Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1912, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
news section
VOL. XL1-XO. 258.
Measure Deaigned to Meet Scent
Decision of Supreme Court
Teddy: "Ain't it Awful"
Clara Barton Pauei Away at
Her Home at Glen Echo, Md.,
After Long Illness.
ir :womW''Kitt vi' -.xv.v'-. r rrr xi-w v - w
Received Messages from All Parti of
World Last Anniversary.
She Wat Aptly Called the Florence
Nightingale of America.
'she Waa Actively I'uHKtri with
Relief Work Darlaa Civil War,
la FTwaee, Itaeala, Tarker
i Taba.
WASHINGTON, April li.-Mlea Oar
Barton, founder of the American Red
Crnes society, died at h.- home In Olaa
IKcftj, Md., today. Th caiw of her
death v. chronic pneumonia with which
the nj strk-ken about a year ago. Her
brother. Stephen Barton of Boston, waa
wiih her when the dleil. .Miss Barton waa
burn at Oxford. !" . In ISM.
Miss I'iulhi had been' confined to her
Iwnie. "lied Cro,". at Glen Jicho, Md.,
: since lust fall, when she returned from a
v visit to New
frr trip was
Ivaitl she as
( She celehrat
.visit to New Kngland. Ita thought
beneflci!. bat soon after-
as taken seriously III.
elehratrd her nme:ieth birthday
'anniversary December -a. when ehe'r
reived many messages of congratulation
ftoni all rarts of the worie.
nrae On Many Haltlrfleld.
Clarissa Harlowe Barton. known
''throughout Christendom as Clara Barton,
has been aptly called the Florence Nlght-
iPKale of America. On the battlefields of
the civil war and In the camps of the
Vrench and German armies In Europe she
I rued wounded and dy,ng soldiers. Bha
k personal charge of the nursing of
fever patient of the south and after
fall of the commune she entered Parts
toot and distributed food to the atarv-
She endured the halshlps of travel
Russia and Turkey to relieve suffering
humanity and faced the dangers of yellow
fever In Cuba to nurse Cuban reconeen
tredos and later the American toldlers
In Santiago.
Miss Barton was born December .
at Oxford, Mass.. and was the
lighter of Captain Btephen Barton, who
fought under Mad Anthony Wayne
agalnet the Indiana. After completing her
schooling ah waa a teacher for a time,
but the occupation did not ault her and1
she became a cloth trimmer In factory.
Iter. after a course at the Clinton Lib
eral Institute, ah ventured anon M
undertaking and founded a free eehaol at
Rordentown. N. J., which, begiantng with
all pupils, quickly grew until It numWred'
nearly). 8hs was not contented at
Bordentown and, going to Washington,
secured a place In the patent office,
which she held until the outbreak ot the
civil war. v . -, ,"."
When hostilities commenced Mils Bar
ton Immediately gave up her place in th
patent office and advertised In the paper
of Worcester, Mass.. that ahe would re
ceive store and money for wounded sol
diers at the front, which ahe would per
eonally distribute. Her appeal wa so
I'berally anawered that It became nece
fry to use large wareroam In Washinc-
I n in which to store the donations. She
lent direct to the headquarters of Oen-
feral Butler In Virginia and undertook
: with all the energy and will at her eon-
' mand the work of relief to th troop.
Pit continued with the ((.Idlers In Vlr-
m i nurinK nee-ir ine enure pwrrow vi
the war. and In ISM General Butler ap
pointed her head nurse of the hospitals
In the army of the James. This wa the
beginning of her long service In relief
work. Mia Barton conducted all her
work Independently of other charitable
reHef omnlzatlons.
Meats W lasts a Soldier.
I'pon .returning to Washington at the
close of the war Mis Barton petitioned
congress for an appropriation of S1S.W
In payment of her services 'In endeavor
ing to discover soldiers of the
army of th Vnlua States. r.d la com
municating Intell.gence to their relative."
Congress did not respond very readily to
her appeal. ' and when the Mil finally
passed It wa In payment of service ren
dered and M be rendered. During the
neit few year Mia Brto engaged la
the work of finding th graves of eot
diera unknown, missing or unrecorded.
After completing this work Ml Barton
took the lecture pisiform under an agree
ment to lecture for nights at W a
night. Her subject was her experience
In th war, and she was so well adver
tised and managed that It proved a vary
successful venture until h broke dowa
In the spring of 167.
Two year' "later Mis Barton went to
Kurope. and ah, waa abroad warn th
i rranco-PruMlan , war brok out. 8b
hurried to 8traburg and plunged head
lory. Into th work of nursing the
fTSlSded aoldier. Phi proceeded later to
Pari and rendered asetrtanc la reliev
ing the distress after the fall of Com
mune. Her work abroad did not go un
recognised, la addition to reward of a
more substantial cnaracrar in received
. numcrotra medal and decoration from
th sovereia-n of the old world. i
Work for Red fro Treaty.
For several year fter her return to
America she urged upon th government
(Continued on Second Page)
) The Weather
For Nebraska Unsettled, warmer and
protvlv showers: cooler in esat portion.
Kor low-Shower: cooler.
Ten r-T rater at Osaaaa Yesterday.
rloor. De.
U m..
a. na..
a. m ......
a. as
I s. m ,;
II a m
IS m
1 p. m. ...........
i p. m-
I a. m
4 p. m
I p. m..
p. m
7 p. m
I p. m..
. m
. 4b
. !
I'riimi milnitU ml ?
Photo Taken by Bee Staff Photographer
at the Reunion Last Year of the Army
of the Tennessee at Council Bluffs.
Flood Fighters
Along Mississippi
Holding Their Own
MEMPHIS. Trnn., April 12,-The Utile
armiea of flood fighters are-holdlng their
own all along the upper stretches of the
Mississippi river today. At Luxor and
Oaceola, Ark., th tltustlon still is crit
ical and breaks may occur, but the flood
I gradually receding and the end of the
crisis I In sight. A faat boat with a
cargo of provisions for the villager wis
tarted from Memphis this morning.
Th river here continued to fall slowly.
the gauge reading at I o'clock thla morn
ing showed a stag of tTw, a fall Of ne
ts mb sine 1 o'clock last night.
In the Memphis district Helena, Ark.,
southing in lenfi of tuieiest,' water
from three ores, is making It way
back Into th Mississippi river through
th Bt FTncl river, which empties Into
th Mississippi just above that city.
However, the levee at Helena is. un
usually atropg. and it Is generally be
Heved It will withstand the pressure.
CAIRO, III.. April lt-The Ohio river
fell one-tenth of a foot during th night
and today th gauge registered M.t feet.
Women and children who were sent from
th dty when the river rose above th
tavel of th city have begun to return
despite the fact that th water oursldt
the levees Is si III ten feet sbova th level
of the slty. Th only way to get Into the
dty It by boat, aa th railroad have not
been able as yet to get their tracks re
paired. Four Boys Drowned
m the Ohio When
Sailboat Capsizes
EAST LIVERPOOL, "O".. April It-Four
boy war drowned early , today whan a
boat In which they were crossing the
Ohio river from the West Virginia aid
capalsed twelve mile south of her. A
fifth hoy was saved. Th drowned boy
wr Henry' Brandt, 30 year old; fieri
Brandt, a year' old. and Hugh Sproul, IS
year old. of Porthomer. O.; and Clifford
Howard, 17' year old, of Falrvtew, w. Va
BUFFALO, N.-Y., -April It-Two In
dictments, one containing ten counts
sgalmt th American rwpreas company
nd on containing flv count against
th Adam Express compear, were re
turned -this afternoon by th- federal
grand jury. ' The American la charged
with overcharging In ten cast on ship
ment rlgrnatlng at Allqulpp.' Pa., and
passing through this district. The maxi
mum penalty at a fin of for each
Th flv counts against th Adam Ex
press company charge that a rebel waa
allowed shippers at Arcade. K. Y-. In re
tors for bringing their good to th coca-
say' station. ueh a rebate haa been
held legal, hut It la alleged th company
failed to publish a tariff showing the
rebate. Th penalty on conviction for
each offense la a fin of not lees than nor greater thaa .
The National Capital
FtlfJar Ay HI IS, 11 Z.
. ) Ikebemte.
) P. C. Lwry at tlnaix) cofnmIt't tr
, 9igr bHl heart nit rudiatxl fliatrntenta
: thai rflnTii would derive all the benefit
from tb bilL
Tbe Eoate.
Jntepli 8el!vood. or expert, testified
before Pteel trust Uiveetisattiisr eonmittee
that there are mnjr mi!kn lona o iroa
ore throuf Kout the country not raonjv
oliied by 8te4 tniat.
RjBumt debate em poatoffjee approp
rtettofi bill, with an are merit to con
tinue in ataalffw tjatfl il p m.
h or eta a afiatra commit tee recorded
hm4m tat favor of the Suiaer btU
tor Amerirn owned embassies and legi-
, 73 i uon anrnaa.
. 74 Miiiotity eejder iJann aeath.nclr d
, e I nounced heir mm Qrabam and Inter
, Zi 'deparfawnt romniittee.
, 71 charglna- them with knwinvi permlt
. 73 tin a woman lMby1at tn vhape ltr1 slat ton.
, 71 Mr. Helen Ptme Oray of aUnneema
, m vaa aajDed by Mi JUoa aa the lobbyist.
on Monopoly. I
Combinet Board of Examiners with j
Commissioner is Tribunal.
Believes Change Asked by Minority j
Justices Important
Meaaare Gives Htas Saase Right ef
lae a If He Had Boacht aa
Article that Wa ot
(From a (ttaff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON. D. C. April U.-8pe-clal
Telegram.-Senator Brown, who in
traduced a bill to prohibit monopoly of
patented products, in explaining his rea
son for th measur said that he wanted
to meet the objections of the minority
ot the supreme court which he believed
vital. Changea which his bill contem
plates are. that It limits th attorney
who hall have th rignt to practice be
fore th patent office tn that It stab
llshes a register of attorneys, who after
examination, are found to -h xpert
and qualified to represent applicants. Th
bill combine the board ot examiner In
chief, with the commissioner and two
aaalstants. Into a single appellate tri
bunal. Section St contains the principal amend
ment and la designed to meet th opinion
ot th supreme court recently rendered In
th care of Dick against Henry. Th pro
vision of this section expressly gives th
purchaser of a patented, article th right
to It us without restriction or limita
tion. Br this provision th patent owner
1 powerless to impose terms upon th
purchaser and allow th purchaser th
same freedom In trade that he would
hav If he bought an article not paten
ted. Uraslag la as Hrarlnse.
At th request of Olfford plnchot and
others. Acting Chairman Graham of the
House Public Land committee haa desig
nated May 3 and t aa datea for heatings
on the question of leasing graslng lands
on the public domain. It la expected many
westerners will attend and testify, and
it la hoped aa a result of thee hearing
to form a definite Idea as to the pos-
Ibllllle of such legislation during th
coming (colon. '
Postal savins Deposits.
On January a, 112, there war ttt
postal- eavlnga depositories In operatic
In low witn aepotitg amounting is svsr
rm.Oo. This amount was deposited by
.7: m-i.- . :i
atnrur ,w Tjepouore,w an I
M per depositor. Sine th opening ot
postal savings depatltorl In lows there
have been approximately I.M account!
opened and more than 5, dpolts
mad or an average ot two deposit to
each depositor, and about l.KO withdraw
al or an average ot leas than on to
each two depositor.'
Compared with the number of deposl-
tors and amount of deposit with other
atataa, Iowa rank twenty-third In num
ber of account remaining open January
n and 9 In total amount remaining on
deposit, showing that Iowa rank th
same In reference to number of accounts
aa It doe In amount on deposit
Wheat Goes Up on
Reports of Damage
to Winter Crops
CHICAGO. April 11-Whest pries to
day . advanced in a manner which at
tracted wld attention. Th cause was
th fact that damage to th soft winter
crop appeared to hav reached nearly th
proportion of a disaster.
Many miller here from Interior point
bought cash wheat freely and war not
backward In confirming reports that hun
dred of field which were expected to
produce a fine harvest would hava to bt
plowed under and utilised as far aa pos
sible In some other way. The Injury,
though vast wa stated to be confined
chiefly to states east ot th Mlwourt
river. July wheat, which cloud last night
at Si .ari6 1 .91. today reached tl.M and
finished within a shad of last night'
Elk Tooth Fakir is
Coming Back Here
HELENA. Mont.. April 11 H. O. Beyer
as under arrest here, charged with using
th mail to defraud. HI arrest ws
made at th request of the United State
marshal for th district ef Nebraska and
Boyer will be taken to Omaha.
It I alleged that Boyer wrote letter
to residents of Nebraska offering to sell
them elk teeth In quantities, aultabl for
the manufacture of button and pin, for
S1.7S each. It Is alleged the teeth were
Imitations, carved from walrus tusks.
Self-Styled Messiah
Kills Wife and Self
LONDON, April 11-Th Iter. Samuel
Henry, th self-styled "mcselah." who on
February caused s sensatloa In the
House of Common by flrlwg several
hot at the celling ot the lehby, was dis
covered today la his home wtlh two re
volver bullet la hi bead, while by hla lay hla wlfc'a body wtlh tbe throat
SAN ANTONIO. Asm H-Wuiie n,.r.
ton. hla wife and two children and Leon I
hi. krnfh.r-i.l .11 '
I mere murdered while asleep in their home
i here early today. Th head ot sach vic
tim appears to have been crushed with
sa axs and butcher knives were found
ticking la all bodies except too of th
From th Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Governor of Ohio Makes Address at
Auditorium Meeting.
Clalat . for His Admlalsiratloa
Lara Aaieaal ef ProsTrraalvraea
sad Declares Belt Oppoaed to
Graft ef All Farm.
Oovernor Harmon of Ohio delivered a
spirited address here tonight In reply to
criticisms of his public record and the
assertion, that he was a "reactionary."
He resented aa a slander- the Intimation
that he stood for or permitted special
privllegea-"an offense little short of
treason In the eyes of the democrat"
and declared the charge that he took part
In th al ot government bonds, while
a cabinet officer wa mere wanaonness.
Oovernor Harmon a vim to uman ioi
lowed an announcement that William J.
Bryan would speak In Ohio In opposition
to Governor Harmon. Mr. Harmon did
not mention th nam ot the .S'ebrWn.
but "aid:
The good peopl of. Ohio will beer me
- mn whew l-ar. rs hX-t w
. . , h.n
honestly. flrly, economically and ca
pably managed a they hav keen by the
present democrat Ic administration. It ha
been bvus Jeffersonlan principle were
practiced and not merely prated about,
teases by lavltatloa.
In beginning. Oovernor Harmon Mid:
"I am her by the Invitation of my
good friend In Nebraska, and, whll I
am always adverse. to speaking about
myself, I feel that it la du to them to
peak of tome matter of a public nature
about which falsehoods hav been circu
lated so wholly unfounded that persist
ence In them cannot be (scribed to proper
motives. It would not be necessary to do
thla at home.
There ha been no retraction of the
published statement that I took part In a
aale of government bond which oc
curred month before I entered the cab
inet. And a th fct ar matter of
public record making the charge without
Inquiry was mere wantonness.
As tht I th only attempt at apecin-
catlon under th charge of favoring any
Interest but those of th public. It
complete refutation discredits the charge
with vry lover of fair play. v. nen, one
ha been In public life as much aa I have
his conduct affords a bette test ot him
than th !!rtions of other of hi own.
Altltade Treat.
Among the many things It waa my good
fortune to accomplish aa attorney-general,
th on best known, and for which
even my republican successors have com
mended me. wa scouring from th u
preme court the tint decision upholding
th Sherman antl-truet law. These wer
not announced until my term had ex
pired, but afterward' became tn nasi
of th cast In which that wholesom
law waa enforced, until the recent ones
wherein the Ides of reasonableness waa
Introduced. Yet. though the Ict arc
of common knowledge, the false sts fo
ment I reiterated that I neglected my
duty In that regard.
'But my flrt election as governor,
when Ohio went republican by almost
?e ae majority, ws due to th knowledge
of my public service and th belief by
th people of Ohio that their continuance
would bring about reforms whose need
had become urgent
"One of the related to favoritism
and grafting In connection with the d;-pi-slt
in bank if the public money. While
I waa making the campaign largely or.
Iheae matter one of my associates ou
th ticket, aa I afterward leaine-1. was
trying to setter hla prospect oy promis
ing deposits in isse of hi election to
beakers who would give him support
by votes or contribution-. This man Is
now noisily 'progressive' and fabrtcator-In-chlef
of a "league- at whose first
meet--. the door keeper waa under Indict
ment for bribery in the legislature and
is now In the penitentiary.
- leasee" Mrs Fall.
"Only the governor and the treasurer
eere successful st that election and
another member ot tills 'league' eho,
I understand, ha been stumping In Ne
braska, did hia best to prevail on the
treasurer to break farlh with the people
by going on with the favor practice
they-had so sharply condemned, I sent
for him and threatened to denounce bun
pubhclr- It turned out mat ne naa a
wn0 h4 'e
lUftdS 11010 OB OI ine lavo.-T! unu
which had them at Ti Interest, wblle
It wa paying t". Interest on all other
"But the treasurer kept the faith and
under th promised plan of free and fait
(CouUaued on Second Page.)
Mr. Mann Protests '
Against Activity of
. Woman Lobbyist
WASHINGTON, April 12. -A tcalhln
denunciation of member of th house
committee on expenditures In the laterior
department waa delivered ot the houne
floor today by Mr. Mann of Illinois, the.
minority leader. He charged that Mr.
Graham of Illinois, chairman of the com
mittee, had permitted a woman lobby! at.
known by him to be In the employ of per
sona pressing claims before the commit
tee, to ahape legislation.
Mrs. Helen Pierce Oray of Minnesota
waa the woman named by Mr. Mann. 11
charged that for three months she had
occupied a desk In the office of the com
missioner of Indian affairs on the
strength of hr relations with the house
Mr. Mann said Mrs. irav had solicited
and had received fees amounting to sev
eral hundred dollars from Indian claim
ants before the government. Mr. Mann
said that a dissnttsfted Indian had fllM
a protest with Chairman Graham and
that he had told the woman to "keep the
Rev. George Bellers
. is Elected Bishop
of South Dakota
NEW YORK. April ll-The Rev. George
Beller. Jr., formerly of New Jersey, wa
elected bishop of South Dakota and Rev.
Herman Page of . Clilcago was elected
bishop of New Mexico st th concluding
veasion of th Episcopal house of bishops
in the cathedral of n't. John, th divln
today. The meeting was presided over
by Bishop Tut lie.
DUBLIN. lrelnd. April tt-Th na
tionalist papers of Ireland on the whole
consider th government's home rale Mil
ss satisfactory, although him of them
profess to regard It aa not being final.
The Freeman's Journal describes the
bill ss the greatest, the boldest and th
most KeneroBs of th three home rule
bills, and sas:
"We eho-iid not be surprised to find It
received with hearty welcome by th
Irth party."
The lrteh Time, unionist, save.
'The measur will prove so utterly un
workable a to offer no middle course
between complete separation from Great
Britain and a return to the status ot the
The Irish Independent remark:
t would probably he correct tn de
scribing the bill to say that it give us
three-quarters of what we expected and
probably i t o large a share of what
we demanded. The measure cannot be
regarded a final."
The Cork Free Press says:
"The government's scheme 1 not a so
lution of th Irish problem."
; ",'.
) 64
I '4 f
; f r , - 4
' r
Councilman Secures Thirteen More
Votes Than City Attorney.
ttarw Ratrrsalr lee sad Wet !fl-
Itely settled Vatll I -eat Vets
Is Coasted Twelfth
Councilman J. B. Hummel won th
nomination for commissioner over City
Attorney John A. Rln by thirteen votes.
The canvassing board, consisting ot th
mayor, th city treasurer and ths city
clerk, discovered error In fouling th
tallies In ths "event h precinct of th
Twelfth ward that gave Hummel a head
of ten. Similar error were also ale
covered In th returned from th Third
of th 8vnth. , ' .
Hummel total vol was . J.M9 and
Rlns's 2.10. During th canvass of th
returns from ths first tight ward Hum
mal' lead dwindled, waa loet and re
gained again. Both IUn and Humipal
spctd to win th fourteenth position
until th last prvclnct ot th Twelfth
sard war .toiaJeA. . .---r -
Finishing; It work, th canvaaslng
board adojurned last wight- Tvna ua ex
caption ot Hi vota tor lUmmd and Rln
few change ward found and thes ef BO
moment. Dahlmln vol was Increased
to sOM and th votes for ths other Hire
of th "big four" wer: Wlthnell, t,77t.
Ryder. 4,18: KugeL 4.2.
Vote on th other nominee lood: W.
A. Itedlck. 4.WI; Frank A. Furay. lit:
John U Neble, IBS; George H. Thumml,
1,19: John A. gwaneon, S,l; M. F. Funk-
houser. S.SM; Alfred C. Kennedy, i.tst;
Thomas McOovsrn. 101; Dan B Butler,
Mot; J. B. Hummel. 1,13. '
Completing th Hat of twenty hlgheat
men th following com Ji order: John
A. Rln. Vit; 1st Bridge. t.S: K. I.
Morrow, 1.T0I: Harry B. Zlmman, l.til;
W. O. Bhrlver, l,Tr; Frederick II. Lu-
grove, 1,666.
Best Hotly Denies v
He Wants to Oust
Hospital Advisors
County Commissioner Frank C. Best
ha branded a ahsolutsly file th re
port that he I (bout to sen th Board of
County Commissioners to vota to abolish
th hoapltal medical advisory board and
to place Dr. J. E. Summers In medical
charge of th Institution. Th commis
sioner Is indlgnsnt at the report, which
was In free circulation In th court house
yestrrdsy, and la on th warpath for th
man who started th false report.
There's not a ward of truth In It,"
said Mr. Best last night "I never hav
thought ot such a thing mr an Instant.
t am detarmlned that th hospital shall
ha properly conducted and before 1 am
through It will be clear to very body tht
urh wa mr Intention and that t uc-
ceeded. I say I am datermlned It (hall
be properly conducted and soms changes
will hav to b made, but nothing Is or
haa been further from my mind than th
thought ot doing away with th advlaory
board. I not only have never told anyone
I had that In mind, but I never have said
anything that could he distorted or
twisted so as to permit sue nan Inference
to he drawn.
Ths whols hospital scandal so called-
I th result ot personal apitework on the
part of a few disgruntled ouea who ar
bent upon making trouble. I hate to
think they are responsible for th (plead
ing of this absolutely false report, but I
would like to know who started It."
WASHINGTON. . April U -Th First
National bank of New Berlls, N. T..
which closed It door yesterday. Is over
S2M.M short In funds, according to aa
estimate ot ths new cashier of th insti
tution transmitted to Comptroller of th
Currency Murray today by National Bank
Examiner R ore bee k.
"The former cashier, Frank Arnold,
who resigned a week ago, and I a physi
cal wreck and reported tn a dying condi
tion, haa mad a confession to th di
rector," telegraphed' Mr. Rorebeck.
AGENCY. Iowa., April lt-J. M. Hol
lander, a well known evangeliat of this
section Is missing. Friends hav been
saarchlng for for two-day.
Secretary of Interior Makes Addresa '
to the Business Men of
Efforts Being- Made to Get Communi-.
cation by Bail,
Government riaui to Use Canal'
Equipment in North.
Declare Tatt aeatlaseat I Crystal-'
Itslac All Over Ceaatrr Is Favor
ef xsostlve swaka 1st
i From a Staff Correspondent)
UNCOIJt. "April tt48pcll.) Walter
t. riahar. secretary ef th Interior, waa ,
th guest ot ths Lincoln Commercta! club
at th Boon luncheon today. His ad
ores was devoted meetly to Alaska, He
poke of th work of hi department and !
th tn timet relation It sore to th do- j
vIopmBt of ths country, and touching
ea orjervetlon, aid that tt was n-
tlJ t prevent wast from mlsuas, and
alas fro a nenu of th reeouree ot ths
Applying this to Alaska, h said K
presented soms great problem, Th on
great eanttal wa to obtain rati
munlcsttoa between tidewater ea the ratine-
and th valley of th Yukon la th
Inurlor. Such a road would not only
reach th gold fields, hut opsa up th
lmmn coal and copper producing dis
tricts lying between, which must h use
less to v sty body until transportation la
provided .Th problem Involved war
so larg. and many of the oondltlona aa
Uttls known that It waa neoeaeary to
proceed at a Pace which nnd alow to I
thoss whs war impatient lor rwsuiu, n
Inst ted that all osavbls hast waa
being mad by th administration and
that (iwatcr recult would be obtained
if th present democratic sonars waa
not mors Intent on playing politics thaa
on benefitting the country.
Congress wa aot willing to as anything
r let the administration do anything
which would redound to the rsdlt of the
administration.- H said It was planned,
when th Panama oaaal waa complete,
or aufflelratlF ! releae th Immense
oonstruetrvs machinery in ssrvte thsrs
to attltM thl aid th .ngl nee ring bllltr
ot thee wh had nstructsd that great
wrb t telvlsf th Hr irohlesa to
AWtka, . J(
tseada faets rims ia City fr
Be rhf lata Mat. ,
'Tn' sentiment f th country a
l-whala'it cnrMalimnc aolldlF tor Tart"
say Wllr h. Fisher. ortary of th
Interior, who mad a brief ataa is Omaha
Friday n rout from Washtnatoa to
to Lincoln. whr k pk last Bight oa
""TogTesslv PoUde aad Thdr RelaUnna
to th Selection at a Prealdmtlal Caodl
dat." '
Th secretary arrived In Omaha at T
'cloak ever th Northwestern, and after
taking breakfast at the Rom and chat
ting with a few friend who dropped la
to ae him. left on th Burlington for
Unosra at I 'clock.
"I hav very little) to aay on way or
another regarding ths campaign," said
Mr. Flshsr, "for my tlm has been taken
up almost xcluatvely with departmental
affair. However, I find that th senti
ment I rapidly growing for ths president.
In regard to Nhrka, I will hav to
refer you to th state manager, for, aa
I understand It. th ssntlmcnt I varied:
first ons candidate, then another, being
th most popular,"
Take pla A best City.
Hs was very tiled wnea he arrived and
h talked with greet effort. After ho had
taken braakfaat h waa whirled vr th
dty In an automobll d was latsr
brought hack to th hotel In tlm for
him to sea hi Omaha friends who be-
sieged th lobby. H waa iwtlcent when
approached aad when asked by report
ers to make some sort of a statement oa
th political eltuation. "That not very
sesy to do a I am naturally reticent. I
m not so well posted oa th political
Ideals that ana iterer
mad real are facts
that have lived only
In fancy. Only out of
your work wrought can
come to you tbe real
good sought.
What you hope to
what you aspire to do
what you Idealize aa your
standard, may all Kive you
pleasure to contemplate,
but without action on your
part theae undeveloped pur
poses will profit but: little
the reat of mankind.
Do not wasls your latent i
ener7 by year - failure to
uao it overcome your to-'
ertia and get buay reading 1
and anawertng little Want
Ada. .
Bee Want Ads are.
willing workers and al
ways ready to help you
they never know de
feat and through them
any . degree .of ."lack"
may he changed to
Tyler 1000