Sunday PAST sry SPORT SECTION PAGES OXE TO POUR - SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. VOL. XLI-NO. :42. OMAHA, SUNDAY: MORXIXG, APRIL 7, 1912 It's the Waiting of the La Week That Tries the Patience of the Faithful The Omaha. Bee sports GREAT INTEREST IN INDOOR MEET All College and TTnirenitiei in Iowa aad Hebruka Send for Entry Blanks. SEVX5 EELAY RACES FLANKED To Settle City and State Champion ihipi This Way. COAC5 STAGQ HAT OFFICIATE Chicago University Star Favored to i - Handle Athlete ' . . WAima EVENT FOR POSTMEN Letter Carrlrre tm Hike 44 Yards, , Willie flr and Pelleeaeen ' ' '" . An ta Have Tsg-el-War. . Entry blanks were sent out Uat,weali for the tint annual open Indoor amateur athletic meet at the Auditorium oa Bator dar night. April f7. to over M Institu tions In Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri and Kaneu by J. Trultt Maxwell of the Young Men's Christian association. ' Abeolute assurance of one of the great eat amateur Indoor meeta ever held la Omaha haa been given the directors and entries are being received already. No emmets 'can: be placed on the number ( Institutions that will enter the meet. ts -expected that last years list will be doubled. Of the .big colleges and schools to enter the meet will be the University of Nebraska. Drake, Wssleyan, Crelghton, University of Omaha, Bellevue, Omaha High school. South Omaha High, Aloralngstde, Cos, University of Iowa, Bloox City High, two Dee Moines schools, Kansas City High and others who have ..already asked (or entry blanks. Seven Relay Races. ; An unusual Interest Is being taken In ih mi. . r. of which there will be seven, ranging from WO yards to a mile. There la a"1 possibility also that there may be. either a three or four-mile relay raos, which will be open to milages and universities only. The relay races which will be run are: ' For universities, jone mtle race for ths championship of the Missouri valley; a mils race for colleges only for the championship of Nebraska and Iowa; one mile for the Toung Men's ' Christian associations of Nebraska; high school relay for Nebraska and Iowa schools only, one mile; one mile for the atblctls clubs of Omaha; ons mils for the church . federations of Omaha. As a special feature event the grade school youngsters will compete In a series of aaVsmrd relay races for the Junior Mastptonshlp of ths city. Elimination 'heats will be run off In quick succession, tsrtuig promptly at I o'clock, and It Is planned to have the finals completed by I n A handsome silver loving cop, simi lar to the etuere, will be hung up by the promoters. As ths rivalry between . the grade schools Is always spirited and athletics form a part of their dally cur riculum, this event promises to draw a largo number of pupils to the meet. 8 pe rl! sections for each school will be re served In the north and south balconies and the races will be ss stranged that the running track , will be In full view ot all. , 'Arraage Details Boos, Officials, have not been selected, but this will be dons this week, when a meeting of the promoters wilt be held nd final arrangements and details Biade. It Is understood that Alonso Biagg, athletic director at the University ot Chicago, may be asked to come to take charge at the track events and pull them off. However. H la not definitely known whether such celebrities will be brought here or not, ss the expense would prob ably be more than the directors may wish to expend.- Coach Jumbo Stlehm ot the University of Nebraska may be rung In as an official when he comes down with the Cornhuxker track stars. There axe but four field events this year and they will be started promptly at t o'clock, thus getting them over much earlier than they were last year.- The field events constat ot the pole vault, running high jump, twelve-pound enotput ' gad Ihe parallel bara The track events, excluding the relay races, will consist of ' a forty-yard dash. Bo-yard dash, Ms yard run, half-mile, one-mile and two Bile runs. rive Special Events. In addition to the above will be held fire special events which will bring ths firemen, . policemen and postmen of Omaha oa the scene. The special events are an equipment relay open to soldiers of Fort Omaha and Fort Crook. The distance- which they will run has not yet been decided upon. A postman's walking relay ot 4M yards open, to ths mall rlers ot Omaha and South Omaha Is slso on ths list of events. The firemen ot Omaha will have a tug-of-war with the policemen. "Wrestling snd boxing matches tor the championship of the Young Men's Christian associations will be pulled aft. Five classes will participate la this event The last of the special events win be a aaased caUstbenle drill ot 90S men and boys frees the T." : The- games are- acherJaled to start promptly at S o'clock and the first can tut the dashes will be beard at T:x Coo testaars wi.i .report to the clerk at the Muse before I:J receive their asm-l-c.-i. T;,e track this year will be sixteen ran tj the mile. The turns will not be tanked, ss they will be wide aad easy to re-ed. , " Prise Are Offered. The pnxvs witt consist ot gold, stiver sn-1 l-ronx meuals for first, second snd tltird jJacr. respectively. In each ' event. T- the team scoring the greatest total number of points la open events a urge in hex" cup will be presented, and ts the team taking -first sues to each of the vsryree relays a kmng cop win be given. Karnes wai doss positively an April a. Entries sent by mail and ths postmark taows that It waa mailed before U o'clock mktaigbc oa April e will be accepted. Unusual interest Is being taken In the Meet ay '-he Iowa colleges and the Unl- rerstty of NebraiJuv, lioratngaMs unl- rsxsHy at (km City. It Is said. Is going to sand ens of ths best raise teams they (Continued oa Second Page.) Omaha High School Athletes Training for Indoor Meet D. J- n fi , m& ;H . if i v- : f f J' " L- i ;vM-: i..voTM ; Btsndlng. Ift to Might-Allen iri u.if ,mi Ull. Puna- I.ali. Ractor Pole Vault- Hlsh Jump and STATE TENNISMEN ORGANIZE Nebraska Asaoeiation Formed at Yes terday's Meeting'. TOURNAMENT WILL SE HELD Bveata Will Be P la red at Llacela aad the Wlaae Will Eater the ; Mid-Weal AssaeUtloa Contests. A closed stats tennis tournament Is now assured. A meeting was hsld yes terday afternoon at the Omaha club and twenty-eight towns and cities were rep resented. The members drew up articles of In corporation and ths club hereafter will be known as the Nebraska Stats Tennis association. .- A constitution and by-laws wars aer-pted and ths election of officers for th ensuing year resulted as follows: H. A. Koch. Omaha, president; Charles Patterson. Arapahoe, vice president: C. M. Mathews, Wslthlll, treasurer; A. M. Weatherly, Uncoln. secretary. The board of directors oonslsts of H. H. Ellis, Butts City; C. M. Msthsws, Walt hUl; A. 8. Weatherly. Lincoln; H. A. Koch. Omaha; E. Meyer. Alliance; C. 1 Sherwood. Beatrice; Charles Patterson. Arapahoe: T. Edmondson, Friend, and William M. Wood, Omaha, il I.UmI. la Jelv. The data of ths tournsment was set for July 21 to 77, Inoluslve. and unooin was chosen ae the seat of ths battle. Several other towns applied for the tournament, but Uncoln offered ths best facilities for stsglng ths tourney of any ot the cltlea Omaha did not apply for ths meet, owing to the fact thst the Midwest and city tenifls toumamentas will bs held here this summer. ' The entrance fee for the state tourney will be B for singles and H for dounie teams. The challenge cups Will be pur chased br the association. The singles cud will go to ths winner of the singles. who If he wins It three times will nave it lor permanent possession. He does not. however, have to win It three times con secutively. The doubles cup will go the team winning It twice.. The winner of the singles event will be sent by the association to the Midwest tournament, which will be held In umana during the third week of August. A ref eree will be selected by the association st Its meeting next month. At this meet ing the official ball ot the association will be selected. . The tournament will be osen only to state tennis players. The following towns were represented at the meeting yesterday and were made members of the stats association: Arapa hoe. Cambridge, McCook, Beaver City. Oxford, WUsonvllls, Holdrege. Orleans, Lrona. Peru. Fender, Wskefleld. Wayne. Norfolk. Hartlngtoa, Bloomfleld. Allen. Niobrara, Dakota City. Madison, Meadow Grove. Lexington. Walthlll. Alliance, Friend. Beatrice, Lincoln and Omaha, AU towns la the state wishing to Join the as sociation may do so by communicating with Harry Koch. Omaha. Field Club to Open With Mprmal Dance Tha board ot directors of the Omaha Field club at a meeting held last week decided to offlctslly open the Mi season at that club on Saturday, May IS. An informal daaca and an open houss will be tbe only celebration. The golf see son will open on May a BOSTON AMERICANS PLAY WITH THE CINCINNATI REDS CINCINNATI. April a The Boston AmsiVsns swamped tha Cincinnati Na tionals hers today 9 to I Wood and CBrtea for ths 'Visitors were la a me non form snd held Cincinnati to five hits. Stahl's triple with ths bases fun la tha seventh Inning and Speaker's bit- tine- featured. 8eor:s . R.H.E. Cincinnati . JJ QiMtna 13 M Batteries: Keefe. Gasper and McLean: Wood. O'Brien aad Minnomacner. " ravdae Btaaka Baltlssev. BALTIMORE, April Purdue pitched , kaii tem that Boston N'atlonala- to day an 1 shut out ths Baltimore Iatedna- uonaaa, las Sellne.H.lf Mile: ArthUr ' Rouner, Weujhiwents "' Ru rkenroad. 44S Yard Dash and Relay Kelay Team; Robert Wood, (Captain), AEROPLANE FIJGHT IN JULY Chicago Aero Club Confer with Omaha Men and Meet Arranged. GUARANTEE MONEY IS PUT UP rilgfeta Will laelade Tsar el the Principal Cities at the Middle West Twenty Air Craft Will Be Batered. Omaha will be one of the dtles In eluded on a seven-legged cross-country aeroplane flight to be given under the auspices of the Chicago Aero club In July If plana now under way by a road representative ot the Windy City organ isation are carried out. The proposed flight will start at Chi cago and from there the route will be as follows: Omaha, Kansas City, 8t. Lou Indianapolis. Detroit. Milwaukee ana thence back lo Chicago. , A totsl of twenty air crafts will be entered, nine of which will be In chsrge of foreign pilots. If tentative plans are carried out some ot Ihe beat bird man In the country will participate. A representative of the plan recently conferred here with ths directors ot the Nebraska Aero club in regard to Includ ing Omaha on ths route of. the flight and It was definitely assured thst If Kansas City consents to take part Omaha will also be on tha map. . Gaarantee Money Pat The Chicago club will put up I50.IW) and ths other cities along the route will be expected to guarantee between . and ilO.OM. Tbe Nebraska organisation has already agred to put up a guarantee of C600 snd will go higher whan the project is more definitely launched. Mil waukee and Detroit bsvs already signed up for K.OOt each. If Omaha Is Included on the route either Rourke park or the Speedway grounds on West Leavenworth' street will be secured as landing places for tha air machines which will stop here. It la planned to arrange a good exhibition card for flying events while the visiting aviators are at the local grounds. The Nebraska Aero club now has total membership of seventy-five, ot which nil except about ten are Omaha men. J. J. Dcrlght Is president ot the organisation. Wrestlers Go to Beatrice Thursday A team of five crack amateur wrestlers ot the Omsha "T" will leave tor Beatrice Thursday morning. In charge ot John Holden, the local grappling Instructor, to compete In the State "T assodstion mat tournament, which will be held there Thursday snd Friday evening. Teams from Fremont. Lincoln, Columbus, Omsha and Beatrice will take part. The local lads who will compete are as follows: Walter Thompson, IS pounds; W. E. Cottrelt, IS pounds; Leon Pltxen- berger, U! pounds; Henry Pascals, Ul pounds, and C. B. Seeley. Its pounds. BASKET BALL CAPTAIN WILL BE CHOSEN SOON The VM basket ball captain of tbe Omaha High school will bs elected by tbe letter lads of this year's quintet at a meeting to be held at the school this week. Before next year's leader can be chosen It will be necessary for the faculty athletic board of control to pass oa the list of letter men this season. The six lads who have played In enough games to merit their "O's" are Beryl Crocker, captain snd left forward; Leslie Burkenroad. left guard; Vergil Rector, center; Mark Hughes, right forward; James Gardiner, right guard, and Sidney Meyer, substitute forward or guard. Leslie Burkenroad. the sturdy little left guard, who was the most sensational player en the squad this season, will re turn to school again next year, and stands tbe best cbsnce of receiving the cap taincy of the Dl! quintet. He was placed unanimously by tbe experts for a guard position on the Nebraska and All-West ern Interscholastio floor teams snd wss prousuaeud by University ot Nebraska basket officials ss ths best player entered la ths state tqurney, which was palled off at Lincoln tha early pan Uarcb. Team: Perry Sinai as. I Sprints, Hunning uroaa amp snd High STAGG AND EfflJER RULED OUT Big- Eight Conference Committee Ban Director! from Body. SUMMER BASE BAIL GETS JOLT Twehaleal Committee Will Be Named le Make Kenwvt sa Feet Ball Bales at Next Meeting la Jeae. CHICAGO. April .-Di rectors of ath letics were barred as representatives ot the Western Athlstlo conference at a meeting of "Big Eight" delegates here today. Henceforth there will be only eight members on the - conference com mittee and none ot these win bs In any way connected with atalotlo departments ot ths universities tbey represent., A. A. Stagg at ths University of Chi cago and George Ehltr of the University of Wisconsin are ths sthletle directors affected by. the new ruling. Heretofore both members of ths sthlstlo and aca demic departments were representatives of ths body. Today's aotlon was not unex pected by followers of college athletics. It was not- known ths representatives were dissatisfied by ths fact that cnicago and Wisconsin were said to have undue advan taxes In having athletic members on ths committee. Ohio State university wss assured ot a membership In the conference when It was unanimously - voted to admit the Buckeye Institution. This, acuon.- How ever, ratinea or. nioui" the eight university faculties. . Foot ball-rules resulted In a warm Dis cussion, during which it wss decided to bsvs each representative of tne conrer ence select a man from bis university to serve, on a technical committee on the rules ot the gridiron game. Report on ths rules will bs made at the next meet ing of the conference in June, . summer base ball received a severe set back .today. . Tbe compromise offered at ths last meeting on January M was de feated, which means lhat no college ath lete will be permitted to play with semi professional teams. Ths whitewash" resolution also was lost. Reinstatement or t-ucner r-nnovine o the University of Illinois -was reierrea back to the Illinois fsculty with power to act. He was recently suspended for a minor Infraction of ths rules. A committee was appointee; to Invest! gats the methods used to Induce athletes to enter universities. It was charged that In some cases sthletes were paia ror performing duties st ths schools. It also waa decided to aboiisa einieuo coropeu- Uon among first year students with other universities. . , Manager Davis is Lining Up lork Team TORK, Neb., April -8pecial.-"Lefty Davis, manager of the Tork base ball team, arnvea last nignt from Minneapolis. He expects to line bis men up the last of the month. Mr. Da via said: "Tbe prospects are bright for Tork this season and Indications are that Tork will have a banner team.' BASE BALLSEASON OPENS IN NEW YORKNATIONAL PARK NEW TORK, AP"11 --Tne bass ball season wss formally opened here today, when tbe New York Nationals defeated tha Jersey City International league team by a score of t to L Ames pitched fine bell for the locsls in ths first six Innings, allowing only one hit and giving no passes. Score: . B.H.H. New Tork ? Jersey City... -:"".". Batteries rea Hme, siar-4uru, Myers snd Wilson: Jersey City, Doescher, Mains, Welle snd Bemls. , . KANSAS CITY BEATS DENVER BY PLAYING BETTER BALL DENVER. Col".. April t.Loose work In the Infield lo- for Denver the first of a series of exhibition games with ths Kanass City wm a. to a The feature of the came was the work of ths pitchers, who displayed better than average early x-sson form. Channel of Denver and Love of Kansas City were tbe stars at battir.g, each eeorlEg a horns run. . ' Hlrt Jump and Hurdlee: Rusewll Tarmon. Bprtnts and Pole vaiiit: unariee WaSht Kvent? BIH ht Kvsnta sitting, i-en to mgni warren mm ui . nyi.. Jump; John Dreset. Hprlnts and liaiay CLUB BUYS COURTLAND BEACH Fint Installment Paid Creighton Realty Company Teiterday. GROUNDS TO BE IMPROVED Celt Coarse ta Be Laid Oat Water Carnival la Plaaaed far This gammer Data af Opes ' lag Nat Set. After a month of prellmlnsrlea. the Rod snd Gun club purchased the Court land Beach alta ot eighty acres from the Crelghton Realty company yesterday afternoon tor IKMM, ot which . was paid as ths Initial Installment. Tha re mainder ot the amount will be paid semi annually until March. 117, when a final payment ot PC ore. will be made. On account of ths resignation oi tnree members of ths board of directors or ths club It wss necessary to hold a new election of officers for the year lest week. At a meeting of directors held In At torney F. L. Weaver's - offices In the Brandels building Friday svenlng the following were elected for lli: President. Frank U Wsavsr; vies president, A. W. Eddy.; secretary. Byron Hart; treasurer, A. P. Whltmors. - The opening day of the club has hot yet been set definitely, but it-will-oe during the first week In Msy. according lo ths weather conditions. . The committees for the yeer on golf, tennis. aquatics, grounds snd buildings will be appointed this week. The golt commit tee wlU have the stiff est proposition, as it Is planned to lay out an elghteen-hole course over the new site this spring. Ths festurs event ot the club this yssr will bs ths annual Venetian -carnival and water regatta, which will be held the first week In August on the. lake. Alt sorts of water craft will -be entered for this svsnt, which will-be held' In the evening. H. S. Beats Actors in Slow Ball Game In a vnlqua exhibition of bass ball ths Omsha High school hopefuls blanked a picked nine composed ot thesplans and "supes" from ths Southern and Marlowe company to the tune of U to on the University of Omaha diamond Friday afternoon. -- From start to finish the game. was ex ceedingly Interesting snd ths actor ball players msds a fancy showing, garbed In blue and gray uniforms. The glare of the footlights svldently does not mix well with aspirations for tbe diamond sport, ss ths "a and M." aggregation proved rather Inactive when It came to covering the positions and slamming out hlta. Summary ot ths game: . R.H.E. Omaha High 1 1 4 1 1 If J "8. and M' - Phillies Gain One on World's Champions PHILADELPHIA. April t,-Ooo4 hit ting .and' clean 'fielding gave tha fifth gams of tha series with the world's champions to tha Philadelphia Nationals by a score of f to t Tbe Nationals have three victories , to the American's two. Ths series will end on Tuesday. Boors: II H-E Nationals 1 t JJJ - J 1 f Americans . I -I j Batteries: Alexander, Beaton and Dooln; K reuse. Danforth snd Lapp. Um pires: fonnolly and Kigler. HIGHLANDERS TAKE CHEAP GAME FROM COLUMBUS ' COLUMBUS, O, April a The New Tork sh league team defeated the Columbus elub here today ta an exciting, but poorly played game. All the pitchers were Ineffective snd were bit hard.' Score: R.H.fS. New Tork riimhiM U IS S Batteries: War hop. McConnell and Rireet: Packard. Doak. Kouiatne and Grefe, Smith. Detroit Eaer Wlaaer. TOLEDO. April a-Detroit won easily from Toledo this afternoon. 10 to J, Pitcher Wlllett going the entire distance against the tocala Willett's drtvs.over the left field fenoe waa the feature. De troit got eighteen, bits oft Falaenberg aad west. Vergil Team; coieman uoraon, mum nun. J, PLUYIUS PREVENTS BATTLE Ronrkea and Wichita Playen Are Content Totting Ball GAME SCHEDULED FOR TODAY Weather' Permitting, Teaasa Will Meet an Miners Field Roagers Leava Jeplta Temerraw era . lag far Falls City. . JOPL.IN. . Mo., March a-fSpeclat Tole- gram.)-Pssslng the ball about from one ih. other was ths only practice that .un r both the Omaha and Wichita Western league chibs Indulged in today. A terrlflo rain this attsrnoon nut Miners' field out of oommleelon. Oe aol -managed to get on tbe Job shortly after tbe announcement that the game would be postponed. However, there wss so Utile force back of his rays that ths ground didn't dry out fast. It should bs In greet shape Sunday, barr ing another pour. . ' . The Jobbers -hit camp this morning, confident of being able, to play.. The Kansans seem to be In pretty good shsps snd ths Easter - pastlming should bs worth, while. This will bs ths first game of the training season thst will find the Rangers pitted against a elub about their equal In strength. Pa Rourke has everything In readiness to jump out of Jiiplln st an early hour Monday morning. The season here has not been all that he had hoped for. he says; howsvsr, his youngsters have man aged - to get hi enough work to whip themselves Into greet shape, "It's been a losing proposition from the treasury end." says Pa. . ' - . ' Here Is ths wsy ths Rangers snd Job bers will tins up Hundsy: Omaha. Justice...;,,. Coy Is Tliomason... Ksne Hours Nelhoff ' Position.- Wichita ,.hart Mee ...Jtlght ... Davis Center Mlddleton -First Turner -Left-.., Pettlgrew '..iThlrd , ... Hecond ...Catch ., ...Pitch... ......Claire Wanner Arbogaat Fentress ,.. Hughee .... Werob ... liusche Batting Rally Gives Series to Cardinals ST. LOUIS. . April a-A. batting rally which netted five runs In the sixth In ning today enabled the St Loo Is Na tional league base -ball teem to deteal the local American league team, t ta T. The Nationals won ths spring series by 4 to t Another -game Is scheduled for la the sixth Inning Harry Stelnfeldt of the Nationals, . coaching at third bs I "Jimmy" Austin at ths Americans I a fist fight after Mowrey sUd Into A satin aad Austin pinned Mowrey down. In an altercation which followed Stein- feldt hit Austin.' who knocked Stelnfeldt down. Polios interfered and later the players snook hands. Score: - R-H aU Nationals .... ' t U 1 Americans Ill I Batteries: Steele, Harmon and B res na na n : Mitchell, Pelty. Baumgardner and Stephens. Umplree: Egaa and John stone. LincolnrLeaguers Trim the White Sox .LINCOLN. April a-The Lincoln West ern league team defeated tha Chicago Americas league second squad this after aoon. ta a Score: , R.H.E. Lincoln I1IIIMM1II Chicago ........ tla-l3 Batteries: Lincoln, Smith. Fartnln !."J and Stratum; Chicago, Jordan, Bens Carney. , WICHITA EXPECTS TO LAND THE PENNANT THIS YEAR Manager Hughes of the Wichita, dub thinks he has the best bunch of ball players la tha Western league this sea son, and at predicting that the penuant will By from the Wichita ball park next spring. His men have been working hard at Geuda Springs tor the last two weeks, aad have recently returned home to play scheduled games tor the re mainder of tbns before ths ss Ajrtt IS. ... ROURKES READY EORTHEOPENING Omaha and Sioux City to Start Wet tern League Season Hen April Sine teen. BOOSTERS ARE ALL USESG UP Ad Club to Tie with Commercial Clnb at HoiM-Makera. AX-SAR-BE5 TO TAKE A HARD Bif Parade Will Lead the Way to Rourke Park, EXHIBITION GAMES ARRANGED Ossaba aad Llaeala ta Plar Threagh the State - a stele pee ta Be Hera Sataraar aad lis dar ' far Games, - Extensive arrangements are being made by Dick Orotte, secretary ot the Omaha bass ball elub, for the opening ot tne Western league season la Omaha this year, and from arpearanoea n wiu oe some opening on April Is. The Omaha Ad club haa decided to bees the Rourkes In their opening gams, as they have In ths past, and have reserved a large portion ot he grandstand, which will bs roped In snd bung with large banners. In care thst some ot the fens will not know whs sits therein even after tbe bunch tela through with their usual ran of noise. - The Ad club men are soma boosters and with their band II van things up In the grandstaad to such aa extent that tha visiting ball elub gets all fussed up and forgets that It Is attending a ball gsma. The Commercial club Is another bunch which bsa sent word to Orotts that ttsy are working for ths opening with heart and soul snd assure him that nine-tenths of ths LMe members will bs out with notes and boosts for tha Rourkeev. A large section will be secured by this bunch to seat Its members. Ak-Sar-Bea la seat. Then Ak-Sar-Ben la going to bs ant la full faros and ths scheme which Dick iimu hu aianned for the snsnlng and whkhV is going la Include ths ladies and governors and aU past kings aad queens ot ths Ak-Sar-Ben la going ta be some stunt. But. what this stunt win be ta being kept bidden by tha knowing ones, sod It will be sprung as a surprise on the tana. Dick Grotta and Brother Dave are author! Ilea tor the statement that ths opening ts to actios that ot last year, and those wno f v'". opening game last year say " " lo bs sums opening f - 1ML The Elks wUI occur a secuoa au themselves. Ther will teas erncis ac tion an the matter at the next regular meeting. The- Tom Moors olub, a bunch at about fifty men who live is tea viclnttv of the ball park, mads tha first reeervktton for ths opening gams, They have asked tor two full boxes of sixteen seats each, la taking tha boxes ths dub said they were doing It to show Fa Rourke how much they appreciated ths , way bs has been running the gams at ik, tra and not abusing tha residents of thst vicinity by obnoxious scenes aad noises. They also commend tne umana ball club on Us ample police protection. Farads ta the Park. Prior to ths same ths players aad alt the officials wUI meet Basra tows ami will bead ths unusually large parade to the park. Over1 seventy -two automobiles have been tendered tha jwuras manage ment for the opening parade. Tha first two ears all! carry tbe bands. In tha second platoon ths dty officials will ride. Following tbe dty officials will coma tha bait players at both teams and than tha sport writers. Ths various dubs and in stitutions will thsa follow. m known st present who will throw the first bell, but R la hinted at that a certain young woman prominent in ie -- Bea b JI hurt year will do tne nonoia, Reerkea Back Tbaraaar. The Omaha fans are anilooaly await ing the return ot sne noursee no south. Ths boys are expected to bs In Omaha Thursday and then Omaha will awaken lo tha fact lhat tha ball season i. for fair. . Tha Rourkes are cut- . ting their stay In Joplin short by a few " days In order to play a few exhibition games on the way noma. Don Despsln, owner of ths Lincoln team, and Fa Roorke have entered an agreement to play exhibition games us. several towns In ths state prior ta tha opening of the season ea April la. Oa Tuesday the Rourkes and Lincoln will battle against each other at rails City. Ths following say the Lopes and Colls will Una up against each other at Be atrice, where a rousing reception Is to bs gives the travelers. On tha following day Nebraska City will see tha two teams battle each other. ! Tha next day there will be nothing doing. Play He aataraar. Next Saturday and Sunday tbe Ants looes and the Rourkes will play sack other la Omaha, and Fa says he will pit his bast men and what will probablybe his permanent team against Desrr a erew. 'Hs la doing this la order tl I the fans a chance to get a Use ea a. MJ Rourkes and also to seo what ad vantages a team gets by going sooth to train, even If they do encounter aothtnr but bard luck and poor weather for nine out of ten days. On April M and K the two teams will clash at Lincoln, snaing the sxhlbttlon games. Tha Rourkes will then return noma and take a light prac tice oa the eighteenth and then rest an for the opening day, wnen- Pa expects ta put Mow City out ot the way. There ts as doubt but what tha trip south baa dons the Rourkes a world at good aad It baa gla the saea just (he right kind of work as get the kinks out of their whips aaa Jrgs. tbo tans at jopUn did not turn out to any gnat ax teat at the few exhiMtloa gaaaeg played at Joplin and Pa la ant financially, but bs says bs win Daks this up by satttng a real bell taaat aa tha field (his season, one which be assarts ana be la the raa dng from tha tap of too gong mar trig ths opening ot tha greatest season ts. the ra league antil ton aaaptra ceils (Continued aa Besaed Fag.)