j UanB-e THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, . APRIL 13. 1912. Boys1 Base Ball Base ball is liara on clothes very; but boys "WILL play ball and should have real base ball suite to save their good clothes. We are selling a combination which solves the prob lem. Here it ra splen did blue serge or neat tan and gray mixed Nor folk suit or plain double breasted style and n suit for dress and a baseball Ib'v ears, both for 5.00 , ' Out-of-town boys, send your orders by mail. Money 16 years, both for ... . ,i' j . . . : . . ' mm ;,.1S18.20 fARNAMSTREET . situation aa othrt and therefore I hardly kaow what I, am expected ,10, say, or when 1 am to aajr It." , Mr, ruber was asked If the PepBrt msat of tb fulerlor was liking any' ac tion 19 benefit Nebrssa residents la lb Nsrth riatts drainage olitrteu. ' t Water Mateksa la Nebraska. ""A' a have received requests rom . the. neaate at North Itatta for, additional water, aad we .ar preparing la tali can of them especially In tlx matter at drainage, Tula matter wtU be attended Is aulckly aa possible, , Tbaaa paapla haws seca wanting mora water and It leeks saw aa though- thsy (at It wIUa: out my awn or any ana'i els aaiataaaa. Tha only trouble Is iter got It at Via wrong Uma." Tha aacraunr of tha Interior said that plans ara Mil ma da lor tha rebablUta ttoa ot tha aid Fort Niobrara, but be. oauaa at tha tact that thsy were not oomplets, ha would net say upon what Unas tha Improvements would ba made. all ht, Mr. fisher will leave for Hastings, whara ha will apaak an Saturday night Ha will leave Immediately altar kla Hast In addrasa tor Washington, whara Ji aays ha baa "harrtlla' of dapartoMntal work to dtapoaa of. - HYMENEAL 1 MamllteB-Aadrews. . trcMPHnar,vb.. apmi u-spsdai.) -Mia Maud' C Andrew of this plac and Mr. Clifford B. Hamilton of Craw ford. Nob..' 'were married at Alliance, Nab.. TUr." Brown ' officiating1. Tha bride la tha accomplished daughter of lira. D. M. Andrew of Humphrey and number bar trtanda by tha number ot bar acquaintance, miss Andrew waa formerly a teacher In tha Crawford pub lie aoheola, whara aha became ac cjuajntad with Mr. Hamilton, who hold the position of cashier of tha fntsrns tional Harvester company' plant at Crawford. Tiny will make their bom In Crawford. Careoa-Hather. ORD, Kb.. April 11 - 'Special.) - woaaeaaay e.cnms ni veosr juewn, in homo of tha brides parent, Mr. and Mr. W, J. Mather, occurred tha marrlag of Mr. Olann Carson and Ml Tame Hatber. About eighty relative war present to wltnaaa tha ceremony, which was performed by Rev. p. A. Davie of tha Prtabyterlan churab. DEATH RECORD Jeeaes I.Udell. James Llddell. aged 11 years, who has lived In Omaha for thirty-one years, died Friday at his home, M34 Hamilton street. Mr. Llddell come to Nebraska directly from Scotland. Ha la survived by five grown aona. The funeral will ba held tiaturday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the horn, with Interment In Forest Lawn cemetery "Follow the Quality, Accuracy and the right prices are the never failing trio upon which we appeal for your patronage. Trade here once and you will realize immediately why we have built up . such a large drug business. 25o Sanitol powder,, paste or liquid . . i . .l2c 50c Pebeoo Tooth Taste, at .35c 35c Writing Paper, fine liaen-. 7 a i . .r . . . .12c 10c Colgate's or Williams' ' Shaving Soap .71. .5c 75o solid ebony tack Hair . Brash .-. . . . .35c 25n v Woodbury's Facial ' Soap , r. '....16c 25c Eicseckers S)riri Soap .T6o BEATON DRUG CO. - 15th and Farnam Street - ' .fis-ss- tiimm!j Clubs, Attention! complete base ball outfit, consisting of shirt, bloomers, cap and belt, all for the modest sum of $5.00. Two suits for the price of'one; a suit for play, for boys 6 to MJIAK? ISTOUIKEEP IANDS Delegation from Sooth Dakota . Beard -bj House Committee.'. TUBS ASKIHO FOR BEUET Makaa Plea far forty Dollar Per Capita, ta Offset , lease ., taslalaed by tb Dr ' Weather. . . (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, p. C. AprU lt-8pa. Wal Telosram.) Indian delegatlona fraa tha Standing Rock and Cheyenne River reservations of North and South Dakota war beard today by tha bouse oommlt- taa c Indian affair. They ara apposed to further opening at their ' lands tor settlement, and hep to prevent final an aotmsat of a Mil to that sffsot which passsd tha acuta and la now be fore tha bouse committee. Ed Swan, from tha C hereon reserva tion, waa spokesman for both delegation, all from Cheyenne and four from BtaadV tng Rook. After the hearing tha Indian hdi a confers ne wtthv Representatives Halgassn and Hanna of North Dak eta and Burke and Martin Of South Dakota, at whloh thsy Oiseusesd further prop. Irion th tribe' council had authorised Pihsnr to cone Mar. ' Th gtsndlng Rock Indians, about I.J0 la number, wish to secure ) par capita to sllsviats alleged suffering du ta b dry farming Meson last rosr. About this sum has - pissed to th credit ot th tribe from tha sal of land la th last opening at th reservation. It will require an appropriation ' bin ' sow In tha senate, and bop ta bar th faverabl recommendation of th Indian office, whleh th bouse member advised them to eeoure. Another protsst fllad waa t granting aatanaloB at tlma ta ttlr an th raser vstloaa la which to mast tha five annual payments required for final proof. Th Indiana think tnat without prompt pay ment th irtb may suffer, a their fund go for their benefit. All matter war taken under advisement. Frank O. Odall ot Linoeln. far th Rural Lit oomnussloa. I urging In a lttr re ceived by nuiben of th Nebraska dele gation today that eougress approorkua H,w for tha purpose at translating tha report of the International Society of Agriculture la Roma a that they may re ceive wider distribution. Stalls Paatasaataa Iteappalateg. STELLA, Neb- AprU ll-wSpaelal.- Jamaa H. Overman baa been reappointed postmaster ot Stella for i Urn of. four yeara from April t. Kit Mr. Overman baa already served continuously aa post master la Stella tor fourteen yeara and three month. Ml wit la th deputy. A postal savins bank was recently aa tabllsbsd at thl office. ',. Beaton Path" 40c Shah of Persia Soap, at ..:.19c 25c peroxide of Hydrogen at. 7o 50e 8-inch Hard Eubber .Combs ,.25c 25c Bathasweet ..'....16c 1 Pint bottle of Ammonia at ;..10c 25c Dido Xail Enamel, im ported from Germany 10c IJb. of Epsom Salts . .10c 50o Cassimere Vanishing Cream 30c Perspi-Bo, prevents -perspiration .25c - mtttr' - 'm.ii aawnxmi sa wait MAJOR GENERAL GRANT DEAD Sob of Fun on Commander Dies Ssd denly ia letr Tork. ,- DEATH DUE TO KT.AET TAIEUBl Ge'aaratV Waa Was eppeed 1m we la rb Sewth, Had Rocoatly Xeved fraaa St. Laka'a Hoeplial ta Hotel. SEW TORK, April 11-Genersl Frcd ertck D. Grant, commander ot tha De partment of the East and sea of the famous civil war general, died suddenly at midnight at the Hotel Buckingham where be had been taken secretly on Wadasaday evening by his physicians. Hta prsaenca In this etty waa not known until tha news that ha had bsen suddenly stricken waa flashed ta newspaper offices by ths police. A palicemaa (taUonsd Bear tha hotel had called an ambulance at the request ot aa employe, wha told him that General Grant waa choking to death. . Although there bad been rumor ot General Orant'i lines and reports that he would never again take np hla dutla on Governor' Island, th new of hi death came as a distinct shock to tha public.' According to Dr. Robert Abblo snd Dr. Edward B. Dsnch. hi physician, th death of the general waa caused by heart failure. Ha had beeo suffering for some tlma, they esssrted In aa official statement, from "diabetes and attendant digestive disturbs ne as." Recant report that General Grant bad been In a private pavtlloa m St Lake's hospital In th city, auffsiiag tram a cancerous grawth nadsr th tongue, tha am arTeerJoa which caused tha death of hi distinguished father, ware denied today by tha hospital authorities. Dr. Abbie. wha had been th general fam ily physician for many years, refused to discus th subject. Mr. Grant waa with her husband whan h died. A aura was th only other par on present. - - - Bad Cwataa Wlthaat Waratag. The first Intimation that Oecsral Grant' condition bad suddenly become series waa given when Mr. Oraat tele phoned ta tb hot at clerk about Ust Th ganaral la dying." (ho aald. by. tortcally. "Oet a dootor giaok. 8 he added that ba bad bean sslsed with a choking spell.. Tb elark mads so tfort ta get Dr. Abb oa tb tslsphons. Palling at this, ha teat a boll 'boy ta th phyatekur horn aearby. Tb bests of th boy caused PoHcomaa M alloy ta lncuira what tha trouble was. General Oraat la choking ta death, get a dootor waa tha boy rsspeni. M alloy turned la aa ambulaaea aall, bat bet or th hospital aurgaoa reached tha hotel both Doctor Abba and Oaneb bad be located and war at th bedside. Tb aibalanoa surgeon and th policeman who want t th apartawnta, war tali then they could da nothing. Dr. Abb Informed Coroner Hols ha user that ba weald til a death osrtlflcata promptly and that aa Inquest would b amiss ry. Ta newspaper maa wha reached tha Bktnghm shortly after midnight, ef fort wr mad by th attendant ta dewy that Oaaeral Oraat waa at 'the howl Th ataaagmnant finally waa par o oommunlcate with the phy wh aaaoinmd thai. Oaaeral arant bad 414 aotoswlbstr arral. : gsalssasat ad' B - '. Bra. Abb aad Deoak attar sent dowg to th botd mansgrment a raumsnt. -In which thsy aald: ' . "Oanaral Orant ld uddnly of hesrt fallttr without premonition, at midnight. He had retired at 11 o'clock apparently In better condition than for sral wseka lino nl recsnt trip hi condition bad glTa a spsctal anxiety ta hla payatotaa. Oeneral Oraat had been suffering- from diabetes and tha attaadaat dlgeative dls turhanos. whloh seemed, howrrtr, to be perfeotly under controL Thl udda fatal termination earn aa a great surprise." lieutenant Marlon How, personal aide ta th general, an noon cod thl morn ing that Mra. Oraat waa beating th hock with fortitude. Bha directed that nnsctti be snt to Qeneral O rant's on, Csptala TJ. S. Orant. third, at th saglBrtng oorpa ta "r7aahlngtop, and ta his daugbtar, th Priaoas Cantaeusene, aa wall aa ta ether reiatrrsa. Aheeat tram Faat tar Meath. "Tor more thaa a month General Orant' whereabouts bad been a myltery. Follow ing tha announcement that ha had been granted tour months' leare of absenoc expiring Jun 1. reports war current that aa llln, believed by many ta ba oaocer ot th throat, h4 aauatd hla temporary retirement. The were denied at Oov emor1 Islysnd. whara It was statad re peatedly that Oanaral Orant had (Imply gone couth for a rest. Dispatches from Tampa. ' Pla., laat week stated that ha waa at th Wlntsr bom ot Mr. Pottsr ralmar at Chicago, a slstsr ot Mr. Oraat Tha report that Oanaral Oraat was ta St. Luks's hospital ta tola city for opera H trtatmanl beoanre pabli Wrtneoday and whll not officially confirmed was widely aradltad. Th manager of tha Buckingham, a quiet hotel oa rifta arsaua, stated thl morning that a bad been told that Oan aral Oraat bad Coma directly to th hotel hi aa automobile from at. Luks's. Tha patlsnt apparently waa at that time In good keaith aad' taint and walked from tha automobile to tb at rr tor ua aslMsd. - - Is HctirtecV -wASHINOTO-4. April 11-Captala lyeere B. Oram. Id. th only oa ot th lata Oanaral Frederick D. Oraat did not laarn ot hla father! sudden death In New Terk aatll aa early hour today. Ha was arareotna by tha aw and took tha first train to tiw Tork. Ho sx pocted to srrtre before as a. Na ana Mr was ta a poatUoa today ta tnaka aa authoritative stanraent aa t tha fnasrai sslsatenles. aor was M kaow whether tha body wilr ba burlad la Ar Uagtoa Katkeaal caaawtary. It waa sug gested th body might ba mtarrad tm the tomb whara kla Uluatnona father He ta th great memorial la Rlrerslda park. Kaw Terk City. Hartag baea at tha Uma ot his death aa officer ot the highest rank aa th aottra Ust la the army tha law Oanaral Oraat will be so titled w a moat linpnafg military funeral tt suck Is tb destr of tha mimbir mi bla Batatly. Baiaal Omar death racaaa ta peat which, next ta that at chlat of ataft ta regarded a the mo army nir,aai la-obief f eaatara dtrlmoaj. TWa Boartkm at of gaeb I lmportaaes that ft oaaswt kWeT ba par. ; mittsd w ramakt racaurt. bono M la prob ' able that Try nasi after th funeral I will b aaimmiy ta detail aa affloar at high rank for tb pooltlaa. probably Malor . Oaaeral Wlltatm H. Carta, aaw assists at jehlef at start's.. . . . ; .j .- General Carter waa tha commander at th famous maaeuTer dirkuoa ta T i j-wggtraerjar-a -ejev Republican National Ticket ' Vsbraaka Vrlatarlaa AprU 1. For President: , n William Howurd Talt. ' For lTalt4 8ttea Senator: - Starrfi Brova. for National Commute man: Victor Bote water. '- Delerat- - " AUcraatea-at-Large. at-Larga. AHta W. FleW. C. E. Adam. t. Ii Webatrr. C Hewatngre-. R. B. Hrhaotder. C. A. Schappel. E. B. Party. . F. M. Carrie. Dlitrlct Dlrtrtct Dalcgataa. Alternata. t. Frank Reark. H. R. Hoere. P. P. KbrMoa. . itMt" C U "aurlora. J. P. Swanaoa. p. h. (larittge. . O. Sampaoa, Bart Maaca. H. Glattaher. Carl Kramer. ' i ?5lT?'; . W ' Overrtrae. R. t. KUp-Urkk J. p. TOItwaea. 5. A. O. Raakln. 1. B. McGrow. f. X. Clarke. 4. A, a Ore we. . A. E. Cady. R, H. Harria. ft. . Wmaar. W. I Stewart. PraaManttal Elaetoi-g-at-Lanta. K. o. McOiltoa. C M. PoUard. Dtatrlct PraaidMUal Elector. 1. a. r. Im-rleuwa. 4. Lraa H. Lyt. g. A. C. Koaaogy. B. . M, Rawklsu B. L. Sssitabacajear. g. W. T Wtteoa last year and baa ban slated for detail a cofnmander-ta-nhlef of the Department at tha Lake, with headquarters at Chi cago. It la thought thl program will ba abandoned la view of the emergency. Broxhe la Pawr Health. BAN DIEGO, CaL. April 1L-U. & Grant, Jr.. a reetdsnt ot- thl dry for many years, dented himself to all visitor tonlgnt wncn ba received aaw of the death at bla elder brother, Major Oaaeral PrcdoTlck Dent Orarrt. It waa learned that probably neither Mr, Oraat aor any member ef bla family would go seat to attend the general' funeral. ' Mr. Oram' health ba bsea unsatlsfao- tory of law. Major General Frederick' Dnt Orant eldest aoa ot General Ulysses B. Orant eighteenth president ot the Unttsd Mates, was bora at Bt Lenta, Mo, May M, laM. He waa with hie father during- g part-of tha elvll war. witnessed the capture . of Porta Hoary and Doaeiaoa aad went with hla father- command through the Virginia campaign. He wftnassed also th flgbW at Corinth, Vlckibura) Nsh nile and Petereburg. After the war young "3 rant 'entered Wast Point, and was graduated Jin ln. Par a year be served aa a civil engineer tor the Union Pacific railway, . and la Iff a coom pastel Oenaral Sherman oa a trip I Europe. ' ' - Orant served a aa aide-de-camp ef General Bhertdaa and took part tn the campaign against the Indian. He served with Major Oenoral Stanley In tb Td lawstona expedition pad la MTt ta th Black Hill expedition, after which he accompanied hla father around the world. He resigned hi commission aa colonel In th army ht ItsT. and tor. a aambor of yeara he waa engaged In varleua en terprise. Ks was ppetntad minister to Austria-wr Preatdeat Harrtapoo ta UN, but resigned oa tb lctpa ef M CI eve la ad re the prcoHansy. imaer the re form admmiewatlea of Mayer Btroag ba wa eao ot Mew Terk' porle commle- Kxtsrst but at the outbreak at the war with Bpala la UN be became colonel la the Fourteenth New Tork Infantry, and was appointed brigadier geaoral ot vol BBtesra a May R. Oa February la. lpn. he waa apaotatad arlaadlsr geaoral ef the United State amy. aad reached tb grade ef major general five yeara later. He served ta Parte lUca aad commended the mtlHawy district ef Baa Juan. Me waa ta anmmind ef four brigades la tb Philippine tar several year, re turning ta the United Bute la MB. He oom mended the Department ef Texas, ltes-at; DapaHmecit at the Lakes. IPX Dapartawat at th Xast 1PM and th Deptrtmeot ef the Lakea again la lata aad finally, la the Department of the East to which he waa laat appointed la the summer ot lilt to sueoeed Major General Leonard Weed. Hla wife we formerly Ida M. Honor, davghlar of Heavy Hamilton Honor of Chicago, HARMON DEFENDS RECORD Continued from First Pegs.) competition, opca t all bank allk. th taw baa' ever slnos rsceived nearly double the former interest ea Ha funds. Bern members at uu league' are known a lobbyists, offlos brokers and dealera In, Illicit favor with the ring which long disgraced, (be republican party la Okie. The "progreee' they waat Is backward. Ilka the erab'a. to th fruitful time whoa they swapped vetee they could control la .the legislature with the boms aa th ether side la return for advantages ef some sort ta themselves. The reform that have been secured In Ohio bad to encounter their oppoattlo and, every nubile officer is a "reaction ary" to them who, laxasu oa restoring to the pubuo service honesty , toonomy, ef ficiency end devotion to the common In tereet ef tb people who pay aim. with no favor oa the (Id W anybody." . Pcasoesallo Vlewpesat. The speaker dleoumsd national affair and. referring to the president said he never could understand bow anybody can rest content with being a mere place bolder whll economies gad practical re forme Pre suggesting themselves all around him, ecpeclally la times when the feat growing coat ef living strains the resource of almost (very home. "And stand for or permitting special prtvUac or advantages of any kind through th action ef a government antataiaed by an tb people for their equal benefit a aa e flense tittle abort ef treason la tb eyea of the eVmocrats. These are matter ef right and wrong with us and not mere economics. "Tha Intlmatloa that I ever waa or could be, arttveiy or passively, guilty of thl offense, I reseat aa a slander, with out excuse or mitigation. I would rather be charged with theft, because that would mroive ae betrayal ef trust repass a by eemtrratea aad wwakt admit ef reset e- Ooa. It la said, and I thl ah trutnfuDy. that t have the eaafidoac of the eoadact th and email. make One what It kt; aad If the true ef like mra ismughevt the country I am glad ta kaow tt Th wisssm at th repubileaa party Is that It has become the party at a class. Tb mrengta ef th democratic party that tt ba never bsea th party of say ctaaa.. -1 tt now pripasit to change all thai? At w to smmlaato tor president en We're Clothiers to the Young Fellows -Who Take Sizes From 33 to 37 In fact we make a specialty ofjthese Suits,':, have a separate department Our Xew York designers spend lots of study on the designing of suits for young men because they demand style to their garments .that is not quite so conservative as their elders require yet they abhor frcakishnes&v- We believe, yes we know, that when it comes to satisfying young men's clothes wants we are the people You H find the workmanship, patterns, fit and fabrics fax above the average. , $15.00 to $30.00 Every Young Fellow Ought to Own a Top Coat You'll find use for one nearly everyoyening and many times during these spring days, besides they are stylish, they add.to a man ' appearance. V"e show some unusually attractive Topcoats from S15.'6a to $30.00 Store Closet Saturday Evening at 9 o'clock. Wilcox, HaJtafer Most Charming Dress Bargains Ever Known Dresses Made te Sell Up to $2$QQ Messaline dresses, Foulard dresses, Poplin dresses,' Serge dresses, plain colorings and . .fabrics in the .very newest effects; some trimmed with dainty laces; all from 16 to 44 bust - tfi greatest values ever offered in America. Choice off 1293 Drrssesit No limit, All Yoa Want Sale Start 8 A. M. one whom the men of business all over the country fear or distrust? The answsr depend chleflr on ourselves. There Is no Bound reason for serious disagreement among democrat. Th wishes aad ara hlUon of fndlrtdusls have not a feather weight compared with the Interest of the party and Its. bright prospects. " FOUNDER OF RED CROSS IS DEAD (Continued from First Page.) the confirmation of the Hed Cross treaty hr the United States. Daring the rss 1I7T end 1T7I the spent most ef her time at Densvlll, N. Y, waiting tor the authorities to act. Ia UR she took the matter up with President Garfield. Beo retarjr Blaine gave hla approval te the action propose, and oa Mar H. 1881. a meeting waa held la Waahingtaa which resulted la ths formation ot the Ameri can Associates ot the Red Cross. Mis Bartsa waa choasa first president ot the society and this position ah continued to hold until advancing rear obliged her te rellnauish ective work In ISA. Under her personal direct loa the Bed Cross per formed nsny works of relict In thl aad other countries. It aided ta relieving the Buffering due te the ' Michigan forest fire, th Mississippi and Ohio liver Howls, th Mississippi and Louisiana hurricane and other catastrophe. Then followed her work In the Texaa famine, the Mount Ternoa tornado and the yellow fever epidemic la norlda. More recent waa the work la connection with the Johnson flood, the Russian famine, the Bea- islands hurricane, the Armealaa troubles, the Spanish-American war and the Baa Ftaaesjco firs and earthquake. JURY IN WINNING MURDER CASE FAILS TO AGREE BT. UDUia, April 1!.-Tb Jury m th aa of Mrs. Annie Banning, on trial at Hlltsboro, Mov. oa a charge of complicity la the murder ef her husband. Martin Hunnrng. failed to agree today aad was discharged, after being out twenty-one aours. According ta a Juror, the final ballot waa 11 to 1 for acquittal. Joseph Soldi was recently convicted aad sen tenced te Ht Imprisonment fee-killing Manning. Bsul' lonfesslOB and testimony was that Mrs. Manning Bromlsed him H.U it he wwatdl kill Hunnlng. Bay Stat gaa Make Margered. TuTNX, Maaa, AprU tt-Tbe body ef Oeorwe B. Marsh. preeiOeat ot a soap maa ufactartng eosnpaay at this dty. wsa found teoaw bests the point at HI ace' boule vard. There were fire bullet wound la th body and the police believe that Marsh wsa murdered. sizes "(hr tf A fT 95 (0) H AYDEN BROS. ENGINEERS VOTE TO STRIKE Ken en Soavdi East of Chioago Au thorize Srupeniioa. MAJ0SITY IS OVEaWHETJOTO Tweatr-Three Oat ef ToreatyFlve TTsewsaaa Tata A nth arise the Officials' ta Call the Hem Oat. NEW TOBJC April U-By a majority of more thaa It 000 eut ef hVOt vote east locomotive engineer M fifty railroad east ot Chicago ana north ef Norfolk Wee tarn have auUterlsed their sMclels te call a strike should further negotia tion with ths railroads for Increased pay fall. During tha day the six missing boxes were receivea asa tn nnai counting oi the ramalBlag ballots waa camrneejcea. Grand Chief atone said that the com plete result' would be known this after noon. , Biwima Cmreg I 1 te I Dars. Th Paris Med Id do Co., MM Pin Street. Bt lioui. Mo., manufacturers ot leaativ Brome Quinine, have a new and wonder fill . discovery. GROV&Tg . MA -NARK CUTIS, which they guarantee te cure any earn of KCZXMA. a mattar of bow long standing, la M t at day, and will refund money It It fall. GROVE'S BA-NAKB CUTIS la perfectly clean and does not (tain. If your druggist hasn't It, sand us Mc. and tt will be seat by avUL A QUARTER CENTURY Before the Tublie. Over five million aam bles etven away each year. The constant snd increasing sales from samples, proves the genuine merit ot Allen a Foot-Ease, the entleeptlo powder to be shaken Into the shoes for Corns, Bunions. Aching, ft wot lea. Moist Tender feet Sold every where, BM. sample FREE. Address. A. 8. Otmstsd. Le Roy. N. T. Ihey Come Back ta the Belmont Restaurant because our food I th very heat; it I well cooked; the service la ejulck aad courteous, and the place Is always so clean. One man said. T come here everyday because I Ilk It" That lei la the atory. Con. In today and have th beet araal.yow have hag ia a long -time. . Table ilsa manor BaaAay 11 A- at. te a . M. IM BeOgre Btaeea. . frsaa all aigM. C . BaB. l-ree. lSthStrfMt at DouflgB G8EATEJT; Sale of Dresses Saturday Ever Held in Omaha Floods in the eonth make low prices on Ladies' Dresses for Omaha buyers Ova New. York Resident Buyer 'secured at a wonderful bargain from Nat Goldston ffii4' one of the largest and best known manu facturers of women's garments, 1293 Beautiful Dresses Made up for one of the biggest job- ' bing concerns in the south, who on ac count of the flood damage to their place, were unable to receive them. Our buyer got them for cash at his own price and Saturday we're able to offer you the ,$ : ! fl r : ' i2 ' A C tiilU Coma Early aad Get first choice of these wonderful targaiaa. AMUSEMENTS. BRANDE1S THEATER laat Tw Time This Afternoon Tonight. The Pier of the " - PAID IN FULL i Si trii . fv mar. a . . ' I Moaday aad Tsssdsj MAUDE ADAMS la aMmoad Beetaad-g Masasrpleoe "CHANTECLER" BOYD'S ooSLoSg Tonight MatUee Barardaw O BO. BAICBBJIt ' " Tn HBABT BBBAXBAB mv rsvras sa le, gUn-Msslsss. gse. S1.0 Bay Oommsaelag g assay, apru 1 The iMlblar Oo Prodaotloa of rmm oaar rDari.a Mass, tee, gl so gaass Mew Balllag American Theater ceaight. Xaa. Teas. Tkara. aa. HISS EVA LAN Q VOODWABVS sTfOOX OOKVABTT ' goat Week XOTB WATOalaa ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Matinee Today 2:15 Note:-Early Curtain To night 8:15. CBorua. MrTTra rig wom-s UATBnMXMIO-AU STXZT WXXg KKUU IHtAltK Mattaee Teaay g:s sTurht ggjg The Lidy Boccvieers Bali Tilile BXsTsr. Caewylaa remale Wrestler vs. gaa rasa, for a pane at Bias aad a aua he of Sao. OBABAt rU CXBTU" 4 w U a anC Xti&iGSSZ. VANITY FAKVr SXTBATABABTSA ABB) TAtrBBTXUB 1 lea. Pat White, Armstrongs. Boasa-lje-rer Trio. Suffering Satfragette Caoraa. Bunday aad weak-MortOB a Moore la "The Merry Whirl." ft" i v V .1