.J lliE OMAHA fcODAl' JituE: Al'KlL, 7, iyi2. 3 - EASTER IN OMAM CHURCHES Splendid Musical Programs to Assist in Day of Bejoiciag. CHRIST BISES FBOM THE SEAS Krery Deaeaelnatieia Baa Arrseae Special Services ta Ceaaaaesa rata the Great Dx at ' tSe Caarea Year. Christ la risen! Ia devout commemoration of "the third day when he aroae from the dead, ' thousands of Omahani today wili tax the capacity of the churches, where, at every one, special services anl devo tional exercises will be held. Every denomination will close the Lentea season In rejoicing over the resurrection. The choir In every house of worship will sine the praises the hymns, anthems and cantatas, on which weeks have been spent In preparation, and the "old, old story that remains ever new" will be told by the pastors. And mundane eyes may look upon a brilliant parade thouch It has been pre dicted that new hat and spring einthins; will prove Incongruous today. Communion service for nurses and In ternes of Clarkson hospital will be held at the hospital at ( M in the moraine by Rev, J. W. Jones, city missionary. Mr. Jones will conduct an Eaater service for all patients able to attend In the chapel I o'clock In the morning. A aerie of evangelistic meetings will be Inaugurated at toe North 8ide Chris tian church. Twenty-second and Lothrop street tomorrow - night Rev. L. B. "Wray will be In charge of the meetings and will preach the sermon. Prof. J, i. Bell will direct the music Services will be held at the usual hours at Central United Presbyterian church, " Twenty-fourth, and Dodge streets. Musis and sermons appropriate to Easter will be given. The sermon will be by the pastor. Rev. H. B. 6 peer. The morning service will begin at W 30, Sunday school at noon, young people's meeting at 7, . and the evening service at S o'clock. N Dr. U C. Costes of Moberly, Mo., who comes as a candidate for the pastorage will occupy the pulpit at the Castellar street Presbyterian church Sunday morn ing. - Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church will observe Easter In special musle by Mrs. Itullls and her choir In the morning at M A and Easter sermon by the pastor. In tha afternoon at 4 o'clock aa Easter v Vesper service, ho service In the evening. , .All Relets' Charek. "v MORNING AT II. Professlonal-Ths Day of Resurrec- , tlon storer Christ Our Passover Parker To mm In M minor Nob s Jubilate In M major Noble Credo in E tla -re Barium solo Easter Tide Liddie C. E. Haverstoek. Anthem-As It Began to Dawn... Foster Recessional Ten Thousand . Times, Tea Thousand Dykes EVKNINO AT S. . Magnificat la A minor Noble Credo In Oat....... ...J... ...Eyre Solo Hosanna Oranier Miss Grace Barr. Anthem-At Dawn When They Found - , . With Weeping Sixteenth century J, h, glass, organist and choirmaster. Trinity Catkeelral. Morning at Or... trinrfA Var Flemea tha Easter Morn Loreni Proesslonsl Hymn-Jesus Christ Is Risen Today vi organ Tha Hallelula Chorus Messiah.... Handel "Christ Our Passover" Hodges Te Deura In D major Max Vogrich I Jubilate Deo In D major.... Max Vogrich i Anlhem-Awake Up My Glory Barnby V ill-inn (Congregational) Welcome Happy Morning Sullivan Kyrle fclelson Btainer Olorla Tlbi. Stalnei Hymn (Congregational) The Strife Is O'er Palestrlna Anthem Shout Ye High Heavens Chad wick Blirsum -Corda Btainer Banctua Oounod "My God and ia Thy Table Spread".. Mulier Organ meditation Gloria In Excelata" Btainer "Nuno DimiUs"..... Barry Reoesslonal Hymn-At the Lamb's High Feast Elvey Organ Postlude Easter March Merkle Evening at 7:30. Full choral service and sermon: Processional Hymn-Alleluia Sing to Jesus Powell Magnificat and Nunc Dlmitls In D msjor Buck "Golden Karps are Sounding".. ..Sullivan "Seven-Fold Amen" Stalaer Anthem Alleluia the Lord Liveth Harris "Angels Roll the Rock Away" Rope The sermon. Anthem Awake Thou That Sleepestf- . 8tiner Recessional Hymn Come Te Faithful Llesam Choir with sixty voices with. Mrs. Stanley, Miss Hlgglns. Mr. Johnson and Mr. K nettle, soloists, and Ben Stanley, or- Janlat and choirmaster. Chare a St. Philip the Deaeaa. Frooessloasl-At the Lamb's High ' Feast We Sing Elvey - Anthem-Christ. Our Passover... Chappie Gloria Petri Elvey Te Deum Lauoemus Van Boskerck Brnedictus , ....Aldriek Introlt-Ths Strife Is O'er Palestrlna Gradual-Mow, Thank We All Our God , Oruger Kyrle Eleison Cruickshank Gloria Tlbl Cruickshank Gratia Tlbl Crulckaliani Nlcene Creed-Plain chsnt Hymn Before Sermon On the Resur rection Morning Warren Offertory Tenor solo (Come, See the Place Where Jesus Lay... Parker Charles Alexander. Sursum Corda Cruickshank Kanctus Crulckuhank Benedtctus Qui Venit. Cruickshank Agnls Del rulck,,hnk Gloria In Exceisls Cruickshank Recessional J, uoa oi un a i oi Ufut - . . sfrCske MethedlX. 'Morning at HM: ' Proceeelonal-H y m a l-Weleome Happy Morning Calkla Prayer, dosmg with Lord's Prayer. Anthem O Golden, Glowing Morning Le Jeone Bol-Cnzlat Is Risen Today Biacboff Mrs. B. A. Weathers. Hymn lS-Chriat the Lord is Risen Today Lyra Davidlca Sermon by the Pastor-Th Power of the Resurrection. Hymn Anthem The Strife Is O'er.... TZ.. Peieetrlna Hymn lO-Come Te Faithful. Raise the Strain .Suiilvan Evening at I: Organ Prelude - u ew.i All That Dwell Below the Skies fatten Recitation Blow. Golden Trampets.. Recitation He is Risen -- . Hymn 1 Coronation HoUen Remarks by the superintendent aau. pastor. Organ Postlude Genua Metkedlet. Easter program of the Sunday school of the German Methodist Episcopal church, comer Eleventh and Center streets. Sunday evening at 7:JS o'clock! Organ prelude. Hasel Vlnqulst; srng by the Sunday school: declamation. TUUe Haetian; eVianiation. Lydta Skrev; dirHmr" , Rath Doering; denlsmeltsn, You furnish your home for less by buying here It is not the price we consider first, it is the quality, and then we combine both so as to make this store the place of greatest value-giving in Nebraska. Efficient service, no-prices-higher-than-any-othcr-store's, sterling quality its a combination none can beat. No matter whether your expenditure be small or large, we can be cf great service to you, furnishing entire outits or a single article. J " p I! I Dining Room Furniture No home is too humble or too pretentious for the furniture sold here. We show designs and models of the best patterns in this country, and we suit every purse. Every furniture want can be supplied here. Particularly fine is our new spring assortment of dining room furni ture, i Couples that are to be married this spring or sum mer will find the most graceful and classic patterns here at prices they can afford to pay. We invite inspection of all our furniture. The Established in 1884. Bmlt Oehrks; declamation, Freddie 8trauas: declamation. Clarence Bastlsn; declamation. Paulina Ege: solo, Wlllism urban; Declamation, iiara rucn; declamation, Kmma Wendell; declama tion, Henry Dentsch; song oy tne junior choir; declamation, Joseph, John snd Helen Stuhldreler; declamation, Elisabeth Kiimlofsfcl; declamation, Emily Mlulafl. declamation, s'ranola Krimlofskl: solo. Otto Harkmann; recitation. Robert Hick- mann; declamation. Arthur Or be; re citation, Hasel Vinquist: declamation, Kditb Oraebe; male quintet Milton Jai ser. Otto Harkmann. Adolph Mennlng, Kelnhsrdt Kelstng, Frits Meyer; de clamation. Pearl Wendell; declamation, August Doertng; recitation, Mrs. F. Meyer; collection; song by tha choir. First Methedi.t. MORMINO-U O'CLOCK. Rev. M. U. Williams, pastor. Chimes Organ Kaster Morning ..Mailing Veise Christ Is Risen Hymn-Christ, the Luri, la Risen Today Choral Amen lord's Prayer Dresden Amen Te Deura, musical setting by T. Ter- tiua Noble. Offertory Holo-Come, See the Plsee Where the Lord Lay. ..Horatio 1'arkar Mrs. Kelly. Hymn l-Come, Ye Faithful, Balsa the Utraln. , . Sermon The Heart's Touch Upon the Ascended Christ. . . Hallelujah Chorus (Messiah) Handel Orgajt-Aileluia Uubole SVKNINO 7: O'CLOCK. Chimes Organ March On. a theme from Han- del . Oullmant Verse Christ Is Risen Hymn 17-Crown Him With Many Crowns. Organ Melody Touferofl Hymn lU-O Come and Mourn With Me Awhile. ..,. 8ELKCTIONS FROM "THR MESSIAH. Chums Behold the Lamb of ood, that taketh away the sins of the .world. nolo (contralto) He was despinea ana rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. Chorus-flurely He hsth borne our griels. and carried our Borrows; He wss wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our Iniquities; the chastise ment of our peace was upon Him. Chorus-All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own wsy. And the Lord hath laid on Him the Iniquity of us s U. Recitative (tenor)-Thy .rebuke bath broken His hesrt; He is full of heaviness. He looked for some to have pity on Him, but there was no man, neither found He any to comfort Him. .... . Air (tenor)-Behold, and see If there be anv sorrow like unto His sorrow. Recitative (tenor) He waa cut off oat of the land of tbe living: tor the trans gression of Thy peopie was He stricken. Air (tenor)-But Thou didst not leave His soul la bed; nor didst Thou suffer thy holy one te see corruption. Chorus Lift up your beads, O ye fetes. Bennoa Bowing tha Heed In tjods Bole soprnnor-How beautiful are the feet of them tna preaco io s""i peace, and bring glad tiding of good things. . . The kings of the earth rise up, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord, and against His anointed. Recitative (tenor He that dwelletb in heaven shall laugh them to scorn; ths Lord shall have them In derision. ,i. ,Thnu ahait break them with a rod of troa: thou shsK dash then In plecee Uke a poller -K- jj .ii-iii !i for the Lord Ood omnipotent reigneth. The kingdom of this world ei become the kingdom of our Lord snd of His Christ, and He shall reurn forever and ever. King of kings - J i ArA Unl. halleluiah' m eti can t.uter Postlude Best .i,. urt, mne bv Mrs. Thomas i. Kelly, soprano; Mra Hsrry Bteel, con tralto; T nomas J. Kelly and waiter uaie, ThoMs J. Kelly, choirmaster; Mania W. Bush, organist. Trimttr sfetkeelle Bsleeral Cfcsire. MORNLNO. Organ Prelnde Vision Blbl Prayer, Response The Lord's Prayer. Choir. Anthem-An Easter AIWula.....shford Mrs. D. Johnston, Miss Allys Hall, Stanley Conover and Cbolr. Responsive Reading Oloria............ Organ Offertory Prayer .. Massenet s)olo-Th Holy City Adams Ul. Allw M&1L Anthem-O, Risen Lord Barnby Choir. Organ Foatlade-Marrh Vtoeent s.ve.r.ir4v, - dm1,ua tflne Anthem Rejoice. Jerusalem and tang. Organ Offertory The Bwan..Jialnt-Ssvens Sow Belecteo Mra Dr. Callfaa. Quartet The Homeland Miss AUys HaiL Mrs. D. Johnston. Organ Postlude Msrcb Madly anas alary Ar", vvwn, iwi" eii, director. Kt. Jeaia'a Arrtemm Xetkeelsst. Eighteenth and Webster streets. i Hyasa Choir and congregation. Hyssa OJ A. M. K. HyaaaaL price will suit you. MILLER, In Him All Things Consist Cot 1:1T A song of Easter, written for Bt Mary's Avenua Congregational Church. Eaater, 1911. liy Faith lg not In gystcms wrought In mystic words by mighty men; It cling to Him whose word 1 Tea, Whoso promise- "I will com again." Mr Hop lg not of gate of pearl. Of jasper walls, of atreeta of gold; It ever aeeks the risen Lord. . , Proclaimed by seer and saint of old. ' My Love It not for treasure stored Where moth and rust and thief Invade; It rests In One thro' whom I'll stand In death'! dark presence unafraid. Friend of my Life! Incarnate Oodt Abide with me, and evermore Reveal thro' earth's fast gath'iing gloom Tbe light of yonder timeless shore. James Alexander Jenkins. Decalogue and response Pastor and congregation. Song-There Is a Green Hill Far . A l.i.nitnr Anthern-I AnV He That Llvetb ...... i-sieo b nr Choir. Sermon Rev. w. w. b. uyen BVENINO AT t Anthem Resurrection and Ascension J. Trowbridge Mr. Robinson, Mra Leslie Wheeler and choir. Recitation The Way to the City Master James Lewis Soprano solo , Sims fiasei rnri. Recitation Oh. Why Hhould the Spirit of Mortal Be Proud? - Un Alexander. Anthem Hoeanna Jules Oranier I Mlsa Minnie wrignt ana cnoir. Paper The Resurrection Miss Belie Uogan. Duet Magddlena Frederick Vlnal Mlas Ethel Watklns and Recitation Christ Again Crucified.... E.ua nneeier nunu Mrs. . Russell. Tenor solo J. Bradley Walker. Anthem Sanctus Oounod Haaaews Park Methodist Kplaesaai. MORNING. Prelude Andante In D ...Bllas ltvmn Anthem Day of Ood. O Blessed Day Krata Choir. Sextette Love Divine Krats Mlsa Yost, Miss Jones. Meters. Froherdl, V ttmtT ktrats and Mra Chamnan. Offertory Kaster Morning .T Hailing Boto The King of uiory.. coomos Dr. Jennie Callfaa Duo Golden Harps are Hounding Krata Mlas Kthel Tost ana Mr. 1. A. stealer. Anthem I'nfoid Te Portals ..Oounod Miss Wtnget and choir. Postlude Nuptials Oullmant KVENING. Prelude Andante in D Oullmkaat Hymn Anthem Welcome Happy Morning Brackett Choir. Bole Oa the Cross the Dying Savior.. Verdi Miss Ethel Yost. Offertory Berceuse Oodard Solo Judge Me. O God buck Mr. Charles Lang. Anthem With Sola Tbe Dawn of Hope Krogmana Mrs. Frank Brown and Choir. Postlude March In D OuUmant Mlsa Florence Peterson, organist; Jars. Lea O. Katx, choirmaster. Hirst Memorial Methedlst. The chorus choir, directed by Mr. A. W. Miller, will render the following Easter musie at tbe morning service at 11 o'clock: Prelude '.. Regan. Choral RespocaeI am the Resurrec tion Cresuell Anthem The Lord of Life I Risen... . HymnAnd iii'Vihsil 'Reign' Forevw.1!0 Solo The Barter Hong Dennee Mine Hasel Williams. Anthem The Lord Is Risen Again.... Adams PoMlnde Regaa A short program, will be given by the primary classes of tbe Sunday school at 1 s'eJock. Tha evening service at t o'clock win be ia charge of the Epworth leagas. with Mlsa Alta Hager sa leader. A song sere ' -' ' f : i ' D t Sulky - burable Our line of baby vehicles is famous for its quality, originality and suieriority. The 1912 models present every excellent variety in makes that arc beautiful, serv iceable and durable. We show semi-reversible go-carts, reversible go-carts, English hood carts, preambulators, sulkies, runabout sleepers, etc. All are moderately priced, being on sale for $1.00, $2.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $7.00, $10.00. You get the best here for prices never higher, but often lower than others. , STEWART & BEATON CO. ice and Easter program will be given at this hour. ' Calvary Baptist. MORNINO, AT :. Organ Roreance. In A flat..1rook-T)ay Qusrtet As It Began to Dawn.. .Vincent Quartet Hosanna Orainer Offertory Resurrection Morn. ..Johnston Solo Hall, Joyous Morn Cadman Miss Mabel Pulton. Postlude Triumphal March Wenham Smith EVENING, AT 1 . ' Quartet Reeurrertlon Shelley Quartet, Mlrs Fulton, Mrs. Rasmuasen, Mr. Travis; Miss Klltabeth Hamllng. as sisting; Hugh Wsliace, director; Mis Alice Curry, organist. - First Baptist Fkarrh. MORNINO. Organ recitsl, 10:15-10:30 Quartet-Christ, Our Passover... Schilling Solo-The ResiirrecUon .Bhelly K. K. tlrav. Organ Offertory Elgsn Quartet As it Beaan to Dawn. .Vincent Postlude Handel-Dubots EVENING. Organ recital, 7:14-7 3D. Quartet-They Have Taken Away My Lord Btainer Solo My Redeemer and My Lord... Buck ' i Mrs Wvlle. Solo Every Flower that Blossoms, Shelley Miss Ruth Uanson Organ Offertory On Wings of Song. Mendelssohn Duet Love Divine titainer Mrs. Wvlle. Mr. McCune. Sola Hosanna ....Grsnlers Mr. McCune. Postlude Bach Quartet. Mrs. Louise P. Wylte, Mlas Ruth Osnsom Messrs. Will McCune. E. E. Gray. Organist and director, Margaret Boulter. St. Paal'a Lataeraa. Program of Eaater song service to be held on Hunday evening at 7:S o'clock at Bt. Pauls iMithersn church. Twenty eighth and Parker K. T. Otto, Pastor. "Awake My Heart With Gladness".... Congregation "Jesus Lives" Choir. Recitation-The First Easter Morning Children. ,' O.) He Is Risen C) The Triumphant King Choir and Children. Recitation The Blessing of Christ's Death and Resurrection Children. "Let Joyful Hearts be blnglng" Choir. "Chrurt I Risen! Halleltijahr Choir and Children. Sermonette Organ Solo Hallelujah Chorus.... Handel (1.) The Theme of Joy (1) AU Hail! The Risen King." Choir. "Abide With Me" Congregation. Benediction "Hold Thou Thy Cross" Congregation. . Mark's Latheran. Twentieth snd Burdette streets: MORNING. Organ prelude Anthem Hallelujah Herbert Hymn B Anthem The Strife Is O'er Hsrry Rows Shelley Reception of new members. Anthem Who Shall Roll the Stone Away? Women Trio. Arrets Roll the Rock Away, from "The Resurrection ' Manney .Hyasa Mi- Price $1.00 Go-Carts Lord's supper (Hymn 10 si ha evenlna service an Easter pro gram will be presented by the Bible school. Th choir will sing -no is niun " from "Tha Resurrection," and Mrs. Arthur Melcher will Mng Dudley Buck's "My Redeemer and My lawn. Miss Carrie ihults, organise f Westminster Preabyterlaa. Rev. T. H. MrConnel), Pastor-Morning service, 10:58. Andante Rellgloso Thome Violin unison Mesrs. Cox, Hetherlngton, Smiley. Anthem-Adore and Be btlll Oounod Anthem-llosannn .....Oranier Anthem-Ring Out Ye Bell of Easter Day Dressier Violin obllgato Henry Cox, director. Nerth Side Christian. Twenty-second and Lothrop streets: MORNING. I- o.nl.n..lllnrw In fin,! n. vvei, ... . 7ir- riigu ,. Choir Response Lord' Prayer, chanted nymn jt "V. . li.mn iu Christ Is Risen. Halleluiah n.nnL.n hvmn 1M Anthem rung wine we uaire, eiem- '('ruxirivfnn" JiMUioiu e nun, . - v v. .......... ,.,,,..,,....,Marry nowe sneiiey Hymn " St. Mary's Aveaa Congregational. . unnMlun Organ Prelude Heeler Morning. ..Mslllng LiiiHrtei tins wiue uia ut tiuvi- rivtnni Ualner Offertory-Melody Massenet Solo 1 Know My iteoeemer uvetn (Messiah) Handel Miss tlrvm. Qusrtet-Hosanna Jules Oranier organ rosiiuae resuu ssarcn in Calkla t'l'L'VlVIl Organ Prelude Spring ttotig . Mendelssohn Quartet-Alleluia, the Lord Uveth... Culhbert Harris Offertory Nocturne Oolterman ttolo The Day ot rtesurreciion. ismvosu Mrs. McMullln. Qusrtet-Wbo Shall Roll Us Away the Stone? Torranss Organ Postlude Easier March ....Merkel Third Presbyterian. Twentieth and Leavenworth streets. Sunday school Easter service. 7;1& P. nv: Hymn-" 'TIS Easter Tim ....School Responsive reading. Sons-'. The Little Birds Have Come Again" Primary Department Recitation "Eastt-r1 Oilts fur tbe World Children" Six Little Olrls Song "Uly Bell". ...Primary Department Recitation "Eastern Bells', . Miss Hanson's Class RecltaUon ticlectt-d.. tlle Srhearu Song "Come Sing of the Risen Re deemer" t School Recitation "taster Tide" Margaret H listener Recitation "An Easter Carol" Rolsnd Rudeen Song "Light After Darkness'' . Mra ilrsy's class Recltstlon-'The World Itself Keeps Easter Day" Clara Hanger Recitation "Jon(iulls"...Luclls RIdgewsy Recitation-"Risen" Msy Kelly Address Superintendent Song "Christ and the Resurrectiun" School First Presbyterian. AFTERNOON AT 4. I ("antitsbeath and Llfe....H. R. Shelley Orgsn Desth and llesurreitlon of Christ (irom we -ytie tnnsuii. Otto Mulling Choral-Christ. W Vo All Adore Thee mionc Tnvocat Ion Pastor- Organ-The Seven Word from the Cross Otto Mailing Quartet Hell, King of the Jews Tenor Now. From the Sisth Hour.... uuartet Behold, the Temple Veil Contralto-Then They Took the Body of Jesus Tenor-The First Day of the Week.... Bare Woman. Why Weepest Thou?.. Qusrtet-Now, the Earth la Resurrec tion light Organ-The Hallelujah Chorus (Mes- i Stan) nines Choir Mrs. Dale. Mrs. Miller. Mr. Pobn- ston, Mr. Kennedy; Mrs. Howard Ken nedy, organise Castellar Presnyterina. MORNINO. Organ prelude Eeter Carol cnime. tcine-s. r. t-r Ladles trio. Hisses uenruae aoo I lllilu.. llnnrtl, U'H.KI Hymn Christ, the Lord Is Risen To day ; " , Anthem-n, Now the Altar Faur Bas solo, can tiaarman. ii..ti. iMf of 11 correct ton.. Smart Solo Hosanna Granler atiss i:aiisia r.err. Anthem-As It Beuan to Dawn. .Vincent Soprano soin, 3iies niai uiww. EVENING. Chorale ; Palestrlna Hymn urt ' p 1 ",Jr o "u--1 . .v la 1? 'un Wllftaa 1 ilii..- u' in"-. - - , : - Qusrtet. MlKSea Kerr, Elmoulst; stessra. naiiaoury, aiserniaiii Brass Bedstead, $15.00 jyuUULJLI Brass Beds of Merit Brass bedsteads now lead all others in popularity, and thoso wo show top the tast. The one illustrated above is a wonderful bargain for $15.00. It has continu ous pillars, three-five-eigh-incb. bottom tubes, and five-eights-inch fillings. The height of tho head is Bixty inches. It is built to last, and we know it will give great service. We have every variety of brass bedsteads in a splendid stock at a wide range of low prices. ii-- fMl, V. Relnta Monk nolo Kastar Sung Dennl It. A. eimipnurr. An'.hem The Lord Is Risen, Indeed. .,.., Ill ei aril Director, Miss CsJUta Kerr; pianist, Kenneth Wldcnor. Cllftea HIM Presbyterian. Forty-fifth and Orant streets. Service, 11 a. m. "Ksster Angels" cantata: Organ prelude... Baa Solo Angel Guard .. Mr. Will 'Remolds, Ladles' Chorus Contralto Solo Ansrls at Gethse ma Mrs. O. W, Hendee. Chorus Chorus (with soprsno ana eoioi-ins Wnnderlne Anaels at Calvary..., , hiss Alary ivoouson Alto and Tenor Duet Rock of Agna.. ....Mr. and Mrs. H 1), Juhnston Tenor Bale Ttie Resurrection... Mr. R. D. Johnston, Chorus The Victory Won Chorus luua Sola Thou Art Gone I'p on High Mr. Will Raymond, Chorus Contrslto Solo and Trio-ioy in tne Mansions of Light airs. H. I. Johnston, Mrs. Hen dee, Mlas Woodson, rinal charua .with tsnor solo) The Angels' Adoration. .Mr. R. L. Johnson Organ Postlude The choir win ne sasisieu oy sir. nwi Scbnauber, violinist. Vesper communion service, I p. tn.: flra-an Prelude Anthem-Chrlat I Risen Choir Offertory Solo Mis Mary Woodson Oregan Poetlude Pastor, Rev. Thomas a. ureeniee; or ganist, Mrs. Will Raymond. l.ewe Aveaae Presbyterlea. Easter vesper service: Proeesslonal-Chrlst, th Lord Is Rises Today , Invocation Lord's Prayer aanclus Organ Solo largo Hsndel Anthem Al-lde With Me Lincoln Miss Pederson ana cnoir, Solo The Earth Is the lxird ..., ..Lyn .Barnby Oranier Mr. Hertsog. Anthem Awake I P My t'l lory.. IThnlr. Solo Hosanna M as r&ncssfer. Anthem Awake. Thou That Sleenest Offertory la Heavenly Love Abidiug ' cnoir. Anthem Final chorus from Christ the . Victor ,..BUCB Postluds-March Trlumphals Dubois Dr. N. McGlffln, pastor; Miss Lancas ter and Mr. Hertsog. soloists; Miss More house, orgsnlst; Mr. Robert Mull!, ebolr director. First l altarlaa Caarca. 1: A. M. Lsu-goOrgan and piano naendel Song-Winter Days Are O'er.. .Raymond Sunday School. Song 'Twas a Hlueblrd Thaysr Sunday School. Violin Solo-Riffle Mussenet T Ulu Ulul Wilcox. Vocal SoloEaster Dawn..R H. Woodman Mrs. Marlon L. j'owurs. Sermon The Intimations of Immor tality , - Dr. LlUlefora. Vocal Solo-The Loid 1 Mr Shep herd rrancia Aiutsen fllen Rice. Offertory-Violin solo (Msdrigal) Bimoneiu Ulaa Hasel Wilcox. Hymn-Easter Gladr.es.. ..F. L. Hosmer Hen edict kin. rongrrgstton. Pilgrim's Chorus-Organ and piano.. Orwrs'tV'Vf.''Hl"Aiien;"'p7anisU M:ss Helen SadUek. Brlevae Prrskyterlaa Cbereb. Th Risen Lord Nevln Male Quartet . See, Now (he Altar Faur t norus. Resurrection Hymn Heart Ladles' Quartet. A It Began to ln Vincent cnorua. Given under direction of Ml Alice M. Fswcett. Special Sale of Player Piano Music Daring this week oaly we will ssU slightly need Piaae Mnal atoll both is ana SS Bate at so s SO dlsooaat. 1,00 roils to select from. Also sak to beer the latest hi la of tha Everybody's Doing It Now. Gaby Ulida Federal March Rouaa. My Wild Irish Rose. ' Ragtime Violin. They Gotta Quit Klckln' Mr Do Aroun'. 1 Want a OirL SchnoIlcr& Maeller Piano Company 1311-1 FARVAaf ST. OatAMA, aTXB. 413-1S17 South Sixteenth Street saiaBeesBasnMBaBFaaeeBeaawMvr7eei '(Worn now will Insure you gainst all foot troubles. Whether you have ever had foot troubles or not, your legs and feet need proper support, and tbe scientific heel base ot the Anatomlk ahoe, extending forward and to the aide beyond the point of greatest pressure, la tbe only means by which proper support can be obtained. tome In and try on a pair or Anatomlks. We have your exact alio. They feel so differ ent, so much more comfortable than ordinary shoes. . . Anatomlk shoes arc th most Iml ' tated shoe In the world. The Ana tomlk booklet tells why only the real Anatomlk ran sat isfy youf feet. Men and Women DREXEL 1419 Farnam Street Symptoms Mean What? Physician Advises Men. (Frotr Health Record.) A fcmtral failure of th rlt-tJ or tana, such mm tii stomach, ltrrv kldtMys, heart, ic, to pafform to th full eitent their normal duties U reepntMi for many TUMi 'tna. cli deseed as ''dia mjwt" by the un Irbrned. Bow ever. s.ch evmFtoii. ere not to be rrmrHtX hghtly, tr they ars tho ftirerunners of dleraas aad promatiAja tie Una Tfcee ynip toms art In the rature of warn lues the iiproa'h of low vi tality. de;ton4eocy, brain fax ard all us (cure r less dreaded allmtuts to wnlch niaaklad Is heir. The faithful on of ths pre scription given below will so ss tait.Jeh the normal natural funo tions of the various orttene of ths boiij as to rause to dlcappear all of the follow ne symptoms: D ssor.denry. fatlrue, dull, sunkon syee. to id extre:nit)e. pains tn small f baca, pains la back of bead, spots hofors the ayes, weakness tn spina, twitching and -trenibitry. trnpairtsJ tueiaorv, loss of afpetite. woat!r.f to tttlrim-- or overfat), sfc.rjnken fiahbr flee, pretest u re wrinlea du)l headaches, contlpat'on, kidney !rrerar:tiea. trrftabii.tv ar.d a irexeral break-down cf airatuloa spirit and manllnecs- iTret vet cfunpeund fluid haira wort In a n-otnre (ackare and thre ounces syrup aara?arjUs etnoound; take home. vaim. vid 1! stand two hoars; then get Te ouncs cots pound eeeenos cardlol and one oaars tincture caeien com pound not rardariocnt. Mix all In a s'l or eight ounco bottla rake weJl snd rake ens rea-r-oorful aftr each meal aa4 ne when retiring, followed by a drlfik of water. By stating It at he-no no rnan red be the wiser as to another's shorteorrlnc-v and sxpenslvs fees ars avoided. laack f pote end oqufltrlum Is men Js a constant rvnircs of effnlMrrassTrient, sven when th CMlr leant stiepecta If. FVr ths ftt of thoes whs want a restoration to full bounding health, "d all ths happ!neas ac cotrtpayinc it. ths abovw hsms trmtment Is slvsn. Ths shove prescrlntlon Is stanw fartnred by the well knows phar mareitfe-ftl hctwe. PTi-orflpMsa Frodttrts Cos Daytoa, Ohia.