The Omaha Sunday Bee PAST TWO EDITORIAL PAGES 052 TO EIGHT PAST TWO SOCIETY PAGES OBE TO LIGHT. 1 VOL XU-XO. 43. "MAHA. SUNDAY MORXIXU. APRIL 14, 191. SINGLE COPY FIVE CKXTS. 1 Mere Styles Are Neutot&&SCM!whn Quality Is Best ZfeOfifrzy, & &H. Stamps Chen Herefc&Gqteg, By Sheer Strength of Merchandise Grows and Maintains Its Prestige Our Gre&Jes! Millinerx Comparison MONDAY ArfitL, Id JLZ, 1 T When the Clock Strikes 8 )3 v' bj Monday inotning we wilj open the doors to our best Si'ini-An- Ml nual Comrnison Sale of fine millinery. These sales are stepping: stones in the forward march of the store-more forcibly demonstrating, by value-giving power, of our millinery department. but actual comparison, the 'matchless t We Planned This Sale to be One of the Most Successful We Ever Held And There is Not a Mere Handful of Offerings for Comparison But Our Entire Millinery Stock . Consisting of Thousands of Dollars Worth of High Grade Untrimmed Hats: Trimmed Hats; Ostrich. Paradise and Aigrette Hats: I lowers. I eathersEverything that goes to make up a Millinery Dept. At Prices Ranging 'Round A Half The items in this advertisement are only specimen values. You can expect new bargains dailybut grasp the opportunities as they are offered through the medium of the public press for tliev will not occur again. AK POSI TIVELY BACK UP EVERY STATEMENT MADE IN ANY OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS, and among other things that lias made this millinery store are-We give a written guniiiuteo with every willow plume we sell; we refund money paid for all goods that are not satisfactory without any quibbling; we mark all goods in plain figures and there is only one price to all; we undersell every millinery store in the entire Middle West; we are particular about the genuine ness of statements made concerning onr sales; we reserve goods for future delivery upon the payment of a small deposit. Here's a sample of the extra specials we are going to offer while the sale is in progress: , Five Hundred Trimmed Hats Worth $12.98. Priced for Our Great Comparison Sale Only These beautiful hata are of a style and quality that will make you remember the sale for a long time to come, for they are of such character that only a personal inspection will enable you to fully appreciate their true worth. Only high class materials were used, in their construction and only the choicest of the new styles are to be found in the assort ment. Values that regularly command $10.00 to $12.00, for the Comparison Sale only, $4.98 for your choice. Four Bargains that Will Bring a Crowd White Untrimmed Dress Hats at $1.00 A large variety of beautiful A jure braid hata in pure white X;oiily. Regular $3.98 values, for tbe Comparison Sale, $1.0d. Various Milan, Untrimmed Hats $1.98 Twelve of the moat popular atylea In Paten Milan bata ever manufactured. Black, burnt and white. Regular $i value at 18.( Handsome Hemp Sailor Hats at $2.48 A beautiful hand block sailor ah ape In color only. These bata formerly .old up to $7.60, Com parison Sal. price, $3.48. Untrimmed Milan Sailor Hats .at 59c Morning Specials $15 French Plumes at ' $7.98 Fine Frnch oatrlch of bent male f iber, full 54 !m-ha long. Tltry come la black ami colors. Guaranteed Willow Plumes $6.98 Pull 11 Inches Ion and 22 inches wide. In black only. Hegularly priced at li.u each. From 8:05 a. m. to IKK) p. m. Only- Fine French Ostrich Plumes v$4.98 Then. com. In black only and were considered extra value at the regular price of i;.o. Black Paten Milan aallor hata that are regularly priced up to $2.00, only 150 to go In the Com parison gale, at 6c each. Women's Suits-Special rth From 525 to Pr H (fr Prominent East- 1 W S I I W. One Lot of Suits Worth From $25 to 933, Secured From ern Makers. On Sale Every Suit in the collection shows exclusive new style features that will appeal to the women of discriminating a, f taste-features that are found in tailored suits that often sell at three timeHj the price we ask for these. They are the finest, best tailored and most jrTJ i"1"1-' iiiuujf Bujis uuiniuiuiif in me price, ah are piaiu lanorea mod els of neat pencil-striped materials or faucy Scotch mixtures-lined with peau de cygne. Sizes for women and misses. Cream wool suits in a variety of weaves and plain or novelty styles; lace, braid and silk trimmedT$775Qto $59.50. Cream wool coats in many charming styles. $14.95 and up to $35.00T 100 S18.00 Dresses $9.95 Plain and changeable taffetas and foulards in novelty styles and conservative modes. Acually worth $15 and $18, on sale Monday at $9.93 for your choice. 100 $10.00 Dresses Dresses of foulards, fl A Qk E and serge dresses with novelty side revers, in a variety of popular styles. A special purchase brings them down to $4.9j--$10 values. $3.98 150 Dress Skirts at The skirts in this lot are regulnrly priced at $.).(K) to $7.5()-faney Scotch mixtures, striped fabrics, plain serges, panamas, etc, in new spring models. Monday's price, $3.98. Junior Coats. $7.95 to $14.95 Serges and fanty mixtures with the new shawl collars, sailor collars and side revers; trimmed with contrasting materials and colors. Ages 13 to 19. Correct Corsets Foundation of Stylish Dress Before the new suit or gown is fitted, see to it that there is a fashionable cor set beneath. It is the very A B 0 of smart dressing. Even if just that much less has to be expended for suit, or gown-buy a stylish corset. "'".' Our extra quality, guaranteed corsets 'embodyna'roarkabfeagre. th. fl'i. '' J construction' and new' slyllsV features of coraeta coating two to three time a much. Modela perfectly adapted to every figure. , . American Beauty Corsets-The finest of nil American made cornets; $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 to $5.00. Madame Grace Corsets The acme of perfection, true copies of the famous Parisian models. Junior Suits in Novelty and Norfolk Styles $12.50 $13.50 $14.95 i v- a V SC-rJ, I ItVti? I'. lit i, , 1 1 White Goods Specially Priced ST.lnch white piques In all of th. new aroall nd wlda atrlpea, regularly 60c the yard; Mon day only, itOc. OtMnch all linen alieetiiiK mad. eapeclally for wonien'a and cblldren'a aprtng- and aumnter waah aulta and draasea: an extra -fine 11.&0 quality; Monday, $1.00 th. yard. aheer fancy whit. auvd. In atr wtd. ranit of pretty paturnav jo0d'ta.l)av alwaya aold at I9e and 2&o the Jard, marftrl down for Monday'! aelllnr only to 15o yardHL ItA-ltHh auft rtnlehed lung cloth, doalfned more particularly for flue under ear ad chll- ' dren'a dreaaea: recularly II. CO the bolt of twelT. yarda; Monday. I.S. 4Mncb plain whit, voile for eummer walata and aulta; the 26c grade; MObday, lita th. yard. 69c Table Linen at 49c 1 88-Inch merceriied table-linen In aaaorted pattern-an extra apeclal bargain for Monday. Extra S. . tl. Stamps in the Pure Food Store 10 Bars "Beat-'Em-Air Soap. Monday. 25c All of These Grocery Bargains Are for Monday Only Bennett'a Capitol coffee and 20 stamps, the lb. ' pkg. for SOc Assorted ' teas and 60 etamps, the Jb. . . . .5Hc Tea elftlngx and to a tamp, lb. 15e 1 ic can Pottawattamie nit plum for 18Se S-lk pg. Bennett'a Capitol oata or wheat, with m atainp. pka loc Full cream ihew and 10 atampM, lb. t3e tSnfder'a cMli M(k and in stamp, ihottt S5e 4 4-ake Terk Kow or Viult toilet oap as. Beauty aapararus and 10 atanip. can SO - can Kerrren corn and 19 stainpa too 17 Pounds Granulated Sugar for $1.00 Snider tomato oup and i stamp, ran in i-ini can uaiiiaro: a olir oil reduced to pue Quart bottle, malt or rider vinecar and 10 atampa toe Medium eour pickles and 10 stamps, quart ...IS Bennett's Capttol pears and 2 stamps, can 5e 3 pkg-a Toaato corn flake and IS stsn.p 85e Bennett's Capitol extract and SO stamp, bottle. 18s Onion salt and atanipe, bottle 16o Blue Label catsup and 0 stamp, bottle 4 a lbs. ic Jap rice :....s5o 4lb. pka;. iJewejr Cleanser Compound and 20 stamp for as Hardware and Electroliers 10-qnart gal vanized water pails; perfect goods of a heavy quality, Monday'! M pf'' IDC price w Eight styles of electrolier and. gas lamp, in large slice with heavy bases, metal trim minga and Cathedral glass shades; tr Art values up to i:.0O, Monday iJ.VU Kour style of electroliers with Cathedral glass shade, and bras, bases; 07 -ft ,15.00 values at J.JU Ga and electric desk lamp, with Cathedral glass shades an entire new Una r-t a just receired -specially priced at....UJ w w Guaranteed gas lights, like the Illustration, com plete with glohe and mantle, regular 50c values, or Mon day's selling special at 9 Tarn onlv t Extra heavy ire carpet beaten, with bandlea that wUl not pull out; sold in some store, for as much as I5c; 1 (m our price, 1 114 ijioaday vv Double sleeve boards with elbth coTerings, fold op as shown In th. illus tration, specially - - i??. 49c - si InT"- Heavy tin cop per wash boil- era, No. g size. Ilk. cut. Monday. 95c ADVANCE STYLES For Spring and Summer -the real Paris designs-such aa the new draped skirts and waists, the new cut away jackets for tailored suits, delightful novelties in plain, simple house-dresses, the smartest tailored dresses in serges and silks-in fact, all the novelties, too numerous to mention, will be found iu the Pictorial Review Spring Fashion Book Before you decide on your Sprlnr and Sumrn- dresses, look through this book.- It will be lifc - trip to Paris to. visit all the leadlne masters of fashion. And these dnsicna are sliiv to ninety days in advance of all other, pattern publicationa. You will avoid th. risk of find ing your drees out of date as soon as you have finished It, Thousands of women have learnel thla by comparing the different pattern pub lications. They have also learned that Pictorial Review, Patterns 4-coated Ivory enameled wash baaias with whit, lining. n Monday. Jj are much mora economical, because with the Patented Cutting and Construction Guides that go with every pattern, yon can lay out your material just as economicallyas the best professional cutter. If your roods coat vou dollar a yard, one Pictorial Review Pattern will aave you fifty centa. Visit our pattern department and see for yourself-get a copy of the latest Pictorial Review Kashion Book It ready for yon. Thousands of Yards of Imported and Domestic Dress Goods (Si Silks Specially Designed for Spring and Summer Wear-A Few ' Have Brief Mention in This Advertisement The majority of the styles you will find in our silks and dress goods sections are exclusive to this store, being manufactured ex pressly to our individual order. They represent months of painstak ing labor, careful selection and thorough planning. .Assortments are broad and satisfying as regards wenve and color range-not a new or staple shade being omitted. Even though u comparative price is not given with every item, an inspection will show they are worth more" than the price we ask. Five of the Most Popular Lines in the Silk Store For smart afternoon, street, dinner or evenlnc sown you will likely choo from the new bordered fnojards In Bulgarian. Arabian, ombre, filet, Venetian and t'luny lace border effect on ftTuunds of every wanted shade. Within range from '0 to H In. he and price from II & to It So. Ponre with pretty floral sad eyelet embroidered berdsrs will be In hmh lavor for summer ailk sown. Full to Inches wide and only 13 per yard. " Ilk sepUaa that are uirrsrerted for wear and which are pomeiuted of fin dratiina qualities do not muss or wrinkle II. for the tl-lnch width. Voaiarda in arherfulMl n. t it r- brlcs of any previous season and wlwu or e the collection at this tors you won t wonder why. Ther I every new shade snd staple color you can Imagine and dot, scroll, siiuara, seometrlcsl, strip snd otner pstlrrn to plena all: 6c. 6c. f 1.0.. 11 ;i, II S and : th yard aa the width and quality warrant Kssaliae silks will retain a' prominent piac with In fashionable. Our display I complete In every detail-not a wanted hade or color I mlaalnc; 11 to l tuche wide and 7r to i:.o th yard, with eev eral prices In between. , Mention of Five Superior Lines of Dress Goods First on the floor I th sew whlpeores for their beauty and durability 1 unrivalled In all wool fabric. They com In the beat ahades up to tan and gray and handsome two-toned effect. Kull & Inrhea wide, l.;j and (2.00 the yard. Storas rfs In an almost endless num ber of rich shades: Mr to H inches wide, tr to l.:0 the yard. Wide wale esrrs for sn.artest street suits, tan, navies, Copenhagen, leather and other ahades, full tl Inchea wide, ll.iO the yard BTers!le doakls-faosd etoaklafs for ioniT cotn, tltat will be In sreat demand for evening wear thla spring and summer sea son on sccouiit of ths sheer cOMtuiuea hi. h will be worn, coma in tan with ri baik. grey with tan back and tan aim violet back. the yard. Full is Inchea aide. . Complete lias, of Plata eraaai arra In V doiii mur anu narrow waie weavea cream eergea with neat hair line and pen ell trlte, SSc to fiej the yard, accord ii-g to ine wintn artn Tulttte. Wall Paper at 3c Per Roll cS QMAM5 GRMT SIORI This Is a closing out of several of last year'i pattern and patterna that ws have not the room to stock again-greatest wall paper bargain, of th. season if you buy it In room lots. There's a good variety of colorings, kinds and patterna with borders to match. In room Iota only, Monday, 3c per roll. . 50c Imitation Art Glass 33 l-3c Imitation art glass Is used to make Stained glass effects out of plain glass. Heavy imported quality In twelve different plain and novelty colored styles. regolarly sold at hue tne yara, .wona&y, 3ic. Very easily applied. "Absorene" 2 cans for 25c. "Absoren." Is a new wall paper cleaner, far superior to the ordinary kinda. la that it is alwaya ready to nse and doe th. work more effectively. Th. price of two eana for Joe Is for Monday. ct.l a . it. , n oKiri ana onin r aisi ooxes Moth-proof red cedar cheats. In sis. 32ilS Inches, with dust-proof lids, $9.7$. , 4:18-iorh motb-proot red cedar cheats with proot lias, oouna wun neavy copper, lll.lg. 27ilS-lnch matting-covered shirt waist boxes also be used for baby a clothes, $2.4. . 2"xlT-lnch matting-covered boxes with French feet. 4 SO each. . 4xl-lnch mattlnc-ceversd boxes tor skirts, waists a other clothing, have Kreocb feet, and , pen- 1 i, ( rd- V i i dust- cad 1 ti V 4 I r