Boys' Shirts and Blouse? BEST? j As? 5: 'V 2 Collegiate Shirts Are the Standard Shirts for Boys'and Yeoths We Featve These Skirts U Soft ui f eatei Styles il Jl.H $L50 X. & E. Blouses Mannish blouses with pateDt loop instead of the old bother some drawstrings many pretty new colorings and plain white at $1.75, $1.50, $1.00, and large selection at . . . .50c 1 oys Hose In all the different weights for every oc casion elastic fast black hose with reinforced knee, toe and heel, the best values in the market at 50c, 35c and 25c . , Boys Neckwear Windsor Ties, string ties and four-in-hands in profu siondashing colors and quiet tones 50c and 25c j rrjamat 1 Clow T J Nulls Boys " Boys jet- Boys ess? Anything any Boy ever wears. Write for new catalogue free to you. 1518-20 FARNAM STRUT PROF. STOUTJSMADE DEAN Boomet Head fit State Cnivertity Department of. Engineering. GRADUATE 0? THE IHSTITUTIOH Dapartaarat at, Atfcletlra Will Be separate fro a Pkrslcsl F.S. ra tio MeeUral Callage apawlatsseata. tout M lr la M. LmiM. r out of! ' emroymeat ttrtm el th flood. -eonllng to W. C. Nlaon. vsea arealAml. Tho lojroW I temporary ad all rrlniuted when h flood ouhoWr. Tho Bnmbor of atnpioya una w " to bo alma lie, obout oquallf dftlM ' hetwesn tho rJprtagfWd. MiriiHt and Birmlngnaai divisions. - A majority are ' shop and yard worker. ' Cairo Waves ro Halalaa. , CAlBO. IIU April :-Th lev around . Cairo, tho loland city, remained firm to day. - Tho river gaug roeiatorod I ft, lth a tailing tendency. With th water surrounding lh tow len ' fret ! higher than th city, th poopl fur that j rain and wind atorma may cauoa havoc Paid and volunteer guard! will remala on th leva until tho watr ub ikjee below th flood Mat. nialoa at La Creese. LACROSOIC, Wis., April .-Th Ml, tlnelppl roa two-lentha of a foot hero today and rlaea are reported from point above except St. Paul. Below La. (,'ros vary atatlan a far aa IK. Loula report t faf. A roliUautd rla here (or aaeeraj . Java la raawtea ana oeainjwg iwnoe row tho river below La Croat will begla rising. ' ; 1 hre Browned, at Chariest, Ma CHARLESTON. Mo.. April l-Mayor Ooorf C. Burn af Cbarleatos today, lent additional appeals for aid for flood offerer to stale official. Two thou, and are bains cared for at th Masonic Temple, at th court houa and In private home. It la now known that th death from tka flood aggrfte thro negroes. man Orlener of Brio county war strong In their opinion that th delegate would be Instructed. Vntll the platform waa completed It waa derided lo nieprnd fur ther conaloe ration of th aeleotlon of dl (ate and their Instruction. With tho completion of th platform and th naming of th delea-atee-at-larae It waa (Manned tonlfht to hold a four-hour eealon tomorrow. Mr. Butler will be mde permanent chairman of th conven tion. . , ' DBA IT n.ATr-OHM I.M SIW YOBK Ital Coaveatlaa Dekatlaa Whether lutriel Deleaaltaa. TtOCHXaTER, N. T., April (.-Th r publlcaa itaia convention hold It Orat eeeatoa her today and aftr a "keynote peach by Temporary Chairman Nlchola Murray Butler adjourned until tomorrow :o permit th all-Important committee oa resolutions to draft a platform, select four elgt-Herg to th 'national coaventlva and try to dalarmln whether II would be for th boat Interest of Pre, taent Tatt la send a Instructed dlaa :toa ta Chicago. . Th resolution tammltte. with Con. fiesamaa Kdward B. Vreeland a It chairman, worked well Into the night formulating tha platform which Stat Chairman Barnes desires ta preoent a a aodri for adnatlua at tha national eon- 'eatlon. United States Senator Root, tpeaker Merrtttt af tha Itate assimblr. lormer speaker vVadsworth. Chairman llarnea. Xtehol Murray Butler, former Uoveruor Hurace Whit. - Tt moths' L. 1 Weed ruff and Senator Kdssr T. Bracket! vera amoac those wh cava close appll atloo ta the work la band. Th thousand and odd dele fates were '.III dlecuaslag tonight tha unanswered tuMMkia of whether It would be expedient ta Instruct th delegation ta tha national convention for Tart, but It waa generally believed soma satUfaciory solution would . be reached befor the convention meet tomorrow. Mr. Barnes and other leader wh oppoaa Instructions declared tonight that they would not recede from their position and stated that If tha matter waa taken hefora th convention they bad a majority of the votes to support their position. Senslor Root and Chairman Koenlc of Kew Tor eountj together with Chair- Millionaire Beach Accused of Attack On Wife with Knife AIKEN', 8. D.. April a.-Esrllmnt vr a mysurloua attark aeveral weeks aito oa sirs. F. O. Buck, a prominent Now Tork woman, who la spending tha winter her, ws Increased todsy when a war rant was .Issued for I he arrest of her millionaire pu'bend. chargt-ui hlm with alaahlna her throat. : . v?i:W TORK, April' 1-Mr. iknd.'Mra. rsderic Beach are believed to have ailed for Kurop on the steamer Mauro tanla. which left here early Wednesday nioralng last. Their names do not sp pear en Ih passenger list of th steamer, but It la understood that they reached th pier not long befor Ih time for Ih liner's departure. Inquiries tonignt aa to Ih whereabouts of Mr. Beach first developed that Mr. and Mrs. Frederick o. Beach had ar rived here from Alkea about a week axo, and Instead of going to their summer horns on Long Island had taksa quarter at th Hotel Vanderbllt. Manager Marshall of lha Vandsrbllt aid loalght there was sbsolutsly no mys tery about Ih movement of th Beaches her. He understood, he added, they had sailed as guests of Mrs, William K. Van drrbllt. Mr. Beach waa married November V, law, In this city, tvniiam K. Vanderbllt waa best man. Ill bride was th widow of Charlea Havenarer, to whom aha waa married In October. ISW. and who diet ftddealy In May, IBs. She later became acquainted and , ilosely attached Beach eri 'account of their mutual fond sees for outdoor sport, both being noted for their horsemanship and la the fall f II they were married, only a fsw friends being preoent. LINCOLN, Neb.. April .- Special. V Prof. O. V. P. Stout was mad dean of th college of engineering at a meeting of th board of regent f the State uni versity (oday. The engineering collge has had no official head since last fall when former Dean C. R. Rlcharda left fr L'rbana, III. to take up th position of head professr f mechanical engineering In the University of Illinois. In tha In terim Chancellor Avery has been perform ing th duties of acting dean. Prof. Stout la a graduate of Nebraska university, having been a member of the famous clas of In which were judge Rosro Pound, Judge C. 8. Loblnger. Jerry' Smith and others. The new dean has been a member of Nebraska's faculty practically vr lnc his graduation, tak ing up hla work there in lKtt. Ha was head of the struggling department of civil engineering at that time and ha been so over sine, although the depart ment ha grown to large proportions. He waa given the rank of professor In MS and that of head professor In ISO. Sahatatloa at Calbertsaw. Th board authorised th appointment of a committee with full power to ne gotiate far th Ferguson tract near Cu, bertson to be used as tha site for the substation at thai place. A popular subscription was autborlbed by the board for tho erection of a tablet In tha tempi in lienor of th chancellor emeritus. K. Benjamin Andrewe. The board autborlbed the construction of three tennis court on the east aid of th ath'etic field on the lost recently acquired. The department of athletics will here after be separate andlndeendent orfm the department of physical education and subject to th order of tha regents, or of th chancellor when the regents ar not In aoslon. Th univer;ty athletic board will have full authority to in terpret any nilee or regulations in in Institution mad ambiguous by th change. Th following ad Interim appointment were confirmed: Mlsa Jessie A. Lee, fel low In th department of botany: T. Holllngshead, herdsman In the dairy de partmenl; Marlon K. Ilelmann, sten ographer at th farm; Andrew Kneller. plumber; Arvid Samuelson, Instructor for glee club; Prancla Potter, Instructor of mandolin club. Tha following resignations were ac- cp:d: Harriet Folger, aasoolate pro fessor home economic; O. W. Sjogren. Instructor la forge work. The following new appointments were made: Prof. O. V. P. Stout, to be dean of the college of engineering, title to be come e'ffeetlv Immediately: H. L. Nye. foreman of the Culbertaon demonstration farm; Effle Myers, stenographer and laboratory assistant, department of ani mal paUialogy: Dr. G. Alexander Young. Instructor In mental and nervous dis eases; Dr. II. B. Hamilton, clinical aa sistant In medicine; Dr. Clarence Ruben dall, clinical assistsnt In diseases of tn now and throat: Dr. J. B. Potts, clinical assistant In disesses of eye and ear; D. and that the date for the killing was agraed on between thera two months be fore It waa committed. Mr. H turning was taken by surprise when 8etdl was taken Into the court room aa a witness. 8 he gasped and sank back In her chair. Right-of-Way Bill is Reported Favorably WASHINGTON. April l-The house Judiciary committee today voted to re pot t favorably tho bill IntroJuccd by Rep resentative Norria of Nebraska to pre- T. Lane, clerical assistant, fanners in-1 vent the cnton racigic roa irom c stltutes. I uuTIng a strip of land je feet wide along Oskaloosa Man is Roasted Alive OSKALOORA. la.. April t.-Thomas Carney. year old. prominent In busi ness circles, was literally roasted alive at his home here today, while trying to get furniture out of a burning shed. Carney had gone Into th building when a pile of burning bona fell acroa th doorway, obstructing his exit. Relatives were powerless to prevent his death. the right of way of Ita Bnea In e brasfca, Colorado and Kanaaa. The Norrls bill would veat title ebeotutelv In present occupants. Several million dollars' worth of property ar Involved. DEATH RECORD FOUR THOUSAND-DOLLAR Hear? Hasiekrr. Ht'MBODLT. la., April .-8peclal-Henry Hunseker. aged ? years, one of tha pioneer dtltena of Richardson county, died at hi home in Franklin township of cancer of the stomach. Friday. He leave a widow- and several grown chil dren. Ontnla Jewsk Veiawss. ..t.'.'t- . ril .a uu. e Can. mil nrt ir OTAI Cal 1 ""-. ... - BULLDOG IS SIOLtn Italn Joseph Weinman, aged at, a veteran of th Sibley campaign against the 8Uus Indians In Dakota, died her today after a brief Illness. The body will b taken to Faribault for Interment. Thoaaaa Rea. TORK. Neb.. April .spectal. Thomaa Rea of McCool died yeaterday. aged K year. He had been a resident of Tork county more than fifty year. CHICAGO, April l-Pollc are searching today for "Leo the .Third." a French bulldog, winner of many bench shpw prises and valued at ROM by Its owner, Samuel Rapheul of Dae Molnea. Tha dog waa stolen from the home of a friend of Rapheul on the northwest aid last evening. JOSEPH SEIDL TESTIFIES . AGAINST MRS. HUNNING 8T. LOUIS. Mo., April .Joseph Heidi convicted and under lit ontno tor murdering Martin Hunnlng, teetlfled at HilUboro, Mo., in tha trial of Mra. Annie Hunnlng, charged with complicity In the murder, that Mra. Hunnlng platted with him for tha killing of tier husband We can save you money on children's clothing And the savings are so decided the values so un usual that you'll ahvays feel kindly toward Browning, King & Co. $3.50 and $5.00 At these prices we feature lines of Boys' Two-Piece Suits, Juvenile Suits in Russian and Sailor Blouse and Juvenile Eeefers that, to say the least, are most extraor dinary values.. They are made right the patterns are all desirable, and when sold in a regular way would be marked con siderable more. Now if you've a single need for such garments and are inclined to be economical you better bring the boy to our second floor today. Browning-fting & C9. R. S. WILCOX, Mgr. Fifteenth at Douglas. KOTIafXam OP tXPIAJf RIUIIII. port Arrive. Ssuet. ALTmnRR....aWaia BALTISlOKK Ntckaf PHILADELPHIA SUaoalB.. BosToK Crette. tim vrtRK Mlaaeveaka CHRIST! A ?f BAND Hllll OUT. HALIFAX... Iveraia MADEIRA sea Ouvaaal... OKNOA lasrsatle LIVERPOOL Oes. WssklBStea. CHKRBOl'R....Vaartae S'KW VOKK hiuli hXW TORK aeetlaa McKibbin lials Her. and There And Everrwher Three dollars can't buy C (HCMAP mm stick For Tender Faces hdlepenubl for those subject to red aass, ssugbaess. aad ether IrrMaUoaa af iheetia. AabarlnglttzBiy. Kama, aa saggy nap. a germ, aa waste of Usssoeaasoay. laalcaeied boa. Me.. termor by matt. Liberal sample free. A-Mrwe-Cuticure.-Dept , Short Weight Pails of Lard Cause Fine FARGO, X. IX, April a. -The Armour Packing company waa fined fiat her to day for selling lard In pails underweight. m violation af the Mate pure food law, which require actual weight to be printed n th container. An appeal will be taken and If tha fin I auatalned th Armour company will withdraw from th lard trad In Ihla stste. It was said. CHICAGO. April -A. R. Vrloa of counsel for Armour At Co., dtarusatng th prosecution in North Dakota of th com. paay which he represents, tonight da- dared that It waa physically Impoaslbl to meet the exact requirement of th North lakota pur food law. "A number of concerns," said Air. I rion, "are fighting the law and the mat Mr has been taken to the Mate supreme court. But meantime the pur food com mlsaioaer insists upon bringing prosecu tions under th provision of th law. "The law up there require that lard shall be sold In exact atxteea.oune lot or In exact multtplce af tha one-pound package. la making tha palls are filled and sealed by machinery while tha lard la Mill hot. Aa a reault H la phyalcally impoaslbl ta get an, exact pound or tw or four -pound weight. Some past will weigh a little mare and some will weigh a trifle less. "If the law la auatalned by tba state supreme court wa will be forced to with draw from the trad In that state. Sev eral other concern hare reached the same decision. Tba law la unreasonable and cannot be obeyed to th letter." mm OFFICIAL FLAG AD0PTE0 FOR PANAMA EXPOSITION AX FRANCISCO, April l-Th Panama-Pacific International exposition to day adopted Ita ernclal Hag. bearing the words: -Exposition HI Hon Fraai-cleco.- . Aaaurancee have been received from many ateamahlp coeapenV that they will try tba flag In an waters of th world You there! Where? , In the woods take a box along. On the fishing trip take a box along. On the links take a box along. On the farm take a box along. It costs little by the pack age, but less by the box. It's portable beneficial enjoyable cheap. It's the goody that's good for you because it preserves teeth sharpens appetite aids digestion purifies breath, -gayai So get enough of it while you're near it so youll have it when you want it! Look' for the spear. The flavor lasts. IKE 6A PEPSEM GUtt W f S- r;xesa How About Hose? (Not "Hole ProoP) But hose for the garden. Made by the B. F. GOOD RICH CO. You cannot beat GOODRICH HOSE any wherenor our prices. You know Goodrich hose is the best made and can not be sold at ANY OLD PRICE. We have the same brands from 10c a foot upward. TIDAL, WHIRLPOOL ARTEC IAN, CASCADE ' AND TRITON Every foot warranted and at right prices. Our guarantee protects you. GARDEN TOOLS, HARDWARE FOR THE HOUSE AS LOW AS ANYWHERE. Jas. Morton Son Co. 1511-13 Dodge Street Tool Headquarters ILLIIlOISs CENML Important Changes in Train Schedules Effective Sunday, April 14th Train No. 2, CHICAGO LIMITED, will leave Omaha Union Station at 5:30 P. M., as at present, con necting with all East bound trains in Chicago. Train No. 1, CHICAGO-OMAHA LIMITED, will reach Omaha at 8:00 A. M., as at present. Train No. 4, which now leaves Omaha at 7:10 A. M., will be known as Train No. 8 and will leave Omaha at 10:53 A. SI. Train No. 5, which now arrives in Omaha, at 3:45 P. M, will be known as Train No. 7, and will arrive in Omaha at 3:30 P. SL For detailed information, reservations, etc. Call at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 409 South 16th Street. Phones: Douglas 264 and A-2164. I fLaSSStSlv 4 AaUaEMEITf, AMtPMsENTS Ma. Svtrr Bar. .dBi sTvarjr aright. :la aVDVABCSB T9ITTUI ' Th LaJing Lady fialariM Max Hart Six Klsppvra Wllfrad Clarke Co. Brown anil Nnrmaii ar! DsMarsst Th Parroffa aUaetoaropa Orpsain Concert Orrbtstr. Friers: Night. ;c Sic tc ana lie MaUnca, lc: exst seal lie except Saturday aad Bunaajr- BRANDHS THEATER . TUa Arasraaoa, a to tt-) TOWIOSTT LAJT TTsTI Ta Big ktmsicsi aVaonsa THE SPRING MAID BDaai KajM aa M gaafta, Taaraaar. a Bara. Mat. Sataraaf rXD laT IIU Mom, Tasw April la, 1. at :) Caarke rrokssaa Fiaaaaf MAUDE ADAMS "CHANTECLER" ' Bsats Tkanaar, M t MM. AmericanTheater T saiga t. Mat. Vasai. Tana MISS EVA LANQ TB3 rMaTTIaT gstl Bat W XVOT WATCSin iii:niyAiifiiii:i(.j P fl VTVQ TWO DAT COM Mw. A. avslkla Fissssta - TDS1U VATBA Tsaigbt tii oars W47sTtg A WOMAJi-B lOrt TtU Bat, . Bsaaaval la Tgi ntinitia, OMAatA'B TO CBBTBaV tXXXiSZ: VANITY FAIK ITBtTUalU avr TjaajBarviuai IMMrmaa Braa, ! Vaa oa- ran. fat Whit. ArasMroagSk Baara-l)-Tr Trio. Suffering SafTragatta CSsm KRIIG THEATER L auttaa tt ia sTiga a I Baat Baata SO I The Lady Boccaieersl r--. stamp g P L Dtt. OH AHA i