Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 11

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Silk Hat Harry
His Side SpHtting 6tnnts Vm&j
Om Oar Mmylmi Pice.
VOL. XLI-NO. 258.
)Jn Some Stores Quality Is a Talking Point. In This Store Quality Is a Merchandising
Asset. Quality Is the Foundation of this Business; Fair Pricing the Magnet that Builds It
Saturday's Demonstration of Smart,
Yet Inexpensive, Spring and Summer
Suits and Dresses
will bo one of the best illustrations of the woiiderf al opportunities
this store affords "the woman who would dress well and becomingly
and must do so on a reasonable outlay. The newest models, most
fashionable materials and colorings shown in this demonstration.
$24.75. $19.50 and . . . -
i i , ti ; iiiishk.a
1 H WJi :l!H.i'TIK.
1 fife ft
U i'lf f
r il r
These three prices represent three extra
special values we feature in Saturday's
selling. Thoroughly distinctive models
with those smart touches that appeal to
the fastldous woman. Many are hand
somely trimmed and dressy enough for any
occasion; others are plain tailored along
graceful, correct lines.
Every wanted material is shown-English
whipcords; swagger mannish mix
tures; narrow and wide wale serges,
tripes, checks and imported novelties.
Sites for misses, the woman or
average site and the very large
Junior suits in novelty and Nor
folk styles, $12.60 to I14.H5.
Fine Coats.
$14.95. $12.50 ui
Stunning styles so accurately
proportioned and finely made,
chances are you can put one on
and wear it home with you with
out any alterations whatsoever.
Novelty and plain models in every
material and coloring in vogue.
All sites;. including extra sites up
to 53-inch bust in some models.
Junior costs of plain cMh and
fancy mixtures; a wide variety of
becoming girlish styles; sites 15,
17 and 18; $7.6 and up to $14.95.
100 foulard and serge
dresses in a wide range of
the new spring models-a
' special number marked for
Saturday's selling only, at
Sample Line of Dresses, i Off
Values from $20.00 to $35.00
Snappy novelty and plain tailored styles of finest quality, light
weight, wool serge. Since thers Is only one of a kind In the assort
ment it Is impossible to give you an Idea of their beauty in a printed
page-you must come and see them for yourself. And, come esrly
that you may have best choosing If you care to Invest. $20.00 to
$35.00 values at a third less than actual worth.
Lingerie Waists
Tailored Waists ACkr
if waist of sood quality
Jf percale In various pattern, sailed
W " 1 1 .uj fmn. .1 1 til. V KstlirOSV.
il or while they last. 4c for your
1 I choice.
ii.iin.iui ii i'ii "TTVh rri-n-r ----- "i -
One ' lot of lingerie
and black taffeta
waists that formerly sold up to
IS 00 earn, priced for Saturday, or
while they last, at Jc for your
choice -
ombination Suits JGCX 7Q
$4.00 to $5.95 Value, at
At this price you have your choice of either corset cover and
drawers or corset cover and skirt combined-made from finest lin
gerie materials and elegantly trimmed with beautiful lacea and em
broideries. Also, the muslin underwear at the other prices quoted
In this advertisement is to be had In a variety of styles and trlm
.ming schemes.
One lot of combination suits
of either corset covers and draw
ers or skirts, worth $3.00 and
$3.75, at $2.20.
One lot of gown, rorset cover,
drawer, skirts and chemie. regu
larly priced to SJc. Saturday, see.
On. lot of corset covers and
drawer. In several styles, that were
good values at tic, Saturday, tie.
One lot of gowns, skirts, drawers
and chemises that have always
sold at $1.25 the garment, Sat
urday, 89c.
One lut of combination suits of
either corset cover and drawer or
skirts, worth 12.75 the suit. I1.M.
One lot of combination suits of
corset cover and drawers only, our
regular J1.2S values, Saturday, BSC
Pncac Worth $1 00 mi
f A domtn, Saturday . . .? mC
Carnations, worth SOc ana? TSc a
efosen, Saturday oniy .... 29c
Alto special price on ems,
Cramnm and Hyacinth.
Trimmed Hats at 20 to 50
Off Saturday the Last Day
Saturday mh-s the last of our Croat Aftcr-Knstor Snip of
1 rimmed AIiIliiiery-evervtliiriR poos. Im
ported dress hats marked at the prioe
of a plain street hat; ostrich, bird of
paradise, aigrette and loautiful
flnvrer trimmmi lint nt uri.x.o thi
would be remarkable In an end-of- .'"t .
the season sale; tailored and street 'ji
bats at very small sums. Indeed- jHf'
20 to 50 per cent less than regu- .'(tfj
lar ior anyining you cnoose. r,1?
The entire millineiy de- Mr?
.. . r, ' ... ft
panmeni oveniows wiin
nats that elicit volumes
of praiseful comment the hats
you get in this sale.
In this magnificent value-giving event
you will find the most elaborate profusion i V
of the newest shape, trimmings, rolor-har- ft
monies and exclusive models tnst snow
fascinating diversity of brilliant style In-
ventions, ever In the entire Middle West. '
" i, h 1 "
r. vs.
Children's New Percale QQ-
Dresses, Saturday Sale -Oi
This sale is the result of a fortunate buy of some girls' dresses that
were originally made to sell far $1.60 each-all new
spring styles. Extra quality percales, In many pat
terns and colorings, to fit girls from six to fourteen
years of age. Styles are suitable for
school wear as well as for the sum
mer vacation. Undoubtedly, many
wise mothers will purchase several
while they are only 8c.
Girls' Coats-Ages 8 to 14
Serges and mixtures. In browns,
tans, greys and bluea. Most of them
have fanclly trimmed large collars.
$1.75 and up to $8.95.
Girls' Coats-Ages 2 to 8
' Kxceptlonally pretty styles of plsin
blue and tan fabrics and fsncy mix
tures; finished with eontrssting col
lar and cuffs. Prices range from
$2.50 up to $5.00 each.
Children's White Coats
White aerge coats, beautifully
trimmed, to become little ones from
3 to year of age. Our prbe
are 13 75 and H it. hut expert
shopper tell ua they have aeen caH
elling other plare at 14 OS to li.ou
no finer In appearance or flnlati
Roller Skates
ion pair of bora' and girl' kail
searing rolUr ikataa that regu
larly Mil at t: 10 th pair.
Saturday only el.TS
palra of boy' and
girl a' roller skat,
ruiivheaeil at a cnn
leaalnn nd offered a
lay'onlv' fhfc
l i a 7
with hmvy rubber tir and
extra long handle; 1 1.76 value.
ui jinnjuuinnf n n
Kodak Albums
$I.7S Interchangeable leaf albums
alth genuine walrua eal gram
cover. Saturday l0 Interchangeable leaf album
with black rtnth cover . . . TSo
He, x7 Imitation leather album
at Oe
SRc, H,H-lnrh black cloth
albums, with 1 leave las
Seven o tube of Metol-Qulnnl
developer. Saturday only
let as do year Savaloplng- aa
flnlablBST. Complete line of
Matman Kndaka and auppllea.
always on hand.
Good Fortune Brings Women
$2.50 g Corsets for $1.69
Tho picture at the left of this section illustrates one of the corsets
in this big sale and such good news should interest every woman in
Omaha to the extent of at least one pair.
The entire lot of 750 pairs was purchased at a great price conces
sion, as the reduction shows. All are new, clean, fresh goods and per
fect in every way. Tho newest styles are greatly featured in the pic
tured model, as well as mnny other characteristics that have built
for it a wide popularity this season.
"We believe this to be one of the greatest values in a high grade
corset ever offered in the length and breadth of Nebraska.
For This Sale Only
or While They Last
They're Regular $2.50 , Values
- Assortment consists of styles in long hip, medium low bust models
of fine quality batiste and coutil, with dainty trimmings of ribbon and
fine laces, large ribbon bows and draw strings. Each corset is supplied
with three pairs of excellent hose supporters, at front and sides.
Actual $2.50 values, priced for this sale only, $l.(i!.
Most of You Men. Have
Your Own Ideas of the
Clothes You Want
You know the style you wish to wear. The
tlon la "Where, ran I be satisfied?" Hera v
will find two and three-button sack coats: coata
witn the short soft roll front: soma that
hang loose to the figure, fitting where the
fit la hardest to obtain; some that bug tho
form closely.
There are all of the fabrics that add a
quiet grace and dignity to the wearer;
weavea and colorings that pleas th
taatea of those Inclined to the extreme et
fashion-prices beginning at $11.50 and rang
ing up to $35.00.
"National Student"
Clothes for Young Men..
They are tailored by men who make a spe
ciality of young men's clothes and who have
attained a wide reputation for producing th
beat clothea for young men-beat In atyl.
fahrl and finish thoo from th sturdy bin
serge and novelty fabrics new to Ui sesaon.
i ts and up to Ili.DO.
How About Extra Trousers?
11 II to t OS buys an excellent pair of mena
or youna men eatra trouaera. Novelty mli
ture. raaalmers and the etaple wonted In th
assortment. fc
Raincoats, aurh a gaberdine. Kngllah sllpon.
rravenette and rubber roeta ar a atwcialty
with ua They are vartoualy priced aa th
quality warranta
If You Would Like to
Save on a Boy's Suit
investigate th splendid two-psnts suits we ar offering
at $d.00. Parents who hav ahopped all around th
pave com to us with th statement that our boys
two-psnts suits at $&. 00 ssve them from $1.00 to $1.50.
Bur It Is w mad special efforts to bring th
quality up to that high atandard of value giving.
Several styles and materials for choosing.
The best blue serge suits, $4, $5, $6.
Double-breasted suits at $3.75. to $6.
Norfolk suits at $3.00 to $6.00.
Russian and sailor blouse suits, $2.50 to $6.
Boys' top coats at $2.50 to $6.00.
Elegant wash suits, $1.00 to $3.50.
On lot of about ISO boys' summer suits that ar
worth up to $3. SO will be closed out Saturday at
Children' cloth spring; hats worth up to $1.50
each, odda and ends to close out Saturday at 40c
"Little Tudor" rompers, SOc th garment.
Also complete lines of boys' felt, cloth and straw hats; Puritan
btousss and waists, pajamas, Indian and cowboy play suits, and other
furnishings at th same fair prices you hav always found la thla ator.
Men's Shirts That Fit
The fit of a shirt generally deperfds on the stors that provides them for
you. At thla ator ahlrt that fit coat no mere than th common kind. W
Inalat that all the men' hlrt that com Into this ator be liberally cut
through th ahoulder. accurately proportioned for th body, with plenty of
sleeve length, and button put on to tay. The new arrival of thla week are
eapectally pleasing In patt.rn and coloring and they will coat you but 11.09 ,
ann aa you cnooae. r.very one notea ior it perTect-riltlne; qualities.
Men blue Amoakesg shirts with
soft collara; alaea. 1 4 to 17, it fa
cially priced Saturday's aelllng. 4lc.
tioft shirts with military collar
snd French euffa, in solid culors and
neat pin atrip., extra value at II 00.
HtrloUy high grade leather belts In
black and th wanted shades of tan
snd grey, 60c and 76c.
Four-lnhanda In solid colors and
all of th newest bar effects, tie, Iu
snd 00c.
"Rltealae" union eulta of ftneet
combed Diaeo and Hale thread, perfect
fitting and warranted to give entire
uuaiMtmn, i.vo uul the ault
Ilea's fta talaad eettoa aaioa
salts that regularly eell at 7So the
ault, priced aa a leader for Saturday
only. see.
Men's snd young men's hats In the
newest block. In both rough and
rlain effeota. exceptional valu at
:.M and 1 1. OS.
New aprlng and suiuner caps for
men ana young men; every wanted
nape, material ana pattern in
assortment, Ove, TOO and 1.00.
Cf Oft Buys a Watch Worth
ZWmjO $10 to $12. Saturday
A Dedal purch of stylus for both men and women
every movement ueing tuny ihhuhn ann in.
warranted for ten years by the Illlnol and Phila
delphia Watch Cm companies. has merer
beea each a bargalalaa; ef goaraa watabee aa
this lii all the merchandising Malory ef Cmaiia.
All Fancy Clocks at Half Price
Also a Sale of Alarm Clocks
Jump alarm clocks, regularly Tic, Barurday, tie.
Auto alarm clock, regularly 11.00, Saturday, 79c.
Tattoo intermittent alarm clocks, 11.00 value, 11.10.
The above is a picture
of the new "Double Serv
ice" House Dresses, which
will give you a fair idea of
what they are.
We think they sre the most
practical and useful house dresses
vsr designed for they can be put
to many different uses and coat
but little more than th average
bouse dress of a like quality. Some
of th important feature are
No bottoas, books or eye.
-Two reversible frosts.
Kar to laaader.
Easy to psrt aa sad off.
-Caa be made iato fowr dif
ferent style.
Tber ar made of best onaJItr Sea
slaad percales and ar charactaitae
by very superior workmanship,
strroad aad figured sat tarns ta bote
light and dark coleringa.
Ihi pnoe is It. for an atvm.
Om let at brw-aeok aease Sri mi
ef striped percale, ta ail color,
warts Ulh eaxo. .Saturday aa.
SI Union Suits, 75c
Kxtre fine 11.0 union suit in low neck and um
brella style, trimmed with torchon lacea: no aleevea'
the right weight for between-aeason wear; Saturday!
,ac til. ault. '
WoBum'a mi. Ii. mi
ribbed aaloa eulta In
every desired style, for
prlng made by one of
the moat reputable manu
facturer 11.00 the gar-,
ment. Thl garment
cannot be duplicatad In
quality at the price
elaewhere la Omaha
Ohlldrea's flae ribbed
aaioa salts at 5c. aw
necks, no sleeves, tight
fitting knees.
wool vests sad puts for
spring wear vests have
high necks and long
sleevee and the pants
come In knee or ankle '
lengths white only, regu
lar 76c garments. Satur
day. iOc.
Woman's flae Jersey
ribbed aaioa salts in
tight knee or umbrella
styles, excellent value at
10s tbe garment.
Silk Boot Hose, 50c
Look and wear go together In this beautiful allk
boot hosiery at 60c the pair. Come In black snd
color and has lisle top and sole which Insure satis-
fflfnpv at rv kta
with double tops and
soles, three palra for II
A big Ua. of womea'a
sample aostery. In black
and colors, la marked to
close out. at Jlc the pair.
eye aad aauraeo' fla.
sad BMdiaai ribbed kose,
worth 20c the pair, Satur-
wy, "toe.
Vmn..'. atlV
, soetery in all of the
wanted colors, such as
pink. sky. . rhsmpagne.
pearl, steel gray, new
shades of green: . light,
medium and dark tans:
nsvy and black and white:
ior the pair.
womea'a fla
............. .. , - - - - -1 -1 -, -. -n -i,-, ,-, ,-, , , iL-ii-inr n ILn
Gloves for Summer
Women's washabl
doeekia glove with one
large pearl button for
fastening: very dressy
snd specially desirable
for spring and summer
wear; $1.00 the pair.
Womea'a 16 battnn
length, washable loe
kia gloves; unexcelled
for service; $3 tbe pair.
Womea'a two-rlasp
silk gloves in all of the
wanted shadea, and
black and white; the
famous Kayser make,
5i'c. 75e and 1.0o the
Kayser's loVbartoa
leagth silk glove In all
colors and sizes, $1.00
and $1.50 tbe pair.
3?-0 to :5S?
For years "Dorothy
Dodd" Shoes have been
subjected to the inspec
tion of exacting purchasers who
have never yet found them
wanting. That's why each sea
son they unfailingly please the
most particular, and that's why
we have absolute confidence
they will satisfy you.
for Less
SOc Fluffeta choco
lates, Saturday, 29c
the lb. 40c choco
late peanut blocks,
Saturday, 25c the
lb. Dixie molasses
candy, 10c quart.
2 boxes fancy strawberries 23c
3 bunches home-grown spring. onions fic
Fancy youag beets and carrots, bunch Be
3 large heads plain lettuce 10c
4 I be fancy rhubarb 2ftc
Large Juicy lemon, dosen 20c
Those famous Red lands oranges shipped
direct to ua from Redlands, Cal.; none
better grown anywbere-per dozen, 15c
20c, 25c, SOc and ..33c
Special price on Red Rose. Esrly Ohio
and Early Ros 8EED POTATOE3 quoted
on application.
ro Youm ttnroAT bxststss.
Bennett's t'apltol flour
aperial offer of a sack
at SlS
Bennett's Best coffee
and 20 stamp, lb. See
i pound Bennett's Best
coffee and so stamp.
for S1.00
Assorted teas and 76
stamp, lb. 8o
Tea sifting and in
stamps, lb. lso
bnlders chile sauce and
10 stampa. bottle sse
S Iba hand picked navy
beans .... So
Blue I-abel catsup and
lh stampa. bottle sea
Onion salt and a at'pn.
bottle for 16
Bennett's Capitol i-
ract and 2ft stamp.
bottle for ISo
Bennett's Capitol pean
and 20 stamps, can tee
3 ran bale Lye and Id
stamps for ., tee
rsnut butter and 1
stamps, jar lac
Full -ream cheese awl
IS stamps, lb. ... S3e
3 pitas. Toaeto corn
flake. 10 stamps. 15c
5 lba Tc Jan rice for las
Cleaned currants snd 10
tamps, lb. 11 H
Tsrtal aad newer
eeees. pkg. SH
Medium sour pickles
is stamps, quart, lie
Blmark apple butter
and IS stamps. Jar ess
Pint can tlalllard a pur
oliTeoll reduoed to oe
i4-lb. aack "Queen of the
Pantry" pastry flour
aad 1 atampa ..91M
17 Pounds
Sugar for
Btmnartt strawberry or
raspberry jam and
19 8 tamps, jar ....Me
( rakea KlertHc Spark
snap and ! at'pa Ua
gniiir'a tomato soup
and t a tamps, caa 10a
PORK BUTTS .. ... . . .12'oC
POT ROAST 10c, 8c
VEAL ROAST . ,12Mc, 10c
HAMBURGER, 3 lbs. for 25c
for 25c
CORNED BEEF, 3 lbs. . .25c
9 lb. pkff. LEAF LARD $1.00
MORRILL HAMS . . . . 18 Vic
From 7 to 9 P. M. Only