THE OMAHA 81-XlUY BEE: APRIL 14, 1912. 13 metrically opposite effects on business nd suburban property. Skyscrapers an Intensifying and eonrtestlnit the business Quarur. wnila the electric cars, first, and now the auto are sprvadinK the residence se.'thjna far out among the former forma. Air ualtery- and all esthetic considera tions unite to urtse this latter movement ant electric, a hich seemed to be t lie last "K rapid transit boom In suburban city property was trenerated about the middle of tne last century when the omnibus was displaced by that wonderful modern In ventionthe horse car" A somewhat similar boom was created, about a fjuar ter of a century ao. by the introduction of the expensive cable road. Its amine point was that It could climb hills where the horse car halted. Within five years the cable wa displaced by the triumph ! I all bowl, aalt to fill a shaker, Un, word and which was aweepinir on to the ' medmm-atrad nail, sugar to fill a : conquest of the continent when tho crus; 'a . x ni .vhitewash a chicketi coop, phorDhorv1. Inn panic of 1SSJ halted Suburban develop X make COW match tips, masneaiint i ment in every city." From "What the Automobile Has Done to Change Values of Property" In Natlynal Real Ktate Journal. for a dose of magnesia, sodium to heu trallte a pint and a half of water, pa ( tasstum to explode s tor cannon, sul f rhur to rid a doc of fleas and albnmi f noWa to mako m ease of eggs. Leslie'; w sekiy. forward, and its trii mi'hant progress, j though hardly begun. I u!re.n! Irrrslst- What's la Yea. The averase man has "Ingredients" to make fat for seven bara of soap. Iron Persistent Advert 1st nc t tho Road ti Bl Returns. iwe. . Platte Center Buys Hudsons r i - 1 i f t -- -r - - 4-. J . -ii. . ' I ! ' . . fit v Mr. E. J. Marten, proprietor of the Platte Center Automobile company of Flatte Center. Neb., and Ms sales fores were in Cmaha Friday to t their second spring delivery of Hudson cars from Ouy 1 Smith. This delivery made Prtdsy con sisted of ten new self-stating Hudson Us," and wars sll driven from Omaha to Platte Center by Mr. stacks) and has associates. Mr. Macken has been takirc orders for Hudsna even during tha had winter months, and was only waiting an opportunity for the roads ts permit him to drive his cars boms. Hs says: "Al though Platte Center Is a little town, we are going to make the larger titles hustle to keep up with as In Hudson sales, and from the start ws have mads this season, baring takes fourteen cars up to date, the sacs ws are setting Is going to be a strenuous one for any dealer to follow. TIMELY REAL ESTATE GOSSIP Valuation Committee of Seal Estate Exchange it Expert. HEW FUSS FOR LABORATORY Hundred Th easel ad Appropriation ts Too Small mm Chang's Haw ta Made Before Krertloa of Balldlas. One of tha most valuable units of the Omaha Real Estate Exchange Is the valu atlon committee, whose expert opinion should be secured by everyone when buying or selling real estate. This committee was selected for Its Intimate knowledge of values, and In cludes agent who are known specialists . en either business manufacturing, trackage, residence or suburban property, which enables them to be In elose touch with conditions In every section of the city. All valuation are mads by the full committee and after a personal In spection of the property. The largest bolder of real estate were the first to realise the value of this committee's opinions and to take advan tage of Its services, although It ta be coming mora and mora In demand as Its functions become known. Its Influence has dona much (o stand ardise value and this means a eonser- vatlvs and profitable real estate market The member of th committee serve without Indirldosl compensation, th nominal charge for their service con tributing to th support of the board. As th real estate boards are Interested In all public matters, It Is a general rule that the valuation committee will give ' all opinions requested by city or county without sny fes Whatever. Th National association of Real Estate Exchange urg th buyer and seller of real estate to take advantage of the service this valuation committee otter. A. I. Crelgh. sul Bee Building, secre tary of the Omaha Real Estate Board, can give Information on the subject. - Plan for the new laboratory building of the Omaha Medical college of the Uni versity of Nebraska are being redrawn because the 1100,00 appropriation made by the legislature 1 too mall for th original plans. Architects and the building committee of the board of regents conferred In Omaha Thursday and set about with th new plans. What they will exclude from the original specific lions I not known, but It I (aid that a decided change will have to be made In order for the work to go ahead. Bidding contractors have been allowed the privilege of amending their plan ta bring the cost within th appropria tion. The award win be made In Omaha next Saturday and excavation work at Forty-second street and Dewey avenue will begin at once. Twelve Chicago contractor, several eastern architects and many Omaha men are In competition with bids. Residents In Thirty-second street from Crelghton's first addition south to Vol ley street are clamorning for water. The street has .been paved, residence have gone ap on both sides and the west side Jlanscom park car runs down the street, yet the houses cannot get city water. Promises have been made the people by the water board, and their hopes In the last several months hare been huAyed up by the anticipation, but as yet no plans have been made for laying water mains. It Is rsnected, however, that by summer a line will be running down the street. 'The water should have been In before the street was paved, but the property owners could not net action front the water board before the council acted on the street paving. Four or five two-story houses have been built on the street during the winter and the district keeps growing. The wster Is the only convenience It lacks to vmake It a fine residence section of the city. mant throughout th country, so will It quickly usher In a sky era of suburban life. "The ultimate effect of the automobile on the relations of residence property. In side nd outside. Is as yet distinctly a question of th future. It belong to th domain of speculation, in both senses of th word. It I Intellectually speculative and It Is financially speculative. Indeed, Its probable effect on all land values, and on civilisation Itself, stagger th Imagi nation. "Modern Improvement are having dia- Surveys have been mads 'on part of Tuttle'a subdivision. Thirty-sixth street and Fowler avenue, and the property will be opened up some time this week. The Byron-Reed company has twelve lots In the division, which bsve been surveyed and are ready for dire-leal. 'The countless millions invested In au tomobiles during the last five year would have created a suburban boom around every city In the country.' For the buy ers of sutos are precisely the people who appreciate the attraction of suburban life. Nevertheless, the rapid development of the automobile seems destined to give outside an Immense advantage over in side residence property. The suburban boom has only been postponed to be In tensified later. Just now people are busy paying for. or trying out their auto mobiles. The next fashion wil be stam pedes to the suburbs. Exactly as the auto has Inaugurated a good road move- Mj 5-Passenger Touring EQUIPPED FOR See complete description under Classified advertise "t Phone Benson 518. Decide Which Tire Will you hare tires that rim-cut, or tires that nerer can? Will you hare orersize tires -10 per cent extra capacity or tires just rated size? Some 200,000 motor car owners hare chosen the Goodyear No-Rim-Cut tire. Those men hare found that these patent tires cut tire bills in two. Outsell All Others " Here it tire which, in the kit two years, has come to out- sen iu oiacrs. Over one million have gone into use. Some 300,000 separate users bave tried them. The resulting demand for No-Rim-Cut itiret ha become the sensation! of Motordom. Our ale today are three timet - larger than one year ago. , After 13 Years This No-Rim-Cut tire m th , final remit of our 13 year ,'jpcnt in perfecting tires. It marks the tenith in pneu matic tires. We never can hope to improve it ' Tbi patent type which we control Is built so that rim-catting 1 ndd forever. It la built, ia addition, 10 per cent oversiae, to save th b loir outs due to overloading. No Extra Price Rim-cutting occurs, a statis tics show, with 23 per cent of the old-type tires. The ncw typ tiro tha Nc-Rlm-Cut tlr saves that loss enta-ely. And 10 per cent oversize, with , the average car, adds 25 per , cent to the tire mileage. These two feature together mean an average saving of 45 per cent. Yet No-Rim-Cut tires now cost no moire tfiaa other standard Hires. Think these facts over yon man who boy Urea. Yon will see why moat mso now demand them. Goodyear No-Rim-Cut Tires With or Wkhotd Noa-Said Treads Oorltl2Tlr Book, based on 13 year of tire filled with facta yov benld kae-w. Ash ae to mail it to yea. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO, Akron, Ohio Taaatt CVaVPnUir tWM M Bla-Wf1nw., WwM ,? WHll tftttV Wttttt tUbtMt WataOa. IMS, fttM OsnflfSaf MbSJ, OMAHA BRANCH. 2212 FARNAM ST. TeL Donglaa 4190, Bell. j a a 3 I SELF-STARTER i vyii A $850 TF you are considering the purchase of a car up to $2000, let us show you the R-C-H. Judge for yourself what'the higher friced car offers you that the R-GH docs not afford. " Many motorists have saved a thousand dol lars of extra cost by doing just that. In building the R-GH we aimed to produce a car that in sturdiness, in power, in comfort and in beauty would satisfy every need of the average motorist just how well we have succeeded we want you to judge for yourself. Write, phone or call on nearest dealer. R-C-H CORPORATION, Detroit, Michigan LININGER IMPLEMENT CO. 6th and Pacific Sts. Western Agents. Omaha, Neb. McENTIRE AUTO CO., 2203 Farnam St., City Sales Agents. 32 x 3 1-2 in. Tires Dual ignition; dtmountabU and quick detachable rim$, gat tank, extra rim, top, wind$hUld, 5 lampt, horn, toolt and tire repair hit, LONG STROKE MOTOR, 3 SPEEDS, ENCLOSED VALVES, MAGNETO. Standard model, fully equipped as stated below. THE Standard Model is fully equipped with top,; windshield, generator, horn, lamp' and tools,,and the specif ications are the same ai the SS model of the R-C-H. It has NOT, however, the self-starter and other" special equipment quoted above. It is priced at $850. , ' Central R-C-H Specifications Motor 4 cylinder, east an bloc S 4 -In. bore, 6-ln. stroke. ! bearing crankshaft. Timing gear and valve encloMd. Three-p it suspension, llrivre lrt-lcle. Irreversible worm ear. K m., wheel. Control Oater-lnvar operated through H plate. Integral with universal joint housing just below, rtprlnirs Front erul lllptlc; rear, full elllptlo and mounted on swivel seats. Frame Pressed steel channel. Axle Front, I-Beara.- drop-forged; rear, aeml-floatlng typo. Body K nullah type, extra wide front seat. Wheel base 110 Inches. Full equipment quoted above. pOR $1750 you can do more in automobile buying than you could have done few years ago with five times the amount Think of tf The new Mitchell six cylinder, 48 H.-P., five passenger touring car for $1750. But what you can do with the car is even more wonderful; no roads, no hills, no mud nor sand that can be negotiated by other can will stop this powerful and simple engine. It will take you where you want to go and bring you back again. All parts are easily accessible and simple to adjust ana care for. Mitchell service is an ideal service k takes such care of the owners of Mitchell cars that it makes friends of them for aU time. That's the Mitchell idea of business methods; such methods have kept Mitchell vehicles in the lead for 77 rears, and will do the same for the nest 77 years, because the Mitchell b built for the man who can't afford to nuke a mistake. . 35 H.-F.. 4 eyL. 5 TV. Mitek. 60 H.-r rrU 7 S2Z50 TaMfMatoawB 33 H.-P., 4 erL, 8 ewssasujers. $1350 Taw. MateawsTi 46 H.-P- tU 5 pssnagsr. SI 750 Tfc Mkca. 30 H.-P., 4 TL. 4 awaseagera. $1150 TaeCM-stebsM 30 H.-f 4 sy-adif. 2 psaasng.rjTsa.uswl. wkhowflwo. S950 Mitchell -Lewis Motor Company Racine, Wicoiiun OMAHA DISTRIBUTOR . . . 2050 FARNAM ST. V IEIg "The Best Built Car in America" "48" "J8-1 "30" Six Cylinders, Little Six. Four Cylinder, UROOto 16250 14200 to 15660 13600 to 400 The sole intent and purpose oi the Locomobile Company is to produce the best built car in America. At one time and another the Locomobile has been con ceded to possess the"greatest" speed the "easiest" riding---the "handsomest" lines the "greatest" brute strength. But today and for fourteen years "Locomobile" has been synonymous with the best built car that American brains, material and skilled labor could produce at any cost, - - - ' . - The Locomobile Company of America J. J. DERIGHT, Distributor 1818 Farnam St, Omaha 1 I