Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 20, Image 20

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Saturday is Our Annual Sale o! Rose Bushes at 10c
$3 ZC LVJf j
Special Purchase and Sale of
Women's Long Kid Gloves
WORTH DP TO $3, at 98c PR , '
Thousands of pairs of wo
men's fine quality real
French Kid Gloves, bought
at an unheard of reduction.
They are in 12, 16 and 20
button lengths and come in
white, black and colors
soma are slightly. Imperfect, They
era made to sell up to 13.00 and
they so on big mala floor bargain
square, at, per pair
Women's Long Silk Gloves
Kitra heavy Tricot weave, K-button length
Double tipped flngera black, white,
pongee, tan and navy eolora;
worth f 1.00, on bargain square
at, per pair
Xfmats Short-Kid GIotcs at $1 Pair
nneiPYencliiLambekin 4wo clasp effects in white, black,
brottji, navy and gray fitted u desired O
Main.Glovecoimter at,tper pair . .. V
Big Silk Hosiery Special
.Women's pure' thread Silk Hosiery,
fme i and sheer .with fancy silk em
broidered boot patterns-plain silk
ynHh wide lisle garter tops, also all
silk with wide silk hem tops, lisle
soles, high spliwd heels and toes
black,' tan, white and flffk
fancy evening shades ; rr.O fd
regular $1.00.qnality, fiflUa
at, per pair. -. . . . " .
Women's-fine cotton and lisle hoalery, mercerlied silk Hale with
wlda, wait top. double aolea, extra apllced heela and toea y ft
black, . tan and.fancy light. colon; worth 60c, at, pair.... aOC
Women'! and Meit'a fine cotton and mercerlied flnlahed hoalery.
wane nenj lopo, gaum mom. ami ana toea regular and out alaea
tolack. Un, wltlt and light eolora; alao men'a mercerlied llala
rinianea noaiery ws;n aouoie neeia and toea In black, tan, i f"
gray and colon: regular !5c values, at, per pair iOC
Great AnmalSale of 10,000
Rose Bushes
and Ornamental Shrubbery f A
$1 Per Dozen, or each. ... . 1UC
(Nuntrynita aik 11 Hih u$1.00 EacbJ
Saturday, the sale that all Omaha is
waiting for greater varieties than ever.
Crimson Ivamblers, also new blue and yel
low ramblers, Killarnay, La Franco mid
Gen. Jar k roses. , These are strong, hardy
bushes, acclimated to Nebraska weather
and theywilt bloom this season.
WexaVso eliow hundreds' of shrubs and vines; phlox, Ori
ental poppy, golden glow, .Jap ins, noneysucme. clem
atis,, wisteria, paeany, lilac, snowballs tt
your1 choice;, in the basement, $1.00 a llfC
dozen,or, each . . 4.
Tree fonnlHydrangeas.ttree Roaea, tree I.tlaca, each, 5Q and 75
1 Women's Knit Underwear Specials
Women's4" Kayser" Venetian Silk Wsts in white, pink,
blue crochet beading tops; worth $1.93 j at, 4 OA
each...;......'.. , lliJ
Women's Lisle and Cotton Vnlon 1 Women's Cotton and Llale Caion
Butt cuff and umbrella knea : Sulfa cuff knee and umbrella
lace trimmed; worth 75c, style--lace trimmed; worth
apectal. at , AQ . SSe
ult TiW 1 ault
Children's and Boys' Irregular "Mousing Union Suits"
all styles and sizes; worth toe; epecai at, 00
a suit...... OVC
Infants fine cotton and part wool Vests all Bites ir
.-worth S5c: at. each..-.........'... VuC
Wonwa's Pww Irish Unra Handkerchiefs, hand embroidered aad
hand drawn worked corners; also nana embroidered initials.
dainty colored embroidered border Mbn's hemstitch
ed, all purs linen handkerchiefs, worth to J&e, at. each
Worren's Fine Spring Nick-wear New Sailor, Dutch and
Capifahon collars, in crochet, Veniso and uiacrama effect-,
embroidered coat sets, etc., in the vieryv a
latest stvlegiVorth to $1.00: social at. each. . . O lC
Do You Need a Suit?
Yoa ehoald at ear special offeriaa- ef asw aovelty caasiaseroo aad
worstaos tasa, fraya. blow. arms, ia pleaeta eombinettoae. Two or
thrao-battoa UMUU. lwtt good valnos at Ftfteea, Twenty aad Twenty
five dollars, specially priosd for Batarday
Special" Hats
Wltheat a donM the Wit -
hat valaae ia tke hat 14 f,Q
world, aorr run a w I
The saw elotk eordaioy .
aaa stltehea kats, the aaOO i4 25
kia4a aie hsn, I
at A. I
rers Mlk oae ta all shedae
gray, aavy Was, parpla. C
rma biaok aa taa boo 9R
taaUty ahiWW
Special Values
Youths' Lent Pants Suits
$750 and 1 0
XaaaaoflM ifmi wetstsds
aad caaslmare fabrtea ss wali aa
plala aaa faasy bins rfm, style
U the my latest of faaaloa, far the
tiiii ftUews. aa.80 to S4.00 eaTod
baylag eaa of those salts. ,
The eslebratod "Tn"lo'
sorfoat nttiaa- albrlaa
Valoa Boita,
11.00 kind ,.
hort aiooTse,
Why Worry?
WHY let the fear of a coal strike and the ra't&e
in fuel prices bothor you!
WHY lay in a cellar full -of kitchen coal now
and tie up a lot of money in a bint
WHY not cook with a Gas Range and heat
water with a Gas Water Heater, and thus do away
with worry and expense!
THERFi is a Gas Range and a Gaa Water
Heater to fit the needs of every home. Stop in at
our salesroom today and place your order. Don't
put it off until the last moment.
OR, telephone for a representative to call on
you with a catalogue. .
Omaha Gas Company
1509 Howard.
Think of the Hot Summer Coming
Comfort then means much to the
employer as well as the employe.
More and better work can be accomplished
in a cool, well ventilated office such as is
afforded by The Bee Building.
The spaciousness ot
the building U
made prominent
through the large
court and good
sixed offices,direct
ly connected with
. 0 u s ide exposure,
which aids in form
ing air passages
through the whole
' structure. Other
conveniences of
T)- L!U;ni inn.
ants are assured through attentive janitor service
and speedy elevators. Now is the time to move, into
A few vacant offices are listed:
..... aVa. aaieaarlah ha
' If. ayT-Jy wooa
.'oT hla - Pr. - BavwleaDm
atraei aim ;
aa-t. limns rt In aiae: has two north windows and a
Hvau Tofftc. pTrtllod off li..(do this spae T room
J , bj partlcuUB-ly wll eulted tor aa archttoct at otudio..
A4rm oa rarnass atrast and la almost l. front of elo
rTlIS m IlLZi. ar ! equar. foot tvtltlonod
' to afford pfliata of flco an rocopUe room. t
1 ai'i TH-- yr-TT" K-eca. prlrate otflea. twe larto alesata. larta
,T .,VWltn two aorta windows Ioel ofttoa for ons-iBor.
i.IT or oruir prof-oln a. RaataJ lajs
urn lii lt-aM ta also, located ea the eowrl elooa to sky
liaaL tfcus hartaa aaeoUant aatoral Ult The spaoa oouit
ko dlrlood so aa aa atahe two ary ploaaaat reooaa. Fries,
per SMuia .w-o
aaa Offlro la the aortbwoot eorner. aaola fear kwe wla
dowa A nropcoof oaalt for the aratoeUoa of alab aora
U Buck in dwaad and la afforded la tale room. There la a
Umppi, with TVartlUoaa k aauafy ood toaaat. The roottl
arke ie ar aunt ............ " ..ass .as
The Bee Building Co.
Be Business Office 17th and Farniin Sts
A raincoat perfected
THIS coat combines
all the essentials of
a 'rain and storm pro
tector with the style and
swaggerness of a smart
overcoat It is the kind
of raincoat men have
long - been looking for.
It is dat in the favored
Raglan style loose, full and
gracefully draped buttons up
close at neck if desired has
long , cuffs and large, roomy
side patch pockets.
In addition to being a rain
protector, it can be worn over
an overcoat on cold stormy
days, affords ample protection
on cool summer evenings and
is ideal to wear over evening
clothes in the summer. It is
an all-around handy garment
that every man needs.
It is made from genuine
Preisley Crayenette cloth and I
is tailored with the same care
and skill- that go into all
Adler Collegian Clothes.
David Adler C& Sons
Clothing Co.
Patent Medicines at
Cut Prices
Resell Mucutone ', see
Llatortne lea, taa, 4oa, aaa
Rsxall Kidney Cure ....eaa, see
Bordsn'a Malted Milk ..oa, Tic
II Lydla Plnkhara'a Compound
at aaa
1 Rexall Vsaetabla Compound
at aso
Olyeothymoilne ....Mo, aaa, aes,
Nswbro's Herplcide ....45s, SSo
Raiall Ii Hair Tonio ..Boa, SIM
fallow's Byrup for ...., 91
I.e Ontrs Glycarlne Tonic. .aso
Eskaya Food Mc'daa, aaa
ll.M Wine of Cardul for aaa
Dr. Cooper's Medicine ..6a, aaa
II. OS Hostetter'e Bittera aaa
ll.M Dqulbb'a Sarsaparllla ..fae
Osomulslon .4So, see
Kall Orderllea ....10a, SSo, eos
gcott'a Emulsion 4So, ago
Vlnol always tl.oo
Hay's Hair Health .eaa, taa
Paints and Oils
We carry the well known Sher-wln-WIIUama
Co. Paints (8. W.
P ) known by roaaoa of its last
ing qualities, purity and Tory rea
sonable prteee.
The best (rmdea of Unseed Oils
and at moderate prtcea.
Special Demonstration
ef the National
at eur Dodce street store 8Mur
day aad ail nsxt weak. Durinf
Uil deatonatrauoa a I0o bottle
of Vapor Oil Bsraylnf riald wUl
be (Ivea free with rick Vaporiser.
Toilet Articles
Jap Roae eoap, per cake Te
Biff cake Peroxide Toilet aoap To
4 cakes Wool soap ....lee
I eafeea Life Buoy aoap leo
tie Sanltnl Tooth Paate . ...18o
I0O MslTlna Cream .....tee
lee Viola Cream ............ .ISc
toe Java Rice Powder tor . .Me
Harmony. Rose or Violet Toilet
Watera for Me, SOe, Taa
Ko Baboock'a Corylopsls on sale
for ......... isa
Spring Tonics
Freeh Sassafraa Bark, per pack
ace ..5e, lOo, lo. Me
Other (ood . tonics: Ton Vita.
Squibb'a 8araaparllla Compound.
Victor's Flnld' Red Clover Blue-
Regular price 10c. our price.' per
ounce Me
BBXABT k BtsOOWnU BBV oo, lttk aad Podffe.
OWL DBVO) CO.. 10th aad Barasy.
I.OT1L rmABMAOT, koral KotoL
BABTAkO WBABXAOT. Mth aad raraaa.
The Rexall Stores
One of the Season's Jauntiest
Styles, Specially Priced at
S3 -$3.50
til its . I A jr- N.
Skewa la Tut, Pat.
ata, Wklte Habitk,
Saede, . . Veltet,
etc Perfect
Sttfag. Has
Ciaaa keeL
Tear rkolre -f
styles of
oaeklo aad
In Boys' Shoes
You will find - most interesting
reading on the want ad pages.
Have you read the want ads
Every vacant lot has Ita
Ball Diamond these days
Every American boy la
answering the dlatant call ot
the Big Leaguee. And the
Biggest Hit of the aeaaon Is
being made every day by
oar Dependable boys' shoes.
Parents who put these high
grade ahoea on their boys
visit the shoe man half as
frequently as the parent
who buys , -ordinary boys'
i to S3.00
10 H to 1JK $1.75
yet today?
i -
141t Fi