Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    : THE "BEE: OMAHA. "WEDNESDAY. APRIL 10. 1912.
Woman Gives Tip that leads to !
Arest of Fred Schaeffer. '
Warden tlycM Receive Stale War-I
rnnl for i30 for He.rnl; j
'farce KKeaprd Caavlfla ;
t Mate Prlaon.
.; - -
Nebraska Nebraska
-om a S;a:'f Corresptirdont
LINCOLN, Apr!" !. t Special Tele-
fvam.- Freti $eba'fi, the trusty convict
vl o (treamiifti from the penitentiary Sun
day evening when seta to work in tho
burn, ii now hack ::i p:ison, thanks to
a w-jiiwa's wit.
'i'i:e Cvnvu j-to(-;cil at the home of
Ai-. Kretl HUf! near S.nasue and asked
sioniPthiufr t eat. She gave It to
l ini, anil while he was eating ahe vent
::. adjoining room and telephoned
the authorities. Schaeffer became sus
picious and departed, but stopped at the
house of a neighbor, where he was cap
nre! by Wai-tJt n Meljc-k and returned
t prison.
For hU fvw hours of liberty Schueter
w:! forfeit four months' eood time, and
in a. Mi!on will no longer have the privi-U-rva
of a trusty. Ho would have been
ivjoapt-d In .Virus t if he had not madj
tiu .vtKm-t to otftpe
1'rvlut.t Itair 4 haimt ii.
" :o r-i' l-nston road has been granted
(.nnis-smft tt rttiucc the rate on struct-in-.i
rt.f! and l1ck from Hastings to
Hebron. Tin st-n-l rate has been lowered
fi'itn ccnis to 17 cent iter hundred
;mJ the minimum cai
You need a tail-'
oring adviser as
well as a law ad"
My business
is choosing and
making clothes.
Suits to or d e r,
S25 to $40.
MacCarthy-Wilsoo Tailoring Co.
SOt-S(K) South Sixleeolh St.
for no designation except republican" or
"democrat" as . the case may b and be
yond that he cannot aire advise. ;
The arguments on the Coed-Ross water
right contest were nset for" April 'ii "be
fore the 8tate Board of ' Irritation, but
there I every, prospect the date will be
postponed until about May 1. Attorn)'!
In the case are busy elsewhere and have
not had time to prepare fonth argu
mnt. ; i
R. L, Metcalfe has accepted the invita
tion ot the Omaha Commercial club to
address that organization Thurtdayn oon.
The subject ot his address will . be
"Progressive State Government."
The La Follette league officers are
making a determined effort to .Induce
lxmls I. Rrandei to come to Nebraska
i fo rthe last four day of the primary
! campaign, but up to date have not been
) abel to obtain his promise.
Twenty-four men have filed petitions
j for saloon licenses in Lincoln thaecominr
' year and there is room tor one more, as
the law provtdes a maximum of twenty
rive. Up to date the. applicants are the
same a sthose" operating last year with
the exception of two.
Great Alfalfa Begum Sesidents
Fator President Strongly.
Ksrnera Had Ot a era tea a 4 Beaver
City Say Mr. Taft Hn Ileea a
(Ml FrraUemt a a 4 Wark
SaaaM Caallaae.
to ascertain what effect the re-election
of Ryan and Pivonka as police commis
sioners of South Onvuha will have on the
eislit increased P"111" action to oust them from office.
ions; me
The rase was commenced
Il rn Itfrflit'N Ken aril,
sheriff llyera of hancaster county haa
mxived a state warnint for m) for re
turning Gray, l'owd and Morlcy to the
penitentiary, th former two bpln dead.
This is the regular reward for the re
turn of prisoners, lie has also received
a warrant for w for procuring evi
dence agulnxt tbofe hl eniui.ri.ed arms
and explosives Itilo the penitentiary.
't the remard for the arrest of the
cnvUts l.a not been claimed by any-
frnm 1 (a iHii ibniinii. Th hriek i
rate h-. L.c, reduced from 5"i cents to BO- but has n0 reached ,h
, a veran'i nas oeen ninara auwn ny lun
supreme court and will rot be until after
! the term ends aud the ono they were
l srott'a niaffa lloade.
Just elected for commences. The attor
! ney general Is of the opinion that the
! two terms being continuous, a Judgment
;of ouster, if entered, would operate
I against them In the new term and that
11 will not be necessary to commence a
As new action.
j Tne attorney general has informed the
i state auditor that the failure to submit
:to a vote the ordinance calling an clec-
The suptvmc court has taken. Judicial j ,lon ln ,h l0tt of 8eo"'" Blu" ,0
i.utlce of primary day and ordered con- j refeendum vote did not Invalidate the
tinumi the ca, a for argument oni"r(r bond'- h"'" ""ctloned bv
that "lute to permit attorneys and court vo, ' n tPe t an election held
officials to participate In the pi-imaries. unl,er tho call. In the first place It was
The youriK women o( the offli-e of th , unnecessary to have two elections
..lato suiierlntendent entertained thin lo "e subject and. second, the re-
evenliiK the other nomen employes at call feature. If applied to the ordinance
calling the election, would render It im
possible to ever call such an election if
1, per cent of the voters were opposed,
thus defeating the very Idea of the
referendum, letting the majority rule,
(.veraor 'Hetaraa.
Governor Aidiich lias returned from
Leavenworth, where he investigated the
big federal prison and brought back some
Ideas which he will put Into effect In
Nebraska. In the first place he finds
that at Leavenworth the discipline Is ot
the most strict military type, while, on
fhjt nlht.r hantt vi'Vthln I. lnn to
minister to the nlivslcal comforts of th !
Inmates. In spite of the regulations,
which are more stringent there than In
Nebraska; the prisoners manage to get
Aore or less dope, to manufacture and
secrete weapons arM affrays between
.prisoners do aometltnea occur, a condition
which the warden says Is impossible to
prevent. '
Tsi ew Banks.
Two new banks have been authorised
to commence business In Nebraska. One
is the Security Statu bank of Wakefield,
with a capital stock of tr.,000. Following
are the directors: 1). C. Learner, Kph
Anderson, P. J. Pamuelson, J. K. John
son, A. E. Child,. J. A. Seagren. Charles
a. Bee be. all ot Wakefield. The other
one Is the Wayne County State bank of
Sholes, Neb., with a capital stock og 123,
000. Following are the directors: Will,
lam ft. Root. K. Stevenron, A. E. Mc
Dowell, W. Uramkau and lleniy Tii tgen.
all ot 8holes.
Malrr Over Ballot.
The county clerk of Custer county has
written to Secretary of State Walt ask
ing tor advice.. Some want him to place
oppooite the names ot candidatea for del
egates to the republican national oonven
tlon the designation of who they are for
and others object to any designation ex
cept republican. Mr. Walt has replied
to him aa he has to others who asked
the same queslon, that the law provides
'.lie capHo!.
Pliable Minimises I.osa.
i'. W. Pugslcy of the state farm was
a.ked this morning how much truth there
a as in reports of winter killing of winter
wheat and replied that he thought the
stories were exaggerated. "It is undoubt
edly true," he said, "that considerable
wheat has been killed, but there is no
particular section affected, the losses be
ing well distributed over the state and In
no case exceptional, i would say that the
loss Is slightly above the ten-year aver
age and considerably less than the aver
age of the last three years." Mr. Pugsley
does not ' consider the condition at all
Omaha t'ompaay Itrfasea.
The Omaha and Council Bluffs Street
"Vsllway um'pa0if.fTi(vuBri Its attorney.
John U WebereC, has! refnecil to submit
lo having" the Wato riallway commission
mske a physical valuation of its prop
erty. Some time ago the commission de
manded of the company that It furnish
the Information necessary to make such
t valuation and under the law the street
railway company had sixty days in wh'ch
to reply. This time expires April 33 and
(hough It was th understanding the com
pany would make its refusal at once so
the attorney general could commence ac
tion In court to compel compliance, the
answer has not yet been made In auch a
form as to he a bals for legal action
without uniting out the fixty-day limit.
Mr. Webster has said orally, both in the
office of the commlxalou and over the
telephone, thut u-h would be the stand of
':he company, but he has refused to put it
In writing as yet. As soon as the time
ilmlt expires the attorney general will
begin action In court to test the rights,
of the commission. The company holds
that street railways are not "railways"
w ithin the meaning of the physical valu
ation law.
Look 1 Moath Omaha Case.
The attorney general s office la trying
Scott's Bluff Makes t
Protest Against New;
Irrigation Order
i SCOTT'S BI.L'Ff. Neb.. April
cial.) Through a misunderstanding of
some sort. It has been found that a ruling
of the secretary of the interior will de
prive many thousand acres In this vicinity
ef storage water provided under the pro
visions of the Warren act. A special
meeting was called In the roir.m ot the
Pcotfs Bluff club and the following tele
gram was sent to the" Interior depart
ment: v
Honorable Walter I. Fisher, evrelSry
ot the Interior. Washington. P. ('.: We
have Just learned that the sal of reser
voir aster will be retricteri to lands al
ready actually under Irrigation. We ave
thoroughly acquainted with the Mi ml,
under the various canals In the North
Platte valley that hae made application
to the reclamation service for an auxil
iary supply of such water, and all condi1
tlons relating thereto, and most urgently
reauest that such restriction be with
drawn as to nonlrrlgated lands under
existing Irrigation systems. The need "of
storage water for these lands Is im
perative during a portion of each seaaon,
and their owners. In many Instances tM
settlers, have waited years for water,
undergoing every hardhlp, and have only
refrained from rtreparfng their land for
Irrigation because of their nenet. justi
fied by subsequent developments, that
without storage water their labor'woald
be In vain, and bring only loss. All are
willing and ailoua to put their land
under Irrigation the moment storage
water inn be obtained to supplement the
supply from the direct flow of the river.
and assure them a return for their hu
bandry. . ..',
We respectively submit that the ex
clusion of lands not yet Irrigated would
work Irreparable Injury upon th very
people most entitled to conatderatiaii,
and urge that every privilege and benefit
of the Warren act he accorded them.
KEARNEY, Neb.. April .-lpeeial Tel-
egram.)-6ntor Itobert M. La P6lltte,
In his speech her this, afternoon not
only announced himself a candidate tor
the republican nomloatlon for 'the preai
dency at the Chicago convention, but
also stated that in case h failed In th
effort this year he expected to b here
again In ISM. - . ' ' , '-.
The senator spoke for national applica
tion of the progressive policies advocated
for the Individual etatas, naming In the
list the recall, the initiative and referen
dum and the election, o aenatota by
direct vote of the people. Th Wisconsin
plan of scientific legislation based 'on ax
act Information of corporations waa 'ex
tolled and advocated for the' federal gov
ernment. ,-,.) ' . '
KEARNEY G. A. R. POST - f :.
KEARNEY, Neb.. April .-pclal,)-At
Ma latest meeting. Sedgwick post.
Grand Army, of th Republic, adopted the
following: ' :
where.. It la well known .to th teaa-
era of th Congressional Record amd th
Gives quiet relief from pain. It's an excellent
remedy for rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago
and sprains. R.wd srr p.i fa SWoV
Mr. ). Uhdixwood, of 1000 Warren Ave., Chicago,
m, writes : " I am a piano polisher by occapatkm,
and since last Sept. have suffered with sever pais in
both ahooldera. I could not test night or day. On
of wit friends told aw about Tour hniment. Three
application completely cared me, and I win never be
snthour it.
Caved 3ele ftlisiimaliia
Mr. A. J. Kanci. of Oak HilLO.. write : -I
V I was so I cooM not walk lor a wag time.
a 7m
1 even at aiy meals on the Door, but yoar
knimeat cored ana i geep a m ins
house all the tim and hare let others
se it and k cored theat. 1 sent to
Irontow. O . the other day and (ot
two 50c bottiesfor other people.'
AtUitealen. Sm.M.VlI4w
Kaiinn.l TVihuna that' many days- of tne
present session of congress nave been-da-voted
to the discussion and pg.f
pension legislation, and that, II appears
from the report of th papers that the
Hon. Norris Brown, senior senator .irom
Nebraska, Waa among the moat aealftus
champion, of th old lar-. JJt'
day he corrected th Hon. Hoke Smith )f
Georgia, who fought pensions JrltH th;
grossly erroneous statement, of fact, and
compelled him to recede from many of
tensive statementa of fact -1ntnded Id
prejudice the matter of pensions. -Thar-
'Jltall . That "ll it the'.UMBlmlijs
aensee ot Sedgwick Pot No 1, Depart
ment 01 neorasnw. riu " ' a.
Hepublle. that the, Hon. Norris. Brown
has won Ih eternal and everlasting grat
itude of th old lOtdlera.ot Nebraska.
his fearlesa fight In the I'nlted StatM
s tiheral oensloria. and that We
owe him a debt of gratitude w can never
forget nor adequately repwr. ' - - -
YORK. Neb. April .-Snc'si.-fhe
motion tor a new trisl In Ih Oaasman
Johnson case wa argued before Jud
Good yesterday afternoon and a new trial
granted. Miss das, man aued Edward
Johnson for !. damage which, she
alleged She received by being thrown
from a carriage when the team became
frightened by an automobile which
Johnson sal driving; Th Jury gave her
SM In the trial aodi weeks ago.-
BGAVKR CITT, Neb.. April S.-tSpe-cial.)
Unquestionably Beaver City lies
right in the hesrt ot the greatest al
falfa country within the borders of Ne
braska. From three to tour crops are
raised every year, and It wtl average
three and one-halt tons per acre. Even
though great herds of cat I are shipped
Into Beaver Valley and fed. yet train
loads ot alfalfa are shipped out of this
country evry year.
. Politics la Just beginning to warm up
hereabouts, and a big change In senti
ment Is manifested, c. Y. E. Smith, a
prominent resident of Beaver City said.
1 "There baa been a steady gain tor Taft
I In this vicinity during the last three
weeks. It the same conditions prevail
elsewhere President .Taft will carry the
state by a large majority."
The best thing Roosevelt ever did,"
said Timothy Oedges. "was to discover
William Howard Taft. and now th peo
ple are beginning to realise It more
than eer."
Frank K. Smith, lumber dealer, said:
"I am for Taft because he has given us
the best administration we have ever had.
President Taft." said V. B. Whitney,
attorney and real estate dealer, "has been
a great, wis president. He has exer
cised good Judgment, careful, discrimina
tion and the courage of his convictions."
"W must have a sound, conservatlv
man at th head of th government,"
sakt F, H. Davie, banker, "and that la
the only reason' any I favor Taft for re
nomination, and re-election." A. B.
the Best Tfl
at 'aC''
alia ifi 1 1
"There's' Two Ways!!"
TUere'a two way to exercise the bowels Sat wral Wars. The -animal
1 t Jf v""ioin. jumping, ana la imuM Ti ay. lasisg
Reral-Pill every other wight for TVtyi ( l-C Vol I K fVC
wclc or two. and thereafter can or IJIUt-IAUUI II.
irHTadachLtroSbl8-- VOd WCaAUOr F
.owrteb Ibe Bowel Nerv Iheynl I - I I
the we. Get tit easv, pleasur- III
ile effect of a harmless physic and I t I
n!c. All rirUKKirl. le and iVmaaaaaswjJa J i ' tT"rYT?SjNmaaaJ .
TRBlllJXEi rn 1 Site J
Sanders rhaaea lee rresldeat.
A8HLAND. Neb..' April .-SpcUI.)-A
report m Sunday's, Bee that Dr. O. W.
Meredith was chosen vie . ortakteat of
the recently organised Aihiand club was
an error, a he la not ven a member.
t. A. Bander waa elected Tic prldnt
snd on declining to serve If. H. Henry
was selected aa Ms successor. -
Fwara, Elerta ehl Saaverlateadeat.
PONCA. Neb., April a (Special. The
school board baa elected ' Prof. K. t.
Lundak of Wakefield superintendent of
stty scboois for the ensuing year. Mr.
Lundak la a well known school man In
thla parr of the atatc. Superintendent J.
E. Marsh, who has been her for four
years, ha accepted the suporintendncy
at Hooper. .Neb. . .
w Ins BU' khnm Products Co.
is W. Ohio, - -
Kecraer Ua Jarrett. ,
RL'LO.sNch.. April a-4 Special. r-Fsrd
Jarratt has received notlc ot hi rll '
from Kearney t Great, Bead In the Kaa- i
raa 8'at baa ball leegue, wher, he will J
Pitch and P- 1 th witfield this eon. !
Jarrott Is a Rj! hy.. gad spends hi, '
winters her. . - i . . s .
"The fit of King-Swanson's
Suits is truly wonderful"...
AYe heard that remark the other day and it made us feel
mighty good. We hear similar remarks every now and then.
There must he something extraordinary about the fit of our
garments to draw forth such voluntary exclamations of sur
prise. But then we always did claim that ours were extraor
dinary suits extraordinary from fit to price. Ready to prove
it to you at any time the sooner the better.
Fancy Suits $10 to $40
Guaranteed True Blue Serges $10 to $35
Omaha's Only Modern Clothing Store.
The Home of Quality Clothes.
gawrriateadrat fur (ilhhaa,
GIBBON, Neb.. April .-t8pecll.)-Prof.
Nichols, present superintendent of
Elm Creek' city schools, has been elected
aa superintendent of the Gibbon schools
for the ensuing year, beginning Septem
ber 2, Prof. Hallett having refused an
other year as superintendent on account
of other business taking his attention.
Miss I'na Reld, asslstsnt principal In
the high school of Fairfield, Neb., has
been elected axslslant principal.
' A Ta of Hold
could buy nothing better tor female
weakness, lame back and kidney
trouble than. Electric Bitters. Only 30c.
For sal by Beaton firtig Co.
l From a Staff Correspondent
LINCOLN. April .-tHpeclal.) Gmarnor
Aldrlch has a bull pup named Bill, and
Bill, like an lltustrlous Nebrssken. ha
had hla first battle, and. like the Illus
trious Nebraakan, got "licked." but has
na Intention of writing a book about it.
Incidentally Governor Aldrlch has earned
a hero meds! and learned. Champ Clark's
unv "Vnii en null kirkln' mv dawg
arouu'." Bill Is a lusty specimen of the
genus bulldog, noted principally for his
youth, Mb feet ami awkwardness; has
not yet developed teeth of tne maximum
... .... ..It . .... Bn,ilrit knowledge of the
fighting game so essential to a bulldog
who experts to take his plsr In the
dog world of a metroiwlltan city, but In
spite of his Ignoranrr In these matters he
I game and perfectly willing when the
occaaion Is forrcd upon 111 in.
This foienoon a joung man fron one of
the faternity houses wandered through
the copltol corridors accompanied by the
prise fighting bull dog of the fraternity,
the aforesaid dog being full of years
and experience accumulated In many con
tests. Bill and the fiat dog soon mixed
things and the usunl peace and quietude
of the capltol was diaturbed by violent
cuss words uttered III dog langusge and
Incidentally the air waa full of Bill for
a few minutes. There were plenty of
spectators but none semd willing to mix
in th fray until the governor hastily ad
journed a conference In which he was
discussing sociological subject with some
prison reformer and rushed Into the
ringside. Seeing that Bill was getting
the worst of It from his more bulky
and experienced adversary the govrnor
grabbed the fret doa by the hind legs
and pulled him over the ropes, stopping
tha mill.
It Is not made public what the gov.
ernor said to Bill when lie gat him In
the quietude of the executive dog man
sion, hut It Is rumored he cautioned his
protege sgalnst giving away too much
weight In his contests and alo against
taking on more experienced antagonists
until his teeth grow longer and he waa
wiser in the game.
NORFOLK. Neb.. April .-(Spclal Tel-es.ram.t-Twenty
workmen began today
repairing the old sugar factory buildings
snd grounds preparatory to Installing a
huge canning factory. A. F. Wentworth,
formerly of Rome, N. Y., and bla father
are putting In the plant. Twelve car
loads of machinery are enrouta.
The Initial investment Is to b l.,O0o
and 200 people will be employed at the
outset. The plant will start operations
In August,
Golden Weddlag at Devrsea.
DAWSON, Neb.. April .-fpeclal)-Th
golden wadding of Mr. and Mrs, John
Helm waa celebrated by their children
and grandchildren giving them a surprise
dinner party. Each of the children pre
sented the couple with a SI gold piece.
I.wsea Rare with Death.
GREAT FALLS, Mont., April
Samuel T. Dickey, a wealthy aheep raiser
of northern Montana, lost a race with
death today. IMekey. hoielessly stricken
with cancer, desired to rearh his boyhood
home in Newburg, N. Y., before he died.
A telegram was received today announc
ing his death on a train a few miles from
his deettnation. ile had been prominent
In politics here.
You will tone up your
yitem nrj fed better for
Uking,ia the morning, glass of
uonvu -
Bcst Remedy for
. - - . j
Get rid of dust
the destroyer
DUST is garbage," says a distinguished 'surgeon.
"No community can claim to be quite civilized
if it continues to 6pend money on brooms and dusters
to stir up dust which is dangerous filth to be breathed
by tile occupants of its homes and public buildings."
The Arco Wand Vacuum Cleaner is a stationary,
permanent machine to be set in basement, with
air-suction pipes (within partitions or otherwise) run
ning to all floors. All the housekeeper or janitor has to
do is to slip the end of a light rubber hose into a conve-
Vacuum Cleaner
nient,' inconspicuous suction-pipe opening in the base
board of any room, then turn an electric button to start
thfe machine in cellar, and with the light, hollow Arco Wand at other end of hose she gently passes the grace
ful, magical Wand over carpets, rugs, hardwood floors, walls, ceilings, portieres, picture frames, mouldings, etc
All the dirt, lint, threads, cobwebs, moths, insect eggs, etc, are instantly and com
pletely drawn by powerful air current through the tube-like, dirt-devouring Arco Wand
into the iron piping and down into the big, sealed dust-bucket in cellar. You will
never have to deal with that particular dust again. Even the air, after the dust is
removed, is exhausted out-of-doors, and the rooms are thus sanitarily ventilated.
2 SS jp
Steer Urn wtj It put m ti Area
Wtn4 Vocntm Otmm; timpk
end tul ef tilkt
The first genuine, practical cleaner
DO not confuse the Arco Wand Vacuum
Cleaner with the kind that have to be
laboriously dragged from room to room,
which do not have sufficient electric
power to do thorough and rapid cleaning,
which do not convey from the room the
little dust they collect, and which can only
be short-lived at best. The Arco Wand
Vacuum Cleaner is a real, ideal machine
not a toy. It is the first genuine, prac
tical cleaner placed on the market. We
invite your most critical examination and
test of the working-sample Cleaners at
any of our showrooms. The Arco Wand
is fully guaranteed.
Sold by all the Healing and Plumbing Trade
The Wand that makes you dust-free
THE Arco Wand Vacuum Cleaner is a
complete, scientifically built, auto
matic machine, that will do thorough work
for years to come. It is fully guaranteed
and backed by our high reputation. After
the machine has once thoroughly cleaned
the house, it requires thereafter but a few
.strokes per day of the fairy-like Arco
Wand to make you dust-free, and at a
cost of but a little added to your monthly
electricity bilL Put with utmost simplicity
into old or new houses, flats, stores
churches, schools, banks, theaters, hotels;
hospitals, libraries, etc. Correspondence
cordially invited. Catalogs free.
We make
i exclusive agents.
Makers of the uorld-famous IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators
Writ Department C-SO
41417 Sooth Tenth St,
t Cbicaco, New York. Boston. Phaadrinlii. RaltieMr. RoffaUv Pituharefc. deveuawt hMnil. Cineionali. WMhtnettm Atlmt
Oatana. Maueaotaa. bt. Loua, Kaasa Cuy. Denver, bcaulr, Fertlaad. Spokane baa Fraaaaco. Braetiord tOat.), London. Para. Brass us.
laua. New Orleans, Tfldauapuljs,
ixaeaKKun, muss. VKnaa