Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Eklf the Lud Deals in Lone Star
State Based on Fraud,
Csa Wae Kaeers tni to I tae
' Bharks Alia? Bar Iress
tae State or froat la
Crusade Against
Smoke Nuisance
Federal Grand Jury Take TJj Ford
and Xeuie Cases.
Texas laals have been the mesas of
boldSaa up Xcrthern sucker. There
bare bent hundreds in this part of -h
eesnt each year, who are toped la oa
fan la my stile that Is hopelessly mls
topreeenttd." This .tsteicer.t comet from D. C. Co'ip
fewtA, wlw Is fccre rcpreeonUng tUe South
n Texas Truck Growers' association
of Sab Antonio. Csupiand says that hair
ot the IsmI schemes afloat In Texts an1
Hextoo are tnln.'d nM fraud, that (hear
floating! have hurt the legltlrriaa land
stealer more than the actual condli'm
of the land. The' syndicate system of
aal list" t and 1 acre tracts, invading
town lots on a Ttxas waits, the purchase
rice of which runa over Sit aa cere, he
believes should be Investigated St tin
Value Is likely Inflated.
"If men wish to sell again after the
syndicate hut unhiadded Ita holdings he
asualir gts but half of whet he paid
lor II.-
tklaales Are Saaaeraas.
"In Corpus Chrtstl on every fifth door
'can be seen the shingle of some land
dealer. It Is easy to see then are manv
la the business for what tbey tan get
out of It. Theee men will take one ear
of produce which has been sold ot a
record price and use the figures of the
aame at the average yield that ra be
obtained on their lands. It's ridiculous
to suppose that onions, for example,
will yield an average of mors than
Yet the literature sent out at times
reads tl.lOO to SLSMl These fabulous prkle
would rope In any prospective land
buyer and the northeoer goes to Texas
with the Idea that he will procure the
earn. la the first place It cot.t an
average of SIM to harvest aa acre of
onions, so he must be financially well
Used to go Into onion growing to begin
Ceaplaad Glvea Advlea.
Going on the theory that the worst
knocker In the world It one who hat
been swindled, Ooupland advises the man
who wants to buy Texas land to purchase
It from the state or the Individual, or. If
either has none for tale, to be turs of
buying of a legitimate land dealer, lie
says that figures can bo obtained and If
the literature of a land company parades
In bold type fictitious values it Is best to
leave It alone. Ha believes that what Is
true of produce In every atate applies to
Trail with the exception that certain
sections of Texaa do produce bountiful
crops and have a ready market. Cultiva
tion is, however, a very Important factor
In realising big returns and a men needs
plenty of Initial capital to go truck farm
ing or fruit raising.
"Irrigation la the Important thing to
know down there," ha continued, "for
pomps to obtain water from the river or
artesian wells cost mors than the home
seeker with little money can afford','
Teste Kill Craps,
Speaking on the prospects of Texts it
great orange producing atata he said
t list ths two or three hard frosts last
winter had crippled orange (rowing Ji
or M per oral aeotrdtac ta the stats s at -l
trial figures. Ooupland does not have ths
greatest of faith In the Batsuma orange,
which kt grown along the OtUf coast. It
M too small aa orange and he did not
believe the climate would allow cultivat
ing the orange to a product like that ob
tained In California or Florida.
"There are many chances for a home
seeker to double his money In Texaa,
but he wants to steer clear of the fraud
ulent land dealer who will tell him a hill
side or a wilderness with bo mors hesl
taltua than his beat holding."
Costly Grief Ends
a Stolen Joy Ride
Joy riding It all riant while things run
smoothly, but the afterwhlle brings the
trouble. Clarence Kellogg, a porter,
working tor the Thomas Cuslek Co., took
an automobile belonging to R. H. Wood
ruff, MO. Dewey avenue. Kellogg picked
up Jake E. Blair, a white man. and two
women, and the four had several hours
of good time. When Kellogg brought th
machine back to the garage he was
criticised severely by a friend.
All would have been a!I right had not
Mr. Woodruff wanted to take a ride In
the meantime. When he appeared at Mm
garage tor hia ear It was out. Hs no
tified the police and Officer Hell arrested
Kellogg and Blair. Kellogg resisted ar
ret and for hit double violation be wa
fined S3 and costs, while Blair was fined
only 15 and costs.
Fort Says Coast ,
is Looking Good
Gerrit Fort, passenger traffic manager
of the Union Pacific, kt back from a four
weeks' tour of the Paclfk) coast. While
away Mr. Fort visited most of ths prin
cipal cities between Portland and Baa
Diego and returns enthusiastic over the
outlook tor summer business.
Mr. Fort found active operations la
. progress for the expositions that are to
ha held fa dsn Francisco and Baa Diego,
respectively, during ths summer of Ills,
Bsa Diego proposes to have an exposl
ttoa of lie ewa and to promote the enter
prise, the business men and the city
have raised over 17. .. The purpose
Is to feature Mexico . and Central and
Bouta America, making It typical ot ths
Idtta-Amerlean countries.
Opt f the trying things that Baa Diego
baa; ta contend with this time It the
members of the 1. U. of W. W which,
fa tae language of the locality, meant In
dependent Order of Won't Workers.
Litre are thousands ot these people la
a bd. around Hen Were, lured there by the
warm weather and delightful climate.
They have become so aurneasus and such
a nuisance tnat the city authorities have
bt.O forced ta take the matter la hand.
Polite and deputy sheriffs la large num
bers have lime and again rounded up the
TSgrants and eicortrd tutm outside the
city? limits, but they always return and
Devote their time begging from house to
house and sleeping la to open.
Glidden Tour Skips
r Omaha This Year
The OUddea tourists this year will run
frost kfhneapoUa through the Mississippi
tevUer ta New Orleans, according to a
letter rerelveJ by Manager K. V. Partita
af the publicity bureau at the Commercial
clea, -
Mr. Parrkth bad written to the aead
jjartars of the Amerlcaa Automobile
saecrstioa asking that the tour be made
ta Include Omaha, it first being an-'
auncad that the tour would extend front
Ilttelturgh t Denver. His s newer was
groat K. Bruce, manager af the touring
buraaa of the association, wha outlined
Ik rojta aosr skcMeA upon and said the
taarlati treuid not coma this far west.
Gas Commissioner Crowley is advocat
ing the elimination of the "smoke nui
sance," which he declares fills the atmos
phere mth unhealthy gases, corrupts
wster and makes Ice Impure.
"In a test I conducted recently." -JM
the gas commissioner, "I took sn-iw and
melted It In a nickel dish. ThU suotv
falling through air filled with smoke,
part of which was sulphur, had a large
amount ot aulphurlo acid In It. Wien
left In the dish the nlcol was consumed
and the dish spoiled.
"Black particles In Ice which yuu oftun
see Is carbon from amoke. It "a nut dsn-
gerour. but there Is also an amount of
sulphurc add to be reckoned w.h. The
black spots are simply oxygen consum
Prof. Crowley wants, the tit hall,
which Is one ot the greatest "ot'ensLis"
equipped with smoke-consuming appa
ratus and If successful believes it ought
to be extended to other establishments.
Many progressive cities, he po uted out.
have eliminated the smoke aulanco en
"I tell you I'd like to have a labors
tory In the country a thouixnd miles
from any smoke stack. You iJJi t keep
the streets nor the houses clean. Install
ing smoke consumers on bulldlna would
lessen the expense of keeping the city
clean aud would make this a more
healthy place.
Investigators for BaTersfsaeet Or
ganised Yesterday aad Will '
elder Terealy-FIre Cases
Darlas; Week.
Alfred Odamt, 'If sat elected capita
of the 111 Omaha high school base bstll
squad at a meeting of ths candidates
held In the assembly room yetssrday.
Adams has nad coruMarabls experleni
with amateur aggregations on the locil
diamonds. He win hold down the back
stop position for the Capitol hill scti.vl
The federal grand jury for April re
ported yesterday and shortly after
o'clock went Into -'exiM-utlve session.
Twenty-one Jurors were ehoen, sixteen
of whom mut be In the court room st
one time to Investigate. W. A. Psge of
Derstur was selected as foreman.
Judge W. II. Mungrr instructed the
Jurors not to make public any ot their
Investigations and cautioned them es
pedal ly against talking to newspaper
men. United States Attorney F. 8. How.
ell will conduct the Investigation and
will be assisted by Attorney A. W. Lane
of Lincoln.
The Jury did very little business, taking
up a few minor esses, but In the after
noon commenced their grind In earnest
Berta Love, the Omaha woman charged
with transporting from Chicago to Omaha
by way of Dea Moines. Juanlta Ford, for
immoral purposes, went before the grand
Jury to anawer to the charge ot white
slavery. The case of Ryllls Kenxle, who
Is alleged to have been brutally and In
humanly treated at the Millard hotel by
Ray Jordan and others, will go before
the grand Jury to tell her story.
Ths esse of Ityllls Kenxie Is sttrscttng
much attention and will probably be the
first ons tu come to trial snd there Is
no doubt but whet an Indictment will be
returned against the thiee or four men
who have been arrested by the govern
ment for complicity In the matter.
Klpllnger'a Military band hat been
given the contract to furnish the booster
music for the Nebraska and Iowa trade
excursion which leaves Omaha on Juns
1 and returns on June a
In order that the band may make a
more presentable appearance on the trip
they will hold a military ball, to which
the public Is Invited. In the Armory on
Monday evening, April IS. the proceed! of
which are to be used for purchasing the
new uniforms snd equipment.
Ths music will be furnished by the en
tire band of thirty-fire pieces under the
leadership of Al Fslrbrother, director.
Express Company to
Help the Sufferers
The Wells Ftrgo Express company thst
operates on a number of ths railroads
penetrating the flood stricken sections
slong ths Mississippi river has Issued
notice thst It will carry, free of charge,
everything In the wsy of food supplies.
clothing snd medicines tent Into Its territory.
Commercial Club
Plans Big Dinner
at the Auditorium
Members of the Commercial club, old
and new. will be Invited to a big dinner to
be given In the Auditorium sometime in
the n-ar future.
At a meeting of the executive enmmitle
Tuesday, this means of welcoming the b.ew
members and st tiie same time boosting
Omsha was definitely decided upon.
It is expected that a greater crowd
than ever before that has been in at
tendance at a Commercial club affair
will witness ths continuous vaudeville
snd special entertainment features that
are planned. In order to accommodate
the crowd it la probable that the feast
will be a buffet luncheon, an Informal
affair to which business men may g
direct from their work.
The executive committee msde honor
ary members of Rev. Charles H. Flem
ing, pastor ot the Church of the Cove
nant, and Rev. Ralph Housman, formerly
paator of Caatellar Presbyterian church.
Bryan to Speak Here ;
on Memorial Day
Word was received by Charles W. Allen,
in charge of the Qrand Army of the Re
public program for Memorial day. that
Bryan haa accepted an Invitation to
spesk on that day at ths Auditorium In
Omaha. The subject on which he will
speak has been left to him. Several well
knoen speakers and statesmen rill be
brought here by the Gran Army of the
Republic to addrera them at their annual
Memorial day exercises.
Milady's Toilet Table
Of course, not everv fecial blemish ran
be removed by simple home treatment,
but thsro are many common afflictions
tnst yteia quickly to proper care and at
tention. A true beautlficr can be made
by dissolving an original package of
meyatnne In a half-pint witch hassL
Gently massage the face, neck and amis
with this, and yellowness, dark and
muddy patches. DimDle. rough and red
skin will be banished. It makes the skin
smootn. sort, white and aatiny and pre
serves the youthful charm of the face.
Buperfluoua hairs cause msny women
annoyance and embarrassment. These
csn be quickly snd easily removed by ap
plying delatons psste. Mix a little pow
dered deiatone with enough water to
cover the hairs; apply, and after two or
inree minutes run orr. wash the skin, and
the heirs will be gons.
You ran avoid catching cold by dry
shampooing for the removal of dust,
dandruff and excess oil. Put a cupful of
corn meal In a fruit Jar and mix with it
an original package of thrmx. Oprlnkls
a little on ths head and brush out thor
oughly. If an thing will msks the hair
grow, themx will, and thia treatment
keeps the heir light, fluffy and beauti
fully lustrous.
For tired, sore swollen or aching feet
mere it notning Better than Mothers
Helve. Indeed, it will relieve pain In any
part of the body h jadache. backache or
sore muscles. It is easy to use. quick to
act snd should be In every home, for It
alleviates suffering from more serious
sffllrttons. such as rheumatism, lumbago
mnn neuralgia Any.
Hbn MB) Ite
Officer of the Day March (Hall) . .
I . iVrtViBnd
King Cotton March (Soma)
Prror's Brrrl
In the Land of narmony
I ( Kalmer-Snydcr) AnMnrkaa Quartet
ItU Ct to b Someone 1 Loe
( Dillon-Doyle) Ada Jonee
31824 Gems from MacUme Sherry"
(Hoschna).. Victor LkhtOoeraCo. 12-inch
U1oiv-Woto Intermezzo (Lincke)
I Pryor'aBand
reUenmuble Uvertura (Mill en tht
10-inch $0.75
10-inch .75
12-inch 1.25
I Cim ( Reiasiper) Pryor'a Band J
60012 My Hero From' A ChtcolaU Soldier'')
(Sinus) Lucy Isabella Marah 10-inch
64183 M Laddie (Thayer) AlmaGluck 10-inch
64197 Traumerei (Schumann) Violin Solo..
Muvclia Ornan 10-inch
70037 Inflammatua (From "Stakt Male')
( Rossini) . . . .Lucy IsabeHo Marah
with Victor Chorus 12-inch
74236 Kathleen Marourneen (Crouch) ...
John McCciinack 12-inch
87502 Contea d'Hofmaj, Barcarolle,
"Belle Nuit" (04, Night ot Lot)
(Offenbach) Farrmr and Scotti 10-inch
A splendid list of musical numbers, just as interest
ing to those who haven't a Victor or Victor-Victrola as
to those who have.
Any Victor dealer will gladly play these selections
for you.
Victor Tsfkiag Macaiaa Co, Cassssa, R J.
Vietor Steel Needles, t rears see Ht
Victor fibre Needles, w nm per loo icaa he rasolstid
snd twed ettsf ttsnest
At a ieemg ot Trtrnty cathedra:
Br!sh i.-fcl Monday. Axst) S. list Mew
a g 1 1 k -tJ were eloc-ttaj: Broker warden.
It. w. Tales: JueMr warden. K. Wakrley;
vsvKnHa, r II. t'avs. S. D. Barsa.
ss-c. I'uiltp peoei, fWrt H Tiiummeil.
C. c. Ceerge, J. aV fttxnaa aad F.
E. MICKEL, Manage
and Harney 51.
reatfWey. CetlarCil
, Omahai J
Bluff. aT
and Ac
cessories, On Sale at
A. Hospe
1513-15 Douglas St.
AVOID BLENDS! Send us a trial order
today for Hayner BOTTLED-IN-BOND Whiskey-the
kind you KNOW is good and pure the Government's
Off iaal Green Stamp over the cork is YOUR protection.
NO MATTER what others
may promiseno matter
bow tempting their offers
may seem see if they offer
Bottled-in-Bond whiskey and
remember there is only one
way you can be sure of getting
pure, straight whiskey and that
is to insist on Bottled-in-Bond.
i ywMnw
That's what we offer you Hay
ner Private Stock Bottled-in-Bond
Whiskey rich, pure and delicious
6hipped in seam case Direct from
Distillery and all it costs you is
$120 for FOUR full quarts-express
charges paid.
There's no question about a whiskey
like this the Government's Green
Stamp over the cork is your assur
ance that it is Bottled-in-Bond fully
aged, full 100 proof, full measure
and a guarantee that it comes to
you just as it left the distillery, in
all its original purity and goodness.
Note tfca price oclj 80 eenta a quart
detivered. Where else in til America can joa
. buy a BotUed-in-Bond whiskey of thia mag
nificent quality at Uua price.
TT7E WANT you to TRY this
I mum mi tmmma, wmjm I
whiskey on our guarantee
you will find it all we
claim as fine as you ever tasted
and the best value you ever
saw or you may send it back
at our expense and we will
return your money.
Remember you take no rfranfpa,
We take all the risk and we
stand all the exnense if we fail
to please you.
Put a to the test Use the coupon below
fill it out mail it to our nearest Office and
Shipping Depot and please do it today NOW
while yon think of it A ktUr at ntctszary
Cut Out and use thia
rnrtn.ll SM B.S) k, MM asaS mm roni na anrl
settHsof Baraer rnraa. Stock aottta4a-BnaS Wktak.v
expra peM-M ve tvar ec. It to aadtraood tset If tbM
srsutar u sot foead aa m i ) aae asnafacsarr as bm
At) a S ta rnswiy eaMaaad.
irlliMl. hMhnl. - -'
Nw sMe. Oreeoe. I'U. Waaalactoi or
msstlaaSala.iarQiiu1amr UM (unarn
Oasristsrsua.srrwuatiT.sMt, "'T
rnpsal ar
Plain Treed, Clincher, Quick Deiachabla or Dcslop
tor iSQrs m
ISiSlI Tiros
323H $21.70 $4.65
34 x 4 - 33.60 6.40
36x4 ' 35.80 " 6.70
36x4 450 80
36x5 55.50 9.70
Tha First Fact
United States Tires are
made by a cooperative
method that is unique in
automobile tire manu
facturing. In four of the largest
and best equipped tire
factories in the world
four corps of tire special
ists are working as a unit
to give to the motorist,
in United States Tires,
the highest grade tire
their combined skill can
It is precisely as if the
motorist, desiring an
ideal tire, should con
tract with four leading
tire manufacturers to
build a tire that would
actually combine every
element of strength and
every secret of manu
facture known to the
four companies.
The Second Fact
You can buy United
States Tires in any style
you prefer Dunlop
(straight side), Quick De
tachable and Clincher.
Four different treads
Plain, Bailey, Nobby,
and Chain. .
If you are convinced
that a certain style of
fastening or tread can
best meet your require
ments, you can not only
get it in a United States
tire, but what is far
more important you
can get it in a tire which
is made as only United
States Tires are made.
Style is a matter of
fancy, but satisfactory
service is a matter of
The Third Fact
It costs no more to
buy these four-factory
method tires than you
are asked to pay for
other kinds.
This opportunity to
secure extra value with
out extra cost will appeal
to motorists who are
wedded to no other tire
but the most economical
tire it is possible to buy.
There is every
reason why
UsHed Stales
should be your
positive choice
for the season of
America's Predominant Tires
JtceW le fasT eoga md"WHT HOT TRY THEff'm Ma asset's Smhmhf Emmg "sec-
- -
This price reduction on America's leading brand of tires is
much more significant than may appear on the surface.
The motorist could well afford to pay the former prices for M
tires made as only United States Tires are made. For our well
known method of combining the best features of four famous
brands in one superior grade of tire practically puts United States
Tires in a class by themselves.
Therefore, the important feature of this announcement is
not the mere price reduction on tires but the price reduction on
tires of the United States kind.
Hero arc throe immensely important
facts about United Statos Tiros