Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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Siipsllis for Yoiir Sunday Inner
Menus and
Steamed Prune.
Oatmeal with Cream.
Flaked Shad on Toast.
Sally Lunnt. Coffee.
Bouillon Panned Chicken.
Creamed Potatoes.
Stewed Mushroom.
Olive Salad.
Cheese. , Wafers.
Ginger Ice Cream.
Assorted Cakes. Coffee.
Creamed 8weetbreads.
Celery and Nut Salad.
' Pineapple Fritters Chocolate.
Irmklul Rolls.
Two. cupfuls of rolled pecan nut meats, j
Jne quart of sifted flour, two level tea- !
poontul of salt, two teupoonfult of
baking powder, on tsblespoonful of but- I
ter snd two cupfuls of milk. Art the 1
flour, salt snd baking powder together, i
Rub In the butter, sdd the nuts snd 1
milk snd mix to a smooth dough. Olve '
en or two Quick kneadlngs on a floured !
bsklner board. Roll out two-thirds of an
Inch thlek and cut Into strips about four
Inches lone by two Inches wld. PIscs In
S greased baking tin without touching
tarh other, brush over with milk, and
ake In a moderately hot oven for twen-ky-flve
minutes. Brush over with milk
Main when taken from the oven.
i Chocolate Oram Pnffa.
1 Put two ounces' of butter Into a sauce
ban, add half a pint of water, brine to
polling point, add quickly half a pint of
tflour, a pinch of salt, one teaspoonful
of sugar and two tableapoonfuls of grated
chocolate, stir well with a wooden spoon
tintil the mixture leaves the sides of
the pan., remove from the fire, allow
to pool, then add four eggs, besting each
tan well In. Put Into a forcing bag with
plain tube snd force onto a baking
ln, into -wmatr round!,' 'bruBhTover" with'
bos ten ttt snd bake In a hot oven for
half an hour, when raid-decorate with
a star of whipped and sweetened, oream
and a cubs of pineapple.
Oerasa'a Caff Cake.
Make a sponge with one yeast cake,
softened in a quarter of a cupful of
lukewarm watef,'. on . cupful . of scalded
milk, and flour' enough to make of the
tight consistency. When light, add four
heaping tablespoonful of butter, melted,
four heaping tablespoonatuls of sugar,
half a tesspoonful of salt, two well
beaten' eggs, half a cupful of cleaned
sultana, raisins, the grated rind of one
lemon, one teaspoonful of vanilla ex
tract and floor Enough to make a very
stiff batter, beating well. , WJien : light
again,' pour Into a buttered and floured
round cake tin. cover, and let" rise. When
ready to bake, brush over with beaten
egc aad dust thickly with' -sursr; and
cinnamon. Bake In a hot oven. When told
sprinkle over- th top' with -powdered
sugar. ,...;.-
Pineapple J a abet.
'. 'one .kinket tablet, one quart 'of milk,
a quarter of a cupful of sugar, two tables
spoonsful of sherry, wine and a pinch
of salt, Dissolve ths Junket (tablet In a
tsblespoonful of cold water Heat the milk
Until lukewerm. add the Junket tablet,
sugar, wine and salt: lieap it on a dish,
let It stand In a warm room till set
then chill. Decorate It with whipped snd
sweetened cream to which has been added
three tablsspoonfule of chopped or grated
pineapple. Garnish with slices of pine
apple: Crape Frwlt Jelly.
Two heaping tableapoonfuls of pow
dered gelstlne. three cupfuls of grape
fruit Juice and pulp, two tsblespoonfuls
of sherry wine, two teaspeonfuls of lemon
Juice, half a cupful of sugar, and ona and
a half cupfuls of Water. Put the gelstlne
lato a saucepan, add all th Ingredients
except th wine, stir over the fir until
tkey almost boll, then strain and add the
sherry. Divide Into smsll wet molds.
Tun out when set. This Jelly is very
goad when served with whipped snd
sweetened cream.
: Klhhwa Jelly.
One quart of lemon Jelly, a little sherry
vine, red coloring, green coloring, a llt'.le
chart reuae and some ribbon candy.
Dlvtd th Jelly Into three equal pans.
color on part with red coloring and
flavor with chartreuse- Pour the green
part Into a wet mold, then the plain.
then the pink Jelly. Oreat care must be
taken that each layer Is perfectly firm
befor pouring In to other or the effect
will be spoiled. Turn out when set snd
garnish with ribbon candy. The appear
ance of this dish Is greatly Improved
by using a ring noM for th Jelly
and afterwards filling the center with
whipped and sweetened cream.
Date' Castar.
Etew on neaping cupful of chopped
dates until tender, rub through a sieve,
sdd three eggs well- beaten, three cup
fuls of scalded milk, two heaping tabie
(poonfuls of sugar, on teaspoonful of
vanlllla extract, pour Into .a deep pie
Plata lined with pastry. Soak the dates
for two hours, drain, take out stones,
then stew. ,
Russian Jelly.
Two rapfuls of water, four heaping
tablespoonfuls of powdered gelstlne, ten
ounces of lump sugar, half a cupful of
rum, two cloves, two Inches of cinnamon,
on bay leaf, on teaspoonful of coriander
seeds, a pinch of grated nutmeg, rinds
of three lemons, rind of on
orange. Juice of two oranges, whites
and crushed shells of two gg
and one wlneglusful of Curacao. Put
the gelatine Into a saucepan, add all
th Ingredient except - th curacoa.
Wnisk over th fire till It Just comes to
the boll. Life th pan gently from the
f(r and let It at and ontne aide of the
stova tor ten minutes. Strain tbrougn
a hot Jelly bag and when cool add the
- a
"Alamito" I
a (utnatH
of rarity and
MalllM DTU-
ssliut die-
No milk la
n.or scrupulous
ly prepared than
this product.
W ssllh Hi
cnu slrrrs
Wars bvankfsat
The KUk.
If you do and are willing to carry
your purchase horn with you 1 can
give you bargains in chickens that
will surprise you ss to fins quality
at low prlcea Every fowl I sail is
specially selected and kept In Ice cold
rooms not cold water and there
for they retain their purs, clean,
natural flavor and you pay for solid
meat not water.
i tra mb cam orar, tun
no BxrurnzM
And give you the benefit of th sav
ing. We make special efforts to se
cure th very choicest of native
cornfsd beef, mutton, veal and lamb.
Tat Boug. MM. 1M1 ranun.
curecao. Whisk about half of th Jelly
till It resembles a stiff troth. Then till
a wet mold with alternate layers of th
beaten spongy Jelly and clear Jelly. This
is neat tMrforaiad by placing th moid
in a basin of crushed lc aa It la es
sentlsl that each layer of Jelly should
be set befor th next Is pound In. If
carefully don this nukes a most ef
fective mold.
Pineapple Jelly,
- One cupful of grated pineapple, whits
snd shell of one egg. two heaping labia
lpoonfuls of powdered gelstlne, rind and
Juice at one, lemon, torse, tablespoonfuls
at sugar, one lips pineapple and four
cupfuls of water. Peel and out a pine
apple Into smsll pieces, pot late a sauce
pan with -.three -cupfuls of. water, simmer
for halt an hour. Strain Into anothsr
ssuospan,- sdd anothsr capful of water,
th gelatine, sugar, rind and. Jules of
lemon, crushed ahell and beaten whit of
tha egg. ' Keep hot for twenty minutes
without boiling, strain into small wst
pineapple molds. When ready to serve,
csrefully disengage . th Jelly from th
molds snd serve on a glsss dish with
ths grated pineapple.
Cherry Jelly.
Two pounds of cherries, whipped cream,
one and a half cupfuls. of water, half a
cupful of sugsr, three heaping tsble
spoonfuls of powdered gelatine and a
few drop of red coloring. Cook th
cherries with th sugar and half a cupful
of water; when tender rub through a
sieve, add the coloring and gelatin dis
solved' in one cupful of boiling water.
Mix well, then divide Into custsrd glasses
and when set .place a spoonful of whip,
ped cream on ths top of each. Decorate
wlta ripe stoned cherries,
Claret Jelly.
Two cupfuls of claret, two cupfuls of
water, on cupful of sugar, ons Inch of
cinnamon, four cloves, one blsds of mace,
rind and Juloe of two small lemons, four
heaping tsblespoonfuls of powdered
gelatins, one cupful of raspberry Jam,
or syrup from fresh fruit, whites snd
shells of three eggs, whipped cream
snd soma red coloring. Put the gela
tin Into a saucepan, add all the other
Ingredients except the cream and color
ing. Place over a slow fir snd beat ths
mixture until It bolls; remove the beater,
draw to one side and allow to remain
for flv minutes. Strain through a
scalded Jelly bag, then oolor with red
coloring. Pour Into a wet mold. If pre
ferred, turn Into a ring mold and servo
with "whipped cream In th center. - -Ceeklea,
On cupful of butter, two cupfuls of
sugar, three ggs a pinch of salt, one
cupful of milk,, four heaping cupfuls of
flour, three tesapoonfula of baking pow
der, one teaspoonful of vanilla extract.
Cream th butter and he sugar, then sdd
th yolks of the ggs well beaten, ths
tlsur, baking powder salt all sifted to
gather, then sdd the vanilla and the
whites ot th eg stiffly beaten. Chill.
Roll on a floured baking board, cut Into
rounds. nlao- on a ereajiMl Haain . -
,n . Dot ov, (or Un ml0BtaB
Stewed Dried Feaehe aa Ratala.
Buy a pound et th dried peaches that
come without the skins as they are
very much nicer. Soak them over night
snd cook with half a pound of good
slsed seeded table raisins. Put m a
cupful of sugar and enough water . to
rover and cook until soft.'
Stewed Figs,
Buy the -dried figs which come
In bulk. pick them apart care
fully, wash them and soak them over
night. Th next morning stew them
gently without sugsr, but with two
slices of lemon to a medium slsed dish
ful. Let them cook until soft and tender.
Johaar Cake.
Mix one-fourth teaspoonful of salt
with on cup of white corn
meal. And only enough boning water
to wet and swell the meal and then
thin with milk only sufldently to make
a thlek batter that wll not spread when
dropped. Stir la a tesspoonful of baking
powder, drop on a well-buttered griddle.
When browned on one side, turned over.
Serve with a small piece ot butter 'on
tcp of each cake.
Tenat Jelly salad.
Four one quart can of tomatoes Into
a granite ware saucepan. Season with one
teaspoonful of salt and a dash of pepper
snd add two tsblespoonfuls of finely
chopped onion and cook halt aa hour.
Strain and add one ounce of gelatine that
has been soaked In cold water. Pour Into
small after dinner coffee cups that have
Ask your grocer for Eagle Brand Macaroin
10c at all Good Grocers
. i
It I, very Important to keep the weight of your children up to the'
stantlai food-
Contains the very nourishing elements that
build flesh, bone and muscle. Pure Durum
wheat with all the nourishment left In it
Ask your grocer for EAtil.K Hit AND MAC
ARONI. 'It Is made In Omaha under the moat
I l HB ,anlt,r', conditions.
Pig Pork Roast, lb., 92c
Steer Pot Roast, lb 8' ;C, Til
Steer Steak, lb lie
Steer Boiling Beef, lb 6li:0
Lamb Legs, lb IIV2C
Pig Pork Loins, lb.
Sugar Cured Bacon, lb. . lll-iC
10:30 A. II
and 3 P. M.
been rinsed out In cold water and aet
away to harden. Serve on lettuce lesves
knd cover with mayonnaise.
Cream Blarnlta.
Take one quart of flour, sift and mix
with one tesspoonful each of baking
powder, salt snd sods: wst with enough
milk to molaten and add two teaspoon'
tuls of sour eresm. Mould and baka In
a hot oven.
Spinal Meningitis
Has Another Victim
William Sullivan. M years old. a res
ident of South Omaha, died at the County
hospital yesterday morning at S of
a case ot meningitis. A post-mortem
examination was held to determine the
cause of desth. physicians believing It
wss tubercular snd not cerebro spinal
meningitis. It proved to be neither of
the but a chronic disease not con
tagious. Th spread of splnsl meningitis epi
demic Is being combstted by phyelelans
with every facility st hand. Health Com
missioner Council said today:
"I advise all persons living In th
neighborhood ot a caaa of spinal menin
gitis or those who have been exposed to
It to use an antiseptic nasal spray and
gargle the throat snd snuff some up
Into th no. a. This not only is good for
them but Is a preventive against the
spread of th di erase to others. The
germs carry In ths throat."
Wilson Repudiates
Alleged Interview
J. W. Woodrougb of the Wilson club
of Omaha has received a telegram from
Wood row Wilson headquarters In New
Tork. In which the democratic candidate
denies that hs told a reporter ot the
New Tork Evening Post that he would
"wear his bands to ths bone In th re
publican party rather than work for
Champ Clark as democratic candidate."
Th telegram:
Th Evening Post of ths tenth hsd an
Interview which purported to come from
me No such Interview waa given by me
and none wss suthorlsed. 1 wss especially
surprised at the following language Im
puted to m In that atatement: "1 would
rather wear my hands to the bone In
the republican party rather than work
fir Champ Clark ss democratic candidate
for the presidency, with tne possibility
of William Randolph He rut tor secre
tary of state." Such a statement is sb
surd and ridiculous. I sm a strict party
man and whomsoever the democratic
party nominate 1 shall ot course en
thusiastically support. All newspapers
snd press associations were supplied with
this denial and It bes been published by
tne New York American.
The federal grand Jury Is making rapid
progress with th esses, brought to Hs
attention, but It Is no believed It will
clean up all the work until the early part
ot next week. It is reported from the
Jury .room that re
turned today, th Jury to be called
sgsia Uonday.jnsrniiic U -lake up the
unfinished Business th United 8tstes at
torney may have. Witnesses loiter over
the corridors of the entire poetofflce
building, sodm melting twenty-four and
thirty-six hours to be called.
Suddenly' going Insane.. Harry Qronse,
stearrfltter at the Union Pacific shops,
living s ?TG3 Burt street, shortly after
noon Friday strayed over to the' American
Smelting and Refining company's plsnt
snd climbed up a lof-foot chimney, half
undressed himself "there, waving his
hands frantically. He then came down
and mad for a poul of water caused by
tha high water in the Missouri and wad
dled around In It till pulled. out by an
officer. He waa tsken to the police sta
tion and locked up.
Permits to smoke, t cents. All dealers
while they are growing. It I
iis tne time wnen strong constitutions
are built. ' Children need good, sub-
kind that will stick to their
Eagle Maca
roni Company
1610 HAR
Doug. 2147
Cost of the late Body it Tabulated
by Siitrict Clerk.
May ale Called la October Ale rs
ors Havlasj th Csaaty anrd
Appropriate Maey for
Cost of the Douglas county grsnd Jury
was approximately H,&00.ii, according to
th records of Harry Pesrce, Jury snd
witness clerk In ths office of Clerk ot
the District Court ltobert Hmlth.
Another grand Jury Is likely to be
called tor the Ot-tober term of the district
court, aorordtng to Judge A. L. Button,
Judge Mutton will ask the Board of
County Commissioners to mske a liberal
appropriation for use of future grand
Jurlea In protecting their Investigations.
He declared that In his opinion more in
dictments would hsve been returned by
ths recent grsnd Jury had it not been
hampered by lack of funds.
The cost to the county of the grsnd
Jury is tabulsted ss follows:
Services of bsillf at 1110 a month.. tl
Jurors' fees, VI dsy and mileage.. 2, .tu j
Wltneaa fees ffilN
Th above Item for witness fees Is es
timated, fees of I7H.7 have been paid.
and It is estimated thst clslms for about
BO more will be mads snd paid.
In the tabulation of cost the salary ot
Deputy County Attorney George A. Mag
ney snd the compensation of Special
Prosecutor Ooas ars not included. Mag
uey Is psld a straight annual sslsry snd
receives nothing additions) for grand Jury
work. Goes' compensation will be psld
by the stste.
"It is likely thst a grand Jury will be
called for the October term," said Judge
Sutton, "but that is not definitely de
cided. It will be up to all th Judges ot
the district court when th time comes.
How the coming primary election Is held
whether or not It is free from frauds
trill be one uf the things thst will de
termine whether or not. there will be sn
October grsnd Jury, but the election mat
ter alone will not govern.
Kerdeel Sua. Faads.
"I believe thla was a good grand Jury
and did the best it could under ths c-ir-cu
instances. It wss hampered by total
lack ot funds. I believe more Indict
ments of sn Important nature would have
been returned tt th grand Jury had hsd
tMO with which to prosecute Its Investi
gations. "When the next grsnd Jury Is cslled
I shall personally ask the county com
missioners to mske a liberal appropria
tion for the grand Jury's use.
Judge Sutton sucgested to the recent
grand Jury that It ask the county com
missioners for sn spproprlatlon to be
used In pressing Investigsllooa, but no
such request wss made of th commis
sioners. Commissioners Lynch snd El
sssser when told the request might be
mad said they would be willing to grant
As a final entertainment of th school
year th German society of the high
school is planning a skit featuring the
apple shooting episode from "William
Tell" to be given on Friday afternoon
April 2. by several senior members of
the organisation. Miss Abba Bowen. head
ot the department of modem l.nguag-a
will have name of the affair, which
will be given entirely In the German
Maabeel with a Rasor,
wounded with a gun. or pierced by a ruty
nail, rjucklen's Arnica Salve roon heals
the Injured part. Cuara:iUed. S cents. F-w
sale by Deaton Drug Co.
Hayden Bros;
Meat Dept. -
Purk Roast ......... 10c
Hinttquarter Mutton ,.8c
rYontquarter Mutton .60
Hulk Sauttipe
Baron. 15c, lS'.sO, 10c
Xo. 1 Hams
Rone Dust, 31bs. for 25c
Mince Meat. 3 lbs. ,.25c
We carry a complete line
of Summer Sausage at
lowest prices.
Try Hayden's First
Whin down town
thopping drop into
For a cup of good coffee
or tea and a light lunch.
- The place of excel
lent cuisine, mod-
, ersle prices and
charming atmosphere
Herenteenth and Douglas
IT lha beat granulsted sugar I1.O0
In adee creamery butter, rer
lismond C Boap'ie'bars'I.'!I.'.'toe
Uusker lists 3 pst'kscea as
large roll of Toilet Paper . ...So
Carnation Milk I cans asa
lrge California Prunes, per lb. Ho
Beet Hods Crackers, I lua Is
rilu (telle Hunklat flour, per su it
at ai,o
. rmait racn rasai
with sack of flour w will give
absolutely free, one regular so pack
are of Yeast Poanv
Uirdaeye Matches 7 boxes Is
i'hnne us your orders for prompt snd
efficient service. Doug. !J; B-2sv.
80S North 16th St.
For 25o The Bee.
Evening and Sunday.
Delivered at your Lome.
V rsfl a
arJF tW's V. '"I
H, ,,.,..,.,11
in " 1 "m -..' ' : t
, ?
I s"ssnnnnnsnnBnWjnnnsnlinnnWssnnn
Home circulation brings advertising returns
The Bee reaches twice as many homes as any other Omaha paper." ' i
Va-sfi aart rrtvor C m sa Vi sa . ar4V -svnlxr nno nanot
a vsk vwss w w aa
When you ae th name SI'xnOREN an th label
on th loaf you know that It Is th bread that
Is made from th best flour, and by th best
nethodn. F.itra rare In mixing and baking
make, aalgraa's Malt-
ad Milk Brand moat
nourishing and pala
labia At all grocers freeh
very morning. Mad
only by -
The sife beer for
Old Ate la invaluable aa a
food and delicious as a
keept pur beer pure. Old Age la
always good and wholesome, whether
exposed to the light or not. Accept
, only Amber bottle.
family fiuinnirppURn BYl'
South Omaha W.M. JKTTKR, 8003
W Ht, Phone Ho. IMM.
Omaha HI (iO P. 11ILZ. 1KM Dobs
la St. Phone) Douglas 1543.
Jetter Brewing Co.
(3f Qp&afy'
O buss's Vara rood Ceases , .
Saturday's Specials
rsvaas rmvrrg An TaaaTABZiB
Redland oranges, vsry sweet, par pack .
, Ken land oransea. very swsei.
f O Cooking figs, per pound
Til 'Lemons, per dosen ..aoo
?l strawberries, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Mint, Egg Plant, Celsry,
7f ItMil ltdi... HnlnAfh ate.
if 1, 1, l-qusrt "North Pols" Ice cream freeser the quickset fresslng
f. J 1 mschlns on the market, each ll-SS, SI AO as atoo ,
Hrown I'slsy. dust lees dustsr tse. Mo sag SVs
Sf7) t'hlo and Vermont maple augsr, per pound ,. 16
y too Jar "Lotus" ollvs relish ....lea
4V lie can Imported sardines
ai tio cut "Halliard's" Imported oil re oil
t cakee "Magic Washer'' soap, does all th work
"Lotus" creamery butter. In cartons, per pound ,.
Our best country crsamsry butter. In sanitary Jars, par lb.
at,l,.lv frMh rnun Rrandala farm, ner doaan
jenny Broa full sram brick chees. per pound
t psi-kages Neufcbaisl cheese .......i. ....
Quart Jars Queen olives
Mantanllla olives
Warwick whiskey, bottled In bond, full quart .
Paul Jones whiskey, bottled In bond, full Quart
Duffy's Pur Malt, per bottle
California Burgundy, very old, per gallon
Missouri Whits Pearl, year eld, per bottl ...
Missouri Hlank Pearl, I years old, per bottl
Missouri Burgundy, pr bottl
Whltebread s Indta Pels Ala. per dosen
Whltebreada sxtra stout, per doasn
I Pecan Roll our newest bakery
Huntley breakrsst, in pane or s
or our unequaiio neru roue
Delicious layer cakea, all flavors, each ...
Almond Macaroon nd Kissa nsr pound
Lady fingers, per pound . ,
fytaM (wKw. (5
"None So Good"
"None So Pure"
Wholesome - Nutritious - Delicious . Look for" "
Good docs not express it when speaking of :' , THU,fAB1'
BUTTESIfUT BEIAD. Best is our standard. nJ'T
i ne very excellence 01 mis oreaa is a testimon
ial of its worth.
Absolutely Pure and Reliable. Insist on
Having it. At ALL Grocers. '.'
-m nan svsj as aja, vv a l&A
all the family
tonic, perfect at a
nousenoia uring.
Qp&m Qjjf (A.
'? li,A- t
sw siw i.
.are .
,..auM ,
11-00 1
triumph, crisp and nutty for your
.A Psany Apleo
(fctt (&rww ($52
visit saaw gsja,Bva
1 J I ill
j0T ,'ervjtfia. - I