Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    Xiit bLiv OAlAilA, itONDAl. AitfiL. ji. wrj.
han okte HEALTH,
these corsets rank with the
greatest achievements in the
medical vorli
Don't think that this
corset is a surgical device
juft because dodors every
where are "prescribing" it
for women, flout or slender,
who need perfedt hygienic
abdominal support
, Your dressmaker will rec
ommend it quite as flrongly
as your dotior, especially
if you are stout and want to
look slender without danger
or discomfort. It is a per
fect STYLE corset for a
flout figure.
- The improved elastic
Bandlet, made with slender
steel wire springs curves
snugly under the abdomen,
giving firm but easy support
and freedom from that peril
ous bearing down sensation
which every woman dreads.
No hose supporters
attached to the Bandlet
it can t slip out of place,
and the corset can't ride up.
Two models
to. 523 abb
to?522 J)
New No. 523
. .low M
New No.
Very long skirt, which
spreads comfortably when'
you sh down.
' AJc your dealer to thaw you
dx-se perf5 Dew modck.
KOPS BROS, Mfre, New York
. For a Wagon
B-1504; Web. 1504
The Lanndryman
Decided Sentiment for President in
University of Xeligfc.
ExeeatlvCs Ma-llvee Ar. "setter Xm
derate and He U Reeelvlac lap
part Fraai Mr Wka Baa Rat
Befere ee Frialr.
NELIGH. NeK, Aprh '. tSpeeiaLV-
The situation in Antelope county on
president seems to be a little one aided In
and around Neligh where there Menu to
be a decided Taft aentlment-
Probably no man In thla aectlon ha.
a better opportunity to get the public
sentiment than Allen Hopkins, an old
farmer, present president of the Farm
ers' Elevator and Lumber company, who
aald: "I talk a greet deal In favor of
the president for a second term. Those
who may not have felt friendly toward
the president In the past are now be
ginning to understand him better and
to line up In his favor. I have aleo
talked with some of the laboring men
about town and they, at a general thing,
favor Mr. Tart.
B. A. Dewey, a carpenter whom I
happened to engage In conversation, told
me that he was for the president. "I
believe thet he has tried to do the fair
thing." said he. "He has shown himself
to be progressive In the true sense of
the word and that is the ktnd of man
who counts for good."
T. Lamson. who owns a farm near the
city, said: "I have lust returned from
Florida where I apent moat of the win
ter. Since returning home I have found
quite a strong change during my absence
favorable to Mr. Taft. Down In Florida
I was stopping where there were a lot
of people from all over the country,
embracing nearly every state in the
union, and I found that among those
people Tuft had a greater following than
any other of the republican candidates."
J. M. Offll and his son. E. U. were
returning home when I spoke to them
Both expressed a preference for Mr. Taft
"He suits me well enough," said the elder
Mr. Offll.
Ouy A. Stone, who has farmed la Ante
lope county over twenty years, said: "As
far as I am concerned I am for President
Taft for a second term and I do not
think that there Is very much opposition
to blm In this locality. 'At least the
wsy things look now, Mr. Tsft will win
out here for there seems to be quite a
change going on." P. A. B.
Political sitnatloa Fast Clearlag t"a
la Hlfrkeeek.
CfLBBRTSON, Neb., April Spe
cial.) Hitchcock farmers and ranchers
are looking forward to a year of great
prosperity. For many years this was
great cattle country, but now small grain
and sugar beets are successfully har
vested In season. There Is considerable
Irrigation In this country and abundance
of water.
During the months of November and
December last year 190 carloads of sugar
beets were shipped out of Benklcman.
The political alttiallon Is fast shaping
Itself for Prraldent Taft. W. H. Bager,
a prosperous German farmer living seven
miles northeast of Culbertson. said: "I
am for Taft and so are all of my neigh
bors. He has made a good president and
we have had good times, and I can't aee
why anybody In Nebraska should want a
change." Another prosperous farmer
north of Culbertson. Dalass Schlagel, says
he voted for Taft tn 1908 and he la confi
dent he will vote for him for re-election
next fall.
George Bsuer and John Lesshard. two
well-to-do farmers In Blackwood precinct.
expressed themselves ss being strong
Taft admirers and said he has earned a
second term and should have It. William
McNlsh, blacksmith, said: "It certainty
looks like Taft to me and he will get my
"If I had the power to cast all the
votes." said F. W. Herman, a retired
farmer. "Taft would be unanimously
elected." .
George Eisenhard, banker, said: "It Is
surprising the wsy the Taft sentiment
is growing, although for quite a while
there-was some talk of La Follette and
"There la no question." said J. H. Cor
rlck. editor of the only Culbertson paper,
the Banner, "but what Taft will get the
nomination. He Is gaining atreugtu every
day and his nomination will be conceded
long before the convention meets."
A. a
appointed the following deputy
ors: Bancroft township, Charlea neuter;
Cleveland, Con McCarthy: Grant, Henry
Weaterhold; Blaine, John Lueachen:
Wiener. J. G. Fischer; Beemer. Birch
Bowyer; Logan. Frank Kafka; Neligh,
Thomas Peterson. Garfield. . A. An
derson; Sherman. Jacob llendlrickson:
Elkhorn. Theodore Thomas; Bismarck,
George Koopman; Lincoln. J. F. Hronek;
Monterey. Joseph Krelkemier; St.
Charles. William Oliftmueller; Cuming.
H. G. Paradlea: City of Wiener. Thomas
Galbraith; city of West Point. F. J.
Rev. G. H. Ilemkln. pastor of the Evan
gelical Association church at West Polut
for some years, has been assigned by his
conference to the church at Mllford, Neb.
He will be succeeded In his charge at
West Point by Rev. A. Wlchelt, now at
Western, Neb.
The death Is announced of Mrs. Fllsa
Delly. which occurred at the home of
her son-in-law. Hon. O. R. Thompson, on
Friday. Mrs. Delly was nearly 80 years
of age and waa a widow. She la sur
vived by two sons and a daughter.
DILLEH, Neb.. April 7.-Soeclal.)-The
Western High school debating team de
feated the Dlller team here last night
by a two to one decision. The question
waa tiiat of the closed shop,' Dlller sup
porting the affirmative. The Dlller
debaters were Esther Green, Jerden
Sanmann, Carl Forsyth and Earl Snyder,
alternate. The debaters from Western
were Lauren Waldorf. Clarence Schulta.
Frank Leisher and Percy Watenpaugh.
alternate. The Judges were Prof. A. L
Cady, State University: O. L. Herron.
editor of the Nebraska Farmer, and W. H.
Hannan of the Legislative Reference
bureau. Dale Reinhart. president of the
local high school debating club, presided.
Each of the Judges made a abort address
after the debate. The Western team
was accompanied by the coach. Superin
tendent J. D. MrMlllen. After the de
bate the local debating elub tendered the
visitors a banquet at the home of O. Q.
Blauser. Western will now contest with
the winner of the Hastings-Blue Hill
debate for district honors.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., April T. -(Spe
cial.) Alfred Schults, a young msn re
siding with his parents In this city, re
ceived a large, gaping wound In the side
of hia face from the accidental discharge
of a gun while on the Platte river hunt
ing ducks. The gun lay In the bottom
of the boat and waa discharged through
the agency of a dog Jumping Into the
boat. The gun waa not cocked, but It
la supposed the dog's trampling on the
gun caused a concussion. Had the range
veered but half an Inch the discharge
would have taken off the side of the
face and head. John Koehler, who was
with Schultx, Immediately brought the
Injured man to the city and a physician
attended to the wounds. There are no
fears of serious consequences.
Secretary Fiiher Will Interpret it
Applicable to Fending Entries.
rm All Effort B KieHH ta
ladaee- btTtniMfit tt asly
Water ta Xorth I'lattr Irrl
areas. While ths hous conferee are op
xwd to these amendment, from
dc-velouc-i at the hearing it seems rea
sonably certain that the neiiate conferee.-
may insist on amending the bill at least
partially to treet the suK.ce-ttons of the
- 'secretary- The committee will hold an-
AIDKICH ASKS FOR WATER other acssiun ill about a week or ten
As chairman of the State Hoard of Irrt
4 Cation. liovernor A Id rich telegraphed
Cuncreitman K Inks Id ttUy to lend his
! assistance In securing water from the res
ervoirs of the North IMatte project for
ditches that will aid In irritating lands
in that vicinity.
Mr. Kinkald wai unable tn see the sec
retary of the Interior about the matter,
because the latter was bt fore the confer
ence committee on the llorah bill. A
meeting has been arranged for Monday,
however, when the Question will be taken
At the hearing before the judiciary
committee on the Vnlon Pacific right of
way bill this morning. N. II. Loom It of
Omaha for the Vnton Pacific asked for
further time In which to meet the case
presented by the Interests in Colorado.
Attorney Todd made an additional state
ment today and Mr. Loomts said he would
have to study the newly presented con
ditions before he could adequately present
the side of his client to the committee.
One week from today waa set for ths
further hearing.
Ernie Frank May Be
Foot Ball Captain
(From a Staff Correspondents
WASHINGTON, April ;.-i8pecial Tele
gram.) That the Borah three-year home
stead bill. If enacted Into law as It
Passed the house, would be Interpreted by
the general land office aa applicable to
pending homestead entries. Including
those under the X-acre act, was
clear today at a meeting of the conferees
on the Borah measure.
In answer to the direct question of Rep
resentative Mondell the secretary of the
Interior told the committee that unques
tionably It the Borah bill as It passed
the touse became a law he would con
sider Its terms sufficiently definite to
spply to all pending entries.
No definite agreement waa reached by
the conferees at the session today. The
larger part of the lime was taken up by
Secretary Fisher and a general discussion
of the amendments he desired Incorpor
ated. It developed that considerable pres
sure would be exerted to hare the com
mittee agree to the amendments rejected
by ths house, reserving mineral and
waterpower sites and certain timbered
Tke Yellow I'ertl.
Jaundice malaria biliousness, van
qulsh when lr. King's New Life nils
are taken. Kasj. safe, guaranteed. Sc.
For aale by Beaton Drug Co.
LINCOLN. Neb.. April T.-tSpeclal.)
The election of a captain for the foot
hall team and the base ball teamet the
I'nlversity of Nebraska will be held next
Tuesday morning under the direction
of the athletic board. The members of
the foul ball team and the squad picked
by i-tlchm for base ball will be allowed
to cast their ballots for the captaincies.
The selection of the foot ball captain
waa made neceasary by the withdrawal
of Jerry Warner from the university,
thereby rendering tilm Ineligible to par
ticipate In foot ball next fall. Ernie
Frank, a brother of Owen, and halfback
on the lttl team, seems to be the prob
able choice for the captaincy of Jha foot
ball eleven. Frank Is one of the veter
ans of the squsd and played a dashing
game at halt last fall.
In the base ball situation no one has
announced their candidacy for the place.
There are several who are understood
to have ambitions, but no one has been
publicly announced for the piece.
Once a Week In Kvcry Horn
In the American households where the
nourishing value of the different foods Is
understood f-r-st-hettt Night" is a week
ly event. On that night a great dish ol
savory, steaming spaghetti takea the
center of the table and becomes the
feature of the menu. Meats are not
needed, for spaghetti gives all the
nourishing elements the body requires.
It is not only a dish that all enjov. but
one that costs so little. A Vtc package of
Faust Spaghetti makes a real Spaghetti
Nteht for a big family.
Faust Spaghetti la made from the fin
est quality Durum wheat, which la so
rich In gluten. It is msdo In the elesn
est factory in the country, under the
most sanitary conditions. It Is packed
In sealed packages, so Its purity, good
ness snd fre'hn are preserved until
It reaches your kitchen. Get a package
of Faust PpsshcMI at your dealer's and
Blve vour family a real "Spaghetti
Night" Juat try It once and you will
mate t a eVi tn:!tuli"i So and loo
packages at all grocers, Write for free
look ut Fsust Hi-ciuva
1231 St. Louis Avenue, St- l-oula. Mo.
Many sufferers from rheumatism have
been surprised and delighted with the
prompt relief afforded by applying Cham
berlaln'a Liniment. Not one case of rheu
matism In ten requires sny interns! treat
men whatever. This Unlment Is for sale
by all dealcra.
Stimulate your business by sdrert.lstnf
In TJe l;e the newsnoper that reaches
all of the buyers.
OftAND ISLAND, Neb.. April 7. -(Special.
It la announced that either the
work of the Toung Men's Christian as
sociation In this city will be dropped en
tirely, as far aa the present board of
directors Is concerned, at the adjourned
meeting of next Tuesday evening, or an
effort will be made to organise a Toung
Men's Christian association building as
sociation, the .Toung Men's Christian as
sociation to have the option of purchas
ing the stock from time to time. The
climax In the affairs of the association
has been brought about by the doubling
of the rental for Its present poor quar
ters. The proposition that will no doubt
be recommended by the board. If any.
wilt be the construction of a four-story
building on South Locust street, opposite
the court house and poatofflce. the up
per two floors to be for sleeping rooms
and the lower two for the purposes of
the association and rooms for the Com
mercial club, the latter. It Is proposed,
being donated. It is believed that such
aa effort will be successful. Most of the
members of the present board seem to
prefer to try and fail rather than not to
try at alL
Jefca Las, Fermi er Ceaslaa Ceataty
- Reside!, la Dead at Sort si
Taklasa, Wash. .
WEST POINT, Neb.. April 1. News
has Just reached the city of the death,
at North Yakima. Wash, of John Lax.
a former resident of West Point, at the
ags of at.' Mr. Lax was formerly In busi
ness at West Point, for tons years
snd later removed with bis family to
the Pacific coast. He la survived by a
wtdaw and tore children.
The new auditorium at West Point will
be formally dedicated to the nnbtte nse
Thursday. At that time a high-class
comedy play and appropriate addresses
will be delivered by local sneakers.
Count Assessor John OatanofX ban
Will Award Prizes
for Best Corn Ears
Cash prises aggregating nearly 11.000.
to be awarded through tha University
of Nebraska college of agriculture lo any
boy tn the stats raising the best yield of
corn from single acre plots, will be given
by the South Omaha Stock Tarda com
pany. Whlls the rules of the contest have not
yet been formulated, the general plan
will be to offer first, second snd third
prises for the best yield grown In each
of the counties In the state and first and
second prises for the best yield In the
entire state. Winners of the- county
prises will be eligible to tske part In the
state contest.
The oon tests will be conducted through
Dean Burnett s department by Prof. C.
W. Pugaley, who Is now engaged In or
ganising boys' and girls' clubs In the
state. .
The stock yards company la intsrested
In Increased crop production. Corn pro
duction la. vitally Important to the stock
feeding business, dependent upon which
Is the prosperity of the live stock market,
aa well as of the farmer.
Denver Autoists
. Coining to Omaha
When President Allison 6toecker of the
Denver Chamber of Commerce was In
the city last week he submitted to the
Commercial club soma of the details of
the endurance and sodaMllty run from
Denver to New Tork City and left the
matter to be passed on by the executive
committee this week. This trip will be In
the nature of a contest and will be prin
cipally for tha purpose of Inducing auto
mobtllsts to mske the cross country run
aa a means of popularising automobile
travel. The management of the club,
whose members have not forgotten how
In U07 the trade excursionists were
treated la Denver,, win see to It that the
Denver party la met at the city limits
or beyond and given a hearty welcome
and royal entertainment. Just what this
will be has been left to the club's good
roads committee, of which J. A. Sunder,
land Is chairman, to act la conjunction
With the various automobile clubs. The
Denver party will be representative of the
city's best Interests.
Leslie Bates, 14 South Twenty-sixth
avenue, elevator operator at the Paxton
hotel, waa severely praised last night
while operating his car. He waa at
tended by police surgeons and sent home.
fttmtitnfe Tnu, ltiiiM. mAt,, 1 1 . .
In The Bee the newspaper that reaches
all of the buyers
t Glass before Breakfast
tones up the stomach, dean
the head and does you good.
QleklT Relieves
C3PC '
Jm Brown. Di5Ff
tor "' '''-ffj
W rnionixt"diAf
Sk1 Schlitz Bottled Beer Depot
. "Schlitz m Brown Bottles" has a
full, fine flavor which brings to you
the taste of the harley and the hos.
It has the sparkle and life due to
a perfect yeast.
The freedom from germs shows
careful sterilization.
It does not cause biliousness or fer
ment m your stomach, as it is Jroferly
aged before leaving the brewery.
The Brown Bottle insures
absolute protection against the
damaging effects of light.
The Beer
See that crown
or cork is branded
That Made Milwaukee famous.
Passengers can help us greatly by taking
the most direct route to their destination
and not transferring or re-transferring un
necessarily. Omaha & Council Bluffs
Street Railway Company
Mfflf Uniform
wfff Excellence
comes In every
bottle bearing
the triangular
label. Jnst re
member this
and order Blatz.
"raw rhmmt
ll rkeaer Oeagls. Nil
The Boon of Health Makei
Manly Men.
(From fltetlstte Student)
Flints statistics of a physl
clan wltli a natl-mal practics. In
dies ts that fully fifty par cent of
mtridls-agrM. msfi ar partly or
wholly dsflclsnt In ability, man
Hnsas and hsaith. If man eouid
only know tha maafifn af tha
usual symptoms which prssaca
tha oncon.lng af pramaturs aga
many rould bo saved from mlsary,
despondaacy and an saxly gravo.
Hymptoms should not oa con
founded with diMas, but should
be accepted aa warnings of tha
approach of disease.
That many may know what tw
do whan such symptoms axlat tha
following symptoms and a rede rip
tlon ta published:
A prematura break-down of tha
vitality t Indicated by dull, sunk
en eyes, cold extremities, back
ache, teadache, fatigue, pains In
small of barn, pains in back af
head. pots before tha eyes, weak
ness In spina, twitching and
trembling, Impaired memory loss
af appetite, westing, thinness
tor fat), shrunken
flabby flesh, wrinkles, dullness,
languor, constipation, kidney die
orders. Irritability, lack of ambi
tion, timidity, weak-spirited
dragging walk and unmanly car
riage. If ths reader decides ta try It
get three ounces of ordinary
syrup of aarsaparllla compound,
and one ounce compound fluid
balmwort; mix and let atand twa
hour-.; then gel one ounce com
pound essence cardlnl and one
ounce tincture codomena com
pound (not cardamom), mix all
together, ehake well and take
a tesspoonful after each meal aax.
one at night
This contains ns opiates what
ever and may alto be used by
women Who surrer with ineif
nerves with absolute certainty
prompt ana lasting Denerita.
Hy rreparlng the treatn.wnt at
home secretly ne one need know
of another's trouble while tha
Ingredients are much used In fill
ing vatrlous prescriptions, sa that
sveo tha purchase of them sep
arately need occasion na timidity.
The above prescription la manu
factured by tha well known phar
mareutlcal housa Prescription
Products Co., Dayton, Ohio.
A feeling of sadness accompanies the
dlaroearx of the first gray hairs which
unfortunately are looked upon aa her
alds of advancing age. Gray hair, how
ever handaoma It may be. makes a per
son look eld. We all know the advan
tages of being young. Aside from the
good Impression a youthful appearance
makes on others, simply knowing that
you are "looking fit" gives one courage
to undertake and accomplish thlnga. So
why suffer the handicap of looking old
on account of gray hairs, when a simple
remedy will give your hair youthful
color and beauty In a few days' Tiros?
Host people know that common gar-
den sags acts aa a color restorer and
acalp tonic aa welL Our grandfathers
used a "8age Tea" for keeping their
hair dark, soft and luxuriant. In
Wyeth'a gaga and Sulphur Hair Remedy
w. hav. an Meal preparation of Sage,
combined with Sulphur and other valua
ble remedies for dandruff. Itching acalp
and thin, weak hair that la split at the
ends or constantly coming out. A few
applications of this valuable remedy
will bring back the color, and In a short
time it will remove every trace of
dandruff and greatly Improve the growth
and appearance of the hair.
Oct a fifty cent bottle from your
druggist today, and notice the differ
ence In your hair after a few days'
treatment All drugglats sell it. nnder
guarantee that th. money will be re
funded if the remedy is not exactly aa
represented. -
Special agent Sherman it atcConnetl.
Cor. Kth and Dodge. Cor. lftb and Uar
nay. Cor. Mtk and Farnam, Ml-t Na,
Kth Street. Loyal HoteL
la a paper for the h04ue