Aim SILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT -:- THiMKi xr LEO IS6M ) Wi. ,JV.a a. N rw.vlU.CroN vJ j j, 1 aU rVrw 1 M K A UlAO XO-J C ACKTVAOeH. ' k" A-OIMAOTMC OOC JEP ONTBE WtUKAMtA OWE- AND , , f TusV SKJ J : .'w7 ) rS CoS ) lTi AvFulW -,0U KM u3V ' Ma.iH.NKS mfr PPWATE- SiNPAV TONtfiHT OKT A J , ' , vTV nmjTW PacC f- T Tve?eJ: 1 TDU THE VWF I EH " 7 I'a (Jo (WE- VT, ? - I UvcJ j X - n ' I moth m. V ?Lp ' f Working or Dreaming? tltl A" P" j The Folly of Pessimism By W1XIFRED BLACK. Shs's a stenographer, am she's a good stenographer sometimes. Shs's quick wltted, good humored, In industrious, Intelli gent, but she never keeps a position longer thsn two or three months at a time. "I lose all Inter est In my work," she says. "I love books and pictures and music and I rate drudgery. I can't stay In one place long. the inner unrest drives ms on. What shall t do? I am the support of my mother, and my conscience says keep on with the drudg ery, but my soul cries out for wider scope. Whst shall I do." . Do. my dear child. What Is there for you to do but keep on working? What el her excuse Is there for the food you est and the roof that shelters you. How msny people do you think there are In tke world who work because they want toior because they enjoy the work they find to do? Not one In ten thou sand, and you are Just one of the ones. 6o you lova music, pictures, books. Hurrah for you. You ought to be thank ful for all these tastes, and you should say a little prayer of gratitude every time you think of them. They are worth. everything In the world to you. You're rich, dear child, richer far than the old fellow who pays you to write his letters for him. snd who Ik bored to death at the very thought of a decent took, and who can't stay awake when lis bears good music to save his life. Every taste of that sort is capital to you, so much In the bsnk of human en Joyment. Give up your honest, regular Work to go mooning around looking for "higher things?" What nonsense, what utter non sense . What higher thing is there In life thsn Jurt the thing you are doing-taking good car of your mother? What's the difference between you right now and the dreamer who alts' all day la as attic trying to be "an artist," and dreaming of great deeds nobly done? Just this: You are earning your right t live and tie dreamer Is dreaming away all that makes Ufa worth living at all. Little.Bobbie's Pa Uy WILLIAM V. KIRK. Pa took Ma & Me to th clrou last nlte, courts myself. Doant ' ou think Antony Pa aed all h afternoon that he dldent looks like me? sed Pa. waat to so but that he only want U I pleas Ma A me. But I notlsed after we had got to the circus that Pa s eyes wa ail th tlm sticking out. hsrder than 'mine, eeven. Tharo was three ringa In the circus ft I bat Pa dldent miij a single thing that was going on In any of the rings. When we got to the Garden to go in, Pa interduccd Ma ft ma to a gcntelman wich had pointed phlakers. Hit naim Dexter Fellows. Wife, sed Pa, I want you to meet my old pal Dexter. Mister Fellows, this Is my family. I dldent care much about eummtng myself, sed Pa. but I wanted th wife and kiddie to soe the show. Thai's what they all say. sed Pa's Mend. That's what my father used to aay to me wen 1 was a little kid and was took to tha show by him. He wsed to tell aJl th neighbors that be was only doing It for the boys. Mister Fellows sed. Well, walk In and se the most grandest, glorus ft glittering aggregashun of male, female ft neuter talent wtch was ewer shows jn three rings. We bad fin sects ft Pa started rite In for t brag about the sects. That la the way wtlh me. aed Pa. I newer do any thing by halves, I go the Ummit always. Thar la no use In beeing a piker. Pa sed. Eetber git good sects or stay boam. You doant aay, sed Ma. I see that yoa ar trying to mak yureself out a princ at the expense of Mister Fellows, Ma sed. But In any event let us settle Cown now ft watch the show. The vary first th ng that tha- had waa a grate speck-lac le called The Court of Antony ft Cleopau-y. That seems vary natcrai to me. red Pa. Tt maiks me think of th mny t:mes I was presented at Jhe ecg frre aazire p)ajfe And don't make yourself a martyr. You aren't martyr at all. You are a vary lucky girl. You can earn your own llv Ing. take care of th mother who bora you, and have lot of tlm left to think about books and music and pictures. And, whisper. There's nothing particularly high about an Idea Just because It' be tween the covers of a book or en th can vas behind a frame. It's the Idea that counts th Idea and th way It's carried out. What are they all about all the muslo snd the books and the pictures? They are about life, real life, th very kind of life you are leading right now. Angels are out of fashion In pictures, and in books, too We read about folks nowadays. Just plain, everyday folks, with livings to earn and bills to pay, and mothers to support. 8lories! Why, you ar a story every day. and It's your business to see that It la a good story with a good ending,. too. . And. whisper! Where did you get that notion that It Is "noble" to paint pic tures, "fin" to writ books, and "grand" to make music, but Ignoble to make ten dollar a week taking dictation and writing on a typewriter? A painter doesn't paint to be "noble." he paints because that's th thine he can do. Wrllara ar no different from any one else. They writ to mak money. most of them. Why shouldn't thy? And j musicians aren't thinking of the eter nal melody of the spheres when they play th nubensteln In F. They are thinking of th good, warm coat they are going to buy fathtr with the money the man at th door la taking In tor th concert. Com down to earth, Uttla sister. That's where wa all live Just now. .Let's live right along down on th nice, comfy, sane, natural ground, and thank good ness we can enjoy th fin things of lit without having a hanl in making them at all, unless It's our business to mak them. Don't worry about that. If you'r a genius you will do th work you were sent her to do. If you have to pound the typewriter all day and work at tha genius affair all nignt. that's tha way we can tell cm tha genius. Get a new Job. typewriting, and keep it this tlme-and don't feel like a martyr because you work for a living. J No, I doant, sed Ma. hs haa a better waist line ft besides, I think the only courts that you was ewer presented at must have been the court or general sloes or sum Justice court. Doant try to kid me. aed Ma. about your greatne I have yura cumber. Then the animals calm oh. Thar was 12 ellefunts & eech one of them had deeper. Look at that tremendus beest In the mlddel. sed Pa to Ma. Note his mas sive strength. Doesnt he remind you of a, sad Pa. He dees In a way. sed Ma, he looks fat enuff. Th ocly dKterns. Ma sed, is that ho is provided with a keeper. Then the Japanese wrasslers calm out. They was all Mi Iran My was as fast as llteninx. IOo at them, wife. se!. Pa. no' thare pen'.or-Mio quick ness ft thare pro-dlgn -t vnglh. Why sed Pa. Sum -if th;n; ars rcsiul';r. 1 wud like tu tt tbs.t mm of t:iern wud evn give ir.e a good battel, sed Pa. Of course. I wtj.t g!t trern in tha long run. Pa sed. but I w-ul lino-jr I hal been In a battel. Bobble, sed Ma, let yore father rav ft let us look at th tralaed seels. What do you Uk about trained seels, sed fa. Beekaus they doant talk, sed Ma. A Tlctlsa. "You're college man. doctor r asked th halfback. "Oh, yes." replied the physician. "Did you ever take an Interest In Toot ball?" "Indeed. I always did." "And did you ever suffer from any ac cidents T' "Oh. yes: lots of th fellows neglected to pay me." Tonkers Statesman. TIIE BEE: TMU And THE ft OAS WfcTfVe? SN0RT)Ni Aj0$. fWlUfcd TfVfrMK . Fortunes came And wEisT uks Sent. DAW. JlDDtNUX A HIAH ELL UPON THS NULTiTuCl A VOICE sVAS'MPARD tt ws the Peep OF H0WD MRtTfc WIZARD Of C0.0 iTOWs WAUL' w'TSEET ANP THIS IJ WHAT . M VVAS HEERFD' IP A rAAOAAAl POO A 05 POPS r UrNeTlCf IPfNA-- pAli THt? r-VNOE HORN - MERIT COMkS TUP THERE SHERIFFS1 tNrr-BvTvWyfrUuo I Cam I WORRY-. vVMtur I MAY AAV HEALTH tlT ! CeRTAINtY HAVE 0Mt TOWN FTNGrtfrwty PALL This picture shows a poaltion la the"Noaap" dABce. The Tnan has passed a sash around his part ner's waist, sad white he la hold ing the ends leaus back as far aa poulble, aad the dancers whirl around la walti step. - Miss Collins, in her article de scribing the dance rsperialljr for The Bee magazine readers aavs: This part of the dance Is not easy, but it Is e x c e edlnglv pretty." " One of (he great attractions of the "So CUsP" dance is the absence of any hard acro batic movement. While some of the steps and movemcnu are a trifle Intricate, Br JOST COLU.VS. If you don't like tha "Bunny Hug" and think the "Turkey Trot" objectionable, th "Xo Clasp Dance" of the Winter Garden show Is the dance for v-ou. It's one of the most original dances I have ver done, and It appeals to o mn people that I am going to tell ynu m-1 Jast how to do it. ;tw 17 It ran be danced to anr good walibe too difficult or take too much tlmj j music from the fltrauas "Blue Danube." 1 to to most modern waits, and the time! OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY. And Now the Judge is sicker Than Before CoeTrllM. u: National Nr Ana. WlQE SlfAONS .THE GRtMV Op STA6S MANAGERS WAS RIPPING MAOf AW FoRirtt jvJt for cae. he had .SENT UTUE 6IUY V? NT0 THE" VINOS TO TuRn the sunshine UPON THE HAPV WEMmr. And To iMlX?i anotheI VKNrP ON THE OP UTTARO AND Ml 006 .OARED IF TUaTt uiUAT OU'LL DO.strtui uH i uaiJ a v -. srrrxHff. ai a we. lJONN N. OUR CMlCtf TCU YOU cfa A40 WHVH TUry HER They SeTNT e . i sot "ms Of mHim'TMat CON - 4"0ERet) H6PT fNOOR. (' ) THIN Si A" TOTeD (T BACKAftiN . OLD 16V BROWN HAD A TflfE WAULS A Jka,VsT0 HfiR klFst OvtR. ON HER The Latest Dances and How to Dance The Beautiful "No-Clasp'! Dance n.V - MIR9 JOSH COLLINS AND MARTIN does not vary or change suddenly frtm three-four to two-four time, as so much of the dance music does now. The "No Clasp" is a graceful ha.iroom dance, and It is to unusual that I think it will be very popular fur char.ty en- Icrtainmentn and falra, wher young people are alwars trying to do something aew, etipulating that the new ehall not to learn. Of cour::c if 3011 want to da:icj tie APRIL 10. 1912. CAMONil AR. ANO AFMOLC. Atf W H THJj UTTLfi JtJDA i1W4 TSiu(r ToH6h OUT JVST f MAT A f-tU-Ovi OA IN CP By JTAVNr Off rMS STVfF CAf&ONK. tL iAf MtH0 4aucd vt A-Mor Enoot,H ro frW rO A NCV JTRAW fteU-V HS HADlTMb TO OUaW.AMO AT THAT M0ND4T POt CALOsVCU. Jrvt-K. hi 4 0c- m Tnwom TMC poon ANO ffsT. iPTttetofuei lost ntatri. TAILS NMOULD THS. WATE. v(ao of svrr the. JawG OH FicXEfWVv!! aANiC , -vi pOMN M AUfTHAUE- ANP a. a..i 1 1 MA WAVMeMloeyre OoTuJ O H0 a none of them re quires unusual physical strength or presents a problem that ran not be overcome bj a good ordi nary dancer. It require a lot of practice and strict attention to music and time. Miss Collins de :lsre also Uiat one should be In entire sympathy trlth tlie partner. Special music is not required, as say waits tune ran be utilized. Miss Collins has gone into great detail in descrlb. lag th e "No Clasp" dance, so that none who ran waits should hsve any dlfll rulty In adding this very pretty dance to his or her list of terp. sictioreaa accom plishments. 11 BROWN. i"No Clasp" perfectly, you will ot'Va to be a pretty good dancer, and practlc it a great deal. Just aa my partner aad I !do: but for the ordinary ballroom this jdatire can be adapted to suit the talents of the moderately good dancer, and wtti lose nothing of .Is original!.'. I The seen In which we do this dsnre la darkened, and a api'llght Is used. i Illuminating me and my partner. This 1 is a very pretty effect, which on I reproduced for entcrtilnuieats. 1 wear .:. Drawn for .a-va, Rj GARRETT A famou Londoo preacher, th Rv. It J. Campbell, of ths City Temple, is reported to have said. In a sermon th othw day, thai he ran find no reason for human ex istence. All th age of progress, in Ms opinion, have eost mor than they hare soma to! This la tin teaching for ' a minister of th toe pel of Jesus Christ! - To th muddled mind of this p almlstis London preacher w ar no better off than ancient Kgypt and Ttome, because w have atllt th asm battles to fight be tween right and wrong; th same strug gles to endue against th spirit of creed and selfishness. Have his theological studies failed to taach him that th hop at humanity Ilea In th ronUnuano of Just such strug gles? Than ho would have don better to drop, theology and devote his stten tlon to Christianity. "I com not to bring peso Into th world, but a sword," Them a costume of vary pal silk, on af the tight skirts which for dancing haa to be slit up th side, snd a powder4 wig with long curls, while ntv partner wears a whits satis costume and powderei wig, too, and the effect la especially ptstty against ths dsrk baokgroupd. II has' long red sash wound arwnd his waist, Ths sssh Is th naconut y part ut th danoa, and should bs of vsry strong s.ik, snout two yards long, Th secret of ths "Ni Clasp" tfanc Is that th partners do not touch each other until th very sat of ths danoa, though tbsy stsnd ou'ti lusi totetlier as ordinary dancing partners. Wa begin th Introduction of th walls by striking a pos srhlch Is th waiting pose of th ordinary ws'tsers. feet In position, bead up, looking dlrett'y into each 'Other's eyas, but Insto I of holding each other, we cross our srmS over our chests, snd I stand wtfi my crossed arms Just a little below mj partn cr't, ' but not touching. Now th wslts muslo bcrtu nnl with the regular undulating inovinunt. both In strict time, ws waits together, keeping close, but never touching, ami each w;th arms crossed as In th Introduction. Cf course th art coniei kvplng erf.,ct tlm and dancing exactly as If your partner's arm were vlxiut you. 1. Iiel a good deal to loo eacl otli r sf alfl.t In ths eve. aad this should n done any how, ss It Is part of th. attraction of tha danoa. After sixteen bars danced like this, we unfold our arms, I clasp my hands be hind my back, and he does tit same, And we continue to waits. There Is n? Interruption In the waits step, no matter what positions we may lake. The rhythm and movement nr never broken for an Inftant Of course, you understand, that In waitslng with th bands clasped behind the back w are Just as close together as ordinary waitslng partners would be. and you have to be In great sympathy with your partner and have marked out just what part of the floor yon or go ing to cover, aad Just how much of the music you ar going to dance in this way. If you are not stud) Ing with a dancing teacher who haa worked it out. that Is optional with you, and depends upon the music and your own choice la th matter. Th next poaltion shows me In th center of the ata4e, my arms extended. feet beating time to the waits step, but without moving very much from on spot, srm waving gracefully with the measure of th music. My partner circles about, still very close, his arms also ex tended, but without touching. Now hs stands la on place and 1 circle round him. After eight bars of th music I bring myself around so that I face th au dience and have my partner behind me, a Mttle to on Sid. W do sixteen measures of waits step In this position. that Is. b being behind me, and th steps going sideways ' serosa th floor. That I quite difficult, especially for th on who I behind, a you can't hold hands or bs guided In any way. At the end of th measure we swing s round facing each other, my partner has whipped off bis sash and passed It srourd my waist, a hold the ends of th aash firmly with both bands, I lean t-ark as far as possible, so that my weight rests on to sash, sod.w can- L J, 15 The Bee by Tad w .a-rww wv a uvi P. 8KRVIS3. said th founder of th Christian re ligion. Th "sword" that h brought wa th a word of righteousness th sword thst sweep down oppressors, that fights for th poor, that defies th pow. or of darkne. ' To deny that the progress of th world sine th tlm of Egypt and Rom haa shown nny reason for human existence Is to deny that Christianity has bettered th lot of mankind. This preacher does not not read th tMwspspers, or If h does read them, ha reads them backward. Let him throw off his green spectacles when hs stretches I hi legs under th breakfast IMble, snd read ths news of th day as It should be read. Then h will sea. on every page, th clearest, evidence that existence la becoming better worth while with each revolution of tha sun. Is not th doctrln of th right of th peopl to govern thmselvts continually spreading' wldar over th world? And are not ths peopl beginning to govern themselves, even In old Asls? Is not education becoralug (very year more universal? Are not tb discoveries of science brightening the Uvea of all men, and giving them a bet ter chanc In life? Has not slavery al most disappeared from th planet. Ma's legalised Institution? Who today knows anything of th barbarians of th feudal system except aa h reads about them la history? Where Kr pqw tb thumb screws, 'and Iron boots, and Iros maid ens" tilled with spikes, snd grrtl Irons ever slow fires, with w'.ilch mis called law snd Justice formerly tortured criminals, witnesses and suspects alike? No thinking man can be blinded by tb luct that w have still frightful Injus tice to contend with. Then Is still dee perst poverty everywhere, and- out rageous oppression, and th tlm I yet fsr more distant than It ought to be when everybody will have a auuars chano. But It Is folly to ssy that that tlm la not visibly approaching. Man hava) yet to fight for living wages, and Just treatment-but they ar beginning to gt them! Corrupt Judges still twist th lvr snd pronounce sentence against con- science, Justice snd evidence, but the terror of th recall Is beginning to shins' ilk a torch of reason In tnetr eyes! ;'j Men hava still to paas their lives delv. Ing In black, choking tunnels, a mile beq ueath tha sunshine. In order to keep th' upper world warm, and' lis machinery spinning; and that for a pittance, but ths pttlane Is growing! And better yet, th sdvancs of sclenc Is forecsstlng th day when there will be no longer sn necessity for digging coal, because man.' will have learned to take his mechanic, energy from mora sbundant sources,' haklr.g Nature do his work as she hat. never yet don It. lias thls London- preacher never hesrd of electricity, or Is he unawsre that Its advent, as the servant nS man In hut Ihn riri, rtt I Via opening of a brighter aga for nil hu manity? Electricity Is nothing but a forerunner. ; No reason for existence! Merely to live for th take of helping forward th. emancipation I reason enough. A Few More Slogans. Missouri They gotta quit klckln' my drf aroun. Massachusetts They gotta quit kidding; my sacred cod. Ciillfornla Thoy gotta quit roastln' my grisaly bear. New Jersey They gotta quit chasln' my octopus. Kentucky They gotta quit spaaahln' my Uckkcr uniun. e Texas They gotta quit bootin' my don key aroun. New York They gotta .jult icnockln" Wall atreet aroun'. Illinois They gotta quit hammcrln' my wliltewush brush. Pennsylvania They rotta quit shakln may plum tree down. -i Kansao They gotta oult lauxhln' at my blind pig. Cincinnati Knqulrar. tlnue to waits around th floor In this wsy. It's not easy, as you will see If you try, but It's exceedingly pretty, and s begrlnner would not need to bend back vvr ir ironi me wain, and ner part ner could hold the ends of the aash loose, snd the ribbon might be longer than the one we use. That would make a pretty effect and would not be hard or require much skill In dancing. I end the dance srlth a straight wills sround the floor, this time holding mr partner by the hand and shoulder and with his arm around my waist in the customary manner. At the very last we dance up a- flight of stairs snd down again, still warning in perfect time and step. Well, 1 wouldn't expect you to do that, for I might hava a fev broken bones to be responsible for. - But be rest of the "No Clasp" dance, as I hare describe It to you. can be adapted to the re quirement of an ordinary dancer. - - -, Tlie principal thing Is to keep In "per fect time and agreement ' with . your partner end never touch each saber asanj th final walta.