By Hershfield Not Even the Villain Can Stand the Pressure Va Desperate Desmond When Squeezed in a Folding Bed 'y. ii ' iaaJuI! I IA1A. Hitw6 tn -me RoVAA, CX- aac -IMC (CZAR AMb KRP& M6 Of 1M6V ARE see wv, whmjC ojnoe wax. . i ni II i i i i iii ,,-, ..? 1 . ! "C 1 X 1 w . . ... . AFi. -i- . , a. y -rw v I I 11 J I'CV"!' I r IMCU'l. .WWt- rphrni ' Nitws wt w mi,iiwiiu wwo-. iiHATFeiD-i I irS'-'r"- ' 1 anai "j" ' J8zSTS3e t I (umt l-rsi!-.0 AKE IVtCE to 1 iSew i 6fO,THrtJSTi too me wwote Isscakj to -thc czajcs I" bcd, I Beinotp I . j-z&Z3 itctex TeaT- h r lsrteer , leAS? 1 fi5eMii I 1 1 ' ' - - - I.-SQUASHED. Demon! the International crook. ia squashed flat Inside the folding bed which the nihilist- have taken (rem the Imperial palace. lw-plotter think the car blmsel X Inside the bed and that the? bav at least realised their ambition to capture the representative of tyranny. Twill be a bad day for Desmond. WANT ADS U'.. mAm mmIv4 - an v time bat t tagur proper riassiflratloa must b presented orror l o oocm sue lit evening editioa aad before 7:3 p. a, for worming and Sunday M tioas. Want ads received sifter sac hoars will have their lira lmrOam aader to beadiag Toa lal ta ClassifJ.- , CASH BATES FOB WANT AD. REGULAR CXA9S1KICATION Ob Ihsewtioa IK rent per word and 1 ceat per wort Uw ""l roBsrcaUv iasertloa. r-ach tsef Won made on odd day iH- word; 91.SO per Ua P whea ad is rua without cbaaf ol PI , CARD or THAN Hi. W wish to thank our friends tnr their kindness and beaultful floral offerings during the skKneea and death of our dear husband and father. Mr Ountaf llolmberg and Family. W wish to thank our friends, mem bers of the Bwedlah Metnodlat church and Sunday school for th kindness OS tended us, also for the beautiful flornl offerings, during ths death of our dear daughter and Bister. Ullian Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. F. Johnson and family. n UNDERTAKERS. ' ANTI-TRUST UNDERTAKER Caskets H trust price. Phone H. T, Brass Co. & or K-17JL. and aave money. AMl'BBMENTS O.UAHA FILM EX. tii,",'4 HoMea picture machine and film bargams. ' ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A, GENTLEMAN, rmbslmer. I8 Chicago t. P. MM. B W ITTTT CP kr P1P.PVTM - Mth nt. urn at UNDERTAKERA Our Entire Stock AT ADJUSTER'S COST SALE. Jv'O RESERVATIONS WHATEVER. - , ' BIO BAROAINS . f Dunning Hardware Co. li 1W HARNET ST. JHETEKNA SHOP -ror wedding and birthday ' presents 1'arty tavars and prises. Omaha's Exclusive Gift Store ; ; E. C. ZIMMERER. 1821 Farnam Bt - Omaha. MONEY ro LOAN-LOW rata, In sums t lult. Us Bee Bids. Phone Doux. SMi UNIOM LOAN CO. The "Wash Word" of the Home 'Better " work and longer life to your linen. That dtir motto. Better call us ap today and let th Blue Wagon get jrvur trie annai. K imball .Laundry Doug, fi: Ind. A-Mlk- 1511 Jackson. PABALYZED 11 YEAES For 1.777 Subscriptions. TO Th Ladlee' Ham Journal. ...fl Th Saturday Evening Post IM c The Country QenUemaa IM Th publishers will depaelt M tot Charity, the Interest of which will bring m 1 a month tor life. Must have tti In Atarll r th prise I tost. Tour sasjswais count. Kuah tham In! "Phone D. TkS. JG0KD0N THB "'mahI." ' GiCT your diamonds at Brodecaard'a, KODYMj I Th Taller baa a.v4 ma nw location. 'tis K. Uth St. Everything In new springs styles. ' FRED OFFERMAN. Bath tube. Slsifc DOUQLAS Prinnng Co. Tel. Doug ML Upholstering, pisao farn. rep. sN Far. 8. K. Col Sign Co. D. rrss um Famam. HAZEL LEAF PlLa; COKk-iieet jvmedy for Kcaing, bleeding or protrud ing pile. &0c postpaid; aamplea free. etiermaa eY Mcobnneil Drug Co.. Omaha Redding Announcetneota. Doug. Ptg. Co. . t D. S. Griffith, wig rotx. U Frenser BisT .. Jiea. aed Ca. IM Joaa. Botfe phoaea BLDG PLANS&r - ED ROW. E. well baring. Benson Mi, OMAHA TEST CO. Tel. sit Uousls. fcteveneoa. carpenter, com. U- i a lb at. ... ANCHOR FENCE CO. . Irsa and wire fence cheaper thaa wod. . st a hfgdme. M K. nta. pbon Red Mi Xwanty per cent lem then Omaha pcwks ' HCiafa rCRNlTURB CO, ' Twenty-found and L -. evmh Omaha. U. m. MotTtil. china paint. SO Braadel Tk GSO. BARKER. RfJpM U. PATTKH "CN BLOCK, formerly of paxtoa Black PAPtRHAXGtRo use SBOwflake Omar PuuC.. Il a Uta. Both paoaaa ' IT 18 A BEASTLT SHAME to take aandy from baUes. But R Is a ease to buy Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry at Fred Brodecaard A Co-'s Great Scntfc and Kemovsi sal aurtng stare. NORTH RUP LETTER DUPLICAT1NO CO- M Paxten Bik.. ctreutar letters, any aoentity; eldest cnauisbed oampaay; ax Cartg U ALuiUeTrai'k aM Mat;la, . IL THE OIRI. I THE TRUNK. . Claude Eclairs, hero, who baa been aearehinc the royal palace tor hla beau tiful sweetheart, Roeamood, at last cornel upon the trunk la which the monster Des mond has locked her. A'.lhougn half suf focated, the bray girl yet tells Claude about Desmond's plan to eseap his pur suers, and Insists upon his capture. ANNOUNCEMENTS Omaha BUI Posting Co, mi Hmr. D. mi U.DDV W V1TKKHH tag PAXTON BUOCK, CIVIL EWalNEKR. Dr. Albert A. Crandell. M Om. Nat't BK. AKKiNa :w a iMh. upsTAiKa "WATER PR1NT1NO CO. Doug. 1H. Bos 10. prepaid, B "i try half dosen; If not satisfactory money refunded. BEA TON PKUU fww. Mil? Clasay Clothes ae Jackson, th rUIV Tailor. -MS' Block. Cuming. D. 157. ACTOMOnitKS. INSUEANCE fffftal ium ner. iowni r air ft. hahkt S. BYRNE. M9 City Natl. D. 1220; A-1K DRUMMOND Aut renalrs. rubber Urea, for carriage and commercial trues, una and Haraay. , McLNTYIiE AUTO CO. Oakland, Stearns, Knight aad R. 0L R. Bargains In used cars. fJut rarnass. AUTO REP A1IUN0 TO PLEAKE. O'Donovan k Pease Auto garage, storage. Bargain m t-pasa Rambler. TH N. Mth. So. Omaha. So. Its. Auto lamps repaired. Oman Silver Co. iff t hrmiiunu, Why not eeii your old automobile and buy a new one or. maybe, you eaa us the money li some ether way la either event,' Be waat ads will do ta work. Rates lis cents per word It luu only one llni r 1 eeal per word It run two at mer time consecutively. Auto lumps, radiators repd., plating all kind.. Neb. PI. Co., 1311 Howard. D. ITU. Tour T1HB KXPKN8K cut la two. Consult u before buying new tires, A I' TO TIRB REPAIR CO.. 18 Karnam. PFKIFrER Carriage Work. Auto n paira th and Leavenworth. Doug, mm. FOR BALK-"Chaliara roadatar M," la good order. O la, r nee. ,!UI.Tt ka.a.ln. If, .lllamAhlljia t A essh sll this week, MM Farnam St. ' Moteraretee, Metnrcycl repairing at cost. Doug. asM. T'SED motorcycle, bicycle at bargain price. V. 11. Koos, 7ul Leavenworth, Bl'SINESS CHANCES. TO get la or ut of buaiuea call OS OANUKHTAD. M Be Bldg. Tel. D. 1477. Cafe Wanted tor the Hotel I'laaa. Have Ti rootne and no (aoillttes for feeding our guest. Wat. Klaher, Mgr. utn ana iiowara. PARTT with II, Ue to tl.U to Uke ver grocery ; balance oa Riu raa be ar ranged; can make money back In I months; must be sold by the Mth of April. ON K of th Isrseet and beet moving picture shows, centrally located ta city. WHI guarantee over taw per moata clear profit Price, ri.ow; may take part trade. H J. Omaha Be. Ed Rothery. Uusine and Real Katata Eschang Co. Room 119, McCague Bldg. MKDICAL practice, unopposed, for sal In good town of to In Mouth Dakota; very little to sell; beat reasons for sell ing; cheap if taken at once. Den t write If you don't meaa business. Address I 2H, car Be. .oo to engage In clothing buslneas. Ad- ureee r (, osre De. - BUSINESS PERSONALS Sltersara Listen L. Wall. Lawyer, W Brsa. Bldg. O. W. Shlelda. Attorney. BT B. or "Trade. Mag Maaalaelartn, BE MIS OMAHA BAG Ca. Omaha, Na. Sea u4 Iakag Naasneisnn, Wooden Bos Paeksgs Co.. Ul W. Uth. VkUroawdlata. DR. ROT, m Fsraam. Douglas W. Ctothlaat ataaataaiarar. Wear Ideal drse shirts. M K. Smith Ca, CaA Healer. WSI6TERFIELD sell REEDSR COAL; FURNACE or RAN OB. D. UM; A-tiB. Csrslei a a Sleet taUtagw. CARTER Sheet Metal Works, Omaha. Csvaawrtea, Uatrtea aad gapaUas. FStrmonr D)Jem butter, Alwsys good. DAVID COI.B CREAMKKT COMPANY. JAMES ALLAN Neville Rlk, Evidence ecuied In all caeea. Tyler IIJ. L. W. LONQNECKEH, J17 Karbach Blk. Omaha Secret Serv. B Paxtoa sis. UU1S Oeatuta, DR M'LERAM. specultst In plate work, tatiafacttoa or no fe. tit Braadel Bldg. Balley. th dentist. City Nat l. D. Ma. Mask Macs, Id floor paston. D. WxV Taft a dental rooms. Iii? Doug. D Rat. Terry's Dionauishiag eolteg Sth A Far. REAI-ONABLE PRICES. Puua aad :a .cy dressmaking. Ht u Mai7 a Ave. Ked Ul. PlJklN ewing. reesonabie. Hamey 21$. ANTEI Kewtng. Phone Wetxter mi. DRESMAKLNO taught. Bring your owa material and learn to mas. your ova oothea; terms re eons hla A Sth St. Douglas K12. Drassrtat. DRUGS at cut prtces; trelgbt paid aa lie oroers; catalogue rree. Kbermaa A McConnell Drag Ce Omaha. Neb. Sverytaitaa Blacutewa. r'ectrie lighting fix., wholesale ami eeen Surgeas-brauiea Ca, iaU Howard, D-UL IIL-A STRANGE BARRICADE. When Claude Eclalre, leading the Rus sian soldiers, hurries after the nihilists who bav Desmond sardined In the fold Ins bed, the plotters realise that they can not escape carrying such a heavy burden, so they put the bed down to use It as a barrier. This Is far from pleasant for Desmond, who will be between two fires. Everrtb-BC Uleetrlcttl. Tlphorw LK)ug. 31t South Uth St, EialTTiriU r . anv. .. 2d lland Electric Apparatus and repairs. L Bran. Ill D. Uth St. KverylBlag tar Wessee. Willow plumes made rrom your old and new feathers, reasonable, lM 8. U. D. leit Dr. Baboock Co., kH Wltiinell. It eV liar. Out-of-date garmenta es. for new. W. 103 Nuboue Tailored Corsets. Guaranteed not to rust or break. Nu Bon Cornet Shop. M Neville Uk. D, til. DRK6S pleatlnga, buttons, covered, all Slses and at Ilea. TUB IDEAL PLUAT 1NO Co., M Douglss Block. Both phone. EASTER MILLINERY at half th rlc you pay claewhere. McMahon llllinery Co., lilt Douglas. Ind floors MAYME EAUBEE H85$l& MM A Uth Bt, 1 block south of William. Fd MIR aad glare a. Feed, all kinds. Ol.nooe Mill an Isard. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. MorUla. A. Donwhue. la Far, p.m. A1L HK8M A SWOBuDA. Kit Farnam 8L TTTlENDERsbN, 11 Farnam. D. U6. BRANDE1S FLOHIUT. Bandels Bldg. BATH'S FLORISTS. Boyd Theater Bid. BENNETTS, cut flowers. Doug. Ul. Fuaadrlea, McDonald brass and brons foundry, lu mlnum. tin, lead castlnga 1W Jchoa Lasadrtea. Guarantee Lauary. Fine work. P. XS7t MRS. GFRTRUDB OARMEN, curtains eleunMl: els veers' eiDerience. Frio SMI I lao Pr pair. Pouglae Bit. stsvlaa, storaae a CUaalaa, CKPRESaMerPS Denver Co.-Movlns furniture, packing, fireproof storaga City rnc. we a. nta. w. FER1UN B-1T. Van A Storage. Tyler 1ML Fura. moving; I men. II per hr. W. . Maltlarapkere. k Mi. nuniiu im rv, TU Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Mailing Met Dougia14i. ""SiiTui niTltrnTIVrt rfi. JBS PAX. TON BLK. DOUGLAS rTO. Masie. An aad laaaaaej. Violin lesson; Wm. L. Pstton, Wb. IMS. aj arserle aad Sacda, ' Fruit Trees Shade tree, shrubs. General nursery stock. Phone Benson HW. Omaha Nuraery. M.P.BYRD NURSERY CO. We will be at the same old stand. Uth and Douglas St. CaJlL) aug. tttW; let u help you plan your grounds tree or ensrg. STEWARTS. SKEPMEN. US N. ICTH n,'l l' VIIDai'DT t W FIAT uenerai line auraery iiwi, etia Plnkney. Phone Web. Hi. Upllclaae. B- F. Warn, fitting an rerfg Q Brandia 0aithy. A lie Johnson. WM Brandels Tha Bldg Ralharya NKkolae, m-t Braadeia Taeatai Palata aal Slaaa. oolor carda and talk over your painting rvilliams rtiau "uvi , i 111,11. BAKKEU UKOS. FAINT CO. M0SA4 Famam. Doug. 1754 Patent. P. O. Rarnell. Psvtoa Blk Tel rted 111. Wlllard Edd. uii .afa u.ii-m Edta paonograpba ghults Bra. 1 i Far. Frlaltaa. Uw W. Eaber, Printer, TSU BEE BLDO. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Rtea-Hall Ptg. Co. IV I It Ind. A-KM. LET th CENTRAL PRINTING CO. do ymir work. HIT Dougla St. Tel. D. ITS. Lyruratad Prwting Co.. lata and Capital Ave. Tel. Ind. A-ai for good priming. Pboteetraaber. Riaaaart, photographers. 1st h S Fsraam. OMAHA SILVER CO. HI A Uth. L. r. VALKEKBFJtQ. Plumbing. W tSL ral Task aad twlvert tsasulca NEBRASKA and Iowa Stsal Tank Ceaa psnr. Uth and Nicholas. D. WW. gtaarapaet aad Caart spMe Myrtl A. Keller, m Bras. Tha D. USX TaUertas. LT ff Ladlear Uilor; tall LlPll. ul and fancy go lU Rooms A . A Wead 1 Ladtea Uilor; tailored gowns. i Btds Teats aad Awalauga. OMAHA TENT CO. Tsl CS Dmtglaa Wle aad Lteja TLLOW Sprtngs sjcer. ricjnor. cUrar, Alax letea, Mt-t S. Uta. SL VIRGINIA DARE wtae. sc a larg bot tle. Kleta Uouor Houaa. US K. Mth SC Tewaka sued Sett Cases. Fret! eg A Stetnla. Jtm Farnam St Persistent Advertising la th Read te Bl JUttroa IV.-A FLAG OF TRUCE. Inside tha folding bed, Desmond, who la now desperate enough to Justify the ad jective usually prefixed to. hi name. Is afraid that he will be shot through the sides of the bed. so he sticks the sheet through the crack as a flag of truce. lit tle cares Desmond that this may Imperil the lives of the soldiers who may advance. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete courses In Business, Book keeping. Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Service or Beleemanshlp. The catalogue is fre for the asking. Call, write or 'phone for It at one. Address H. B. Boy leu. President, Boy lea College. Omaha, Neb. TUTORING, 1st to Ilh grade, H. IMA HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Olflo. COMPTOMETER OPERATOR ISO 8TFNOORAP1IER A BIWKKEEPER IM BOOKKEKPER A: CASHIER lad ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER lev WESTERN REr . BOND ASSN., 751 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Bookkeeper, some experience, Ma. Cashier, drug store, H. Stenographer, beginner. So. Omaha, 130. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 101 5-H8 city National Bank Building. Faetery aad Trades. WANTED First class presaers. Good wagee, !ll Farnsra St. WANTED Flrat class maker and trim mer for milliner. Non but experienced need apply. XII Harney. Phone Harney JWI. WANTED Two experienced girls to la bel butler. Farmers' Creamery Co., tth and Harney. Phone D. (7. Hoaoekeepera aag Baaseatles, THB SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM SOLVED Th Be will run your Domes tic Help Wanted Ad FRBB until you get tbe derlred results, tiling your sd to 'ifis Be office or telephone Tyler 1UW. WANTED A woman for general housework on Nebraska ranch. Mrs. R. M. Terrlll, Brownlee, Neb. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Kl Dewey Ave, Phone Har. SMI. WANTED a girl for general houaework; white preferred. Mrs. li. Bernatala, Ha No. 10th St. Phone Harney SS85. WANTED a cook, three In family. So. Sd Ave. Harney 717. WANTED An experienced girl (white) for general houeewvrk; no washing. Ap ply Mrs. S. UuriuMr.. W A Mth. Pbon Harney at. OIRL for general houaework. liill Burt. WANTED A whit girl for general houaework; references required. 4031 isnrd St. Phone Harney 4KU. WANTED Girl of middle-aged woman for general housework In family of three. Addreaa, E 744. Omaha Bee. WANTED Girl for general housework and to do plain cooking; amsll family; reference required, Mrs. ftehoins, 1230 Parkwlld Ave. Tel. Doug. KM. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing; good wages. IMS Krua Ave. or Tel. Doug. Wit EXPERIENCED girl wanted for gen eral housework. Apply K27 Harney St Mr. Robert Dempater. GIRL for general housework, KS Dv enport Good Wae. WANTED A girl to aaslst with hyusa- work. 13a N. 20th St. WANTED A girl for housework. Doug lss be ' A OIRL or woman to aaslst In general housework. 1214 Park Wilde Ava Doug. 74& WANTED A good girl for general housework. Mrs. J. A. Whit. KM Jack son St. Hsrney TTflS, WANTED Good general servsnt; small family and good wages. Mrs. J. N. K. MacAllster, Sll Clark Ave., Council Bluffs. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work where eecond girl Is kept, bo wash Ins, aood wages, small family. 1041 8. IMh Ave. Tel. Harney IMA. WANTED Two cooka. ten waJtreeaes and other kitchen help for Evans' nsw restaurant; largeet and handsomest place In lies Moines, to open April 16. Apply st once, Evans' cafe, Des Moine. la. WANTED Experienced girl for general houaework. amall family, good wages. Harney lfm. WANTED-Experlenced girl for gen eral housework, must be sbls to cook. where second alrl and laundress la kept. 137 S. ssth Ml. Tel. Harney ana. Ul A VTrn A ' virl In, ,rl ttAilu- work, no washing, small family. IM 8, 37th St. WANTED Competent meld for general housework. Tel. Harney IMi. Mrs. Cout- tT. WANTED A girl for general houae work. K)I4 N. loth 8U South Omaha. South KM WANTED A competent white cuok for horn In Benson near Country club. Mr. A. U Heed; apply (37 Dodge. Pbon Harney Ml. WANTED A good girl for second work. Snot fit. Msry's Ave. Mr. Woodruff. COMPETENT girl for general houae work: small family. Apply Mrs. Steel, r Wool worth Ava Telephone Hamey YOUNG girl wanted to asslat la house work; good home; small family. US! N. isth St. ELDERLY lady to assist In taking ear of children, board aad amall pay. Doug las 7214 or lil caes. WANTED Girl tor general housework. twa In family. UH & Xth Ave, 'Phone Harney ate WANTED Competent girl for general housework, no washing, bouse cleaning done, gcod wages, beautiful locality. Tel. Harney ssii. WANTED Nurse to care for infant. References required. Uli 8. 3th St Doug, raa. GIRL for gereral houxework, no wash ing. In amsll family. TM So. Uth 8t- W ANT ED A girl for general houae work. esy ptae. Hamey sis. , WANTED A girl tor general heuse- wora. an varnam. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Pleasant room, goad wg 1144 no. xm 6. Hamey JBJ7. TOUNO women eocmng ta Omaha as strangers are Invited t visit the Young Woman' Chrtstlaa aaewciatloa build tag at St. Mary Are. sad 17tk 8t. where they win be directed to suitable boarding puma or asatstsd. Look fa v Wvalat (aid at ta CaMA UOa HELP WANTED FEMALE Mlseellaaeaaa. WANTED Chorus girl for musical comedy. Addresa Edwin Nlner. Opera House, Boone, la. HELP WANTED MALE Ageats, galeanaea aad Ssllettars. RELIABLE salesman abl to glv reference can obtain opportunity to con nect with new concern of reputation. For particulars phono Douglas M2L AGENTS Sample free of the on "llv" seller; needed by everyone. Write for it and also get our attractlv booklet. B. li. Holalnger. 1422 N. King's Highway. St. Louis, Mo. Permanent Income for salesmen. Ask for Mr. Wilson. 726 Brandels Theater. Clerical aad Olflue. ASST. MANAGER., targe mercsntlt establishment. Investment required, also TRAVELING SALESMAN, mercan tile line 1126 TRAVELING 8ALESMAN, special tie IK STENOGRAPHER, bank (out of town) a 71 STENOGRAPHER, railroad Ill RETAIL FURNITURE SALESMAN. I 85 INSTALLMENT COLLECTOR I W MANAGER for large hotel 1100 OFFICE MOR A CREDIT MAN....I176 BOOKKEEPER I w STENOU. A BOOKKEEPER, bank....! M HOTKI, ixckk, room, board and...., a WESTERN REF. BOND ASSN., 753 Omaha Nat. Bank Bidg. FULL dreaa suits and nurtv dresses for sale; alto tor rent. 11.00 to fl.W a night JOHN FELDMAN. KK N. 17th. D. JUS. Bookkeeper, K. Salesman, oil; salary and commission. Shipping clerk, hardware. K5. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 101&-M14 City National Bank Building. Factory aad Trades. Drug store (snaps) long Knlest. Be Bldg Dunham Lawn Rollers at S pet off. Pennsylvania Lawn Mowers at 20 pet. off. Garden Hose, an grades, at a pet orr. DUNNING HARDWARE COMPANY 1611 HARNET 8T. WANTED First class pre users. Good wages. &11 Farnam St. WANTED Yardman for lumber yard. two-yard town, northeastern Nebraska. Married man apeaklng German preferred. rermanent place lor gooa man. Address B-717, car Omaha Bee. WANTED Good, steady, sober colored barber for white trade. Prof. Alexander, Sll S. Uth St., Llneoln. Neb. Automatlo phones B-tMtt end H-Jill. MlseetMaHaa. TELEGRAPH Bosittons guaranteed na kv the Union Pacific and Illinois Cas ual railroads If yon gala your training la ur ctiool. Practice on R R. wire. Ad gias for particulars, H. B. Boytaa, Pre boytes College, Omaha. Neb, U.S. AUTO SCHOOL, I OMAHA, LARGE SHOPS. GUARANTEE, blither qual ity araduaiea. si or oars and actual repair work than any three western school.. Let us PROVE It STOP READ!! 3r Learn automobile enxli-eerlng q our larg training shop. Hundreds of successful graduate. Complete equipment of auto mobile and macblnecy. Address National Auto Training Assn.k B Brandels Thea ter Bldg.. Omaha, Nem YOU ARE wanted for government Job, M.0 month. Send postal for list of po sitions open Franklin Institute. Dept. Hi O. Rochester N. Y. WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMT Abiee bodied unmarried men between th age of U and at; dtliens of United State, of good character and temperate habi's woe tan apeak, read and write the Eaglisa language. For Information apoiy to re cruiting officer, Uth and Douglas Sta, Umaha, Neb.,; IC7 4th Bt. Sioux City, la.; aw XV torn St., xjneotn. nea. n.lMEe-K vewiiie hi rMe li kilb wis v,m ifiwu .. - for free catalogua M, M. Jobnsoa, Clay venter, re. IM MEN to 4 yer old wanted at one for electric railway motorroea and conductors; PA) to 10 a month; no ex perience necessary; tin opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank. Addresa T 174 car of Be. WANTED Men to learn barber trad Our Ufa scholarahip backed by sound ft nances. Sure of success her. This buinea offer good demand at top wage. Call or writ today. Motor Bar' ber College. 1 8. 14th St WANTED A first class salesmen to take charge of clothing and snos dept. German preferred. Stat references and wages. Becker A Co., Albion, Neo. HELP WANTED MILE OR FEMALE WANTED Gordon press feeder: boy or girt Lew Baber. Be wag. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Mewaea aad VehtaAee. ITHRSTcS to let by day or week. Sher nUHOIO mJLn' him. an, end Clark. Hone and mares bought and sold. HORSES and cows, Mtt Cuming St. Black mare, wt Lktt. Wagner, 1 N. 14. TTARP Mare and work harness """"' bought and sold. 17 N. . HEAVY draft horse for sale; a our season Is nearly over, win aeli a lew of our fin team. See them at Mth and Marey. Havens-White Coal Co, 17M Farnam. Barnes of all kinds, th largest stock in the dry at attractlv prieea, Johnson. Dan forth Co.. A W. Cor. Nth and J one. HORSE, harness, anting wagoa; tSS takes it. call h. li. uie s. am at Two-SEATED carnage. S3 N. 37th 8t LOST AND POUND Cl'RRENCT and checks: checks mad payable to Dr. P. T. Conian; payments oa check stopped; liberal reward. Phone XMsav -a at. wan. Lwe. V. SURRENDER. Claud Eclair, leading the Russian royal forces, at one sees the whit flag, as h thinks, shown by the nihilist party. Claude knows that Desmond and not the czar is In 4be folding bed, so he makes all speed to be then first and captor the scoundrel himself. The nihilists hop to capture the advancing hero. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having loat aom artlcl would do well to call up th office of th Omaha A Council Bluff Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street car. alany artlcl ee each day are turned la and the company I anxious to restore them to ths rightful owner. Call Doug Las 4S. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. GOLD brooch with small dismond In center, between 1306 S. Kth and Boyd's thester. Reward offered. Return to Uui 8. kth St. Phone Harney 31. LIBERAL reward to party finding pocketbook at 21st and Burden. 441 Bee. Tel. Douglas T. ' MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula, and other rectal diseases, without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, Bee Bldg- Omaha. DR. RACE Specialist, nervous and all chronic disease, aa Harney, Doug. &4t. Ladle guaranteed remedies. 401 War blk. Women's allm'ts. Dr. Burke. 41 Doug. Blk Dr. Babcock Co.. 90S Wtthnell Bldg. ' MONET TO LOAN. Salary aad Chattels. M0XEYT0L0AN To working people of Omaha ON Jt'ST A PERSONAL NOTE. LOWEST RATES. TERMS TO SUIT. NATIONAL LOAN CO., KS Bee Bulldlngl Phone Dougla 1111. LOANS NEGOTIATED ON REAL ES TATE. FURNITURE, PIAN08, WARS. HOUBEi KK.Cf.lflB, AlKl.a. STU LOWEST RATES. QUICKEST SERV. KB, CONFIDENTIAL. SEE US FlttS'I. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., ID FIOOR PAXTON BLDG.. Ill 8. MTH. TELEPHONES DOUUIJiB 1411 A-U1L MONEY TO LOAN. PRIVATE, i For li I will send addresses of M0 pri vate parties having fund to loan averag ing tioo.ttt) each. Will loan on any good securities. List guaranteed to glv re sults or money refunded. Reference furnished on reqneet Bend check at one. Address Fay D, Ptokeas, Personal, Cloverd!, Ind, Money oa fumltur, piano and real estate at a very low rat of interest. Nebraska Loan Company, Doug. 136. 230 Bee Bldg. A-USa ASAIW I.. J I..1., Mnnl, UfAfnU. keeping house and others, without Bo unty; easy payments, unices in ei prin clnal cities. Tolman. Mil Omaha Nat'l sunk Bldg.. formerly N. Y. Llle Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. K to II U0. SALARY LOANS. You can get It today of STAR IAJAN CO., 644 raxton Bioca. DIAMOND LOANS aim and I per aeat. PLATA U, 1114 Dodge St. Tel. Red. Mis. OCEAN 8TEAM8HTPS. Anchor Line Steamships New York. Londonderry and Olasgow New York, Palermo and N spies. Attractlv rate for tickets between New York and all Scotch, English, Irish, Continental and Mediterranean points. Superior accommodations, excellent cui sine, efficient service. Apply promptly for reservation to local agent of Anchor Lin or Henderson Brothers, General Agents, Chicago, 111. . OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Hawass. O. M. B. hauls trunk. P. UL A-ffU. i-Tii s,tii nrr mm Kinlw fur. nlshed modern rooms. Board If desired. LKHigiaa easy. oa Kth at !1t TU V. PRATT, east ritoni excellent board, single rooms. D. MM. w Faralaaiod Rewiaas. 1814 Dodge-Fum. roams, private family, steam heat, elec light; ret, Doug. i74. tie a. U8T Furnished rooms, with larg closet, an all modern home; break fast If desired; nave piano. ....... . . , . ... ii riivh,e,,i Iimh. tifully turnlahed rooms, la strictly mod ern bouse, tor gentlemen, wsmmu tsnoe; excellent board, 'Pbon Haraay 1TOS FARNAM Well furnished modern room, south exposure. vmil.v iummI wwwlern ehuth room with board; private family. Walking distance. Phone Hamey th.' Farmlahed Hoseekeeplag Rsaaaa. THB MANXL-Tw-rwiB apartmat ta . The Howard. 1 room, private bats. axs. nn a no nowsru TWO ainrle rooma, sleeping or light housekeeping.. 1401 Jones. Helela Aparta Drwey goropeai hotel, Uth and Faraaam. nl,. M4ol CouncU Bluffa Rom VKUC" 12 9 to 17 . per week. Dodg. running hot and cold water; tele phone in every room: prices the same. OXFORD and Arcade, epedal wkly rata Apeurtaaaata and Flat. 4-ROOM apartment, new modem brick; steam heat: abort walking distance; gas stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe; blinds; Isundry; fin laaltor aervloe, Douglas saos. t-ROOil modern flat, Scargo Blag, (Iii No. Mth SU So. Omaha, Hall. 411 Ramg Bldg. O. TeX A-4A. CLOSE IN. I room and bath, new boffet. hadm, gaa atov. laundry, over store, soutiweet corner Mth and California O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO. t-r. mod. apartment. UM X Mth, 1.4.6 a. room, mod. apt. 1M N. Mth. I3.9A 11-r, mod. apartment. 114 S. Uth, Is. 12- room. naoA. apartment. U and 1334 N. Mth. S3S. Room en suite. 1, I or X 111 N. 17th. Se Janitor. R t. THOa W. HAZES. MT McCagu. P. 130. t-ROOM apartment, new brick, fix tils A Eth 8t Harney jat, VERT fine duplex apartment. large rooms, flrat floor, larg front porea, fire place. Men yard aad comer lot. lis Oauigl Ave. -&O0M Cat. mi A XUA aft. VI.-FOILED. ' Tra th boy!" cries Desperst Des mond, "although I fed Uk a sardine." The nihilists are astonished to find that their captive Is not the csar, but Claud easily convinces them of th villain's iden tity. Our hero will now get th scoundrel Into nil power and put an end to hla career. Tomorrow we shall sea nts fat. OFFERED FOB KENT AprteaUi Flat. muur. rv. u vj cwm am 1111311. vq West Farnam St., steam heat, shades. KU 8IV0 lull JeXIHLUr KIs3t c I sigv4Vv3. JOHN W. ROBB1NS. 1808 FARNAM ST. DESIRABLE 5-ROOM APARTMENT m tlx California. Se Janitor. Douglas 6217. UnfaraUaed Roaaaa. ID fl. for rent; I larg rooma. Can St. H. & 1V- CU1T UHiuiiiiAum i vrvrgAsa, iitwiwi ft... rkAaslmes lOTT . AlOr t UNFURNISHED rooms: modern, 604 N. 17th. Web. mi. Hoasea aatf Cettages. SIX-ROOM house, nearly new, all mod ens; bath, laundry, hot water heat Phone Harney KM. SIX room house, modern except heat MS No. ZStb St. ja. per month. VINCENT V. UErtatULtl, Tel. Doug. 7W. Hit City Nat Bank Bldg. Oood men are hard to get. They don't wander around th streets loosing for sign In window. When you need good help advrtlss In The Be. bee want ad are reed by keen, energetic men who wish to better their condition. Rate 1 per word It run two or more time consecutively. Tele phone Tyler 1000. -ROOM house, 24, l-room, 40. Modern Hanscom Park. Tel. Harney 156Ti. FOR RENT Five rooma and bath, corner lot K01 N. 15th St Phone B-S44. EIGHT room house, all modern. Sll Hickory St. gss.Ofl per month. VINCENT D. DERMODY. Tel. D. 7S. 1514 City Nat'l Bang Bldg. 4-room flat, id floor, 2310 Cuming street 4-room flat, Sd floor, 937 North 14th St. l-room house at 1569 North 17th street, O. C. RED1CK, Attorney, . U17 Farnam Street. P-ROOM house, modern, tto. Fin law 72a ho. run at. mono wen. auw. fin rflTTlfiE all mndern evCAbt fius nace, on blvd. Harney 3844. - Mnnapa In all parts of tha city. U.UUBCS cralfh Sons Co., Bea Bldg, afOVINO, packing and storing of house, hold goods snd plsnos I our bust nee. Omaha Vsn and Stored Co., fl reproof storage. M4 A Mth, by th rladoot. Rranoa etf Ice, tu 8 11th St Tel. D. 41A, A-lai. li) N. IHh St.. 7-r., fin modern ho use. bed rooms. CM. Phone B-14S. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for. warded: cheap freight ratea; moving an4 storing. Expressmen Delivery Co. Tel. oougias sit, w.ty owe, zu a. iita at. Be Bldg. tost LAKE Modern 10-room house; not water heat; range; cistern; shade; water rent paid, McEachron Realty C. 124 Lake St Tel Web. lttl. FOR RENT 7-room cottage. HXia Leav enworth; modern except heat; , was. mi. t-r. mod., 1742 Lake. til. -r., mod.. Sill Spencer, t. 7-r., mod.. KoS N. 29th, 111. ' -r.. mod., ta N. 21st. 140. THOS. W. HAZEN, ll McCagu P. 130a. A I-ROOM house, modern. 2a l< FOR RENT 1W acre, new 4-room houaa In city limUs; National Investment. Co tag Brandels Bldg., Douglas aal. I WANT some good business and will trad my larg house and barn, south west corner list and W. sta,. So. Omaha. Incumbered, ll.JW. What have you. i 7U Omaha Be. 4221 Lafayette Ave.; 4-rooma, 1 10 month. LOW RENTS; CLOSE IN. rooms, all modern, 114 North Sd St, aa xolint neighborhood, i rooms, upper flat U4H North Od St. TEL RED 1264. W. FARNAM, new brick, t bed roams. I hatha 111 N. Mth A v., MS. Red aW. MAGOARD VAN AND STORAGE CoJ. pack, move, store nd ship H. H. goods and pianos: no charg fur return tlrlr to office. Doug. li or B-ita. SEVEN rooms tor rent second floor, modern except best lnqulr 3&H Shm man Ave. Tel. Webster 1403. t-ROOM cottage, mod. ex. beat; larg lot 'Ml Burden. 111. J. B. ROBINSON. Doug. MOT. 441 Bee Bldg. HANSCOM park district, elegant new brick fiat; etrlctly modern. Nic lawa and shad trees, tli-5. . GALLAGHER A NELslON. va Brandels Bldg. Doug, (ffit FOR RENT Five room cottage oa ea lln; modern except heat !3H N. Kth Bt. FOR RENT Store Room at 411 So. 15th St Splendid Location, Rent Very Reasonable. Remington T ypewriter Ca Show Rooms - 4,101 qur feet and Shop Rooms tOOO. 13,06 or 26, ) squar fast aoi occupied by DRUMM0ND Carriag Ca, H4-Ilt-l A nth St, wll " FOR RENT Jury L & & Curtis. im Harney. M CAOCK BUILDING. STH DO 1X3 Pi, Attractlv ofOcee, asuderat prloaa. AP PLY OMAHA LOAN AND B'uiLUNa AoaOClAIIOM.