Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Issisiant Eelejitts-tt-Lare Are
Instructed for President. -
will voti ros ma to the zsd
What Our School Children Are Doing-XLI
Htkrrt Inlrin IMI fere sees with
Parti Contesting Legality at
Call aa Faair Merlins?
is Official.
ALEX.VNPT.M, I- .April .-Taft dle
(tea from the rtate at large. Instructo.
,t Tot as a unit for the prciident a
lone aa Ms nam ia before th Chicago
convention, were elected at the Louisiana J
republican state convention, controlled Ly ,
the Hebcrt-Lourll facll m. her to)": L
Several negrue-, who dfdared tbey'Vf f :
delegates, wer not seeled. A s;rwew
of th Alexandria police fore da t.t-:.
tioned at th door of th theater where
th contention was In srraoa and In
truetd to admit Bo nerwe. tie sol .
hla Instrartion rim from rr,eaat-JU-Arms
Csmbon. Th negroes had an In
formal conference ovtrld. All th negroes '
Mid they cam her Instructed to Taft. ,
After th convention adjourned. " John '
L Roger, who' heeded th negf dele;--,
tloa from Caddo Twrlvh. declare hta con- :
atltuenu would send a rival delegation
to Chicago from the Fourth .district ot
Louisiana Instructed for Roosevelt.'
Clarenc 8. Hebert. deputy revenue col
lector for th port of New Orleaaa and
manager ot th Taft cam palm It. Jxmat
sna, vldreased th convention, reviewing
th difference with to fartloa beaded
J&y. FT " WIDlame, mho U contesting
lb legality f th call for todv'a oo.
ventlon and Ita action. Mr. Heoen In
stated that today's convention wa legal
and th only republican convention to b
bald la Louisiana.
Paar far Taft la Kaarhy.
PIUNCETOK. Ky., April .-Flrst Ken
tucky eongresslpnal district republican
convention today elected W. J. Dba and
t. T. Tooka detegste Instructed for Taft.
COVINQTON. Ky., April -Uta Ken
lucky congressional district delegate to
republican convention: Maurice U Oal
vin and W. A. Burkamp. Instructed for
HENDERSON. Ky.. April .-8conJ
Kentucky eongreselonal district delega
tion to republican national convention!
R. A. Cook and J. B. H array, delagaua.
Instructed for Taft.
tat Drleeatre far T. ).
IT. JOHRPH. Mo,. April t.-Roovll
force war la control at tb primaries
and eounty conventions ot the Fourth
Missouri congressional district today. At
th district convention at Savannah next
Thursday tb delegate win be divided a
follow: .
Rooaevelt. : Taft Z: oniattructed, 10.
Buchanan, Holt. Kodaway and Atchlnaon
cowntle elected aolld Roosevelt deleg.
lien. . Platte eounty' tbr delegalee
Toothache Gum
C. ftrir? ft Cn Pentorr, Mete.
Khea Baying be Sore
That Yea Get a
. Thar are miny reasons why
they're beat, which w,wU be
Ud to explain.
We show them In th
New Hone. Machine
Rotary Shuttle, Vlhretlng Shut
tie, also tho Chang Ktltch.
, Also the
Standartf. Paragaa & Cleteland
Hewing Machines. -
Omaha Special Machine.
Fire drawers, drop head, wal
ut finish, nickeled j C.00
attachment , t, . P 1 0
Used Soaps
White, i drawer, drop head.
at a.uo
Btirdlck, i drawers, drop head.
at .4 910.00
Domestic, S drawers, drop head
at 914.00
On Stager Machine. ....94.00
.' W rent machine, full Una
of repair always oa band.
IXtOOO aVter.laaM ia.llSl
Will be unlnstructed, as will be those
from 'Andrew county. Th aam rsult
ar true of th delegate to the state
convention at M. Louis, except that lb
Andrea, county delegction. la split, fir
being rot Tft and tw for Room veil.
CARTHAGE, Mo.. April .-Th Rooaa
velt forces wer In complete control ot
the Jaaoex county republleaa convention
her today. Thirty delegate Instructed
for Looiavelt were named to the atats
oonvri tlon St St. Louie, ami a like num
ber of the concresslonal convention.
Newton county. In convection, also In
structed lis nine delegates to the state
and congressional convention for Hooaa
relt. r.srry county Instructed slg of Its
delugatr for Taft and two for Rooee-re!t.
raaaaalu Mea la lave Hop t
Seewsw rassllsatarr Vat.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
tES MOINKH, April .-tr!peclal Tel
gral. Acknowledging defeat, promlmnt
Insumcnt her ar making overtures to
Taft leader to give the president a aolld
delaaatlen from Iowa In consideration of
one complimentary vol for th Insurgent
leader. United Htatas Senator A. B. Cum
mins, tn th national canventlon. Inas
much a Cummins ha not received a
single delegate from outside of Iowa they
nrge that ana vote of the Iowa delega
tion could do th Taft causa no harm
snd would be m -kindly tribute' to the
Iowa senator. In ordinary parlance, they
hare asked "to be let down easy."
And this will b th question to be dis
cussed from now on by party leaders.
In order to get a solid delegation from
Iowa for President Taft. the regulars
may try to forget the persistency with
which th Iowa senator refused to men
tion Taft's nam during his speech at the
last alate convention, and to put out of
their mind th fact that the chief eaeeu
tlve'e picture waa not given an honored
Clara ia the state convention hall, . But
whether or net the of tare ot eon promts
made by the Insurgents b accepted. It
la quit evident from the tone of com
ment among regular leaders hr that at
the coming eeaveatlea President Taft
picture will be much In evidence and hla
nam will be shouted with pralaa from
tb convention rpattfornu
W. D. Jsmieson, Hat manager at the
Cnihip' Clark eaatpalgiu today atated
that of the torty-on counties that hsvs
held dmoeraUo convention. Clark he
M delegate to the state convention. Wil
son Ml and twenty ar doubtful, uf this
number m ar Instructed for Clark and
eighty-two for WUaoa. - .
f ' twvrn Nevee .
. "AeTOH-At a eiill election held al
Atten veseerdav rr honrtln) th district
to ejulld .s , high school tlis
vo. eaid atarwhalmUigly In favor el
the acoject. ,
OLRNWOOn-rtfteen litindred dollars
will cover th, flbod damage In Mills
eounty this aprlng.-.'flue Is very small,
a at ens 41ms It was believed that th
"fdiimag would be enormous.
OI.OJWOOD-lletrlct court convenes
In'MMenwood Tuesday of not week.
Thr ar 1st civil and five criminal
ease on Jh docket and two divorce
case, bottf from th eastern part ot the
GLKKWOOD-a the Initial meeting of
the city council Norman Genung wa
elected cii attorney. Will L. Daniel
waa appoiiited to fill th vacancy In the
Second war, succeeding ''Me T. Agan.
'OKlTKnT CR!fTR-I Bertter. a rrf.
tlrtMl farmer Veara old. commHted SUft-
i clile by hanging himself in bis barn her
i Monday. Ilia body was found hanging Ip
Ike barn by hla eon. Ill tumllh la sup
I posed to have been the causey
LE MARA Mrs.' Anna Linden, M year
' of age ad until recently a roeulmt of
I LeMara, la to vote ai prerett. V. ash.,
i ihis year, having registered., there iat
week. Thl wll h (he fret ballot ever
Sst by Mr. Linden. Her a H. J.
nden, M mayor of LeMar for flvt
i ) war.
I l.KWH-V. R. M..Ilhnls ol Leon has an-
nounced h will he a candidate for eon
:greea (ram th Kightb . district oa the
democratic tlcaet. and th primary ccn
i test will be between him and Theodn-e
Wall f Hsclol. who mad kimounce
ment arry la lb campaign for la
llMSlti..' i, .... ; ,
I JKWF.LL liewey Olamaa. aged K was
aertousi and It may prove fatallv
; wounded when h waa accldenfally shot
I In th blp by a companion, Andrew Har
; man, yesterday. Herman pkked. op th
gun and while handling It, It accidentally
went off. Tb full rharge entered Ola
man's thigh. Hla c nances of recovery are
, Slight. .
CRESTON-Mr. W. K. Keith ot this
city recrlved new Easter day of the
i deM of her father, the Rev. A. M.
I lurlev, at his home In Manila, Philippine
slsno. Rev. Mr. Darley was a former
i Union county resident, and held a pea
; turate at A ft on far some time In the
, Pieshyu rtaii rhurca. He was engaged In
I aUnisterial work In Manila.
! INtMANOLA-Tne largest elass in. the
'buitory of Hmpson college at Iadlanola
will be graduated In June, when flfty
' stk seniors will be awarded diplomas.
Of thla number forty-nine are In the
3 llege Of liberal arta. Preet-leivt FTan
s L. Strickland has announced that the
lireeeat yeatp, has been the mot auccasa
ful and prosperous In th entire history
jl tn acnooi.
- CRRKTON-The Robert Madden eas.
lavolinui the sumo - of tM'.uuS. I now
being heard la district court this weak.
This Is the case In which tb heir of
the sate Robert Madden are seeking to
break th will on the ground that their
father was of uaeound mind, when the
will waa male., dividing the pr party
among ala children. The division was
uiatiafactory to tb heirs, bene the
settemit. ,
CKKSTOS Ueglnnmg In small wsy
with about twenty-fiv children ef the
city whe were not conwectad with apy
eanda.y setieot. ewo.freeton women. Mrs.
l.ov!na Huo-and Jura. Lovtna Van
Valenaurg - enrenlse them Into a caus
meeting each Saturday afternoon for re
lieieua Instruction st the home of the
teacher Easter day ther peudiy lea a
band or elaty-ntoe rota Into on of the
local Hunday schoois to patieipb-r tn the
Easter eaerdsea. This waa -Tie remH
of their eta months' labor among the
Lewis Tells Story
of Financial Career
ST. LOt'IS, April .-E. Q. Lewis, as a
climax of hla trial en a charge of using
the mail to defraud, took the witness
stand In the United Ptatra district court
here today and began a recital of his re
markable financial career, beginning
with hla first venture In the publishing
field, when be started a magaslne with
Rapidly, but without apparent effort
at dramatic effect, he told how he ran
up this II S Into a aerie of business and
banking operation which Involved the
handling ot several million of dollars.
Lewi said hla publishing business out
row It plant several times and that
he finally decided to build his own plant
and. realising that city property waa Im
proving westward, raised bl building be
yond lb city limits, where University
City has since grown.
He then recited the success of his bust
sea, declaring Its downfall commenced
with the Issuance of a fraud order by the
Post office department In IMS. All Ms
nwlL the witness said, was returned to
the senders bearing the word "fraud"
stamped In red.
Before thl. ha said, he waa receiving
from led to X2.0M letters a day. As a
result of the fraud order. Lewis testified,
he lost tlW.03 In advertising contracts
and hla banking credit waa cut off.
Iowa Evangelical
.Association Makes
CEDAR rAt-La. law, April a'-iSpedal.)
Th Iowa conference at the EvangeUcal
association eloaed It sseaions In this city
last evening, with Bishop William Horn
of Cleveland. O.. presiding. . The stsbop
read th fol'jwrmg appointments tor the
Waterloo District Presiding elder H. J.
Faust: Alt Vista. A. E. B-'gen; Butler,
Phil Pfaltgraff; Cedar Rapida. C. F. Hill
man: Clinton. L. Kohl: (Yeeco, L. N.
1-a.y. Dubuque. August Kaocker; La Pert e
Cltv. O. P. Cawllte; Otter Creek. H. H.
Fodd: Pumner. S. Scbweder: Waterloo. U
W. Hock: W iter loo miss-ion. i. A. Haek
len: Waverly. L. F. Smith; Wilton. F. W.
Koenig: Acaley. O. L. Bergeman; Pyaart,
H. O. Lorens-. Laurel, 1. Alber.
Cedar Falls Dletrlct Rev. K. Holte, pre
siding elder; .Abbott. 1. O. Knell; Are
dale, D. M. Vaggy: Brltt. H. Haecker;
Cedar Falls. B. R. Wiener: Dumont. C. D.
Wendel: Fort Dodge. J. Klooe: Featerla.
J. N. Wellaru): Hampton. Jac Haahlen:
Hartley. C. S. Lang; Meaervey. O. Gran
nert; Kheffleld. David Lang: Stanton, A
Buente; Luverne. J. Al. Kraft. Cedar
KapMe, C. V. Hlllnwi: Black Hawk. F.
t anlnn (Marmnn W. l" PoWelL
De Moines District W. C: Lang, pre
siding elder: Atlantic, Bvevette Berry;
' Audubon. 1. C Brhwab: Council Bluffs. J.
H. Engel; Creetoa. W. F. Mether; De
Molnee Trinity), E. J. Lang: Dee Motn
(Oak Park). H. C. Powell: Grand Junc
tion. H- C. Sthleeselmen; Hubbard, E. O
Heck: boring. 1. R. Nolte: Lortroer. W. C.
Branrk: Magnolia. Augun w,
Mount Aetna. Amoa Walker: Noble. J. J.
Braum: RadcUffe, H. C. Scbulter; bllver
Creek. Jac Wirth: Van Horn. F. 1. Haas;
Viola. O. Mehnert.
Th conference will meet In ll In
Voters in Primary
Must Bide in Boats
CAIRO, III., ' April (.-Alexandria
county will have a wet primary lee'ioi
tomorrow, ther being only three vot'nj
precincts outside the city of Cairo that
era not bnder water.
Cache, which I In th floVed drain
district, ha two polls, one at tb end
ot the approach to the Illinois Central
bridge and the other In tu second st,-y
of a school house. Every rotor must use
a boat to get to the polls.
In Lake MllUgan, Beeca Ridge. Clear
Creek. Ooosa Island nnd East Cap pr
ducts, th voting will be conducted Ir.
second stories, and voters will travel to
the poile In boats.
The voters or Cairo are more Interested
in the rivers than In the election, and It
is expected that the vote wilt be light.
Two Children Drove.
MARINETTE. Wis., April 1,-Theodor
and Charles Kytomakl. children of John
Kytomakl of Crystal Falls, have disap
peared and It I thaught they war
drowned bv breaking through the loe In
the Pain river.
. MASON CITT, la.. April' l-( Special. -Just
because he went to steep on a big
belt thirty Inches wide which drive pow
erful machinery at the Lehigh' plant,
cam very nearly , ending the life of
Philip Falya. The customary notice waa
given when the big wheel was to start,
and unfortunately no one saw Philip as
a was enjoying peaceful siesta. He
waa pulled slowly to the. rim of the big
wheel and before he wa really awakened
h wa pulled In. He bad an ear torn oft
hla face peeled, an aye destroyed and hla
body badly eqneeaed. hut It looks aa If
he wa going to pull, through.
TOPEKA, Kan.. April l-Ward Spesl
man, a teller of the Merchant' National
bank ot Topeka, waa today sentenced to
riva years in tb federal penitentiary at
Leavenworth after ha had pleaded guilty
to misuse of th bank' funds. Speelman'a
shortage exoeded IMOO and covered a
period of two year.
I will give you free a sample of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, that bare brought health
and happiness to thousands also a book on any chronic disease you need.
The story of my free offer to you is quickly told. During my many years of practice
I have used numerous combinations of curative medicines for liver ills. I have kept records
, of results in case after case, so that my staff of physicians and surgeons, at the, Invalids', Hotel
Buffalo, N. Y., are able to diagnose and treat-cases at a distance with uniform good results. I
am going to send you free a sample package of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, which will rtliert
biliousness and ill health due to a disordered liver. Write at once for a sample or a book.
. 4 But for the permanent rtlitf of blood disorders and impurities, I
' can recommend my "Golden Medical Discovery "a blood
' medicine without alcohol. R. V. Pierce, M. D., i5idt, jV. T.
Nature's Way Is The Best.
Bariad deep in our Aasarieaa forest wa lad blood root, gwsia' root, meadis
ad stoaa root, oldea sJ, Or,oa (ras root sad cberrrbark. Of th Dr. R. V.
Pier mad a par 1yori extract vrhioh he bee Csvorshty know lor araf sorry
. . as- -. 1 1 - j 1. iirni rvr;j unyrii ritapAtreav . ,
; ,' That " Discovery " pari&es tb blood aad tone op th srosaach and th aattra
irstsss ia Nature's own way. It' just tb tissue builder gad taaio yog raqwirwi ' ' "
1 . :. t ........
-JfiW P'fopif ' V' . Dr; Pierce aysi "Glycerine plays. an'important part la
vilNlVi'-s-. - eexi'sO D' Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in the cure of indigestion,
u i2- -sx$r '. -7 dyspepsia and weak stomach, attended by sour risings, heart
burn, torn oreatn, ooaua tongue, poor appetite, enawing teeling
la stomach, biliousness and kindred derangements of the stomach, liver and Torels, v
In coughs and hoarseness caused by bronchial, throat and lung affections, except con
sumption, the " Golden . Medical Discovery" is a most efficient remedy, especially in those
obstinate, hang-on-couglis caused by irritation and congestion of the bronchial mucous mem
branes. The "Discovery" is not so good for acute coughs arising from sudden, colds, nor
must it be expected to cure consumption in its advanced stages no medicine r ill do that but
for all the obstinate, chronic coughs, which, if neglected, pr badly treated, lead up to consump
' lion, it is the best medicine that can be taken." sold by all principal dealers in medicines. .. . ;
. ' To find out more about the above mentioned diseases and all about the body in health -and
disease, get the Common Sense Medical Adviser the People's Schoolmaster in Medicine
- revised and up-to-date book of 1000 pages which treats of diseased conditions and the
practical, successful treatment thereof. . Cloth-bound sent post-paid on receipt of 31 cents in
, one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing Address Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N Y
TP .77-
You Can't Be Too Particular in
the Selection of Your Furnishings
Nothing distracts from a maa's appearance
quite so much as gaudy, uutasteful furnish
ings and nothing adds quite so much as
chic, classy. furnishings. In your'Neckwear,,1
Shirts, llosierj", Collars, Gloves, everyone
must be right. You are assured of absolute
correctness whenever your furnishings come
from this store. We are the recognized lead- ',
ers for correct apparel, and our furnishing y -goods
department has aided this store great
ly in deserving this position.
Large shipments of spring underwear and
" pyjamas just received,
Watch our Rfteenth street windows for the jk
season's newest things in furnishings.
. Browning, King & Co
R'S. Wkox.Mgr. ' 15th at Douglas
(lwy vti y (Mwy
Osaka's Fan rood Ceatar
; Wednesday's Specials
rmssx ntm astd tboxt amim
Red lands oranges, very sweet, per doxen SO, 30c aad 40c
Fancy Juicy lemons per doxen too
Spinach, per peck (6
English Walnuts, per Vonrd ISO
Freeh strawberries. Heed Lettuce. Mushrooms, Cucumbers,
Hint.' fcndlve, atadiahea, Pineapples, etc.
Four 1-lb. cans "Nabob" soups, assorted ,..S5c
toe ran long white asparagus poo
I cakea "Magic Washer" soap toe
H plot Hems Table tiauce 10a
Large bottle "Lotus" olive relish , '. 16c
St. James Royal Army pica lee, per bottle , 35o
Strictly freak eggs, from brandela farm, per dosen ku
Jenny Bros brick cheeoe. per lb. .'. Me
Imported Swiss cheese, per lb. 30
Cottage cheese, per lb. 10
Melon Mangoes, per doecn .SOe
Fresh peanut butter, our own make, per Jar 10c, too, sag teo
visit our Coffee demonstration and try a cup of the best Itiu
coffee obtainable "Lotue-Ankol a." Freah roasted daily.
UQVOB raciAxa -
LotUSH Kentucky whlskav. I vasra old. full nuart Bl an
I Cedar Brook, full quart .gi.ou
Ouckenhelmar, full quart
Port Wine, full quart ....oCe
Rhsrry Wine, full quart too
Whtt Tokay, full quart .-. i too
, "Lotus' Crap Julca to aad 4as
(&5v Cvt. QpSOify
a a . .v .-.-t -ww
A Wonderful Little Hand Sewing Machine
A SUtch
e ft
in Time
famoias Lock Stitok
; Money ,
Sa?ed Is
, , , 1
' Sews Leather
Etrnei 1
THE MTERS FAMOUS LOCK STITCH SEWrS'd AWL la Ua original and onlr dm of Its kind ever
invented. It U designed for speedy atltctaliil , to be need by aU classes, tbe lae-tpericard aa well aa tie
oecbanlc. Its simplicity makes It a practical tool f6r aU klada ot reyalr work, area la tJaa.baada ot
tho moat unskilled. With, this tool 70a cap. mend, uaxnaea, aboea, tenta, awnings, pulley-belta, carpets, .
aaddlea, bugcr topa, anitrsses, dashboards or any heavy material. Toa cam sew 0p wire cuts on horse
and cattle, therefor tb veterinarian aud atockmaa flad It Indlapeneable. The patrnt needle ss dtavr.
mond point aad will rat thraoith tbe thickest of leather. It has a groove to rontala the thiead. raov
nlnjt the tall lejigth throagh tbe ahaak. overcoming aaj dangrr ot cattlauj off the thread wltea seerlM
: heavy material. ' .... -
The reel rarryin the waxed thread la la nwxt roaveaieat posit Ion anrder the fingers' csros, aa
that tbe tension can be eoDtrolled at wUI by a aiasplo moveawent of the flngera oa the reel ad tbe thread
can be taken up or let out aa deal red. This feature la Terr esex-wtlal In a device of this kind.- Taeae
are exclusive feat area: Convenient to carry Always ready to snrwd a rip or tear tn any eimigun-y
Toola tn the hollow ot the handle Aeeorted aaedlea A auppiy ef vaied thread wrench aad acrew
' driver combined. , - - . - ... " ' -'
We want you to hara tbli useful tool.- 1 '' " ,s " ' ' "
' We- UI give it to yon FREE. If you will aend us l.50 for a rear sabacriptlon to Tbe Twentieth
Century Farmer.' - - ,. .. . . 1 -
- - 1 ' . ; - .- ' . - - ' .
Addresi The Twentieth Century Farmer, Omahj, Neb.
Curtis lbliahing Co. Will Depoiit J5,(K in Trust for
j ' Some Public Charity. John Gordon to Bare
' .. . the Interest $25-00 a Month,
I hop every reader of ' ' Th
Omaha Bee will help Gordon, 4h
Magaaln Man, to get tT7 ub
crlptlons to th Ladles' Horn
Journal, Paturday' Lvnlng Post
and tbe Country Gentleman by
April 30th price 1 1. SO a year
each. Friend! and paralysed,
having neither feeling nor power -ot
motion from waist down, un
able even to sit upright only aa
he supports himself with his
liands; for year thla broken back
man baa not only atruggled to
provide for his own treatment and
support but also ta help other un
fortunates Truly hla la a chiv
alroua apirlt and that, too, under
the moat adverse circumstance.
Two year ago to establish a
buslneaa he earned a 11. SO prise
for the Chllde- Saving Institute:
his commissions being sufficient
for his support. A year ago as a final hop ef provlalsn for his future ,
he undertook to writ 10.0s subscriptions for the above magailnea (or '
which the publishers will deposit tt.eee In trust for hla benefit, the fir-
clpal to revert ta soma charity to a chosen by the vote of bla aubacribers
' Gordon does not handle the money and may never see II. But the In
teraet will bring Mm 2s a month aa long aa he Uvea He haa succeed vU
tn writing nearly S,e0 subscriptions, but must have over 10 In April or
the caa net be earned. I have eent him a check for tl Go thou
and do likewise. You get full value and at the same time you are doing
a good deed which- la worth more to you than th paltry It. Th Ladles'
Home Journal will be 11 Msy 1st. Send In your renewals In advance. Now
Il k a year. Have tec John Oordoo'a address Is 24S1 South 9!ta
Street. Omaha, feb. . .. r - , ,
" The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the, demand
of its readers for land information,' has gathered and, '
compiled data on Boils, climate 'and farming conditions
in ill parts of the'jountry. It is willing to give" out," th'ur
information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry.' '.
Do You Want to Know ;
About government land laws,- location of land of- -
ficeveto.- ... . . '
tHow to get irrigation lards, location of projects, "
; laws governing same, etc,' ' " " - :
x 'Z Best sections for "frnit growing, general . farmipg, i
: stocfc raising or dairying. - . - - .
' ' Tour questions will get prompt- attention. - State i
k rJaWy ind specifically what you want to know.- Write,
1 J 1. t.V- D..i... .
uuiu iiuuniiauuii uuictu ;
The Twentieth 'Century Farmer
Omaha,' Nebraska
(Diieren not re-tcnea'oy any ulnar Bun-