Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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    TITi: BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. APRIL 12. 1912.
BEIEF CITY NEWS HARMON THE GUEST OF HONOR! Plans Complete for (Federal Grand Jury
- Bool Mu It.
Electti Toasters Bursca-Granaen.
i. r. ChazsaJU, Daxtturt, 421 Brandtl
I. Tacker. republican candidal tor
terat. Ell phono -Ftoreooe Sti."-Ad.
So A. Balnh, Frtatw. :S.ltIX)l
ntcTss to Addron atnSent Frank L.
McVy. president of th University of
North Dakota, will address the students
rt the Omaha High school tomorrow on
the subject of promoting a sound banking
Bridge Veariag Coaptation Th
Northwestern will complete the recon
struction of Its bridge over the Piatt
river and have trains running over the
structure as early as next Monday. The
men are working in shifts and the ile
1i Ivors are being run day and night.
Thomas W. Blackbnra Is a wide awaka
vundldatc for congress. He knew anouan
to fl.o bli statement of expenses with the
ciei k ot the huu?e in Washington. Baker.
UaMrigc, Stoecker and Lewis did not
they itvru llabc to a penalty of
S'-.WO fine or one year in tho pen or both.
lories Ban to Seats Two horses
aero burned to death In an early morn
ing fire which uettioyed a barn at Til
l'lvrvc street, owned and occupied by
C'a! Molino. The origin of the fire Is not
known. A largo quantity of feed stuff.
1 arneve and goods stored In the barn
oas destroyed. The total loss U em
ulated at two.
Prepare Creigbtos Annul At a meet
ing of the senior class of Creighton uni
versity. Wednesday afternoon. Julius
Keetner, Stephen Boyle and Paul Tob'M
weie elected as editors of the Creighton j
Annual, which Is now being published !
l-y Hi senior else. The class has been
Lard at work for a noT.h securing ads
lor the publication and expect to put out
a high class college book within the next
month. The Annual will cover all the
events of the Creighton college year for
all departments aad will review tlx wo-
of the senior c'.ass for the last seven
Gorernor of Ohio Divides Time with
Dr. IfcVey at University Club.
New Packing Plant
at South Omaha
Ohl fisecwtlve Exstrcaac-a Oplalaw
that Higher Edaeatlem Better
File Xai ta Grapple with
the Prahlraas.
Plans and specifications for the erection
of a new packing bouse at Thirty-first
and L. streets have Just been completed
for the owners. Vail s Mayerwich, Tlie
cost of the new plant will approximate
SSOOO The building will be two-story
; brick and concrete and will be eouiDIed
By invitation of the University club, ' " modern and sanitary adjuncts.
Dr. Trank L. SfcVey. president of the According to the plans the main build
University of Notth Dakota, addreasel I 'n Of" amaller build-
ita members yesterday ou the sub- " ,u lM " rrectea.
to Report Saturday
ire Indiana, loitered aiouod th corrt-
dor durlnfi Uw taUmts to be
ail-d. I
Tho feder-. grand jury la expectM to
return ita irdtrtmr-nt roi'-rciivtrly l
Saturday morning and dis; of tie
caara brought before its atVntiun bv
th I'nitnl 8t.ujt divtrut attriwy'a of
fice. It will then W discharuM. Th? jury
be can it.-1 third day s grind ut nine o'clavk
yterday. rapidly twking up tlie bus
iness at hand. Several w Urn, lnclud-
Two electric meters aiued at 3 each
wrrr stolon from the Grand theater, -M7
North Sixteenth rtret. during the last
two weeka. according to a complaint
Alfred Stanford haa made to tho polite.
He doea not know how the thief secured
the met era.
for Oar
Ject of "THe University Man In Busl
tMas." The doctor also made a few re
mark! about banking reform. He was
introduced by Mr. R. C Peters, presi
dent of the club. He was followed by
Governor Harmon of Ohio, who was In
vlted as a guest of honor.
Dr. IlcVey has consented to make a
few remarks on education to the senior
class of the Omaha Hlgn school at 10:40
Friday morning.
Friday evening he will addiees the
Commercial club ot Tatumouth on
"Banking Reform." Haraatan Talks.
The Introduction of Governor Judaon
Harmon was greeted wit't tondciable
enthusiasm and in deli voting a short ad
dress he said It was an unexpected plea
sure in being able to meet so many of
the business and college men of Omaha. I
He spoke of the value of college train- j
Ing and pointed to Ohio as bcng the slate ,
Vail & are two independent
packers who have been compelled to seek
other locations because of the extension
of the Union Stock Yards company. The
new location is considered to be an Im
provement over the old one.
Only recently the Higgins firm bought
ground upon which to erect a modern
packing plant and It Is whispered that
Hoffman Bios, in the near future intend
to follow suit.
Fries Says This is
Republican Year
So far as I know. I am the only can
didate in the field, and if 1 continue as
such, I den t see how there is any power
on earth that can boat me out of a nom
ination and election." remarked M. U
Fries of Arcadia, republican candtdlate
for lloittftniaiat of Nebraska
that contains within Its bo: dels more col-, Mr , 0mtM clUln, bu,.
Newsies Mix Over
Pope Pius Rumor
Worked up to a point ot enthuslssm
over the sals of extras carrying the
rumor ai d denial of the death of Pope
Plus, two newsies got into a fistic en
counter at Sixteenth and Farnam
streets. The police arrested both of them
on the charge of fighting.
One of them is Tony Monlco, who had
pspers containing the Madrid report, and
his competitor Is O. O. Smith, who was
rolling a later edition containing the de
nial from Rome. One Insisted that the
pope was dead, and the other called
him a liar. Then they mixed while the
crowds looked on. Officer Cooper took
them to the station.
Wrong Fitzgerald
Ready to Stand Trial
The attaches of ponce court bad a good
laugh at the expenee of James Fltsger
ald, deputy county attorney, yesterday
Fltsgerald was in the court room when
City Attorney Dickinson called the case
ot James Fltsgerald, bartender.
.-"What's the aaarga against mar In.
ou'.rcd Fltxgeraid, attorney, while Flts
gerald. bartender, remarked. "Hera I
The mistake was corrected. Fltsgerald
is alleged to have assaulted W. E. Quin
tan with a brick recently. The trial will
be held this mornlnj.
'A Progressiva Stste Government"
was the subject ot an addrees given by
Illrhard Metcalfe, candidate for governor
on the democratic ticket, before the man
ufacturers' bureau ot the Commercial
club yesterday noon. Mr. Metcalfe's ad
drees was mors of a campaign speech
than a talk. In wbtcb be outlined oertain
plana he was in favor of.
. There is little doubt that Mr. Metcalfe's
main part of his platform will be the
prison reform movement He cited the
deplorable conditions now existing at the
stats penitentiary and what should be
done to make a progressive Institution
ot It.
Charles R. Sherman addressed the com
mittee on a "Market for Omaha-Mad
Goods." He gsve a very Interesting talk.
In which he urged horn manufacturers to
"get a demand for their goods," saying
success would then surely follow.
A representath'S of a foreign furniture
company talked to the manufacturers on
th advisability of bringing hi manufac
turing company to Omaha and said this
would probably be don. He la now wait
ing for action to t taken by U Com
mercial club.
leges and schools ot hlgLsr learning than
any ot the union.
Being a collcgo man hlmMr, the gover
nor telt that lie was In a position to
express the opinion that th training
acquired' In college better tits a man for
grappling with the great problems of
life and those that come up In the tran
saction of private and public buslnera
lie pointed to the small college at af
fording special opportunities for students
to get close to the professors and thus
absorb a greater fund of knowledge than
ran usually be acquired In th larger In
While the governor made no reference
to politics in any particular, he said
that for the man ot ability there Is noth
ing financially In public life It he is fslr
and honest. However, for the man who
poaaerses the ability there Is the op
portunity to do much that will benefit
the community, the state and th nation,
"and," urged the governor, "such men
are needed."
No college man, added the governor,
should spend years acquiring a knowl
edge and then keep It wrapped up In a
napkin; Instesd, hs should get out and do
things that would help uplift th country
nd th people. He Insisted that at this
time, one thing that Is needed most Is for
people to sit down snd do some good, old
fashioned thinking and not pay so much
attention to predicting panics and fail
ures, for it is real sentiment publicly ex
pressed that makes publlo opinion and
good public opinion la on of the es
sential things to keep the country prosperous.
Iness men and Mend", ami at th same
I time looking over the political situation.
lie feels certain that this Is to be a .e
publlcsn year In Nebraska, and If gaod.
clean mm are nominated for office, be
lieves tho ticket will be elected from Up
to bottom.
Omaha Speeders
Fined by Foster
The first minor to bo arrested this year
for upctdiiig with an automobile or motor
cycle was O. A. Reevea. arrested Iste
Wednesday afternoon by Traffic Officer
Wheeier and Emery, lteeves is 17 years
old and is a student at the high school.
He was running a "pop-pop" machine
and going about thirty mjies an hour.
Ho will be tried Saturday morning.
Three automobile speeders were fined
by Judge Foster In police court. letter
King, $14 and costs; U. I. Dlngman and
C. S. Ulnkley, KM and coata each.
Mrs. C. W. Axtell waa elected presi
dent ot th Mu Sigma study club at th
annual tmstnes meeting yesterday after-, will
noon at th horn of Mrs. C. C. Belden.
Th other officers for next season are
Mra George E. Damon, Vic president;
Mrs. M. B. Hussle, secretary; Mrs. E. M.
Axtell, treasurer.
Reed Barton's Faasows (liver
Plated Hllw Ware at Oae
Thlrd Aetasl Wholesale
Wa made a fortunate purchase of tX0
pieces ot this beautiful silver plated hol
low war from a New Tork wholesaler
at Just one-third th actual wholesal
cost This Is an exceptional opportunity
to secure wedding presents.
General Manager Scott pf th Union
Pacific announce the appointment of
Dr. F. H. MUlener as custodian ot tlx
headquarters building, relieving C. t.
Roft, who has been temporarily perform
ing the duties. In th tutor Mr. Ron
wUI devote th wool of bit Urn to
special engineering work, becoming an
attach of th tK of President Moalar.
Dr. Millentr will continue hi electrical
work for the Union Pacific, but will mow
U th headquarters building. Installing
his wireless apparatus on th root, using
a portion of the floor beneath lor a la
boratory, where be will carry on hi In
vestigation and putting Into operation
th ayttem be has worked out Engineer
Rosa Is relieved ot bis duties as custo
dian by reason of the fact that tt now
le-iuirss all of bis time on aped a I work.
A fteims
with both oartles wounded, demands
Hucklen's Arnica Salve. Heals wounda,
sores, burns, boils, cuts or pile. Only
tc For tale by Beaton Drug Co.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Fifteen of the business men of Cutler
and Logan counties. Nebraska, are In
town, conferring with fnlon Pacific of
ficials relative to securing altes for ele
vators, wsrehouaes and coal sheds In
th new town of Arnold and ftapleton.
putted on the extension of th Callaway
branch of the road.
At Ktapleton, although ths road has
not yet reached there, there Is a real
boom on. The town Is three miles north
of Osndy. the present county seat t
Logan county. People from Gsndy are
already moving their buildings across th
country and this fall It la thought th
county seat will follow, as Stapleton
be the only railroad town of any
Importance In the county.
sTsw Drof That Quickly Xemovee These
Momely Spots.
There's no longer the slightest need of
fee linn shsnel of your freckles, as a
new druR, othlne double stremtih has
Nen (Uncovered that ioitlvely removes
these homely spot.
Simply get one ounce of othlne-douhlc
strenKth, from Ufttion Prim Oomtmnv
and apply a little of It at nlsht. and In
the morning you will see that even the
worst freckles have begun to disappear,
while the lighter ones have vanished en
tlrely. it Is seldom thnt more than one
ounce Is needed to cmpl'tely clear the
skin and gain a beautiful clear com
plexion. He sure to ask for the double strength
othlne, as this Is sold under gjjxntee of
money back If It fatla lo remove freckles.
4rJ jit.
A '.7 i . a ' I
Ability alone cannot command success; you must
present the appearance of success. With THE
STETSON SHOE completing your attire of quality
you are prepared to meet on an equal fooling the
merchant prince and the captain of industry.
If yoa have been existing in low-priced shoes for a year or
two, why not try living in THE STETSON SHOE for a
while? You will find that a year of STETSON SHOES
costs less than a year of cheap shoes. And besides, your
irreproachable footwear will have brought you content
ment of mind,
Look for the RED DIAMOND emblem of QUALITY
Hayden Bros.,
"Stetsons cost more by the pair bat less by the year"
Ik aS.aSasiw-r V A s.
Si 1 1 l-X. -L stw
13 rr
ii ii fi-ry
World's Pure
Food Exposition)
The wonder of bale-
Wonderful in its niiinor
powen its uniformity.
its never failing: results, its
Wonderful in its economy.
It com leu than the hieh -price
trust brands, but it u worth as
much. It costs a trifle more than ,
the cheap and Die can kinds-
it is worth more. But proves its ,
real economy in the baking.
Us CALUMET tka Modsrm
etakiaf Powder.
At all Grocers.
Woman's World and Work
grow larger with increasing freedom from household
drudgery. Food sense and food knowledge have
taken her out of the kitchen into the larger realms
of home-making. When cooks fail and servants
fail and other duties are pressing hard there is
t a.
to lean upon in every emergency. Being ready-cooked and
ready-to-serve it is so easy to prepare in a few moments a
delicious, nourishing meal with Shredded Wheat Biscuit
Health Commissioner Connell It warn
ing residents to keep their rard and
all)- clean. Four additional Inspectors
have been put on the force and are en
deavoring to keep the city clean that nl
sickness will result from th floods and
tcbseqoent deposits of fl'th. In th kmer
districts of th city, a special . effort to
street and a.lers la a anrvy
zondltioa It being made.
Simply heat the biscuit in an oven for a few moments
to restore crispness, then pour over it hot milk, and
salt or sweeten to suit the taste. Also delicious with
stewed prunes, baked apples or canned fruits.
The Only Breakfast Cereal
Made in Biscuit Form
Wheat f
. v. V
"vy.-. J
tte, '
t 1 sa.-vm-.-B . -.XZ'jJ 9
-My ntlle eon bad a verr ser-r coiS.
1 was recommended to try Chamberlain'
CaugH Remedy, acd before a small bottle
waa finished be was aa wtil as ever, j
writes strs. rt. aujxa - wviwi mtcm,
Sydney, Aostrana. This runedy ts for
Another iron Clad
Reason Why Men Should
Buy Spring Suits Here
I lore you Rot the correct styles right from the big
shops where s-tjles for American men are originated
styles thnt you know are correct You get only the best
of woolens that are woven on best American looms the
choicest weaves and colorings from each of the coun
try's In'st and biggest mills You get high class tailoring
that it is only possible for highest skilled tailors to turn
out under the most favorable conditions. We offer you
the largest variety for selection because of our big buy
ing Yo show the most desirable models of the leading
makers making it as easy to please you in detail of
styles and color as it is to fit you. No custom tailor can
give higher class work than is in our clothes outside
for style inside for permanency and with all this our
positive guarantee to save you 20 per cent.
$10, $15, $20 to $35 Are Our Meet
You will agree with ns Strongest Values Offered
Btsa. .at. - m at tawk
Sty0Mewawl'HHHIIIIIV pw
I'ln-i II
Omaha's Largest and Best Equipped Clothes Store
fifth Avenue and Fifty Fifth Street.
Cattrs to
as Well at
Permanent Guests
Hi.Manaftm.nt Htm aaturancdthat
tha coat of living at thla hotal, Including
Rooms and Restaurant,
la no graatar than at any othar hotal of
tha aama claaa, notwithstanding- ra-
porta to tho contrary. ,
Singla Rooms without Bath 13.00 and
$4.00 par dayt with Bath $5.00, $6.00
and $8.00 1 and for two paopla $6.00,
$8.00 and $10.00 por day.
Suitaa confuting of Parlor, Bad room
and Bath, $10.00 upward larger Suitaa
in proportion.
All outaida rooms.
. I
v'f t mmir
Now In Service
Fsr reierrstioni,
ratet, ticket! and
hand tome rjr ulustnt
cd booklet telling ail
about Hot Springs
(Nature's Greatest
Sanitarian) aU at
office, or phocss.
Missouri Pacific
Givine greatly improvedjervice
between Kanai City, Coffeyville,
T-. C '.L T - T I- - J U.e
ri. annul, suiiuc iu.a, iuu tiui
' Springs, and to and from pointt in
9 me ooum inu quuujcii.
ilP. M. Lt.. KaasaarttT ..As. TJS A. W. t'effeTvlll ...At. H.I A. M.
Ii111.II.Lt... Port tsillk .Ar. fstvP. J.
a . D mm I I Ml. lub Aa . .. . M
j7jSP.'t. Ar... Ret ttrUas',
This new train pot on etpeciaUy for Hot flf-iiAge
travtr-canriisT on of "Ost Own" Duuaf Cat
out of Kantat City snd aa QbtrrtiotvUM var
betweea Ft. Smith and Hot Sprags with standard
PullmaB Sleeper and Xlefant Chair Can tad
f hrjovldes every coariott and cocrtiaiteirai
lllssouri Pacific aenrica
from Omaha make i
cellent connecUost with
this nw train.
P. T. A
1423 Faraam St.
sal by all dealers. j
j--" '