0. THL BLE: OilAIiA, TL'iJSUAV, Ai-ulL 1), 191:!. 6 The (JxtAHA daily bee FOUN'PEP BT EDWARD F-QgEWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER. EDITOR. ' BEE Bt lLDUNa. FAKNAM AND HTli. EntAMil u QhuIu noatOfOea as BSC Pad TrDUJ C"Ti Jj'U 1 5T 1 "'. M Feday Im, enVyesx..., Saturday Beat an year Daily Br (without gundayl. MM rear f lJuly Bae and Banter. en r"r -.... 7 DUUVE&iO BY CAJUUfcJt Evening Bee (artta S under . par sne....Se tieilr Bee (including Sunday). V " fieuiy Bae (without Jo). P" "" Addrae ail eompauatt or irregularities I delivery u Sty CircuUOoa Dept.- REUlTTANCSi . Rasnit by dralt, express er postal order, Payable t To Bee Publishing company Only t-ceat iintK received l saytneai I small accounts. Faraooal cbstks, ex cept oa asarw,salinge. eet eCCCDted.,, ,i- i offices. OaaeheTb Baa Build'ng. Bouts mana-tats N Ceuacil BluIfsv'BenU C '. -" Uocom-el Little BuiuUt- . Chtcagetfel sierquau Building. Kiwi Clty-Keilence Building. Xew rera-al Weet Thrrty-Uird. Waahington rat Fourteenth bt.. W. w. nnuDi; dimU ItlTMllC Communication relating news oa COHOnai mailer imn Omaha Boe, Editorial Pspertasoat. STARCH CIRCULATION. State of Kabraaka, Canary a( Deuglea. on Dw1st William, circulation anaeiecer ef Tha Baa ye bussing company.- helng taly worm, sere that the average dally circulation, tan -spotted, unnsed aad re turned centre, (a taa stoat at Mare, - " - D WIGHT WIU.IAMB. -. . Circulation Manager, auseerihed la my prsseaoa aad swore la osiore ei uui a oar tbeeLJ RUBKKT HUNTER. :-.. , Notary Puaac, karrlbara leavlag the aly tesspararllr - sneald bar Taa In aeailaal theau Aedswa wtll a chaas aa aftam aa r Todiy 1 th day. Powa tha Hn ltk John Hanry go Mr. Cummlna attU haa bit Job la the aenata left, tbongk. No votlnj machinal thli Urn, to prapara for a alow count. " ' Nota that tha tomplalnta asalnit Madaro ooma from tha "outa." aot tha "Ina."'.' -- Taa eaarga t tha lUht brljuda Hhty-alx la all baln early tbla It tbara ara any dovaa loft la tba ark. Cairo probably would Ilka to borrow than. ' Fuaer'i latimate of Taft What Secretary Flaher of the la terior department emya of Prealdent Taft, eepecially la bta reUtlon aad at-j titade toward tba work of ala de- partmeat. la of - eommanama u- poruace. becanea it waa over taia department that tha anti-Tart ttorm reached lta rortex; bocaaae Baereury Ftoher baaJieea IdenUfled with tboea bow bitterly fi(btia tha prealdent and becauea Secertitry Fuher U Juat the aame "proreaslva" today Uat be waa when ha Joined tba cabinet fam ily- . Note well that Secretary ruber de clare that be accepted tbla portfolio Ithout aay reservation or obliga tion for political eervice aad that ha baa Barer been called oa for aay.' He declare further that ha la aa aood a procreaalve" today aa aver and be baa been "a good enouf a pro ireeeive to be denounced aa a rad leal," eo that aarely ought to qualify m. Aad bere la a atatemeat of prima Importance: "No department head could ak from tha chief ex ecutive a mora Intelligent apprecia tion, a mora helpful co-ope ratioa or a more uniform and unawereinf aup- port than I bava received from the prealdent." la not that enough to aallafy Preal dent Taft'a critic ? Secretary Flaher ha by thia atatement exacted very direct teat of bta old frleada' conl dene la him. Ha baa put tbla Issue squarely before them. "Do yoa still believe la ma? If to, yoa must be lieve what I aay about Taft." That 1 tba aubatance of it. Thee three rea sons whgr Secretary Fisher believes President Taft abould be renomi nated ara cogent enough to bear repetition: First, became k beuovte la popular toverement. te be achieved through the prtaKlplas ef raprasentaUva dtisooracy. mean ef which aleaa tenuiae and endurlne popular aovaramaat can a aa eared lor the people ef thla country. Baeoad. aeeausa be bae daaionstrated oanstructiva aaliHy at time when con structive etatesmaaiblp la needed as never kefore alnce the repubUo waa founded. Third, because aa the principle he ha advocated and aa the proarresa be has achieved the republican party muet stand at the election. If "progressive I aa progressive doe," tha testimony et Secretary Fisher for Taft ought to weigh mora with progressive than tha attacks of anyone wearing progressive clothes merely tor purpoee. Did yea get atxty or -only thirty daya' timer la which ta par tor tkat Baater 'boaaett . ' t i Z" . '" - la tba deatb of poor Rodgera wa see tba element, are still grudging of their eecreta. - How good o dwell ea high, dry land oaveloped in tba balmy atmoa- pher at UebraekaV ; . It la gratifying to know Uat Ty Cobb promlaee not to be tha whole Detroit team tbla year. Fancy colored Easter agga causa death In Bt. Loula,' Nearly aa bad aa sarae of tba faacy-prloed eggs. Governor Wilton was robbed of campaign epeechea and paper. It takea a mean mas to Meal a rival's thunder Ilka that . If aome of tboa who are crying tor the rigkt of free speech would exert half the effort to earn a steady living they aad tba country would be better off. , ;, ,.-, "It this country Is to be a good place for any Of as. It baa got to be a good place for all of aa." Cheer up. colonel, Ifa tba best old place la the world. ... With 4b water exceedingly higher and steadily ruing, tba weather maa at Kan. city declared tbere would be no Hood. Talk about AJax and aa lightning. V -. Disc seeing the bill to tax phoa- phorouj"mtche out of existence Sen ator Ksybara recalled that John tha Baptist rWas called "Pboaphoroua." Yea, aad they got Joha's head, too. 8tlll,Mt k quite axplalaabla why Senatob ta Folletta neglected alto gether Id put la a good ward for Colo nel Jofn O. Teiaer. the original origi nator ej the initiative and referen dum, r Our Senator Hitchcock la omlng home w look after his political fences. But he j as careful to delay his visit till aftat Ue city primary, for which aome ef bis democratic supporter might six bis help. . And who are the executive commit tee thathaa ndertakea ta ehooee our aeveo tdmmlaslODers foroa. It's dol lars todougbnata that oa having the 'Jet re stover the flrat time yoa would have tdraak wka half of them are. One '&( tba dexeocratle gubernator Ul aspirant advertises that ho was "aJwtya Omaha' trn friend-" But If he lTed a that much, why did he tranafar hia borne and affectiona to anothejdty? ' Coma back aad prove it. The,-enlor from Wlaeonain got mixed alp oa hia endorsement aa be tween enr two candidate for the re public aotnlnatioa for United States senator rrMkairepubJleana will, however, proceed oh tha theory that they know aa well whom they want represent them ta tba aenata aa doea any visit or from another state. floods ara ecare. Aaotber one may aever coma la hia day. Flushed with the prospect, inspired with visions of scoops dancing before his mind, be "hits out." and very seldom will the ticking telegraph or tele phone turn ia any feat a re of his heroism, never by himself. Hers ta on reporter riding a log down the raging river, another a young woman wading and awtnv miac her way through potential death to the nearest telephone office to flash her story ia to the paper. A dosea others, maybe a hundred, are ruaning similar risks and only naw aad then doea tba cold. Indif ferent typo as mpeb as mention that something of the kind has occurred. Were it don by any other tbaa a reporter, namee aad addresses, with elaborate heroics, would be played up. Ia tha case of the aawapaper man, unless ha forfeits bis life, it Is only. "a reporter." Bat ba goea oa keeping hia cease less vigil at floods, fires, wrecks. ruins, wherever death and danger lurk or stalk la boldest form. He Is tba pivot la tbla vast machinery by which the newspaper gather and chronicle the dally history of tba world before) It la twenty-tour hours' old, and tba average reader scan the page, perhapa with a sneer, aeldom condescending to pause aad appro data tha effort it baa coat to roll to gether all the facta from the tar flung corners of the globe Into this compendium of information for which he dolea out tha handsome sum of 1 cent, or possibly I. . If Bstf Tells it AIL. ' A. Huef, Esq.; of Ban Quaatia Cel., announces hia Inteatloa of writ ing the story -of bis Ufa, particularly that chapter covering hia aaceadaaey la tba political affair of San Fran cisco, H propoees la run tba story ta aerial form In tba Baa Francisco newspaper whoa editor was largely laetrnmeata! In retiring Mr. Kuet to the pectoral preclncta of beautiful (aa Quentin. the name editor later giving way to aa emotional eoavo. tlon tor Mr. Ruaf'a liberation upon Iba sweet theory that It waa wrong for tha mighty law to visit It strength and power upon on -eak Individual, who hadn't done aaytblng worse thaa get rich plundering other plunderers. 1 Thla la all vary Intereetlng and bespeaks moot ready and volumi nous sale for tba newspaper. If It bad occurred to Mr, Ruef to Issue the story in book, we think It would have become oaa of tha "beet sellers" at tha Jump-off. There la not doubt that the serial will be eagerly read every day and Uat Interest In It wtll never lag. Ita dally grist will. we can Imagine, be even more keenly anticipated by certain aubscrlbera Una their evening meals, whether relished aa much or aot If Mr. Ruef really tells bis whole story, "all I know," aurely there will be "Something doing" In gay old Baa Francisco. Former Mayor SchmlU, of course, hs come clear aa a result of. Ruef 'a refusal to testify against him, but there are many others, who, without regard to their legal res pos sibility, would certainly be loath to Invite furUer publicity even though assured by Ue astute Mr. Ruef that be la actuated by Ue beet of motives. his sterling conscience having whipped him la to abaoluta contri tion. A contrite heart la proximity to such a fund of imformatoa as Mr. Ruet'e memory contains eaa have little coaaolatloa for certain et Mr. Ruef 'a erstwhile and highly eeteemed fellow eltlseas. Doa't forget to aubecrtbe. ' A Plaea far Reform. There la urgent seed et real re form la the methods pursued bv our county board for Ue conduct of Ita bualneaa. The five commissioner constitute Ue board of managers for the corporate affaire of the county. They are handling upwards of half a million dollar a year, of the tax payers' money for current expenses. ad completing a court house tor which the county baa been bonded for $1,100,000. They are. doing bualneaa. tor a county embracing property aggregating la value more thaa 1200,000.000. We recall all et tbla merely aa a suggestion Uat the work ef the county commlasionera Is not boy's play, but real, serious business that should be transacted oa a business basia. No good reason exlsta why the county board ebould aot hold Its meetings aa other public bod lee do, with a measure ef dlgalty. with ob servance of parliamentary rules, and with aome aystem aad order. . We know that Ue hapkasard, go-ae-you- please, personal -encounter method of traaaactlng Ue county business hat been prevailing right along, and that the blame la not W be charged ape- dally to the present board; but It la time te call a halt and tura over a new leaf, before the people become completely disgusted. ' ' The leporter. Comparatively tew pereoas. Imagine, who read Ue Urtlling story la their dally paper ot the devas tating flooda In the south atop to Ulnk how, through what channels of humaa effort, this news is brought to Uem. They shudder In sympathy at the appalling disaster that sweeps away Ue homes ot 10,000 people, de stroys millions ot dollars worth ot property aad many Uvea, but It la ex tremely . .doubtful If Ue average reader glvea a thought te the maa who at hi owa peril ban gone out to "cover" this "asslgament." Bat he is only a reporter. That la hia bustaeaa. He gets paid for that Yea, munificently; gets paid for daring death, for risking hia Ufa out there la that surging mas et foams that Is driving death and deso lation before It But Ue reporter la aot thinking ot hie pay when mica aa assignment comes te him. aad he aot thinking of Ue danger. An op portunity confronts him, Ue chance of hia Ufa tor a big atory. Such lonpartiaajiship a WUl-e'-tht-Wiip, Doa't delude yourself with the ho- tlon that politics can be excluded from government Just by changing namee. . Politico baa always had more or lesa play la our municipal government, aa well a la out state and national governments, and there ill be politic la our commission plan ef government, ao matter who ara elected commissioners. Tba reason for this is that politic la government, and government politics, and that four la a majority of seven, aad majorities mast shoal' dor responsibility. If a majority of socialists should be elected, responsi bility would be upon Ue socialist to carry out their program, and like wise it the majority la of republicans or ot democrat, efficiency. Integ rity, economy aad fair dealing are attainable through Ue election good men. Non partisanship 1 a will o'-tbe-wiap. QookWBaclmard 1 rcoMPuavo rWituriui April 8. Thirty Tears Ago , ! A (sir for the puraeee et ralstng fund I kuUd aa addlttoe) to Bt. Joseph' boa- pttaJ oowuaeneeo ss Cr1htoa hH. eeraer Rwveatfc) and Faraam streets, and win continue for two weeks. Laat la ever. Morrte Morrison ba eeea appointed aa Mser for the Beeoed ward te succeed Fred Behm. Maurice Bar dm ef the Musical I'nloa orchestra has received a pair ef valuae! kettledrwme from Franca, costing COB. The Opera Mease raetaaraaC hftherte run by 1. W. Bradley, bae been sold to Thomas Falconer, who haa takea pos session and will ran It right up to the top notch. Julius Traltchke, Twentieth and Leaveo- worth, advertises that ba bee found a Call torn la magpie, whose owner eaa have the sane by proving the property aad paying for thla advertisement. re. H. M. Atkinson ef Banta Fe hi pending a few dare with her slater, Mrs. Cretan. General Mead haa returned from CM- eage accompanied sy hie son, C. H. Meed, end bis daughter, Mies Mam Meed. A call tor a meeting of the Omaha fir department far annual election of officer I turned by Jerome Pentael, secretary. eiasisaaaBBBBB Twenty Tear Ago v . with Billy Sundey playing center field Kansas City beat the Omaha Wester leau ball team 11 to T. The colored beaux and bell of Omaha' turned out ea mass te angle for the award In the free-for-all cake walk con test at Exposltloa perk and sueh cake walking sa waa done by the Omana negro ellta haa seldom bee seen, but alaa and alack, a rank outsider walked off with the prise cake. Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Bowena ef Chkwgo got the blue ribbon. Mr. Owtn Megealb. superintendent of the ooal department of the Union Pacific, and Mrs. Megaath went east They in tended visrtmg New York. Baltimore and Washington. A gasoline stove at A. King's bouse. Ninth and Caattllar, exploded, but did no serious damage. The democratic county convention at Washington hall was 'both apectacular and dramatic and terminated 1a a bolt. led by T. J. Maboner, eotiaty attorney. The big tight waa over the selection of national eoeveatloa dalesatea, and th respective factions wsr ltd by Euclid Martin .and Governor James B. Boyd. Cob Gallagher. Pete Elsasser, 'the (liver tongued orator from the city council;" Nat Brown, M. V. Gannon aad Charles Offutt were among the first arrivals, leading the Boyd hosts. Carroll a Mont gomery and T. J. Maaoney were the lieu- tenanta for Martin. The Boyd crowd overrode the ethers esd Mshoney and Montgomery led the rump convention to Oer mania hall, so two sets ef dtlegata was tn result of the day. It waa Qermaa night for the German- American at the Tonne" Men's Christ taa union and WllHam a. Heller waa the chief orator of the oocaaloa. Tea Teara Ago Fred Hunter, sob ef Mr. and Mr. Rob ert Hunter, law Lethrep street, enter tained twenty of hi young friends ta honor ef hie eighth birthday anniversary. Mies OIHo pamhower and Mr. Wesley Hoeeoe) were Btsrrtod at t p. at by Bav, C. N. Dawson at the ride's home, MM North Nineteenth street The bride was attended by bar lists', Mia Iaa 8 pain he "er, while Mr. Lout 8va-e waa beat men. Mrs. Smith, wife of Dr. Smith, played the wedding march aad Mr. Kelso sang "Oh. Promise Me." The recants of the University of Ne braska mat and formally accepted the plana te make the Omaha Medical col lag a department ef the institution. d soa RJleh spake for the recent asd Dr. W. F. Mtlroy for the Medical college. William H. Redmoad. the great Irish Patriot, spoke te a large assemblage at Boyd's theater. Many out-ef-towa men came te the masting. Judge J. J. Bulllvaa aad Edgar Howard beaded a large dele gation from Core tn bus, Joseph P. Fran Bar and Miss Joel Hart man, daughter ot Mr. C A. Rutherford, were married at St. Peter's Catholic church by Father Abeara. After a wed ding breakfast they left tor a tour in eld Mexloo. Among the attendants at tha ceremony were Mr. aad Mrs. Peter Fren Ber, Mr. and Mr. John Franaer. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Rutherford of HL Fatal end Miss Ella Rutherford. C. W. Robertson was best maa aad Miaa Law Frenaer brktesmald. It la difficult for us more fortu nately situated to appreciate the full magnitude of misfortune) which has befallen Ue flood-etricfcen districts to the south. Cairo, HI., reports aay, Is totally surrounded by water, making It abeolutety aa mland eity. and aome 10,000 people are homeleea. This means a call for help Uat aiuat not go unanswered. No such call err doea la tbla country. The place where the nonpartlsaa- ship for which the democratic World- Herald yearna ooiee out ot the city primary In the Judges and clerks of election appointed by Ue present democratic city councilman, who have emphasised their aonpartlaaashlp by seeing te It that la many precincts none but dependable democrats are oa guard. Our Water board statesman, who la buying Ue water work's for us for $1.3(3,000, I trying to buy the coun try newspaper throughout Nebraska for himself at $1 apiece. It's differ ent when yoa are paying out your own money. gtwt ev Stata Wertler. lneaanapous News. When Reoaerott wanted office he was the saoat eereile ef party maa. Wbaa there la aothtac saere for Mm wttata the Party's gift be see la the party, when ma ny anetner. a awnstar that destroyed. Be paint ul t him at eeortty that watts hiss, ee n iniii h the Hmettght HI talk about principle a ue aver eat twaddle, for be aever yet haa stood by a srlscipie at ta oast of vote. What be wants Is power. Tou and 1." he wrote te Harrhnsa. "are areoueai caea." He waa n Practical thaa aow. He knows precisely what ba Is about, Aa for the republican Party, way a Is stl People Talked About J ernes Bryce, the British embassador, will leave Washington lata this month a trrp te Naw gealand and Aus tralasia. He Is writing a new book on democracy, aad desires to study at first band the advanced social legislation of these Br!tlh dominions. Another father ot the department store Idea of sualasas, Henry Leveea, la dead la Brooklyn. N. Y, aged It. Hs earns te that country front Germany with Carl Bcbilrs. When he retired from buat- av la UW, be bad a string of ektht store la as many New Bnglaarf cities. Borne surprise is affected by tha VTata east because the sow eenaler from New Mextoe and Ariaoaa acted: like net sera te the toga when cwora in. and did net shoot a few hole through the roof of the senate chamber. A sur gical operetta may yet be aseeasary to remove the "Alkali Ike'' from provincial kails. Luna park, the tame us amusement re sort ef Coney Island, projected and de veloped by Fred Thompson and the hate "Skip" Dundy ef Omaha haa gone te the trail financially and has been turned ever ta Tbempaoa'e creditor, lire and hubiuty te obtain Insurance are the cause of the failure. Warren 5- Stone, grand chief of the Brotherhood ot Locomotive Engineer, who to threatening to tie up railroad traffic aB ever the east, is generally a mlM-sttresered end pleasant-spoken maa. Because he ss and because be rarely "let himself out.- the railroad people pay the extreme respect of calling aim a danger. Jamee C Waits, a California f who wagered in tM that he would aot shave until William Jeoejna awyaet wa elected president, broke ble long contract recently. His whiskers were several feet hang and he wore them ea a spool te avoid stepping aa them. He made the wager ta 81 Louis while at work la a eepaiussait star a ribbee) clerk. BOUQUETS. . Howell Journal (dees.): Victor Rase- water la now at tha head of the repuh Bcaa national committee. Good for Roee water! Stand up for Nebraska! Falrbory Kewa: Victor Roeewater tt ebairmaa of the national republican com mittee ead Will Harvard at eetietair Nebraska baa several other good men who could All the office et treasure! and executive committee. Sioux City Journal: With Victor Rose wetar of Nebraska, ta charts of tba re publican national committee, and Char sty Burke ef South Dakota, In charge of the repulbteea torigi easls net eommittee, inleV weot repubheaas cannot complala f lack of reeesjnltlea ta the his council et the party, O'Neill Frontier: Victor Roeswater. editor ef The Omaha Bee, bae filled the position of republican national ouuiiultteO' maa the hut four years sod baa takea a very prominent part ta the eeundle ef the party and hia experience puts Mm ta position for more aetxve work during the coming four year and the Frontier believes be should be elected te his pres ent position. Rasbvui Recorder: Victor Roeewater. owing te the death ef Job Fremont Htn, former governor ef Main, becomes ebair maa ot tha national republican commit' tee. Hia sueceaaloa Is due to the fol lowing of precedent and place Mr. Root- water to the front ta national committee affairs, Mr. Roeewater is one ef the moat active and Indefatigable members ot th republican party In Nebraska aed la certainly doing all ta ble power to keep Nebraska ea the map. Kearney Hub; Nebraska republicans have reason for gratlficatloa at the aue cuslon of Victor Roaswater to th chair man ship of the naUonal committee, fol- lowiag the decease of tha late Chairman John F. HilL By reason of thla circum stance Mr. Rosewaler and Nebraska are both given additional prominence end prestige, aad there should pot be any question as to hia selection to succeed himself at the statewld primary to be held tn April. Edgar Bun: Republican votera trill re member that Victor Roeewater, the pres ent national committeeman, will be an the primary ballots April 11 to be voted for for renomi nation for national com- tnltteemaa tor the ensuing year. Mr. Roeswater has accomplished good for re publican Interests In all th state as well aa Nebraska, and It wlU be Very dtt Ocult to place a man oa that committee that will take a deeper Interest or a more efficient worker for Nebraska than Mr. Roeewater. McCook Republican: The candidacy ef Victor Roeewater for national ooaunlttaa- maa from Nebraska should receive the support ef every republican la the state. His work tor the party ta the peat In that position bss been such that It baa brought much preatlg aad honor to the state la aattonal affair, aa well aa credit te himself. In IK at a member ef the national committee he had charge ef the publicity department 1a the westtra di vision, and hi work haa been eenunendel by th ehairma ef el) the weatara stata ae well ea leaders all ever the country. Fokrok Bapadu (translated): In tba eoiuma ef "American newe" we ere an nouncing the deatb ef J. F. Hill, the chairman ef th republtcaa national com mittee and selection of Mr. Victor Roee water ta Ma plo ss the acting chair man ef that body. Thla ssltollon place Mr. Roawatr at the head ef our na Uonal political Ufa and gives a distinc tion aot only te our state, but alae ti oar Bone mean nationality, considering the parentage ef Mr. Roeewater and h'r sympathies for the cause of our nation ality everywhere, whenever a worthy cause is at issue. Bheiton Clipper: A petition ha bean pled with the aeoretary ot state piecing .The aame of Victor Roeewater. editor et The Omaha Bee, ea the primary ballet (or national committeeman. Tba peti tion make a bulky package oontalnlng names, nearly double the required amount, end Inelade prominent publican from nearly every county tn the state. Mr. Roeewater bae been hi pubtle life tor a. great many year and th number of at (natures contained ta the petition go to enow that hie endorse ment by Nebraska republicans baa been met with hearty approval. ' Waterloo Oasette. Victor Rosewatar et The Omaha Bee he filed for aatlonal committeeman. For this position and aa a republican, w do aot hesitate to aav that tbara It probably no one betttr quali fied la the Mat, both by educatioa and experience, than Mr. Roeewater for that position. Hs has been national commit teeman for three years peat and haa been accorded dletlnctloa) by his fellow mem bers ef the commutes, end now bss been selected chairman ef that eommittee to fill the vacancy caused by the death ef Chalrmaa Hill of Maine. Mr. Rose water's petition for oommtttennaa waa signed by over g.W prominent republican In the Mate, which Is la Itself a strong recom mendation for the position. Western Laborer: Victor Rosewatar, owing to th death or Chairman Hill, f now chalrmaa of the republican national committee, and he will occupy this poat- tloa till after tha national convention make Ita nomination for president and vis president. This will be of more or leas advantage to Mr. Roeewater In hie campaign before the people ef the state for national committeeman from Na break. The Bse is the great republican newspaper ef the middle west and the least tha republicans night do would be to re-elect Victor Roaswater to that pe at tlon. W want t see Mr. Rowttratar national committeemen. We like to eo men like O. M. Hitchcock aad Victor R use water gat big. tmportaat, respenel Me positions because their ealUng makse them broad aad hberal. and they aader stand th sympathies and sea tl meats ef the people to a much greater extant thaa maa ta ether professions. Th very na ture of the newspaper busts make tt members llatea t the heartbeats ef tb people. From the standpoint et organ kssd labor Victor Roeewater has a record that Is Al net He ha (dees aad theogrhu away ahead of the labor movement and along conatstent aad sound Bnas. For several months Mr. Rosewatar bae bee a member of an Industrial commiaaioa created bw th last legislature to inquire into aad frame ea employer' habUlty haw. Whatever success this eommlsstoa will bave will ba ef direct Interest to all worktog people who are engaged ta baa asdeue empioymeat. He gives a time and thought to thia work without pay, and we want to see this eommtasloei whip out a taw that wtll ba fair and just r employers and worklngmen ta Nebraska. And while Mr. Rosewatar la asTed I suck week we dwa't pr spues te edvtst that be be turned dewa for some one who ba a grievance. ' POLITICAI SRAPSE0TS. Cleveland plain Dealer: The rough rider may be abls aow to sympathise with tb Freacbeaaa whose parachute cloak dM not open when be leaped. Chicago New: Despite the bathroom and other revelations. Senator Lertmer Is sun talking about bta love tor govern ment of the people, by the people and for the people. Senator Lorimer'a nerve Is nothing short of sublime. Bt, Paul Dispatch: Colonel Bryaa says oovernor Harmon Is the candidate efi Wall street, Maybe those Baltimore hotel keeper are ta a conspiracy to nominate tb goveraar by sdoptlng a scale of prices that only magaatas aad their friends can pay. Bt. Lsuis CHo be-Democrat: Whea Mr. Bryaa tweaks against Governor Harmon ta Okie aezt Friday Harmon will deliver aa address la Nebraska, the only reply be eeaeaneee that be will make to Bry an' attacks. How much the mice will ptey while the eats are sway must be ieft to guessing. The orator engaged In tbla eroaa-firing eaa ring sacb other up by amg distance whs If they desire to interrupt. wid yer? Go on In: be rant gtve yar ear - more, caa be?-Sue ton Transcript. "A number ef wemea have been found regularly engaged ia tha holdup busl- 5 UK AT GIXS. "I'm glad you're getting the better of your laryngitis, old chap. Is It true that the doctor had te operate ea you?" "He thought he bad to, anyway, blame html He cut out my ctgaroots!" Feeling the craving coming on again, he reached for another tlab of chewing gum. Chicago Tribune. "I understand hia wife came Into con siderable property a few months sgo." She did." "What a lucky dog he Is." "Lucky, ehf He' been humping him Hit every day since to try to raise the money to pay the taxea." Detroit Free Pre, First Newsboy (urging bis chum on) Don't be a quitter! Go on an' lick him. Beeond Newsboy I won't neither. I've got two black eye now an' that's enough. First Newsboy Well, what da matter "Good gracious! Who are they?" "Baby nurses." Baltimore American. "tt seems to be a case ef stomach com plaint." That's what tt Is, doc My stomach complains all the time, 'cept whea I'm teedia' it with whisky." Chicago Tribune. "Well here's another sisna coming along; whea lots of political lies UI be sailed." "Yea, and lota ef thumbs will be mas bed In the process, too."-alauc Standard and Tunes. , A LDO 07 THE LAW. When a widow came to ask ble Sid, Since rents were overdue. Tbe laaryer saw he'd not be paid For the work he'd have te do, So he aaved her away with a sweep ef the band . For this limb et h taw wss a busy man. A cripple came with a tearful pica; He had lost his legs In a smash. When a corporation had failed te as Improvements meant aught but caah Tha company paid tbe lawyer a sum. And the crTpple paid him another one. A resident rich with e shady plan ' To eestroy his neighbor a trade The lawyer sought, and tha honest maa. Refused to aid In the raid Until a fatted checK end radically raw-, Waa laid oa tbe desk ef the amb ef tbe law. Another attorney had plodded aleeg A on ot the many obscure: Ue had earnestly (ought ail corporate wrong In a manner that ought te eedare: He asauted th poor, th tame ead th halt And he barely waa earning hia salt. - These two Bought a Judgeship one sad day. But tne poorer ran in vain. For the richer woa ta a walkawey. Decrying the ot tier's "Ul gam" And tha people elected hktu whenever he ran. For thla Umb ot tba law was aa upright ANTHONY. M. EASTERLANO. " Omaha. m- r Oa Reaee vatlesu Brook lye Eagle. The eoloaei la ta favor et giving the people everything they wast axaept a rest. o PUE2 Abooiutoty Puro Economizes Butler, Flour, Eags; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream ot Tartar On Deck Crossetts in snappy styles. Your ' choice of buttons or laces. And there's a swing to the lines a touch to the stitching a dash to the perforations giving unrrus-. takable style distinction, 'them over. Look Crossett Shoe 'MAKES LIFE'S WALK EASY' vases asaaat Lewis A.Crottett. In. Maker - aWta-AWtM,. . jl4 1 16 everywhere 10m Sole Omaha Agents Crossett Shoes GUARANTEE FUND LIFE ASSOCIATION ' ORGA5HFD JAM' ART 2, 1902. PVRK PROTECTION INSURANCE. AxseU. January 1. ma Reserve J-uad, Jaauary 1, 1912 ; 37CM3VS Becwrittea with State Department, Jaatsary 1, 1,12 g73,3O.O0 (To Secure Our Insurance Contracts.) Kate Per ttoacaad, age 33 (ether aee ta proportioa), aj.75. IfoHalit cost, per 91.900 insstrance, mean amount, year 1911. $3.10. OepositOfT Banks appotwted lift, heeaeorlty for payment of future loasew in- pretmrtle to total 'lesewa sustained alnce organisation, ia in the ratio of 4.i0 to ILsA Licensed In fifteen states and preparing to enter other " ' LOOK VP OCR RECORD. , homz orncz, beandeis building, omaha,neb. Telegas Deagtae T021. . .