Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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Putting a Halter on the Charley Horse
Drawn for The Bee by Hal Coffman i
Copyright 1U. National News in ?
lf I . I
Things WoRriV AbooT
t w . - r .-- '
' AND 1 HftVEN- . i
, f I fin ti - I. ,
tAWfrrt "
Sjhnson To Mt,too
l - a t l.kBE
t K,
Part of Xoarke Family Arrive and
Starta Practice at Once.
Goadlaa Bar ta Team Looks Ged
This Tear Sara hat at ka
New Oars . will Make
Decided HUa. .
. The fhnokehouse yesterday took on a
real llv base ball headquarter appear
ance when the advance guard of the
Omaha, ball club arrlTed 1mm Joplla.
Eight of the Omaha huskies came In.
Ther are Koblnson Ityarx. Scanlon. Far
rell. Munneke. Chrlstcnsen, Gondlng and
Moore. Bunny llesrn, the new pitcher
from Virginia, also arrived.
All the boya looked to be in shipshape
eondltma, and said they were testing fin.
Oondlng told o( the game played at
Fort Scott. Kan.. Saturday afternoon,
when the Ysnnlgan walked off with the
same from that town by a to score.
He said not a member of the Fort Scott
tram reached third base and but ens hit
was made off the two Omaha pitchers.
Chrlstensrn and Rhodes. Rhodes pitched
four tnnliias and was not found for a
hit. llonua Chrtsteaaan pitched the last
five Innings and "showed one scratch.
Not an error was made by the Omaha
Gondlng told wonderful tales of the
ability of Justice, the new shortstop,
who Is playlnc like a veteran and In
mid-season form. He says the youngster
spears any kind of a ball. Those on the
ground are easy for him and the mors
Difficult the chaaoe the better the boy
scoops them up.
Johnny Oondlng's youngsters yester
day afternoon Indulged in some real live
practicing at Rourks park. Although
thers iwere but eight men on the field
they tut In a good afternoon's work.
Batting, throwing and fielding constituted
the session.
The weather was great and the men
said It was better than any day they
encountered during their entire stay at
Jopllm The grounds also were In perfect
tondltloa and the grass la aa green as In
midsummer. Robinson. Ryan and Chris,
tcnsea wars put to work heaving the pill
to Dealing and era many minutes hsd
gone ty they had worked up a good
Ryah has the prettiest ball that was
ever put across a plate. His speed Is
not much, but the ball floats across and
several :et the Tsnnlgana wars put up
against it yesterday but could not find It.
Roblnso has his spit ball working to
Perfection, wblla Chrtateneen'e arm was
In perfect shape and he exhibited a
hunch of speed.
Friday morning the regular bunch of
the Rourke squad will return and a prac
tice game will be held Friday afternoon
at Rourks perk between the regulars and
Ysnnlgana. The next day the Rourkas will
be seen Tor the first time this season by
ths Omaha fans when they line up
against Don Despaln's Antelopes from
Lincoln., (tending Is getting his pitchers
In good shaps to work against the
I-opes" and says It win not be for want
of practice If they don't administer a
drenching to the visitors.
CINCINNATI, O., April a-The Detroit
A merles as evened matters up today by
defeating; Cincinnati, to 4, In an excit
ing contest. The game had been advanosd
a day fa order that both team might
lay off the day previous to the opening
of their regular season. 8c ore: R.H.E.
Detroit 4 11 I
Cincinnati 4 f (
Batteries: Maroney, Dubuc and Stan
age: , Keeker. Prough. Horsey and Jlc
Leeit Umpire: Brennaa.
PHILADELPHIA. April 1-The Phila
delphia Nationals defeated the local
Americans today. Is to k, and thereby
won the spring series. The "Phillies"
won four of the six games played. Score:
Nationals ...7J a-Kul
Americans ..M I M I e-UM
Batteries: Moore. Beaton, Brennan and
Grnham; Houck. Brown and Egaa. Um
pires: Connolly and Rigler.
- Talrda Faad Warsep. '
TOLEDO. O. April (.Toledo drove
Warbep off the slab In the fourth In
ning today and won the final exhibition
name with the New York Americans,
to . Score: R H E.
Toledo ! II 4
New York 11 4
liatterles: Callomote. Bwan and Car.
!?h. Xagelson; Warhols uron and
Giaats X la Aaala.
NEWARK. N. J., April . The New
York Nationals won another game from
the Newark Internationals easily todsr.
Score: R.H-E.
New 1 York 4II t 4 1
Newark oieel-J I 2
bxturtes- Maxwell and Myers, Han
ky: lietme. Gasklll and Eiwmith, Ber
gcu. I."R:plre: McTague.
Brooklyn .lleata Srnmtwr.
WASHINHTON. April The Brook
lyn Xa'.lonais defeated the Vtashiiurton
Americans hero todar. Score: R.H.K.
Vaax'ir.gton 7 1 C
Bruoillya It t Urooni and Henry; Kent
anv t'-TVriu.
ap Hams Hwaale-ra.
INDIANAPOLIS. April a.-Ind.anapolia
waa defeated by the Cleveland Americans
here today: 8xra: R.H.EV
Cleveland ; 1 ) s
ladlanapoils I t
Betterlesr Ororae.- B landing-. Kxeterlr.
Adama; Kimball and Pierce-. McCarthy.
Win it oa Total Pini After Tie with
subsist war thus nr bow
Liim Wis Tana freaa La YaldMwe,
While Drelkaa Lee la Two
Gaases from rae flame
In the Mercantile league the Glass
Blowsrs took two from the El Paxos,
Potter getting s71 for the Glass Blowsrs.
and Bengston of tbe El Paxos, getting a
total of ajt, also a high single game with
The Columbia Fire Underwriters took
three from the Spa! dings, making them a
tie with the SI Paxes for the pennant, but
the El Paxas will take It on total tins
for ths season.
Corey McKensls Printing company
took three from the A. O. 17. W. No. 17,
Smith of the printers getting high total
with Sat. The Outlaws look two from
the A. L Root Printing company. Green
getting high total with US. Score:
1st. N. M. Total.
Bland li Ml 141
Bengston M !S IM tut
Lamb . 1st 144 lit 4T4
Totals (it R0 47 VM
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Chrlstensen 19 11 170 U
Potter is 174 m (71
Johnson 1M 11 IM in
Totals .- u n n i,e
1st id. Id. Total.
Smith a Id 171 H
Carpenter 1U 101 177 4M
Johnson 1M 1 IS Ml
Totals UO U M4 1,B
A. O. U. W. No. IT.
1st. I'd. Id. Total.
Schlndler 177 If IS) 4
J. Jams 1X4 157 19 Ml
Hamlll 14s IS 144 44
Totals M 471 1,441
1st. 2d. Id. Total.
B. Zechmeteter ID 14 144 u
R. Zechmelster .... 149 164 H! 4U
Hoff.r 1J1 J47 147 314
Straw 10
Total v 49 49 4K 1.14
. 1st. M. Id. Total.
Orlffln 14 11 146 4U
Norene 14 It 177 ITS
Bowers li 1 IN U4
Totals ...
, 4H3 47 fi03
1st. td. Id. Total.
Mokry 141 171 rt MI
F. Jams 14 1K1 1".' 496
Knutda U 134 10 4M
Totals. 4 IX 1.3SS
1st. td. td. Total.
Oreen M Kt 171 Ma
Miocker 1 IS) li 4i
Do bar U 1M 140 4 4
Totals 4M Tt 496 LW7
Ix far Saaklat.
The llsney's Sunklst took six In a row
from the Specials In the Metropolitan
league last night. Dot an waa high with
14. Griffith's total waa U7 for the Sunk
lit. Fenton 171 and Williams 187 (or the
Dpectaia. Score first game:
let. id. td. Total.
Laird IM M4 111 44
Griffith 1M lit 19 lit
Oolaa . Hi 19 lit 511
Total SO 60 4M 1,M
1st td. td. Total.
Vlck 13 m 141 401
Williams ITS 11 1M 47
Fenton 1H 171 W 4
Totals .'447 441 Ml 1,334
Second game:
lat. td. td. Total.
Ortman lit 11 ' 1 4M
Griffith 1 191 19 447
Dolan lit Kt Is 471
Totals 41 44 4M LSt
1st. . td. 1. Total.
Vlck 19 IS 3M
wiiliama Ill n '158 17
Fenton ( 17 1st 11 474
Totals Ml m 4ST7 ijet
Threw Wlas far Lsisa.
Ths Lux us won three from the La
Valdoraa. Bowers hsd high game of SI
and high total of (H for the Lnxus and
Naweomb bad high game of 10 and high
total of M tor the La Valdoraa. Score:
let. M. Id. Total.
Bowers tn I1H 171 1
Perkins I 1 V Ml
Heston 171 1R 17J M
Beselln 1M 17 17 S4I
Straw 177 171 172 Me
Totals til i
lat. 2d.
tlndsey 141 141
Stoddard 14 m
Straw Kl 11
Neweomb K2 IW
Buns 141 1U
ITS 174
td. Total.
1M 421
14 41
11 4KS
14 4S
M 4tt
ToUls m M lit 1,955
Dredsim. Wis. Twa Oa at Threw.
Ths Dretbtia team won two out of three
from the La, Valdoraa. SHK had high
game of 1M and high total of 43 f or the
Dreibus team, while Horwicb had high
game of SS and high total of 4K for the
La Valdoraa. Score:
1L fd. M. Totsl.
Cnndan - Ha las l'J U7
I Silk 1Q H l'j in
I Manning 19 143 Hi
Morton 11 11 177 415
UcLoaald 171 173 161 506
.. 1 77
tto "..a
3d. Total.
1st . 47
179 . 479
141 41
147 49
IM. 2d.
171 17
V 144
. M 144
141 11
iti as
Neweomb ..
Ltndaey ....
Horw!:h ...
77 C7 7S7 MM
T roller Prtiiii Blank eaafrm.
WASHINGTON. April .-The Wash
ington Americans were whitewashed by
the Brooklyn Nationals here today. 7 to
. Score: R.H.E.
Brooklyn 7 It 2
Washington a
Batterlee: Cash km. Walker, Amsmith
snd Henry; -Rucker, Altea and Phelps. '
All Alaika Sweepttaket Hard
Fought by Three Team.
Leaders Are Pressed Hard Darlas
Grratrr Part af Drive a ad Ualy
iet Oat la Kraat la Laat
Fifty Mllrs.
NOME. Alaaks. April .Vla Aahcroft,
B. C.r-A. A. "8 ottv" Allan, driving ths
team of malamute dogs owned by Mrs.
Charles E. Darling of Berkeley, Cel..
won the All-Alaska swecpstskes, rrosaing
ths finish line at Nome at 1:S this morn
ing. Allan's time for lbs 471 miles from
Noms to Cai.dle and return was eighty
seven hours snd thirty-two minutes, five
hours and Dfty-two minutes more than
his time last year, when he won the race
with the same team.
Alexander llolmaon. driving Johnson's
team of Siberian wolf hounds, holder of
ths record of seventy-one hours, fourteen
minutes and twenty seconds, waa second,
driving Into Noma one hour behind Allan.
Charles Johnnon. driving Fox Ramrey's
dogs, wss third, srrlvlng half an hour
after Holmson. The Oliver dot, driven
by O. Hlatchford, were In such poor con
dition from the long drive over the hard
snow trail that they were hopelessly out
distanced and did not rhow In the final
dash of fifty miles.
The race was one of the hardest In the
history of ths sweepstakes. Allan was
pressed hard by ths three leaders during
the greater part of the drive and It ws
not until he Was on the last fifty miles
that hla dogs showed their superiority
and kept the pacs that gavs him a safe
margin of victory, making an average of
seven miles an hour on ths horns stretch.
His dogs were in good condition and were
oa their feet at the finish. In spits of
ths cold and early hour, the stands were
tilled when ths dogs cams In. Although
ths Darling dogs wers ths favorites from
toe first, betting wss hesvy, and a large
amount of money changed hands.
Ths purse for this year's race was tC.000.
The contestsnts had a trying time Sat
urday night. A revere storm was raging
and progress wss difficult.
Hlatchford waa lost three hours In
Death valley. Natives went in search of
him and guided him hack to the trail,
but the delay put him so tar behind that
hs was out of the race. Holmson lost a
dog In the storm and spent two hours
finding It. He drovs hard Sunday morn
ing and caught Allen, only to be out
distanced when ths malamutes made their
final burst of speed.
Johnson had difficulty In keeping I he.
trail In the storm and finally made camp
until daylight Sunday, when be resumed
tbe drive snd caught up with tbe leaders
before noon. , .
BOSTON, April t. Amateur, boxers
from New Orleans to Nova Scotia, com
peting In nineteen bouts, opened the Na
tional - Amateur Athletlo union boxing
champlonahfps In Mechanics' hall to
night. Thers are ninety entries.
The larger number of bout In the pre
liminaries tonight were in the bantam
class, where the feature was the defeat
of Charles Simmons of New Orleans, the
champion of the south, by Paddy Green
of Cambridge, the referee calling for an
extra round to determine the winner.
Some heavy slugging was displayed In
the 16-pound class between A. C. Heck
ler of New Orleans and Dan .McDonald,
the Nova Scotia champion. The Judges
were tied on the decision and the referee
awarded the bout to McDonald. Harry
Rex, the Metropolitan champion, essily
defeated Jlllle Coakiey of Chelsea In the
Ub-pound class. .
PES MOINES, la. April .-The came
scheduled to be plsyed this afternoon
by the Chicago American leajrue regulars
and the local Western league club was
called off becauae of the late arrival
of the Clilejiro team, which was held up
several hoars by derailment on the Chi;
c-irro aV Northwestern railroad. The team
win go to Davenport tomorrow and the
second team, now- st - Sioux City, will
play the locals. (
I.eaUvllle Defrats Cleveland.
IvOri VILLI;. April .-The Cleveland
Americana were defeated by the Ooujs
rllle team of the American aanociatton
here today, 4 to 5. The drove
Gresx from the box in the seventh Inning,
Score: R.H.E.
Louisville .' ( li 1
Cleveland 4 (
Batteries: GreeK. Kaler. Easterly and
Adams: ohyder snd Madden.
Giaats shut Oat Newark.
NEW YORK, April .-The New York
Nationals shut out the Newsrk Interna
tionals, 7 to , here this afternoon. Score
t -R.H.E-
New York 7 U 1
Newsrk 4
Batteries: Tevrau. Crandall and W il-,-on.
McGinnlty, .Uakjlj. . berg en aod
Derson. '"
Attempt to Elect
Varsity Foot Ball
Captain Ends in Tie
LINCOLN. Nab., April .-( Special Tele
gram.) A tie vote was the feature of the
election of a captain of the foot ball
team held this morning under the direc
tion of the athletic board. The vote waa
a tl between Dewey Harmon, the but
guard, and Ernie Frank, the little
quarterback, each receiving four votes.
Frank wss generally regarded as th
choice of the foot ball men for the cap
taincy and Harmon's strength was totally
unlooked for. In fact, he had not been
regarded as a candidate for election.
Both Harmon and Frank will play 'their
final year of foot ball next fall. Harmon
has played at guard for two years, taking
Elliott's placs as a substitute whsn ths
latter was Injured In the Minnesota
game two years ago and proving goad
enough to stick whits Elliott waa ea
the side lines. E. Frank, a brother of
the mtxhty Owen, gained honors as a
atar halfback last srsson and Is ex
tremely popular with the squad. There
waa a number of men absent st ths steo
tlon Tuesday morning so that another
vote will be required.
The date at the next election has been
set for a week from next. Wednesday,
April 17. Ths selection of a bass ball
captain to succeed W. B. Metcalfe, who,
like Warner, has withdrawn from school,
also went over, until next Saturday.
stlehm has not yet picked hla base ball
squad and until this Is dons no election
csn be held. ' ; . . .'
National Tennis '
Dates Given Out
NEW YORK, April .-After more tss
two weeks' work straightening out con
flicting spphcatlnns for dates, the Iltitted
States National Lawn Tennis association
made public tonight a Mat of 14 flxuree
for the season. The national champion
ships are set as follows:
Juns 1 Women's ohamplonshlpa and
mixed doubles championships at the. Phil
adelphia Cricket club courts,. St Mar
tin. Pa.
June a Clay court' chamnrnnahlna at
the Pittsburgh Athletic club courts, Pitts
burgh, Pa
Auirust I National championships In
plnxlea, doubles and Interscholastkt
doubles at the Newport Tennis club
courts at Newport, R. I.
Heptember 4 intercollegiate cnampton
ahlps st ths Marlon Cricket courts at
Haverxord, Pa.
The more Important sectional tourna
ments srs:
May f7 Women's championship of the
Eaatern States at the Marion Cricket
club, Haverford. Pa
June t-Cotton states championship at
Montgomery, Ala.
June lo (lull states championship at
New Orleans.
June (South Atlsntie state cham
pionship st Augusts. Oa.
July l8outhern championship at At
lanta, Ga.
July 1 Middle states championship at
July x western championship at on
wenula club, Chicago.
In addition to severs! trl-stats, by-ststs
and region championships, twenty-six
state have arranged formal stats cham
pionship tournaments. .
The Metropolitan championship will be
held June IS at the West Side Tennis club
In New York.
The principal Interscholastte dates were
set aa follows:
Msy 4. st Princeton: t. at Penn"lvanla:
11, at Harvard: K at Columbia and Illi
nois st Chicago; S, at Yale,
NEW YORK. April l.-The most Inter
esting of the three court tennis chsmplon-
ship mstchca played here today waa be
tween Van Pennell of England and W.
H. T. Huhn of Philadelphia. Huhn sur
prised everybody by tsklng the first two
sets from the former British champion.
The latter rallied, tsklng ths third' set
-1 snd In the -next beating Huhn to
"love." Pennell won the deciding set !n
6-1 Pierre Lorillard of Tuxedo, who drew
a bye, will meet the Engllshmsa tomor
row In the semi-finals; ths other pair be
ing Charles K. Kinds of this city snd
Joshua Crane of Boston.
lo.te Will Sot Protest.
IOWA CITY. la.. April .-lowa Univer
sity will mnke no resistance to protests
of professionalism Instituted by Illinois
against three Iowa base ball players.
The Iowa p!aerr affected srs Csptsm
Bcnmmt, cwnanaer aim mtina.
Three Trams Tie.
Crelxhton Senior. Xquabs and the Ex
celsiors are tied for first place for the
championship of the Omaha Amateur Bas
ket Ball league. Kach team has ulsved
five games, won four snd lost one. They
will play the tie on some night next
Boston Blaaka Harvard.
BfUiTOh' Snvfl ft-HamM Um a K
Boston Americans today. 1 to K RH E. 1
Harvard -0 1 1,
Boston 1 1 4
Bstteiics: Felton. Batholf and Reeves:
Touug. liageman and Thomas.
Glaats Sell Mas ta Cabs.
NEW YORK, April .-Th New York
Nstlenajs. sold George. Pelrcs, a recrwjt
pitcher, to tbe Ctucago NtUooais today.
American ' Heavyweight Xevertet
Tonner Verdict at Sydney,
Referee Vires Decisis Aaalast ths
Callfsraiaa After Twenty Meands
f Hard aad Clean
8TDNBT, N. B, W.. April -8sm Lang
ford, the Amsrtiaa heavyweight, tods;
defestsd Sam McVey of California la I
tweaty-round fight, on points.
Langford and McVsy fought in the
stadium before 1I.0M spectators, snd after
a hard-fought contest. In which honors
wers fairly avsn until ths last few rounds.
Langford succeeded In reverting his de
test at McVey's bands on Decern bar II
The betting wss 1 lo I on McVsy. Th
fight opened at a fast pace. In the sec
ond round Langford landed three heavy
rights on the body In a clinch, at which
McVes protested and the polka Inter
fersd. barring kidney punches In ths
clinches. Langford had somewhat ths
better of the first few rounds snd ths
betting veered to I to 4 in his fsvor.
Both men put up a savage fight and ths
referee was constanly engaged In sepa
rating them.
By clever sparring McVey managed lo
keep hi stronger advsmry eft until aftsr
ths seventeenth round, when the furious
pscs begsn to tell on both. Lsngfxd
waa In the better condition at the end,
although not good enough to . land
The ipse ta tors cheered the referee's
decision and were obviously dsllghted at
what they conslderd a hard and fairly
fought battl,, f, X.
Fighter Collapses ' '
Under Punishment
CLEVELAND, April . -Louis ,Margo
llef. "Fighting Miuisie." wss Injured In
ths sixth round with Joe Goldberg of
Rochester hers tonight MargoJIet was
taken to a hospttsl, where the doctors
sstd hla recovery was doubtful. Hla
right side Is paralysed and hs hss other
Ths Msrgollef-Ooldbers; fight wss a
preliminary and ths program was con
tinued after Margollef was Injured.
The Cleveland lad did not go down
under a blow, but apparently oollapsed
undsr ths strain of fighting and ths
punishment he hsd sustained. lis was
leading during a rally, but ran against
ths ropes and crumpled In a heap.
A few minute after Margollef hsd been
taken out of the ring announcement waa
made that he had recovered and the next
bout was called.
Chsrlls Whits of Chicago showed
greater cleverness than hard-hlltlng Kid
Julian of Syracuse aad won ths decision.
They fought twelvs rounds at IM pounds.
A bout of twelve rounds between Billy
Allen of Syracuse snd Billy Wagner of
Chicago at IM pounds was stopped In
the eighth by the police, Wegner winning.
Goldberg wss not arrested after hla
fight, but ths police are awaiting develop
Wolgast and Rivers
to Fight for Title
LOS ANGELES, Cel. April .-AI Wol
gast snd Joe Rivers, ths local Mexican
lightweight, were matched late today to
fight twenty rounda in the Vernon arena
July 4 for th lightweight championship
of ths world.
Manager Tom McCarey of the Vernon
club announced that both boys had
axreed to .make th lightweight limit. Its
pounds, at th ringside.
The matter of selecting a referee was
deferred, but It was said no serious ob
jection was raised by either side to the
club referee, Charles Eyton. : Ths finan
cial terms, which recently, became the
subject of telrgrspiifccpjitrpversy be
tween the rivsls, were not announced.
Wolgast onos refused to fight Rivers
for a pnrse of tll.soo, demanding In addi
tion a percentage of the moving picture
privileges. ' '
Fsn followers ssld toelght it wss
likely that the guaranty first offered
Wolgast would stsnd for the July 4 en
counter, with the probable addition of
shout per cent of tbe picture money.
Rivers made no demands upon McCsrey.
saying he was satisfied to get Into the
ring with Wolgsst on any terms.
CHICAGO. April .-A New York syndl
cats today offered Jack Johnson gs.ftn
to fight Sam Iuigford. ten ..rounds In
a ball park In that ty. the latter part
of May. Johnson replied h would ac
cept the offer provided be might have
th privilege or tailing M-per cent f the
grors receipts tn.lien ot the tS.Wa.
Pirate Maw 'Over St- Jee.
RT JOSEPH, Mo., April X-Pltt-t
burgh defeated St Joseph today. R.H.B.
Pittsburgh ,...11 1
St. Joseph- 1 4 1
Batteries: Glbaon, Ferry, Robinson and
yaMai Johnson. Crutchsr aad Uossert
Tip O'Neill Pleased
at Western Outlook
LINCOLN. Neb., April 9-Norrls L.
O'Neill, president cf the Western Base
Ball league, en route from California to
Chicago, waa In Lincoln for severil
hours today to look Into ths sffalrs of
the local club and to consult sn attorney
concerning ths damage suits filed by Guy
W. Green, former Western lesgu mag
nate, against I he National bre hall as
rorlallon and the Western league.
President O'Neill ssld the outlook In
the Western league was very nattering.
Every team, hs ssld, was firmly on Its
feet, and, with the weak oma strength
ened, he looked for a prosperous season.
Five selections, he ssld, had been made
of umpires Haskell, Knapp, Carter,
Johnaon and K Insane and on more
would be secured.
ST JOSEPH, Mo.. April .-When the
Chicago American lesgu team left her
this morning It was snnounced thst Out
fielder Ray Powell hsd been turned back
to th St. Joseph club fur further sea
soning, first Baseman Barker Bnrton,
returned by Chicago several days ago
turned In hla uniform this afternoon and
declared that th salary offered him waa
so small that hs whuld not play.
Manager Holland of ths Iocs I club -of
the Western Iregu announced three re
leases tonight. Infleldrr Joe Wlnts and
Pitcher J. Erret are returned to Hum
boldt of th Nebraska Stat league and
Pitcher Hill, a left bander. I sent to
Traverss City, Mich. First Itasrmsn
'Tex" Jones, returned by the Chicago
Americans, hss been ordered here at
one from Wichita, Kan., to lake a placs
on th team, efforts to aril him having
failed, ' , " 1 ,
SIOI'X ClTY. es..' April I. Ths Whits
Sox second team won Another gams from
Stsux City todsy. Score: - R H B.
Sioux City Ill 1
Chicago , itn 1
ruttenea: Hun, conwsy and Units;
Rogge and Carney.
nailer Leada the Fans.
Dan Butler purchased the first ticket
to ths opening asms of the Western
league in Omaha on April It. Dan naked
soma time axo for ticket No. I to th
grandatsnd and yesterdsy wss notified
thst ths tickets hsn srrlvsii snd were on
sale. He Immediately dropped all work
In order to get to It. The ticket call for
a seat In box Na. 11
Hermit Take Beallaa.
CINCINNATI. April -Ths Cincinnati
Nationals defeated the Itetrolt Americana
her today, I to V. Moore: H Il k).
Cincinnati Nationals I II 1
Detroit Americans 1 1 (
Hatlsrles. Hlklebrand. llaxbv and
Clarke; Mullln, Corlnglon, Staaag aad
t'hlvlasrtwa Asslaas V m sires.
TOLEDO. April .-Presldent Chiving
ton of th Amerlcsn association tonight
made ths following assignment ot his
umpires for ths opening games next
Wednesday: At Louisville, chill and
Orson; Columbus. Hay and Irwin; In
dianapolis. Ferguson and Sandlboe: To
ledo, Ulerhalter and Connelly.
Cbyasha Throws Keeh.
KANHAH CITY, Mo., April (.-Stanla-
laua Zbysxko. the .Polish wresller, de
feated Ernest Koch, the German, in
straight falls here tonight. Th Pole
KOlif-d the first fall In ,T7 minute :
srisimU a half Nelton and cr: ch
hold and th second In II minutes, M
seconds with a full Nelson and cruf.oh.
C'oraell Crew Lwsen fttrwke.
ITHACA. N. Y.. April .-The Cornell
varsity crew hss I net Its vetersn stroke,
Itowen. Announcement wss mans toasv
that Bowen. who recently has been 111
In the Infirmary, will not be able te get
Into the boat this season, and that Dlst
ler, who hss been rowing No. t, will
arok th crew.
Flakier will ajeewvrr.
CLEVELAND, (.. April .-"Flghtlnf
Mungle" (l-ouls Msigollsn) of Cleveland,
who-col lapsed In the siath round of hi
fight with Joe Goldberg -of Syracuse,
here 1st nlsht. -ss sttll unconscious to
dsy although It wss Mated at th hospi
tal that be would recover.
nt. Agnes ftrhewl Winner.
Hf Aenes school h:ie hall tram defeated
a .team from .St. Krancu school. 10 to !
ft. yeHterdsv. Ht. Agne' team would like
to meet aoy school team In tue city. Call
South w snd ask for Pat.
Lawgivers Restored
to Seats m House
SANTA KE. N. M.. April x-After a
turbulent sessioo the bouse tonight by a
vote of 23 to 3 restored to membership
Itepresentstlves Lueero. Trujillo, Mootoyo
and Cordova, who were suspended when
they were arrested several weeks ago on
charges of having solicited a bribe. Ths
accused legislators will not resume their
,ts until the hour finally passes. on
the charges resting against them.
The action of the lower house of the
assembly In rescinding- th suspension
followed th presentation ot . majority
and minority reports earlilr today by the
commute of investigation, eight of
whom voted to find the defendant guilty
and Sevan not guilty.
not to have Bucklen's Arnica Salve to
cur barns, eexema, bolls, sores, piles'.
cuts, brubtea. wound and ulcers. 23c.
For sal by Beaton Drug Co.
Whole Brown Family
Jrops Uut ol Signt-
Fl'LTON. Mo-. April .-The mysterf,
cus disappearance of live persons was re.
ported today by James Y. Brown, who
lives south of Fulton. They ar hls "
brother. Edward Brown, Mrs. Brown, two
children and a niece, Phoebe Brown, Xt '
yesrs old. ,,
Edward Brown and hla party arrived,
here several weeks a4Co for a visit with
the family of James Brown, whom he1"'
bad not seen since he was IS yuars old! 'T
lli-own and ths rest of the party left the'
horns of his brother last Tuesday, oaten-' "
stbly to taks a walk. A neighbor.
short distance from the Brown home'L"
saw them passing her place, but that
was the last seen ot them.
A few days sgo the fsther of Phoebe
Brown, who lives at East Bt. Louis,' III.,
role tn Jsmes Y. Brown, asking him,,,
tn drtsln the dsughter, but ths mlsslv,.
earn after Edward and hla party had ,d!v
appeared. An 11. year-old daughter . of ,
Edward urown waa lert at th bom 0:
Jsmes Brown.
Ptrslatent Advertising Is th Road to
Big Returns,
1 11' it
"ALCO is prefer- a -5
red by rtjore good 3 '
dressers than any
E other collar worn" 3 ?
E says a fashion au-H
thority. 3'
It is the perfect rloio- ZZ
Z. front with the Patented S r
''Lock-that-Lock.M You--
button "ALCO" in a :
Z second with the "Slip-S
a. Over" Button-hole and
th " Easy-Tie-Slid" tpacw 3 l
I another comfort festur.
Mad In three height " Ex- mm
plorer," "Alco"and"ainax.
Ask the good haberdasher In
our locality shout . JS, 'T
jtfon (pilars
Herts. . OaarUrStis ,
IHaWSasrtanCsuWCsMalsssjTrsp. S
sold by :cr
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IdlS waraaas Street
101 ramaaa Street
O le
2 'em Everywhere. p
n . . , . D "
never uooest Injun expect- o
rd an LARGE a hat trad -at this fj
corner. But I've got It. Reason: g
Classy styles; shades th it wlu, ft
sixes that fit; prices that tickle. U
Sort hats: stiff hats: and -pretty Q k
soon the straw hats. You'd better Q
tie up to we. , O "-
CJO per hat-ThaVs i "
w O cheap for them. lV
Agency for -Crsfatt-Xaapp
O cob. lent aaro kabstst cts. g
.mES '
u n
2 Geo. Brooks "top " r
2 pieces you see Z.
u II
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Key U th atuilioh-Ec AOVertlalnc,