Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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If You Want the Very Best at the Price You'll
Aiw,". m Crown Jewel Suits at $25.00
The Invariable Choice of Discriminating Women
1 C1 Pi
Brandeis Stores
Most Remarkable Sale of
Women's Dresses
Secured by our own New York buyer at a wonderful bar
pain Samples and Overstock from a famous eastern de
signer and manufacturer.
All the Women's and Misses' Elaborate
Silk Costumes, Party Dresses,
Reception Gowns, Afternoon Frocks
Tbese are stunning dresses of beautiful fabrics
and made in the very latest ideas for 1912. Many
are exclusive models and every one is a charming
creation. They are worth np to $40, at
$15 $19
Every dress is a new 1912 style.
Ji Pi
All the Women's and 'Misses' Exquisite
Lingerie Dresses $
These dresses are the newest and prettiest ideas
for spring and summer wear many are elabor
ately trimmed with rich laces and . embroidery.
Scores of styles to choose from all sizes.
a?.. HO A3
In white nubuck, dull gun metal calf and tan
leathers new short vamps, high toes, medium
heels, Goodyear welted soles; all sizes .
and widths, at....
New Coronet Hats $10
Many new arrivals in stunning hats for Into Spring and early
summer are here, straight from the hands of their famous
designer and adapter in New York. They include all
the latest models that have won favor in tne east and they
are all the newest and cleverest expressions
of 1912 Btyle. The wide variety makes the
selection of a smart, becoming hat a very
easy matter ; .
ensi ana mey
17-inch Embroidered Cam'
brio Skirtings; Flounc
ings; also1 wido edges
and insertions and gal
loons many actually ,
worth up, to 25c bar
gain square
will go at,
yard .. '. .
Women's Fine Cotton and
Lisle Hosiery Mercem-
. ed silk finish, wide hem
tops, double heels and
toes; also black silk boots
with wide lisle garter
tops; . worth f ft
up to 25c pair, I
at, pair
Odd lots of Women's
Neckwear, slightly soil
ed from Easter selling;
Lnce and embroidered
jabots, side frills, stocks,
laundered linen collars;
worth up to
25c, will go
at, each .....
Advance Notice of a Special Sale Next Saturday!
QuadWpic Silver Plated Tea Sets, Dishes, Plates
X And all other kinds of Hollow Ware of the famous Reed & Barton make. Bought from T
X New York wholesaler of jewelry at less than cost 'to make. : -. T
This is all quardruple silver plate on hard metal. It is sold exclusively to jewelers. f
It includes the most desirable pieces and the newest patterns.- . ' :
Saturday It Will Be Sold at lA to V2 Its Actual Value
X 4.4.4. x
arisiaa Capitalist Go Into Wyom
; inf Oil Fields to Investigate.
t CMditteae Ave tm Their l.lklag
Iter Will Bar Vmm mm Ball
j Bis Bet Imnr mm Hawly
" SlMtmi Meld.
l A. party of several Fnach capltaUU
Iron Pwia went put vtct tb NoAhwal
ra jmnamtr Brootc t tlM 8lt
crack eU (Mid near Casper. Tlw 'nea
fn tha ifWwuutlvM of tin )-BdlosU
tfeai to t araithr lb moner tor mtrHnm-
bc tha IU4 West field. conatrocUnc tka
(ipa Saa ta CarpK tod buildlnc toa ra
1ney ttaare.
5 U tha FrencBmrs Cod oondltlooa u
riva bw rrvnaaatsd. thmr 1U aatbartu
tha canarractiaa of ajtotbar raflnanr. Ib--r
tha autput af tba Mid Wat
inat ta 3.1W Urrcla per day. Th prod-
act that la now tornad out. ran par:
cant o( (aaoUna and karaatDa and H par
cent of fuel alL
Tha NarthareaterB road has become aaa
of tba larca cuatomera of I he Mid Weat
eompanr. coaaaiBlns M karrala of oil
per day la Ka enf Iik ea tba Wyoming
At thia time tba Northwest era baa
thlrty-oaa enfinaa aatnf oil ea the Una
vast froai Umt rtna, Within a abort
time all of tba enslpea ninnlnc from
Norfolk weet will be coaTerted Into oil
turner aa anntaailr It la expected
that thoae nisalnc la and out of Omaha
will be aoralns aU tne lead of eoaL
lit feat ar t feat below tba flood at are.
At Bteui Otr tba Mlaaottrt took another
jump of 2.1 feat. and -tba river at that
point I now wltMn a few Inchaa of tb
flood ataf.a which ' ta expected to .ba
reached -la tha seat twenty-four hour.
At Pierre, N. D,tha aliaaaarl k abor
tba foarteea-foot mark and Is inrtnt
ap alowly. Tba water M) aver all the
lower aactian af wrt - Pierre, araral
rancher at peiata ap tha rlr kav ban
ta mova auL
River Eises Fast
. in Front of Omaha
Withia tba las (wenty-four kaur tba
Mlaaoorl rirer In front of Omaha took
apart and bounded ap la feet and la atill
rletnai and expected to so ap orer thirty
mcbaa In tha next thlrty-aU hoar. Tar
atace of tha Mlaaoort ta bow 13J Saat
and by thia (renins will hare reached
Stock Moves Fast
to Omaha Market
W. and. D.. Collier. F. D. Main, John
MerbuB and Kiel FerreU of Cutter county,
who brouabt la foortaea car of bos,
any that the farmers at northern Ne
braska are ahtpplng out their ave atock
aa fast aa they can. Cora baa reach, a
aoh a prlca that ataek raiser art baaing
mooer by keepug thetr atock ea band
and ataea tba roads are ta fit enodiUoa
to haul they are an loading rapidlr. .
1 ii
All Ladies' Home Journal Patterns
Are Now on Sale at Half Price.
A Sale of Dresses
These alues are the exception for every dress comes
from some maker who is recognized everywhere as a
master in his v particular line. These prices are the
result of special concessions that come
in various ways.
Up to $25 Wool Serge
Dresses, 3SX $14.95
Several itylea, in atiea for women and
miasea, ior you to cnooee trom. tuny
how many of the newest side effects and
tiimmlns schemes, hare lace collars and
tl.'ir-quarter sleeves, are perfect (itting, and ell
t.llcred throughout A few are ilnishctl with silk ties.
On lot of SIS to $20 milk foulard,
taffeta and me$atin drew
lace yokes, three-quarter tleeveg and
lac A embroidery trim-
mingt, while they latt
Women's Suits at $14.95
A specially fine lot made of good quality Scotch i
mixtures and rough tweeds and lined with lwaj de
I'vrnp Cr t mm. In t.var. 1 v.Haf Inn. nf 1 1 1 .- Mmt
popular side effects and tha skirts were d'l.;n(td in U
perfect harmony. . On account of the terms of the
transaction, son will not be able to match the qual-
ity of these suits iu the city for less than lis. 50
to $20.00. ,
-:mmm v.
Our Great After-Easter Millinery Sale Still
. Continues
Every Trimmed Hat in the Store Reduced
, from 20 to SO Per Cent
i , .
There are hundreds of beautiful models for you to se
lect from-Imported hats, domestic made hats, the pro
duct of 'four own workrooms.
Combination Undermuslins Specially Priced
Probably the most attractive lot for Wednesday's sale consists of
romblnirtlnn corset rovers and drawers or skirta that formerly sold
from $4.00 to $5.85 the garment for $.1.79. As In the other three lots
In this sale, the trimmings are applied In many effective and pretty
ways and the range of styles is quite satisfactory.
Combination suits of
corset -covers and
drawers only, that
sold at fl.25 the gar
ment, for Wednesday,
Combination suits of
either: corset , covers
and drawers or skirts,
worth from $3.00 to
$3.71. Wednesday,
Combination suits of
either corset covers
and drawers or skirts,
worth up to $2.76
each, Wednesday,
Your Corset Should Be
"American Beauty" Corset
without this necessary garment all efforts at
shapeliness, grace and style will be useless. The
corset is undoubtedly one of the most necessary
aiticles of your attire.
If Yoa Wear an American Beauty Cortet, You
the Greatest Satisfaction in Style, Com
fort and Service.
These corsets are designed according
to the most authentic models and will re
tain their original shapeliness because they
are specially constructed and reinforced.
This season's call Is tor corsets with medium busts
and long hip extensions. We are showing every de
sirable model.
Prices range from $1.00 to $5.00.
Wednesday Notions
I cards to nickel plated safety pins
for aa
100-yard spool black or white ma
chine thread In all numbers, 2 for
19c bolts extra fine duality finishing
braid for aa
20c bolt embroidery edginga ia white
and colors for 10a
(c pkg. wire hair pine .la
I spool black darning cotton Be'a and children's lis. pin-on
hoe supportara, all colors, pair, as
Jet pins. Wednesday, box ia
Stationery Specials
10 8. ' H. Preen Trading
Stamps FREE with each of tno
following Wednesday bargains In
the Stationary store.
3 pkgs. shelf paper, any color, UK:
Box of fine stationery 24 xheeta
of paper with 14 envelops to
match, Wednesdsy ........ 1ie
Postcard albums that will bold
200 cards, Wednesday I0o
Free Stamps Groceries Wednesday
J-pound can Bennett
atreaarasi coiie
4 stamps aaa
Assorted lean and
stamps, io. aaa
Tea alttlnga and 1
tampa, lb. loo
Bennetts Capitol flour,
sack Ole
It-lb, sack "tjuoan of
tha l"antry" pastry
flour, and 4 stamps,
(or W-ae
M-le- can Bennett's Cao-'
I tot baking powder and
It stamps la
Bennett'e Capitol pear
and ia stamp, can aaa
IT rsa. oiajnrXvATJ
OTwAJs for '
1 cans Evergreen corn
and It atamp ....BOs
1 pkgs. Toasto torn
flakea and IS at pa. aaa
Pint can Galllard pure
olive oil reduced to doe
Bnldar-a chile eauoe and
la stamp".' bottle ..sea
----- af all ktBda. Beak-
age far... aHa
Large can Snldef e pork
and bean and ze
atampa for ....... toe
40e iar Blahop'a Cali
fornia Imitate ....BO
tie can Happy Vale
green asnaragua ..Sod
Gallon )ug Haarmann
Vtorcetr sauce ..asa
4 cakes York Hose or
Violet toilet soap tse
Maple butter 1 and i
stamps, csa saa
Imperial grape juice and
19 atamita. noma aaa
Cleaned currants and 1
stamps, lb. ...... lsts
Full cream cheese and
1 lb. SSa
4-lb. pkg. Lewey Cleans
er or Compound and
I atamp for ....toa
Malt or elder vinegar ai
IS stamps, qt bot. SOc
One dosen boxes aatetjr
1 matches a
Fauns ahd
t bunches home grown young onions . ....3e
Large Florida grape fruit .' 10c
Fancy bananas, dosen ' . . . . . . . . . 15c
Young carrot, beets and lurnips, bunch... 5e
Those famous Redlanda oranges-shipped' di
rect to ns from Redlanda, Cal.-per .
dosen IV, 20r, 2Sr. SOc lad 35c
Special prices quoted on Early . Ohio aai
Early Rose SEED POTATOES on application.
Foster. Provides
Bail for Release of
Bear-Cat Dancers
Pslic Judge raster's dedtioa against
tan young men charged whs bear est
dancing Monday morning was a boome
rang. Fifteen dollars of tba magistrals
own money is bow In th dty treasury
and officially recorded ta the court clerk s
tine book.
Whan tha trio waa brought Into the
station Sunday night their bends were
fixed at $ each. They were broke, t B.
Ollteaple. a friend, Irraa at tha '"oar.g
Meal Chrtetlsa assodstlea, scrips the
hail from Hl Honor.
A -S. a 8.- waa flashed to nillestle
at . tba" "T" dormitory, sad QUlespte.
having no $3. want to the Judge and got
it- Forthwith but honor s coid oasb was
taken to tha Jail and paid m, while tiv
bear-oat dancer Journeyed Joyously borne. .
The morning attar tba Judo Inadver
tently deposited halt naj saonsv with
the dry. It'a now ap to Gillespie ta res
cue tba Judge from tha Jokers.
Why He Waa Laaa.
rWbat mad yoa so later"
- met Eimitnaon.'
-Well, that is no reason why yoa
should b aa hour late setting home
to aupper."
"1 know, but I asked him bow he
waa feeling, and ha Insisted on telling
ana about bis stomach trouble."
"Did yon tell bin ta Uko Cbamber
laia's Tablets?"
-Sure, that la what be needs. Sold
by all dealer.
Our Prices oa "rm(mfjf I t3 TitS
Means 3 to Vj JLtI I Ikl
00 Saving Jj
See Our
Trimmed Hals
Matchless '
Vslnca at 3.0a
Big Special Sale of Pictures
Art Department, 34 Floor. ,
Ad Immerise Line of the Most Beautiful and Desirable Subjects for
Tour Selection, All Greatly Underpriced.
3.00 Pictures 93.98 Beautiful Pastels. Landscapes, Marine
Views, Fruit Pictures, Heads, etc., actual retail values up to 5.00,
choice ...... ..2.08
91.00 Cnpid Pictures Iwake I Her Gift A beautiful and 9pu
and Asleep, sold in all stores iar picture, regular 14.00 val
fegularly at $1.00 69 I M,e S2.75
SOc Pictures Big assortment, gilt, oak and mahogany frames, on
sale at 350
Specials for Wednesday in Wash Goods Dipt
40-in. Egyptian Voiles In all the new spring shades and colors, reg
ular SOc Talues, at a yard 25C
Egyptian Tissues, In pretty stripes, checks and plaids, sold every-
- where for 25c, Wednesday .' - lSdt
Flowered Organdies, J 5c grade 18
Raye-u-Raye Organdies, beautiful flower and itripes, i!c quality,
at '. 25
Wednesday in nt Domestic Room
Hope muslin,
that well known
brand, regular
10c yard value,
rpeclal ..&:i
Percales, 36-in.
wide, good col-oraandpat-terns,
values to
Women's percale
It $1.00, at ..
Women's muslin
Satisfaction 56
to. bleached
muslin, 8 tie
val., yd.. 6t
Drajs ginghams
gjod piueros
und color, val
ues to IKic.
at 8V
wrappers, worth
gowns, SOe val-
Scotch ging
hams, 3 2 -1 n.
wide, values to
18c yd., spe
cial . ..12H
Long Cloth,
chamois finish,
good 10c value,
Shirting brands,'
good colors and
patterns, value
to 7Hc ...5c
Children's por
cale dresses,
sites fi to 14
yrs.,' -worth to
11.00, at G9?
2 dot. Pearl buttons 5
4 dot. Hooks and Eyes for . .5c
2 Spools Thread oC
2 packages Needles 5tt
2 dot. Safety Pins 5?
srVflll 1
Style Without Sacrifice of Comfort
The woman who especially wants fi
comfortable corset is usually the wo
man, also, to whom an unfashionaMy
cut corset would be most unattractive.
The new C-B a la, Spirite models
have the graceful lines that the latent
fashion news from Paris demand,
without sacrificing one whit of tho
comfort for which they've always
been famed.
Made in 240 styles-one for .every
type of figure. Prices, $1 to $5.00.
Let us show you the new snring
1912 styles we're Omaha cialos
Agents and carry complete lines. ,
17 Pounds Best Granulated Sugar for $1.00
10 bars Lenoir, 'Bttt 'Cm AU or Dia
mond ; saap
41-lb. sacks Diamond H family flaur,
marie from tha bast selected wheat,
nothlni Ilka It, per sack ....Si-Si
10 lbs. bast mixed chick feed ....S5e
7 lbs. bulk-laundry starch ..i...tSe
14-os. pkg. bast domaatte macaroni.
It-os. cans condensed n.1lk ....Sa
1.1b. caaa park aod beans . ...f 1-Se
I-lb. cans pork and baana with chlla
Kellosaa rlra flakea. pk. aa
i-lb. cana fancy aweat autar rorn
at T
J-lb. cana solid packed torn toes lue
Iba bast white or yallow eonuneal
at ....... taa
Oo bouillon cubes for beef tea, 2
for ......... -so
OH or mustard-sardines, can . ...Sa
Btrrram j)TAo ae Nvn
The Klfln market advanced thia
weak to a pound. We atlll continue
to sell at the followlnc prices aa
lone aa possible:
The bast Ns. 1 country creamery
butter lb. .......... ......aoa
Tha bast Na. 1 dairy butter, lb. asa
Tha best strictly fresh aces, nothing
better, par dosen Me
til Mlim Of OMAHA TOM
rnasa visituui
S heads fresh lear lettuce
ljtrss head lettuce THe ud loo
lrse stalks fresh celery Tt,e
Large bunches freah beets, carrots
or turnips .4o
Fresh spinach, peck toe
Fresh shallots, per bunch THe
Fancy rlpa tomatoes, per lb. loo
Fancy extra fine cucumbers, esc til Ac
I larf a sreen peppers 10a
Fancy asparasrus. per lb. lTHa
Fancy California cauliflower, lb.
st .ISVia
t bunches fresh parsley - ac
Fsnry pieplsnt or rhubarb, lb, ....flc
Fancy wax or areea beans, par lb. SOe
Larss Florida pineapples, each ..Sou
Anything you want; wa ve got It
Blue (rasa, straight or mixed with
clover, per lb. eor
White clover seed, per lb 40o
Onion seta, reO or yellow, qt, Tar
White onion sets, quart 10c
Watch tha papera for our bis; An
nual rose buaa and shrubbry sale.
Try HAYDEiM'S First j
Bee Want Ada Produce Results.
Bend us year carpets, rujt.
portieres, draper!!, curtains, ta
ble and stand covers, doll let
chair cushions, pillow cavers
wd other valuable furnishings,
ind while we era cleaning- than,
you'll hare plenty at time to
ia your scrubblns sad dusting.
Read These Prices
Carpets ar ruga dusted ar.d
.teaaaed, Wo per so, yd.: dusted,
dry cleaned and sterilised. Va.
per aa. yd.
Fonlerss, dry cleaned, C i.
par pair; dyed. Hi per pair,
.ace curtains, Re to KJ pai
pair; tinted, sac extra; tabk.
tnd couch corera, Kc to IL,
llow cerara. Be ta Sec.
Call aa ap ea either pnooe ac
.e U aeod a msn to quota price as,
.i your work.
1515-17 JONES ST.
PnoNn DouaASSlHaft-5)68
Interest allowed a
sanas department at
o per annum
The United States
National Bank of
Omahv gives prompt
and courteous ervlce,
affords absolute secur "
ltv and has a most con
venlent location. '
Siltaafa 1 f j fcVl H
mi fsmsm gfJjfSr
prfuta eleaa avts
sad ricaa sxlirrtisutg.