Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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    f'l'IT' ) 1 lir ii TiiillniMiit W H inn
' ' "
Boys' Clothes
All wool bine serge suits that
sell regularly at $6.50. The
coats are lined with heavy
serge pants Bro all linen
lined An exceptional val
ue in serge suits Old
Store, second floor,
Poj' $15 AU Wl Serte
Imt ruti Sg'Jj a $19
Splendid fitting suits in two
or three button models with
full peg pants; also' many
patterns in mixtures .that
sold as high as $20 f A
ages H k.13 JT8., at. vlU
Eoyi' All Wool Iiiti Witk '
IwoPsir Puti at i :.,
All the ' popular spring
shades; guaranteed i abso
lutely all wool. Thflf suits
you pay .$6.50 for else,- J'r
where, you buy hero at. .yw
Boji' Clothes ii BtKmeat'v
Boy' $3.60 and 14.10 Russia
and blouM tutu, age H to I,
also doubl breaated tod snick-
' srbocksr suita, area t to II, is
attractive patterns, , j
Boy Sample Washable Suit '
II and 11. SO value Jq
Boy' ' 'Baa ' 'Ball ' Bull Shirt,
pants, cap and belt; ' short
leave; trey or blue
at v..V,,...-
laii u an bat r wm
From Our Near Neighbors
- Irvlagtoa.
The Ladles" -Alii society met at Mr.
Huuti this weak.
W. Williams, left Monday for Canada
t take charge ef hi gradlog camp.
Mr. an Mr. Chrl Paulson and sari,
Adalbert, and rrank Meechem and Pete
Lunn at Council Bluffs Spant Sunday at
tha Da ion homo. '
W. R. Marshall at NKbrara.' Koh., and
Mlaa Ida Cbatman of Irvlnaton wora
marrlod Monday afternoon. April I. thay
Irft for Uilr future home in Niobrara
Thursday.. .
John Babthuit, the Armanlan mlnlatsr,
will apeak at tha Christian church next
fuaeay mornln. April. 14. Ha will tall
of the trip he took last summer to his
horn In Psmaaru and his travels In Ih
Holy Land. ... .
Man Llsxte Koyor died Wednesday,
walk up .
and down
Far nam St
Here' a a new up-to-date
cigar $tor '
onyoar way.-
1808 Farnam
CosrTeaintt for 70 to secure
your smoking from per
fectly fresh Mock of widest
assortment of domestic and
Imported cigars.
Magazine and wspapers
are nil a Bale.
Come in 0$ yoa
past by v
N. Mantel Co.
Earl tflgglaa. Retail Mgr.
1808 Faraaa Si,
Sale of
All Show Boom Samples of These Famous Makes of High Art Clothes
The Cleverest of $35, $40 and $45 Models Will Go (Saturday Only) at Brandeis for $25
f tr these $35,
$40 and $45
Suits. ,
The Most Practical Spring Suits for Business Hen at $12.50, $15 and $17.50
' A business man wants a. practical suit at a practical price. All right, here they are. By a practical suit we mean just what you mean a suit
that will make a well dressed man of you every day throughout this season, one that will wear and hold its shape. You can be correctly fitted in the
'; ,clothes at this price in Brandeis Stores and you'll never see these suits anywhere else priced jas low as we are selling them to you.
Manhattan and E. & W. Shirts for Hen
We are showing exclusive patterns in these shirts of imported
madras and silks many patterns shown in the French style with
detached soft collar to match and soft turn- tf CA P
over cuffs, at
..... Sample Negligee' and Outing Shirts at - 69c and ' 98c Some
with.detached soft collars to watch; values up to $2. '
, Men's 400, Mo and 75o Silk Neckwear at 19c, and 39o An
other Hew' shipment in the open end and long narrow French four-
in-hand styles.--
ApHI s. dertnf er lsit I Kaaeaa
MM Noyoa has Bee sick far aome 'me
and euddaaly hooame wore. On rjoalvln
; 1 timr aarloua lllnaa haf hroth.r.
ll.nry. If for Kanaaa Immedletaly. ha
loaves two ststere end elht heathers to
mourn bar leaa. The tunersi ws ld
Mundayaiteraoen. , .
Klkhorm. .
Mils' Mlldid Bruan.r was aa Omana
vuitor Monday.
Mr. an Mrs. J. A. Gibbons drove to
Waterloo Wednesday.
ir. and Mrs. T. Baumrnr were
Omaha visiters Monday.
Ouy Morse ft Tueaday with the Law
ton oar tor Kimaall. Neb.
Mlas Minnie Ctauaaa Is vtaltlng bar
sister. Mca. Maary Bay, tWs weak. -
Oooriw McArdle era, bare Wednesday
Vlsliutt his ststar. Mrs. C- W. Baldwin.
' Mr. and Mrs. WlHari FaBon are the
pannta- of a saegr boy beta Monday. 1
Mrt. Hoy Boyers otxVelley vlsHed hors
Tutsdv with her parent. Mr. sad Mra
William Morrison. ' V
Mrs. Van Alat went to Omaha Tueedey
tor savaral days' vudt with the Itosars
lamlUee aad eihare. , 1
Manruaiite MoClaneaKea returned hema
with bar father Saturday attar a weeks'
visit bore wth relatives. -Mrs.
Richardson returned to bar homo
et Waterloo Wadmaday eftor a weeha'
visit with the Good hard family.
Wllluna Aodrasen is aradlnc down tha
vard eround hla, dweillna. the - tor mar
Canon, pfuperty, pow eooupiad by J. A,
liiooona. ...
Dr. C. W. Baldwin went te Omaha Mon
day In hla eld eutomoMt end returned
Tuesday eventnf wita a m
Mrs. J. E. Tate returned (aterdar from
Wahoo whore she had boon vLitlnf bar
paranta the last tan dajra Mr. Tale
SMI bar la Omaha. .
Mlse Mine. Nolle sMureed last Thura.
day from Brldiaport, Nab., where aha
has bean for aavarei moBthe peat en
bar lather's reach.
John Renlaew of rioranee. Nh.. la
hr vttttln hla atstar, Mra. A. MoOrew.
Ha will leave m about a month te look
after the homoatead be draw in South
uaaoia n a tov te be food Uad
be wul lerai en It.
Mre. Claede Luttoa and Httte ean left
Monday for Missouri Valley. Is., their
future home.
Orandma Kiel, "who ws et Wstartae
since Wednesday of last week, returned
lueaoey te vmana.
Mra L. W. Shannon, who eras la
Omaha durtn moat of the flood period,
returned Wednesday nwrnlna.
Mrs. Jehn Mebast. wba had been a taa
home of her daiurhter In Benaon ataee
tne nooe.. returned home Moaday.
A iradln entlBt that had been eta.
tared at Tony ZimmwHI .. aa the bottom,
went through here Teeedsy (or Omaha.
Victor Dar of Osnaaa. a eeuem ad Jamaa
Pouta. was here a day or two vtaltlng
the latter aad family, going to Prsssou
Oeorge Brooke, wher formerly lived eat
th bettema and at V alley, arrived Tuea
day evening In 11 hi present home. Wis,
lerset. is. '
Mr C K. Burt bolder and tha ehr).
drea. who were vl ait tog bar saonle at
Hooper th laat two weeks, returned en
Wednesday afternoon.
Shelby Crlnk aad family returned Men
day evening from Murdoch, where Mr
Crlnk and the children had been part of
the time during the flood, ....
John Roes who has been working' with
tha dredge en the iroamcn aloturh. left
Monday for Lady SmMh. Wbv, where be
xnMa t Mrt this mmmu
Men s
Thett art shtwroom tamplet vied by tht makart of highest art elothtt for men in the
United Slates. They art tht most representative txamptet of style in men't clothes that tht
best tailors could crettt. Wt bought thtm at a censiderable reduction and otfir thtm to yu
Saturday (they'll last entytne Jay) atpriett you couldn't
day. Stltct your new tuit from this group Saturday.
evening from Omaha, where she had barn
vl.ltlnc elnoe the mlaalonary convantlon
and durtn the flood period.
M.' B. Dlllahar had tha mlrfortune to
run e nail throufh bis rlht foot durtnl
tha Oood aad was In en Omaha hoaplial
few days, but came home last Friday.
A. ft. Campbell went to Omaha Mon
day to see tha county board about aoma
rapeire ts brldses out thla way. Ha ha
authority te ahead with sums of ths
School resumed Monday after a week's
forced vacation. The water had filled
the baaamant and men ware pumplnf li
out Saturday nlht. Janitor Morria be
ing able te at a fir started Monday.
Chaster Hell baa reeltfnad aa book
keeper for the RobJneon Seed company
end will farm thla yeer wtlh his father.
Charles C. Pee tody of Omaha arrived
Wednesday to take the vacancy and as
sumes the dutlee at once.
Mra riapmai wa up from her home
at Omaha a part ut this week vtaltip
old friend. .. ..
Mrs. R. B Elliott and dstilhtrrs. Irma
and Maael, war Omaha visitors last Fri
day and Xatuntay.
Oeer Baker. Peter Peterson and Mr.
Charles Binltn are th owner uf nf
autos so tar tats sprlnc ...
Mr. Joe Porter, Mre. H. MMtiler1
aad Mia Bophlna ooede were noppinf
In Omaha latt Saturday.
Mr. and Mr K. W. Bryant are home
twin, a vlalt to Calltornla at the hnrae
of Mre. Boaat parent at Santa Monica.
Wilt Brkley bad three fingers of hi
Ttaht band (round oft In a aauaase
machine be was operating la the Scherer
A Taylor meat market Thursday after-
Tekamaa has passed aa ordinance gov.
srnln the speed of automobiles, prohibit-.
1ne a greater apes it tnstde the lry Hmlta
than eight mllea per hour and sis when
eroaalu a atreet Intersection1.
Win lagrlg th laat week purchsaed th
Templetoa farm adjoining Tekamah oe
the northeast from Henry UolL The
-arm cover. acta ana was recently
purehaeed by Mr. Ooll for HAV per acre.
The price paid by Mr. lagrlg waa $VJ
par sera Mr, Ooll has bsld owasrsblp
Just about thirty day
Mlas Irene Sutherland, daughter ef Edi
tor Sutherland of th Tekamah Herald,
ws salted in marriage at the, home ef
Tailored Hats, ezclosiv
trirnmed sailors, made, to
for Saturday's selling
Dressy street models, flower trimmed, over fifty tACA
styles, made to sell for SHOO; Saturday'! sell- flIZ.
Takes in n entirely new lot of New York s&m- ("950
pies, easily worth $13.00; each pattern exclu- -sive,
Saturday, selling .....r.,;....
Late mid-summer effects, most advanced ideas; S A 95
absolutely the last word in millinery; 150 hats "jj
. in this lot, worth $18.00; our price Saturday. . v
' orin nuTiois iiiuM n puce if to $ss
her parents On Wednesday to Mr. JJ. W.
Brackenrldr of Innerklp. Ontario. Mr.
end Mre. Breckenrtdse will make thslr
home at Innerklp. The bnde has been
a resident of Tekamah since bar . birth
and has a wide a buaUitsnce.
Ths yeusg men of ths bur have sr.
(anlssd a tennla club.
Them Neeon end H. Strstmsn beard
La Fulletta at Omaha Saturday.
A trade was made by which Will Pass
gets ths lake building end will convert It
lnte a Strata.
The Methodist church building Is re
ceiving a new cost of paint and aome Ul
terior decoration
Prank Zimmerman has bought tbs W.
J. Duvs building and will occupy It after
May 1 as a aaloon.
Floyd Pavtdaon and Chsrtes Thorn peon
left for Kt. Joaeph, Ma, on Monday with
their grading outfit.
Margaret Roaenstahl and hta daughter
Emma returned from Oklahoma, where
thay spent the winter.
The Esttern Star give a farewell re
aeptlon to On end Mra. Brittan. who
leave soon for their new home In Exeter,
Tuesday morning at th Methodist
Episcopal personage Rev. Warn united
In marriage Roy Tlnnesu and Miss Helen
While on his way te South Omaha with
a bunch of horse Charles Rose wa
thrown tram a horse and fractured his
seller bone.
Mr. and Mr.' Janes Blunt were called
to Laurel, Neb., en the announcement of
the death ef John Bsaty, a former resi
dent of Springfield.
Frank, Comte has bought the Pflug
building, formerly occupied by tha Man
gold pharmacy, end will move the post.
office lata It about July 1.
Mrs. O. Kelson visited la Omaha
Mrs. A. B. Petweller was aa Omaha
caller Wednesday.
Fred Cockrell of Omaha visited Hoodley
Stuart Saturday and Sunday.
Mra. E. A. Roaker entertained the
Larkln club Thursday afternoon.
Mlaa Lola Anderson of Klkhorn vlatted
from Saturday to Sunday at her hem
Mr Jultue Theelck of Omaha spent
design, including 10Q
sell for So and
13. 1912.
SnrmiS Suits
buy the.n for in regular tteck
Men's Union Underwear-Spring and Summer Weights
Made1 of pure Egyptian combed cotton, values up to 75B98C
Munsing Union Suits New fabrics in spring weight, d I A J"Q
long or short sleeves, at f... '..n,m.. vX"Vw"
Madewell and Superior Union Suits, at . .'. .". '.. $1.50 to $3
Men's pure thread Silk Hose in neat stripes and plain colors, pr. 29c
Men's 50o French Lisle Suspenders,' at paif . . .". fY.;.. .. . . . . . ,10o
Men's 20c Lisle Hose in plain colors, all sizes, at pair liJMjC
several days at the Tbeeleke home this
Mr Clifford Bellinger end son visited
with relatives In Omaha Monday snd
Mr Chris Koch snd son. Chris, snd
Mr. snd Mrs. E. A. Hoaker molersd to
Omaha Tuesday.
Mm. Oaorgs Boyer and little son ef
Papllllon spent Baater with bar parent.
Mr. and Mr H. Koch.
Mr-Boyer and dsughter. Mr Brt
Boyer of Bennington, were fueat Sun
day of the Ahela family.
Mr. and Mr. Sarfteld, Henry Tag snd
Charles Tag of South Omaha were gussta
ef Mr. end Mr M. Tea Sunday.
Mr Miller of Tutsn. who hss been
vlrttlng her sister, Mr C. W. Petals,
returned last week te her bom
Mr. Herald and daughters, Blanche
and Luclla. of South Omaha vl.llea
Sunday with Mr. and Mr Holsteln.
Mr. and Mr Harry Murphy snd son
and Mlaa Edna Baldwin returned to Lin
coln Tueaday, after a week's vit with
Mr. and Mr F. A. Baldwin.
Esra Do mine la down from Laurel,
Nab., to vialt hla parent
A daughter was born te Mr. and Mrs.
C. M. i. Jensen' Bund ay.
Mr Brown and children ar visiting
Mr Shoemaker tht week.
Mr I P. Bysr gave a very enjoyable
Holds your sock as
smooth aa your akin
asat Save Mosey
These $35 4
$40&$45 v
to -
Suits at.....
party Monday evening In honor of the
Misses Ermine end Maria Hall.
Mra. A. E. Hubbard was a bualnaat
visitor In Omaha Tueaday.
Mlas Mabel Johnson hi horns from ths
Stale university this week.
Mr. and Mr A. C. Momsny are re
joicing over the birth of a daughter.
Mr. and Mr C. B. Nlchot went to
Omaha Bunday to vlalt Mr. snd Mr
Oeorge Hill, returning Monday evening.
Mr 8. W. Eddy went to Omaha
Thursday to bs ths guest of her mother,
Mrs. til own, at a luncheon and afternoon
Ths regular monthly meeting of the
"Buy Beea" of tha Presbyterian church
was bsld In Hubbard's Hall Wsdnssdsy
' No hats ar the tune
Remember the nam
Three dollars
Well aide curtiia
striteber 75c Bp.
An immense . purchase of
men's high grade sample
hats all new Bpring styles
including imported velours,
scratch-ups and fine stitch
ed hats; also stiff hats in
the new shapes. Positively
worth np to $3.00, J 25
Stetson Hats at $3.50
Brandeis Store are Omaha
agent for the celebrated John B.
Stetson soft and stiff bat. All
the new spring styles ax her, j
Wilson's English Hats
Brandeis Stores show all
new spring shapes. Best
English hat made, $2.50
Boys' School Hats New spring
stud summer styles
35 49 98 "J 81.50
Boys' School Cape Plain and
fancy colors, at 25 nd 49
80 High Grade Sample Trunks
Value np to $17.60
at S5 87.50 '" 810
Fine Cowhide leather Suitcase
Valuta up to 8. at , . . -84.93
Brandeis Store are Omaha agent
for Itineration Wardrobe trunks,
at 835 830 P to 875
Manufacturer sample . Men's
Negligee and Golf Shirts new
spring patterns value up to
11. at 50
Men' 11.55 spring and medium
; weight union suits, long and
short slesves, at . . '. . .'. .". 75
.Men' 75e spring weight ribbed
hrU aad drawer, at . .'. .39
afternoon. Mr M.hl, Mr Wsllstrom.
Mr Monehan and Mra. Covington served,
end the attendance was large. -
The Sunday school of ths Methodl't
Bplacopal church will hold Its seselons
from to o'clock until 11 during the sum
msr month
Miss Bulsh Bye re, sooompenled by her
eouelns. Mlaae. Ermine and Marie Hall,
came from Wealeyan university to spend
the teeter vacation at horn
The entertainment given under the
susploea of tha official board of the
Methodl.t Cpl.copal church In th opera
house Tueaday evening, by Alfred A.
Farland, banjolat, aaelated by Ml
Ferbee of Fremont Normal,, was well pa-trontied.
Home Furniture Go,
20 Below Onihi Prices Mo!
Obi Day Bet Every Day
For One Week Only
we offer at greatly reduced, prices high
grade dining room furnitnre-Chairs, Bof.
ft to, China Closets, Tahlea. Your choice
of Early English, rumed or Waied QakT
Get Our Rug Prices
27x54-inch Velfet Engs at. 05c
27x54-ineh Axminster fings $1.45
,6x9 Seamless Brussels Rugs ......$4.75
9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs . . ;. . .$9.75
9x12 Velvet Rugs at , . ... . . . . . . .$12.50
9x12 Axminster Rugs $15.00
Full llrt of McDougall's
Kitchen Cabinets ! - -
ry'"' ij i'--p4.i3M
I Mlas rraaces AMoa returned Ma