r THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 14, 1912.' 11 nniLTON ROGERS UVU & SONS CO. Ifu 151 5 HARNEY Hardware Specials Monday Tumbiisw will W saotsar of oar regular ICoaaar Baqraia Bar ntchea, keasehoU aad garden aacsesltls at elf tadaetioaa at taaee Xoaeaj salsa. Vaa the telephone. We deliver. a genulae En Food Chopper. Soe Gal vanned PalL it-ox at 1 1.1 strong step ladder. fret high, a houeecleaalng nec- cu-r.ii.06 Oet your Poultry Netting. Screen Wire and Hardware of aa Gas Ranges old Connected Complete. bbbsbOV n . -v.om.c Ths flaeat Cat Bangs 'a the world. OSS 'HIT ID LA- OAS KAROli 1 hi wonderful laruto nu. wmte i cnanteleil liroiler pun. dirt Iray and valve handle All a eary to clean na a china plato. llaa liln oven, with mica oven door sw ytsur haw ing all the lima le! m put one In I your klli hen. A small payment only I la renulred. . ' Tlf ll.J aiai OTCVV terpriaa LXJI Monday, Q?n Tjfj only 3w i J PI A "HOLD SAFE WHAT IS SAVED" l-eihlmsle Investment vs. Exploitation and Speculation. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA Capital $200,090 Paid Up We tarry a full Una of tested and proven securities, particularly atlractive for Individual holdings Karh Investment carries a certi ficate of business conscience. Is the result of eshauatlva Inveatlgatlon and cheerfully reivaiimended for safety and stability. Be a security owner: a coupon rltp'Mr. It will place you on the crest of the "Finan cial Wave of Hucrees." Bonds and Warranta: hirat Mortgages, farm and city, bought and sold. Legality, cualisn and regulatlona thoro ighly Investigated. Complete Hat glarlly supplied upon request. . Idle l aah Is not Capital. He an Investor. heaeai Sell. Dosgies ilSlt laaependeal Am J. first st1 Baa Bidet. roea leer. W-0 Seat 1Mb art. People Who Do Not In- vestigate Are Tombstones jVI in Progressive Science .'Ch The most intelligent people investignie new things, especially tlie thing they axe most interested in. Conse quently everyone should be interested in any new discov ery or invention which tends toward bettering their phys ical and mental condition. ,v We nil Vnow that the human bodv is" the most intri cate and ixTfeet pieee of machinery noVn and like all other machinery certain parts become unpuflfrd and over worked, necessitating rest and rehabilitation. The moBt jiMKrtant factor in keeping the body in gjiod working order is the proper mastication and assimilation' of food. Toor teeth or a mouthful of corroded gold naturally then would be the direct cause of faulty digestion. Sunken checks, wrinkled face and missing teeth touches the ten der chords of our feelings. This brings it home that every one should be interested in their teeth and should inves tigate new inventions and discoveries in dentistry. After feeing Pr. Todd's new dscovery no one, even a dentist, can argue intelligently why the old style half tooth should lx used Many are having their old work taken off and replaced with Dr. Todd's. , Call at 403 Brandeli building and you will be enlightened' as to ' the gtipefrtorlty of Dr. Todd's Full Tooth Bridge over the old half tooth dental work. 1 S Any Woman may say this if alia lues Q-Bcin Hair Restorer P' l r, because H restores the r and fkaa bybuudimnp V nOTTo ( f , r and keepinc in perfect HAhJ 1 tV J coodiUoa the scalp. If fl". V the I- rtjht-tray 'jk? 1 1 hairs win come awful (TV iF In atowly and often times kl J ' ) 1 give way to new ooea of l 5I 1 SltJ I I tixnturmllonatreokx. I v.J I lA'il aanaej a uustratM lev r -at I l iql tmMtlMnasmTraaa. tfriaViif " , fej ! vT71 meat of Hair aad Seal i5rarD i .ToaaeMrf J afarte TlsvywUI l IV'' asva vour baar aad save yoar fr .imh f l. . Wrought steel Kafce. with attal horn, it terto. Monday 38c ait Regulsr 7Sc Spade, Monday special at 49c 5a Spadlag Fork, beat ateel. 4 heavy tinea, with alrepped ferrule, CQ Monday araea atoee Buy reliable hose from a.rcl.able firm. We tea give you any length, complete with roupllnse ana nouie. mcee, per 1001, in up from . . WW 4ic Broom. No. 1 tie. Monday only quality. 4- 34o Refrigerators OUIiratnl MH'ray and Pewlee l.lixs .Never befora could you buy such beautiful sanitary re Irlgerators at iucb very moder ate trices. Wo have every possi ble be. Price CC range up from . . J 1 1 DO th' M m HARMON TASTES HARMONY Meeting- Added Evidence of Peace Among- Local Democrat!. SE5AT0& SCOEES JO. BETAI Hlfebeork Ceases All the Way fr Washington tm aere Brra I mrl- J. Heara Clark I Irrn. The Judaon Uarmon meeting at the Auditorium Friday waa a huge i ic- eeas la one way. Jt ahowed more plainly thaa any other evidence yet produced bow "harmonious" all la among the Ne i braaka democrats. Tliey are lust as ! happy aa a bunch ot wild cats, and they ' don't care who kaows it. To beg.n with ; Governor Harmon's presence la Ne I braaka at the present time Is due ta the preeeaca of William Jennings Bryan ia Ohio; not that Governor Harmon la at all afraid to meet the peerless leader la Hits ewa state, for quit recently they lunched together: but "Uncle Jud" real- Ilea that be can bit back at Bryan a j good deal harder by coming to Nebraska to start the punch. 1 Then we had with us but night United States Senator Hitchcock, the first really slmota-purs democratic senator Nebraska hss aver had; he cam all the way from Washington to present Governor Har i men to the Omaha meeting. Incidentally. he found In the course of bla Introductory remarks splendid opportunity to pay a tew left-handed compliments to Champ Clark, giving several sidekicks at the Mtesourlan'a "dawg." and taking soma mora straight out drive at Mr. Bryan. Senator Hitchcock referred soothingly to ths close association between himself and Mr. Bryan In the eld day when they used the earns pastepot and scissors In the editorial sanctum, and to the good times they used to have when manipulat ing democratic politics In e:ss com munion. Those were desr old dsys! Why the t'awlaess. -But Mr. Bryan and Senator Hitchcock do not agree a to whom the democrat should Mlect a a presidential candidate, so, more In sorrow than In anger, ths senator proceeded last night to rip the icutlcl off ths peerless leader. And yet It was not so much the personality or the great commoner who drew hot shot from ths senator, as It waa the "kitchen cabinet" that speaks with the voice of Bryan during Bryan' long and frequent absences from the stale. Mr. Hitchcock went over the recent falling out between himself and Mr. Bryan, chlded ths latter tor wanting to dictate to Nebraska demo crats their choice In the matter of the presidential candidate, and told of how the "kitchen cabinet" had tried to set him to one aids when the selection ot delegetes-at-larga came on. He say ha Is willing to 1st the democrat dictate for whom he shall vols at Baltimore, and Mr. Bryan la pot willing to be Instructed. Also Senator Hitchcock say Champ Clark la a nice fellow, and ha lot of friend In Nebraska, but that will ait elect him president. To be elected presi dent the candidate must carry Ohio and New York, and this Clark cannot do.. This statement was brought forth by a roaring burst ot applause when' the speaker Injected Champ Clark name Into the proceedings, it must have been muala to Uncle Jud" ear t -have listened to the popular outburst When the nam ot Missouri fevaelU , so was mentioned. ; - ; - 1 "- v eeveraer Hinsss'i Ipeeek. And whsn Senator Hltcboo.k had un burdened himself concerning Bryan and Bryan coadjutor, be presented Gov ernor. Harmon. . The democratic presi dential aspirant speech was a reply to criticisms ot hi publlo record and de fense against' the assertions that he la a "reactionary." ' ., Hs talked principally of Ohio's great men, ot Ohio's progress under bis sdmin Istrstlon, ot Ohio' demorrsry.. 'or Ohio's new laws and old laws, of Ohio' graft ing republican ring, and of Ohio's moat everything, while the Auditorium, a tlle more than half filled, gave up by ones, twos, hslt dosens and dossns torn two hundred member of the audience. He did not mention the name of Bryan. He declared himself a religious demo crat, said everybody in Ohio waa pleased with ths laws made during bla adminis tration "eacept ths republican ring" end averred that that legislation surpassed ths legislation of administrations as far back aa fifty years. Aap aaertftee Win. And to show that be was a good demo crat whs could stand by the nominee of the Baltimore convention whether good or bad. he asserted: "I will lie uod.-r the table on the floor If it will secure a demecratle victory. The old party la going to live along. She muat not go down to petty ambitions, feeling .or ani mosity." In beginning. Governor Harmon said: "I am bars by ths Invitation ot my good friends In Nebraska, and, while I am always adverse to speaking about myself. 1 feel that It la due to them to apeak of some matters et a public nature about which falsehood have been circu lated aa wholly unfounded that persist ence In them cannot be ascribed la proper motlvea. It would not be necessary to do thta at home. 'There baa been ne retraction of the published statement that I took part ia a ale of government bonds which oc curred mantes before I entered the cab inet. And aa the facta are matters of nubile record making the charge without inquiry waa mere w saloon see, "Aa that la the only attempt at epecifi oatioo under the charge ot favoring any Interests but those at ths public, its complete refutation discredits ths charge with every lover ef fair play. When one has been la public lite aa much aa I have his conduct aftorda a better test ot him thaa the assertions at others et his ewn. Attttade mm Tresis, "Among the many thing t waa my good fortune te accomplish aa attorney -general, the ana bast known, and for which even my rspubUoaa successors nave com saeadod me, waa scouring from the eu sreme court the first decisions upholding the Sherman aatl -trust law. These were not announced antll my term had ex pired, hot afterward became the baele of tba cases ia which that wholesome law waa enforced, antll the recent ease whsreta the Men et reasonableness waa Introduced- Tet. though these facta are ef ceenmea knowledge, tba false state ment la reiterated that I neglected say duty m that regard. "But my first ejection as governor, whea Obis weat rapubUcaa by alnsost 1MM saajortty. ansa due te the knowledge ef say pa she eervtcee aad the belief by the people et Ohio that then continuance weald brine; about reforms whose Bead "Owe ef these related to favoritism and graftiag la connection with the de arest in banks of the nubile money. Wails I was making the campaign- largely these matters one of my assoctetesoa the ticket, aa I afterward ktarsad. waa IrrlBS W better Sis Prospect j prowda- tng deposit la case of hie election te bankers who would give him support by vote or contributioaa. Tola man la now noisily 'progressive' and fabrlcator-In-chief of a league' at whose first meeting the door keeper was under Indict ment for bribery In the left !at use and is now m ths penitentiary. . . . "Usise" Vea Fall. "Only the governor and the treasurer were successful at that election and another member of tbts 'icagus who. I ondentand. has been stumping la Ne braska, did his beat to prevail on the Measurer to break faith with the people by going on with the favor practice they bad so tharp'y condemned. 1 sent f-ir him and thrtaunrd to dVnou ,o ;i:m rubllcly. It turned out that he naj s client w ho bad burro s-ed t-'U.Ou of atate funds from ooc of the favored banks which bad them at Si interest, while it was paying Interest on all other Jeposlts "But the treasurer kept tl e faith and under the promised plan of free and fair competition, open to all banks alike, the stais haa ever since received nearly double the former Interest on lie funds. aome members ot this 'league are known aa lobbyists, office broken and dealers In Illicit iavoie w.th tbe ring which long disgraced the republican party in Ohio. Tbe 'progress' they want Is backward. Ilka tba cash's, to the fruitful V"mes when they ewapped votes they lopuld control In the legislature with thai bosses on the ether aide In return for advantages ef some sort to themselves. "The reforms that have been secured In Ohio had to encounter their opposition and every public officer la a "reaction' ary" to them who Insists on restoring to the public service honesty, economy, ef tlclency and devotion to the common In tersst ef the people who pay him. with no favors on tbe aide to anybody." What He Btaads Few. "The etatement that I atand for or per mit special privileges or advantages of any kind through the action ot a gov. ernment by all the people for their equal benefit, la an offense little short of treason In the eyes of ths democrats. These are matters of right and wrong with us and not mere economic. "The Intimation Uiat I ever was could be, actively or passively, guilty of this offense, 1 resent as a slander, with out etcuss er mitigation. 1 wonld rather be charged with theft, because that would Involve no betrayal of trust reposed by countrymen and would admit ot restitu tion. "It Is said, and I think truthfully, that I have ths confidence of ths men whs conduct the business enterprises, great and small, which have done so much te make Ohio what II la, and If tba same be true et like men throughout the country i am glad to know It. 'The weakness of ths republican party Is that It has become the party of a class. The strength of the democratic party Is that It has never been the party or any class. "Is It now proposed to chsngs all thta? Are we to nominate for president some one whom the men of business all ever the country fear or distrust? Ths answer depends chiefly on ourselves. There Is ao sound reason for serious disagreement among democrats. Ths wishes and am bitions ot Individuals have not a feather's weight compared with the Interests of the party and Its bright prospecta DIVISION BALKS PROGRESS Secretary Fisher Calls President Taft the True Progressive. TIME FOR CONSTKUCTIVl W0&X Cseeattve Tahee Prearesstve Atll nda ea , Vital - aeetlese Tariff aad Treats Are the lessee. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April lt-CH pedal Telegram.) Walter L. fisher, secretary of the Interior, la the cabins! of President Tsft, spoke last night In the Oliver theater In behalf of the president's candidacy for re nomination. There was a good siasd crowd present. In fact exceptionally good considering the fact ths speech wes only announced one day la advance and was not advertised at sll except the announce ment In the morning; paper Mr. Fisher msde no effort at florid oratory, ne appeal te passion, and uttered not a slngls word of abuse to any rival candidate or opposition party. After set ting forth what the president had done along the line ot constructive progressive work, he appealed to progressive repub licans not to defeit the purpose by di viding forces simply because they dif fered aa to method or, by temperament took a different method of reaching tbe result i aeeretarr Gives Record. Ths secrets ry prefaced his address by a few words, personal. Just to show, he said, that he had a right to speak aa a progressive and that he knew what a progressive waa, telling ot his connection with the conservation league, the move ment for ballot reform, the Initiative and referendum, his labors on the comnua- slon to Investlgste the issuance ot stocks and bonds by transportation corporations snd other movements, previous to enter ing the cabinet and In addition said tbat wiuio ne now upportea Tart Because hs believed him to be the constructive statesman needed to carry on the work. he had been urging the nomination of Roosevelt for tbe presidency six years before he went en the ticket as a candi date for vice president. Tort Tree Prewreestve. It Is not a time now Tor the agita tion whose providence Is to stir up senti ment, for that sentiment la now aroased. It la the time for a constructive sta tee- man, and thla President Taft haa shown himself to be." - Secretary Fiahef- said President Taft had taken a progressive attitude upon all vttal questions. . - "He believes la reducing the number of elective officers, which Is the 'short bal lot' He believes la the direct pel -nary and la tba presidential preference vote at the direct primary: be believes m the Increasing hut conservative use of the referendum: and the only application ef the recall which he baa apposed Is tbe recall of Judges. "Upon all those quest Ions." said Mr. Fiaber. "genuinely progressive men disa gree about the form la which, and the extent te which these changes ta gov ernmental methods should be adopted by the at alee. Te make them the test tn the selection ef a republican nominee for the arsaadency is to divide am who should act together. The real Issues of next November are to be federal Issues, such aa the tariff and the regulation of the trusts. Week of Tariff Board. "Here egain the difference between tbe militant reformer and tbe constructive statesman Is well Illustrated In tbe atti tude end action of the president. His tariff oommlaatoa haa tor the first time given te congress and the country the J real tacts upon which constructive tariff legislation csn be framed. I think it Is entirely within bounds to state that not one of the president's critics haa made a successful or even serious attack upvo trssse reports." Mr. Fisher's thoughtful tone made most favorable Impression on his hear ers. In speaking of the storks and booh commission ho cited that It had reported in favor of obtaining the physical vaVji tioa of tbe railroads, and the president had heartily approved of tlee findings, and that his reco.nmenua'.ic.us to -on- gress had slumbered tnere until within the list few days- x Of conservation he a:d tiii with-draa-als only prevented misc b-j. ton- grtas must legislate to n ret con servation, which ireant tc for tte 1-ub-llc good and this his t--c:i ur;l by the president In mesage elt?r r:a:;e. Address C ommrrrlal t ins. Secretary Fisher was the uM of th Lincoln Commerrial club al t'e noon luncheon today. Hit addre waa devoted mostly to Alaska. He epos of the work ot his department and tlie Intimate rela tions It bore to the development of the country, nod, touching on consrrvstlon. eald that It waa enential to prevent ; wests fronj misuse snd slso from nonuse 1 of the resources of the country. Applying this to Alaska, he said It presented some grest problem-. The one ' POLITICAL ADVERTISING. ARTHUR C. PANCOAST Candidal tor th Republican nomina tion for Stat Senator. -Mr. Pancoaat la a well known attorney offlctng at til Omaha National Bank Bldg. He la a member of the Commercial club, . the Unlveraity club and varloua other organlsatloaa In Omaha and South Omaha. g,:i::!:Tllii:'::;pir'vH!'Tn;HT?TrrrT1Trg' 1 rT" ' I 1 fUl,' If E fc'-ars? .nl-safrjAy.A p. ERNEST F. MONROE Candidate for State Soperiotindent of Public .attraction ia the Democratic and People's Independent Primaries, April 19 ,-r STPg Y u From the Hhelton Board of Edura- tlon. Msrch t. I a I!: "Mr. K. F. Mob.- roe, candidate for the primary nomine- tlon for Hlste SupL of Public Inatruo- Asks your support at the I asm preeldeat of the Security Sscvs Custer eoaaty three venae s sweaty years, aad hope say twaord . a A DA' LJZ 1 great essential waa to obtain rail com monRatlon between tidewater ea the Pa cific and the valley ef the Yukon In tbe interior. Sucli a road Would not only reach the gold fclus. but open up the immen c coal and copper producing dia tricu 1; ins between, which must be wee less to everybody until transportation Is provided. Th - prubienia involved were so large and many of tlie -conditions o little known that it was necessary U proceed at a' pace which seemed slow to thaw who were Impatient for results. He :rrtcd that all poeeible haste waa U.r.- made- by the administration and (tat greater -resulta would be obtained .? tie present demoeratle congress was k?t more intent on playing polilica than v:- benefitting the country. Wungreas was not willing to do anything ir let the administration do anything which would redound to the credit of tlie .dmlntratlon. He said It waa planned, a iien tba Panama canal waa completed, or aufficiently so to release the immense POLITICAL ADVRTISIG. Charles. W. Sears, Kiublirn Candidal for County Attorney Primary Flection April 19th HARRY D. REED Republican Candidate For COUNTY ASSESSOR 35 years in Douglas County. County Aetetior 1904 to 1908. City Board of. Review 1897, . 1898, 1903. tlon. has --been unanimously re-elected to serve as Hupt. of tbe itheiton. Neb., public achoola for the fourth year in succession: and hence we aa members of the board of education, have had abundant opportunity to know him and his worn. VVe assert without fear of successful contradiction that no can didate in the field for Htate Wupt has aa hiKh educational qualifications, and we believe none has greater executive ability. He has Imd seven years of scholastic training above the four-year high achool. He haa received the de grees of A- H. and 1,1. u. from our Mate University, and has nearly com pleted the work for the A. M. degree, lie holds State Life Certificates, and haa had fourteen years' experience In educational work, lie Is a man of ex cellent Judgment: and aince coming to vs ha haa thoroughly reorganized the Hhelton schools, furnt.-h.ng us a course of atudy and methods of Instruction along psychological lines. His mas tery of details and n.anagement of achoola have been highly satisfactory. Indeed. Hia system of records cannot be excelled for convenience and com pleteness. We acknowledge his inval uable scientific assistance In the ar rangement of our new schoolhouse along hygienic and sh-scliial lines. His gen tlemanly conduct and moral standing cannot lie reproached. We have no hesi tancy in slating that he Is, In every sense, a thoroughly oualifled. up-to-date, aiientlflc. and prartlcnl, public school man." H. '. Hansen. Pres.; Frank Kaater. Kec'y.: t. J. Uobbine. Treaa.: II. II. Btedman; Charles Lucas. Tiion.aa niaaeiy. STATE TREASURER April Bepubfican primaries for tats Bank ef Broke a Bow, and also IUWSUI T-asaBBBSBBSBBBSBBBBBBSSS f 51 CM A ; j V Snpervleor aaa tare terme aa -- - stats Tress arer asertta your conttaeaoa. WHAT IT COST TO KTX THE STATE ONK V BAR afuicer of Amouat Warranta issued of Xssae eer.l Kd - - S" A 3.03 t Blvcrmtv and Normal Interest Fund t4. 043,234133 Temporary School Kami 277 88B.AW.83 State aad Normal Libraries Faad iU HM87.S1 Institution (ash Fund 1,113 73,787.80 Forest Rerrve Fund 3,451.40 Ftre Commission Fund ISO 11,373.23 324U1 $S,aV34032 Average amber of warranta per month SUWM Average expeatditure) per month $329,987.44 Average Bomber per day, 313 working days 108 A vera get expenditure per day 12. 8,5 1.27 - HOME THINGS ACtTiMPLISHED DIKING THE PAST YEAR Proceeds of Kale of Toads of other States re-iaveeied la Nebraska Bonds $1,016,21S.00 Premium received oa sales 8,418.98 iBrrea oa latere rate oa rr-lnvestment 93 las-Tease la annual Interest Income oa ro-invrstment. . 9,41(0.00 Average isUerest rate oa lavcstawnta made dariag tbe last bieaaium - . Aterae? interest rate oa all inrrstmenU made since br- , gianiBK of preseat bieBBiom Incrrmisn in interest rate Total lavemmeat made .$1399,6848 Iarrease ia anaual int. inrooie dm to Increase ia rate 8,738.65 Total school raad IBveated la bonds $9,103,598.63 - i- construetive machinery tn service there, to utilise this and the engineettng ability of those who had constructed that great work to solving the railroad problem la Alaska. V - x, , i . i- j Kenny. tlberta aad Saskatchewan-' These Sections are the granary of the . World Reached via the Poo Una' from St. Paul and Minneapolis. Free information, address V. R. Harley. D. P. A.. a Fifth St, De Moines, la. POLITICAL ADVK.RTIMNG. - ce--- r I9 " w AT Aa experience of, twenty-eiKiit year aa a shipper In Nebraska ia held by the friends of Representa tive Colton of York to fit him un usually well for the office of railway commissioner, for which be haa filed. He waa in the grain, milling' and coal business for five years at Tecumseh and for twenty-four years at York. His official experience covers a serv ice ot six years aa mayor and coun cilman ot York, and his term In the ' legislature. He was always pres ent at council meetings and waa one of the most regular men in attend- . ance In the entire legislature. He never missed a roll call on a vote' or a committee meeting during the en tire session, except when he waa out ot town on committee business. State Journal. William Colton haa decided to file or Railway Commissioner and will go to Lincoln Monday for that pur pose. This removes him from the rsce for member ot the legislature. Dr. Wlnnett, the present incumbent ot the office of Railway Commissioner, whose term expires on the first ot next January, baa decided not to be a candidate for re-election and so notified Mr. Colton this morning, and this fact decided him to enter the race. His record in the last leg islature will make him a prominent and popular candidate and his long experience as a large shipper qual ifies him for the position. He will undoubtedly receive a large vote in York county. As a candidate for the legislature two years ago Mr. Colton received over 800 votes out of a total of 1,100 cast In York, his home city. York Dally Times. , , Progressive Republican Candidates ' Endorsed by Slate and District Con ferences -f Progressive Republicans, U. H Senator, Congressman Oeorg W. Norrls. Governor. Chester H. Aldrlcht National Committeeman, R. B. Howell. Deist's tea al Large Don L. Love J. J. McCarthy Nathan Merrlam H. E. Sackett 1st Diet. Dels rates ' J. C. Harpham Wra. Krnst Alternates ' John A Davlea Don C. Van Deusen Dan Gar her O. - L. gehuman Alteraetes F. H. McCarthy L 11. Howe " d Stat. Delegats Alternates J. E. Baum W. H. Mallory John W. Towle J. F. White 3d Blst. -Delegates Alteraatea L F. Holts II. Hslderson Alteraatea J. M. Cox Henry Keller Alteraatea 8. V. Bailey ' F. N. Merwla R. K. Evens David Thonjas 4th xrlsL Delegates George W. Nalll E. L. King jSth Blst. Delegates C. A. Luce A. C. Epperson Sta Diet. Delegates Alternates J. P. Gibbons J. fl. McOraw W. Hi Reynolds John M. Cotton Presidential Electors At Large, W. J. Uroatch. I. A- lieneau. , First District. George 8. Flory. Second District K. t Klmberly. Third District A. R Davis. .Fourth District A. V. Pease. Fifth District W. E. Thome. Sixth District, K. P. Clement nomination for second term Barwya State saaa at awrwyih aiee. , 488 .46 i