THE BEE: OMAIIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1912 a .LOAN COMPANY IS ORGANIZED Mayer Honorbilt Shoes appeal to men and women who seek the most approved styles and at the same time demand tne utmost in wearing quality. The reason Mayer Honor bilt Shoes satisfy particu lar people is because they are stylish in appear ance, and are made in themost thor ough, workmanlike manner ot the finest material obtainable. I A h 3 V II A For Men, Women and Children HONORBILT i Mavcr Honorbilt Shoes hold their shape, look neat and dressy and when compared with other.. Rhfies of eaual price they are far more classv and serviceable. If you want the creatcst shoo value obtainable anywhere, rbuv Maver Honorbilt Shoes made- for Men," iit i t- w j women ami Vimuren muny styles and all sizes. , To be sure you ire getting the f renuine, iook tor tne Mayer r.: I Trade Mark on the ole. Sold by : leading shoe dealers everywhere vjw if your dealer wui not supply you, write to us. We also make Mayer "Martha Wash-, tniton Comfort Shoes ana Mayer Yerma Uuhfon anoet. F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co, Milwaukee, Wk Mva Hanerbik SIMM for Km Mayor HooorWK Shoes far Whm Ossewi Loot aW) May RoaarMh Mm lor Chfldna Ueuel Mem BWI Hew Omaha Concern Will Cater to the Farmer. CAPITAL STOCK GOES EAPJDLT Bnlm Affair Will Be la Hawd t Be.rd Direct!, Mne ber Which Are E- ttrieaeed. The F-ankers' Mortgage loan company. wltk aa authorlied capital ot S2.MlO.Mt. ha beea organised and Incorporated ana ha opened office la the Bee bluldlng. Tb company ha been onrardsed by Thorns B. McPhron. Omaha; F. Mc- Glrerin. tanker, Fremont; George N. Seymour, banker. EI(1n; ft- A. Pater, hanker and etockman. Hay Uprlngs. Neb., and W. E. Farlow, New Tork. Mr. Mc- Pheraoa baa been elected president. Th- business affair of th company will b la th band of th board of director. all of whom for yr hv bean aoeca- ful and prominent la banking and - aanclal circle. Whll all of tb capital itock ha nol been ubcrlbd( tt I going rapidly and within a abort Urn th entire C.ftJ.0) wfll b arallabl. making It on of the lrgrt ccacern of It kind In tb wl To Malt Realty Uu. .Th bankers' Mortgage Loaa company I nol a bank, but It buelnea wUI b iucl la th nature ot one. It will loaa money on real en late and mk a ap- clalty of (upplying fund for pubHe utility concern. It 1 aaid that at th present Urn I almost Impossible to ecur loan on (arm throughout th wat. owing to the fact that capital I being employed for other purposes. Consequently, th new Omaha Institution la said to b supplying a long felt need, enabling farmer to borrow money that tbey may develaa tholr farm to a higher degree, adding to their yslus and attractlreneai. Tb crtaryahlp of th new company ta looked after by E. M. Reynold of Omaha, a man who hu bad a raat amount of prlenc In th land and loan buiinta la Nebraska, rran klin Model D 38 H-P$3500 A "wear out" is entirely differ ent from a "blow out." Tires on . the . Franklin, "wear out'-' after , from 8,000 to iO.OOO miles service. On the usual car of.the same size they "blow out' after about quar ter the milage. Franklin tire cost is apprxK mately one-third that "of bther; cars of the same size. GUY L. SMITH DISTRIBUTOR 1 y '. 2205 Fnrnam Street Omaha, Nebraska 4 ' '. Merrymakers Give Cast forTheir Play Th cast of character for "Th Junior." th three-act comedy playlet which will b presented under tb auspice of th Mrrymakr club of Trinity cathedral at Jacob' Memorial hall on April . ha been completed, Tb following twelve are Included In th caat: Janet Hal. Illghfurld niece Adeline Wykori Violet, on of th Lakevlll girl Ormo Murphy Mabel, a visitor at Lakerlll Anna Purity Verda. another visitor. ...Sydney ntebbln Kdward Moor, th Junior. .CI Clalborn "Jimmy" Monro, a rlassmat of Moor' William Hutatoa "Thin" Hmlth. another Junior Wllhur Dlabrow Oemoetaene Marwyn. a senior Francis Parkin' Silk Rk-ketta, a eenlor Stanley Woolatencroft Will Rot k well, a third senior Kei Hungat Thorn J, Hlghfleld, a captain of flnnc L Brand Wykoff President Fowler, of lAkevlll uni versity Frederick Slebbln Petition is Filed - for Open Schools A ptfltion requesting th opening ct j school building In th city for pubo entertainments b bean filed with retary J. H. Hurt ess of th Board of Education. Th petition ws aigntd by . i.OO) Ktlsens, th flrat atgnatura btiag that of B. O. JslcXemla. 9 v In th petition th Indian and refer endum 1 requeated and th board I further petitioned to hav th prci-o-sltlon voted on within thirty day after th date of llllu. Members of th Board of Ed'mlio-! hav aald they would not b oppoecj to open school if tb people desired it. Mom action will b taken at th next meeting of th board. April M. Th on building and ground may at Uial tlm make report. The Favorite Rye ot Six Generations" The SCHENLEY bottle is full of pure rye, because the SCHENLEY label says so, is 4 times distilled in copper. (OrtUaary wbiakcy tut bom tlua twlc) This means absolute purity delicate flavor extra ' quality." Bottled in Bond Each bottle ia sealed with the U. S. Government Stamp, A Its age Is guaranteed by the - r u. . uovemmen. i. itspurity by the Schenley DistuUng Company. Its quality speaks for itself. When you buy Rye, buy Schenley. At all dealers. - Schenley Dteillin; Company. Locewco, Pa. ' I iM Fremont Elopers Stopped by Police T. C. Tutlle and Ml Loula Park, ea-h II year old and living at rraawot decided they wanted to marry. Their parent objected. Th young people - cam to Omaha, where liter war arrtd yesterday a they war securing a Uona froas Cnpld Kuray. . , . Tuttl I a son of 8rgant Tuttl of the Fremoal pnlic and hi fbtnM wu-ed the Jrnah police ta atop th 10pra. Tbey .'!. Officer ilell and Delehsnty Kd th .irraat and bad they appeared at th un houM fire minutes later tar would hay found th coup! before aoma Justice of th peace being married, tar Mr.' Furay nad Just Issued th certificate. Both .aid they, were of age. A delightful change for your breakfast tomorrow Jgk t S ) X J mmTm-scmU Y I I rrr.:ri.- - " 1 mil A delicious breakfast dish TIT x a highly concentrated food VV If cut ricn jn protein has been the white man's source or power. D easily digested, very nutritious' IxlCC the food that has given the Japanese his wonderful endurance. n well known in its various MjQTlsZy forms of malt a strength-giving blessing to all invalids. TRIX is a blending of wheat, rice and bar ley, cooked and ready to serve by adding cream and sugar. TRIX is scientifically combined to give the greatest possible nutrition and consume the least energy in digestion. If your grocer is not yet supplied, telephone Douglas 3686 and a package will be delivered to you. The New England Cereal Co., South Norwalk, Conn. O m ah a Sales Co; National Fidelity Building, ! ;. V Western DUtribatort. . Negro is Arrested for Stealing Spuds Bob Hamilton was arrested early Tues day by Officer MnaflM. wb caught t.rm pushing aacg of new potato along iMdg at reel la a wheelbarrow. Ill .inn were cusplclou and when he wa rounht to the static and aatlond -r aald that th spuds were given him Bobbi Burn, also colored, wha had i mor ck la hi room. Hamlltoa jld Bum stol th poutoc from a tight car. Officer vis; ted Burns' room . Ill North Tenth atrt aad found th iatoa, which wer carted to the Ma ori. Both men wer charged with petty , cny, and this charge may be chaagad hen th real nlue of th seven bags of jtatoe I learned. ft ja lagazine Praises i , Seed Corn Campaign Th aoathweat Trail, a Biagsila pab ' - abed ta Chicago by th Rock Island. raise Nebraska aad th Omaha Com mercial club m particular for Uw recent cccsafoi campaign In th Interests of Dod seed corn. Tb magaatn call ft 'the most at liking example ot moder lanes of cofl Deration ia pnbHo errie,"' nd continues to ay "how th husta iterest of Kebraska combined la a .toaster aairemnt to eecure plaatinc at od wd car and av the Stat . J'.OW." Th articl ia written by Atvin '. SUlncL y : ....... - : , - : ; ; t m -h-A. M a - UU Z 1 M fl sFl XV'tX s VWater-Level Route 11 lljK If Jiff ' Straight and Smooth and Gradeless HkJIh flbilpann-Rnn-NgwYorkll W withttvrmprivucirit kl I Jrff W . i n V n.e.i..j nAw.: TMoJn nKn Jr. 1 L I Pittsburgh, Albany, ffl &.rXk) . XX , Niagara Falls J st iain I . p"f I , " ' Always the -: Ymara lor amr 1 sJJ' T a e ! ! L 11V.tJ VS. I famtlm. 1 TV . oesiowYiwiuiuc .TU1U (I TT tot partly. fi See that your ticket reads via ... u NewM(MralLines t . . I high rd. rer- 1 VI For bdtcts and full iniormatkai call 1,1 ' I :dpadabl bakioj 1 W onoraddrei your kxal agent or our i w Omaha Office JJ I h one and not tb im- V - .. . , Jf Jr " proMBt ia yoar bak-. 1 . 323 City National Bank Bldtf. ry , inc. So how mac mora 1 .- J. & WTLLEBKAKDS. Ceaoral Adasat f 'ccaonucal ewar tb high- s Fmn Depart in I -jSfcj pocad (ratt braada. bow 1 - Jjy ox h bwtwr than tb chaap I rr zas fSnrThiaquahty I KgJ5? WRES WWY " ' T mod.rat ia coat I . Qa hf IRacairw) Hbrhmt Awwrd I VTS ' ' .. 1 RUPTURE V I t H nttottalB mini la I ratfair'ihfitayfi ,17 wTilo-. 1 V 'ilk '- an assSkW III, ahiorkMottaaw. Mo 1 k" f Ifi - wwfflbada, I i 1 w-!JJ-SwTs? -- M l Fortune or success have , often come through a little want ad. . Have you read the want ads yet today? '