Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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    . . nmr I V Tr-r. inntT II 1A17 v
THE U.MAHA nc,c: rvuu h, iju. - - i
Underthing X&cMne it Said to Be
Safer Than Overhung.
Ytt to rml af Twere la a rilffer-
rar mt Tnl Deerer Bfwrea
Tin Tyre ( tar-
Vase la Practical Wait.
J r AuMia. chief eislnser of the Regal
Motor Car compaay. r.aa Just Issued re
port of actual ci;.r.-i. '! jnsd to de
termtne I he mur'!t ncles of both
an understunj nI overslun car.
"With Uie existence of several e
lTtenced meonaoifs," Males Mr. Austin,
i h.v. nst eomoleted two practical
t.ti om to determine tn orerturnlnc
eng. of n undrrelung car. ana iso
a similar t-t for a oar or the conven
t'onal overhung design, frevlous msthe-
mailral enmiiutatlons had liamamuim
our theory that underslung car af-
fuuljd greater safety to nm occupem
hxrt It was my desire to prove tms we-
orr In a more practical ay.
In order to prove by actual teat the
angle it which an underslung car will
overfirn we arranged a block and tackle
e-nlpmrst to raise two wheels of one aid
f a Rrsel roadater to such height that
li e car would atand poiaea on ins oukh
two elite!!.' We found that this angle
Is abuut per cent, or to be esact ac
cording to measurements taken. It Is 0
and 3 per rent.
Delh Cars Kealpswd.
'We then nude a similar test of Car
with overhung frame construction and
found that the corresponding angle 01
thi.' h ji nr cent, coin cars were
equipped with top and windshield nd
n-ady fir the road, so thai the com
nsrlson Is a fair one.
'Annsrrntlv. there is a elfference of
nraiticallv oer cent between the over
turning angles of s car of underslung
frame conntrucUoii and ona or the ever
hi:n it ne This amount, which we de
termined, as stated above by actual test.
wruid indicate that there Is a conewer-
sl.le greater degree of sarety In the use
of underslung cars as compered with
other I. pes of construction.
Car Must Always
Be Ready to Travel
10,000-Mile Route
There Is Just one wy for a motorist
i accumulate a big mileage for his
season's record." says Clement Stude-
luker. Jr.. "and that is by a steady
process of keplng everlastingly at It.
"The car called on for us day In and
day out is the one that devours the dis
tance. A certain regular run. taken each
working day of the year from a man's
country noma to his place of business,
for Instance accumulates a mileage In
finitely greater than that which come
from the vacation tour of the week-end
The main factor that enabled our
Bullet E-M-F V to pass the lOO.MO-mile
mark was that, for nearly three years.
our branch manager In Atlanta used the
car dslly between his home In Orlffln
and his office In Atlanta- round trip
of about seventy mil."
i. a to 30 cubic inches, and third for
free for all, open to all cars.
Y.hal I' claimed to be without doubt
the largest slngl foreign order ever
Imtked far on model of an American.
made automobile Is that recently re
ceived by th Regal Motor car company
fur y of. Its 1U car.
A l-endon dealer, coming to this coun
try for the eipress purpose of makliur
hl demand In person, has requested the
shipment of 200 of the new 9n underslung
touring ears. A compared with all
previews records of foreign orders this
marks the Isrgest single request fr on
model ever received In this country. It
may be ssld to form flattering coo-
cession on Ihe part of the Kngltsh motor
ing public of th superiority of the
moderate priced Amerlrsn mad car over
anything of Its kind manufactured In
Kngiand. It Is also of special Interest
In that It acknowledge the great popu
larity accorded Car of tinderslung con
iructloa la the British Isles.
On next Friday afternoon, th opening
of th Omaha ball season, a preceaalo
of twelve Rambler cars, carrying th
Omaha and Sioux City ball teams, th
mayor and city officials and Ak-8ar-Bn
officers, will leave Sixteenth and Far
nam streets for th ball park.
Manager Olltner of the Rambler com
pany will bead th procession Id a Ram
bler Greyhound with th mayor and high
officers of Ak-Br-Bn.
Manager Olltner, of th Rambler Auto
mobile company has Just closed a deal
with Frank Roberson, th travelogue
man, who lectured at th Auditorium
two week ago. for a cross country
Rambler car. Th car I to be shipped
from the factory direct to Queenstown,
Ireland, where Mr. Roberson goe this
summer with his picture machine to tak
Interesting picture of different sections
of th Emerald Isle.
William Noble, who graduate from th
high school this year, will accompany
Mr. Roberson oa th trip and will drlvs
th ear.
Th ear la to b equipped with all of
th latest devices, and a plac will be
fitted out on th car for th moving pie
tur machine, so that Mr. Roberson can
tak snap shots of scenes along the way
without leaving the ear.
"On hears a great deal about th
accuracy of construction of automobll
parts," said H. K. Fredrkkson. local rep
resentative of th Chalmers Motor com
pany. "In th Chalmr factory are some
striking demonstrations of this' accuracy.
"A slngl Instance will prov th point.
An Inspector wa recently testing wrist
pin,' which ar a part of th piston
assembly. In this work la uaed a test
gaug for th diameter of the pins, which
allows a vibration of a little lees than
nothing. So accurst la th machining
of this part that th heat of th hand,
aa on holds a wrist pin. will xpand
th metal so that th gaug will not fit."
Papa Coma here, little sweetheart, and
111 m whom pap lore better than any
on ls In th world.
Uttl Lola Papa.
Elmer, aged i, went to th blacksmith
shop to see his father s bora shod. When
th smith began to par th horse's hoof
Omar said earnestly: "Say. my papa
doasn't want his bars mads any smaller.
Uttl Dorothy Grandpa, can you re
member Abraham Lincoln?
Grandpa Tea, dear; you see, I am
great deal older than you are
Uttl Dorothy How much older must
I be before I can remember him?
"Fifth grad this year. Tommy?"
Ts, lr."
Tour In d eel mala or fractions now,
a doubt?"
"No, air; I'm la crochet work and clay
modeling now." -
Th following telegram was received
by Manager Keller of that 8tudbkr
corporation last week: I
At Lafayette, Ind., hill climbing con
teats laat week Flanders "10" won vnt
No. 1 for car up to Ml eubla Inehe dis
placement, also won vnt No. I, Ml to
HI cubic Inch, defeating all others en
ured; als taking second In event No,
Tube Vtlctnizer and
Complete Kit, $2.50
Aetata wasted la eesry towai
caa auk Ss t til day.
A Timely Tip to Tardy Buyers
P sasa. .jsav n a
Taioaals yewr res tabs s Ike
reed, it sUaste to all that to re
alr Ta ml Mt to 1H oe of go
lla, w faralah everytaisg ls
wtth th kit.
Complets kit containing enough
rubber to patch 4 tube. This I
poelllvsly th beat portahl vulcanls
r on th market. Will eulranls
patch 4i!Vs Inchea W guarantee
our patches cannot b torn off with
out tearing th tub.
Tear moaey will b refaaaed it
ye are aot aaUsfle.
Hend for on of these Vutrsnlsera
No automobll owner cn afford to
b without on. It will mak you
Independent of all tlr troubl.
Send for booklet. -
WsWra Slstrtkaters
1832-1384 Michigan Ave.,
Heavy Car Type Tires
For Any Rim
Consumers' Prices Reduced
Quality Unchanged
v Clincher.' Q.D. "
or Dunlop Bolted -on
. Si ' Pnc Pric
m x 30 $20.35 $24.85
4 x 36 . 45.20 50.20
x 37 46.50 ,
5 x 36 55.50 58.60
5 x 37 57.00 60.20
5x38 68.30 72.15
; Tubes
Clincher, Q.D.
or Bolted -on -Pric
$ 4.90
. 9.50
PERFORMANCE is the factor behind the success of Fisk
Heavy Car Type Tires. . Their rapidly increasing sale is due to
the verdict of car owners who, once using them, buy again for
their own cars and recommend them to their friends. "You are urged
to inquire among many Fisk Tire users" because we can present no
stronger argument than the everyday service Fisk Equipment is giving.
the only semce" that really interests any buyer. It is THAT
SERVICE upon which the success of Fisk Tires is founded.
The Fisk Tube is the Pare Para Tabe
. This scrount for th slightly higher prices, ia
roBparisoa with other tube, at which it I toM.
Th initial Increase ripen Is alight th
reawhincsxUitioaal icrnr ssshea it a far better
By the any on of th many iwinairi
M u a lower ngwre. W bad bat saw
r oar present standard and esse.
t g esse tahea ct to hold to present coastruc-
tioa and asainUia aliirhtlr higher price) than
ether seekers. W aere decided la fa Tor of
fwaWy, beilermg it far awra caoosical ia Um
and for vrmrf bvjrar.
Two New Anti-Sldd Tires
designed to insar tractiow sad affords tbe great
est poaaibie protectxia against akiddin;. It i
potiUr ia actioa city paeatauaU sad cosmtry
roads aad disstnatea th aecessrty afchaia with
theatteadaat expense, Boise and iocoareaieac.
Car Typa Heary button and o ssor
sow tha say other Baiter Tread m th
saarkeC Thi Inciusse th anti-skid sarfac
ad length of serrica.aaoiitsid raw of bwttoa
fttr aU-kid protactwa whea ceatar tread it
Fuk Heavy Car Type Tires are Sold by all Prominent Dealers
2210 rumm Street, Omaha, Keb. .
General Of fleet : Chkopee Falls, Mass.
yn BAD HOPED that thfe tMton the.unal ipring
wraoab for autamobBw would ba tvrtxJ ia tb
ccm of 8tiv4ebakr can at Vta but alas for wall
laid felanfjf
HOT THAT WE ARB Cla?lAINIXO--aot in th
least. So far as w ourtalvca art ooacenstd. Far
from beinc 'vnpltasant tba condition that confronts
tbt Btatckbtier Corpotatioa tMa Sprtag; cfrWlt U wU
nifh Ideal.
THAT 18 SPEAKIKO from a imcActarer,s point of
That s what we wanted to talk aboutend to advise
you bow beet to fo about it to meet the conditions
that obtain and ward off disappointment.
HERETOFORE AS YOU KNOW there has always
been a tremendous one might almost sty a hopeless
shortage of Flanders "SO" and E-M-P "80" care
In the Spring months he rush season.
ONE OR TWO OTHER MAKES that were popular
with buyers shared with us to an extent this pleasur
able owernlemand. Pleasurable, but dkbwartening at
that For one dislikes to disappoint so many good
friends. Then too, when you know you make the
best automobiles for the money you hat to see good
friends forced to accept eeoood beats. , n
powerless to remedy ft Tbe E-M-P Comperry was
young. Had made trnendoas progress, but titer
was a limit to financial resources. And, anyway, fac
tories can be equipped only about so fstt Machine
took can't be wished into form.
BUT THIS YEAR it was different This big forty-fre
million dollar Corporation felt equal to the task of
supplying the full demand for its two modeb
herculean tho it was.
the largest and best equipped plants ia the world;
with an engineeriag and manufacturing organicacUm
second to none; oontrscts for material placed and
deliveries assured; it seemed as if even our splendid
sales fores would be unable to keep-ahead of the pro
duction department
AND WE HAVE DONE ALL we set out ta do. That
is to say, w estimated that 00.000 cars (divided into
W.000 Flsnders "90V? and MrOOO E-M-F -300.
would surely supply th demand. . .
r WE FELT SURE WE HAD NOT underestimated tbe
demand. We knew the unparalleled popularity of
these famous cars not only throughout the length and
breadth of America, but ia all other cMlixed coun
tries, but . " '
;WE THOUGHT 50,000 CARS would do. Some of our
competitors warned u it was too many the rest of
them didnt believe we would or. could make that
many. :
rWELL, WE'RE UP to schedule a few cars ahead of
H on pril 1st and we carried over from March to
April orders for 4723 cars. Most 'of them Flanders
W - -
LOOK AT THIS RECORD it's almost unbelievable.
In December, when would-be competitors were sub
sisting on snow baUa and waiting for "the season'' to
open up, the Studebaker plants shipped 3600 cars. Ia
January (inventory month), 4000.
XN FEBRUARY 4200; la March 460L and the schedule
for April is M00 end, a w heve said, we are a little
ahead of the echedale.
Df THE WICKEDEST WINTER ia fifty yesrs, you'll
recaQ. You'd have thought that would help ua by
reUrrhag amend ft did letrv other makers' cars oa
their Boors, But seems a if tbe harder the condi
tiona of roads and weather the more careful people
, are about selortlng their aatomobOe.
000 A MONTH IS THE SCHEDULE for April, May, -June,
July and August, and wrH make them, but aa
the little boy said, that's our almighty darndest
tWORKINQ OVER-TIME NOW and men caa stand
only about so much of that We don't like overtime
at alL But we're doing our utmost to keep up with
the demand -and we art still ia sight of it, tho
THERE'S THE CONDITION a ft stands today. Ii is
op to you. What ar you going to do about it?
. ANALYZE IT: It means that a lot of people ar going
to hart to wait for deliveries and a lot more will be
diaappoinlud coniptTltd to accept tome other car
Mpond best value for all wig not be able to get
Flanders "T or E-M-F "30" cars.
IT ISNT SO BAD as it looks, ia a way. The abortage
af Flanders t0rsM is more apparent than real for our
espacity k K more 20s per day thaa ftTa, But it's
bad tw' Aad it shows we .tatv again fallen
abort of our sanbitJon, hard aa w have tried to
aaMtt - ,
m ARE TELLTNO YOU THIS becana we have
repeatedly aaeerttd to dealers and the public that w
WocUd asarely avert the Spring srraTtihle. Now that
we know that we harvt failed we feel that we owe you
a frank atatstaeat of the facta.
Pt COURSE IN TELLTNO YOU we cannot help,
telKag oar conmetitors also aad very naturally they
will ua it agamst oa try to persoede you to buy
their can oa the seen ground aa former years. Too
cant get 8fndbakac Cart either model" And that'll
be tra-4as ycs beat seta other boyer to it
fTE FELT SURE we would be able to tupply every
Bitairils cuwocarr with a . Flanders ."20 bat re-
toe PNnncsEsa WHO BUILT thVvee adone thsl
Miaarfippi were emtneot and horjeet assa aad theyj
were equally certain they would bold any flood that
might ever come. But this has bean an laessoJonsl
season and the dykes have givsd way ia paaoss.
demand aright thought wa might be unit saiagiilne,
ia fact But we wader istrmavtnrl tbe ftood of order
that have poured ia increaamf volume oa aa ttnt
big branchea and dealers ana oar oiiaaaarmi
but no kss alert ispustutaitw. , Wo at 1
despite our elaborate precanrjontl
rrs MOST GRATIFYING to see 1
has gained f-npetua with th years. It is the story
of E-M-F "30 over again and we haw ceaeed to
marvel at th way that car grow in dansn4aellinc
itself as fast aa we can tan them oat Aad wttaj
scarcely any effort oa our part
ITS THE ENDLESS CHAIN principle at work oa)
mammoth scale. When we make a good ear we start .
it " Every satisfied buyer tells three mar aad d
of the three tell three others and H grew at a
wmderful rata. -
FLANDERS "20" ENJOYS that Bappy-stal today to
an extent greater than any other car. And because
there is more value more automobile, mora qaahty
of performance, and better looks, then ia any other W
or 2Morse power car ia the whole world at b erioa.
AND IT ISNT CHEAP at any point Bettor steel ia
aot used in any automobile oa earth. Oat thai any
regardless of pric. W uee the best th adencs of
metallurgy and of autonsobfle engineering can specify,
IN APPEARANCE It is Just what yon bar bee
looking for, a smaller edition of a high-powered, high
priced car. It look $3,000 it eelli for $900.
WE FIND TWO CLASSES of people, moeth, buy
Flanders "20" cars.. V
have will not be teen in a poorly -made, noisy,
under-powered and cheap looking car at any price.
THESE HAVE WAITED for years for the arrival of
a car the man of pride but nxxlerate means could buy
and drive with pleasure. They found it in Flanders
"20" ss in no other light car. But the people ar .
conservative too they don't car to tak risks or to
experiment with new models.
SO THEY. WATCHED Flsnders "20" thro three sea
sons. The first, the usual discovery and corrective stage
n was like most other new models. Then she struck
7 her gait and for two seasons past she has-beea
' steadily forging ahead till now ah leads undisputed,
THERE ARE TWO WAYS to buy an automobile.
One is to buy a cheap car because it ia cheap ia price
i, and then pay in installments the difference between
that and the value of a good car la repair and
replacements of inferior partsand then find you
have nothing.
THE BETTER WAY is to determine just what ia th
lowest pric at which a really first class 20 horse-.
power car can be made. Decide which car ia backed
by the best reputation for quality and service after
ward. Then pay that difference in th first place aad
have not only quality but a car that ia appearance aa
well u performance will be oa your family will b
proud to ride in. .
THAT'S FLANDERS "20" if yon search tbe world
over you will decide that way.
WHY, FRANCE BUYS Flanders "20V. to an extent
greater than any other car mad oetaide Fnme. Ger
many also; Belgium, Italy, England, W exported
4.000 Flanders "SO's" last year. Of what other Amer
ican car caa this be said? -
EVEN THE GREAT E-M-F' "80" does not enjoy th
demand abroad that Flanders "20" does. The "30" is
essentially an American product made for American
roads. The "20" accurately conforms to European
ideals and engineering standards and ia coometitioa
with their owa it sells as fast as we caa supply them,
APPEARANCE is worth while-is worth all it coats.
Beauty is more thaa skJa deep fat a motor car. Has
to be made good to look good. A "tin car" cannot
but look "tinny." v
YOU'LL FIND ITS CHEAPER by the eed of th
first year to pay the $150 to $200 more aad owa a
Flanders "20" that looks tbe pert aa well aa perfociaa
it a car in which the repair and mainlrrainre bill
are practically nilr-than to pay leas aad get so much
lea. And have everybody know k too.
BUT YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY if yoa expect t
get a Flanders "20" this Spring. There ha! aa bote
to lose. Yoa may be too late bow your local dealer
may be sold pp to hi full allutuiML If so, w can't
help him. Only way to to as htm at one aad get
your order ia.
AND DON'T EXPECT tbe dealer, fast bseaas yon
havs know Mm so long, to take a verbal sWswnent ss
aa order. He can't W wont panntt htm for on
thing. If be hasn't bonafidr ocders for every car ha
baa been aOotod by a certain data, w IraaSat oa ship
ping such cir elsewhere to dealers who aw heavily
oversold. . - i
FIRST SEE THEM AlX-hcar all the sslttmtn'a
stories. Est yoa wont fully spptsKiate your Fkndere
"20" after yoa hare gotten if. Aad yoa wiS never
know how nearly yoa came to buying th wrong carl
Bee them all Thea decide, and htrvig dfecidd delry
ao longer eleyoa wQl torch be d I tsp pointed, aa'
more thaa 10,000 persona were a year ago.
aad. Bffidr baker rtvetatioa aad awrvice cess wild
a- carrying ta OTQcoartr asms.
ft DeWs
r CaasTfcr-. far oraaf assarr wW far fewrrt w tm My. WUU km fm
frndrHa. Wi immiu ymfwmltU SfdAtitr fimdt. aW hwmtM w fJky rret J
Corporation DKET-
2028-202S FsjasjB St. " 0HAHA BRANCH JfeviLt. MTAaTi