During Off the Old Rain Checks ;:" ." ' " I Th CbHwe. V Ifer") ) . : COWS En SATES TEE D11 Banfert' Sigatfielder Snap U Tv t Critical Tiaa. . WICHITA SCOBIS TWO 05 I110M Team m the War end ' Scheduled to Flay SJaalbltloa (Jam Tenar wHJk Uaawla at Aabarm. - JOPUN, We.. April A-Speelel Tele gram. )Plnch hlittra won a do gam for Um ltangan yesterday la the at nth Inning, whea H aeaeared that the Roorko family waa tM by tbe third plaoa dub ot tba Western loagae. Tka acore waa 4 to I. Bert Helhnff, tha lugglr third baa, man, tpawl hoatlllUes la tha ninth for tha Arbogaat crowd. Ha waa InerTectlv and whiffed. Wanner darted th fire work! by blngllng safely baek at short Jaekeoa tendered pasee la Arbofut and , Feelne. Justice popped ana ta aaooad, coring Wannar. Ua waa ahat dead at flrM. however. - . . With Arbogaat and Pentr on third aad second. Nortnaa Coyla afted aa lata aaatar for a neat (Ingle. " Jicksos bad blows up and It aU waa avar. Error an tha part of Justice an res ponalbl for Wlchlta'i laat two runs. Ma throw wild ta first and lot Hatbaa snak It In aafety, from whara ba aoored a taw seconds latar on Mae's bit, and Fmtlgrew . monad blngle. Arbogen want ta Kanaka City laat evening for tha dar. Ho la to na a tittle scouting thara far- Pa and will meet tba alub at Auburn, Nob.. Monday, whara It alain Llneola tba flrat at a aartaa af cam. . Johnny Oondtnt and tha Tannltant war aont to Fort lleott, Kan, today, for a (una with a aoatt-profaaatanal to a. Tha antlra Rourka antewaca aurtad north at I o'clock tontght Tha aoorat OMAHA. A8. R. Juitloa, aa 4 L'oyl, rf 4 lhomaooa. ef til H. n Karw, lb. ti.RITi, If t XMhoff. Ib .4 f f 4) W anntr, Zb I ill i f ArUo.i. a I f I ftnuw. I 1 I 1 I I : Total J.....M I I I 1 I -tV;aH!TA. PMtlrrow, If. Middioton, ci.- It 1.1 a ivi, rf , .... . a .... 1 a . a train, rt ...... Turner, lb.,... Clair, 1b...... Huctwa, lb... Mm. .. ...... 8irk, ..... VVaoub. o...... - 4 t 4 1 ' ! i t : : 4 i i Jllr.h.y, p. t 1 Total ,ltMU 1 Omaha ........... 414-l V.lchlia 114 4 4 4 1 1-4 Tvo-baM' hltr Hour. Hit br pitcher; Turner, fcaikuff, left aa baa: Oraana, 1; U libit. 7. 6ra oa arior: Oman, 1; Wtel.il, A Struck out: Ur rnlrM, 4; by Hlrliv, 1 In lour Inrrina; br Jck on, 4 In five Innini. Him: Off Pa tr. 4; off Hlrahey, I In (our Innlna. o" Jackaun, I tn tivt Inalna. bM on ball: Utf Fntm. li oil lllrwrr, I la four Inntnn; ol( Jackaoa. I la fiv U alnira. Tim of (true. IJ4. umyln; Vick Klaano. SBKIL1ES Lin ANOTHKB OAatl ocaad Team of Kaanaa City Aaaaei- attoa la Trtmmaa. - DEXVKR, April A-Tna Kaaaaa City aaaodatlon player (aaooad team) loet th aooond ro t OonTor Weatem ttatwt team hero tht bftamoon. 1 to A Error taatdla.sat th vlaltara th IUM Scot: - . . R.H.B. Kanaa City 1 14 I Ornver 4 Bauariw: Gall!, Powell and MartUi uauy. rierwr ana nana. . Omaiii'High Track Squad Has a Busy Season Mapped Out . Track athlete af tba Omaha Hurb acbool wlU Jaka part la a total at tlva earnpetUi,VneU (hi r.-urUiui with th bit M yjlr: ow tndoor nt which WU1 b held at th Auditorium Saturday evening. April 17, and ending ud with a utac-tournaaaat which will be atafed at ttnooln May nV-Tb annual Met to dadd Iba dnunpteaahtp of tha echoot will V bald at CrdchMa field Saturday afternoon. May A Following to a cemplet achedul at tba trac neat m whir tho oaheet wlU take part thia acaaoa: April XI atiieoorl valley opoa ladoor BMot at Auditorium. . " May 4 In tardea rjMai. at Crelgbtoa Oeld. . . May ll-afunoarl oallay mtaraoholaatla eoeet at Kanaa Mty, - May tt-Trtaaarular moat between Omaha Htrb, Sosrh Omaha Rlgh and Coum. Blutfa High at Cratawtoa field. Mar av-8tate latarachotaatie meat Lincoln. ,'. '. JOHNSON-FLYNN FIGHT - STAGED AT LAS VEGAS CHICAGO. April T.-Jack champion pugilist, aald tonight that tba Jobsaoo-Flynn fight would ba I La Vegaa, K. M , July A Johaaea anaanriramaat wa aftar a eonfaranc with Jack Car lay. pro moter of tha match, Cnrlay, aald b had not daclAcd opoa tha alt. AJthougb Oority haa until May 1 1 tho data and plaea for th fight, John aoa "aaid Curtcy would maka tha aftknal asounccmaat before that lima, LUIUS BEATB8BY TRIUMPHS m JA sZ&( J Tkrilli til Viciou Swtttitf Xtrk OptalAf Oftae. 8T0iz sauAs nowi up hill AiiaaliaiM llaurka O a alms, tba Brawaav Maarnntaa TaaaCaa; ftrat BalU aad ChMMa Bad yaa. In a tamo npteta with nlanty af thrtOa aad vlotoua awattlnc tha Rat Triumph maorviraud tha JU baaa ball aaaaan at llaurka nark by awtlng tha Unua by narrow ntrfK af I ta i. It waa grand uphill batUa that tba tori tadulfat la, aad thotr formar rival gava than a mtnr ahaaa a to tba laat frama, whan, with Doufharty aad Or. kui aa' tba aaoka and both nun aaadad for a vlatary. Doc" Waleb atrad forth and arorad a bare with a Kmc dauata la eaatar, for whleh Milady mada a fatlla affart ta atlso. Cawaiad with (ha faot that It waa India' day. avar M aut brand tba eh Uly ataiaahara, and la tba third rnnlny tba Lua root or aenaatad wiu y wba "Bnatar" Probat waa ehaaad from tha mound aftar four ram and aln blta bad raaaltad from hi affar rnf. But thay warn naoo allaneod whaa Dnrkaa raHaTad Prabat. tor tba third ackar atoepad ibam thaa and thara. Wblla ba allawad aujnt hit duflnf bla rKa aa tba alab. h prorad alrtlrbt w ptnchaa and la tha faaa af a but land ama throofll with eahara flybif. Cuanliiaham far tha Uuua twtnad m mlaaaaaoa form, fanalaf tan and paaalnc but two, ant had two dlaaatroua round tbat apallod dafakt for tho frail twtfiar. Tha Triumph warn altyhtly waakaaal br tba abaaaaa af baolaa, wbiab mom attatad th aw af a battary la tba oV flakt loorai ' BTORi . Aa R. H. 0. A. K. Oouibarty. Ha ... I 1 f :,rr.f. I t b::."- I I ! ! ! Ciair. ..... f 2 1 2 i I liacbtan. cl 4 t ProMt. a.m.,.... 4 i Totali ......,.,.? I 'aL (trait h riaoetaa, ia....M I ixnny, u Milady, oi... I raoy, J, rt! -.'...'"." 1 VI anoua. r Ht, Jb.. uaa, o t 1 .unntniaam, p Mm m i 14 M 4 I Hvae batted for Iwany In th ninth. Twa aut wba Winning run anr4. Two bin bit: Cunningham. Dough rty, Clair, Welch. Thrwcba hit: tmith. Hirack Out; By Cunauianam, 14; by Probe t, i; ay uuraee, . ball: off liurkaa, li off Cuuimmiuuii, I. Stolan beiel. Oraham fl. Milady. Traor. MMIkua. aaorltlo flli Varwu (1), Hit: Off Probat. 4 la vea Inning: aft burke, la vn Innilut. Pa" balla: Clair W. umpire: nay b Three Volunteers to Coach Track Lads Three laeal athlotl antbudaat barf rolunteered to ooaeh tba Omaha Hlh acbool track aquad thla ataaon dfnley Roeewater, premtnont la traak and field event at th Uniroralty Of MtcMCaa ta Vtm and 1M; Joy Clark, formerly aotlv basket ball and track apart at th Unl vanity ot ChloaAA aad Jama Bic ardaoa. tba' young art member ot th Board ot fcdnwatlaa. Roa water will n truct th Uda In tho nprlnU, CUrft will ahow them th finer point of th Pol vault and raanlns high tump am) PJchr ardnoa wfU ooaeh In tha other field avaata, V ' aathuabutl meetin; af th AW quad waa nM m th high oboot damm. ply roam yaitarday. - whoa a total of tnlrty-Mn laA filled aut apaUcaUoa blank for mekara. Through th cawrtaty tt rather Devlin ot th athlatw dopartmont at Crlhtan th aquad will ba allawad to train en tha nlverrlty tuud at Twaaty-fltth and Call' forma heriatur. M'KAY TO COACH BASE BALL TEAM AT THE H. S. Joba O. McKay; formar t'alvoratty ot Fanaaylvania grtalraa and fllimnnd (tar, will aoach tho Omaha High aanool baa ball hopeful that aaaana. bia am being voluntary. Athhrtla IMraator C AV Read received 6 finite amuiania af thla fact tram McKay thai meralng . - Tha baa ball aquad wtO bald regular attaraooa workout thla woak at Creigtitoa field aad Coach McKay expect t turn out a feet hunch ot yoonawtara by May L About thlrty-Bv lada ar now In cluded aa tha roatar of oaadldatea. Be vera! practice game will a phtyad by th parpw and whlu taam thla week. on with th Deaf Inatltat are and tho othar with ana at tha bMai paper earrtera alnta, A aohodula ot regular eantaau wHb aaarby hlb acbool team will ba arranged to begin about lb hut af thla month. A captain and manager wsffi a elected at a meeting to ba bald at th whool to- rrtahtfml Pmlaa ta tbe stomach, torpid liver, bun back and weak kidneys era soon relieved by Ktectria Bitter. Ooavecteed. 44a, For aut by Beatea Drag Ca, ATHLETICS KEEP CHAMPIONS Hack, Kewertr, Gt lorn Promii- iAf ntchinf Talent SOX TO EAYZ HEW KAIAQES Brovraa WHI Oppaao Cblcaur la tba Opoalaa am Napo and Tiger WIU Play Opoalaa Soma at Clovolaad. PHILADELPHIA, April A Th Phil- delphla Aamrtcaa bnuroa team, tha world'g champion, will (tart aa laaioa of MS without a onaag. outald ot th battertaa. I tba pitimlnc Una Manager Meek baa aaeurad some promlatng talent la Brawn, Houck and lalmoa, whll Catcher Kgaa af th Intaraatlonal kwu taam of Baltimore will aaatat Lapp and Thomaa la lb anion tng departinertt. Th batting order of tba taam will bo; Lord, loft field; Old ring, center field; Col Una, aooand bane; Baker, third ba: Murphy, rtgnl Qld; Atolnnl, tint baa; Barry, abortatopi - Th regular pttohltu gteff wul ba tha bum a la Ml. aamaly. Bender, Coomba, Plank, Morgan, Krauee and Danforth. Tha local WeUoaal laagu taam baa Ignad a number at pttchara, but tba real af th taam rental na th earn aa hi 1HL Th batting ardor probably will be: Kaaba, aaooad baaa; Tltu. right fields Lebert. third baaa; Cravath, left field; Lutfaru tint baaa; Peak en. left '.laid; Dwlaa, ahortatop; Doola. Kllllfar and On ham, catcher, and Moore, Chai mra, Alexander, Braanan, Hunt, Maa tara. Beaten. Kuta and Curtl aa th pltohlnd ataff. Cravath Will take Mag' pi as ta toft Re 14 taroperarllr. wlnf f th Injury to tha taa left fielder. " ea Mnrh Improved. CHIC A 00, April A-Undar tha kadar hip at a new manager and with three recruit la th lineup, tba 011 Chicago dub at th American laagu appear ta ba a much -Improved taam. Maw mom- of th ahib are: Mattlck, right fielder; Weaver, ahortatop, and Rath, aoooad bam man. ... ... BL Loala will oppose Chicago la th epenRtg gam br Thunder. Manager Callahan baa annauaoad tbat Waleh probably will pitch and that Sullivan would bo behind tha bat Mayor Her ri eoa ba bow aeked to pitch th flnt kail. -.. Th probabl battlnn order will be: Rath, aoeond baa; Lard, third ba; Callahan, lefifleM; Bodla. aenterfleld; Mattlok. rlghiflald; Zelder, flrat baa; Waver, ihortetop; tulllvan, catcher, and Walah, pitcher. , Loo Tannahlll will b ntalnad aa util ity mflelder and Matty Mclatyn aa aid Ity outflaldar. Mclntyr reportad on rr but week and thanfor la not la condi tion ta play m tha opening game. Brown la ' Ibap. ST. LOUIS, April A-Preoamd to In vade Chicago oa Thureday tha 8L Lout A merle n hmgua taam I rapidly getting mto ahap. In tba murieagne aartaa with tha Na tional tha Americana ah owed groat Im provement avar hut year. Outaida of the pltcbara th team la Co raider ed extra trong. Tba addition at Oaars StavalL formerly af Cleelna, who I playing flrat baaa. baa aunfthnd tba team. HI laaldo kaowladga of baaa bail aad hi food work with Cleveland I expected to aid Manager Wallace eonaktenbly. Tha probable lineup lor tba tint gam faltowg: - Kb otto a. eonlarfleld; Autla third beaes Itovall, flrat baaa; Laporta, aaooad he.; Hogaa, leftflald: Pratt rlghtfleld; Halllnaa, ahortatop; BUphaa. eatohori Mitchell, pitcher. Llaea ot Mape. CLKTELAND. O, April L-C level and and Detroit will apea th Wi America league eeaeea bar next Thursday. Cleveland'e probable Hneup win ba: Butcher, left field; Olaoa, ahortatop; Jack aoa, otnter field; Lajoia. aecond base; Ryan, right Held; Horahoret. flrat bam; Turner, third baaa; Livingston, catcher; Qrecc pitcher. Out ot the hang aquae ef playere wn tried for regular iocs with tha Cleveland taam thla year, H appean now tbat Manager Harry Davit nu se lect tba following: Catcher, Livingston. Easterly, o Nell and Adam; pttchara, Oregg, George, Mitchell. Kator, Krapp, Blending, Btern. Baakette and Jnmaa; biflcMcra, Horahoret. Lajote. Olson, Tur ner, Bi ankle aad Pookinpaugb; out fieklat, Jackaan, Birmingham. Ryan, Oraaey and Butcher. Ttsere Maeh ChaaawdU DETROIT, April A-The Detroit ti which moot Cleveland In the opening same aa Thursday, will present a Uaeup oocnadoraMy changed from tha of last season. Owmg to differences with the jnjpnittitw through th pore and elands of the glda. A Try common ari najaagemant. Shortstp, Bush baa not d(mc, of bad blood is sores and uloera. which breakout on th flesh, often jf!" win not b, 1 . trj Insignificant bruise, or even scratch or abrasion. If tha blood 5 TTIZL LT!Z2Z?a' was heeltay tha place would heal t once; but being inloctcd with impuritisa m oa aa aocceeoea ar virx, wae come vi-v, ji,v.,j UhHne .nit inrUmmntlnn nraatit the Paetflo const. Louden wti succeed Merlarty at third, the Utter gi lag to left field, according to preaei plans, when tha opposing team pttehee sett bandar. Gal nor, wbe waa out of t game moat ot last aeaeoa with a brok will b back at flrat. fully overad. About halt a doeen new pitch have been added. PTmlt ta am eke, cents. All dealern Copyright. National Kws AaTa - i . FINE GRODHM NEW YORK BAtionAli Will KAke Firtt Tail Set- tot'i Ute of AmphitheAter. K1W STA5D 15 dHClMATI gevevnl Improvemeata WIU Greet Pwaa Waea They W Usees Opoa laa; Contest Cardinals Haadl capped by Weather, NEW TORK. April A-The local open-1 Ing of big league base ball on Thursday will be a two game affair with the Na tional lined up against their bear at horn rival In Brooklyn and th Ameri cana against tha Boston Amarlcan. So far aa lineup go all three local club will tart with about tha nam plaren with which they ended last season, al though In Brooklyn there will ba at least one chang la th outfield, and Catcher Street la new ta tha local American. Before tha season 1 over the Brooklyn club expecta to move Into It new atl and eonenle etadlum and the New York National win maka their flnt full season' na at the great amphitheater which waa flalabed lata last year. Ground baa already been broken for a new bom for th local Americana which probably will not be ready, howvr, until next year. Harry Wolvorton, th new local Amarl- can manager, eattafled to retain aU at tha old player, at least tor tha (tart. Tha lineup for the opening gam with Boston will probably be; Wolter, right field Daalela, cantor Held; Chan flnt baaa; Crea, left Bold: Hansel, ahortatop; Dolaa, third baaa; Gardner, aaeond baaa; Street, catcher, and Vaughn or Ford In the boa. Tho Naw York-Brooklyn opening will probably ba: ' Naw Tork-Devore, left field; Doyle, aaeond baaa; Snodgre, can ter field; Murray, right field; Merkle. tint baaa; Henog, third baaa; Fletcher, ahortatop; Mayan, catcher; . Marquardt, er Teereau. pltehsr, Brooklyn-Stark, ' ahortatop; Dauhert, flrat baaa; Wheat, center field; Hummel, id baa; Moraa. right tiid; Smith. third baaa; Northea. left field; Ktwtn. catcher; Buekor ar Barger, pitcher. oatoa Kojavenated. BOSTON, April A Th Boston Na tional with new owner, a new manager and a rejuvenated taam wil open th big Isegu ecason ben on Thursday with th Philadelphia dun. Job ht. Ward, one time n prominent big league plyr. and John JB. Oatfnay. a New Tork con tract ar. are the owner with "Johnny- Kling. the old Chicago backstop, a th new manager. Campbell, acquired from Pittsburgh, will be In tho center field. Hauler, a recruit from th American association. replace Tenney at flrat base. Th team probably will lineup Thursday aa follow: Sweeney, aooond base, Camp bell, center field; Miller, rig tit field Jackson, left (laid; H outer, tint baaa Ingerten, ahorutop, McDonald, third baaa; Kilng, catcher; Tyler, pitcher, Sergeant Walsh . Claims Record SAN FRANCISCO, April t -Sergeant Clement Walah, aged at year, today elaltna tba record for th walking round trip from Ban Francisco to New Tork, baring arrived at th Prealdl let yes terday. Tba previous record, bald by Ed ward Fmyaoa Weston, waa eighteen day longer. Walah covered T.4M mile and averaged forty mile a day. He wore out eight pain of ahoea aad bia feet wen bleeding whoa ba arrived. Tho walk waa taken to win a wager of fl,MA H waa hdd up twice by tramp and ba was once robbed of I1A Stimulate your Hew by advert at n In The Bee che newspaper that reach all ef the buyer. " Bad blood is responsible for moat of trar ailments, and when from any nana It becomea tniaotad with Impurities, human or poisons, tremble in (om farm ie arm ta follow- Muddv. (allow comolexiocs. eruDtions. Dimple, etc.. gJirrw that th blood is infected with - .trenm ta a vp, th fibres and tissues art) broke a, and tho sor continues until th blood is porinad af th emus. B. S. B. is Nature's blood-purifier and tonic, made entirely from roots, herbs and barks. It goes down into th circula tion and removes every particle of impurity, humor or poison, restores lost vitality, aad steadily tone up th entire system. 8. S. 8. neutxalixea any axcrea of acid in th blood, making it pore, fresh and healthy, and penna entry cures Edema, Acne. Tetter, Salt Rheum, Boils, and all othar skUt axuptlon or rl Units. Book on th blood and any medical advice tree. 1912. Drawn MINERS RETURNING TO PITS General Activity TtctaUs in British Coil Diitriett. SCOTCH fflSEBB ARE STILL OUT Men la Plfeeblro Refneo to Beaamo Work Until Fanes la I'atea. Treasury Are Exhausted Troabte U Possible. LONDON, April I General activity prevail la all the coal mining alatrlcta ot Great Britain today. In Scotland and North Walee then waa a large increase In th number of miner who descended th ahafu while In the English and Walsh eoal field, where th Easter hol iday la being observed, small ganga o( man went down the pita in order to clear tha roadway and to prepar for a general resumption of work tomorrow. Th full contingent of men la want ing la North Walee and aa tha debrt In moat ot the mine In that dlitrlet was cleared away laat week, thou ml of ton of coal wen raised thla morning. In Flintahlre 4,004 mlnar have Marted work again and la the Derbyebira pita th men are preparing for coal-getting tomorvow. In Flfeahira, Scotland, tha men have decided not to return until the fundi In th treasury of the union, which amount to (1M.4M have baaa exhausted, and the author! Ue fear trouble between the trtkna and tha non-unionist who nave returned to work. A large force of police kaa been drafted tnt the. county. la southern Wale th prospect are not bright aa the engtnaman, flraman, and other aurfaca men have pledged tbemealvae not to return to work until their demand also bar beta conceded. The flrat eoal. mined will b supplied to the nil road and. nulla so that three wk at least will pas before the houaer hoidara ' In tha due will ba able to buy full aupplla at tha usual price. It la aatimaud that aa even longer period will claps befor normal 'condition tn fonlgn trade wnl ensue. NEWS OF DOG RACE SHUT OFF BY CABLE BREAK WATTLE, Wash., April A-WIth the dog teams participating In the tn-mile all-Alaska sweepstake, approaching tha goal at Nome, new of the progres ot the race waa ' hut off today by th failura of the military cabl connecting Seattle and Alaska. Th last report received from the north told of Alexander Holmaen. driving John Johnson's Siberia wolt hound. and Scotty Allan, driving Mn. Charts E. Darling Malamutea. leaving Camp Haven. 171 mile from tho goal. Holm tea left Haven at I IS yesterday after noon and Allan followed forty-four min utes later. ' ' The dog should have reached Nome tonight and folio wan of tbe race pre dicted an exdting flnlib. No new of the team driven by Charlea Job neon and O. Blatchford haa been received alnot they arrived at Haven, although they probably started for Noma noon aftar Allan took the tralL CHICAGO AMERICANS FAIL TO GET TO DES MOINES FOR GAME DBS MOINES, la., April A-The game ached uled to be played thla afternoon by the Chicago American league regulars and tho local esters league dub waa called oft because of tbe hue arrival of tha Chicago tram, which waa held up several hour by derailment on the Chi cago A Northwestern railroad. The team will go to Davenport tomorrow and the aecond team, now at 81oox City, will play the local. la Team Want Tha Slxa team would like to book game with any H-year-old team ta or out- ot the dty for games. Call for Dave B. Holland. Douglas MIA PURIFIES BAD BLOOD tuthcaUthy c amort which hare changed annr. acrid fluid, which force out its TEE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO AXLaUfTA, CA. for The Bee by . . who terT tsffifesll) ( The oo ) S-CSt? Rivers to Meet Mandot in May LOS ANQELE3, CaL, April A -Although no article have been signed. It prac tically baa been agreed that the twenty round bout between Joe River of Loa Angelea and Joe Mandot of New Orleans hall be advanced to Memorial Day, with Ad Wotgast to defend hi title) as light weight champion against tha winner on July A In Loa Angelea, Wolgast will leave Wednesday for Cadillac. Mich., to spend a month ou hi farm. Aftar that he will box three hort bout to determine whether he baa recovered fully from bia operation for appcndlcltia. SIOUX CITY LOSES AGAIN TO WHITE SOX SECOND TEAM SIOUX CITY, la., April t-Tha Whlta Sox aeoond team won another game from Sioux city today. Scon: R.H.B. Sioux City 1 11 I Chicago , 14 a 1 uattenes: uuen, ion nay ana uie; Regge. and Carney. Ilia Beat AU Star. Tha Sim team, champion of th Kid league, won their flnt game from th AU Stan by defratlng them by tbe ecor ot 4 to 1. Manor on tn mouna lor in Six tram (truck nut 17 men of the All Stare. Battsriea: Sin. Miner and Mafter; All Stan, Ivy and Tannyhili. jgj 7WARK0QtI1Y Bre'r Badger A CtnlimMd Stmry fa PUtvrt by Paan"-N Ot ' Afl tha worid loves a winner and the goners are those . who tn always trying and do ' their level best. Tbe success of A ha been earned by oar brewing only from . the finest Barley and Malt. It is impot mblm to surpass it for flavor and tonic - properties. Order a case W. C HeyrJen, Mjrr, Omhn, Carl Fartfc, lbirifamr. 71 Soata lth eeB Clip 1 Hal Coffman ADVOS LOSE OPENING GAME TO THE BAUM'S Th Baum Iron company team opened tha base ball season yesterday by de feating tha Advoa by the scon of to A Parish waa on the mound tor the Baum'a and vltched a ateady game, allowing five hits, passing four and atrtking out eight. The features of the gam wen the In field work and hitting of the Bauma, McKee getting a home run. Bowly get ting two throe-baa hit and a single. The Baum Iron company team play th Luxua team at Fort Omaha next Sunday.. Bcora by Inning: R.H.E. Bauma 4 4 4 1 4 4 1 1 4-9 1 Advoa .... .4 444411 1-4 44 Batteries: Bauma, Adam and Parish; Advoa, Cue, Baker and Carmody. Struck out: By Parish, 4; by Baker, 4; by Car mody, A Miller Park Links Opea. Golf ground a will be continued at Miller park thla year, although the Im preaalon ha been spread among the fol lower of the pnrt that th Fontanel! link would displace them. The Board of Park Commlmlonen ha taken no action to do away with the Miller park link and they will be open to playera ' aa usual. Office for Mleaoarl Man. WASHINGTON. April A Nomination ant to the aenate today by President Taft Included Edward M. Balnter of Mis souri, commissioner of education for Porto Rico, and Earle L. Hunter, posU . master at Juneau, Alaska. Bee Want Ads Produce Results, delivered to your borne today. ' Neb. . , - , .. loim utma srewirjf vo, UGrose,Wls. St, rw will matt tka eaftn arnes- f whh svabtinD r. ICetSPKHtC JLSj Itakc rt IcWUe f)Mai2e ( V.