Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Correct Footwear
Women's and girl's
genuine white buck,
white nubuck and
white canvas boo is
Discriminating buyers appreci
ate oar quality ihoet and the sat
isfaction which com from know
ing that the styles are absolutely
correct. ,
Our enlarged shoe department
is a busy place these days. Expert
shoe fitters to care for everybody.
Sew Top Price of Seaion Beached
When Mart Goes to 78 3-1
DfbiiI tor Cask Article Inn
aaa Helpt Sa Llaht Holder
Are Drsaaadtas Mast
Amr Faeey Trie.
Women's genuine white buck with 1 -button white craven
ue top S6.00
Women's white auback with canvas top, medium heel; very
suitable for high school girls $5.00
lt-button white canvas boots with medium low heels, $1.00
Another good model for misses.
Celebrated Btartrigbt Shoes for childree, in white buck and whits
canvas; on sale here exclusively. Csnvas, $1.50 to $2.50
". , K ' Ml to 'l Ti
(UoatiaiMd troe Mm Page!
'detailed te that duty. lieutenant Hajee,
la chars ef Officer Wllou, Ford. Ungr
'ad IVMnmty, vested la their drees ant
forma, vwt kept busy keeping seek the
'people wh would break through the lln
a ptocesakia at the choree, soar. The
'officers kept repeating that ne one was
allowed te enter without tint showing
his invitation card and many who heard
this turned away.
, Prleste la alack aad White,
, When all were eeated Inside the church
end the eeremeales began, the sight was
awe Inspiring. Seated In artlstlo arrange
ment, aeeordlng te their height and eoe
turn, there was harmony unusually
pleasing to the eye. In the esnter ef the
auditorium were seated the 171 priests,
the blaek of their caieoeka showing
through the beautiful laces el their eur
pilose, making rythmloalty marked dot
sa a hest ml enow whit.
Al the left el the high altar. In the
treat row, eat a body ef nun, garbed la
blaek, representing the Catbolls Institu
tions ef the slty. Behind thm and at
beth elds ef the priests were stated
the awateers of the laity, women with
aoaay eelered bats and bright clothing
and man la blaek suit.
. The yeuag men la the eholr lot? were
dreeasd la blaek suits aad were Mask
bew Use, They were led la hlr singing
by rather Brocage, was was garbed
at a blaek eaeeeek.
' Aswecnaealeg by a lares pip-orges,
Ihetr eloglng eeuld be fcesrd far outside
the ebareev They eang the Aeoreutts by
llleheei Mailer at the beginning ef the
eeaessratloa and alt the music ef the
awe -we ' In strict accord wHh the
mute preprie ef Pope Plus X. As the
preeecalon left the church the eholr sang
Sa soo eaosrdo by Mellr.
wwrld and preach the Ooepal te every
creature,' did net mean that He Intended
only the twelve aaostlee te fallow that
ordsr. By that statement he Impllss the
eosnpicta apostolic dslsgaUon. It were lim
iting Christ's power to bold that he meant
oaly the spostls. Oo ye Into all the
world-thai wee a physical Impossibility
for twslv man.
Aaether Link la Chats.
Their power wa extended en until sow
we cea tree a ebala bach to Christ aad
Peter and this ceremony this morning la
bat the wldlng of a link In th gnat
I chain. This eonmony waa hut a part In
beginning another link. tills Christ
has keen here thie morning this ceremony
would have ba msaamglsse would have
meant absolutely nothing. But we have
made sure that Ha waa here.
The bishop said the parchment, th
papal bull, waa not flimsy piece ef
, "A w read th pious solicitude of that
document we ese Pope Plus as a worthy
l succssBor of hie worthy ptdcaoiir. It.
hi written la Latin, ef course Lade, th
language that aevsr osn become deed.
I It la not a dead laaguag but the living
language of the living ehureb.
"We hsard bark of Plus. We beard
from the M pontificate, frees Christ aad
Peter to Plus." 1
Blsacp Tthea of I.laecla elvea !
tereettasT ASarvee,
"Lo, I am with you always, vn unto
the end ef the earth." waa the tut ef
the ssnnon presetted by Bishop Tthea of
Lincoln at the eloee of the consecration.
He did aet go into the personal history
ef Blehep McOovern, declaring that "h
and his works were well enough known.
His elevation to the episcopacy Is conclu
sive evidence of hie worth." he said.
The oersmony of the consecration, h
continued, wea performed by Christ's
order. Hie statement, Oo y Into all the
makes dazzling
white dishes
Telepheae Ceaaaaar Will Brest Med
era Ksraaage elMlasj al -Beatrice,
BEATRICE, Neb.. April lWSpedal)
The Lincoln Telephone and Ttlegraph
oompany yesterday cloeed a dsal for th
purchase of the lot Just north of the
poatomoe of Charlse Blakely of 'Omaha,
on which II expects to erect a modern
telephone building 'sufficient to, take car
of th sntlr bueineea of Neatrlr and
vicinity. Th Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph company recently purchased
the Bell Interact couth of the Platte
river, and the entire telephone boalnss
will b handlsd from on exchange as
soon a th details of the eomwlldatioa
can be arranged.
Alexander Ilawee and Mica Sylvia
Cawlsy, both ef l Witt, were married
here ywtsrday by Judge Walden.
An Odd Pellowe' lodge arm be organ
ise nt Plckrell Saturday night by So.
cretary Oass of Fremont.
Word was received here yesterday an.
nouadng the death of Henry Banner, a
former Beatrice resident, which occurred
at St. Louis a few days ago. He waa
S years of age, and leavee no family ex
cept his SOB.
The oaae of the State of Nebraska
against Wedlley at. Kama of Adams,
charged with shoo tin at John Hset-
lege with Intent t kill, waa dismissed
Wednesday la county court, the county
attornsy having filed a aelle prosequi In
Vl you could see your
'dishes and household
utensils through a micro
scope you would realize
that mere soap and water
are insufficient todomore
than wash off the surface.
' Cold Dust sot only cuts dirt
and grease with scarcely say
moDingj out u an anusepnc
that goes deep after every
hidden impurity and germ.'
Gold Dust sterilizes your
A-t--it- ,
sucnen inmgs, ana manes
them wholesome and sanitary.
Gold Dost is the greatest
labor-saver known.
. Stat T. M. C. A. Caafeeeae. .
CP.BTK. Neb., April U.-tHpectal.-The
elate college mea'e conference will be In
aeailon at CrsU Friday. April U. to Sun
day nil at, April H An xcllnt program
ha been prepared and Ooane college Is
makiag preparatlone te entertain the dele
gate In a royal manner. On Wednesday
about a hundred delegataa had cent In
their names and at least fifty more are
expected. "Dad" Elliott, the famous
Toung Men' Christina association
worker, will be the chief attraction en
the program. This la the big Toung
Men's Christian associatloa event of the
year and mark Interest in it la being
ehown by Doan tudenta and Crete peo
ple In general.
Mertajaae Tax la Ota.
NEBRASKA CITT. Aorll 11. Ihrfil t
County Clerk 8tutt has nnnarad s
schedule ef the mortgagee Bled elnee
July. 111, that does not Include the clause
regardias aa to who shall pay the tax
sot listed, so the county aaaiaanr has de-!
elded to charge up half of each marts acre
to the borrower and the other half ta
the party making the loaa and levy th
tax asainst tne amounts so
Cash corn continues u, sear. Oemand
for the cash article Is ao urgent and re
ce pte are 'so light that holders are de
manding almost any price for this cereal
and buyers are willing takers oa ths
families on the trsdlng floor of th
Omaha Grain exchange yesterday were
to IS eekts higher than Wednesday and a
new top price of the season eras made
when one car of No. I white corn cold
for JMa cents.
Beversl cars of ordinary grade brought
handsome price of 71 cents.
Some of the beat traders In the business
are predicting a slightly better move
ment from the country at these levels, as
oats seeding will soon be over and farm
er will have more time to deliver any
surpiua stocks they have ea hand.
Mre. , J. Barer.
HUKlMELl. Neb.. April lL-(8pe-
ciel i Kleins Louise, wife or Judge J.
J. Bares of this city, died very suddenly
t her horn at 1:1 o'clock Tuesday
morning. She had been In III health for
several month, but was able te be up
and around moat of the time. She arose
at her usual hour thi morning, and was
moving around th bouse when aha tell
In a fainting apelt to the floor and died
almost instantly. Sha was born In Wiit-
I province, Brandenburg, Germany,
January 11. IMS, and cams to America
In IT. Kit waa married July 2. lift
and aa th mother of five children, as
follow: William. Memphis, Mo: Her
bert 11., Iwntaon. la.; Mrs. W. II. Weber,
Randolph, Neb.; bora, of thla city, and
Frederick, deceased. She slew ha two
sister. Mr. William Kerkow, and Mrs
Q. P. Ollerman. of Bonesleel, 8. V. Her
funeral will occur at t o'clock Friday
from her noma, and the funeral sermon
will be p reached by Rev. Frederick Rabe.
Charles Kasaaavkl.
BLOOMF1ELD, Neb.. April lL-(8pe-
del.t-Cherle Kamsnakl, a prominent
lawyer of thla city, died st the Bloom
field hospital last night with Bright'
dlaeas. He waa wholly unoonacloua for
a week before hi death. II waa born In
New York City January Ai, USI, and
came te thla county In MM. He practiced
law for eeveral year at Crelghton and
Niobrara. 'In thla county, before moving
to Bloomfleld In MM. He served one
Una as county attorney of this county
In the early day and was considered one
of the a 01 est members of the county bar.
He Is survived by ons son, Paul C, who
la a student in Believue college, and who
waa tmssnl at his fathers death. The
funeral oacurred Wednesday from ths
Congregational church.
Mr. Has Msyksrry.
OLENWOODt Iowa, Aplrl lWSpe-
rlai.) Mrs. Oua May berry was burled In
Oienwood cemetery yeaterday. Death se
cured following a lingering Illness, at
Phoenix, Alisons. Mrs, Mayberry I sur
vived by a husband and a yeung daugh
ter, t
.i v use, paella, Heeler,
NEBRASKA CITT. April ll.-SpecieJ.l
Mre. Sadie Rector, wir ef Francis EX
Rector, died at bar bom In this city yes-
National Ticket
Msbraaka Vrtmarisa April Is.
For President:
William Howard Taft
United Suites Senator:
liorru Brown.
National Committeeman:
Victor Kotc water.
Alice W. Field.
J. L. Webster.
R. R. Schneider.
E. B. Perry.
C. E. Adams.
C. Heuslnger.
C. A. gchappel.
F. M. Currie.
Frank Kesris. H. R Howe.
F. P. Sheldon.
1. C. KooC
N. P. Swansea.
. Sampson.
H. tilatfHter.
J. H. Culver.
C. Saunders.
F. H. Claridge.
Ron Mapes.
Carl Kramer.
W. M. Overstreet.
i. Kllpatrlck... P. Thieeeen.
5. A. C. Rankin. J. B. Mi-Grew.
i. N. Clarke. J. A. Andrews,
6. A. K. t arty. R. H. Harris.
H. i. Winner. W. U Stewart.
Presidential Electors-at-Large.
E. O. McGUton. K. M. Pollard.
District Presidential Electors.
I. 8. P. DavlAssa. 4. Lraa H. trie,
S. A. C. Keaaedr. S. B. M. Raakla
8. L. Smlthkeraer. S. w. T. Wllesi
terdsy morning and the funeral was held
this afternoon, ths services being con
ducted by itev. A. A. Randall. The de
ceased was horn In Msrlette, O., March
(. 1M. and waa married In thla city May
IS. IMS, and Is survived only by her hue
bend. Joha Ceaway,
8t.THERLA.NO. Neb.. April IL-iSpe
clal.) John Conway, one of the promi
nent dllarna of th town end well known
In thla section of ths country, being aa
early eettler, died Tuesday from a drop
sical affection. The funeral occured Wed
nesday afternoon.
IOWA CITT, la.. April 11. -(Special. )
Members of the State Board of Educa
tion have given the I'ntverelty of Iowa
assurances of a new 00.000 gymnasium,
fully equipped with all modern appar
atus, two features of which will be an
Indoor swimming unit and a ground
floor training track. Such Is the In
formation that haa base given out here
by various members of th athletic de
partment and other school officials along
with th statement that work on the
new structure will be begun within the
next two year. Tits new structure will
probably be located on North Capitol
street. A new set of tennis courts to
gether with other minor features have
been promised together with the new
gymnasium. ; . '.
Mrs. Nlewasaaea I Aasjaltted.
Nrw TORK: April ll -Mrs. Oenevicve
Nlrodemua. charred with ths murder of
her husband, was acquitted by a Jury
1st thla afternoon on th ground of In
sanity, i
Nebeay I Tea Old ' ,
to learn that th aur way te .cure a
cough, cold or sore lung Is with Dr.
King New Discovery. Ma and tLOa,
For Ml by Beaton Drug Co.
Petition to Haye Mining Lands
Taxed Near Full Value.
Frank O'Caaaer of New Haaylea,
Iowa, Withdraws from Caatest
for Governor Miss Ool
llver te Marry.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, April 11 (Special Tele
gram.) The mine worker of district No.
U today went on record In favor of n
amendment to the Iowa school laws
which will permit the holding of school
for nine months In the various mine dis
tricts. A resolution asking that a peti
tion be made to the state legislature ask
ing for a new law on taxation for school
districts was unanimously tarried. '
Hugh Murray, author of the resolution,
pointed out that mine property, which Is
Immensely more valuable than farm
land, Is now being taxed no more than
farm lands. Under this condition the tax
ation In a mine district is Insufficient to
support schools for longer than six
months in a year. He declared that It the
mine property were taxed according to
Its value nine months' school could be
The resolution proposed that 100 per
sons residing in territory not constituting
a town or village organise an Independent
school district and vote adequate' taxa
tion to support the nine months' school.
The convention also apprprlated US to
aid the Muscatine button workers in
their strike.
O'Connor Leavee Race.
Frank A. O'Connor of New Hampton
today withdrew as a candidate for the
democratic nomination for governor, leav
ing the field to Hamilton and Dunn.
Miss Delllvsr ta Wed.
Information received here today Is that
Raymond A. Pearson of New York, who
has been elected president of Iowa State
college at Ames, will be married soon to
Miss Oay Dolllver, sister of the late
Senator Dolllver of this state.
Big Dakota Paraa gold.
SIOUa CITT, la., April Lee A
Prentiss farm of 3,033 acres, near Ver
milion, 8. D.. was sold today for 80,000.
The farm ta one of the largest and beet
unproved in South Dakota. A Sioux City
real eetate firm wpa the buyer.
(Continued from First Pse.)
and Roosevelt forces attempted at th
earn time to organise the convention.
Two lerge policemen stood guard over
Mr. Be vertex who had been swept back
from hi scat during th Oordon-Cremer
The Roosevelt forces named their dets-cat-at-larg
aa followa: Governor
Cbas S. Osborne, Charles Nichols, De
troit: Bybrant WeaaeHus, Grand Rapids;
H. F. Booxbey. Traverse City; Theodora
Joalyn, Adrian; W. D. Gordon, Midland.
Taft Chairman Elected.
While Secretary King attempted to get
a vote on the question of temporary
chairman Gordon resumed his speech
amid wild oonfualon. More Roosevelt
delegates entered th hall, climbing
through transoms. Police fotight and
ejected soma of them. Finally Secretary
King announced that Grant Fellows of
Hudson, a Taft delegate, had been
elected temporary chairman.
Every woman is invited to consult our Staff of Physicians, Surgeons and Specialists, at thi
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y., by letter at my expense R.V. Pierce, M. D.
There is every reason why women should not trust their delicate constitutions in the
hands of unskilled persons. It requires a thorough medical education to appreciate and
understand the female organism. . There it every reason why she should write a specialist.
As a powerful, invigorating tonic "Favorite Prescription" imparts strength to the whole
system and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular. For over-worked " worn-out,"
"run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," house
keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic.
As a soothini? and strength
ening nervine ''Favorite Pre
scription" is invaluable in
allaying and subduing nervous
excitability, irritability, nervous
exhaustion, nervous prostra
tion, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms,
fainting spells, and other dis
tressing, nervous symptoms
commonly attendant upon
functional and organic disease
of the distinctly feminine or-
Sins. It induces refreshing
eep and relieves mental anx
iety and despondency.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription is devised and out
up oy a physician of vast experience in the treatment of woman's maladies. Its ingredients
have the indorsement of leading physicians in all schools of practice.
The " Favorite Prescription " is known everywhere as the standard remedy for diseases
of women and has been so regarded for the past forty years and more.
Accept no sttret nostrum in place of "Favorite Prescription" a medicine OF KNOWN
COMPOSITON, with a record of forty years of satisfaction behind it. Sold by all Druggists.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate the stomach, liver and bowels. One to three
dose.. Easy to take as candy.
Send 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of wrapping and mailing tnh on a free copy
of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Nledicat Adviser, 1003 paees, cloth-bound. Invalids Hotel
Plea sead est Wttsr f ad rite aad year Beak far Wexesn, wee sad sastege paid 1
- whkeai sax akllgama sa mj sen wkassvas.
cCF eMssMaeU sss s )) a a o We) aa eSanmeMaaSH
Peat Offlc,................
Aat Bew law taiewdt ..Aie ysa jarrledt
Massacres (X) Is front of the atsssM tarn waiak lea aaner. Tee (XX)
la than ef ths eas frees which ra sr asses.
Oasassastssa ...... Basra Deem g User Trouble Cearh
;""" Palsral Periods -....Bladder Tnebl ......Catarrh
a, ... 14 bsMbM: he) mm, aa i i case !
Iksaiaseo ......Fatetaaf Spells ' r"?"?? -....Ohealte
Pern i Bark wvhs. Oeartan Pais ....Kki .Keai
Jie Trebl. wanes Bot Flsahea Inipare Bleed
resule f sakaes CVang of Life 1 tcali Part glteinsatta
W Cessnas e after BjifNsu ea a assw aa ai if sea weak,
a 1
iyv., , "T" i "''"'i s
To nave made a success of one's busi
ness, and to hare bullded that business
through tireless effort, backed by fair
dealing and a dealr to be of service
la a record of which any man may be
proud. Such la the record of Franklin
C. Hsmer, who Is a candidate for the re
publican nomination for state treasurer.
Mr. Hamer I a Nebraska born product,
and th son of th lat Dr. E. P. Hamer,
on of Nebraska's early pioneers. He
was born In Lancaster county, and all
of hi life energies have been devoted
to building up In hi naUv state a record
tor bualnea Integrity and ability. After
finishing the publlo schools of Lancaster
county, Mr. Hamer entered business
for himself, selecting the field of Invest
ment banking as the field of hi efforts.
Id the meantime, however, he continued
to devote a goodly portion df his lime
to practical farming. II haa land in
teres ta la Lancaster, Holt and Llnooin
count!, and to the cultivation of the
land he give direct personal attention
In th way of supervision and advio.
Mr. Hamer la a gradual of th Univer
sity of Nebraska and because of his
oonnectioa with agriculture he la unusually
well poeud aa to th need and requlr
manta ef the farmer of Nebraska.
For eeveral year Mr. Hamer kaa bee
prominently Identified with th Anaart
caa Safe Deposit O. of Omaha.
Because at his long appUoaUoa to th
Investment banking business Mr. Hamer
,la in eicae teach with all tho reliable aad
sear investment offerings, a gut that
particularly wall fits him for the poattloa
of fiscal agent of the state.
Nebraska baa now upwards of feOuXM
Invested In Interest bearing securltlea
and I constantly purchasing more. Mr.
Hamer believe these aecurltl should
b purchased direct from the municipal
ities sod school districts and avoid pay
ing large commluion and pramlums to
Few peopl realise th Immense amount
of responsibility devolving upon th state
treasurer of Nebraska. He la th cus
todian of the ftmde of the stele. Every
blenntum th state treasurer receive
aad pay out approximately t& In
addition to the mere handling of the
money he is charged with keeping an
accurate account of scores of different
funds. He is the fiscal agent of the
stats In all of its Investment transac
tions, and these mount up to million of
dollars every year. As fast aa sscuriUM
held by th state mature, they must be
reinvested, and it require a thorough
knowledge of isw, of th financial Mend
ing of itate and counties and municipal
ities, of th condition of th money mar
ketIn short. It require financial ability
of a unusually high order. This ability
Mr. Hamer possesses to an admittedly
high degree, as his success la his busi
ness amply testlflea
Nebraska Is a comparatively young
state. It Is only forty-fir yeara old,
hence It is just beginning to have op
portunities to elect native horn sons to
Important office. Mr. Hamer Is one of
these "native sons," and of such as h
Nebraska ha a right to be proud. When
on of Nebraska eons make good, Ne
braska ahould recognise the fact.
Mr. Hamer is not asking for th nomi
nation for tat treasurer on th ground
of party service, although he has bean a
coo at stent republican all his Ufa. lie la
asking for th nomination on the ground
that be la able and willing to give the
taxpayers a safe, proOtahl and ooo
servatlv management of their financial
affairs aa citlsens of this commonwealth.
11 la making aa acUve though digni
fied campaign fur the nomination, meet
ing as many people a possible, and
telling thm frankly and openly Just
what he know about bualnea affairs and
Just what h will endeavor to do if
honored by bla party with th nomina
tion and by a majority of th voteia
with an election.
Socially h 1 a gentleman whom It is
a pleasure to meet. As a buslnee roan he
Inspires conftdenoe in tho who have
dealings with him. As a citlxen b-,!
enurprlslng and progreaslv. Measured
by any standard of ethics, Mr. Hamer Is
a credit ta the state that reared him.
Both Beautiful
and artistic is ths jewelry on' view
here. It la mora than that, too. H
la of character that permits tout
giver and receiver to regard the gl!
wlth pride. Bat with ail its kU
class our jewelry is got ex pensive. A
visit of inspection and Inquiry will
prove that fact eonclnalrely.
Gustifsoa & Hecrickson
Jewelers, 201 lo. 16th St.
nd Suygical Institute, R. V. Pierce. M.,D.. President. Buffalo. N. Y.
Gold Dust is
aad Urrepscfc-
Tke Um.
ZTk.m; S77
, I1T .U'JM"
, '.. iiJlitattwiatrJi ll fti
NEBRASKA CITT. Anil 1L (SneeiaLI !
Lee M. Faunoe aad Miss Pauliae Hels- j
ner were married at the home ef the,
bride 'a parents. Mr. and Mre. Paul Hels- j
ner. Wednesday by Rev. Longnoret of the
Bet net Evangelical church. A wedding
breakfast was ami, after which the
newly wd left for th couth far the
trip and win be tone several' ereeka. The
groom t th head of the arocsrv denare.
meot of the Cleveland- dprtant store.
ehardl take. '
NEBRASKA CITT. Anrtl tL-tttaaelal I
Nteklas Bnrkhardt. a weil-te-d yeong
farmer, wa snarrted Wednesday eveaatn
at th bean of the arid' penata, Mr.
aad Mrs. Eao aVhaaaeewe, free malae wa
ef this trr, te their daughter. Miss Maria
There were N gweaxs present.
sfsss. mimVamf&mmm
After Easter Millinery Sale
Friday will be a great value giving day
Distinctive, styles in Tailored and Street g O 25
Hats-wortI $7.00 on sale J
la AJ .. gaeecae
Hats for Dress and Evening Wear late mid- Q g Q
auiiiiner tmecu wui u fi.w,
on sale Friday
. Do your buying Friday next day may be a rainy one
MISS BUTLER --- Cut Pries Milliner
336 Paxton Block Take the elevator and aave money -
Asthma Catarrh
wHoopwa cough atoup
tcvaeueeire tere . ,
g Mash, ash is eSccUt tmiaeel M aaa
ilal imkJM. etisesa Mae ths
. tT , atek mm faff OftT
Tse air fsessre areestT eanetaus, serein
vttk eeerf sffeatS, aatei efeeteisf
IU eaagsaiMieeasdssMWaafsamaea
Try Cftnlffas aia
ltle Tlteal TsHea
faff tee lirltale tareal.
are as aeustsrlc. Of
VspsCitsisjai Ce.
! lenlasa Sc. - T.
Tonight, aaa. Mat. aad sTVrkt
riay l xaia aoaarauea
Pepalae Pilua. Mat, aa aad go
tlharlec Prehjaaa Preaaaaa
U Bgsaead saostaad's Mas ass pea ea
BOYD'S Last Time Tonight
Met SSe, SO. TS sad BLS
rti. Bat, m sUAaT IslaUM
Apiu 14, is, is, Bav Ptrmpu
Seat gala Toaay.
Katlaas Today giSO -STIgM St3S
Beet Saata go
The Ltdy Buccueers
XThA raarsday TUTSI Til its
tsTC-y, World's Wreatest reasass
Wreetier. aaa Aaale giaadiaa aa a gla
tshWresrUlag ale tea.
Oiull. ..a.
111 V exit j ai'na.
VK wr vr agar lsa-A-lse.
Mat areery Bay. S-Jf l creery sTIgk. U
Th Leading Lady baler no Mas
Hart 81s Steppers WUfre Clara
ta atrowa and ntemaa carl IMSiaree
The Parroff eUnuaacope uryMMum
Ooacert Urchaaua, Prto: NlshL 1.
lac. te aad lac Katlaee. Imei be(
aata, asc. axocpt Saturoa aad BusMay.
Bee Want Ada Produo Beaulte.
, at aacha- VAVTTV PA 1
a-jsinuteShow raw.
SxTaJ YaSAJTSA Asro Titniiriui
Bowman Br., Bob Doek-Nos Van Cat
tea, Pat Whit, 4 Armetroos. Buacn-e- ,
eer Trio. Suffering Suffragette Chonia !
Iaiesr Btsao Matisce Bvocy Weak Bay j
fsalghtj aXaaa. Tea. TharSs .