Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 12, Image 12

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Throwing On a Few, More Scuttles of Coal
Copyright. Bit. National News An!.
Drawn -for The Bee by Hal Coffman
r, when uhcmo kd Mfcvtv 1 V mH'1""1 1 'uT''r3 liMmwr' - ?f '
i xX. ' "Swe-'VSa. Oreeeort. lllll ICerleca. .. 1 I t
tftyttJ' . H'll llsaa. I I 1
t 0' ifr. jPEK " f . w wm eewJmw VHWflMaw V aVMVaaaBaY
'' ''V S2Sjiw. Columbm Gets Third Straight by
7S' Three to One Score.-
Xclntire Weakeni and Gives Three
Hiti After Hard Contest
stoats. Is Hl Hsrd Early la h
Fray, bet Kees iefeilee w,'U
Scattered -AM Field Wall
Eiwrt TUr,
CIXCI!CfATI. O., Apf1 U-Mrlntlr
ako4 altar nln frualllnc tnrrttiti
and by allewlnr tbra hlia In tha tauih.
Barmlttsd ClnulnnaU to win tha aoM
taroa o( tba atrlM alth Chleaca hara to
day. I to Vmob h)t naroar
aarllar In lh4 corn oat. bat kwrt the (
tlaa wall acaltand. A Uaa oa baJla.Mi
aaciidca and a alnrla ln'in 'oarta pan
tba CalcBa-oam IM( nrt talkr- Cln
dnnall tlad It wItbji'XMr'a tr'pla anl
bataa' awririca. Thm mla In .tba
alith (ova tha vlilton another, but aln
Cincinnati tiad It lth a dnubla, a lanpa
aut an4 & alncla. In tha nin atniiaaJ
kf Bantoa, BMehar in Bomniai arwiabi
tioma tba alnnlnc run. 'With tha aicap
tlon ot Tlakar, all UM tPlaara Hatoad
'wait , aoara: '
cuMnouTi. " aticoo, .
nrkar. H.. 4 11 w (ma,. Ik -4 1
a t umfi, u i " j . v
I i Mum. .
I ifrltllU, ft I 1111
4 KHM. I lilt
I ttw. Ik., I ll
4 tHnftMa, .l I I I I
I ITMa, a.l I I I I
Mw. .... lllll
m.iimim. p.. i a a
1 mm lZiaaaa !
.... .
HoMHl'l, lb S If
Mfai. it.
loi. Ik.,.. 41
b.,1 I I
oa4. aa. 4
MrUu. a.. I I I
Ti4ta U M I
Ona t whan wlmlnf run waa aroraa.
atta4 far ahaokant la taniu. ,
(Thk-aio l -
VlaolanaU Wl WO 13
Two-baM hlta: Hofmin. MeLma. Bv
ara. Thrra-baaa hlta: achulta. Baaohar.
Sacrlfloa brt: Mclntrra. Lnnox. Kac ri
fle fly: Batn. I)ouMa plara: Lanaox.
avari to Chanoa; Phrlan. Bnan to Hob
UtaaL tiaCt on baara. Chicago. : Cin
cinnati. 1 Baaaa on balli: Off. Mc
Intlra. : Brnton. 4. Htrock aut: ' By Me
Intyra. 1: Banton. L Wild olicUaa: Mc
InUra. Tlma, 1 4V I'mplraa: Jobnatoa
BROOKLYN, April U-Brooklyn avanad
aiatura with Naw fork today, wlnnlnf
I ti L aiaJnly on tha Door work of
Bhafar at abort. Ha had tnraa flahMn
ckaneaa and fooalad Iham all. Tha buna
lln( offaat Taaranua' goo4 pltchlnf. tba
yowi(Har allowing oaly Uiraa hlta. Knat
ar pi to bad wall up to tha aavanth. wkn
tw paaaM and a alnilf filled tb baaaa.
tia ta' way to Brhaf4t; who biaaaad
lua avo aaa than at ruck oat tHrao
p tha atcktk whaa play waa atop pad by
unw acora:
aooaXTW. Kit TtWR.
II KOI I Ua o.i t
atna. rf .. I I I tT- .. a 4 I
NM1 ib I I a 4tiM. It.-.l I I 1 I
I a itMaria,
I tManw. r( . I
tUarhM, Ik. I
iHwwa. Ik, t
nut. ... a i
Mm. a.... 4 t
I am
aTMnaa, f.. i a
.... I
St. Loial
Naw York,,
PhlladaipliUk. .
t ' W LW. W.L.Pct.
Fnlla. ...... t lmnt. Paul s
Oavclantl .. I O.J.4MHI Tolaaa ... 1 04 Olll
Btanon .... 1 l.MI't-hlimrtma i. zei.nn
CMcata ... I J MlntMpoll ti .Mt
tatrlt .... j .M, Loul.vUla ,.,1 1 .ftJ
to. lAutt . I '.do1 Kan. Ottv .. t .to
Naw York.. . Indlanapolta t .
Waau. 1 1 MIILwuaa
' I ' Tratarday'a lloawWa
Nw York. 1. Brooklyn.- '(aavaa IB-
:' - ...t. . ' .
I'ntiaoeipnia. i: voaian. f.
Itiiriio. I; Cincinnati. I. f C ' i
Pltlaburrh-fH. 1-ouK. rain. ' '
Waahlnfton. I: Philadelphia, a.' '
Boatnn. I: Naw York. 1 '
Drtrut, t: Ctanland, i. ' t
at. .Louia i: cnioaan, i ttan inunni. '
MlnnMpolla, 1; Loulavllla, t. .
Kanaaa City. I: Columbus, I X
Ht. Paul, 7; Indlanapolli, ti
Mllwaukaa, ; Tolado, I. .,.
' flaai aa TadayJ . .
National Laacua Naw York at Brook-
Ira Philadelphia at Boaton,'
Ciaalnaall. Pittsburgh at Bt. Loula.
Ajnarioan iu- naamnctoa at
Phlladalphla. Boaton at Naw York. Pa
tron at CVavaland. Bt. Loula at Chicago.
A mot-loan Aaaoctatioa atinnaapoiia at
Loulafllla, Kanaaa City at Caliimbua, t.
Paul at Indlaaapolla, Mllwaukaa at To-
a a I
m. aw... I
'onkam. Ml I
Warn, K ... I I
BunaaL a
tu . i a
uri. at.... I I
tn ar. . .. I
kia. .... a I I T
it !. i .i I I i a
a rarat. !.. a
- TaUK.....W I U
Taula.... lit M
Raa for Merer tot aurhtb. -
Baetaal for Taareau la athth.
Naw York n r
BrooUya m
Loft on baaaa: Naw York. 11:
tya. 1 Two-baa bill: Moras. Bacrt
Bra Mti: Uaubart. Northern. Knatsar.
Baaaa an arrora: Naw York, I: Brooklyn.
4. Btolaa baaaa: IMvora. lyla. a lark.
. Double play: Hummel, gtara and bau
Vert; Btark. Huaunat. Daubart: acbaxdt.
. rwln. Daubart. Baaea an balla: Off,
r. I: Bchardt. I. Tearaaa. t. II. kr
aitcnar: BeharOt. Merkla. iiU: Off
knataar, I In t 1-j Innlnra. ...o: tax
Vouira: Klem and Buah.
PntlHaa Taw Hard, bat Law.
BOSTON. April U.-Pt.lledelubla fought
bard to avert defeat today, but Boaton
won again.. 4 to i. Buncbad hlta la tha
tourtt aod eighth Inning gav tha local
., umut ruaa, wnua 1lar aatd palUulalpbia
to a loava tally until the laat Inning, men
twa paaaaa and a aingia by Luderua filled
tha baaaa and Waiak tingled, aaaag
Paahart aomo. With oaa out arte) tba
baaaa full, Doolan hit Into a double play
and Oraaata fanned. KJlllfar waa toreod
ta retire la tba fourth lnoloc Wllb a
badly Injured band, acora:
aorroN. raiUMt-i-wii.
AH0i aa.a.aa.i.
'. ... k IkeaM. Ik... I I I I
ceaell. at I I TUaa. it.... f
Hniar. rf... I 111 era, at. I 1
jeoeaaa. i a euravaik, K.
aaaai, Ik. I IU lUaarae, Ik
ayraat. aa... a 1 1 tw
knag a.
Tyler, a.
- ' aVanaa, a. I I
Teetle....JI M 1 .
. Teuie w I u u I
oaten ..J !) -4
yniiaaeipiua .....a i a a a v-1
Two-baaa hit: McDonald. Jeckaon (li
Bacnnc alta: Campbell, Houaar. Stolen
Imii Lndartia. Miller. Bormtt. Dsubia
aiaya: MUlar to KUng. Tler to Kllng to
jiousar, um an aaa: Beaton, a: Phlla-
aaipoia, a Baa on belli: Off Tyler, i;
aff Branreu. t. Flrat on arrora: Phi la-
twaaja, l; avtatoa, L Hit by pltehad ball
Jejaaoa, Btraek aut: By Tylr, ft. kr
Brecnaji. I. Tlma: 1 et L'mpiraa: bugler
ana riniearan
i . a i a
a a i
. a i i i
al 1 I IDeelaa, at.. I I I I
.ill akiaiier. a.. I I I a
. j I i IGatiea. 1,1 I I I I
Eovkei' tnitiM ArriYt at Bight
ind Oct Soim to Xbuineu.
Beat Playrra at tba laaad Pitted
' A gal sat Yaaalaaaa TbU Attav
a aaa t Olva The. Patsi
ora A bant tba Oaaaa.
spider corar of osrttiM tab Hours
regular arrived In One ha frota Baatnea,
wbere yaaurday afternoon- they fee tnetf
flrat gam f In cbamploneblp aarla to
Unoala. II waa t o'clock III morning
wnaa tba tlrad but happy boy front from
tooir train at tha Union atatloa.
Aa aarly call wa left at the hotel office
for tha banco, and at I o'ekxk yannlgan
aad ragular ware working out la tb
park. Boars arrtred at tha moke
houa t find hi bunoh of truatla al
ready aarout to tha park. Ha la highly
enthuataatls over tb aroepaoU for a
ucooaaful and proflubta ,aaaoa aad
any ha 1 going to bar a bard time
pick a ragular team, a UM antlr
quad la going at a bat cup. Thara M
no doubt but what th boy ara la grant
eoadltloa aad aasry aa tooka fit ta bat-
Pa iay hi bay ar working Ilka baa-
thay ar (ur playing aooM
dairy Itanda- balk Tkls-wa aeeaoa
t rated Is tb thro ginaei with Uaotun
out In too atala. ,1a every gam th As
ia lope uthattad the home bays, but th
latter waa tsar with real ball laying
end won two aut of tha lb raa games.
Tomorrow afternoon tb Rourkaa will
reeum their aut nampionanip aanaa
with Uncols at tha local park. Tha
tame will bo called at I B) o'olock aad
Panttasw win wrobaMy ba aa tha awusd
for lb homo team, fundi th aacond
eajie will ba played at home. Thl
afurnooa tha ragular aad yaaalgasa
ar Hoed up against aaeh other la a srae.
ttoa gam sod Pa ha ta put hat bast
hunch against th yaanlgan and tessh
th youngster how th national gam kt
Payd, - . .k. fc
Uoa-Qf for tomorrow! gam
v I -
AfliUtio Pitcher' Allpwi Only One
WortUew Little Single.
Phlladalphla Oct Ita Baal by
Basebls Hit Is rssrth isalag
Moras a ttrike Ost KIstos
PHlLADtLPHTA. April 11 -Morgan
pltehad wonderful ball against YVuhlng
toa thl afternoon and phllidelphta won.
I to I. Only as hit, a alngl by Moollor.
which Barry held la th Infield, wa mad
off Morgan. Th latter (truck out eleven
bet man. fanning th aids la th fifth
and eights saaalVa. Philadelphia woa
by bunching hlta la' tha fourth Inning.
as.H o.A I ai u o
atrial. H... 4 11 Mnaa. of.... 411
Oiarla. at.. 4 III lavkaefer. It. I I I I I
llllaa. k.ll I I (Meaner, td.. 4 I I
Sakar. Ik... I t I Klrae. 1 . I IW t I
Tb Oaatha High aeheal fraabmaa track
an aad tor ml wa rgasljd yaatarday
ftarsooa at tha achoot Whea aboat tatr-
tp-ar JOntb grsdan mat la tha saaamaty
roost and elected Amur liouner casta Ui
and dedded aa a aerie of sally afternoon
warkawta at tha achoel campus. Roam,
WIQ lac aaa at th aquad Is tb weight
eraBta sad tha running high Jams.
AtslsOs Director C E. Bsad will ar
rsagw a brallsilnaJT meat for th tssdar-
otlUMi aanaUdatea t be bead th hut
week af tnla wtaath for th purpoaa of
tacklaa taaura af tea le compete Is tba
tstarilaas track tsaraay wbacb wlU
1st at CivliMM fleet OS .Saturday
afternoon, stay 4.
r"fit ,4Mws lalaaaa.
brnrNKAPOLia. apm u.--np- trNaO.
former eaiLfleioer at th Chloago Asaart-
oaa aaagua team, wae attamptad
"cviwa back, with tha MliuMaaaiu) t
of th Anwrtcas aaaoelauoa. has bean
grvas tua unoowaitkuasl raieaaa. ecoore-
ag to as an aw last anient auula tooay by
si. K. CasfUlsn, sreaMeat of tna Minse-
asohs slab. Pesster. th t attoo him
laacaa sttohar, saad Knuaar. tha Dwlmb
nrcrult. have bees aald to tha Boaunaoat
T.I taaaa. V, aalea. was waa wits tba
teaus for a time avat year, has baas ar
atared to reeort to ta tesa at Louiwmla
W an oar
Too meson,
. Tlret
..Second .4
..abort .......
. Third
- Pitch
a ..Oola
....... .atrsttoa
Wagner ohrarios
,1111 IMeBrtoe, aa 1 I 4 I
i.. i wtiitans, a. a a a a a
Walker, a . I I I
,. til I I-Uauai ..lllll
o4l, el.... till lOoeirtea, rf. I 1 I I 4
Maltlck. rt. Ill IHagaa, If... I I
leMer. Ik... I 1 I I irrett.- ta.... lllll
Weaver, aa.. 4 I I I lHelltaaa, aa I III
Bleat, a.... til (Krttaell. a. I I I
eau, p I lit IPewell. p.... I I
Tettl 1SI!"J Tatale. 11 11 11 "l
Two out when winning run aenrad, .
Chicago t t I 11
Bt. Loula t lia-i
Two-baa hlta: Pratt. Zdr.. lfatUck.
Bacrinos hit: Btovell. Zeldar. gtolan
are: Pratt. Krtrhell. Doubl play:
Stsvall to Pratt (i). Weaver to Rati, to
Zelder. Left on baaaa: Chicago, 4; at.
Loula. M. Base on ball: Off Scott, I:
off Powell. L Hit by pltehad ball: By
Scott Auatln. Blru'-k out: By Beotl, 4;
by Powell, t. Tlmd: 1:0a. Umplrai:
Kgaa and swan, i
Tonthfnl Contender! Capture Gym-
Battio Competitioa.
thibi) msirrmiANs acorn
Isrlstsr Osly Basssd Bahlad La
ar Two Mssdrod aad Thtrteea
- Vostbtal Atblotwa Take
Ceoprr Psaacs Eight
.Oaly Two Reseb
laws Tw R1U la First
aad Oh ta Nlath.
COLUMBUS, a. April It-Wnlli pitch
ing Columbia ta a third atraigbt rlctory
over Kanaaa City. Cooper allowed bat
thr hit, two la the first lnmng and
th other la tha ninth. Ha passed light
batmen, but only two reached eond.
Cbagalioa' decided th gam la th
aaventh, hitting eafely with th baaaa
full and two out. Boor: -
kanias crrr. courts i.
A II.O.A.r it H 0.1.1
harkaaa. tk I a I ethaltae. et.'. I a l a a
I eHI'rMaaa, III I I I I
eoiei-it'a. ita l t a
a a Perriag. Ik. I 1 I I I
I I Millar. Ik.. I I II I a
I in-Rark. Ikl 1 1 1
I lOerber. aa... lllll
I llmlte, e ... 4 I 4 I I
I lObeper, ... I I a 4 a
I a Total! M I IT it a
Claaka. at... I 1 I
athalier, rl. I
lane. It I I I
Ckrr. Ik. .. 11
uewaev. Ik. I I a
OCaaaar. a 4 t I
Owrleaa. a 1 t
rahnw. p... I
Flea 1
Oyler I
Tatala mil I
Battad far Bahry la eighth. -ft-
Wkahlngton (! -l
Philadelphia 1 -
Hacriflc hU!' -Barry. Bacrinca fly:
KnlghL lubl' niy: Foaur to PI yon.
Left on baaaa: Waahlngton. 1: Phlladpl.
phis. I. Ham on balla: Off Morgan, t, i
Flrat baas on arrora: Philadelphia, t
ft ruck out: By Morgan, 11: by Walker, t.
Wild pltchea: Margan, 1: Walkrr. L Balk:
Walker. Tlma; l eft. Umplrea Wteivlf
and O'Loughlln.
Bass Bast Tlcsra.
CLEVELAND, April ll-ClevUnd de
feated Lxtrolt today, I la 1 Dolahsnty
waa aut out at th gam for arguing
with Unnplr ParrlM. In tha thlra
Eaaterly waa aafe on Buah error, Hole
eeoend snd came home on Butcher ln
gle, la th slath Jackson doubled. Lajoy
wa passed purposely and Ryan singled,
coring Jack eon. In In eighth Oleon
Inglad. Jackaon doubled and Layn aln
gled. producing two run. Detroit a flrat
run was tha result of hlta by Oalnor,
Btanase and Vltt. Tha other wa Kored
by Perry on hi double, a Paeeed ball
and Oalnor fly. boot:
I aaatcaer. I . I 1 I I I
II lOlaaa, aa.... 4111
1 I JerteOB. al. 4 t I I I
I ILataM, tk.. 111
II Riaa. It..,. 41111
111 liraaan. Ikl t
IU I ITuraar. k.l II I I
II IBeetertr, a. I 1 I I
111 laaaketia, !l II I I
AB.H.O i B
vnt. u.
Lautaa. Ik. 4
Coal. rl.... 1
Cream. Ill
n-heatr. tk t
O-Laarr. ik. I
Oalaai, Ik., t
Baal. aa...
Btaaaa. e.. 4
Wlllatt, ... I
retry I
IOWA -CITY, 1.. Apl U.-iSp9l
TelesTaavl Ta atss aa itaalv atudy
of flora et tha Toeemltl yallef and Yet-
ktwtton Natasnal nark. Prof. Taotna P.
alacBrMs' basd af th aaai taunt at
botany of th Verve relry at Iowa,' wa
today gristed a rssrsj laav of aba so
by tba atats Board af Kdweaeoa. Prof.
MaaBrloS has aarrad ea the faculty at
the University at Iowa without tatarraU.
toa fog arsr thirty year
Teaafte Bei Cballawse.
'Tba third high cUea at Oeaghloa .sbV
Taretty la awl with a challenge to any
eiaat or any department o tha astrerattr
to ma It n a eaoaa of team aaa
Tie- third high does boasti aome ot the
beat tonla pi ay era of tha collage. In
cluding Duffy, Ed Smyth and Joe Ada ma
of laat yeaf varsity lannla team Bad
consider themaeivea aqrial to any ether
aaregsuoa is tao uaiveretty.
lalt YBMaarbaal Caa.
COLUMBU8. 0 April 11 -What
elalaMd ta ba s. ualoue record m b
ball waa Beads bare today between K
aaa City aod Coluntbue when 'ho ball
t ill 1 aut by tha asuptoe et lb begiaslng
ea perny area it-w aarowgaeaK tne enure
Bjaevisatsg game, as other
,j mil t
- 'Batted for O'Lasry In tha ninth'.
Cleveland 1 1 t t
Detroit .......,.... 1 1-1
Two-baaa hlta: jackaon (Tl. Perry.
Sarrinca fly: Oalnor. Stolen baa: Eat
rty. Doubl playa: Buah to Oalnor: Wll
latt to Busk to Oalnor. Plrst baa as
ball: Off Paakrtte. t; off Wlllatt, L
Struck sutt By Baakett, t; by WUIett, 1.
Paiatid ball: Kaaurly. First baa an
arrora: Cleveland, t Isft oa baaea.
Cleveland. 4: Detroit, ft. Time; IM Um
pire: Plsssa aad Parrln.
atabl Oets Paar Hits.'
NEW YORK. April It -Boaton made It
two Btrsight over th New York today.
Buck O' Brian outpltrhlng Ruaaell PorS.
Tba festara ot the game wa tb batting
of Stahl. who In fir times at bat mad
four elngleai snd drew s pees Bastes
oa the gams la th flrat Inning, when
It etwred thro ran on two i'aaeae.
speaaera noma rua an uurry double.
item fell during tna lttr part of th
gam. Hcore:
ww TnitK. aorro
AB.H O.l I AS.a.o.A.a
It... 1 I I llaaa. 4.1 Mil
maieia, .. e I a evarkee. . ,1 1 1 1' I
Ckaee, tk... I n I aaeaaker. et. I 11
vaa. B I la aitaat. Ik... I I I I I
Haneeil. ea. I III tuaaraTr. tk lit
Dalaa. t I I I eUvwie. tL... I III
BGart-r. lllll laaraar. aa. I I I
Saiverue .till acameea,. e .1 I I a
wreet. a e I l ao-Briaa. s.. I 4 I
rra. p t alia
1 I a Tatala. ... a a n a a
Weraaa, ..
Twala....i" w"l r-
Batted for E. OSrdnsr ta th ninth. '
Batted for Ford la tha eighth.
Boeton ... t J
New York 1 1 -t
First baas sa err ara: Boeton. t Two
baas hlta: Leena, L. Oardner. Tbrao
aaa hit: Wolter, Cree. Home run:
Speaker, taartifloa Itr Botaa Ot, Was
aer, . Oardnar. Stolen bases: Stahl.
Dalaa. Left oa baaaa: Naw York. I.
Boaton. a Doubl lar: E. Oardnar ta
Ckaee. . Baaaa as balls: Oft Ford. t.
aft O'Brtas, V Struck, out: By Ford, 1;
by O'Brteet. 1 Mtt by pitched bail: By
Ford. Csrrlgaa. Hns: Off Ford. I la
eight tenmcs. aft Warbnp. I la on In
ning. Tims: 1.11 Umpires: Csaaolia
aad Hart.
Sers awsr ta Teeth. '
CUICACKX April tt-Chlcago made It
two nrslght from St. Lou I today, win.
aing an extra Inning game, 1 to 1. The
gam waa s pitchere battle netware flrott
aad PoweU. and the winning run resulted
I rove a dwable, s aacnfic and a aingia.
cbicaoo rr. uwra
naia, ae-... a e a a awaanee. ell
A team- of Bight tad from tha Diet
Memorial ohnrah woo tha feature event
of-th tint annual gymnaatto ihlbltlon
of th local "I" asBOclatlon's phyiloal
astenaloa work, bald ta tb gymnasium
yeateroay evening, by taking tha half
mils relay race la 1 minut and forty-
three second a. Tha (prlnur from th
Third Presbyterian church took aacoad
plaos, being only a bar aaonad behind.
la ealletbealca tha aquad from th aty
mlaeton. under th direction of It O.
Miller, made a hit with tba crowd by
going through aa Intricate drill ot body
movement! without a hitch.
Th effidata of th exhibition meat
war follow: Jacob Oerlng and B. F.
Denteon. Judge; Frank H. Ckarrla.
atarter, and ti. 8. Flower, clerk et th
A total f til athletes, rapreaantlag ten
oral school and churches, took part.
Those Included, with their number ot
entrants, wan: Dltg Memorial, twenty;
Qty mleaton. thirty-tiro; Third Preaby.
Isrtas. twenty; English Lutheran, thir
teen; aoetai Bet tl omen t. seventeen; Oracl
Baptht, twenty; Park Wild home,
twenty; Benson Boy' Church dub,
twenty; United Brethren No. 1, twenty
eight; Ualltd Brethren No. 1 eighteen.
Clllsthaniri: City mlsaioo. directed by
R. o. Miller, flrat; Third Presbyterian,
directed by C O. Sutherland, aacond;
Orace Baptist, directed ay A. J. Kirk,
M-yard rlv (four oa a team): Bmall
boya' claw. Third Presbyterian, tint.
Tim. :S!
lev yard relay '(fotrr Oft a teanrlr Large
boya' clan, UeU Memorial, first. Time,
Festur event half-mile relay (eight on
s team): Diet Memorial, flrat; Third
Presbyteries, second, aty mlaaron. third.
Time. 1:4.
Kvery class wincing a also was pre
sented win a handsoen "Y" pesnant at
th cloee of ths meet
I Mill I
Batted for Downey In the ninth.
Battad for Palmer la the ninth.
Columbu I I -)
Kansas City 1 -l
Stolen bass: Downer. Sacrlfloa hlta:
O'Rourka, Oerber. Two-base hlu: Hlnch-
man. Cooper, Love. Three baaa bit:
Clerks Double playa: Perrtne to Oerber
to Miller;. Clark to Carr... Left on. baa
Columbus. 7; ivanasi City, e. Baaea oa
balli: off Cooper, t; off Palmer, i.
Struck out: By Cooper, 1; by Palmer. 1.
Balk: Palmer. 'lime: let Umpires:
Ferguson and Handl boa.' . , .
Millers la First Defeat.
UaUIBVILLBI. April lf.-Loulavllle de
feated Mlnoeenolls loday In the third
IUII Of ths series Ths Iocs la hit Levar-
ette bard and tha Timing pitchers wa
wild. Nasal allowed Mlnneanolls but sis
eoaiisree nits ncorc:
A H O A g AB.H.O. A S.
crraer. it . I I I I aHaaak'r. Ml I I I I
sniaar. Willi LBarck. It ... t III
wtl'eBe, lllll ellareaa. rl.l I I I I
Kilmer. If.. I 111 ep.raaal'4. Ik I IH I I
Reeaa s. rf I I 1 I eltaaler. af., lllll
I f Ball. Ik lllll
1 vB'eilller. as. 1 1 I I I
1 IS-elel. .... 1 I I
I IBesle, p.... I I I 1
CRETE. Neb."'. April It -(Special.
With tb return of the student after th
spring recess, btgsa th pracllcs of has
ball, although soma alx or seven were
working aut during the vacation. Coach
Johnson ba had about twenty to twenty-five
man out every night this weak,
potting them through a miff training, la
eluding batting pracBc. fielding snd
base running, beaidaa a trot around the
field every evening. Of th out players.
x-Cp(ala Branson wfll hold down hi
old position af beOitdpplus'. bs being en
ot th most consistent catcher bt th
Intercollegiate lesgu; Captain - Kreba
win b st km est aoatnlm st aasosd. snd
KoraJe ta right field. At tha first asrner
Ostes asd Ooedell ar frying sat, with
Oardner. tb lea aaperaat for ta third
peeitloa at present. At Bhort Pemna sad
O. Mlokl ara sbnwmg up well, sad
Davison ta ' altsrnatfng st that posi
tion aad m tb boa. Ha with hlretsingac
wllt la all yssbabtllly form th bast ot
the pitching- Matt. In the fMd Hlgby,
Koestar ssd Balls ara ihsehu sp well,
with plenty of compsttUoa ts spar them
oa. " WiU ib Kebrsska ladwas nmlsg
Moaday the Tiger wlB get ehsnos ta
buck as agslnat a trong team every day
aad wtU uadoubtedly be sale ts show
aome class by a couple ot weeks On
Saturday, April U, the Does boys will
play aa exhlbftloa practice game with
th Nebraska - university teaav after
hrhlch stiff eebedal win be play.
bare. Ik.... I I lAaetla. tk.. lllll
Ullelee, 111 I I I tlXeeau, la,. I u I
rerrls. tk.. I 1
Olll. Ik.... 1 II
Owaae, a.... 11
leverette, p I I
Tatala. ...41 IM 1 Tula at U 11 II
Loulavlll ... Ila(
Minneapolis 1- -l
Two-base hits: Altlier. BranafleM,
Btansbury. Three-baa hit: Reaumlller.
Double play: Bell to Beaumtller to Brans
field. Sacrifice hlta: Bchlet (tl. Stanley.
Left on bases: Louisville, 11: Mlnnespolls,
i. Struck out: By Nagal. 5; by Leverette,
1. Bases on balls : Off Leveret u, 4.
Btolen base: Bransfleld. Hit by pitched
bail: By Nafel. Clymer: by Laverett.
Sehlel. Bell. Beaumtller. Wild pitch:
Leverette. Time: 1:4a. Umplrss: . Chill
and Anderson.
Toledo Bleaks Brevier.
TOLEDO, April U Toledo shut out
Milwaukee In the third game of the series
today, I to A The game reeolved Itself
Into a pitchers' battle between Bwaa sad
H Ottawa, all
Xiaaert. If.. I
MaCa'a. ml
Wakb. Ik... I
OeeSass. Ikl
LeWa. ... I
Marrar. a... I
Dae'atara, s t
Totals. ...a) mil I
Batted for Anderson In eighth.
Battad for Chappelle in ninth.
Toledo a t t 1 1
Mllwauks .
Two-base hit: Orendorf. Stolen
Butler. Sacrifice hit: Hlnchman. Bases on
balls: Oft Swan. I; off Anderson, L
Struck out: By Swss. 1; by Anderson, L
Hit:-Off Anderson, ft In aevsn Inntnas:
off Marlon. 1 In on Inning. Doubl plays:
Minenmaa to in soman to Derrick. Lewis
to Charles to Jones, Chapman to Hlnch
man to Derrick. Left on bases: Toledo, j;
Milwaukee, 4, Umpires; Hay and lrwta.
Tim: 1 .
St. Paal Gets Early Lead.
lNDIANArv.18. April 11 Ftoherrann
was Ineffective and St Paul nlled un
seven runs In the first this wings todsy
no won tne tmra gem or tne eerie
from Indianapolis. T to E Webb replaced
Robertson aad held th vie! tori scorslase.
IT. PACU tkluANAPnui.
Al H 0 A k Al H O A g
Better, -rt... 1 III t Bat 'aaa. ta I I I I I
I I I WoaS ran. rll I 1 I I
111 HalKBea. rf. 1
lit SNaster. 1k.. I I M I I.
t It 1 lUrsak. If .. lllll
111 IWII'aws. Ikl I I I
111 lOasalar, m, lllll
III IPaaras, a.... lllll
111 fHak-wea. . t . 11
wee. I lllll
' u if ti i
St. Paul 1 IIMIMM
Indianapolis I eat t
Btrurk out: Br Decannlers i: bv Webb.
1. Btolen bees: Hoffman. Walsh, Rig
gen. Hit by pitched hell: McCormlck.
Lett on bases: St Paul. 7; Indianapolis
11. Sacrifice hltai Goodman, Deoannlere,
Woodruff. Base on ball: Off Decsn.
nlere, 1; off Robertson, 1: off Webb. L
Hits: Off Roberta, t in two Inning none
out la third): off Webb. J In seven In
ntngs Tim: 1:40. Umpires: Blsrhalter and
Crkli'e Wins Right "
: to Meet Jay Gould
NEW YORK. April lL-In th final
match of th national amateur lean Is
touriiament today th English visitor and
former British champton. Van Peknalt.
was defeated by Joshua Cram of Boa
ton, It wa a lively session all through.
Tha fourth wa a eaatag get, which
west to Crane after axcnnt uphill
work. Th winner will meet Jsy OeuM,
th mi bolder for tha national chant
plonahla. a Saturday. . .
Today' ecore: Joshua Crane. Boston,
defeated Van Fennell, England. t-t,
W, . H.
Glfte for Waive alee.
NEW YORK. April ll.-A feslur of
th opening of the base ball season at
American lesgu park thla afternoon was
tba presentation ot a floral horsesho and
s silver loving cup to Hsrry Wolverton,
the locale' new manager, whs came to
Naw York from the Pacific Onset league,
on behalf f Wolverton friend la Oak
land. CsL
wjrFsrland Floors gskaefer.
Qt'lNCY, 111., April lt.-Packey Mc
Farland of Chicago had but little trouble
In knocking out Willie flcheefer of Mem
phis Tans. In the fourth round of a
scheduled ten-round bout her tonight
Omaha Wrestlers
Show Well at Meet
BEATRICE. Neb.. April U.-(8peclal
Telegnm.) The Stats Young Men's
Christian assodatios wrestling tourna
ment opened her tonight with a Urge
In th Ut-aound clam Herman of Bea
trice ad Coyle of Lincoln wrestled to a
draw. Spltsenberg of Omaha won from
Eaton of Lincoln In th lightweight class.
Th first fall cam In Un minute snd
forty-riv seconds and th second in"
lva minute snd thirty -aeven aacondr. I
la the heavyweight class for th mate I
championship Thompson of Omaha nou
from Wheeler of Lincoln. Thompson se
cured th first fall la Bins minute and
fifty -si seconds and th second fall In
forty-seven eeconda Rutherford of Bea
trice defeated Robinson of Lloln for
a special match aad b will meet Thomp
son tomorrow night
Fremont, which was entered la th
tournament which clossi tomorrow night,
Glbkeaa Whips Smith.
NEW YORK, April U.-MIke GlbbonH
ot Bt. r-sui ana Jen smith of Bayonn
n. a., inugni ten rounds nere tonignt i
IJIDOOns won handllv. SmllK kh tJ
neiier ar an -- nnh n .
round and In all th real gibbons out
pointed snd outfought him. Gibbons for
the greater .part used a left to good ef
fect and In all the Infighting ha had the
upper hand. The men weighed In at 1
o'clock under 141 pounds, but at th ring
side oibbons weighed lit, and Smith half
a pound less.
Accompanied- cnt.lamen
buysrg Into our llat Ihop last
week; and ladies generally
p r o r o able criterion of
styles Jo, Men's Hats.
Wa have ao arranged our
bat shop as to make it con
tent, aa wall aa a pleasure,
for ladles to asslat their hue
bands, ' brother, fathers,
sods and beau u In aeloctlnf
their hat
AT-$2.00;' YOU'LL
318 South 15th Street,
. Sewatae ea-TW Ssrwrw la.
WASHINGTON. April It Newell San
ders of Term esses wa sworn into office
todsy ss United State senator ts
coed taa.uu Robert L. Taylo.
Don't Let My "Swell" Store Scare You
Away; I Do Sell suits at $15
And "Brooks" flS suits contain a wealth of style, patterning and
make np; In fact tha ordinary store would consider then .'rnsdtum"
grades and tack oa a tit pries Instead ot $14. I am tailing you thla be
cause th style aad tone of my admittedly "sweU" clothes shop does not
suggest til eulta. But, belter me. I WANT th trade of the $15 customer
and I want tt VERY touch. Beeln' la bsllerln' Just ae my window No. i.
Whose "Bluet" Are BEST,: anyway?
My Blue Seifes Sell at from $15 t $35; '
A score of dealers are'haaraerlng each other oa "Bine Serge" suits; all -claim
tba bdat; but mine btre a "blue forever" color aad 1 can prove It.
Satorday I am going to put as ur?rlsa stunt and offer a $3i.SV itn p
grade, silk lined, blue serge Suit at only sJasO
See Window
No. 8 for
BIO SHIRT SPECIAL; fine percales in the
ewelleet patterns I- could dig up in Q 1
the wtMA ; V
BROOKS HATS. ' Scores of Omaha's par
ticular men are getting under 'em Q Q
..daily. Priced. at VO
Corner 16th and Hani7 Street