The Omaha Daily Bee 1912 Presidential Campin Keep ep wkk the game from day to day by reading The Bee. W7ATHTR FORECAST Fair; Mild VOL. XLI-XO. 255. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, 1M2-SIXTEEX PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. I TW0.HDHDRED DBOWNIH KILE Excursion Boat Goei Sows in River Near Big Bam Forth of Cairo. THREE HUNDRED OS BOARD Victims Taking- Advantage of Easter for Holiday. COLLISION WITH STEAMER All oa Board An Thrown in Water by Craih. ALL ON BOAT THROWN IN WATER boat Ona Haadred Were Picked r Ip by Mktr BmI-So of the Bodies Hart lteea CAIRO. Egypt, April S.-A large nam- ber of passenger were drowned last Venice by tb ainUng of a Nils excur thn mnnp aft.- a collision Willi un oihtr iteamer In the vl-lnlty of the great dam oa the river about fifteen miles is the ot Clro and few mllee from Kalyub. Tha steamer had 300 pasaengeis board who bail taken advantage of the Easter holiday ta make a trip to the river dam. On the return journey up (tream and not far from the (Urn tba excursion boat collided with another Steamer and sank almost Immediately. Alt on board were thrown into the river, but man? Uvea mere saved by the vessel with whlrb the excursion boat collided. ' Another passenger steamer and several boats from shore hastened to the rescue and picked up man? ot fhos struggling In the water. It I not yet known how many lives were lost and the identity ot the bodies recovered haa not been ascertained. PARIS. April S.-A telegram from Cairo this morning announce that a steamer captixed In the Nile lata last night and tut persons were drowned. The steamer m-na nil 1 1 .or. am t )i rl v- I n wmuIa. viiiii die tuvai irimni' service. President Attacked in Ainsworth Report WASHINGTON, April S.-rTWnt Tatt and Secretary Stlmeon are severely rkt-rulirnfMl in a natlnnal mimr , n th. Aliuworih case, presented to the house today by the military affairs commit tee. Secretary Stlmeon la charged with hav ing committed a "great and Irreparable wrong" and a "flagrant misuse of offi cial authority" when, last February, he uspended General A I n worth from hi duties as adjutant general of th army ad charged him with Insubordination. That the president and Secretary. Stun-, oil prejudged th rase; (hat th accusa tions against th general wer based upon prejudice, and that th secretary of war lias "an erroneous Idea" of his Veil' lion to congress are some cf the other conclusions reached by a majority ol t'i commute, of which Representa tive Hay of Virginia la chairman. Following General Alnswortb' relief from duty alien a court martial seemed probable, the president permitted him to retire from the army because of his lonj service. The report follows an In vestigation of Alnssorth's relief from duty, set afoot by a resolution by Rep resentative Welkins of Louisiana. ULSTER UNIONISTS STILL STRONG AGAINST HOME RULE KELFAST. Ireland April s.-That the Apposition ot tli province ot lister, on J which the Irish unionists mainly bam their hopes of ultimately defeating the .forthcoming home rule bill, remains as f virile ss in Ws and 11. tha ers In which wnnam r- oia .one introaucea his two home rule bills tor Ireland. veems ,W IIM.V Hill ,,ii wr.a, ,.. m n: mrj .i.v ,vst throngs of Orangemen and unionists who today again registered their "unal t tered and unalterable opposition to a , separate parliament tor Ireland in any form." ' -f A demonstration of laO.OM enthusiast today passed In procession before Andrsw Bonar Law and other prominent union '.1st leaders at th Royal Ulster Agricul tural society's grounds. .'merchant charged with ; libeling congressmen WASHINGTON. April a-H, M. A. 'Page, linen and cotton commission mer chant of -cw York City who recently caused t be circulated through th malls 'In the fornaarf a !ttsr and a pamphlet a severe attack on Benvsaentetiv Henry D. -Cuvytoa of Alabama, chslrman of th Ju ' dietary committee of tb bouse, and th other member of that committee, has been Indicted by tit federal grand Jury liera on a chsree of UbeL NEGRO HANGED BY MOB ( -HCAn onr.titrunif lm. 1 CHRETEPORT. La.. April Si-Thomas Mile, a ntgro, ! year old. was lynched ail f at r vr i mi in l n n a steer th dry limits today. When the body ass found today It was swinging from a Vee and bad been riddled with ballets. Miles wss accused af baring written let tars to a white girl, but proof was kack tni; when ha was arraigned In court yes terday and h was dismissed. The Weather Fir Nebraska Fair: moderate. Vof Iowa Fair; warmer. Tessaeratare at Omaha Hour. . A' a. m. I )' t a- m. Yesterday. Deg. 61 51 ' its ,;rt -y3l I II a. m. ; ej ' . e - j j I 7 , -,i Jl ; q m Ik r-f m A',Tri i I p. m. 4S iz. S p. m. New Burlington Line Announced Into Northwest Announcement of a new Una between Tbermopolis. Wyo.. and Kearney, Neb was mad at Burlington railroad head quarters yesterday. The Missouri Pacific announced extensive terminal improve ments, but the local headquarters were unable to air detail or say bow much miney will be expended. The new Burlington Una will be com pleted within two years, Recording to General Passenger Agent Wakeley, and th section , between Thermopolle and Powder River will b ready for as by next autumn. Grades and bridges between these two points hav been completed and track laying will be commenced within a few days. Th Burlington has arranged for ue of connecting Vlino tracks as soon as the Itne from Thermopolis to Powder River Is completed. The Northwestern will be used from Powder River to Orln Junction and th Colorado A South ru from Orln Junc tion to Denver and Cheyenne. The part of the Improvement which will be of greatest Importance to Omaha and Nebraska will be the Northport-Kcar-ney cut off. which wlil open a long and wide strip of country nurtli of the Platte and North Platte rivers. Many towns will be established and tli result will be Increased business from Onwha. not only from these towns ml this country, but from other sections of the northwest thus brought ' Into closer touch with Omaha. New York Police Try to Solve Identity of Mysterious Woman NEW YORK, April S.-The police today set about solving the Identity of th woman found yesterdsy beside th body of Louis O. Parma, director ot th New York Conservatory ot Music, who died suddenly la his room from natural causes, but under unusual circumstances. Th woman, who was pronounced by a physician to be suffering from a mental strain, Is confined In Bellevu hospital for observation. She shed little light on' her identity when tfaestloncd by th authorities there. Mrs. Mary Clinton, th housekeeper at the coaservatory. where Parma had his lodgings, was the only on In th build ing apparently, who knew ot the woman's existence. To Mrs. Clinton she was name less. The ' aousekeeper told th police that she thought th woman was Parma's wife or daughter ah did not know whlch-and that during the eight year In which th couple had occupied th apartment the aged musician showed th dee peat affection for his companion. Coroner Hellensteln said Parma' death was as to cerebral hemorrhaea and cut nephritis. When th body was found, he said, th woman, moaning sjjd mixing inconereniiy. sal braid It. Senator Bradley Says Roosevelt Charges . of Fraud Are False WASHINGTON. April .-ln detailed statement on the Kentucky situation given out by the Taft headquarters today. United Slates Senator Bradley of Ken tucky asserts that the claima of the Roosevelt managrra are utterly unreliable because they are entirely false In many respects and party false In others." . Senator Joseph li. Dixon announced at the Roosevelt headquarters today that he had prepared charges to be filed at one with th clvlt service commission against Internal Revenue department em ploye and other federal office holder, whom the Roosevelt manager charge with undue political activity in the Ken. Uucky delegate election last Saturday. Congressmen May Be Required to File List of TheirBank Stock WASHINGTON. April .-A charge that Wall street and the big corporations ar controlling th house "money trust" In qulry was mad today by Representative Und burgh of Minnesota, republican. In a resolution which would compel every member to disclose his business and cor poration affiliations. Bach member of th house would have to 01 bis own bank holdings and those of hi family. Nam of members who failed to do so would be published In a Congressional Record "Mack Hat" Coming close on the Insinuation of Representative Rand ell of Texas, that member of the nous and senate had corporation connections, the resolution caused a Mir. General Grant is " Not Seriously 111 NEW YORK. April S.-A revival of re ports that Major General Grant was III la th south aad might relinquish active work led ta the Issuance of the following statement by Adjutant Marion House, hi aide-de-camp: ."The reports about General Grant' health are mere fabrications. General Grant, who wa rua down la health, on th advice of his physician, obtained an ordinary leave of absence and went couth for a rest, giving ao public ad irees so that a might not be bothered with mall. Aa official denial of similar reports In regard to hi condition waa recently given out- W. D. Skinner of Des Moines Turns On Gas DES MOINES, April S-Lrtters telling the story of a man disheartened by financial reverse and broken health which cam to light today, cause the police to beiksv that William D. Skinner committed suicide last Blent wbtp he turned on the gaa at hi home, causing aa explosion which ' wrecked the house end Injured bis wife and two others. One letter addresed to hla wife read: "For God's sake, do not strike a match. There Is gas escaping la the giri s room." R003EYELT WINS TOTE INILLINOIS Early Returns Indicate Colonel Will Hare Considerable Majority in State Primary Election. CLARK GETS SWEEPING VICTORY Lead Oyer Wilton in Chicago Ex ceedi Hundred Thousand. DENIES CARRIES COOK COUNTY Margin in Metropolis Estimated .About Thirty Thousand. HEAVY VOTE IS BROUGHT OUTlXr (afC f)0fl' by ll District. J 1 jf NJVlL Will Caatrel reeaaleslea N Pi ' if (2 Delegates ta Sallmal Re- abllema toaveatlea. Early returns from down stte pre cinct though Insufficient to warrant a flat prediction of the outcome of the presidential preference primary In Illi nois, indicated that Roosevelt and Claik had carried the state. Macon county la twenty-five out of thirty-nine precinct'. Indicated mat Roosevelt would have a majority of :.3m in Congressman's McKinley s home dis trict and that Clark waa running two to one over Wilson. Incomplete returns gave the same indi cations In Knox county, Kane, Kendall, Will and Peoria county. Promises of a better showing by Tatt were made In McLean county In the cen ter of th state. Desres t arries Cblease. Earlv Cltv Press association estimate wer that Charles 8. Deneen had car ried Chicago by about 30,00 for the re publican nomination for governor. Tli first forty precincts to report, a S per cent vote, gave Deneen. l.ft; Wayman. 8mall. S47; Jones, 19. ti rtiv Press association estimates whea one-fourth of the county preferen tial vni had been countfd were that Hoosevelt'a msjoiity In Cook county would not exceed 100.09. In 3 precincts out of l.tW Roosevelt wa given ,aS Taf. ROC; La Follette. J.KI: Clark, . 394, and Wilson. 10.730. Twenty-eight precincts In Cook county, a 3 per cent vote, gav Dunne, democratic candidate for governor, l.ill: Alschuler. 3l: Caldwell. Set; Dickson. 51. The City Press association, which is assembling election returns for Chicago newspaper. Dunn annear to have carried Chi cago by about pluarlty. Eighteen precincts, th first returns, gav Cullom for United State senstor. Mi; Shermsn. S6: Msglll. 1: Web ster. 5. Mel.eaa t'aaaty HijiriuiMlTON-. 111.. April a-Taenty. eight precincts out W fifty-flv la Mo- Lean county gav Tatt, l.wo; noossvsi. tS; La Follette, Ot Twenty-eight precinct "In "llclan bunty gave nark, 1.1S4: Wltaen, H. Five precinct In MoeLan county, for United Bute senstor, gave Msglll, 11: Cullom. J33; Slurman. SIT; Webster. 100. Seven precincts In McLesn county, for governor gav Deneen, Small, Ol: Wavman. M: llurburgn. IB: Brown, us. Jonea. 44: Davis, 37: Ystes, Mi. enrlaafleld. 8PRIXGFIEU. 111., April S-Fitteen precincts In Springfield gave Clark lit and Wilson Fourteen precincts gav Taft 407: Roosevelt. 1,133; La Follette, HI. On country precinct heard from gives Taft 12; Roosvelt. a, and La Follett 4. Hams t'oaaty. DECATl'R. III., April .-Mscon county, th largest In W. B. McKinley district, in twenty-five out of thirty-nine precincts gave Roosevelt. 193: Taft. 1,14; La Follette. 450; Clark. S; Wilson. 414. Peoria t'eaaty. PEORIA. III., April a-Twenty-four precincts out of seventy-four In Peoria county gave Taft. 7s; Roosevelt, ITS; La Follette. ;7. Twelve precincts out oi seventy-four In Peoria county gave Deneen. H4; Yates. Til. GALE8BURG. April .-Fourteen pre cincts out of thirty-nine In Knox county give Taft (77, Roosevelt !,, La Follette, 1. Thirteen precincts give Clark SO, Wil son its. Knex Coaaty. JOLIET. IlL. April Si-enx predncu of Jollet. Mill county, give Taft 181. Roose velt aw, La Follette rt. Wilson 10). Clark 134. Kaae Ceaaty. AURORA, 111.. April (.-Kane county goes four votes to one for Rposeevlt; Keadsll county, three to one; Piano City, Roosevelt. S7: Taft, 117; La Follette. twenty-three. Dlxoa. DIXON. 111.. April S.-A1I ot Dixon. Lee county. Tsft. Ml; Roosevelt. VS; La Fol lette, 14; Clark. 8; Wilson, MS, TOULON. III., April i.-Ten precincts out of eleven In Stark county give Roosevelt. Ttl; Taft, S4; La Follette, 144; Wilson. 112; Clark, in EYE BREAK HAD IS TIIWIM DUtrlet UsvralUsi CI) Tea Dele State fer Each Causdidate. MONTPEUER. Vt. April 1-Half th Vermont deiegatea to the national re publican convention were chosen today and taft and Roosevelt supporters split even In the struggle for control. The delegation will be completed tomor row at the state convention, .with the choice of the four delegates-at-large. Taft delegate were elected In the First district today by a majority of seventy eight, while Roosevelt men won In the Second district by a margin of thirty vote. As many of the delegate who took part In the district conventions win at tend th Mat convention, Taft leaders tonight claimed that their majority of the total vote would bold good easorrow and Rive them the state delegation. On the other hand Roosevelt leader said that many new deiegatea would take part In the Mat contest and that they hsd a flailing chance for the delegates-al-large. !4 Th dietriet delegates elected today were: First Dt-t rlct-WII lis m P. Warner and J. L. Kouthwk-k. Instructed for Taft. Red District-E. W. Ultaon and Frank D. Thompson, instructed for RoosevetL And Now From the Denver Republican. MISSOURI FOR ROOSEYELT Governor Hadley Says Colonel Will Have Twenty-Six Delegate s. , HARMON CLAIMDJO ., ARKANSAS Siaveraor' Pre Bareaa la Net Yerat Olvea Oat Stateaseat Say last Stat I Solid far II la. NEW YORK. April I -The Roosevelt city committee received a telegram today from Governor, Hsdley of Missouri saying that th return of yesterday' primaries showed that the Roosevelt supporter would control the Missouri state conven tion and elect twenty-six Roosevelt del egate out of h thlrty-lx to th na tional convention. Harases t'lalsas Arkansas. NEW YORK, April .-The Harmon press bureau her issued the following statement today: "Despite th claim ot other candidate. Arkansas will aend us a solid delegation of eighteen to th democratle national convention at Baltimore pledged to Gov ernor Harmon. Telegrams received at Harmon national headquarter from Meyer Solnuton, secretary of the Ar kanaaa Harmon organisation announced that Hsyee county conventions throughout the state resulted In a complete victory for Harmon and the elimination of Wil son. Clark will hav 175 delegates to the state convention out of MO." Fear Delegates laatrarled for Taft. FENTON, Mich.. April I. -Sixth district delegates to republican national conven tion: Stat Senator Leonard Freeman of Genesee county and Dr. Harry C. Gull lot of Oakland county. Instructed for Taft. ' BURLINGTON, VI.. April (.-First dis trict delegate to th republican national convention. William P. Warner and G. L. Southwlck. Instructed for Taft. MACK WILL BE DELEGATE TO BALTIMORE CONVENTION BUFFALO, April .-Norman E. Mack, chairman ot th democratic national commit!, will go to th national con vent loa at Baltimore, a delegate from Ert county end of th Fortieth Congres sional district The second delegate wUl be chosen by th Niagara county delega tion to th atte convention. Other dele gate already selected are: Forty-first Congressional district. Mayor Louis P. Fuhrmann and William F. Kastlng; Forty-second district. William H. Kits pat rick, county chairman and Senator Samuel J. Ramsperger. The National Capital TtetMUr, April , 191S. The Senate. In irMioi. t p. m. KpKgvntAtIv brousnrd toid flDM? Mtnmtti rnltaMt Bl&tM would Ioik Sa,tt.M It trt surar btU b-m la. The House. Met at noon. Cont in od debate on Tnliaa aoDroo-ta- ilon btll. Bprr;ntatlv Undburxn. cliarg- intc wu Bi.tBt-1 i n-i cori3raiiori ar con trolling monf trust sbVMiiffatMm, fn'rv ttucvd roaol UKm to com-! every mrTi of bouaa to 4ivrtoe nia busrlncaa aiMl cor poration affiliation. Aitrtcuitura conimitiee corrCludd beviic grain IntttfMts m Htl t- piohibtt tspuc-i-iatloo In cottaiA air-l t?Jn hituraa tud beitaa hsktit-t cotiMi iiitrcfti. for the Annual Backyard Scrap H New Jersey Will Ask Requisition for the Chicago Packers TRENTOMt V. 1., -7pr -RequWtt4m paper fsr a (timber ot beef packers of Chicago whs were Indicted In Hudson oounty some tlm ago for forming an el leged combination In restraint of trad In connection with th cold storage busi ness, war turned ever to th attorney general' office today by Prosecutor Gsrven of Hudson county tor Inspection. Before Governor Wilson aska for th extradition of th Indicted men a hearing will be given, for which an application baa been mad. Th Indictments were brought several yrS ago. A similar application for requisition was made to Governor Fort, who refused to grant the necessary papers after a hearing In the esse. Th action of Prosecutor Oarven today I a renewal of the old application. Th Indicted men ar J. Ogdrn Armour nd Edward Morris, snd th specific charge I conspiracy to keep up prices. Attempt Made to Incinerate Boy GADSDEN. Ala.. April .-Wheelr Brasley and his wife are under arrest here today charged with attempting to Incinerate Esra Busby, a 14-year-old boy, after he had Imbibed too much liquor In their blind tiger resort near her. They feared he would attract attention. It Is alleged, and so placed the drunken boy under a brush heap, which they satur ated with coal oil and tired It. His screams were heard and he wss rescued sfter h had suffered what may be fatal burn. Missouri Auto Aid Law is Held Valid JEFFERSON CITY, Wo., April 1-Th supreme court sustained today th eon atltutionality ot th automobile law which make a felony tor any automobile driver who Injure a person to tall to atop and giv asslatanc to the Injured. The court denied Forest E. K needier a writ of pro hibition to prevent the St. Louis criminal court from trying him on a charge of not rendering assistance to a person injured. Mexican Rebels Capture Jojutla MEXICO CITY, April .-The city of Jojutla, In th atste of Morelos, has been taken by 1,000 rebels under the com mand of Emlllano Zapata, according to a report received here. Federal troop ar aald to be making a counter attack and a severe fight Is proceeding. J. F. ROWELL REPORTED . DYING IN DENVER MILWAUKEE, Wla. April aJohn F. Rowel! of Denver. Colo., charged with perjury In connection with the death ot Ida B. Nelson ot Lincoln. Neb., In a rooming house In Milwaukee about two months ago. Is said to be dying at bis home In Denver. When this case came up today Rowe I's attorney secured a writ ordering the uu trict attorney to show cause why Rowell's deposittoB should not be taken la Denver and the ease continued. The writ I returnable Thursday next. VOTERS FLOCKTO THE POLLS Hundred and Fifty Sworn In by City Clerk by Noon. ' CANSIDATEa . HUSTU50 HARD Sheriff Methane tareae la La eg Baeh at Depatlea ta Assist la Keepta Order at th Pall. Hundred ot voter who had tailed to register flocked to th office of tb city clerk yeaterdy and before noon 150 were walking away with credential. Al though by law it 1 required that two resident freeholder of th precinct in which Iho voter resides must testify to their acquaintance with him and ewear to his tight lo vote candidate sasily eluded literal Interpretation of the statute. Present city councilmen In th race for commissioner provided "freeholders" on short notice. "Hav you voted 7" they Inquired. And when th answer was In the negative a list ot nsmes was hur riedly glanced through. 'That's your precinct T' And Mr. Jones was Intro duced to Mr. Smith and Mr, Jones forth with testified that his friend Smith had an undeniable constitutional right to th suffrsg on this day. However, candidates did not them selves swear to the right of the voter to cast a ballot, because It would "look bad," one explained. Protests Are Made. Early In tli day protests were heard. Sheriff McShane was sec used of swearing In special election deputies who had na right to serve. Between forty and fifty Crelghton college buys, who are unquali fied, were alleged to have been deputised. 1 know of five, some of them not It yesrs old, and others nonresidents of this stste, who have been sworn In," said a business man. i Members of the Crelghton University Politics! club Were hustling vote early. Their slate. Including James C. Dahl- mn. Art L. Crelghton and Dan Butler, was endorsed, printed on cards and dis tributed among hundreds of voters. Corporations were not Idle and their favorite, nine candidates, consisting ot seven present Incumbents of city office were enthusiastically supported. Voting began began in all precinct promptly at t o'clock and appar ently will be heavy. Th large number of candidates, nearly all of whom have been campaigning vigor ously, marshalled an unuauaily large number of electors to their ban.icrs. Ciiy offices, with the exception of th e:ty clerk's sanctum, were practically de serted throughout the dsy. JEALOUS CHICAGO WOMAN SHOOTS HUSBAND TWICE CHICAGO. April S.-In a Jealous rage Mrs. Louis E. Rltchey fired eight shot from a pistol at her husband, Charles A. Rltchey, president of a portrait company, today at their home, 114 South Hotnan avenue. One bullet struck th msn In th shoulder, another took effect dn the arm. while the other went wide of their mark. Rltchey was removed to a hospital, where. It I (aid, his condition I not serious. Mrs. Rltchey when arrested Insisted on taking a pet bulldog to the police itatlon with her. "I wish I had killed him," she sobbed hysteti rally. "He hss been staying away from home all night and I Just got tired of it. I found letters from other women ta his clothing and 1 thought it was time I stopped hi carrying on." BIG DIKE BREAKS AT GOLDEN LAKE Creasse on Arkansas Side Fifty Miles North of Memphis Innn ' dates Large Section. RIVER IS FALLING AT CAIRO Three Persons "Reported Drowned at Charleston, Mo. LOWER LEVEES HOLD FIRM Mississippi Rising Rapidly at Points South of Memphis. RELIEF PROBLEM IS SERIOUS Taeaaaada af Itetaseee at Hlekasaat Tlatoavllle, rarest City aad Heleaa Short at Food Many Maroeaed at Rldgreley. MEMPHIS. Venn.. Aprn S,-Advice re ceived at Memphis this arternoon Mat that th main levee has Broken a mile and a bait north of Golden Lake. Ark., about fifty mllea north of Memphis. The water la spreading over a wide area In that section. Dikes guarding thousands of fertile acres of Arkansas and Mississippi against th flood tide of th Mississippi river be low Memphl held firmly today. But where th tremendous force of the river wa hurled against the embankment at th band In th river, breaches seemed Imminent. In the long stretches of Yasoo and delta territory thousands of men labored all night to strengthen the levees again! th oncoming flood, la village and oa farm In th threatened territory la north Mississippi and north Arkanaas th people are ready for Instant flight North of Memphis the river la falling. At Memphis the 7 am. reading of tb gauga ahowed a tag ot 4S.S. a fall of .1 In twelv heura. South of Memphl the river I rising rapidly. Th task of oaring fer th flood vic tim I proving a serious problem. The greater number ot thos driven from their home so tar hav sought a refuge, at Hickman, Ky., Ttptonvtlle, Tenn,, For est City and Helena. Ark., and In thl city, la Maatphla th Tri-Stat fair grounda have bean convert e into a tented city and the ,'-aaoc tared Charities la di recting rehet activities. At Hickman approximately t,M0 persona are being eared for. Captain Logan ot th United State army ha charge of th sltustloB at that point and an agent of th Red Cross society Is assisting him. Tha Red Cross society haa contributed IMS to assist In th car of thos at Hickman. Captain Regan, of th Tenmwse Na tional guard, ha taken charge of th situation at Tipton. Local organisation ar caring for thos at Forest City at th edg ot tb flood In St. Fraacis and Crtt tandsa counties In Arkansas. ' ' , The erdw at the. United State steam ship Amnhltrtt. anchored In the Mem phis harbor, ha received Instructions to assist In rescuing flood victims On of th Amphltrlt' boats went to Wyanok today t bring a party reported marooned aboard a raft at Wysnoke, Ark., ta thl city. Thaasaad Mareeard at Rldaelry. Over a thousand persona nearly halt of them refugee from th flood, are at Rldgely, Tens., nine mile below Tipton- vllle, la Lake county, today without meat. Th one-story house there are na longer habitable, and th two-story house are crowded. Th remainder of tha community I out on a hillald without shelter. The stock la without provender. The high water resulting from th break below Hickman did not reach tha vicinity of Rldgely until yesterday afternoon. Then it rose rspldly. Provisions will hav to be loaded n skiffs and launches to rea-h Rldgely. A current running seven or eight miles an hour must be enco'intcred and the task ot relieving the town will be peril ous. Two steamboat nave reached Tip-' tonvlll with provisions. At Baas Landing fifty-three sufferer It ho it shoes were picked up. A Mrs. Bsker and two coil dren on a raft ot two logs, their place of refuge for three days, were rescued near Cherokee, Tenn. Whooping cough has broken ou'. emonj the children of the refugee at Tiptonvtlle. Two negro children hav diet of It aud several whit children In the courthouse are In a critical condition. Louis Van Pool, aged 17, was drowned near Tlptonvllle when hi boat capslxtd. Naval Mllltla ta Aid. ST. LOUIS, April t.-On orders from Governor Hadley, all St. Louis members of the Missouri naval reserve were di rected I xlay to report for duty In th flooded district near Csruthersville, Mo. Th reserves will depart tonight or tomor row. " -r ' Twenty-five per cent of the employes ot th Frisco railroad system, ' Including rr Economy is the basis of success. So if you wisli to advertise in a way that will bring you great returns, and da it economically, you mfst use Bee want ads, The cost is small you start economically and appro- priate as you are able, gradually using more space and getting big ger and better results. Bee want sds are wonder workers. The are for busy people who want things dona on the spot, want to get what they go after, want to get results that they don't have to wait for. Read Bee want ads and use Bee wanteds." There's success in them. Tyler 1000 J