X J , ,, THE REE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. APRIL 13. 1912. 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lllttf m HII1I11H"IM""""" ' ' ' H44uiimw HtHtltfttftllHMIIlllllinilHttHIIMHIIIIIIiniM11lt ecial Sales at Braedeis Stoires .M-V ; ; 1 1 1 1 I J I Ml'l 1 II I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 11 I f H H II " u.i.eAA WtHIIIIIHUWWWHIHII It Httttt ,) .J II 111 HHm 1 1 II III 1111 It fsLm .Wool Dresses ?r MACS TO SELL UP TO $15, $20 and mm rvrntM e. - M morf I a - - . ' V As. J - ., - a.T"' r: -I ' ,fi . : g Jiafc to Sell at 515, $20 and mi 50 'Women's SlaW Made te Sell at $20 .r Whipcords, tVench serges, fancy mix tures and novelty cloths clevpr spring fstyles worth up toiO-Oa . . h Women's $7,50 and These up-to-date skirts made' hnnd novelty mixtures the new paneled ideas smart and dressy A Qg CTiis can be all sizes and worth up to $10.00, at.. . VJvO r Notable Sale $8.00 and $10.00 Show Room Model : . i Bought from a Just 200 stunning show room clever and popular! new gtylBincliylmj Jhtfaverite tz Continental effects, silk hats x-hip straw hats trimmed with flowers as well ttas rough straw effects. ! . Newest 'combinations 'ot spring nluules made hito sell up to $10.00, at.... PRE DEMOCRATS HARMONY .-tjuii Gmenther Tire ol Having Hit ;r Eoud Kicked Around. 3S : inn GETS ' A BE0ADSIDE -" '" ' ' -ftM - History, mt thm Cu i r-- rkalraua mt the DraMratte 33ri Grurathar. forner chslnnaa f democratic elata eoaralttM, Is UU m'hm thtav. capaeuilr iaeMrau coa ffrt wlta tk Bhalloilwraw campalga 4 1M aa4 tb Bryan Voluatear jfteat, ot whtch a was Mm caoler th&t f. His letxar la Id reply to charaaa by I. 1. Iunn ot Omaha, aa4 Is ot Zpmvtam InUrwt. Mr. OramtlMr say: . -'Te Kbraka Dcmocrau: Tbo cam f t ot caaractcr amarinatioa has ch4 saottaor siasa. It la no charsot XI lnUmatad by Tool Alloa. L 1. Duas mi otbor allosoa tfoaocraUc Midwa that Z-la IMS, rood an4 dtaburaed brovoiy f aad la my capacity a oKrotary ot tho wyu Volontoora and of ta state tom auUoa. Orlcmally It u chairoa that tt brawory noaay was aaaot by ma 4 ataet oartala aaaaMnL Now the chars li shlttad. ao aa ta suck tha polsooos ftggOT Into Me. CbaUtabcrsar by aue -S that I speat it la baoalt ot htm ;il a caadldata for soraraor. Tatae charsa an mtmllr malignant '.lU-wlm, Thay ara aa a par vita rfia atUKka auda oa Gaaaraor Uarmea -iy Mika Harrtnctoa. aa Benotor Hllch ;iick by Mr. Bryaa ami oa myaalt aa a ark yaraa tobbnat. Tha pucpoaa u ri'auajy ta epiattar with mo4 uot Cltk ,'Kr acmoetaa who win eat take hie ok m from Tom Aiia and his kttla caaa .3 hoaaoa. t want to aay thia. eaeeirkallyi . I- I (4 wot raodTc a atacia AoUar 31MI 'r" aay eaaire aot Uatad la J. Bryaa Voiuataar atatemaat. " Laa Htrdmaa ann haa raid a ".J'tHar ot moaay to ata at aay paUtieal ,m1h. and Mttbar haa aay oaa alaa - (r-Twrun to rcpraaant any biaaaii or . ; tperUJ lateraat. 1 II a eaaotetciy aartnao that Mr. iilJakaraa- la , aakot mU I was Just 700 dresses in this big pur chase, and they include every new feature for Spring, 1912. Lightweight wool dresses of fine whipcords, French serges, etc., in tans, blue, ' grey and many all Hine stripes. Many , lars and cuffs, others embroidery trimmed, etc. Also manv silk dresses of dainty fou- v lards, fanrv strined. ( - fm - t f ' "' patterns many with trimmings others with i -1 j i S coionru iJiiMiiif. i'l- A Not a dress worth 4;TOairy worth double yfoecond floor. and 522.58 Suits $10 00 for W.men's Novelty line serges and novelty cloths in a score of new spring style features in all sizes for women and misses every new color values up to $17.50. $10 Tailored Dress Skirts at $3.98 of fine voile and other fabrics in Millinery Department New York Manufacturer, models, showing every and: wintered burnt 5 Hits at $5.00 MV MISSES' and JUNIORS' TRIMMED HATS ililan and new peanut straw hats as well as the pretty girlish white lace effects never such an 7r i P assortment in Omaha, at i I DC 10 93 SALE of TRIMMED HATS at $2.50. Big special purchase of newest shas for summer 1912 every correct shape and even- new shade- f ft pa , untnmmed hats made to.sell at $4 and $3, at . . vLd U rtlnc any brawery monry to uaa la bis bahalt or warnad ma coacarnlng It ' Nclthar Bhallcngergar. Kdward E. Hawaii or Lta Hcrdmaa. aamad by I. J. Duna aa hla witaaaaaa. will aay publicly or to any one aaking than that any tatamant mada by Dunn aad raflectlnr oa-mals trua.-- -... . And now . I Want to tall my fallow d amor rata, whoaa raspart sad coaDdaaca ara vary-dear -to ma. tho plain. oaar Blahad truth about tha 1901 campaign. "I startad with tha manaaamant ot tha Bryaa Voluntaara on January la, attar aumaroua and urgent roquaata from Tom Allan, Mr. Bryaa'a brothar-la-law. Vtom that day untU alectloB I worked Ilka a alave. aad narar racatvad a cant or wanted a cant for my aanrlcaa. . What I did, was dono freely, out of love for tha cauae. and nobody knows this batter thaa Bryaa and Allaa. Until BVptrmber 1 I did my work at Colombua. Thaa I moved my head quarter to Lincoln and worked from there. Warn tha democratic .elate plat form convention mat la Lincoln, tha lat ter part ot Sept amber. Mr.. Bhailenbarcer want before tha committee aad made a reqoeet that aonwbody be eepedally deatanated to take charge of hla cam paian.' Arlhuur, r. MuUea and Tom Allen, aapactally Allan, orged ma for tola duty, which waa agreeable to PhaJfen enr. I proteated. alnce aU my work op to that Um had beaa done tor Bryaa. aad my heart aad soul ware la tha Bryaa cauae. I frit that, with tha right effort. Bo aa could win, while the MkaUeabenmr campaJcn looked to ma a all bat aopeleea. But Allea waa chair man of tha commute, and Mr. Bryaa'a brother -la-law aad spokoamaa. aad 1 finally yielded to hla taatetaoee. That Is how. after eight months of Incaaaaat work. I eajne te shift from Bryaa to tl Bnalleabemor end of the flgtiL Helped Allea a. "Whaa I flrat movad to Lincoln. Allea was abort of funds for tha state com mittee, and aakod ma for help out of tha Bryaa Voiuataar 'funds, for office help, portage, etc. 1 gave him this help. xhea. whew I took bold of the anallanbercat campaign, ha told ma to aao tha Volun teer fUBde for eattloc out let t era and Printed matter Cor ShaUeaberger. that aoaUeabcrger had coairUmtad ta the 5!$69-8 $22.50 v 4 white and hair with lace col- mired them in our front show window. They range in price ; from $o to $10 in Art Dept., at, each rineed and fisrured o " lace collar and cuff self trimming and less than $10.00 and or more on sale on CLOTH COATS blacks, fancy stripes son. IN lata committee and we would make a common pot cut of the atata committee and Volunteer funde. though the ec eounta ware kept separately. "I uard between S2.S0S and Hew for ghallenberger out of tha Volunteer fundi. Every penny or It waa accounted for la tho statement laiued to members of the Volunteers. The Bryaa Volunteer statement book shows every Item ot re ceipts and expenditure, with exact datea, and I court the cloeeet Investi gation. The money there accounted for Is all I received and all I used. I never sent out a dollar for workers. I have always prided myself oa acrupuloua ex actness and honesty In the matter of campaign funds. Only about seven week aao 1 received, from Mr. L J. Dunn himself, a cordial letter complimenting ma oa tha manner in which I had ac counted for the money of the Democratic State club, and expressing the wish that there were more clean and able demo crat like myself la Nebraska New he eays I was a dliburaer of brewery funds la 1M and be knew it all the time. Not only did I use no brewery money, ex cept that accounted for In the Volunteer statement, but at ao time la the Shal lenberger campaign, by letter or word of mouth, did I raise the 'wet' and 'dry' Issue, or try to raise It The Issues were ettoa, and I confined myaelf to the guaranteed deposits and matters ot tax- mha Llaoor latereata Help. "All the brewery money I received as secretary la 1901 la listed, and the name of tha donor gtvea la the Bryaa Volun teer published statement. Every dollar of It waa raised before the Denver con vention, end before 8halleaberger was nominated for governor. Every brewer In Omaha, with. I think, one exception, and many saloon keepers, appear la that Bryaa Volanteer book, together , with ether brewers and jalooa keepers throughout the state. H. v. Haywaid. an Omaha brewer, rot mora members thaa any one elaa. Ha eol idled all toM Ul members, whose par menu amounted te HA la recognltloa ot hla semcea. he wee awarded lh. Bvran Volunteer flag, which he and Meier Klein, an Omaha ttquor dealer carried through tha Denver convention. "I noticed a ntunbsr ot things ta the SPECIAL SALE MAIN FLOOR HAND EMBROIDERED Sofa Pillows Complete with top, back and edge. Without inside pillow. Positively worth $5.00 to $10.00, at $1.50. - In American Beauty Rose, Violet, Chrysan themum, Daisy and large number of conven tional designs. These slips are just ready for the pillow with satin edges, silk cords and heavy fringe effects. Thousands ad $1150 The New Corsair Waists Made with Peplum $1 Aft Spring's Cleverest Design . . V 1 " w On a Main Floor Bargain Square we ofter hun dred! of new arrivals in these clever spring and sum mer waists; daintily made and selling elsewhere at 12. SALE OF MESH BAGS g.1 German Silver Mrsh Bags with 6-Inch frame, kid lined, at .' '. . 81.98 94 German Silver Mesh Bags, revers ed mesh special at r -82.29 $.1 German .Silver. Meek. Bags, kid lined; beautiful grape design on frame and fringe, of mesh hanging" in points, at $2.98 ' Most wonderful values aver known in mesh bags. - ' IN CHILDREN'S DEPT. 2D FLOOR ' Children's new and pretty coats in ages 4 to'' H dainty spring styles made to sell at 6 and dC I7.6U Saturday at $v Broken lota ot children's good quality spring coats, 4 to 14 years, values up to S4.00, gQ Children's Pretty Wash Dresses, worth up A H to $2.60, at $1.00 and JlOU ANNUAL SALE OF ROSE BUSHES j and Other Shrubbery. Strong, hardv bushes that will bloom this sea- Great variety of Robcs, Honeysuckles, Wisteria, Clematis, lilacs, etc., etc. ' that regularly sell as high as $1.00 Saturday at, each BASEMENT MILLINERY DEPT. Sample In trimmed Shapes In good, new spring styles and colors. Select from hundreds Q that are worth up to 11.60, at OS7C BOO Women's Spring Hata Show room samples ot trimmed millinery, worth up to $5, at y gft $1.60 and JOU campaign of 190 which looked peculiar to me. and some of them have helped explain things happening alnce then. "When the platform committee met 1 spoke to Arthur F. Mullen, a member ot the committee, and told him two things I would like to sea in the plat form. One waa a plank for the election of precinct assessors, and the other a Plank for the Initiative and referendum He told me the platform draft prepared la advance already contained the Initia tive and referendum. .... rialac the PUt farm. "After the committee had adjourned I was not present at the meeting I no ticed the assessor plank waa In. but the Initiative and referendum plank had been cut out. I asked Mullen why It was left out He told me that Tom Allea and other friends ot Mr. Bryaa didn't want It in. I later asked Allea why Bryaa didn't went it, and he told me such a plank would hurt Bryaa la the east. He said, moreover, the liquor people are treating us sll Tight sad we a anted to leave both the Initiative and referendum and county option out ot the platform.' Shallenberger. I remember, wanted the Initiative and referendum indorsed: and had a draft ot hie own containing It But the upshot of It was that It waa left out of the platform, which was adopted la conformity with Mr. Bryan's wishes, lust ss It wss left out of the platform adopted earlier In the year by the stats convection that elected deles' tee te the Denver convention. "1 am not surprised that I. J. Dunn Is seeking aa excuse ta attack ShaUenbergar. Mr. Dunn, who Is a brewery attorney, haa never for sir en Shallenberger for signing the I o'clock law. Before the law was signed he boasted that he 'could ban die Shallenberger' and he went to Lin coln aad made the principal speech that waa mada urging the governor ta vote the law. When the governor disre garded the mstructtoae of trie brewery attorney and attached hie name to the act, he laid himself subject to slander and sbuss at Dunn's hands whenever Dunn can find tha opportunity. . Dancer for Deuaorrata. " "1 have learned a great many things ta this fight. Oaa is that It la danger ous for aay Nebraska democrat to think tor himself It he speaks aad acta aocord- REMARKABLE SALE OF REED & BARTON'S Quadruple Silver Plated Tea Sets Plates, Dishes and All Kinds of Hollow Ware at Bargains Nerer Before Offered in Omaha's History "We bought 2,000 pieces of this famous Keed & Barton silver from a famous New York wholesaler at a big reduction. It is plated on hard white metal and is the finest silver plated ware made. It is sold exclusively to jewelers. The purchase includes tea sets, serving trays, coffee pots, fruit bowls, kettles, samovars, vases, creamers and sugars, plates and dishes of al) kinds, and Saturday! on main floor, we place, the entire stock on sale. At Less Than One-Half Their Wholesale Value -. POSITIVELY MOST WONDERFUL BARGAINS EVER SEEN IN SILVERWARE - $2.50 and $3 individual silver creamers will go at, each, $1. ' 300 odd silver pieces, sugar bowls, creamers, cups and many ("A other pieces, worth $3 to V I 9v $5, at ; Large, fancy serv ing trays, large tea pots, cof f e e pots cake' stands, new style castors, pierced work, fruit bowls, large, massive pieces worth up to $12, at 33.98 ..... - Special Prices Hair Goods Transformations that wil go around the head, made" of fine hair; $5.00, values at $3.98 18 and 20-inch Switches, natural fluffy hair, worth $2.00, at '.. .....98C 22-inch Natural Wavy Switches, $3 values $1.49 24-inch Natural, Wavy German Hair Switches- $3.50 values, at $1.95 2G-inch Natural AVavy German Hair Switches; $3 values, at $3.98 28-inch Natural Wavy German Hair Switches worth $8.00, at . . :' -$5.98 24-inch Net Covered Rolls, at -35c Washable Hair Rolls, worth 75e, at 50c Extra large size Real Hair Nets, 35c size, at. .25c Two extra large size nets for .5c Shrubs f A l"v Coiffures and Braids from your combings or supplied by us. . , . . ,k I Ing as he thinks. I hope, however, that I the mudslingers will keep on with their work. I court the closest Investigation. It has always been my way of doing business. In or out of politics, ro do It honestly and honorably. And so long ss this discussion has started I hope they will carry it oa further. I am la a mood and In possession of facta to tear the mask ot saintllneas and reform from the faces ot the political McNa marsa who are making their foul accusa tions and vile Insinuations against hon est men.. To thoee who are hurling the filth 1 eay. '81 nee you nave started this personal fight, keep It up.' 1 have only barely begun to unburden myself. I haven't worked faithfully and hard for all these years without reward or hope ot reward now to submit myself tamely to character assassination without tell ing the truth about some things I know. "la conclusion, I say, as la the begta nlng. I know nothing whatever of any brewery contributions In 1M eutalde of what , appear la the Bryaa volunteer list.- Like -eh notorious mystery of what became of the fli.ee sent inta Ne braska to Tom Allea In 19M la behalf ot Judge Parker, 'when Allen waa chair man of the - state committee, and for which Allen never accounted, the story ot brewery money ta democratic politics must be told by some one other than myeeU. "C. M. GRUENTHER." CURES SOLDIERS WITH "606" British Army garateoa la ladla A eaaapltahee Caad Reealla with Khrlteh S perl lie. Keo-eaJvaraea, which Is common lr called TH" from the famous etUh ex- wf Dr. Paul Ehraca, by which no evolve hla epadfle tor the eairillar iafeeaoaa ot the Mood, at being triad , with oa usual success among the Brtth- ! tab so hilars la ladla. accord lug to aa article which Captain E. C. French. M. D, F. B, C. 8. Kdrn, Royal Army Medi cal eorpe, haa contributed to a recent number of the British MedtcaT Journal. Captain Frwaea la a eoa-ta-law of IX N. Carvalbo, the haadarrlttag expert eg thts city. Cantata FTraacb la stationed at Ah measager Dorsal a. South ladle, aad find ing that a number at his soldiers Teapots, etc., worth Most wonderful bargains in the sale are these large samovars, coffee ma chines, massive vases, loving , loving cups, m and other rich and elegant silver pieces, made to sell from $23 to $30, which we offer t. Scores of other articles in silver on sale Saturday. Such a sale as this has never been seen in Omaha. Thousands hnve ad mired the window. This silverware at less thnn one-hnlf wholesale made hair Switches, Puffs and Trans formations dyed by eiperts. Shampooing, Manicuring and Scalp Treatments. suffering from the spirillar infection a -,h. h. .h,... . ago. tubes of "COS" from J. K. R. McDonagh of the London Dock hospital. The specific was received ta the form of a yellow powder hermetically aealed In a glase ampulla. One end of the glass ampulla wss to be broken off by tho physician when he waa reedy to use the specific, and the contents turned out Into a glass mortar which had been sterilised. Captain Pfreorh flrat dissolved the yel low powder la as small a quantity of ethyl alcohol aa possible. To this be added about tea cubic centimeters ot very hot water, aid then stirred the fluid vigorously until it seemed quit homogeneous. Thaa ha added a email quantity of sodium hydrate (forty grama to the Uteri aad a few drops of aa al cobolle solution of phenol pht ha Ida - and enough normal acetic add to cauae the red color of tha mixture to disappear. Finally, a few drops of normal sodium hydrate were added until the mixture as sumed a faint rose tint. The mixture waa Injected Into the pa tient s shoulder with an unusually large bored needle, the mixture bring particu larly apt to become attcky and thick, ac Tha warr great majority' of persons Bead a tonic is tha Spring or early Bummer. The system undergoes a chant at this season and tha entire physical machinery la disturbed. Tha general bodily weakness, a tired, worn-oat ieelmg. nckls appetite, poor dignstmn, a half sick feeling and ft . general run-down condition o the system, show that tha blood is weak or anaemic, and a blood purifying tonic ia needed to build up tha deranged avatam and enrich tha blood. Tha uaa of 8. 8. 8. at this time mar aava . Ton from a long spaa of sickness, and long, hot Bummat. Many people hare became ao wwajranea ana dopes tea a germs, ana nave paua tor uw uegjave wiw a apnu ui iarrer, matana or noma other debilitating aickaeaa. 8. 8. 8. is Natura'a ideal tonic. It la a composition of tha extracts and juices of roots, herbs and barka which ' science and experience have proraa ara best fitted for a tonic to the human system. It contains no minerals ot any kind and is therefore perfectly ants ' for parsons of any age. 8. S. S. tones ap the stomach and digestion, rids the srstam of that tired, worn-out feeling, and imparts njror and strength to every part of tha body. It purifies aad an-lrhas tha blood, atimulates tha secreting and excreting members to better action, quiets tha over imlrrr, assTa sad niaaas one fael better fa every war. THJS SWIFT S?OFlC CO. ATLAS?! OA. cake stands, sandwich plates, bread trays, serving trays, . CaQQ .fruit bowls, covered tureens,- V 0 up to $10, at Large water pitchers; - kettles, serving' trays and many other hand some1 pieces that were originally in tended to sell as high $15, will go at $4.98 . cups. price. Jlen's Shoes 00 pairs In Un and black leath srs. batton and laoatyjes, wuk Goodyear welted soles, broad high to lasts, also I few oustom lasts all sixes and widths In one style or another. Shoes worth $3.00 or more are spe cially priced, at a An or $4.15 HURLEY BROS. SHOES and OXFORDS for Men Tan calfskin, dull calfskin and patent leather In the new Eng. llsh laata, straight lace without eyeleta and other popular styles; . ".T5! fuH rne f sises and all leathers In these blah graae sboes. it Kr nn f " $5.00 BOYS' SHOES Gu metal, patent leather and tan ealf leathers button and blucher lace styles-new m,n. nish lasta with beat Af A3 lr aolld leather throughout; sizes 1 to are IJ.60, sizes tfo less than 1 are ... $6 cording to Captain Ffrench. The stride aatiseptle precautions were taken, and the needle boiled In salad oil. All Cap tain rfrench'a patients were kept In bed Are or six days. Captain Ffrench In his article slates that he cured a sVyrar-oM color sen. geant. who had had the spirillar In fee. tloa for twelve years, in four weeks with) this mixture, the symptoms not only en- i tlrely subsiding,, but the patient actually gaining sixteen pounds In weight during, the treatment. t A 2-year-old private who had had the disease for one year, after eighteen days bad nothing to show. of the former In., taction except a few alight stains of the , skin. Since these first cases Captain Ffrench haa treated .US eases among his soldiers. Every treatment he says. has. been aa unqualified success. New York Times. Seaay Alberta and Saskatchewan. Theae Sections are the. granary of thg World. Beached vis ' the Soo Line from St. Psul and Itinera polls. Free information, address W. B. Harley, D. P. A . tit Fifth ft, les Moines. Is. NATURE'S TONIC it will certainly prepare you for tha ptit o9 using a tonic until the STsteni ooun not suixsaatiiuy turow oa disease .