the -Theodora Thomas orchestra ,of Chicago received . the off I clal endorsement . and support of the Commercial ciub at Omaht at a regular meeting tag i the. executive ' committee soma ili ago and . the Commercial elnb of. Omaha at a retular ' meet Ins, of the executive committee soma riam aim nn.t, t ('Ammarptil liih f I members have -fdpntlr heeri acting on the suggestion Implied in the resolution, that the muacal project should be 1 1 1 "boosteX" In (he uau.il nay, far the sub ('scrlpllons uaa been, coming In steadily. laud there will tV.a large number of I reserved seats to be exchanged tomorrow 'I (Monday)' morulas at the bvl ulflce of th Auditorium. I J A vary determined attempt, is being Jmado tu draw attentlonito the fact that 119 concerts are 10 vegin ai 'a;ie p. m. harp and the matinee at : p. m. harp. Last rear the, Isrjte audience was o late arriving Uiat -the choir aqa irchestra bad to ait almost half an lour before bcginuin. It la the sincere icfelra of the manag ment to have the patrons of these concerts seated com fortably and without tleiay, and If the effort la mad to coma early the audience a III be eaaly taken care or, and those who desire to come lata wMI -be-obliged I. to wait until the conclusion of tha mu steal number which is In progress. Tiere Is much Interest In the presen- itatlon of the dramatic scene from tha jaong of Hiawatha, entitled "Hla- waina s weaaing reaat, ina worqa rrom Xaiifrfellow and tha music from the pen of that original genius, '8. Colerldge- fTaylor. It will be given on the second sight. Tuesday, April 23. Tha question Is often asked: "Where U(i tale man get his Indlaq music Ideas?" Tha answer Is said to be that he found ihera out through Interpretors for tha Indians In the Buffalo Bill Wild West how when It was staying on exhibition Jot a long lima In London. Ha looks Ilka a full-Wooded negro, and I here Is a bit of his biography, as (Ivan In tha Washington Poet wheat his work as as first produced In this country: The fsther of Kainuel Coleridge-Taylor eiama from Sierra Leone, on the west acoast of Africa, to England to study : medicine. Hera he married a white woman of English parentage, and from .this marriage was born, the child that iwaa to become one of the greatest of modern composers. The boy save early ndlcatloa of great musical precocity and at the of U he won a scholar ship which entitled him to a four years' course In the Royal College of Mamie in London, and w hile here, under tlte tutel age, of the famous Or. Stanford, he pursued his studies In composition.''. The Manxonl Requlm of Verdi. ' from which there nil! be soma excerpts pre sented on Iheopenlng night. Monday April ftt. has created quite a bit of cortcslty and ' attention, this being iu first presenta tion In Omaha: the name given to this work by Verdi, the Mansonl." la the name of tha famous Italian poet and i jiovr list- from whose memorial it waa writ L ten. Thla work Is' the most brilliant - and dramatic setttnr of sacred words in tha true Verdi style. While tha Ian- guaca Is the language of the church, the ' jnastc is the music of tha dramatic ; writer and rolorist. the laimortst Verdi. ' tha erdl of "A Ida" and "Otello." pec- i haps, father than the Verdi of "Trova- j tare" and -Rlgoletto." but Verdi through-' out. except in the "Siwis." which is a strict fugue for a double choir, written in in lorm ot a strict old master art harmony: yet so alive is the fugue that there la no suggestion of the Bedacogue. aad the members of the Mendelssohn chotr enjoy the sinning of it perhaps bet ter thaa anythirar they do. Than as aa Interesting loodeat la coo-' OT1AHA. ZfZGE JC&OOL GZEE CZITB nectlon with tha "Requiem": which may not be general ly known. Part of this Requiem had been written before for another Requiem and that for no leas than tha distinguished - musical personage .Rossini. When Rossini died, Verdi, who was at the height ot.hla musical activity, thought that It would be a great thing to arrange a "composite1 Requiem for hla distinguished contempo raryeach chosen musician to write each ona part of the Mass; and so Verdi wrote tha "Libera Me," and other portions were written by other leading musicians, Each ot these was counted worthy to be a cowritef with Verdi at .that time: sack did his best, but after It waa all dona It was so absolutely Incongruous and Inconsistent and unmatched that tha scheme was abandoned. But Verdi kept his "Libera Me" and wrote tha whole Requiem afterwards, ss ststed, for the anniversary ot th death of Count Man aonl. i ' ' The Mendelssohn choir will have two "extra" rehearsals between now and the concerts and even thing Is being done to present the best work that haa yet been shown by this organisation. Tha splendid sounding-board or acoustlcon will be erected in the Auditorium during' the coming week, end ever) thine will be In order when the lights are turned on Mon day evening. April . for the first of the three concert which comprise the series. There are still soma course tickets fer sale and the advantage of pun hating these at the low cost ot ti; admitting on person to all the concerts, Is apparent. The concerta will be Monday evening, April X: Tuesday afternoon and Tues day evenlnk'. April ZZ. And the place tha Auditorium. The time 1:15 p. m. for tha evening concerts and S: tor the afternoon. ' , What - - .Women Are . Doing in the World ONDAT will be a big day with M tha Omaha. Woman's club. Th annual e'e.tlon of of ficers and committees will be held and also the election -of delegatea and alternates to the biennial convention of the General Federation ' of Woman's clubs In San Francisco June H to July i. Th election Is shrouded :n mystery by th nominating committee vnslstlng of tha ten chairmen ot committees of the club. . This committee met last Monday and drear up m slat of candidates, two for each office. . Bnt tha members refuse to make th slate public until Monday afternoon' at th club. - Aa titer is buta one avowed candidate In th field, Mrs. C. .W. Hares for the presidency, a number of surprises will m doubt be sprung and a lively time la an ticipated. Th election ot delegate to tha Men-, nisi will be of unuaual interest 'Since the California women are making an en thuslsstic effort. to make this years' con vention a rousing success. Th Omaha Woman's club Is entitled to four d Mi- Kates Including - the incoming 'president) who goes ex-officio. . ' The following have been appointed tell ers for the election: . Mesdames .Charles Rosewster. chairman; Cadet Taylor. H. L. Beard. T. R.. Ward, a! D. Bradley. Oeorge B. Darr. F. J. - Bins. Earl 8tan field. J. LV Adams. 8. A. Collins, C. H. Mullin, James T. Lee. Thomas Tracy, J. .', Hammond, - P. J. Burnett, - H. P.. Jensen. ' ''-''" . ., . - ll .-.- ; t , The household economics department of the Omaha Woman's club will dose Its season Wednesday with- an all-day meet ing, including a program la th morning, luncheon at soon to which the executive officers and directory ot th club are in vited and a social good time In the af ternoon. - At th morning session. C. C. -BeMen will te:i the story of the development ot a oepsftmeat store and Mrs. Earl . Stantleld will give a review of the year's work. . The art department of the 'Omaha! Woman's' club 'will cl it season of i study of Dutch and Flemish art with a stereoptlcon review of the course from the e -licet to th latest painters. About sixty slides of paintings will be shown and the women who have led the sea son's programs will gia the lectures. The leader ot the department, Mrs. Wl H. Hancock, will preside. The literature department of the Omaha Woman's club will hold Its last meetlnx of the season Wednesday morning. Offi cers will be elected, the course ot stiny. for next season plsnned and a review at this rear's work given. , ' A number of Omaha women will speak at the ninth, annual session of the third district ot the Nebraska Federation of Women a clubs In Teksmsh, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. K. R. J. Edholm will talk on "Health-Medical Inspection (Hi - Public Schools, Wednesday morning. Wednes day afternoon Mrs. F. H. Cole will give a talk on the' "Report of the IState Scholarship Fund." and Miss Anne Sophia Grumman, registrar snd Instructor In his tory st Brownell Hell, will spesk on "The School House as a Social and Civic Center." Th lecture of Edward J. Ward at the Metropolitan building Friday evening. April , promises to be an sffslr of much city Interest. Mr. Ward, whose ad dress will be on "Civic Centers," Is In charge of civic center extension work for the University ot Wisconsin. All of the fifty-two organlsstlons af filiated with the Astocistrd Charities have been Invited to attend, as have also the improvement clubs. Board of Education and teachers. CommerAal club. Real Estate exchange, I'nlvercity club, mayor and city council, the churches. Labor league. Young Men's Christian - aasoclstlon.' Young Women's Christian assoclstlon. Toung Men's He brew, association, editors of the local papers , Knights of Columbus, women's clubs of Omaha, South Omaha, Benson and Dundee. . Th lecture It complimentary and given under th auspices of the University of Omaha and the Omaha Woman's club with tha club civics committee ot which Mrs. Albeit Edholm Is acting chairman,' In charge. The announcement thai u rhm Carpenter of New Turk haa been put forward by the Sorosls club aa a candi date for the office of president of the General Federation of Women's clubs hss an element . of Interest for Omaha women, sine ah Is a sister of Rtv. 'Fred erick T. Rouse of this city. Mrs. Carpenter' haa been nmMi r Sorosls, the mother of women's clubs; piesraent ot tn New York Federation f Women clubs, nrealdvnt th. sr.. tionsl Society of New England and Is nw a member of th General Federation board. I It Is known thst Mrs. If I. w..r. r Wslthill. Keb.. a popular club woman of th state and a member nt ti n. . Federation board, la being spoken of as a canaiaat lor an executive office at th biennial election. . - - Th Dundee Woman'a eluh evil hAia- I.. annual election of officers Wednesday afternoon at the home ot Mrs. W. B. Howard.! 'Th nominating commute, consisting of Mrs. John O. Yelser, chair man; Mrs. J. w. Msrshell and Mrs. J. a. j Perry, have prepared a slsta of officers. sirs. r. B. -Haver will . rennrt n topics. , ' At th last open "meeting of the year I of the South Omaha Century' Literary elub th household economics depart- ! mni win nave the following program: Menus -On Whst Principal should They B Planned" Mrs. J. E. Bednar "Invalid Cookry....Mrs. C. C. Howe "Vegetable Diet Against Meat nut ' Mrs. E. A. Rm-m. i Discussion , "Our Standard Menus" .... The Club John. Gieenleaf Whittier'a lll ' .na writings will be the tubleet of .i.m.. the Benson W. man's elub Thursday after noon at to Bom of Mrs. Cl aries Tracy. jsra. r. k. King will be the leader, jfrs. A. L. Curler trill have a .,. - "Ufa and Character of WbKtler, "aat i Third Row, Left to Rlicht-AII'n elliie, Craig. Ilex llotiltun. Waldo Rlitlllngion, l-resldcnt: Waller U. Urahain. Ulrector; MRS. AITE1L HEADS THE MU SIGMA CLUB. V (I aS VV ''aVfrsWAA. (Hern photo.)' MRS. C. W. AXTEI.L. Mrs. C. W. Axlell is lha new nresldenl of Mu Sigma,' the oldest study club of women Iu Omaha. Mu Sigma Is Just entering Its twentieth year and, In Its twentieth president Is continuing its line of able leaders. ' ' '"'.-, Mrs. Axtell waa a member of th pro gram committee which planned tha ex cellent outline of study which lha club haa followed thla season. She is a promi nent member of the Omaha Story Tell er's league and la In constant demand aa a atory teller. Next Tueadi.y evening she will tell a story at th annual ban quet of th congregation ot th Unity church. Aa a atudent and a lover of nature. Mrs. Aatell started a nature aludy class of school girls In tha west part of th town and haa encouraged its work In th study of flowers, birds and trees for several years. Mrs. Axtell Is also an active member of the Society of Fin Atta in addition to her own accomplish ments, Mrs. Axtell Inherits th accumu lated dignity of years which goes. with th presidential toga of Mu Sigma. The Greekiame of th club. Mlkral Schol- astiisi, means utile Marnea, which la entirely too modest a title. For the club has accomplished much In th way of solid study. After studying tha history of th oriental countries and of Greece,' Rome. Germany, France and England, giving aeveral tears apiece to each course, th club took up this" season the study of English literature. - Th Elizabethan .period was studied and will be followed next season, under the leadership of Mrs. Axtell, by the next period. .Th club's first president was Mrs Charles . Van Tuyl now of . M nnes polls, elected ' at ' th Initial meeting twenty year ago at th horns of Mrs. G. C. Thompson. Mrs. Thompson wss the next president and she wss followed by Mrs, A. B. Homers' The other presidents hsve been Mrs. H. D. Neely. Mrs. M. M. Van Horn. Mrs.-C.' H. Balllet. Mrs, A. l Pstrlok; Mrs. Wllllsm Alderron. now of sn Dlesjo;'Mrs..C.. C. Beldrn snl tisa May Riale. Of the forty-four members, three were carter members: Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Somers and Mrs. Neely. other members ot the club eyill give reviews of Whlttier's nsture noema anti. slavery poems, religious poems and poems of New England life and legend. Activity stories will be told at the meet irut of the Story Tellers' leie-u Thiirfav afternoon at the public library. Mrs. C. L. Ransom, leader of the meeting, will give a talk on Mother Goose. Miss Emma Rostcky will tell "The Marvelous Adventure of Pinnocchlo"; Mrs. Agnes M. Harrison, the story of Mercury and lira G. I). Ric a miscellaneous atory. '. I "!' "1 i : f IxII KafT' ar Hi V l if NOTICE 25 Discount 4n All Our Women's Hand some and Exclusive Models For on week only you ran bay any lult In our slor that (old from $83.00 to 973.00 at a bona count youraoir. , Remetnber, In this nora every garmant la marked In plain figure so you ran figure the dli fide rexluitlon of 28 from onr regular all-arasoa price". New Baker Electriq Extension Brougham The roomiest and most elaborate eleetric vehicle built. Designed in the Colonial style, with body low hung. Sumptuous appointments. i There are two new f ive-passeuger models the Brougham and the Extension Brougham, the latter with all seats facing forward. In the designing and building of these two ears the Colonial type has reached its highest point of luxurious development. Wheel base is 107 inches. 42 cell battery. 36-inch wheels. Low hung body. Chassis epedally' designed to carry size body. electric gab age company, Thc Bakcr Molor-Vchiclc Company Omaha Distributors, m..-,.. a,.u.4, Ohio . - N. W. Cor. 40th and Famani StS. OUnt anal Largest Manmfaetmnn tfBtetrie Vthicln ' Home circulation brings advertising returns j The Bee reaches twice as many homes as any other Omaha paper. " You can cover Omaha with only one paper j Don't Fall to Attend Our After -Easter Sale Women's Suits Stirtiag Monday and coBtinaiog all week Over o" Women's High Class Tailor-Mado Suits that hold at fJO.OO, $23.1)0 and fciO.OO, on sale Monday nt s 10 and ..'15' Owing to tlw unusual weather conditions this li'ris we find ourselves with a great many Wo men's N'ew Spring Suits still on haud. These suits must lie sold without regard to their eost. Consequently for one week you will be of fered your ehoiee of 500 beautifully tailored suits, made from the finest new materials iu the very latest models of this season and which were admit tedly the best values in Omaha at $20.00, $23.00 and $30.00. : W linve divided them up in two lots. Commencing Monday 71 Commencing . Monday gnv ' aWKl I VV II Remember, this sale is for one week. Former prices will prevail after Saturday, s. ' nut Cloak Department Third g w wwwmtjn $20.00 Suits. I W S W W WIIIWM $25.00 Suits. Floor. -J i r CI r ft - r