as HIE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. APRIL 13. 1912. SUIT OVERCOAT Vl 4 to' t d Lu ih Mil m Iff Th I w. Sua, of I boa Hoi M re 1 w w Fa . 18' Com your feet Imp ara I N. I TV WDtll era yi'j xmmm i,i,nivmr.J TO ORDER DEMAND THE UION LABEL IN YOUR SPRING and SUMMER SUIT ft Means Sanitary , work. It Menns Not made by women and children iu filthy sweatshops. It Means Hand tail ored. It Means That we pay J jur tailors living wages. By ordering a - suit from us you get the above incororntpd in your new spring and summer suit. 1,000 patterns to choose from. We operate our owu millH and save you the middleman's profit. Every Suit Made to Your Measure. s15 GUARANTEED ALL WOOL We Are the Origin&la-Imitatofs Flatter Vs. atXBCBAaTT T4ZX.OM ' , TRABB HUCRM trmzo. V ONY ONE 8T0RZ IN OMAHA. j Dundee Uoolen Hills , OMAHA SHOP . N, W. Corner 15th and Harney Streets . . Council Bluffs Shopj 409 W. Broadway. , MAIL ORDER OIVKX PROMPT ATTENTION. vm mm wh water U-tr is luiaj t th'i Paint' but i I. ' iWllni lath J.orta. ' DiiaQZ Wni HOT EE HZATC Maadrede of Cartaae River t Watek Imsaewsa Boar f 'Water' Sarelene, with Drift an Bobbish. able section In thla vicinity, ledudlag Um yards, will b submerge. Thl cnndllloa will print of Utile mac. however. aa less la "water ri to a height at nlaa- itn fet , . Home Grown Green " Onions on Market Tk JUmourl rlter U up again. rling to a bslghth Friday morning of lit feet Thl li elght-tenths at a foot below floe tage. artr. Wlilow. Florence an Ma- aw lakta aro full to too bans, hot a aide of On river caa aland a ttw 'inches awro befor there h a general .flood condition. Tba different lakaa lo nm uaa saw, th rurar becking over ,tha connecting- land ana turning tb-ir.i lata ana body of watar. Th watar now l at a atand'till. how evf. aad It la expected tha r.l of the Good win pea bafora eveamg and hf tomorrow go down considerably from th" mark aatabUaned today. It la not b Hand amae will ba dona ta tha lard a tar Inundate. . verftew of a tts. Tba preaent high watar la Cut-off laki la dua tram aa overflow of a attileo run ning la from Willow lab. Thla lak la l.Hed traaa water backing P from Missouri river to tba north Tba flrat horoe-grown green anion wara Maeed a pan tha Owiaba market Fit' day. HerctofBra Ihoaa wbo have 'thought they War buying green onion, tba aa parts aay, have aaaa getting what art called absUotu, a kind of Imitation. "Luther Burbank la not reaponalWa fne tba deception.'' aay A, King of tba gre- eery deportment at Harden Bit. "It I a variety of vegetable, fruit r aom. thing that graw from a aaed. Onion aprtag tram ata' " They ar aalllag at W rent a for three bunehaa. Straw barrle frvaa iiutalaaa ar down ta H cent boa at aom at ore. At other they ar retailing at la and centa. Celery U drtnjt off th aaarkat It I n acarr now that wholeealera hara gun to tell It good-bra and retailer an trli:a their cue I omen "tbro aia t ao uek thing. Green reee are lata la arriving bar. Carload ordere have been ent la Ion and Louialana. but keaaoaa of tb oandl tloae of tba rallroada atne the Cooa wept down IK Mieataatnpt ralley thee ihata ret vet been filled. Qreea oeaa are . "'lpecied, liowevar. I a day or two. JS.Wr .T a !Senator Allen Here to paature ground, la aow aa tnamen-ia aoor . . ... kMl. mi, pemlnf tnM ih take froaa the north. Thla atratc.i I of watar ma ajutk aad wM. and aa toad nearly ta Klnth atraet. tha Ua4 wet of tb original area lof tbo kaka being corared by water. A few boue oa tb north aide of Florence lab are oa higher ground and no danger to the la proaletad. HARMON HASREAL BOSY DAY Site at Six and Keeps 5oing- All Say Long-. VISITS LITE STOCK HCHAHGZ Speaba at Nova at th Coaaaaerrtal dab Hill Addroao Maaa Meoilac This Erealaa at tb AadltoHaae. Thla ba boa on of tho bualeat da- that Oovarnor Harmon of Ohio ba ei arteneadbM ba tbrow bia bat Into th ring and entered for the preaidaatlal rata. 1 At noma Governor Harmon la an early rlaer and the habit ataya wtlh bhm. era out her la Nebraska. At d ('clock fit morning be waa up and dowa la tb hotel lobby at the futon. There ba greeted tha elerka and tb ball boy ta a friendly manner and afterward devoted an bour to bla correspondence. At o'clock he had flniahed Ma break feat and . waa ready to recetee the erowde of democrat wbo bad gnrhared to meet him. They worn present from the city and oat la tba atate. For two hours tba governor bald aa In formal recaption la tha lobby of tb hotel, after which be waa whirled away to Mouth Omaha, where at 11 . o'clock, be addrtsatd a Urge gathering of bust nee men at the Exchant a building. Webater Toaetaaaater. At t trork tktt afienw:i li.wernor Harmon waa the liiivtt of the OmJha club at luncheon. wtrj aiiu M of lha buaU.ea atea of th civ -t d-m 'I'he goeraor'( table was In laa center ol th room and ka occupied a seal )ut la th right of John Leo Webstar, who proelded as toaitmaMrr. After tho eigare kad beea lit. Mr. Webaier. In Introducing the gueat of honor, rafered t Ohio a being tha mother ol numerous president. that If (.. morrst la to become te chief acu tii of th nation, ha would r.tthur m tie elub'c gueat joeupyloit tb noalti.i I any tibr mem'ier of tha tti. illh that aa could thinu of. as he u-aat-ted ! m a a amcno, level hlcd m-. liKdaid, Oj'crnor farmur. wt k:eled with comio ra'u'.e upr'uw n il after paylag a tribute ta taa Cotomorilal .,tl sou kJKlied oniaii'tatloru. Hi N rti.-.t they are domg much guac l.t it. way of creating eentlment for dele reform among all lines, ala ed that whll Ohio me I." I abed ono i'e.ienta an inu. p;tll( I ar of primrM-rxe. ino p ! la a l aeewr ait .:ord 'b'i !! without alandlng by them and giving them sailed uppert. Th governor referred to tb number of Ohio men that be flnde Hi every com munity and Insist rd that H waa beeeus that for I lie past 1M year th Mate bay beea tending t taa west I a good men somen, who have helped to build up eommunltlea and establish goad got rnmeat wherever tney nao aeitie. There wis aa politic la tb goreroor'l talk, but he dwelt at length upon tha qaeetlet. gel atllaanahlp. aspreaalng the opinion Mat there la generally too little attention given to dvle weitlone by tba bualne men. In eltlea, ba eatd, that be bad discovered that much mora attention waa being paid ta ptmHo affairs th bnalae men than a few years ago and that better result had boooaa a pre rent. Hewavar, he found that there a woeful lack af attcatlon paid to ma It era pertaining to ta eouatry at large, mea being toe deeply aa gross id with their awa affair a ' ridteee Oaaaaaa ratal Claa. The governor believed that aaok organ. laattoa aa tba Omaha cammsroai ctu could and had don much good; that thla r aa era of organisation, business man aheald look to It that taa affair of city, state and country are tun aa buoi neas pnndpiee, for." he adowd. "man hot la be as atom If ba does act II blmaeM with an organised body aad palp whea tbre I omlhlng lo do." Th Omen bualnes mea netenoa to overnor Harmoa whan ka pralaad Omaha, and they loudly applauded him i be told them that thla la one of tk beat groomed, beat kept aad ladylike rlty thai be has area la hta travels, be sides having a proeptroa appearance In every particular. e After the apeaklng, liny or mora or tb me m be re f th Ohio (Mb gataerea around Ooveroor Hsrnesei and for half aa haw he held aa Informal reception, the Ohtoana being Introduced by Mr. Webetef. Later lb governor returned la th Faxtoa. where from I ta i o'clock ne bead aa Informal roeoptlsa la th hotel rotunda, meeting several hundred per- n oho called ta pay tbatr reaped. To Speak Taalabt. Thl evening at th Auditorium dev. raor Harmoa delivers kls only real political speech la th west prior to th nominating convent!. Among tbo prominent Mat democrat wbo are In the city ta meet Governor o) o) Guaranteed Ten Years CASH OR CREDIT (Positively no dealers supplied at this price Massire Brass Bed in newest Colonial design. Heavy 2-mch posts, large cross rods, five massive .fillers, large corner enps ana bail oeanng castors, lour choice of satin or bright finish. Every bed thoroughly warranted. Only one to (nch customer for Saturday only. v one to Hartm&H one Saturday Only ach customer Meet Gov. Harmon rormar United Suta Senator William V. Alien of Madleoa ta on of lb promi nent Nrtrseka democrat wha has aom ta the city t meet tfeverwor Harmoa during bis atay her. And whll th aan. tor la enthvjalaatla for liarmoa for the Tha Omaha Rod and Oun dub, on th prerMrnev. he la even more enthuaiaetM mmittt skars of Florence lake, will act ' far l..ihi;rd U Mstralfe for ba damaged la any xlsat by tb preaent Jsptakiag of Xr. Metcalfe, Senator Allen wag. Th shore of th lak ba retreated oaaewbat but th greier part of the (rsund at that paint la considerably higher, than tba land aow u omened. Though rhtmcf lak could aterflow la a aouthwanUy direction there no praoabillty h could reach Cut-oft lake rtkor on the east or the west. The nee la Cut-eat lake la brought abowt only by taa ayarflpw .from Willow lake to th eat f Florence lak. .. Ooorao.r, wlft 4 Co. baa Ukan tha sfacautioa to present the water aanta- sins Lhesr Ice plant by seadlac a crew i of mea there to du ua th aottfe etde of Cut-off lake. ' ! Again This herslsa. Lata lost aht the water dropped one halt foot or Vi Inches, but la the early morning began to rtee. overtopping lb mark of yesterday of I feet and rising to a maxlaara of H at J o'clock thi after- Earl - arrow, raid: "I have known Richard L Metcalfe peraonally and Intimately for atere lhaa twenty year. 1 first met aim whea be waa a reporter aa the WortdVlaarald, aad hat known him throughout hi entire career as a newspaper man and author, i : "1 knew of ao man whom I more highly appreciate than Richard L. Metcalfe, H a mea from th flrat oualtty of American rltlaenalUp. and there na doubt la my mind but that today he I and for a long i lime has beea the foremost writer la Ne braska oa governmental and aeiaomlc subject. He fe a arkVs and (ecurate knowledge of eur form of goveraatent and Its history." . Blair bridge this morning reported the watar atattoaary during fh last twenty. tear nonrt. whll all port north of there Indicate a alow fallow off., mea City reported a half-foot deorese wbUe other point further north report tb river falling rapidly. Slight rains are predicted generally la thl aectloa tonight aad to- but It ta unlikely they wll reach aaagattude euffident ta swell th ttucdreds congregate ahmg tba river front aad oa Douglas street brtdg aratcb tag tb homeoee body af watar carrying dowa rstalsh and trunks of tree gath. ered from the bottom land up the river. The bank af tb river an full to the brim and It I benered tt river attewM coma up a few laches anr a consider. Henry Found Guilty of Liling the Lid Jack Henry had th Theatrical Man agers Association dub era round awuty of violating the Ikiaor laws ta conducting the reeort In the naacment of thj Moyd tneawr building. Tb Jury returasd a ver dict to that effect ta the cnmlajj eUvwlaa of th district court. , Tbo minimum fine I th. and tot morj tLaa Go, a thirty cay ta ln. ar hath. i I likely that aa appeal will ba Uitn. v: ii ii a i i fl?lfc'l'A 0 0 iS aton of all Kicdi Nov on Display White Eiumel Refrigerator Hag hardwood cate, whit enamled lined, mloaral wool Iliad, trlmmlos are of aollu brass; built on tha cold try air principle, with large roomy Ice -compart- SaaaM5 tnent. An amulnt ralu at i w TAKE A YEAR OR TWO TO PAY FOR WHAT YOU BUY 1 111 pl yp-.'p.'Ji&j.- Tc ft; 'aH&'Kdnfarr ti -. : . 12x9 Tapestry Brussels Rugs Latest tprlng dnalgna In 9ilI-foot site. Mad la all th new domestic and oriental degigng. The are ot extra fine Quality end have no miter beam. Th material used are of the very beat grade of wor sted yarn. Color are exceedingly hand some. Tbey are regular 120.00 value nd are offered for tomorrow' Ml at I098 One notion Co-Cart New design Go-Cart, fold and open with on motion, mad entirely of tubular steel. large whMla, cushion tires, dutsuia back and dash. Positive, splen- Sa98 did ot value at th ipeciai price 1414-16-18 Douglas St. loSDUi 1414-16-10 M Douglas St. Harmon and attend tb meeting thla evening ar J. H. Thompaon of Oread Island. Her ma a McNany ot Red Cloud, John M. Devlne of Uncola, Oeorge K. Hall of Frankl.'n, Judge 1. U Albert ot Columbus, .una Slab of Grand Island. Jaik Welsh of Humboldt, former Sen ator William V. Allen af Madtaoa. B. M. mm of Hasting. J. H. Oroinovor and Ur. Woodard of Aurora, A. D. Feller of Fullerton. B. E. Feller of Si. Kdwards. John Byrne of Hebron, Floyd Kay bait of Geneva and Heary Sjchael of t'tlca. HARMON TArK AT STOCK YARD Uoveraor at Obla falls ta Apaaa Ba- thaaiaam Asanas; Staeksaea. Nethwlthatandlng th muck ' rUiuUlod" notice that Oovernor Judsoa Harmon aculd apeak at tha Live Stock Kxcnxnge "t UM today, there wjt but a eciint uatli erlng preaent to gro-.t trie ifovenxir nt Otlo. wb has dedgn on tit presidency of the United State. Oovernor Harmon, dv the demorratlo admialttlon of outh Omaha. Including Fire anl 1MI. Com- rrleelonera Rypn and llvmiha. arrl"ed at thn Exchange building alwut 11:3) o'clock. Previous to the arrival or the party, which waa chaperoned by Carta Omen tber, two autoreobilea of umaht police, under the command of Captain Mixe Dempaay. ostentatiously speeded about twa awsltln th arrival of the vtaltore. Upon hie arrival at tha Khan Gov ernor Harmon, under the wmg of Jim :iul'a. late of tk atate teinetatur. waa untredbced ta a chosen trf of th faith ful, one exception being wis 1 1 in favor of tha Irreprasalble Jerry ilowant, who carrtea tha gonfalon of Oovernor Wood row Wilson. The crowd tnai gathered about the rostrum set up In the rotunda ot the exchange building ten plenty of room for the expected guea a who failed to arrive. Compliment ta Woman. Th governor began hi apeecb with a compliment ta a few womea who etoo-1 bout and a reference to th former pro, tlge of Cincinnati aa a pork center. Ha admitted that the glory of boga had passed from the Queen City to the Magic City of lha weaL Oovernor Harmoa continued hi speech by a naive reference to hi own asplre tloaa to th presidency of the United States, ta which be declared Ohio always preferred nor favorite sons as a reward for faithful rvte In their own atate. Continuing th speaker enunciated aom broad platitude about equal rights to all In th oconomla adjuatroent of warring interest. Strong democrat la me auoi- nc aaulrmed uneasily aa th governor filled to arouse the enthuataem of tb audience. Mostly th governor recited hi own deed of political prow In Obi, ri laid medal (tree upon tb fact that he had aided In having Ohio pass a law by which railroad would have to tab car ot tbo maimed and Injured ia the dta- chargo of their duty. He also stated that ( he bad assisted m having the loaa snarns of Ohio open up their record to puouc riw. Tb rest of hi talk waa a general denial of all charges made by bis enemies and a plea for democraUo retrenchment In th government of tha United Btatca. He claimed credit for writing democratic doctrine lata the brief of the "state OrMfl's Douglas Street Store Great Sale Saturday at 8 A. M. Beautiful New Dresses' - lfcginnin,, promptly at 8 A; M. Saturday we will offer your choice of several hundred new sere dresses in all colors made up m scores of new clever styles at half, and in many instances less than half price. Those who know the opportunities of an Orkin's Douglas Street Store sale will attend bright and early, and we particularly request our regular customers to take advantage of this sale. Htw lerge dresses ia ill colors aad sizes, in all the new style fea- -A riarea Attack . ot malaria, Hvrr ctarartsnet and ka-1 ney trouble, la easily cured by Uiectrk-1 Bitter, ta sua real sad re realty, a aaaia. 1 1 r.. . . .. 1m , Tim.. f-A I tores and several ban dred to cboc:e fron worth $10, $12.50 and. $15. on sale Saturday ii 2 greit lltl a a a a and $9 right governor." Including Cheater A, Aldrich of Nebraska aad Herbert Hadley of Missouri. La have e Want .ta Knew. On th whole th governor found little response and th dissatisfaction with gen e rail ilea found expression la th ward of a democratic laborer, wha demanded of th governor "what would you ao about all thla." Whll tk crowd waited for aa answer. Godfather Jim Bulla loaned over and advleed in gvrnor not to anawer. "Don't answer," said Jim a tba gover nor paused, and tha speaker passsd on a bit lamely to plea for harmony la th democratic ranks, holding up bis hand In affected horror at the republican trlft In Bay City, MJchuraa. Jerry Howard, an as-owed Wiln man and a strong friend af tha packing houa laborera, waa aa attentive listener during the Harmoa speech. At tb conclusion of th address Jerry laughed ea be re marked: -If they enly art him talk a little whll In Nebraska. Oovaraar Wil ton will carry the state." . The meeting cloe erlth aa announce ment by Jim Bulla that tha 'governor would apeak tonight la Omaha, what all were Invited, . Permits to amoks, I cent. All dealer. VAN DUSEN'S CONDITION . IS CONSIDERED SERIOUS - i J. K. Tan Dumb af th law firm ot Baxter at Van. Dwaea, for many years a prominent member ot the Douglas county bar, la dangerously 111 at the home. IS T Street' South Omaha, with locomotor ataxia, and la not expected to live. . Mr. Van Duaen baa suffered from tb's trouble for several yaare. and tt baa only been the laat few days that h has ben confined to bis bad. (MOM SOAP SMMj STICK For Tender Faces I ladlapsneable for tha subject to red Base, rouahneaa. and other irritations of the akin. A shaving luxury. Nonrur. no sogfy soap, ao germs, we waste of time or money. In nickeled boa. toe. .at stores or by mall. Liberal sample free. Aatireee taoara," Deal -3. notion. A Successful Offer Renewed We will deliver this Columbia Graionok, with 12 Double Disc records (24 selections) on 3 ... days' free trial, for ' $ 59 . Cath, or for the am price of $5 a month Ms ikdsewsf Me ara . An unequalled combination of high quality, Ions price anl convenient terms. See or telephone your nearest dealer, or Columbia Phonograph Co.,,Gcn?l tSIl Farwaaa 8 iimmhm. ' ' ' j - Oenetj oarday t(uuS Tel.: Poagla 10&3; Imi. A-3033. a imh nun urn mi i