Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Council Bluffs
i !L J
Ho Xaterial Change Made in List of
City Employes.
iifl M W
cirsTzL ..v".f-
ZZ-J?ZZ?ZZZZr : --"Vlr-.Tir.Sl. .-cn.Ti-.ita.xswxwi'ri.'iit.x!' atrrst: sasrtw raws AnTtm 1
Massed te aeeeesl B. M. Saret,
atTWWrxaxxTwnee SATxswsrtevriw'-aeTsBW!
-,'' ""TT r l II'--Va
Tens ' Has Expired.,
genera far W est Ead Matter
at Dteeewelea.
Mayor Maloney'a prediction that there
would be a very few changes la the per
i. in j i
OMEN who are
housewives, and
especially those who have families know
the countless instances where the quick
use of a good stimulant is valuable.
Pure Malt Whiskey
. is the best stimulant for household
use. You know its value and
Hare you a bottle in the botjte dow ?
At dtifffists, froctn antl irar dealers, f
rdirref. $1.00 larr. battle.
TU Dsffr Mak Wsirlr, Ce.
Rtcktttcr, H. T.
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
. . AnAiirnnn ! are now showing . normal crop of fruit
. "" j better, than last season. This it par-
. Ilrul.rly ito In th Keellne orchard,
Prof. Gieene OutHntl Flam fOT I w here exact scientific method were
scrupulously followed by Prof. 8. K.
Increasing1 Apple Crop.
Indications Are tieod for a Bis
Apple Crop Thla Year If Orch-
, arda Are, Given Proper
, . ' Care.
Prof. Laurens Greene of th horticul
ture department of th. Mate agricultural
college a( Ame., waa the curat of the
Heal Eetate esch.nge at th. noon luncn
eon yesterday. He waa Invited to be
present an! outline soms njana thai have
beeniln eontempletlan lor advancjna-tiu
Ifutt grewlhf Interest et this sertlenr- t
Th state has tw Vxport'insi stations
located near Council? BluOa, both tnder
tke management. at Prof. Greeno an J
oih.r 'member, of th. faculty of the
collate. On. la of a general agricultural
character, operated In connection with tho
county farm at McClelland, and th
other la Confined exclusively to fruit de
velopment and la located on the Royer
farm, eaat of the city. Including the or
chard, where experiment, are being car
ried out. Thla part of the work la el
moat exchialvely under the care of Prof.
Greene, assisted by Profs. Beach, Blue
and others.
Thi location of thee, two station
make. Council Bluffs a central point for
a large territory In which are many
-people Intereeted In tie work carried on.
'.It I. for the purpose of disseminating the
'information acquired that plana under
consideration have been formed.
' One of the scheme, talked of yesterday
waa s horticultural Institute tor the spe
cial benefit of fruit grower. In Potta
wattamie and Mills counties, that will be
held for several days, and at which prac
tical demonstrations can be given alone
various lines.
Prof. Greene announced that Dr. A. B.
Cooper, the Hood River apple packing ex
pert. ' bad expreeeed bis willingness to
come here again thla fan and conduct an
other school of Instruction similar to
that of Met year. Apple growers who
took advantage of the complete course
of instruction In sorting, grading and
packing apples found It wax ths most
profitable Information they had ever ob
tained and waa worth many times Its ,st
m application Ins, year. Every orchard
lst who pdeked hia apples In the manner
taught him. disposed of his crop. early In
December at better prices than have sl.icc
been paid. Such a school this year would
be attended by a much larger number
4han took advantage of tho opportunity
last year. . "
Prof. Greene stated yesterday that :he
White, who came here from the Ames
college to take charge of the oro.iard.
Meet in Convention
The fifty-eighth annual spring meeting
of the Council Bluff. Association of Con
gregational Churches and Ministers will
be held at Tabor, beginning next Tuesday
and concluding Wednesday evening. The
aasoctatlon reprcsenta the churchea In
Council bluff... Harlan. Anita, Farragut.
Atlantic, Tabor, Dunlep, Avoos, Creeton,
dhebandoah, Orlewold, Fontanfllel Crom
well. Corning. Exjrs. Ijewls, Oakland,
Ned Oak, Gleawood. Gomer sad Orient
Each church la entitled to three delegate,
and this will make the gathering of a
considerable Importance In point of else.
A large delegation I. expected to go from
Council Bluffs. Including also a number
of clergymen from Omaha.
The convention la for the purpose of
considering matters of general Interest to
the church. A feature of the gathering
will be the presence -of Rev. Mr. Rice of
Council Bluffs, the oldest Congregational
minister In the state, who founded th.
first Congregational church In Council
Bluffs nearly seventy years ago. Fol
lowing la the program.
Tuesday Afterneea.
Organisation and business.
"The Church. Its Work and Organisa
tion," J. M. Cumminxs, Farragut.
The Church. It. Ministry In the Train
ing of Youth." C. F. Fisher, Tabor.
"The Church. Its Ministry of Human
Sympathy," W. J. Turner. Bhenandoah.
(Twenty minutes to be allowed for each
paper and ten for discussion-)
Munday school hour by Dr. Luella Reed
and M. C. Gaston. Sunday school super
intendents, Shenandoah and Tabor.
Service of song by choir of the Tabor
Association sermon, G. E. Wood. Red
bWmon to be followed by the com
munion service and offering for minis
terial relief.
Sacrament administered by F. W. Long.
Tabor, and J. H. Mlntier. Extra.
Htlirsiir Morales;.
Devotional hour. Rev. George O. Rica,
Council Bluffa. Subject. "Hevlvala and
Declensions in the Church During Uia
Last CenturyA Warning and Guide for
the Present."
Written reports from the churches. ,
Business. '
Benevolence, and association expenses,,
J. T. Walker. Creeton.
Woman', missionary hour, Mrs. R. J.
Savery. Atlantic, president.
Reception by the faculty of the college.
' Bong service by the Tsbor choir.
"Chrlstlsn Endeavor and the Church,''
M. O. aoelman. Atlantic.
A. Jen Kins, pastor
a jk .... t I
.prospect, for a big apple crop .In ::!sjgt My, Avenue church. Omaha.
victnuy mis yer was cuieiiy cor.nne'j to
those orchards where modem methods of
'culture and protection against insect life
were followed last year.- Several of the
orchards near by which bore big crops
sst year and were properiy cultivated
eVKr.i if- h
A Pleasant gsrprla
follows the first dose of Dr. king's
New Ufa Pills, the painless regulators
that strengthen you. Guaranteed, Sc.
For sals by Beaton Drug Ce.
Whole Rife Food
VOU know how wholesome good German
rye bread is. The) sturdiest, healthiest peoplw
i the world eat it. Bra is tb complete) food the.
kind that will do yoa tte most eood and leave ins
taste in year mouth. Coo tains tea vital .Inn sets tea
Cream of Rye
h soft t
tender flakes ssede frees the vM rr br wfta. al tSe
hwt left is. A feed te bs ceases, therefore, free frees tee
ieetaadgra wMcb erieaee ihjaiinrss la ready pre-
nekes, etc. Net only poerwunc sat mssnes uainio
Erarrbosy tikes n. Get It tress rear i
Fret S
rsrrbaay hkes it. Oet U Inm yoor srcr.
esSsaaalirbjafst'irfar. ft?!
MaiefKja. ThM hiwa Unas ainH ttxtf et toe rssssessln.
secaasa. lkstWaatf li i n i.
ta -k iv a
sonnel of his official appointees wss mors
thsa made good. There were no changes
whatever In the heads of dopertmei.ii
The only material change was In ths
makeup of the Board of Fire and Police
Commissioners by the appointment rf
Frank Elgan to take the place of B. M.
Sargent, whose term haa expired.
There was greater Interest evinced In
the appolntmenta than any other part nf
the council's business Isst night, and the
greater part of the large number of
people who filled the room left Immedi
ately after the mayor read the names.
They were: Dr. R. B. Tubbs, city plwkt
clan; . J. McKlnley, city electrician;
C. M. Crlppen, street commissioner; Wil
liam lllgeson, superintendent of market.;
C. P. F. Froom, chief of police and city
marshal; Peter Smith, police, health and
market inspector; Warren Hough, poll
tax collector; Andrew Hansen, custodian,
of tho city building: Charles Davis,
poundmsster; !oule Zurmuehlen, member
of the Board of Fire end Police Conimts- I
slon for the short term, and Frank Elgan
for the full term of aix years.
ever Makes laaalry.
Alderman Boyer came very near at.v.t
Ing aoraethlng when lie Innocently asked
If It wss necessary for the council at
to confirm the appointments, atayor Ma
loney ..Id It was not necessary for the
council to confirm the appointments at
all. although It had been done, as the new
law of ISO held the mayor personslly li
able for th. conduct of the appointees
and gave him absolute power In selecting
them. Alderman Boyer explained that
he had no objection to any of the ap
pointees, although aome of them were en
tire strangers to him. but he only wanted
the appointment, held up In accordance
with the excellent suggestion contained In
ths mayors messsge that all matters
should be talked over In private, and he
thought these appointment, were proper
subjects for consideration at a session of
the mayor's cabinet. Alderman Evans,
who made the motion to approve the ap
polntmenta, offered to withdraw hla mo
tion If the approval was not necessary,
and It looked a. If there might be a
chance for some argument, but when
the law waa read by the mayor
and his position declared to be cor
rect by former City Solicitor Kimball
and City Solicitor Stuart, the motion waa
reneaed and the motion carried unani
mously aa an effort to show that no dis
respect was Intended to be shown the
Basrlaeer'a Faroe.
City Engineer E. F. Stlmson alio an
nounced hi. appointment, for the next
two years, as follows: Ernest E. Cook,
aa.l.tant engineer, salary SIS per month;
C. A. Walters, Instrument man. t: W.
Lee Hough, rod man. Va, and Mdhlon B.
Brown, paving Inspector, ttu.
The tabulation of the bids for the con
struction of ths North Msln street end
Mynstsr street bridges showed that S3. A.
W irk bam was low bidder and he waa
awarded the contract. His bid of WTV
for ths entire work. Including the double
retaining walla, was mors than U.OOs lass
than the next lowest bidder. In aome of
the bids ths estimate, for material ex
ceeded th. total amount of the Wlckham
bid. The contract call, for the work to
be done by April I. I'll
The question of constructing storm
sewers on cross streets from Msln aa far
down aa Sixteenth avenue before the
new paving la laid waa brought up by
City Engineer Stlmeon, who estimated
that the work would cost about tl.tno.
It waa referred to the committee on
police, health and sewers, with Instruc
tions to report at the next meeting owing
to the necessity of Immediate action In
relation to Willow avenue, which la to
be repaved at once.
Sevsere Are Dlaewaeed.
The question of th. aewer on Fifth ave
nue waa railed and Its discussion led
to a general talk on the necessity of pro
viding sewerage for the whole weat end
of town. Dr. Tubbs spoke In favor of
such action, and told the council that It
waa a bigger problem than the water
worka and one that demanded the moat
Intelligent consideration. Ha said It
would be only a question of time when
a serious epidemic would result from ths
present conditions. The Fifth avenue
aewer waa referred to the committee of
the whole, which will meet on Thursday
afternoon. In this connection Msyor
Maloney submitted a lot of things be
wanted considered st this committee
meeting, among them dumping refuse Into
the streets and Into Indian creek, throw
ing bottles and glass on the pavements
and wests paper. In the alleys. The com
mittee will endeavor to devise some new
punishment end find some means of en
forcing H.
Controversy between tsxpsyers end the
Council Bluffs Concrete company over
alleged poor work done in sidewalk coa
st ruction waa partially settled when the
certificates were ordered Issued to the
contract ore for all work except where
protasis had been filed. It waa asserted
that Urge section, of the newly laid ce
ment waa permitted to freeae last falL
Nelson Glbbs. E. D. Thompson, R. S.
Whits. C. E. Tsylor. U E. Bridensteln.
C. B. Aroockle, lohn Walsh. I. H.
Schlcketana, H. 8. Alexander and Robert
Deramtng asked appointment aa paving.
aldewaJk and sewer Inspectors, and all
applications were referred to the city
Ike Canary, one of the best-known
huntera. risbermen and trappers, 11 vine
In the vicinity of Honey Creek lake, waa
found dead In Ma little aback last even
ing. Death la bet lev ad to have been due
to natural causes, but Coroner Cutler
ordered the body to be taken hi charts by
local officers antll an Inquiry could be
made today.
T'nde Ike" eras very eM. but hsd not
been knows to have been III for the butt
twenty years. He had lived slone In a
little house for many years, and waa
very popular among hunters and ftaher
mea wfae made regular visits to the lake.
Hs Is not knows to have any rehulvae.
Fancy northern seed eats, alfalfa,
clever, timothy, lawn grass sod onion
rets. Tounkerman Seed Co.
Stimulate your b'jelnee by advertising
In The bee-the newspaper that reaches
U of the buyers.
"I am going to drive my old Chalmers another year.
"I have watched a number of my frioiuls trade their ears in each sjiring for a new make at an average difference
of a thousand dollars or more, while I continued to use my original Clialmers car.
"The other day I purchased a house and lot with the money I have saved in this way and tho rental I will
receive this year will more than keep up the property besides paying all my yearly motoring bills.
"I recently had my car thoroughly overttiiasied at a total expense of HlllO, and will give you my word that
it runs as good today as when 1 bought it two and a half years ago. . .
"I have found the one place where n man enn save money in buying motor cars. You know, most men suffer
a greater loss from depreciation than from all of the other motoring expenses combined. 1 find that this loss can
be reduced tremendously by purchasing a good car and then keeping it.
"Just remember, that an automobile dealer can do much more for you than cut his price. He can sell you a long
lived car. In fact the dealer who has the best car is the least inclined to vary his selling prices.
"I will continue to drive this car, a duplicate of which can now be bought for $1,500 for at least two more
years and let the other fellow keep on buying a new machine each year at a loss of a thousand dollars.
"When I finally sell my car I shall buy a Clialmers 'Thirty-Six which, you understand, has some nice im
provements over an early Chalmers model like mine."
This is the gist of an actual conversation which occurred in Omaha the other day between an .attorney and
his friend. It does not illustrate an unusual case it simply clearly points to you tho average satisfaction afforded
Chalmers owners.
They actually do keep their Chalmers cars year after year at a great saving of money. They positively are
pleased with and proud of their Clialmers cars and find more satisfaction than they would enjoy 'from the use of
a new automobile, in proving to their friends that their judgment is good. t-
' No,: these men do not want to trade for a new automobile. They are motor-satisfied; and at tho sriinf time
they enjoy U substantial Baving." ' , , , , .
Better look this car over early as there is apt to bo another Chalmers shortage this spring. . '
2044-46-48 FARNAM STREET
Top, Windshield, Dependable Air Pressure Motor Top; Windshield, Magneto Presto Lamps, Tools,
Starter. Etc.
$1,950 F. 0. B., Omaha. $1,550 T. 0. B., Omaha,
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
The Council Blaffg Offers of
Toe Omaha Hea la at IS
Scott Street. Telephoas 4 a.
' Vletrela. 111. a. Hoape Ca.
H. Berwick for wsi. paper.
Weodrtng Uadertaklng Co. Tel tax
Ce trig ana. undertakers, r hones ua.
NEW YORK Plumbing Oo. 'Phone act.
. Lewis Cutler.- funeral director. 'Pheae sr.
afagaalaea bound. Morehouse Co.
Dlckeraon for fine work on R. R.
watches, a Peart fit.
Bluff City Laundry, Dry Cleaning and
Dye worka. New 'phone Ne. 21U.
Mutual Bids. Loan Ass's.. 12t Peart.
Free Trial A Victor or Vict role. Tele
phone or write A. Hospe Co.. lt West
Bt'DWEISER on draught The Omnd.
Anheuser on draught a. Adraln. Bud
weleer la bottles at all flrst-ciaaa bare.
WANTED Oood general servant; email
family and good waaea. Mrs. J. N. K.
Mscallster, (U Clark Ave, CouneU Bluffs.
Incubators, st-err cstaeny. I7JS: 12-
egg capacity for IU.M1 W. sell the Des
Moines Incubator una. r. L. le vol
Hdw. Co, hM Be way.
household geede, bereee, cattle and all
chattel securities at a btc discount of the
usual ratea. umce ova us w. B away.
Orlainal notice In a suit for divorce
waa yeeterday filed rn the district court
hr Josephine Anoersna against her hua-
ban.l, C. 8. Anderson. 8 he charges
crueltv. snd will ask for the custody of
ther t-yesr-old sue, together wtta alimony.
At tre close of the Easter arvlce.
when the Itivrtattoa waa extended to any
present deeirtne; to unite with the church,
fitv-two men snd women responded at
the First PsMbvtertsn church. They In
cluded s number of business and profes
sional men of the ity. At the elose of
the communion service s reception was
held for the new membera.
Dan Asher, who waa driving with his
wife when both were Injured In a run
away on North Eighth street a year ago
ha. filed a suit for tcrno damages
against the street rail ay company.
t aiming that the runaway waa caused
by the horse lafclna mailt at a street
cur pawing over the line when it was
being constructed. sirs Asher waa
thrown from the vehicle ami Injured.
The spring season tor wall papering la
going to be abort on account of the ex
tremely long winter; you should have
your papering done aa early aa poaaibia.
Select your paper now. When the rush
commences everybody will want their
work done at once, and our stock of ar
tistic patterns and style, has never beeit
s. complete s. It I. now. The early
gird gets the pick snd the best work.
Jensen Wsll Paper Co., Masonic Temple,
treats everybody right.
Modern Eilberto waa In police court to
answer to a chtve ' ihlnr drunk. He
is a Mexican, and wis on South Nine
teenth street arlv Sstur.lsv night, when
he accosted Mlae l'la Klepter tts she
teased him on the strict not far from
her horns. She anpeu.ed ss s witness
in nollcs court y4J,'T1ar mornins and
Identified the nun. He wis also identi
fied by several -t Vrt, but was still
unsble fully to :denjry himself. He was
aent to the county Jail to eprad thirty
Tom Carter, William Ssles, U Kennedy,
John Btck and Clv.le McClelland were in
police court yeeterday. The first three
were charged with breaking snd enter
ing, and had their casea continued until
April li. Rick was held to the grand
Jury. L. B. Dredge, charged with re
ceiving property In the form of a lot of
shoes stolen from merchandise care, had
his bearlrur continued until :ortay, and
waa required to remain in tall or give a
bond of ti n. McClelland a bond was
fixed at S.
Rrondway Methodist church, James M.
WilHsms, minister. The Epworth league
business meeting et the church Tues
day evening at o'clock. Special busi
ness on hand. The president urges s
full attendance. All-day neetlr.K of
Wheel No. t Wednesday with Mrs. F
H. Orcutt, 22 Oakland avenue. Prayer
meeting at t p. m. Wednesday. Kpectat
theme for consideration and prayer,
"The Ministry of the Church." The
Bsrscss snd Philathea. will meet In
monthly session with Ms he! Hart, ea
South First street, on Friday evenlruc.
Bethany Presbyterian church. Eight
eenth avenue, I. E. Cummins, pastor.
Tuesday at I p. m. weekly prayer meet
ing. Wednesday at 1 p. m. th. aid so
ciety meet, st the home of Mrs. U Rapp,
1717 South Ninth street. Thursday st
p. m. Phllsthea entertainment. Friday
at p. m. choir practice. Next Rahbeth
the pastor be sins a series of sermon, on
Men s Problems," and "The Church In
Social Service on Sunday, April it All
are Invited to hand the pastor queatloaa.
Vundsy, April Ss, "The Conservation of
Men." Monday, April 2s, regular broth
erhood meeting. 8eeker B. M. Alden of
the machinists union. Omaha. Subject,
"Christ and the Worklngman."
Real Eetate Trauaafeea.
Real estate transfers reported to The
Bee April I by ths Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs: -Jacob
H. Coffelt to A. E. Potter,
part of Lot I. Auds' aub. of sets
seA4 of 1J-7H0, wd I t OS
First Coiurreratlon church of
Council Bluffa. la., to M. J.
Kelly, lots 1 and I. and the
north ITs ft. of lot I In oloclc
11 In Hyatt's rub. In Council
Bluffs la, wd.....
A. E. Potter and wife to Jacob
Coffelt. eH of lota and f in
Mock 11 In the town of Oak
land. Is, wd
Heirs of Thomas Winn., de-
ceased, to Charles Winn, th
undivided five-sevenths of lot
11 In block 1 In Williams'
first add. to Council Bluffs,
la, swd '
Heir, of William Koepke. de
ceased, to Charles W. Norton,
M of nwH of block el In Allen
A Cook's add. to th town of
Avoca. la, wd
C. D. Dlliln to Louis Pan nam
lot II In block M In Central aub.
to Council Bluffa, la, wa.
. S. farmley end wife, et al.
It. LI I He J. Parmley. n. M ft. of
lot I and nM ft. of el ft of lot
In block II, Bay I tea 2d add.
to Council Bluffs, la, wd
Emery Winn and wife to Charles
Winn. und. 1-7 of lot Ji. block
It. Williams' 1st add.. Council
Bluffa, la, swd
City of Council Bluffs to Nellie
Mahoney. iota 27, M and In
block 41, Ferry add. to Council
Bluffs. Ia, ocd
Oeorge 8. Wright to Nellie Ma
honey, same property, qcd
Ten transfera, total.,
Persistent Advertising 1. th r.ead tw
Big Returns.
Prejudice la a hard thing to overcome.
but wher health is at atak and the
eptnsoe. of thousands of reliable people
differ, frets yours, prejudice then be
comes your menace and you euarhl t
lay K aside. This Is said In the Interest
of people suffering from ohrenso eeaets
patioa. and It la worthy of their atten
tion. In the onlnlon of lesions of retlsMs
Airtecteaa people the most atubbarn eea
etlpetloa Imaginable caa be cured by a
brief use of Dr. Caldwell's Syrap Pep
sin. Too may not have heard at It be
fore, but do not doubt Its merits aa that
aocount. or because it haa set beea
blatantly advertieed. It Is aold vary auc
ressruly oa word of mouth recommend a
Uoa. Parents are gtvlag It ts their chi la
ran todsy who were green It by their
pueata, and It haa beea truth fully said
that more druggists ua It persoaally In
UmIt famines than any ether laxative.
Letter recently recevted tross Mr. Marry
Racaenburg. Elliott. Iowa, ana Mr. K.
Qodlng. DU. Neb., are but a tow of
thousands ebowtng the esteem tax waica.
Dr. Catdwei'a Syrup Peoeta as ML It
la mud, gentle, noa-srletrat-set etoleaa
Use ealta or cathartica. It cures gradu
ally and pl.aasntly ss that In tnas assure
again dee Its own were wnaesst eutatda
aid. C.asttpated peons ewe H t theanw
selves to use this graad be) spedfla.
A arena wtehing te men trial f Una
remedy before buying It in tk regular
way of a druggist st fifty cents or n
dollar a large bottle i taasT.y steal eaa
have a sample bottle aent te tb heme
free of charge by simply sildiseslng Dr.
w. B. CaldwelL S Washlmnaa at, Mas
dreUa. III. Tour nam and asrtries aa
a postal card will a.