r , s THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. APRIL 11. 1912. Desperate Desmond Villain, Hero, Eosamond and All Hands Join V By Hershfield I in a Glad Easter Parade. i :1 1 ! DMmoiMl, tbo villainous Koundral, has matin life a burden tor Claude and Rosamond, Is now In the hands of our hero. But Claude, ever merciful, agrees to postpone the rlllaln'l execution until after the treat Easter parade down the Nevxky Prospect in Bt Petaraburg. WANT ADS Want ails received at any tima bat to insure proper claiulfiraJlou must be presented before 12 o crock ni. for (be evening edition and before 7:30 1'. u. for morning and Sunday ear noun. Want ada received after such hour will have tbeir first 1-vertioa under the ticaUluc Tim Lata to Classify." CASH RATES "Volt WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One tnserUoa 1H tent per word ana I cent per word for each subsequent rotut-cutive Insertion. Each Inser tion Blade on odd daya I-"" per word) Sl.SO per Una per month when ad la run without change ol copy. .aVHt AMD FINEHAL NOTICES. f i BRENNANJosephine. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Brennan. 17 M South Eleventh afreet. Kuneral from residence Thursday after noon at 1: o'clock. Interment Holy ttepulchrt cemetery. GErH'S-DavId, at Plalnview, Neb., April t. FunersI services at Hoffman's parlors, T0 South lMh street, Thursday at . a. , til.1 Interment Laurel Hill cemetery. Do , ' (.eased Is survived by one son, Dsn Oellus bf Omaha; two daughters, Mrs. Mary M'llke of South Omaha and Mrs. Fred Austerllts of New York. KMERSON-John, aged M, died at the h ime of his slater. Mrs. George Q. Crager, 171 .North Twenty-eighth ave nue. Funeral at t o'clock Friday morning from dt- John's church. KMERSON-Jehn, aged . at the home of hi. sinter. Mrs. Ueorge a. Crager, .71 N. Kith Ave. runeral it I o'clock Friday morning from 8L John's churchy CARD Or THANHS. It is Impossible for us to find words hlrh will fully express our heartfelt mltude toward all of aur neignoors, .J. ..i anloMl.ni'M fllP I MMll manV ' "er-l" noble ague' ' ijt'f the numerous flaw tance, as well rii of respect need by so many beautiful floral .Jferliigs during our recent bereavement, tused by the eudden and accidental atk of our beloved huaband and father, ho lost his life In the T. P. Stroud Jo fire. Although Ihla unexpected and xuddea experience waa a severe trial, the Very numerous expressions and deeds of f sleep sympathy have been conaoltng and, .' although language Is Inadequate to en tirely express our feelings and thanks to all concerned, will never be forgotten. JIHH. JOHN LAU8TERER AND FAM ILY, 1417 North Nineteenth street. We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sym inathy during the Illness and death ot i'-.ur dear mother and alster, Etna; also lint the many beautiful floral offerings. 3UR. AND MRS. H. J. PETERSON AND FAMILY. , BIRTHS AND DBATHS. Jtlrths O. E, and Edith Row, 1104 South Thirty-fourth street, boy; Fred and Suxle KmUh, M South Twenty-second street, boy; Abraham and Bertha Bland, 1W7 Ixthrop street, boy: Howard and Rslta Colon. Mil Plnkney street, girl. Deaths-Mrs. Susan V. Barnes, S Veers. Thirty-fourth street and Mere dith avenue; Q. W. McKee. years, 4l iouth Twenty-ninth street; William L. himckley, M years. 4603 Hamilton street: Kraeat Derek, M years. Tenth and Cas teliar streets. CNOEBTAIUsRS. ANTI-TRU8T UNDERTAKER Caskets 14 trust price. Phono H. Brase Co. til or F-17U, and save money. AMUSEMENTS OMAHA FILM EX. &m Mettoa picture machine and dim bargain. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, UNDtK-Tiki- R ea-balmer. 1611 Chicago St. D. int. B-ltbs, , Our Entire Stock AT ADJUSTER'S COST BALD. KG RESERVATIONS WHATEVER, BIO BARGAIN 8 Dunning Hardware Co. HU HARNET ST. The "Wash Word" of the Home Better work and loneer iff sa vn, tinea. That's our motto. Better Mil us h today and let the blue Wagon get laur trsal bundia. Kimball Laundry Tv.t- Ind. A-BIs, 811 Jaekaoa. Premier Electric VACUUM CLEANER - -FOR BALE $. FOR RENT tl.SS PER DAT. John Hussie Hdw.Ca vm Coming Bts. MONEY ro LOAN-LOW rate, ta stuns ta IUH. ais Bee It a Phone rjesiai asev IKtON- LOAN CO. KUDYM Hi St. Uth St. Every u lag In New Spring Myles. , GLAZING Carpenter Work ana Repalra, Casting Aside All Thoughts of who There la plenty of money In the Russian capital, although only a few of the Rua alana get their handa on any of It, and the royal family ta liberal la spending money why not, alnce they get It with out working for It and can alwaya draw on the publle exchequer for their wantaT ANNOUNCEMENTS THETEKNA'SHOP For wedding and birthday presents. Party favors and prises. Omaha's Exclusive Gift Store E. C. ZIM MERER, - 1823 Farnam 8t Omaha. PAKALYZED 11 YEAES For 1,277 Subscriptions. TO The Ladles' Home Journal 11 M The Saturday Eveiilng Post l.ae ins country Gentleman 1 SO me puousners win aeposit aft.ooo lor charity, the Interest of which will bring me U6 a month for life. Must have 177 in April or the tVut prize is tost. Your renewals count. Hush them In! 'Phone D. flat. GORDON THK MAGAZINE MAN. ueiAHA. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. ML Upholstering, piano furn. rep. ttM Far. HAZEL LEAF PILa; CONES-Beet remedy tor itching, bleeding or protrud Ing Mies, Mc postpaid: samples free. 8herman McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Wedding Announcements. Doug, ptg. Co. D. a. Qrlffllh, wig mfr 11 Frenser Bis. Neb. Seed Co. UW Jones. Both phoaes. SDROV.B. well boring. Bensbn Me. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. KB Douglas. Stevenson, carpenter, punt. Both phones. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron enA Mlr,. .hu... taat a lifetime. JOT N, I7th. Phone Red all' 8. H. Cole Sign Co. U, ?. UK Farnam. Twenty per cent less than Omaha onusa. nves ffviwiiuns tu. TwSnty.fuurin and I. St. South Omaha, M. K. Morrill, elilna paint. Ul Brandela Th OBO. BARKER. ROOM U. PATTRH- SCN BLOCK, formerly of Paxtoa Bloek, PAPERHANOERS use Snowflaka aaate. pmata Paate Co.. 71 S. Uth. Both phonsa. IT IS A BEASTLY HHAMic In lake sandy from babies. But It Is a snap a buy Diamonds, Watohes and Jewelry at Fred Brodegaard Co .a Great SacriMoa and Homoval Bale during March. NOHTHHUP LETTER LUPLICiTINO CO., lot Paxton Blk., clroulsr letters, any quantity; oiaeat sstaonined oompaayi ex- yrta or aiuuiarspn ana jveootyia FEATIIKJiS Mattresses renovsted JJ'ai"-cuw3Om. Pillow Co., 17J1 uming. l. sesf. Omaha Hill Posting Co. IW8 Hsr. D. 1UM. HARRY W. VICKERS. m PAXTON AT KOSHER HOME COOKINO." AHKIN8. K S. Uth. UPSTAIRS. WAVERS PR1NTINO CO. Doug, an. EL CONTKMTi) U 1 1, , m i ..t.t.n BOX SO. prsuald. B.TL: Irv k.ir ri.,..n. it w.. iwa rarnam, Omaha. PET your diamonds at Brodscaard'a. FRED OFFERMANTlaU, tubs. 110.65: ELASTIC HT( W ' W T NjTw -Z k.- : -lie ews always new, because we sen bu many; trusses fitted: everything guaranteed. W. u. rrn.. r' the largest surgical supply house, lOS-U aaejaiiiw AUTOMOBILES. INSURANCE 2;MJLm'Hir' f" DRUMMOND Aute repalra, rubber tires, for carrtagei wV...,.,u., iiHvsi, isiin ana hvmv. Auto eeiunwi ntyirtrxt. onitht ilvr Co. MurphyDidltSiis? REBUILT STODDARD-DAYTOXS t. L. T-passenger m I T-Paaaenger J.) s. F. Llmoualne..., j oif A. t-paaaenger 'aw BEVERAL OTHER MAKES OF CARS AT REDUCED PRICE J. J. DEKIOHT COMPANY, 11 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. way not sell your aid automobile and buy a new ooeor, maybe, you ess use the money u some other way-ta either event. Bee want ada win do the work. Rates Iva cents i.sr word If luu only one tlaue or 1 sent per word If run two or more tunes eoneecuuvely- Auto lamps radiators repd., plating aU kinds. Neb. Pi Co . 1311 Howard. D 6na! Your TIRE expwhh A. i. . x Consult us before burins new u. AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO., IH Farnam. PFE1FFER Carriage Works. Auto re- wn aoq iee,venwortn. Doug, ma. FOR 6ALE"Cbalmers roadster .' In food order. V 7U. care Bee. FIRST draft for KM takes my Reo runabout; will carry jour passengers snd guaranteed perfect Edgar Daily. Mataca rates. .Motorcycle repairing at cost. Doug. eSU USED mot jrcvclae. hlrvoL. k.mi. Prices. V. H. Rooa, 1701 Leavenworth. BUSINESS CHANCES. TO get la or aut at buslneas call aa qANOESTAD. 404 Bea Bldg. TeL D. MtT Cafe Wanted "".t rooms and no Isciutles for leaning aur gueata. Visa, l-lsner. Mgr. ltth and Howard. ONE ot the largest aad beet moving Picture shows, centrally located in city, will guarantee over lAe) per month clear profit Price, gi.OM: may take nan trade. H ?. Omaha Bee. . CONCESSIONS at Courtland Beach for season 1111 for sale. Park opena Mar A Call J. W. Munchhoff. Phona Webster SWT. WANTED Sober young man with loot to look after delivery and make collec tions on refrigerating machinery; good salary and commission: tats Is permanent aad wilt make you independent Unless) yoa hare the money and can begin at ones dont answer this. Address Ai Tt? Villainy, Let Your Eye Eest Upon This Pleasing Picture of a For once we will give precedence to an outsider over Desmond. Claude and Roaamond. As we are In St. Petersburg, we will give the cxar the first press notice. Notice him, In the center of the picture above. He is togged out In a new crown for the extremely auspicious occasion. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR RALE-AII or half interest In good paying grocery ana meat market In city. Bales K.SHtt month. H Bee Office, South umsna IF you havs from 11S0 to B.Oto to In vest 1 have a propoeltlon where you can make more money than you have ever made before. Call at 621 8. Mth St. Ed Rot her y, Business and Real Estate Exchange Co. Room 111. MoCague Bldg. BUSINESS PERSONALS Attorneys. List on I Hall. Lawyer. 147 Bran. Bldg. a. W. Shields. Attorney. 17 B. of Trada Mag Maaalaetarara. BEMI8 OMAHA BAO CO.. Omaha. Neb. Oaut statS Paeaaae MsuawKaeiarere. Wooden Bos A Package Co.. Ul N. 1Mb. thlre pod lets. DR. ROT, 1M Farnam. Pooglas tan. Clathlac Maaataatarere. Wear Meal dress shirts. M E. Smith Co. Dealers. WBSTERFIELD sells REEDER COAL; FURNACE or RANOE, D. list; A LU. Cats-asse ems Sleet Cellinas. CARTER Sheet Metal Worke, Omaha, Ctwaaaarlea, Delrlee aad Seapllee. Fairmont! Diadem butter, Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Deleetlvaa. JAMES ALLAN Neville Rlk. Evldsnot secured In all cases. Tyler IIM. L. W. LONONECKEH. 117 K arose h Blk, Omaha Seerst serv, ta Paxtoa blk. D.11U BeatUla. Bailey, the dentist. City Nat'i. D. t Maeh as Maoh, Id floor Paxtoa, U Uai, Taft'a dental rooms. 1117 Doug. D 11M. Prasaasatajagt. Terry'a Iraesmaking college tKh Far. RSASONABLB PRICES. Plata and fancy dressmaking. itt bt. Mary's Ava Red 4X PLAIN sewing, reasonable. Harney lies. WANTKD-Sewlng. phone Webster CM1. DRKSMM A K1NQ taught Bring your own materials and learn to make your own clothes; terms reasonable, tee N. ntin nt. Douglas mil. EXPERIENCED dressmaker. UU Far nam m. fhone Dougles UM. Dressmaking by day. Phone Doug. teOs. Draagleta. DRUGS at Cut nrlcaa: frslsht esld ea 111 orders; catalogus free. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. aiverytklaa Electrical, Eleotrla lighting fix,, wholesale anC retail tfurgeea-uranoen CO.. Ibll rlowaro. D-eaL atwerythUg SSlectrleal. STANDARD ELECTRIC CO.. Telephone Doug. US. lit South 11th St, tUWAKU r. HCtiUKIti, Mgr. 2d Hand Electric Apparatus and repalra. Le Bran. Ill S. ltth St. SCecrytatag tur Weasea. Willow plumes made from vour old and new feathers, reasonable, 1161 8. 1L D. 7 Dr. Baboock Co.. Art Wlthnell, 11 A Har. Nubone Tailored Corsets. Guaranteed not to mat oe break, v none -orset a nop, a Neville Ilk. D. II, a DRESS Dleatlnxa buttons, covered, all siaee ana etyiea I n a, iUsAL PLEAT INO CO., M Douglas Block. Both phone MAYME RAUBER ahtTTSlifl 1414 S. ltth St.. I block south of William. , travel Milts aad tetraa. Feed, all klrda Olencoe Mills Stl I sere. Flewtexa. A. Donajthoe. 1W Far. D. MM. A-MA. HESa 4k SWOntJDA. 14U Farnam St L. HENDEReXN. hilt Kamam. D. ilia. BKANDaUa FLORJbl'. oaaoels Bulg. BATH'S FLORlars. Boyd Theater Bid. BENNETTS, cut flowers. Doug. Ul. Feaadrlaa. McDonald bran and bronss foundry, ala ml num. tin, lead castings. te7 laeksoa. Laaadrtea, Ouarsntee Launry. Fine work, p. C71 MRS. UERTRUDE UARMEN. curtains cleaned; six rears' experietice. Prtuee lee ta He per pair. Douglas Ira. Atarlauc. ataraae aaa laeetalaat. EXPRESSMEN'S DeSvary CoMoving furniture, j lmtture. pevklng, nreproot storsge. ciu ettlca. lis s. I7ta iwug: cm. ido. st-ua FEHHLS Van a atoraaw. Tyler laa. B-lTiat. Furn. moving; I men. U per nr. W. 174s. hlaltlsraafeer Trl-Clty Duplicating Ca, at Omaha Nat'i Ben Mailing list Dovglaa leal. OMAHA DUPLICATING CO- 4M PAX- TON BLK. DOUGLAS 4TUS. Maate, Asa aad 1 aaaaaatss Violin lesson: Wa L. Pstton, Web. : PIANO TUaNWDT IN aniic a4 Fruit Trees Shad trees, ehruba. stock. Phone Benson Omaha Nursery. Oenaral aorsary MeP.hYRD NURSERY CO. Wa win be at the same aid stand. MU aad Douglas Sta CallO eug. 4a: let us help yon ptan your grounds free of charge. STEWARTS. 8KEUMKN. US N. MTH HAZKL DELL NURSERY, J. W. DAY. General line aereery stock. Mta and Pmkaey. Fnoae Wee. fcis . Notice also the czarina and the czar's little boy, who goes along reluctantly. Poor child, be has nothing to look for ward to but growing up to be a csar and have bombs chucked at him. However, there la no way out of it, unless Russia becomes a republic. BUSINESS PERSONAL wvtletaae. B. F. Warn, fitting and rep'g. 441 Brandela Oeieapalkr. AHcs Johnson. SK I Brandela The. Bldg. Kaiherya Nlckoiaa. tLH-u Brandela Theater Palate aaa ulaas. YOU are Invited to come In and get color oarda and talk over your painting and decorating. Complete line Sherwin VYlillama paints and vurntahea. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. MurH Farnam. Doug. 47M, Patents. D. O. Ramell, Pttn TVk T.t MT! Wlllard Edd. k,v, rhoaearauhs. Edlsnn phonotrraphs. Shulti Bros, less rsr. Prlailaa. Lew W. Raber, Printer, r5u'rBh,r BEE BLDQ. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Rlea-Hall Ptg. Co. lot 8. 14. Ind. A-Ul LET the CENTRAL PR1NTINO Ca do your work. 1417 Douglas St. Tel. D. 1754. Lyngstad Printing C.. letb and caimet Ave. Tel. Ind, A-aao for good printing. Flsatuejrapsiera. Rlnehart. photographera. Uth A Piatt aa. OMAHA SILVER CO. 314 S. Uth. Flasabera. L, F. VALKENRKftO. Plumbing. W. Ml. tteel Task sat Calvert caaaaaalee. NEBRASKA and owa Steal Tank Com pany, ltth and Nicholas, u. MSa. eaearaakers and teart Renarters. Myrtle A. Kelley. 706 Bran. The. D. MM Teats aad AwaluasT OMAHA TENT CO. Tet ta Douglas. Tellurian. LT tt Ladlea Ullor: ta Ltieii. ju" nj 'n,:Y g awavaas s Weed tailored owna Bldg. W lv.ee aad Llaaarm. WTLLOW Springs seer, liquor, uigars, saadwwhea. Alex Jetea, Ml-t & Uth. St. VIRGINIA DARE wine. Be a large hot tie. Klein Liquor House. AH N. Uth St, Traake aad salt Cases. Fran at A Stelnle. UN Farnam St EDUCATIONAL B0YLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete courses In Business Honk. keeping. Stenography. Telrgrsphy. Clvtl Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue Is free for the asking. Call, write or phone for it at once. Address H. B. Boy lea. President Bovlea Collars. Omaha. Neb. TUTORING, 1st to 1th grada H. HELP WANTED FEMALE Asteata aad aaleawasaea. WANTED Tall. enoA lonklne uiwtA. date lady over M as office seelstant by ventleman making all large cities In the west; good salary snd expenses for right party. Addreea E 771. care Bee. Factory aad Trades. WANTED Two experienced girls to la bel butter. Farmers' Creamery Co., 1th and Harney, phone D. tl. Haaeekeeaera lit Ouaaeetloa. THE SERVANT OITtl. PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Domes tie Help Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your ad to The Has office or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED A woman fur general housework on Nebraska ranch. Mrs. R M. Terrlll. Brownlee, Neb. WANTED Girl for general housework and to do plain cooking; small family; references required. Mrs. Stebbina, U30 Park wild Ave. Tel. Doug. 1694. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing; good wages, ttol Krug Ava or TeL Doug. 6011 GIRL for general boua enport. Good Wears. iwork, Dav- WANTED Two cooka, ten waitreeees and other kitchen help for Evans' new restaurant: largeat and handsomest place In Dee Moines, to open April U. Apply st once. Evans' cafe. Dee Motnea, Ia WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, email family, good wages. Harney 1B. WANTED A competent while took for home In Benson near Country club. Mia A. U ReeeU apply UK Dodge. Phone Harney Ms. WANTED A aood girl for second work. !" St. Mxry's Ave. Mrs. Woodruff. COMPETENT girl for aTeosral bouee Apply Mrs, Steele, Tcieph joe Harney work; small family. gm Wooiworth Ava YOUNG girl wanted ta aeatat la house- work: good home; small family. 1161 N. ' lMh St. El.I'KKLY lady to assist in taking care or children. Board and small pay. Doug las Tzit or in case. WANTED Girl for general housework. two In family. t & th Ave. 'Phone Harney C W' ANTED Com Detent airl for general housework, no washing, bouse cleaning none, goon wages, beautiful meanly. Tel. Harney till WANTED Nurse to eare for Infant nVferencea required. 1611 8. Sth St, Doug GIRL for general housework, no wash- Ing. in small family. Ft So. Uth Bt. WANTED A girl fur general easy place. Harney 2M. W ANTED A airl for general hones work. Ssa Farnam. WANTED Csmoetent airl for general housework. Pleasant room, good wages. 1144 So. Od St Harney XT. GIRL wanted for reneral housework- small family: good wagea Mint Capitol Ave. WANTED Aa experienced maid for enseal house sunk: na waahlna or Iron ing. Mrs. Frank. WUneisa, Haraey BeL Happy Well-Dressed Easter Parade in the Great Russian Capital VOJI BALE OR EXCHAXGlS Haasekeeaera and Dusaeetlee. WANTED A girt or a lady to assist with housework, easy place and good - ior tne ngnt party. Telephone D. a. IMS Cass Bt. WANTED Experienced girl to cook and do general housework, small family, no washing. Tel. Doug. L or 3U N. Mth St. WANTED Competent girl to do cook ing and downstairs work Mm. r w Cotton. 'Phone Harney (3. HOi'SEKEEPER wanted. Phone Doug las 7161 WANTED A good girl for general housework, small family. Mrs. B. A. Simon, 3311 8. Ski St., or phone Harney YOUNO girl to assist with housework. No washing. Call Harney lis or B-1S91 WANTED Good girl for general house work: llu per month. Kol Cass St. WANTED A good oook; good wagea 808 9. 83d Bt Tel. Harney 1S47. VENTED An experienced nurse maid for children ot 1 and 4 years. Mrs. A. F. Smith. 1319 Dewey Ave. WAN CED-Girl for general housework In apartment; two In family; good wages. Apply 304 6. Kth St. MleMUsetst, YOUNO women coming to Omaha at strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary s Ava and 17th St, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for ear travelers' guide at the Union station WANTED Cttorus airl for riuumI comedy. Address Edwin Nlner, Opera House, Boone, la. HELP WANTED MALB Atreats, salessaea aad lelleltore. RELIABLE salesman able to give reference can obtain opportunity to con nect with new concern of reputation. For particulars phone Douglas 642s. TRAVELING HARDWARE SALESMEN WANTED. By large wholesale hardware house In Iowa, man ot experience and ability, for southwestern Iowa territory, who is ac quainted with the trade. High grade man wanted who can sell hardware others a need not apply. Olve age. previous ex perience ana sales ngurea also fefsr- ancea Aouiese I z, care Bee. AGENTS Earn KM to W a day intro ducing labor and time-saving necessities. Sample of seasonable leader free. Home specialty Co.. 2ZB Clarence Ave. St touts. Mo. SALESMEN to call on the medical profession and represent old established trada Good Income guaranteed to suc- ceasrui man, p. o. Box HI. Philadelphia. Permanent Income for salesmen. Ask tor Mr. Wilson. 1M Brandeis Theater. vV ANTED By a corporation of the nigneet financial standing, a clean, strong, sggreesive salesman to meet high class customers. Olve age, present and past Business connection and experience. Aanresa. j im. care Omaha Bee. Clerical aad ulflve. FULL dress suits and party dresses for eaie; aiso ior rent, si.w ia si.ev a nurnt .. . . . -. . ... lunn r r.uuMAfl, jv. 17 1 n. u. urn. WANTED A first-class bookkeeper tmmeaiaieiy. rnone lmugtsa smb. Faatary aad Trades, Drug store (snaps! Job. Knlest. Bee Bldg Dunham's Lawn Rollers at 10 pet off. Pennsylvania Lawn Mowers at 10 pet off. Garden Hose, all grades, at X pet off. DUNNING HARDWARE COMPANY Mil HARNET BT. ' WANTED Yardman for lumber yard, two-yard town, northeastern Nebraska. narnea men speaking German preferred. Permanent place fur good man. Addreaa B-767, care Omeha Bee. MlBMUsatfeea, TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed re y the Union Pacifie and Illinois Cen tra! railroads If you gain your training la ew aiwH. nmns en It n Vina, as, dreaa tur particulars, H. B. Bojtes. Prea Holies Coliega Omaha. Neb. U.S. AUTO SCHOOL. I OMAHA, 1 LARGE SHOPS, GUARANTEE, higher eual- Itv araAuaiaa. Uam sua and actual repair work than any tares wn ecnooie. Lt ue PKUVK tt- STOP READS Get lato a paying Learn automobile engineering In oar large training shop. Hundreds of successful graduates. Complete equipment of auto mobiles and machinery. Address National uiu i raining Assn., sjg isrsAdeis Thea ter Bldg.. Omaha NV YOU ARE wanted for government Job. Paw month. Send postal for list of no !'"na epen Franklin Institute. Dspt ear vr, nux.irrBirr I . I, WANTED FOR U. S. ARJMT-Ak i"Jl. J'T. L'Z JT. T.'. - . !! . ' 1 nR gaa speak, read and write the Eaguea auguaga For information apply to re cruiting officer, 11th and Douglas Sta, (imaha, Neb; ay; th St, Sioux City. la,i as) K. Mth St. Lincoln, Neb. - " .l RWI. WB WANTED More people to raise poul try with the Old Trusty Incubator. Write lar free catalogue. M. 14- Johnson, Clay Center. Neb. a MEN to 44 yanrs aid wanted at once for electric railway metormen and conductors; pa ta Hs) a month; na ax pertenca necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application Mana. Addreea Y 1.4 care at Bea WANT El Men to learn barber trada uur lite scnotarsnip backed by sound tl nancea Sure of success hers. Thli Thl. business offers good demand at top wagea Call or write today. Molar Bar ber College. II 8. Mth Bt WANTED A first cUaa alaiui to take charge of dothlng and shoe dept. German preferred. State references and wagea Becker Ca, Albtoa, Neb. Bids for grading to Mil old sewer idrv creek bed) in Eliujtom Park piaee east ot Fort Omaha, to us at once. CHAa. E. WILLIAMSON CO. m 8. Mth Bt (cor. Dodawi. ium floor Insurance, Reotala, Loans, Abstracts, ate. Notice also in the parade the Nihilists with their Easter millinery, and Mortal the famous Russian dancer. Also the grand duke, who is speculating on th best way of making a touch from the cxar. Gay dogs those grand dukes are. as you see from this. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE WAGON8 everywhere. Carey Laundry. Web. 1604: A-1S4S. TWO good dining room girls and boy to work In dining room and office: gooa, clean boy thati does not use liquor or cigarettes; none other need apply; 120 a month, board and room for each. Hotel Monroe, Grlnnell, la. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace and Veatelee. ITDRSFS t let Y "ay r week. Sher- tforsea and mares bought and sold. HORSKS and con Mil Cuming St Black mare, wt l.e. Wagner. 801 N. 16. HOliSKS Maros and work harneai bought and sold. 917 N. 15. Harness of all kinds, th UrrMt sn,k In the city at attractive prices. Johnson, Danforth Co.. 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jonea. One-Seated Carriage. &4 N. 17th St FINE Jeraev cow for t,ule: fresh soon. 489 Davenport St. Phone Harney 1634. HOR.SE, Harnesa. soring wanon. 170: good bargain. MM So. (1st St. FOR &ALE Second-hand onen buggy. good as new. Central Implement Co., 1117 ramam ft." NEARLY new. single ton buggy and single hamefs. All In good condition. Web. ST7S. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In the atreet cars. Many articles each day are turned la and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug laa 4a. OMAHA tt COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Gold locket diamond In center, monogram W. ., between N. 26th St and Brandels Stores. Reward. Return to Ul N. lh St FOUND1'"'' Suits Steamed. Pressed, Men's Hulls Steamed. Pressed. FAULTLESS CLEANERS,, 111 S. Uth. D. 184. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R Tarry cures Piles, Fistula, and other rectal diseases, without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write tor book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. DR. RACE Specialist, nervous and all chronic disease, 23a Harney. Doug, 3U. Ladles' guaranteed remedloa. 4ul Ware blk. Women's allm'ta Dr. Burke. 41 Doug. Blk Dr. Baboock Co.. 203 Wlthnell Bldg. MONEY TO IaMN. Salary aad Chattels. M0NEYTb LOAN To working people of Omaha ntt JVt'RT A PERSONAL NOTE. LOWEST RATES. TERMS TO SUIT, NATIONAL LOAN CO., tt Bee Bulldln Phone Douglas 1111. LOANS NEGOTIATED ON REAL ES TATE. FURNITURE, PIANOS, WARE HOUSE RECEIPTS, SALARIES, ETC. LOWEST RATKS. Ol.'IO: H.-.T flERl'. ICE, CONFIDENTIAL. SEE US F1RS2. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., ID FIOOR PAXTON BLDG., H7 8. UTH. TELEPHONES DOUGI.AS 1411 A A-14H. MONEY TO LOAN. PRIVATE. For 16 I will send addresses of XU pri vate parties having funds to loan averag ing lui.Ouu each. Will loan on any good securities. List guaranteed to give re sults or money refunded. Reterences lurnisned on request. Send check at once. Address 1 ay D. Pickens, Persons1 ctoverasie, ind. Money on furniture, plsnos and real estste at a very low rats ot interest Nebraska Loan Company, Doug. 1364L 2a Bee Bldg. A-1KA MONEY loaned salaried neoule woman keeping house sad others, without se- umy; essy payments, unices in prin cipal clues. Tolman. iu Omaha Nat'i Bank Biug.. formerly N. Y. Ule Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS, lb to 110U. 8ALARY LUAisa. iou can get it today of STAR LOAN CO.. 44 Paxton Block. DlAVOXn iriANri at XU. and i ne ami. B1 ..TUT Ml tuulo '1 1 o bilk OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. Anchor Line Steamships New York. Londonderry and Glasgow New York. Palermo and Naolee. Attractive rates for ticksts between New York and all Scotch. English, Irish. Continental and Mediterranean points. Superior accommodations, excellent cui sine, efficient service. Apply promptly for reservation to local agent of Anchor Line or Henderson Brothers, General Agents, Chicago, 111. OFFERED FOB RENT ward and Hawass. a M. E. hauls trunks. D. ill. A-KIl SOUTH TH AVE, 0Nlcely fur- nlsned modern rooms. Board It desired. Douglas 643. SO. Kth St. HI THE PRATT. esst room; excellent board; single rooms. D. an. FURN1.SHED rooms, board. So. U. Faralsked ft same. 1814 Dodge Furn. rooms, private family. steam heat, elee. light: ret. Doug. 457 4. 17 FARNAM Well furnished modern room, south exposure. NEWLY papered, modern south room with board; private family; walking dis tance. Tel. Harney WSJ." LARGE modern room in Hanscom Park district MS Marcy. H. 40O. I 8. Mth St Nicely furnished front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. TeL Red Ssl: A-SW. 10W Farnam. south front room for two. rarwlalied Ha ekewplan; THTS M A NTKL Two-room apartment- fa. The Howard, 1-room, private bath. 136. Sat and Howard. TWO single rooms, sleeping or light aouseneepiag. save Ah, and now ws see Roaamond In a superb Easter hat and a pettier skirt. Isn't she the star of the parade? Claude thinks so, any way, and that ta enough for her. You also see Claude and Des mond. Then, the parade over, hostilities are renewed. OFFERED FOR RENT Hotels aad Agesrtaaeata. , Dewey European hotel. 18th and Farnam fWfJpn Hntpl Council Bluffs. Rooms .0 to 17 .09 per week. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rata. Dodge, running hot and cold water; tete phones In every room; prices the same. Aaartaaeata and Flata. 4-ROOM apartment, new, modern brick! steam heat; short walking distance; gaa stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe; blinds: laundry; fine Janitor serricn. Douglas 6.106. 1-ROOM modern flat. Scargo Bids.. E1SI, N. 24th St., S. Omaha. Hall. 421 Kamge Bldg. D. 740S. A-440S. CLOSE IN. 5 rooms and bath, new buffet, shades. gas stove, laundry, over store southwest corner 24th snd California. O'KEBFB REAL ESTATE CO. (ROOM atiartment. new brick. 121. 1714 S. 17th St. Harney ISSA. VERY fine duplex apartment I laraa rooms, first floor; Isrge front porch, fir, place; nice yard and corner lot 1660 Geor gia Ave. 1-ROOM mod. flat 1111 S. Uth St MODERN t-room anartment oa Wast Farnam St., steam heat, shades, gaa stove and janitor service: very choice. JOHN W. ROBBINS. ISM FARNAM ST. HEATED APARTMENT. , The Leone, 821 & Mth St.. ( rooms. nicely decorated; large porch, rood van. Illation; oak finish throughout. This lg a very choice apartment and the Dries la right, . PAtNE er SLATER CO., Sole Agents, th Fl. Om, Nat. Bk. Bldg. VERY DESIRABLE 4-room modern, apartment. 126. 146 8. Hat St Web. ML THE STANDARD SEPARATE SUMMER HOMES. WHAT YOU GET COUNTS. High grade, steam hested. clean, A-r. modern flats; thick walls, private halls,' special ventilation; cooler aummar than single houses; hot water, Janitor, walk ing distance: references; summer ta up. You get double for your money. , PAYNE A SLATER CO., Sola Agents, 1th Fl. Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg, -sOOM, partly modern, flat. Ita) N, asm Bt, aiaou, 4-room modern fist. HUB V. lath a. 121.60. 11-room, partly modern flat, 8. W, one, 94th and Hamilton 136.00. 11-room modern flat, B14 8. Mth. ' '" ' THOS. W. HAZEN, 107 McCagua Bldg, Douglas 3300. Vafaralaaeel Hooms. 5D Cass fl. for rent; St. H. 4.S2. I large rooms, MS THREE unfurnished rooms, private bathroom, small storeroom, outside psroh, garden and fruit; modem except heats no children: reference 1117 N. ltth. Hoaxes and Cettaaee. SIX-ROOM house, nearly new, all mod ern; bath, laundry, hot water heat. Phone Harney 3049. SIX-ROOM modern. SL Louis flat cheap. 2231 8. 13th -St.- bit, 8. Mth Ave., -r., all mod., IS7 SA. fat Capitol Avs., 7-r, all mod, 07.60. Ul 8. 16th Ave., t-r, all mod., 126. lJl N. fd., 6-r., all mod., lie, 2-ill Emmet 8t.,7-r . all mod., tlT.lft, S6I6 Arbor St.. 4-r, well water, 16. McCAOUE INVESTMENT COMPANT. Phons Douglas 416. 150$ Dodge St. FOR RENT 7-room cottage, 1031 Leav enworth; modern except heat; 126. Web. 1-ROOM cottage, 116; city and cistern water; cement cellar: lawn: shade: varnished floors, til 8. 40th St Leav enworth car line H blocks WEST FARNAM. 139 8. 15th St. 1-r.. strictly modern. brick dwelling, in the most desirable res idence district In the city, MS. PAYNE eV SLATER CO.. ' Sole A genu, (th Fl. Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. FOR RENT Cheap, two 6-room cot tages, modern except furnace, in good) condition, good location. Reference re quired. S. Kth 8t. F. 144. Good men are hard to get. They don't wander around the streets looking for signs "In wlndowa When you need good help ' advertise In The Bee. Ree Want ads are read by keen, energetic men who wish to better their condition. Ratea le per word if run two or more times consecutively. Tele- phone Tyler 1'jO". 1-ROOM house, lit. i-room. 140. Modern. Hanscom Park. Tel. Harney IMS. FOR RENT 1 rooms and bath; corner lot. 2m N. 16th 8t Phone B. 844. 1-ROOM house, modern, 146. Fine lawn, 75 8. 17th St. Phone Web. StO. 4-R. COTTAGE, all modem except fur nace, on blvd. Harney 1644. T frm coo. n all parte of the city. liuusca Crrucn sons A Co.. Bee Bldw. MOVING, packing and storing of house hold goods and lanoe la our business. Omaha Van A Storage Co, fireproof storage, M S. Mth, by the viaduct. Branch office. Kt) 8. 17th St TeL D. 4162. A-1K. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. TeL Douglas XH. city office, in B. 17th 8t Bee Bldg. 17011 N. Jtth St. t-r.. new paper and paint only 110. 7a a. inn tit.. -r, close in, only iti, 147 N. 17th St.. t-r. mod. ex. heat with water, only 117. it4g s. 2Wh at., s-r.. una location, lares lot J2S. At zrta and Dewey Ave. a and 4-r. flata mod. ex. heat tll.Se. 121 a. uth nt, x-r, 17. K S. rth Bt, 1-r.. fs. N. P. DODGE A CO., Uth and Harney Sta. ' BEAUTIFUL net r 7-room house and aloe location. Tele- barn, all mcdern, phone Florence Ifi 714 NORTH D ST, s-r. modern. tAV Bit Webster St. MVr. modem. R6. lil Clark St., t-r. apartment. HA 1611 North Uth St. 4-r. apartment, tills. Arthur J. McShane II First Natl Bank Bldg Ph. D. 1STS. FOR RENT 1H acre, new t-room 1 m city limits: National Investment Co, 61 Brandels Bldg.. Douglas 4AL 4S1 Lafaj'ette Ave.; 4 rooms, tie month. t-room modern house with garage, oe- strabry located: best part Dundee; near ' BENSON A CARXICHAEIa I t r