Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1912, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday
pages 0x2 io fourteen.
Eain or Snow
VOL. XLI-XO. 43.
Irtveeg Break on West Side of Miss
issippi and Irjje Areu in
Lonisiana Flooded.
Coming and Going in Omaha
Fierce Gale Fans Flames Which
Tone ot Water Poured on Them
Cannot Stop.
Thousand Watch Flames Leap
High Toward the Slqr.
iflSS T0IAL8 OVER $250,000
J, L Brandeis ft Sons, Helen Hooper
All of Hadisoa Parish is Sereral
Feet Under Water.
Water Will Jteach Seren More
Within Twenty-Four Honrs.
'Unconfirmed Kumori that Number
of Persons Are Drowned.
l Hirer U railing Slightly, bat
It ia Still Item Hub Btaav
Traffic. 111. lair la
Still RlarM.
NEW ORLEANS, Apil! ll-G.-sat prep
rur damage has been wrought In North
Louisiana by the auddn breaking hut
night of th west lavaa of th Mlssls
alppl near Alaatla. It It tetrad that ua
Uvaa may ba claimed by tha onruehlng
waters. v
It Is animated thai SOS square mi lea an
now flooded with prospect, that twtca
that amount- of territory will ba Inun
dated by night. Thousands of families
will ba made homeless.
Haadrrda of Persona SlarMaicah
ICK8Bi:BO. Mine.. April 11.-Urgent
: appeals for aid for flood sufferers have
been received here. From Rooeeveit. La.,
came a telpephona rail e.ktng that a
boat ba lent to rescue a acora of person
marooned In a atora there.
Telephone mges from different part
of Uadtson pariah. La-, confirm report!
that I he entire parl.h la flooded. Hun
dred! of pereon are marooned on houae
tope and In trera where they took refuge
when the flood descended. Many persons
are floating through the pariah on rafts.
Report of Ufa loss"nava not been veri
fied by Associated Pre correspondent.
A herd of fin call, owned by La
Shields, postmaster at Rooaevolt, was
wept away, "cores of fine live aloe Is
owned by , J. Davie, a well known
planted, wsr drowned. " ,
Klerk t Tewaa Are F11d. .
, MONSOK. Le,. April O-U-ai feared
there haa been loss of life where the
Mississippi flood Swept through town of
northeast Louisiana, The break In the
liver dike came so unexpectedly that
t houae nda of persona were caught almost
unprepared. The town of Rooaevelt.
Lynchyllle, Heaper, Enoka, Omega, TeJIe
bena, M ana ford and Maeoa are flooded.
South of Tallulah, la,, a- -dosen ' more
town will ba flooded withia twenty-four
Tea Breaks ! Levee.
OREKNV1LI.B. Ilia., April 11-Th
Mliwiaalppl la taking It tithe In southern
Arkanaa and northern Louisiana today.
The flo"4 la pouring through two gap IA
tli leva at Panther Forest In Arkauaa
and near Rooaevelt, La., over tha flat
landa of the Loulslana-ArkanSM delta.
Before nightfall It la eatlmated that l.e
equal mllee In Kast Carroll and Madi
son parishes, Louisiana, and Chicot and
Desna countle In Arkanaa will be
la tb meantime the river ha paaaed
In U assault on It east bank and proa
pec ta-of holding the dikes oa tha Mls
atstlBpl !de have brightened. At Green
vine and aa far eouth a Vlcksburg the
' water I falling.
Ilia bieak last nUfht are reparded a
toe most aeriou that have occurred alno
the flood pvriod aet In. The territory
whirh will me Inundated la populous, vll-
lavea are numerous and Arkanaa City
and Lake Village, Ark., and Lake Pro
vidence. Tallulah and IMM. Law and
other Important town are directly In the
fcth of tha overflow.
Hassan" la Heavy.
While the damage to property will be
,heavy It la not believed the loa to life
will be large. When the lever collapsed
courier were aent from every Mnt
reached by the telephone to warn those
living In remote eactlun and apodal tralnt
went from Vk-keburg. UreenvWe and New
Orleans to tafio aoosrd refugees.
Ail tl steamboats available ia the
Vickiburg and Greenville harbors were
dispatched to points along tb river to
take off thueo who hold to tb levee,
and ainall ciaft began an exploration, of
the territory flooded with the Drat ruah
of tu water. Preparation bar been
amada at Ylckfbur- and Ureeavllai to
cjue for the refugee.
l eather conditions tills morn!fig were
net favorable to tha leveea. Rata la re
ported at eeverat points. Natches ra
norta all levees holding a tar south aa
bayou bare. La
t'rat Trala lat Lair.
CAIRO. I1U April U. The tint train
in ar out of Cairo for mora than a week
arrived today over the llobli A Ohio
railroad from the north. Traffic south
of here la atlll blocked. Tb river gaug
stood at all feet today, a alight tall
awce yesterday.
die Waited trass Ceaaeierr.
LfcXiNQTON. Ky.. AprU U-Rtporta of
drownlnga at Leatherwood. Pioyd county.
In the Kentucky river flood were dis
proved today by the discovery that the
bodies recovered from the river had beea
washed out of a negro cemetery.
BOSTON, Mara, April II. BntrVea
aumtertnx elgMyflv kav beea recalled
for tb Boston amatr Athletic Marar
Ihoa rm. to be heM aw tstrlots day,
April ! - T-e aew eatrtea Inrrada Jew
lrrhaw. Mkxwirl Athletic dub f SL
Leuis. and Jeba C Ksrtsoa aad frits
a. Coleaon ef Mlnneepotla.
Chicago Post Says He is to B Suc
ceeded by Son Louis.
Bteawrt a Carl ft. Cray la I
' aarreed Leal W. Hill aa Preal
at f the treat North
era Read.
CHICAGO, April ll-Jame J. Villi,
chairman of the board of director of
the Uraat Northern rsllway and one of
tha eountry'a railroad leader, will retire
In a few weeks, according to a statement
published by tho Chicago Evening Post
Mr. filll place a chairman of the
board will be taken by hU eon, Louie
VV. Hill, now preddeat of the Great
Northern railway. Carl R. Gray, now
president of the Hill line In Oregon, will
uceeed Loula W. Hill a president of the
Great Northern Railway company. ,
The change will occur about May t
This Information was printed by the
Evening Post on the authority of - "a
prominent railroad official who I In a
position to have potitiv knowledge ' of
tha facts." " ' '
fllll rlefaet o Talk
ST. fAL'U Minn.. April i.-Jam J.
HIH.lst Un tftarnom retwaed to tot
firm or deny the report emanating from
Chicago that he sen was to retire from
the board of director of the Great North
ern railway and that be wss to ba sua
carded by his son, Laul W. HIM.
Mr. Hill, whan questioned, aerrlitently
said that "they could at art all tha ru
mors of this eort they like, but I have no
time to run them down."
Dirigible Carrying
Fourteen Persons
. Aboarcfis Wrecked
SCHWKTZINCIKN, Germany, April 11-
The fourteen paaaenger carried S tht
Schuette-Lans dirigible balloon 08 its
tint flight thl year had a narrow es
cape from death today near here. When
the dirigible, with tha Inventor, , Prof,
debuette acting aa pilot, had reached aa
altitude of a few hundred feet, tha ver
tical ate ring- gear Jammed and tha Slr-
ahip plunged at full speed t th aafth,
where It burled Its bows and th. forward
gondola in th ground.
The sis Inmate of th Sondoda, to
gether with Prof. Bchuett and 4 me
chanic, wear thrown out with great vte-
lenoa, but nobody axoapt th mechanic,
whoa breast was crushed in, suffers
aerlous Injurf.
The dirigible wttk tha remaining ttat
enger then roaa again rapidly. Th.
water ballast eontal ner. had been
mashed and th airship was Mown help
lessly serosa th Rhine, but a t ..!
waa eventually affected without fur
ther mlahav. ,
Early Returns Show
Lead for Roosevelt
SCRAN TON, Pa.. April U.-Twenty out
at sixty-two election dlalrlcss la this atty
la today' primary sleeUon voted OA na
tional delegates as follows :1
Canon (Rooarlt) X; Connell (Tti t),
ar;; Von Bergen (Roossrelt), LUti Wll
nam (Taft). ST7.
Bcranton la la tha Tehltt tongreSalsntl
district. '
ALLENTOD?f, Ps., April il-Pram
eattered returns throughout the elty
and High county. Which Is part f th.
Thirteenth congressional district. It Sb
pear that Rooaevelt delegates hart
wept th country S to L
Ruling Against High
Shool Fraternities
MILWAUKEE. Wis. AprU ll-A rMlin
advera to high School tr ternltias was
made today by tha etrcalt osurt. Which
aplMld th power of school aoard la
Wladnsta to enwtrai acta ef atadeata st
sld of aobaal which aught interfere wttk
their studies. Tha parent f sit gtrai
suspended from a blah school by Us
principal because they Joined frataralUea,
took th ease let tb etrealt swart. - -
CHICAGO. April A Albert Kebs.
year si, easaoar far th at A.
j .
C jN '
mMl ' AstMMff'Mr QLirm; out of ivxr " ' " O
WtW 1)57 F TOOHAHA fifllj
Taft Manager Says 339 Are ' In
structed for President
Cetearl'e Adhereat rial 1S1 aad
CUsalfy 104 aa C tested
aad 10 aa aelac Vala
etraeted, WASH 1 NOTON, April la-Over one
half of the 1.07 delegate to th repub
lican national convention will have been
elected at th conclusion of th Penn
aylvanla primaries too ay. ftatement
issued from the Taft and Rootevelt head
quarter heer ahow wld dlvergenoa In
the claim to th delegate (elected up to
last night.
Th Taft claim la: Taft SN; Roosevelt lit;
La Folletl SS; Cummins 4; unlnstructed t
The Rooaevelt claim I: Roosevelt 1S1;
Taft ); La Folietta M; Cummin 4; con
tested 144; unlnstructed MS.
IMffereae la Sesthrra States.
The chief difference between th rival
managers are In tha aonthern tata
where th Rooaevelt forces tut as "con
tested" ail of th delegate claimed by
Taft; In Mississippi, where the delegation
of twenty la claimed by both sides, and
In Nw York where eighty-eight delegate
ar lifted aa "unlnetractad" by tb Roose
velt aiansaara. wtill U Taft snaaagwrs
claim eighty -three of tnem and eonoeds
aven b 'Rooaevelt. Th ata. VwrwMat
delegates claimed for Taft are held as
"un Instructed" la th state
At th Clark headquarter tha follow
ing rtausnent ef demoorttlA delegate waa
laue4:- .
ror Clark 141: Marshall, 90; Wilaon 37;
Burke, 10: unlnatructed 11
At tha Wilaoa headauarter an eatlmsts
of seventy-two delegate waa given aa
the Wilson strength, including the delega
tion of North Dakota as second choice
and tb Kanasa delegation after the first
ballot. Claim were not made publlo from
Slher headquarter.
Dr. Nesbitt, Alleged
Defaulter Will .
. Resist Extradition
CHICAOO. April IS. A cherished
dream f Dr. Beattl Nesbitt, forraer
pratldant of th Farmers' National bank
of Toronto, Canada, arrested Thurs
day for alleged irregularities amounting
to 10,0 In connection with tha fatl
sr ef tha bank two years ago, waa dis
closed today la a statement tha prisoner
mad te th polios.
"I left Toronto a year after th. fall
ttra at thd bank to devote my entire time
to perfecting a new atyl of wheat
reaper which 1 hsd In mind for a long
Urn.," said Nesbitt.
. "I expected thl Invention would give
me a new start In Ufa and bring auffl-
cl.nt money for at to return to Toronto
and llvs with my' former friends. I
havS Worked oa thl Invention ever lnoa,
but my work la not completed. Now my
plans ar changed. I will fight extra
dition." In substantiation of Nesbitt' story of
hard work and a studious Ufa, long rows
of books on medicine and acienee were
found In th room on th South Bid
whsrs b lived.
CHICAGO,' April U.-ROSCO Susamaa,
of Mount Clair, H. J., waa sentenced to
sla months In the nous of correction by
Municipal Judge Scully today. Sunmaan
was an-sited In an apartment In South
Park av.nus la company with Mm Flor-
alice Bsags, wife of W. a. Hoags. an
Xpert accountant whose horn la la
Newark. N. J. Hoag forgave hi wife,
but preftrred a aertoua charge against
aaannann, who he declared waa respon
sible for tu flight of th woman from
her RSin.
The National Capital
tarda r, Aarj IS, ISIS.
-The Senate.
. Ia Beaton I a. m.
report f Baaac oommlttea adveoattnsT
boas Keel tariff revunoa MIL
Tha Home.
Met at
i T. Cat f M il whoa, m-
rvtemsay Jtn .o-r. t
Bl sn
CeeXxaaeal Ssssat)
swkeQaa asO.
I.sueaaiead atVI
eassnaa aa aa s
Tracy Richardson Wins Day for
Forces of Oroico,
Sweeps Federal Treacaee with Kle
Haadred Ballela a Mlaat aad
V Clears Way for Cavalry
Charge. '
KANSAS CITY, April ll-Tracey Rich
ardson. 9 years old, a Kenee City boy,
hot through th lung by federal bullet
at tha battle of "Junenea, won the day
for the rebel force under General Oroaoo
when be climbed baok Into th saddle of
hi. tnaohlns gun and swept tha govern
ment trenches. Under cover of th firing
the revoltera' cavalry charged, routing
the enemy.
Thl Information waa conveyed to
friend her today In a letter from a
friend of Richardson' who witnessed the
battle. Richardson's action won for him
the title of "The hero of Jlmenes."
Th letter saya Ht part:
"Richardson was In tha aadxlle of his
gun. Th enemy had swept tb rials
below him and Oroaes's force were re
tiring. ' Richardson aimed his gun for
ION yards. It swopt the trench. Many
federals fell before the located his poel
f.n. . . . '.' U-
"Then a hsll of lead shot about th
young American. . Calmly h. continued
tiring with unerring slm. .
"His gun firing sbols a minute
toppled tb trenehmen like tea pin until
the way seemed clear for Orosro's charge,
tut when th bugle sounded tho rail for
th advance Richardson waa hurled from
hla seat, blood spurting from hi breast
and back. He pulled himself to hi feet
and asw that Oroaco cavalry started on
the charge would be swept by th federals
Sprawling back Into his seat, stopping th
flow of th blood from his wounds the
best h could he resumed firing. The
cavalry continued th charge under the
cover of the gun and routed th federals
While th federal were being pursued
the young American, w lying uncon
scious beside hi gun.V
Richardson, who la recovering from bl
wounds I th son ot th lata A. R.
Rlchsrdaon, formerly well known con
tractor of K ansae city. Ha haa served
In three campaigns. First with Estrada
In Nicaragua, then with Christmas In
Honduras and In the present uprising la
WASHINGTON, AprU la-Mexican
rebels are rapidly rousing th Ira ot this
government and while no atop of re
taliation have been dlacuaeed aa yet, it
t almost certain that tb revolutionist
will never obtain aympathy or rcognl
tlons. Interference of tb rebel ot of
flclsl mail of American consuls, and the
aummary execution of Thomaa Fountain,
n American gunner. In deftanc of pro
sit from thl country have caused a
feeling ot aggravation at tha Stat de
partment Though tha United States I
practically powerlea at present to compel
more courtesy from th rebel. It la felt
that a heavy reckoning la awaiting euro
ef th lruurrecto leaders.
A at erica a Paswras Robbed.
MEXICO CITY. April U.-tkme of th
pasaenger who were oa th train be
tween Bilao aad MarflL which waa at
tacked by .bandits en Thursday, when
th conductor, T. GC Kane, an American,
waa killed, report that a Canadian sad
his wife were robbed of 400 peso. Th
woman waa beaten on the soles of bar
feet to fore her to release soma Jewel
that were hidden In her clothing. It I
reported that a he waa badly Injured and
la unable to walk.- Conductor Kan was
hot through the head because ha de
clined to produce the cash.
Thomaa Fountain of La Cracea. K. M.
tha captain of a federal gun under Gen
ertl Villa, who was captured, and soot
by rebels of General ftelaxarV command
at Parrel, was not a etttsea of th United
StateST according to th El IawardaL
Fountain, th acwupsi aaya, waa bora
m Texas, but became a naturalised
CBICAOO. Anrtl B-fBpeclal Tete-sTa&)-r)trr1ic
Morbsn. bow ot Joy
Merlon. Bam.oaxre wanker and ftnaucr-r.
has Bfa at m. Lastas aaaaltal ata
Mas Sbr acjrtaswtltai aC the
h skaerly ijasait.a, akupue
art tnst srareelr ana out of orrery
aexaras w art sue bb t s? aurti mi
Paystckuxs aC Cut
SkaC ate avuSa laNeJ
latan jeapret
rsr xtBcsovtiBK.
Omaha Parents in Favor of Contin
uing Folk Games in Schools.
PrlurlBwIe Coadaet II and Reoall
kbowe Over Tvrraty-rtva Haa
drew for aad Tot Haadred
Omaha parents are In favor of con
tinuing 111 folk game and dances In
the publlo echools. Principal of the ev.
aral achoola conducted a referendum vote
thl week. Th result of thl waa: For
continuing the games. J.4SI; against th
games and dances. IN. .
"We will probably continue tha game
aa part of th organised play." aald Su
perintendent K. U. Uraff, "although the
committee on text book and coura ot
atudy will report to th board at it moat
ing Monday night."
Objection to tha games on the ground
that they taught the chlldren'aaming
and, therefore, were Immoral and de
teriorating waa mad by th Lutheran
Church Miniaterlal association.
Members of th Board of Education are
divided on the advisability ot continuing
thl form ot play. When th letter from
the Lutheran was read a Una of cleav
age at once appeared and some of the
members were rather btttsr In their de
nunciations. Thee, however, are la th
Railroad Managers
to Discuss Strike
,, , Vote of Engineers
NEW YORK, April U-J. C. Stuart,
chairman of th general manager asso
ciation ot fifty eastern railroad, laaued
a oall today for a meeting of tha con
ference commute lo be held here April
17 to discuss tha recent strike vota of the
engineer and determine whether Ihe
railroad should make a counter propo
sition to their demand for Increased pay.
Chairman of th Brotherhood of Loco
motive Engineer on fifty eastern rain"
roads and Warren B. Stone, grand
chief ot th , organisation awaited
word today from J. C Stuart chair
man of th General Managers' asso
ciation of the railroad In reply to th
engineers' protest against delay In re
suming further negotiation oa th de
mand for increased pay.
Mr. Stone' letter voicing the feeling of
th engineers waa received today by Mr.
Stuart Th engineer expect a prompt
reply. Mr. Stone' letter said:
"Tour letter waa placed before the
ehalrmea'B oommlttea and I am directed
to Inform you we aaa't understand why
It necessary to recelv such aa In
definite reply. W are firmly of
th opinion th seriousness of th situa
tion necessitates mora prompt and de
cisive action oa tha part of tb manager
and must Insist on a more explicit
answer." I
Tha foregoing letter waa written in re
ply to one eent the engineers by Mr. Htuart
yesterday. In which he said that It would
require several day to eooreas th gen
eral manager commute.
Taft Saves Thirty
Thousand in Year
CINCINNATI O.. April la-Prwstdent
Taft' personal tax return, now n file
at tha Hamilton county court house.
hars, show, that ha la tx, richer In
property aubjeet to taxation thaa b waa
last year. Ia that time be haa accumu
lated St,) worth of Mock, wltll last
year h bald only tlO.OX) worth. His
cash has dropped from 0.710 to IMS and
hie debts are lined as tooa Tb total
vain of tha president's property Is gives
aa gust
NXW YORK. AprU bt-Msw York City
to officially la possession today of th
entire menagerie ef Baraant at Bailey
circus. Aa attachment a all of tb ant-
la. from monkeys to aarahanU a
served by Sheriff Harburgar today In aJ
suit for 135 dsnsee biiigtil by a
woman) hare hark rider, was easlm I
hare BBstslaesl a Broken arm x Clevalaed
t2a)wg5i malimas of th ctraaa reaa-
ti bia tb ssmtUT xowx4 that K wwuU
seat lav aty SAQ a day I feed aa4 ear
fer tke aaSui il as sacraed as permit tba
una bcssibs SB SB asr h ssswsbsw M
tew star se mafrswBl eg sata aast, la the
SxeaTa'-i iifaasB ag tha trael f tha asaf-
Ten Cents a Bushel Advance in
Wetjt Dae to Wont Crop Scars
Since Rineteen-Seven.
Cxpltesaeat Granrlaa Slave Meaday
esalta la Rise t "war Oata la
Seer Mlaatee a t'haaa la
'Saturday Beselaa.
CHlCAvO, April It-Ten cent a bushel
advance In the price of wheat told today
of tha worst crop scare In tha United
Htatea sine 11107. More than eent or
Ihe big rise took place In about as many
mlnutea of bedlam today on change.
Again and agiln th Price receded, only
to Jump once more up near tha high
flgurea which had startled tha nerves of
even tha must hardened plungers In th
pit , ,
The strain continued with but alight
cessation till i he gong st th do cleared
tha wroughtup .peculators from the
floor. One firm, whose liabilities how.
aver, were said not to be Important want
to tha wall. A leading trader at 8t
Laul Waa llkcwl alleged to have bean
unable or unwilling to reaponr) to Heavy
nulla for mareln. and to he ha allowed
Ms ,Uul to be wound1 "up uqdr. the
haraeuer aa provided by th rules uo to
fit auck aa emergency.
KsrltSaeeat Realea Meaday.
Kxrltment. which reached a climax to
day, has beea growing since Monday sn(
prevloua to thl morning had put up th
market S rent of th rl eent that ha
been added to the selling price In Chi
cago. Tha baala of It all ha been a con'
tlnuoua flood of order lo purchas wheat
and thee In turn were th result of
dvlce which msde It appear that a
calamity hid overtaken perhaps a third
or more of th entire crop of ofl wlner
seed planted laat autumn.
One of the best known xpert In th
business telegraphed today from "prtng-
fleld. III., that a further period of grow-
Ing weather with helpful rains would
bring considerable acreage out all right
that at present seems worthies. HI
prediction apparently counted for but lit
tle, though, whan placed alongside th
almost unanimous Judgment of farmers
and millers, who declared that In the
majority of cases of that kind the return
would not amount to th seed put Into
th ground.
House Committee
Votes to Report the
Henry Expense Bill
WASHINGTON, April tlTha house
rommltte an election of president and
vtea president today favorably reported
the-Trsnry bill which would provtd for
th publicity of all contributloc to cam
paign funds, lugethar with their dis
bursements. Intended to advance the
candidacies of th aaplranta for tha twe
highest federal offices. Tba vota waa
unanimous, .
Tha Henry bill would require each po
litical headquarters or committee Inter
eeted In presidential slections to file with
tb senate a series of auiament of con
tributions and expenses, th statement
lo be submitted Within thirty days after
tb calling ot th nominating convention
and every fifteen days thereafter until
thirty days after tb convention. .
Tb penalty clause prescribes a maxi
mum of stOW fine ar on year Imprison
ment or both.
An effort will be made to crowd th
measure through congress and make It
applicable. If possible, to the present cam
NASHUA. If. H., Aprfl ll-Thls k a
straight lineup between the people on
th en Bid and th profseslonal pott
tlctass oa th other," said Coioaal Roose
velt la his New Hampshire speeches to
day.! '1 aak yea peeple of New Hamp
shlr. who hav taken the lead ta th
east bt political prngtea. not to, slip
bark from year leadership." -Cc4enel
Roosevelt to th peopl here
that hT me erpsasBt wm la tb
Beaver ta aWBrtnrwar ta Bras eat
BfliiBiawranew. He Merrea te aaaatar
Oallinaer. af rata etaa. as a type f th
pmiiiini part s tn B-oea- wuosa.
smM, pTesHeat Taft wMs-S t gev-
' aaSBllSBl Bat WS WSS farinU
to far taataa. If a 1-slaafw. hi
flu war n am R out f th war."
a riisia -If a was Is la ta war
r asee bbbb wat af the way."
and J. P. MoCrorey Big Losers.
Famous Suit and Coat Company
Store Is Total Loss.
All ia riraa baraed Oat Are Well
rrarectsd by laearaass AV
lelalutf Stractarr k a
tared by tk Bbsss,
Fire whrsh started Just Before I '
yestsnlay aorutiig completely gutted tha
six-story Ames building at tha corner ot
Sixteenth and Karoam, Tha toss aa build
ing aad sloes is difficult t etUne.
...i Mtu a in tk sshbarhood of (Bal
es. This la approximately divided aa
Ames BH4img aiSSySOa
. L. araadeta fe Boaa, gbsak.... SOrOOa
i. W. staOisri a O-, stoak.... ataana
aale aaA CIaah tta. at ah 1140)
Omaha aurgtoal Sawply Oa, sS.o laioa
sUiae Brag Oa, ataaa
T.. mmwrm at tha hulldllK aad tkS
firms Involved are well oovered by In-
unnM The kulldlnjr waa (till IB th
control of th trustees of tba Ames as-
ists, th south halt only having pasee
mi. th. mnirel at tha United States Na
tional bank, which lately negotiated to
lis purcnae. e, auunsv w-
nl.d the flret floor of the BOTth SB if.
tha Vwatous Suit and Cloak serapany as-
cupled th second noor, J, U. oranaeiB
a aeeurueS the third and fourth
floors with rugs and carpets sad Iks fifth
and sixth floors were used by MoCrorey
ft Co. for storing their surplus stoca.
Th Omaha Surgical Supply sompsay
and tb Haines Inruf company occupied
the first floor ot the south half) tha
uppsr floors st this half were used as
a is wing room by th Brsadals psopls.
u i ... Km f ha as.
niim IV I I, w,waa r v-m
Joining " property aa tb wast; but they
were alight Wmtsr flowed ssroes tha
alley oa tha brldg frora th burning
kiillillntf In tha alaal Itrajulala star
building, but did n dasnxeT. Water la
ran onto th Brst floor and Int tn
basement of tha Brandeis hatldlBg, but
not nough to do serious aamaa-e.
Omaha fireman had tba nernast fight
with flames ysslerdsy Btornlng rhsy have
been oalled upon to tackl la a loag time.
A .Ix-atonr building, fairly well filled with
combustible material, biased ia the
middle of th night and tor hours asS
tha aloasat attention of Chief Saltor and
bis entire tores.
Th flams were rein forced by a high
.wind frora tha south that for a time
threatened to baffle th Bremen. The
gale again and again blew said th
treams directed against the Game
which were breaking out front the top
floors, and at time dissipated ta water.
Into spray before It even rsaehad tks,
tire. This, with a shower et sparks aad ,
biasing ameers that flew on the wins
of tb wind made tha battle far tb Bre
men on of fierce intensity, until the fire
had been fairly brought dowa t where
it could be held la th building where It,
suited. This structure, with Its oonutnf,
seemed doomed from the beginning.
ria Display ( Fir Plahttaa. ,
Every point frora whioh a stream
could be turned oa the building was
used; firemen were on top ot the United .
State National bank, n top ef the
Brandeis building ro th north. Water
towers filled Far nam treat aad Six
teenth, and altogether it was as fine a
display of th fir fighting force ot tha
city aa could have been wished. The
fir had th better o tb tegument,
however, owing to Its Inaccessibility, aa.
(Continued on Seventh Page.)
Where money is
loa. ed on real estate
at 6 per cent and I . as.
There are firms in this
city reliable firms ;
thflt make a business of
loaning money on real
estate at rates of inter
est ranging from 4 to C
If yon peed mora capital.
or If yoa want money to
finance a building operation,
yon will do wall to read aad
answer tha etaaalfled adver
tisements to day tindery ta '
heading of "Loans oa Real
On the other hand, If
yon hare money to in-'
Test, and seek a moder
ate rate of interest com- :
bined with absolute se
curity, you may find it
by reading the an
nouncements under
'EaI Seta ta For Snle."
Tyler 1000